IN AN IMPERIAL KITCHEN ‘TOE INTUCATE TASK OF FEEDING | §' EMPEROR. _~ ®rancis Joseph is Frequently Compelled to Entertain Two Thou- sand Guests. Me Theresa, ld totais ami ct . meal, in specially made vi the Kitchen to the door of the dining hall Bits sccsice Js no longer necessary, transefers food a1 h greater vsatlstacton bac pou lost cd espe vere s, of the oe 's is the mmundhche oc tasting ki called; which is directly beneath the emperac’s private dining room. Here the meals of the private family at fact, of all gatherings of fewer er fi re ih i fooks in aurea i he sspecially aie “with the 1 tas! i. FOOD CENSOR. Before each meal is served, a high of- ficial of the household enters the eae 9 guard, asin ai nm that the Fays little attention to table joys. e Tate strong ssip e meal is served. To this private kitchen is attached the pestry department and the dep in ‘ich ice t busy, except upon especial feione, The other important apartments the ordinary palace kitchen, where the ‘al occ s nquets and balls, so frequent at the Austrian court. =-O0ues dinner to 400 present; at the palace eed te 2,000. So reioa however, perts’ do: nothin ng! is to THE REFRESHING CONSOMME lace - | $1200 to this aed Emperor | tht His | Ployed 8 w ball) | the Dalace livery and have learned dis- t are lere, too, rmed the ollo| wom kitchen, the ronal function ot which hot prepai chefs and cooks, there are always four ev six apprentices, whose term of service There are always plenty year the total e employes. e of the oe Duke of Baden rte THE CHEF'S COUNCIL. Each afternoon the chief steward con- fers with the official in charge of the 8 day is the sloreroom ef neg- everything needed during that time, he must supply the deficieney from his own ‘t ie the duty of the chef to see that uy wine, bottle, age and Eevee on a Shilo tis members “Ot 8: royal lly may be few in number, there are always many others re in the @ palace of ihe Grand Duke of Baden, for instance, ‘approsnalelg 120 dition em- rand qos; establishment is by ates "raitained m Dee ses: @ Emperor of Austria The tables of both who have long worn rtant matters of State may be leaks ou! late function, le deo econ rations: and arrange: ortance in the household gna Ss infrequently the bearer of a Seas pe BUSINESS GIRLS. Need Rich, Red Blood to Stand Worry and Strain of Business Hours. | MEDLEVAL ing incident, which took e | at sll required dishes are properly prepar-| s who take their ne, mi discussed in thelr hearing; but nothing] CHARM AND WITCHCRAFT SUPERSTITIONS RURAL ENGLAND, OF Cures for a Cough—Quaint Scene at a Church Door—Preventive for Fits. Those who do not happen to have bor Devaaieesne slat aa Spent Ae of their lives in the fair colin ty will no doubt find it hard to beli hold the extraordinary “enumerated below strongly some of the strange folk-lore and supersulous pee still Survive in some of the parts Devonshire is illus!rated ve athe follove place recently end hte se os . G. Seri Sutcombe, scribed by the rector, vener. “On Sunday the parish church of Sut- combe, a small village between Holl worthy and Hartland, revival cure. Rev. ¢ persuasion from pene ea years ago i fi arou hail ee pariah and got thirty married men to promise attend the parish church AT THE MORNING SERVICE. “At the close of the service the reclor desired the cled men to pass out by one, and as they passed through the church the: woman seated there, accompanied by the neigh- bor who had done the same thing nine- teen years ago (as many who were pre- sent remembered). Each man Basse out put a penny in the woman’s lap, but when rector’s chureh wai the twenty-nine pennies ané put in halt crown silver ring is made out of this half crown, which the woman is to wear, anid il is to be hoped that the — Will-be na satietecto ry in hot case s it was on the previous occasion “In a smal} parish (less than 200 p popu: no to find thirly but all were willing 10 Nearly every oyall palace is under the hel “| the preacher begins his sermon, from the time she leaves her house until she returns she must not speak a word. e have not heard whether she com- plied with this conditio Roger Granville of Pinhoe, former from the hag borhood of erie called on ‘me and el pepak was. Col tained in a bag which he had worn round his neck gince intency, and which white witch had given his mother as a preventive against fils. After cutting even ee e upon thi original inner me “which ~ oatalnen z number of bits o! EACH BEARING ONE WORD. “Piecing them together, 1 found they formed the following sentences: : Sunlight way. Buy Sunli ght Soap and follow directions late been. a sufferer from. epileptic. fits, | as he | car: | dinner. n= | 0 on the ae Ghost, the prick of the thorn defy, and with the Hee of God sed by man; “Dek von- “remaréebly curative ry it, and put it on the spot where he was bilten. Some. of the cures recommended for Devonshire supers'i- Sunlight Soap |!" | all - i t ever. The ofl- by strikes the full richness of the pro- Saeco niways ait “athough only. a rh ea has been it heritage, eedeelonen than in. ae sea, form ideal elevations above reservoirs of encrg: SHEE awe ta sere Pre are ducing the. pressure of population ; every ycar half a million of Italy's children leave her shores. In some sec- tions, it is irae. the drain has been s enormous as anger rather than a relief. “Wien "Signor Zanardellt, the late an. official tour thro ‘ne Baalicaler ficiea wire wn bee only ihecMayan-wilh his pessimistio greotin fe you in the name of our “eight Thokeand tifepiianie “Al abort three thousand haye just left for Amer- iea, and the ofber five are preparing (0 aon the whole the emigration has been e two Americas are Nor are cial re tem- rer sceriiaresi al sifty-five percent. tone regarding cals large. Wa eat sleeps on his brain Is a sure sign of dif. pus vaift Bare baat Unita feria nolo that there will be cold her paw ‘above either of her S. Many Devonian housewives will not come to the infant. pvebs 2 ae e ‘vernin.” —Belh meaieebat whi the: will not be content with afldgsrotesand but ca pure and carry home all easant crceping. things. only time when i- garded as being absolutely “essential in a Devonshire household is when. ee persons are expectec In stich a case a kitten has to Sa, a place on one of the gu the table: This makes thirteen table lucky. pelea of unjuck; It is regar being extremely un- lucky for wild, daffodils to be taken into he Rev. formerly rector of Bideford, also tells | ® house. Ke, =e Rad Sralaherat wide gull but al though reputed wilthes are neb-n s0 numefons in Devonshire 98 they ees ses dozen years ago, there are a many modern ariatlioneee ct rack art in the" county. gree KEEP €HILDREN WELL. ach and bowel troubles _ kill Apes A some pills whieh ave no otte It Has Many Offices: — Before the German soldier st a knapsack. There is nothing. like it, Mistress - (soliloquizing) ; ‘ “I'm eteala | this hal's rather seul ath clea es 's quite lashionale | um, Cook ‘has ust nought one exactly k and Pale Wot pees i Srhon by the use of "*Fervovimm,”.the Dest) © | onic, they evuld veg acy ocuvor thelt beast jand strength, Try Father—“Sarah, I don’t like ns fel- Father (wriggling his fool)—"If he comes here he'll bear the impress “of: another gentleman,” asant Medicine. — are ai tis troubles and f perplexities, rather than diminishing ve owe They offer peace to the dyspe] epic, ie ctbe (after ten | ten aa jChewin, vain}—“Waiter, what's ae iler ef, sir.” Customer me I've heard of the iron horse. and iy brazen calf, but I never came across the india- rubber cow befor “3 Sunlight Boap te better than other som but is mn used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight sede ta ‘and follow directions. Witte—“Well, there's one thing about NATURAL COLOR. An important thing to remember when buying Green Tea. You are always sure of teeta! ABSO;. LUTELY PURE tea in the packages labelicd "SALADA" CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA. Lead Packets only. 400, 500 and 600 per Ib, HIGHEST AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1904. At ad Grocers. HON. RICHARD HARCOURT, Pronident, Director of ‘the Ontario Banke and for. erly Treasurer of the Provines of Outarlo JOHN FLETT, Vico-President, Hoad of the firm of ‘Lowndes & Co., Dir- ‘ector of Ontario Bank. = of men Lake, are Bee nave now @ veil before. mu k lars, or mail your ‘onder with marked NIEL SIMPSON, P. 0. Stock aun on the instalment plan. COBALT-The World's Richest Silver Mining Camp THE COLUMBUS COBALT SILVER Co., Limited. Authorized Capital Stock, $450,800. BOARD OF DI JAMES TUDHOPE, ¥sq,, M.P.P., Head ot now developing the Colui he ae from the famous Drummond, Foster, Jacobs and others in si Box 129, Cobalt, Ont. Shares $1 cach ie on of Tudhope Carrige Co, Director, Esq, Explorer, Mine near Giroux hin pee one in straight to size. @ 600 ton stock in Os! Mill and Warehouse Buildin, Corrugated Ridges, nd Specifications to your nearest Corrugated Iron. “ Keeping Everlastingly at it Briags Success.'* PEDLAR’S CORRUGATED IRON is bea = oH 36,000 1m. press (the oy Canada) one corrugation at a time, hawa, a This class of material is miost suitable office for catalogues and THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, guaranieed true Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto Hota, te | a, it | Toe, 0 | ‘ona, | oe, a, [mane Write your Ni t Off AND OSH. Ont Largest makers of Sheet Melal Building Materials under the British Flag. Saakatchoy Stror About LANDS jan, only 8 soll, 90 40 pigs ‘rite for map and fall PARSONS. 9s ¥ Wolesios stress Tesvutec Senne: in Western Canada = 8 miles paruyenaed iB rk ee a tag = Pay Pi ugha, | ANTAGONISTIC FLOWERS, A French horticulturist has discovered Here is THE MEANING OF EMPIRE. i i n an eloquent. Bes of the Em- served in the morning hours of formal nie ria eget be Lap or aa in Asia more than an ‘a America;~ 7,500,000; man’s request these pieces of paper were reinserted in their several bags, my maid servant sewed them up again, ie| and he, ahs: oe ons is | Ri made from beet, Pegi mutton, bis faults.” to; he's always bragging. about att sell ae i mais) Sk cg ir Jen ond in Europe over 42,000, ssilys | ing ahem ah broadly ty religions, there are inet real eer 000, all ae oes and every trace of dk devote 1d to this soup alone is ap- The Hard and soft corns cannot withstand | their shrunken cS weary; their Holloway's Corn Cure; it is effectual ed wat PAvhen the late Empress had personal charge of kilchen was 0 the imperial torerooms, vaults for wines, linen lockers and strong rooms lor the valuable china, silver and gold |v ware, al must be carefully ler. room is set apart for and the imperial service of solid 1d service is among the most peautiful and elaborate ever d rank are the nally th was intended He meet the needs of only eighty diners, but a dred beauty. slowly. but -surcly: fades. ek: eyes, -high spirits and make the day's duiles ghter” iv unlucky, and there is fe Hold couplet : Change the name but not the letter, ler. Ladies who are unlucky in this respect are, however. OBSESS COM: pensating advantages in that they are 0 complaints, cure juvenile included urned to her cheeks, an she felt better and stronger in ete nds, the pte sii of the gorgeous service may be ij imagin- fot an item of food from the imperial lable is taken back to the kitchen = rr left flare as Suaphionaly a SPN bats their families also FLOURISH ON KINGLY FOOD. of the most oralslye regal estab- atineits - Europe is that of the Grand uke of Baden, at Cari ans age e The Grand Duchess was a sis tof the |p; enc Emperor's grand father, and pi to eat extent at the cour! both Bevlip,and Vienna, In. this Kitehen, in addition. t eee ts 50. from The lems? Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sy aes Ses TAB ON HIM. johnny, what uu. doin; pushing te cat on to Mr, ra in that fashi Papa ae me to stay in and keep Tab on him ee eect ere. while was e trial of Mother. Graves’ Brermuator will convinee you ae a has no a worm medicin a bottle and see if it does not pies you, PSOE Ey ee A POWERFUL ee When any one suggested to Mrs. lihy that the extreme castrate: of the clothes ‘which _ - @ washed was anything _besjdes a peom: Mrs. Healy fot hands and me in the Soap a ae ioe, bara” laste atte bit of a lovel; a that just je the last ena ern. ‘Are ye aus. its only a little bit you're. ae ask d the prying neighbor in a dubious tote “Am 1 sure?" and aS ‘wrath of Mrs. ‘hy fi ns ing- es tion | Seo ae letter 0 s claimed tha co “DE Wittiams’ Pink Fills eure lood- ests | Jessness Just as food cures hun; n the child Devon will eat the thorn. ers Hf dragging parisires in it raalever fa ich we hild to eat will cure othe ‘cont Other strange cures for whooping e complaint can be com- d from a child’s sys- vy ee in a small bag d_the Others are foolish hild’s head, put between a slice of sep and butter, and given to a ah recover oe its infirmity if the dog it very pee RY if the hair anti its throat ther at pre- yes is that a child will recover sap wi ee sent if, while the dew is o1 the is laid face downward rere A SHEEP HAS BEEN SLEEPING, Sheep som ena Sie aie. the farm: the farmet Worm Seo little sufferers are not relic fis fs said that the ficient faitl There are cases on record where mo- thers have placed in graves prepared for the reception io fa body of the opposite sex, in the that aus will thereafter not ane ue ante 1 infirmities that children are relieved, BE Devonians | will, wi ns they will soon re that a wound caused by a rue sons of In order to fe assuran ily sure, the Father, and of the Son mal ce dot some re- est thése words after cating it: “In ae j of Change for the worse and not the bet- b ting the little sufferer wear a | 90,000 enough He uae “that if a hair is taken | 01 dog, | si or fi The Co., Brockville, Ont. Keep 15, Tablets. In the house. WONDER WORKING WHITE COAL. Thanks to It, Italy Is No Longer an Industrial. Back Ni in the w ‘The cotton mills, scarcely. a decade Rat now: have. an evan ‘oul. ain worth mofe »than cording to The World SF rkmen, employed and steel foundvies fn 1881 have become steel foes a aie Houitlie blanche, as the ren call It, term, Rea verte, or green coal, has been adop! esig- nate the energy provided by streams of humbler source. Call it what a Please, this newly ha revolutionizing yy an al most _providential compensation mee, nations which are poorest in parents have not had | are ri considered that the white coal is subject UPPORT yoorrs ‘ason we aa bridge to ened and starved system along at ‘ can find firm support in ordinary foo Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Re es ieee -day fo exporting a e are mounted on a, rand the operator, taking one in eac! es le to neither exhaustion nor interruption the a every time. Get a botlle at once be happy. Miss Gabble—“And she accused me r| retailing gossip abou holesaler.”” Weak and oe Women foolishly ews this way when by the use of ‘Fo errovina, xs. aid very quickly recover their health “My motto,” sald the new lodger, “is dhe tandiady aia in m: in tight remain. & month, and then “ionet a motto nt. ature for you're really a| fig YOUR SUMMER OUTING. re fond of fishing, canoeing, interspersed with 1, an {s awalling you, oliering Mail the se ree on. application to J, D. McDonald, Union Station, Toron- bile fect “upon the nerves, fests itself by severe disappear as soon as the Pills cuenta There is nothing sur- r in the treatment of bilious headache, sna paa ieee CUTS WORTH THOUSANDS. The ee of i caitoa and Polishing The api: Ht eae ne prstening diamonds, the hardest en of dust ‘being | easton fterwards begins the real ‘process of ore and polishing, carne ied out in the in a] pnp position ‘er olsing proceeds tiie ies jewel finally assum Many Teas stones are cut in this way, and a skilled qvorieman frequentl has $5,000,000 wort! Hot precious ton = yy sticcessive atest ‘a th MI a a e| Sunday e irom Nearly all infants are more or D. palloge s Dysentery Cordial, Wein is 5) for sucl ints cure ie cholera or summer complait Does your wife take any interest in caret politics?” asked the mal ters dreacit of.” HARON gees to constipation, but ree am free from and all ENON hacen on bis bench at one! Wilson’ Ss) FLY PADS ‘THE ONLY THING THAT KILLS THEM ALL, AVOID POOR IMITA’ Bold by all Druggists and by ane, che | ,,Thesafest, used. Takes $e enlace of ‘alt ftcore for for itd ors or severe action, and General mail PERPACKET FROM BR WILSO we ‘and Oloaning. This te s specialty with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CQ Send partloulars by post and wo are sure Lo se/laty 188, Montreal, ol Horse Owners! (Us se Caustic Balsam polenanshanhseg =o ail Bunehes of Blemishes. from Ho: tele, | 8U) ur Pitiabke ALL CAUREEE UTERE etlotection ington’ "Heights pra ed Hite “ By wes) Pee 4