a te Tee H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or @ Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential ad MILVERTON, - ONTARIO = 4 “It Shines For All.” Vol. XV—No. 26 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1906 BUSINESS aS —— BANKING RareChance4 Rese esetrer Mis The Sovereign Bank of Canada’s up-to-date methods | visiting her aunt, Mrs. G, facilitate the despatch of» business for men of affairs. No See Miss red tape. “The Sun” will be sent to any address Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE vite Pald-up Capital, $10, 000,000. F Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 : bit Best quality of engine gasoline kept HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO for sale at The Sun office—30 cents} $8. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gen'l Manager per gallon. = a John hath; of Dayisinek ain BRANCHES THROUGHOUT canane. AND IN . : present visiting members of her family THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND in the village. Sse ina Fens, icy of Galt, spent a A general Banking ane ape sitae ee Spier A Me o aa and conducted by jis sister, Miss Ella Smith is spending: couple| of weeks with friends in Norw Miss Effie Robertson, of Wel Hie Spent a few days with Miss Gertie Wei ettbeetetetty | LOCAL NEWS * REEEEPEELEEEN Miss Clara McMillan, of Stratford, visited with Miss Daisy Smith over ay. Edith Farrow, of aon is oieiting her friend Miss Emily Large. Mr. Lewis Boyle, of Toronto, spent a day or two at his home here last eek. er degree of Conservatism combined with Aye Gein make Mag soundness and satisfactory banking service. in Canada or the Mr. Clarence Umbach, of Woolwich, ' United States from was the guest of Mr. Peter Snider on e Sovereign Bank | .4.. Sarton 9 Jeni oc now until Januar uel G, Grosch left on| few days last wee of Canada. mariay “lasts ta her Honea ale aan SAVINGS BANK D DEPARTMENT c : ao 1907 for 35 cents. gary, os Fulcher, of Elmira, spent a} yy : oats. at $1 and upward: A. J. CUNDICK, Manager, Milverton Branch Nr David Gowing and children re- few days Shae base PIE Heol = nt rates. Mii depositor is sujet to mo ose uae 55 turned after spending a week with withdrawal of the whole an} friends at Berlin, Miss Emma Rapp, of Palmerston | portion of the deposit ‘3 . f last’ week with Miss Annie Henrich, of Waterloo, BIGGER en SATE SI spent a day or twothis week visiting | Mi8® Daisy Hasenpflug. WM. MAYNARD, BISSSSSISSEGEIIIGIILEGESESHIIISIISSSSSSIE friends in the village. Mes, A.D. Alexander, Mrs, Sam Mr, Oliver Large and Mi, Addie Rovipshng Miss Mats Wuster. aeons The Satisfactory Store Manager, _ STRATFORD BRANCH Tange epent «few days in Nagas ailha Baers acoaestonnda ae Fan Falls, N.Y. las - | pgiss Basia Postift and Miss Lettio Elliott, of Wingham, are visiting Edith sea of Mildmay, spent a few days with hier sister Mrs cla Battech Hora tow days this M. I. Grimm last w BANK of HAMILTON ‘TABLISHED IN 1872) Head Office - HAMILTON RBSERVE PUNE ee Total Assets. . $30,000,000 RESERVE FUND. rybody should turn out to-night Miss Bella Batt has. been succ- essful in passing her examination in harsday) ae ae the orchestra: by. ‘CTO: first year yocal with patronizing tl open air concert and Hon. Wm. olds President. art Turnbull, VicePres.and Gel. Manager y garden eereae 2 A. Birge John Préctor George Rutherford Mr. Allan Ross, son of Dr, Ross, of ion. J. 8. Hend - C. Dalton, To: Mrs, J. D, Pugh and son George, of H. M. Watton: Asst, Gen. Seahiee er and Supt. eyeeetcnee ndon, spent afew days last week ree, with his friend Mr. Jack Folinsbee. | Okotoks, Alts.. are at present, visiting ; eae Bove returned home| Pugh, Milverton. last Monday after spending a few Mi ‘GA rand Mrs, Wm. Livingston left days with her son, Louis, of Toronto. | ne ee ee tee are Miss Clara Honderich has succeeded they will spend a tew weeks visiting in passing her first year piano exami-| their son Wi Ration atthe Toronto Conservatory of |’ m.0 J .aiea ck ot the Evangelical | 87 Branches PMU Nae the Dominion 87 > Open your savings bank account with the Bank Savings Department ! (f'iiamilton, Ose Doutak Witt. Stat A N Account. Interest allowed at Highest Current rate and compounded twice per annum, Ist of ee ‘and Ist of December, ecial ia given to ‘mer’s requirements, Farmers’ Business ! 3-00 Suscea to farmer's at reasonable. rates, Sale notes ee and davanees made the Ladies’ Underwear Men's Underwear 5 dozen Ladies’ Vests, fine ribbed, 5 dozen Men’s Ribbed Cotton with or saa sleeves, regular 20 cents Underwear Shirts and Drawers. Ex- each. Spec! tra = at per garment . 25 c GS GREE ELE EE EE IGG KE KS KEKE KS el Adam Lohr and Miss Minnie} the Fair Grounds on the Bae of "Detroit, spent last week at| July 26th. See posters for further Maple Grove, the residence of Mr. | particulars. W, Hartmer An Heae account of the trip Miss Amy Clarke, of Norval, re-| of Mr. John R. Yost to the coal fields turned home last week after spending] of Hecaey yaa has been left out. of apart of her holidays the guest of] this issue owing to our staf being) The [2th Celebrated Miss Eveleyn Roe. short-handed this week. cultivate national sentiment, A gen- Mr. J. W. Pfeffer, Manager of the| We haye some Standard Manila| ‘The celebration of the 12th of July| tlemen, not an Orangeman, had told ‘ Sovereign bank at Millbank, returned | Binder Twine left over from last year, | held here under the auspices of the| him that he liked to go out on the 12th au Strictly Milverton Branch, ‘R. J. Ranney, Mgr. to too much sport, There should on that day be some good speaking to Ladies’ Hose White Vesting 10 dozen Ladies’ Drop Stitch Hose 200 yards White Vesting, suitable home on Tuesday from a trip to Mont-| guaranteed good, which will be sold| North was alof July because he heard something. latest novelty, absolutely stainless, in } for waists and shirt waist suits, in neat real, St. John, Moncton and Halifax. | ata good reduction for cash only. | great success from point of attendance | There was no other institution build- Mr. Jas. MacDonald, who recently | Come quick.—W. F. Finkbeiner. al baal it may be stated that con-| ing up national sentiment equal to the black or tan. accepted a position with the Bank of| My?J. Folinsbee, contractor on the seinen OFSnee ae anee Hamilton, Hamilton, has been trans-| C,P. R, work here, is offerin; vhich .w: ii i ferred to'a branch ‘of that bank at| day for teams and has also purchased ibe tas binlen Min gtata be riee an Grimsby. orses to complete |} " in jncs te parregicsape bp ieee? i. the work here before the middle of| South as well as the specials from) where members of the different “de- eh H, BOE ae eee th To! apes A WBE Stratford and Wingham brought a| nominations met, and learned to re- "3, err, formerly a : 25¢ Special per pair... Seas regular 20 cents yard. 12; . pecia C very large number of Orangemen and|spéct one another. There ha “Mens Straw Hats About 2 dozen left, regular 50 to 75 cents, to clear at 25c Each OT a ee Te eee & We are Sole Agents forthe - Ladies Trimmed Hats 5 only regular values $1.50 to $3.00. Your choice for.... ~ R We are Sole Agents for the face? Tamatelant oF Wily eto paid the village a visit on Wednesday after eitaternesot about twenty-five years. Mrs. J, Kalbfleisch who has been. spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Conrad Reis, of Wrox- onday, with Mr. Kealbfleisoh ii wal up on Saturday Dr. Butler, of London, will be at Queen's hotel, Milverton, on Friday, e 22nd, and Ae fad wily 20th. Heats, 9.30 a.m. to 4 p, Eyes, ear, nose and steak Poamiitation Eyes tested for glasses. tin. The programme ot the orchestra garden party to night will consist of ers, violin solos b; uelph, vocal solos and-quartettes by local tallent and selections on the bag: pipes as Piper Segt. MacDonald, me Stratford. Dr, Scoop’s Rheumatic Remedy— whet tacts Pinta will reach chron: At a meeting of the Public School board held on Tuesday evening it was decided to teach in the lower school course of the high school pro- gramme of studies, Latin and German also to be taken up. This. is practic- ally the same work that was being taken up a little over a year ago, — Minimum Salaries The'new Education Act, regarding sataries, comes into operation t ee January, 19 We m P. S. Insp ctor Ir- wine, the aE of me various school ee of 1905 and figured on that basis the least possible salary hich sich section walenave to pay. A few of the Bohools are Dee pay- ing site tha ww law wou! compel rt but the large majority are rersily: under the statutary allowance. We herewith give assessment of the. townships of : sympathisers into the village while hundreds from the surrounding dis- trict drove. Meals and refreshments were provided by the aie churches and numerous vendors w ad erect~ ed temporary booths ries ahs streets. 2 is estimated that the attendance ahve about four ae people, cession former ° ratock i in Mr. Pugh’s field in ‘the seat end of the village and marche: Kertcher’s grove. and McKee, county and district di- rectors of ceremonies, conducted the procession which consisted of 19 stands i colors and the Listowel an rod- hagen bands. The Brodhagen band is as Tei amppicel aggregation con- sisting of t -four members hand- somely | anomie. The order of the istowel, es oe g 2 As zo, 3 a f.. o 3 & Brussels, No. 774, fife and cate ‘band; Stratford, No, 579, fife and drnm band; Ellice Star, No. 1820, fife and dram band; Donegal, No. 78; Carthage, No. Band; | we ni noble Protestant girl had wedded a Roman Catholic potentate. m turn out wel wink was tacked on to the pata of the new .Provinces, and he hoped the time would com the people of this county would have something to say aboutit. Mr. George speak in glowing terms of the resources and institutions of Canada, and remark- inl SH caged f6, the falter: “OW hate wa have we'll hold.” He had contended for temperance the best part of his life, and he exhorted every young man and every young women to be an ab- of them suki such would soon have prohibiton. Speaking of the results of prohibition, esaid that recently in one of Maritime Provinces there was not a mn in prison, except. one, Mornington, Elma, Ellice and North | 544; ‘At twood, Noi 630, fife and drum | for violating the liquor law. Ontario ie and difficult cases hereto! -| Easthope, It is, however, the. assess-| hand; Trowbridge, Ne: 652; Britton, | would be the manufacturing centre of garded as incurable by See and] ments of 1906 that will determine the | No, 677; is the most reliable prescription known | salaries of 1907. re 20th Century 20th Century morston,|a day were now gi i i to clean cae apnd completely remo MORNINGTON. fo. 655; May TeraKe, Nol ose, ‘Wala ce, | was to Christianize thes: le? Brand Clothing Brand Clothing every v ff rheumatic poison Sei: A A i F No. 970; | other but the people of Ontario. There from ie ood Sold by The Public power but the gospel of n Milverton 50 | Wallace, No, ae Wellesley, No. | was no other Crosshill, 43 23; . 0. | nD a 751; Brodhagen. teas Band; Milver-| the le-going in there. ton, No. 1033. had always been equal in the past. to Drug Sti in Milverton ‘The announcement wae made at the London Normal school on Monday : : : a SCESEEECEGECCEEEEEEGEEEE EEE EMS EMS IEE MEME BEE KE KES ME KE KEE EMS iat econ! leita Suid lla € ie hae gay teugiisho- 4 seapletelas Roy that Miss Muriel Falinben, of Strate | _ ‘The chair was taken by. Pe oy, had won the Governor-General’s Walker, County Mast neta Hiver medal; GPhteh ta’atratded tooth was adi by the folloy student of the school who heads the men! Hey Oot, Sucanuauurcawen . ist at the regular examination, ‘To vy. We J ee, Milverton; Mr H. ohn en delivered” brief addresses after George, Port Elgin; Rev. . Jones, | which the meeting closed Millbank; Rev. H. Morlock, , Milverton; ee of the National Anthem, Th win out at the head of a class of 94 is a very ee feat JEOPIREEITOD BY TH Lone CEL MITE ‘A. MacBeth left on Tuesday for Novi “Bettlclond, Gusk:: with’ & Before leaving th was successful in dis- D, McKinnon, Who delivered the ad-| made ou Mr, 'T. P. Roo's dres: proceedings | Messrs openéd with prayers by the Co. Chap. Rev. M See Our—ezy See Our aaa A i Walker in a brief speech thank- | as Men’s Hot Mes ngs Collars Ladies’ Wash Belts oe ee are alae ed the people of Milverton and vicinity | best dressed. lodge a Dest : i al eir holdings in valley for the pains to which they went in “and dru and, Wellesley and Men's ee ete Shi ares koe args ofthe North Saskatchewan before very arranging such a magnificent. recep-| Donegal, even, Stratford, 2nd, Mem- ~ Men's Summer Shirts adies’ Wash Ties tion, He expressed his pride at being | ber of order walking greatest number Men’s Linen Hats Etc Bes Ete: uO ie auspices o privileged to preside at such a large] of Og aH E. ee ee re i ge from the greatest distance, uilveron ae ‘vee fom panto Sis “uokian a cama emi a ee ac eiaie bak the Ole welcomed the Orangemen ee and their friends and Stes to them the nS FS of the tor ey. Mr. Buckland defended the] AU the loyal people of our vicinity order against some charges soy eles th he good old Twelth in was speeis sbatonized by the public CARTHAGE. and as a 1 the Managem ent Have a deficit ce re ith. It seems paradox that 60 many people should jo ymient out of the lbmary and yet when an opportunity is given to contabats towards its ce they scuttle away like snakes in a brake. ‘The Senates, of Stratford, and Mil- yerton played a double-header base- ball match on July 12th. The morn- ing game resulted in a defeat for Mil-| ; the score being 8-7. Battery | for Milverton. Kerr Wel ; for Stratford--Patrick & Mooreliead, ‘The} Get Our Prices—= 2sO0R.,. You Will — Never Oe a ne. Leas to do your SUMM NG. We have bargains at all oe fad just the goods you want. | Watch Our Ad. Next Week declared that the teachings of Jesus Mrs. aa man, of Toronto is vis- ‘der and pal Bo at her sisters Mrs. R. J. Moore, owed endeavor to live of Milverton, spent sania at D. Fruit Jars and Sugars | . B. Morphy, of Listowel, mble, Sr. visited his said that as one Man had been the dauguter Bella in Toronto a few days central figure of Christianity so Orang-| this oo K 5 SESESESssssssggyss -| Mrs. ngram, of ee is tantism. © He urged all Orangemen to siting shige friends he : rally in defence of their principals,|_ Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Sah SSRs of oa i o| Toronto, are renewing old Acquaint- Ww ances in our vic! Bigot jas SAlios, Lines returned home n George, of Port Higin, | last week after a visit of a few weeks the ee di tinise, ‘wisest called ‘ith her aunt, Mrs, A. Ingram, Kine upon and made a splendid oration, ‘holding-all within the hearing of his voice spell bona x = 0 such a i lebration. © Sait ethayere Matters thet oth om it will pay YOU ves : ; BRING US YOUR TRADE! : a igi” Shtaitond was one out far tae 7 first six innings. Brown who was D, doing the twirling for Stratford, was batted hard, pu ‘was replaced by Pat- : ick in the seventh. Thescore at the 2, 7 y Mrs. ee Grey and son Milton, of Stratford, spent a few days last week — with the for ‘mer’s mother, Mrs. Wmy~ seaensorereocesennereeceartnoreeceeanerecectennreersonereecetaerercesiseeseccueessee B G _ BE Bessesessedessessosesesssssssssssses aadtof mins inuings stood 19-4 ur favor : @ of Milverton. Hank Honderich had Tuly gelebrations of tho United States, |g ti Pateragts Ste La eee ee 15 strike-outs to his ee Batteries leading feature of which was the ki ay for _Milverton—Honderich & eae patriotic Seer. He regretted that| "Mr. ue veh ni frond Fore on @ for Stiitont Brown, Patrick in Canada the Ist of July, our nation-| Saturday from ‘Toronto where soverscesseacescessaceacescuccscnacsots Moorehead, al holiday, ae ue given over to] spent a week with his frlends.