Milverton Sun, 19 Jul 1906, p. 5

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Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neatly Done at Gee Price, when printed at The Milverton Sun THIS SPACE belongs to the enterprising progressive merchant tailor Ya JOHN KELTERBORN % whose name stands for merit re- liability and square dealing. niiciony G. T. R. STATION STORE E | E : E J. R. YOST & SON E BINDER TWINE ANI errr reer reer TTT JAKIEBAAMENAIEES MIKA MH kn: alg | The Premier Store | rr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders shipped to Milverton, Monkton Newton, Etc. Grocery Orders put up and shipped to these places and to ll points west Mt Boron We are again in the field with Binder Twine, and making an effort to please our customers. To do that, means that the quality must be good and prices right. Our price on twine is guaranteed to be as low in price as the lowes All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. 6&9 Don’t Forget we Handle Cement SMU A é e e ee All Grocery eee or rt Department Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Hold Fruits, ian Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., Etc. Send us a trial order by mail and “ convinced that we can send you first-class goods, Give us a tri Send Your Orders to J. A. ea & CO. Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE ARERRERR ER AEKH: TS ISIS ISTE ISIS ISAS AG AS SHIA AISA L Mn ible DR BA A a a ae ae at ae ae ae te ke a oe FEASTS TS TS TS IS TS IS TS IS TS IBIS ISIS IS ISIS TS IS IS We will give away free with a $1 CASH purchase, one of our MACHINE OILERS ‘good paint SHERWIN- wees PAINTS kivonnra' i the Wort worth 15 cents. Nicely enamelled, with our name printed on. COME EARLY, as we have only 6 dozen of these on hand, Now is the time for Paris Green, we guar- antee ours strictly pure. Hay Fork Rope is now in demand. we handle the. celebrated (Blue Thread) Manilla Rope. Call and examine our stock. W. F. FINKBEINER Plumbing oO Hardware and @ and Heating Stoves TILT ey eee i ‘STBATFORD, ONT. eons == ca — est. aS ri AeEREULAN; PRINCIPAL The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1906 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES A Perfect Bowel Laxative for con- stipation, sallow complexion, head- PEA CHOP FOR SALE $1.30 Per Cwt. Siayado nt ap nor bend wha, top wifes TA os wl laha tt tie Boroe 40 brated Catalogue free The Larmour School rpc om Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Method Entirely Suecessful,— Situations provided. for graduates without delay.— Write for Catalogue, giving full information, R. LARMOUR Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont. EXPORT BEEF Having a number of ex- porters on hand of our own feeding, we have. de- cided to butcher them and offer them for sale at the PFEFFER BROS 22123 oid dizziness, sour stomach, coated ue, ~ biliousness. ax-ets* act pr sammie: without pain or sriping, Pleasant: to take—Iax-ets—only 5 eents. Sold St SARE SAGES Radiant womanhood. The glory:and satisfaction of beaut- ifal- womanhoo e. know ta those possessing the wine a Yantages of health, Nov oat a “women’s remedy,”— women strong, of Ferrozone in’ any ELLICE, The Ellice Couneil met at Richard- son’s hotel, here this day pursuant to ed a, m., wit air, The “following appeals were heard, th sessment Shore’: Mesh theeklat o that the assess- ment was not unjustand it was moved by Mr, kman and seconde by Mr. Crowley, that t hore missed.—Carried, Mr. Crowley and Brickman, that the appeal of Chas. Finnegan be dismiss. of We have on hand all kinds of fresh sausage, pork, veal smoked ham ‘and canned meats. Best Maple Leaf Brand Salmon 15 echt, Tomatoes 15 cents. R. MILLER THE BUTCHER Results for 1904 Spee issued and paid Tnorease over 1903 1,744,698.77 Assets af 31st. December, 1904 17,851,760.92 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Life Assurance in force Dec. 31st, 1904 85,327,662.85 Increase over 1903 9.646,473,98 A. S. MacGregor, regular prices at our shop, fj Henry be di ed. —Cartied. uae P. wigappeat of Michasl Reagan and T idedo m1. Bis eard and after the These cattle are decided engineer give his opinion on their re- ly a prime lot and we can ‘ eotive Peosaamnsl ast was moved by S r. Crowley.and seconded by. Mr. certainly assure you of obs Reis that the appeals of Reagan and taining good beef. :: :: | Fisher be dismissed.—Carried, Sppeals, being all taken up, lee Sun Life Assurance ae Gompany of Canada|) ani $15,911,904.24 | 2 Increase over 1903 2,345,984.44 § it was moved by eae ented by’ Mr, Stock that this Court do now close.-- Teeny Se aUAER: lerk-of Court. At 2p, m. the cone of Revision on the Tp, assessm i tlot 5, con? as F ; John MeWilliams, ‘Thamestord, 12 was redneed in consequetice, $200; and 5, con 12 was assessed of lots lot 31, con 18; by the Public Drug P the appeal of wol James Fletch: rown. Jobn Kelly F Stoskey as F ock, widow, rt adjourn Wingselders June e.| pair of the El ius following ct to perfor for 35 cents, Dead Si dollar spen very aes the case. Carri The appeal of John Henry re the}, Dr. Shoop’s height the dam was kept at, at Seb-|ing relief in ingville, was read and after hearing statements’ m: Mr. and |nerves, No matt id on this matter, it was moved by became impairs eme: heart, rebellio' neys. 6 call cures through by The Public TL yo8e chill days has enal Trowbridge, pa visit las arene Me d after spend: friends in Amal called on frien arles spending a few ‘A couple of 8 imagined the: ‘crimson hue but found more readily s ann Mrs, eae Sunday rs: No Medicine Ovyerstrai’ We lot Ne con 3; Francis Jordan F § k Bro Kelly, spinister, 0 lot 35, Finneyan, widow, Kelly as OM lot ‘They are not to blame. back to the nerves Miss Almena Pos er, OME, Lot 28, a, oon 4, t #2. con om Catharine 3: lot Es conn i 8 lot a 6; to meet a; ia Eason onday, — Suan Clerk. At5p. m. the Council went into session and the lice Maitland Drain and tenders were received, watson e Miller, Wiarton, tender for any Justus Krevurer, Clerk, ASS Subseribe for the —from now until the end of the year Milverton Sun ick of Asthma? You couldn't be otherwise with such s distressing malady. pleas ve bri ing zeae Heart troubles throw the inside er how: the nerves ed this Remedy will re- ste their strane will restore their vigi er it does no good to treat the ain organ—the irregular ious stomach, diseased that control them ise—use a remedy that the insidenerves. Sold Drug Store. Valuable pee to Mothers. id comes in from play x showing evidences of 2 urs, ‘Chis will pre- vent any serious trouble. No ment or pain reliever equals Polson’s Nerviline. which bas been the great family remedy in Canada for the past fifty years, Try a 250. bottle of Ner-| < vilin Bacchlervitie, The fine weather of the past few led the farmers to har- vest a large pe oe of their hay crop ese | in good cond William Seott, of aid the burg af ying Doering have’ return-| 4 ing a few days visiting alre of eT lel ids fou inst we Froet, 1 -Antoin, i fer! the other day coul he paint was appited pee their own now away for the . Wm. Doerr, of Blythe, with Mr. and Mrs. ——— Cures so Many Sick, ined, Despondent, a as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills | C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers A Reminder Our Smallware Department has never before been so heavy, carrying almost everything for the ome. We Quote a Few Lines and Prices ! ! } Bakeboards ati... ..::.c:..0decisss.coenre SE head Plates tte ft ay tas sae ee Rolling Pins, Potato PONE Clothes Racks, Mir- rors, from..................25 cents to $2.50 each. Wall Pockets at.......é...sesscceseceseendse sll. prices, Window Shades from, seeee29 Cents up. Pillow Sham Holders, 25 and 50 cents. Curtain Poles from... ++..15 cents up, Bamboo Tables, 30 inches high at 75c, $1, $1.40. Towel Rings... .3 for 25 cents Shoofly Rockers ; go cents and $1 Hat Racks at oe ewes and 50 cents, Jardiner Stands from Foot Stools., A big assortment of Passe Partout Binding, also Gilt Corners of all descriptions. Look Over This Line Carefully OUR MOTTO :—Satisfaction Guaranteed, C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ‘THE SUN to Tie exo or mae vem FOR 35¢, aerherkestertente ntestententeste te nbested stestentestestentente ste nhente ote Pa For Sale = 100,000 acres of Saskat- chewan Valley Lands O Oba) +. Greatest bargain in farm lands i in the West to-day. We have 100,000 acres of the best farm lands in the Valley of the North Branch of the Saskatchewan River.. All within easy distance of Stations on the Canadian Northern Railway, an operating—not a proposed’. railway.’ ’ O BS +? 4 B * # Pe Fe By Fe * Pe Ps 4 * # = By Fs = Py q B # Settlers on adjacent sections.” Prices from $10.00 per acre up CP AR ee Os OS Oe Oe os Rs Oe? O ey O a . z 4 All carefully selected sections, 2 : ‘ & 3 Sales made in 4%, % or whole sec- 3 # trons or blocks of 10,000 acres. = a ey Purchasers from us get an oppor- tunity of acquiring the very best avail- able lands in the most fertile district of the great wheat belt of the Northwest. These lands can be secured at once at Rock Bottom Prices, but are rapidly advancing in value. Our Western Office is at North Battleford, Sask. Our Ontario Office is at Seaton Ontario. 4. 3 The Battleford, Saskatchewan Farm Lands Company, Stratford, Ontario 4. i od +. +. +. * + - +. + ry ri rary tesbecbest Oe a eae ee Re Re Ee EY SE? OEP ER OTe OT OTe EF Ore ae a eS ee Ee ae SET ET St OY He SET RE RS ORY OEY ME OEY NEO AES OEP OEP EG OES OEP OEP AEP OS NEP NUS OE? Oe Ee Oe aye ot +. A. MacBETH pape OPS OC ae CECE EID a SERRE PARI as + 0 Oo O) ) "" " + = ohn Litt was assessed as tenant for Mgr. Western Ontario, London. |p our git tot 18. tone enna <fOt| The One True Medial: for Health Bade shated 200s John Diehl as owner on Yo = ane a i. 20, con 6; Rev. D. enburg on 1st lize, as you real ie A. MacBeth, eNO Fie faba; o0n 6; 9500; ‘Mento Mica: 45 following letters; the mtned Gone ie District Superintendant: | F § lot 7, con 12; Chas Debu F ig don i pmtitois Pills. lot 17, con 12; Albert. Dal * hey have a direct action on th FS lot 2, con 13; Adam Ballantyne as | blood, nerves, heart, kidneys and FS one} lot, con 15; Wm. Schmidt |liver.’ All Weakness is turned’ into as M F on lot 10, con 16; George Goett- strength, new energy and nourishing A ler as O ptlot 6, con 2; Lewis Goettler4 blo re creat uoy: good = as O pt lot 6, con 1; Edward Stoskopf [health is sotatlihod ina dort time, as nm lot on 1; Joseph Mc-|Discouraged Women Found New SEVENTEEN YEAR’S +|Namaraas¥'Son lot 2 con 2 Fin. | DscoureR' ad ee J ley Smart as FS on tot 11, con 2;| ol Frank Smart as F 8 on lot 11, con 2; Tha ed prety Beaty. “elven myself. RECORD Charles McCaffery. as FS on lot 5,|upas incurable. I eak and Ree sare! con.4; Alex, Simpson as F'S on lot 6,|siekly_all the time, ‘ha a ‘headache, ops n 4; Sain Kastner as O M lot | poor digestion and sinking feeling - 17, on 4; Wilfred noe as F'§ on lot Pa relns oe ae me 8 ae was 21, con 4; Frank Stu on . Sound & Careful Management | 0: 16, con 5; Daniel W jerneras Fg on hee fae Ue ceaetdiags ae hot lot 20, con 5; Peter on ENTITLES lot F 8 lot 20, con 5; eee Baumbach | ened my blood, for gained in as FS on lot 22, con 5; Mary Martin,| strength as soon as , hem. THE widow, O on lot 2, con 8; Thos. Carty | Steady improvement jal ged and I as F § on lot 24, con 7; And. Bold an pletely ot i] iM N TIRE assessed on et 14, con 8; albert: Ratz Gilrs,) M. E, Benson, Wookstock. F34a pt 1, con 9; Wm. Egg- Strength and Spirits Improved. seeas FS let %,,eon 11; Henry and | “No medieine conld possibly be bet- John Blackwell T pt 28, con 12; $200;| ter than Dr. Hanititon Fs prrites Ses And. Kuhry, O lot 82, con 12: ‘Jacob| Mr, Jos. Devine from Ottawa "T Hy ee ae ees a 18; ie 0) are had pains in the back rata aide 7 cas: Opp as 7, col sper trouble, theres be cor aoa ates te Se OT Eon Jo Schltr ee) ig, $200; Her- a eee ae headache, but Dr. man Buel t 15, von) Hammilton’s Pills cured me quickly. 1 8; $200; Maenst i aetlonieest ‘was|enn recommend! to every man.” Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. | |reduced’on pt lot 15, con 13, $200;|°"You'll become vigoro Christian Sehenck as FS lot 34, enjoy & good epintie peuesane p will z con 13; . Aiken as F § on lot 1,| miess and sound after regu- He iO Cheick Benneanas. oe es Bones your system. with Dr. Hamil- eon 16; Samuel Anderson as I § lo ’s Pills. Price 250. per box, or fv S. BRICKER, 8, con 16; Robert Rayeratt as JO MI | toxes for $1, a¢ all Genes ee be District Agent, Listowel, Ont. § | lot 21, con 16; Mai paleo, Widow, | mail fron we Polson & Co., Hart- an = ea ghd "Soe 1 ey 3, | fords Conn., U. 8. A., and “Kingston, nt. oS

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