apc him down! Brain him! bul ig bil’s ed his protecting hold wu a pokes: bleeding, neiate dying at oi iercing scream broke from her Ups. ‘She stooped to bi a bystander. Take the handcuffs off the poor woman and let her look at her husband.” indeed !” exclaimed jot only murdered a beautiful lady ; bub yall ry @ chur ry and killed halt- doze radar sae the crowd. Could of dying husband and thrust into a stagecoach, guarded by three other bailiffs, immediately journey, Tai erate here were no other ‘passengers but of Sheriff's officers and. their one pri- Re f the first part of this terrible home- They ‘stopped at the inted hoi and stations to breakfast, dine, and sup, an water and change the horses, but See to sleep. They tra- velled day and night; cae as no other uring the Shots horrible journey the hapless young wife neither ate, drank slumbered, nor spokes all the faculties of mind and body, all the functions of st nature, seemed to be suspended, It was on the night of the third day, cura ey were in the last stage of the jour In some alarm the bailiffs thrust their heads out of side windows to the ie and et to see what the obstacle mi T ir horror and amazement they found it Reirenigided by half ae Score of highwaymen, armed to the tee! CHAPTER TX. ish . seal 3 @asped Jones, falling back in hi “Good gracious f” cried Smi ‘and all-tne, brave “bum pals” who gallant so gallai bullied and brow- ere Sybil, and her sole defender, dropped panig-stricken, paralyzed by “Get out of this, you vermin ordered a stern! voice at one of the wi ‘e—yes, dentlemen Peal toeed ted of | black bottle, which he Proust eae put “The road robbers, by all that’s devit-| {1 {THE GHAI OR, SYBIL BERNER’S 4 VINDICATION $ : CHAPTER VIl.—{Continued). ‘Ho, Pluto! who is here?” inquired Moloch, ee into the hall, and bear- ing Sybil in his arms. “No one, ere pa the girls and the woman! and’ they have just come! And ni ire , and no supper ready me, bestir yourself, bestir yourself, and make a fire first of all. Where ae lady-is as cold op death ! ka 2” a this room, sir,” answered the old Sane i a pa he hearth knelt Gentiliska, trying ieane leo dering fire of gre wood into a blaze “What the d—1 is the use of puffing away at that? You'd just as well try to set fire {0 a wet sponge," impatiently exclaimed M adie wenetg ancl? ihesmmione! wrenched off a di ter, broke it into pieces with his bare hand, and piled it in among the green logs. Then from his pocket he took a flask of whisky, poured a porti on the weak, red embers, and in sient bad the whale wets et fuel in: roaring blaze. Meanwhile Sybil, unable to stand, had sun lown upon the floor, where she remained only until Gentilska. saw ioe Wpthe, blaze s ice” said the kind- hankted girl, taking Sybil’s hands mney. “Sit here,” she ee arranging her own red cloak Thanks,” ” murmured Sen —you are very “Thanks Haye it you have, give it 50 me!" was the next request of the irl, The giant lumbered off to a heap of miscellaneous luggage that lay in ene er, and from it he root ut a in the hands of the girl, saying : “There! ha, ha, ha! there’s some of her own old We made a raid upon Black Hall buttery Tast night, on irpose to provide for hi “AIL right. Now a tin sauce pan, and me sugar and spice, old Moloch | and also, if possible, a cup or tumbler,” said Gentiliska. The giant went back to the pile in the corner, and after a little search brought forth all. the articles. required by the ¢ | girl. “Now, good Moloch, go and do for the feat what you uu have done for me. Make at she may have ipper ready for the captain when he comes,” sae Gentil “Just so, rincese,”” agreed the robber, 10 inn liately papain, anotl who - shutter, and carried it off into the ad- ae back room to kindle the Kitchen were wrong to leave us! Yoi ate Bry trouble immediately! You would have been in worse by this time, if we had not r you! Don’t you know when the laws are down you ur only safety is with quired Gentiliska, as she found herself alone with her guest, iow. I don't-care. one to me now. it were not a sin, I would die by sui- cide,” answered ins with the dreary Ue ag of oa uu and come with us merry outlaws hy protect you. An do, ¥ $ Not injure an: Best for all iority is most the washing Common the _ painted Even the or soft wi find any cause micals or form of adulteration, Sunlight ‘| Soap is a perfect a and will poses, Sunlight Soap’ s super- surfaces of woodwork take the color out of clothes. or lace, or the most ~~ Sunlight Seep in the Si way (follow direc- aad sg with hard Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto E 5,000 REWARD =a rit household pur- conspicuous in of clot soaps destroy or Samuhed and daintiest linen ite recognized you, 5 it ‘slill Sybil sat a as sai While Gentiliska’ nds poured it rin] stronglirt you. hu you must not dink and tiv “Yes must ive, ig thtow putation. from, the Jones. “Ta—take all infanticide to slay such miserable helpless ercelctee r Januted, p Sybil, as d a “pelonging to The Ganbling balls descended from the coach and up+their pocket- books and Mebetd ad then. submitted j § e be tied to The coa ehinage ot the guard yieldec to the same necessi| The horses were faker from the ecach | Se! and appropriated to the use of the vic- 8. d_ lastly, Sybil, who was rendered And look that us eae ike. tay, with due deferencet’ ver you fear, captain !" answered selec ie stronges| Groups mounted and litted the shores form of the lady into - ea before him. and set off at full eed, clattering through the rugged HOLD ae pass with companion half out of hi now, in her "despait of life, “there tl - as career— the hope of a sudden dea But the “gigantic ron ney sae self, his horse, and his carried his ae trough aha reettal pass in. per! They pees a SMe narrow. seclud- “ed valley, inthe midst of which stood ol stone house, closely menace oe trees, and only di Set seen ae oe Spied night ese ¥ Ease vider ie his Potne deep silence that prevailed, the one on its ind. holding Sybil a , Highily. velsped in his three times three, the oe cautiously opened id man, who held a bi withered fingers, we have, but spa—spa—| {ro in| And the new artist he jour retreat; but it did. and loss when you ran away the last time ; aid you know ily. ut did; and T'll tell. you ‘th secret xo Ha ‘ark was known t eaple. i ee EpEeslely kept ade ES hat it wi ong by a1 kept it tals oat Shey thought oa were fe from pursuit and arrest. Then ome of Captain Pendleton's people—it it leak out until it got to the ears of the authorities, who n They misreprest ted. You got the credit of voniblarity consorting sry us and of purposely blowing up the ai old Fiinted Chapel. hat were issued ‘or your arrest charged you with that ime . 0." Heaven !” exclaimed Sybil, for. Aiea all her indifference ; “what. w: they not heap upon my head next? a noe rest under this imputation | 1 wi “Neither would I, if 1 were you—that is if rT eau help i ” said the girl, sar- ly. ut | Sybil ates epic yon tts into imminent danger 5f arrest, had no idea then that your arrest ein Teo to. the aes of ir de- teotives brought fe the n of Recs Gitswen ieee, Sup persist the lew to our cavérns, and that “ere Fé: ih her hands ae see iene. toga, with her id feat set in de eyes ‘Still ry! ind | heedless of all tat she heard. The ii continued her st EO let no ime b be lost. aN gathered valuable ant fs in Wi watehed th ria riding frequently to the eee to try c in, sat with her thin hands rtable of | 'Y | daughter. And she took thé goblet and drank the ae ae ge er Cae othe active resolution. “You look pel iB ye something. Sard s a oH it. reasons for saving your life," angtily rT retorted the ‘And T:baye “ing ir galloping of a hors en the ber niet, ‘with thre was pe" time to be lost in: making our] mock opportunity: into doing.” jaar es what =e ay it fe justice, instead deep despair, regardless ‘es, ER live !” said Sybil. WW eutecian Shea fixed des; a settled itateerninaon? a “death than lead an outlaw’s He Ls cu give myself uy my life upon the ba ae ae all the rest,’ mn eonchiaen Gen: in the same attitude Ss of all that 's tongue was run- ere also busy. SI tit in lo heat. And out in aellver wug now and handed It to ey saying: as will warm and You Took Mie death, die yet. \You must. “y off this horrible im- fame of my father's se in- 4 firm, ‘ou were going to do is it?” inquired Gentiliske, in onalerneline m the contrary, | ! ins we have taken, ing have ‘given me the ee ee of vail delivering m: m: reasons aoe risking | ;. re chan re eS, a the itl, as the heard in fig sai¢ e's feet was t passed, and then the rob-| > e or four of h Hee an instan€ Sybil was dumb before the speaker, but she guns recovered her ste eerie and sai ought to thank you. for your gal- given me aifor 6 of voluntarily doing | j that which I should not like to be foreed Captain Inconnu bowed in silence, and im some perplexity, and then he said : “Tam not re that I eee yous you woul ly before eae of being foreed thither,” he | devils f 5 Tun, to rescue you?” exclaimed Gentiliska, in disma; I trust you would never commit such a “pulcidal act ie exclaimed the captain, in caper nati “Yes, ‘an thing for rey ite | mal life worth the living! gone but mye true” honor-for its mere one with~everything e the true honor | will. I care-no- 1 have lost all that All help of Providence,” said Sybil, has ‘with a stoical firmness wonderful to see in one so youn; 2. Captain sonnet liad listened in | Silence,: “wi! eyes fixer Stttttt++tttttttt+++tt+ | : = About the Farm 3 Stet teeta tee t PRESERVING EGGS. ground, now ited them to her face and bi eems that no} of thi e replied: roved absolutely sure except the so- “Slee nn this. resolution before. you ,called water glass process. The secret act, Mrs. eee and to-morrow we | of the succ of this method is that wu talk further on this subject.” ine we oe excludes tne ain and ity sl re easily applied. Tecessty uoep on. it-pelore-+"" Use pure water that. has been thor since. nothing can be done to-night; , but also 1 must tell yo thatnothing | can chai my larned to"Gentiliska and said: | “Now, Tel us have supper, my litle princess, arid afterward we’ will open the mailbags and see what they have brought us,” Gentiliska ~clapped. her hands. toge- ther to summon ‘the old woman ‘of the band, who. quickly made her appear-! ance at the door. { Si upper immediately, Hecate !” said The wi man. nodded and. withdre: And in a few moments she Cennpsaen, a summoned them in to the evening supper was served in the ridest vain fashion. There were neither table*nor chairs. A fine tablecloth, ‘not too eo was spread upon ee flo and on it were arranged a few plain auticlee’ of food such as could be qaletly prepared: “You will excuse our imperfect house- pe, Mrs. Berners.. The fact in, and have not seltled yet,” himself down by her side. of the band joined them at the meal, and Captain Taconau and Gentiliska did the honors. CHAPTER X. hén Sybil woke the sun was stream- ae at the unshaded windows, and by ae blaze-of-light she saw that two of the men @ room,-an n ae vite 08 ‘except Gentiliska. The up; and was- making. what shut she ete to Fae ther face with the aid. atin 5 — ewer, and a, ne ree “all ‘of which, nd, were ae When she had finished washing, ‘she, carefully emptied the contents ofthe coveredthat her guest was smile, | “Yes, for [was worn oul, “This is the | first night in four Ahab 1 have tain down | night’ in eight,” ; 5 a answered Sybil “My gras nes goodness you sland it? Yo How could Race ects aa ‘a former occasion, the girl at- ieaae “the lady at her rude toilet, ren- deri ae fhe assistance .of a dressing- [ before thi. att the room, Gen- wnistea, chancing lance out of the window,-uttered ee exclamation of sur- prise and delight. fat ig. 1 inquired Sybik, “The captain's son! Oh, a beautiful boy, Mrs: Berners | An- angel among | He-has been gone so long Al 0 has; unaxpectedly come. back again. Look, Mrs. Berners ! how I do wish somebody would deliver ; this se from. this peng ure young xclaimed Genthiska, with more ahs they: Sy- 5 bil had ever séen her display. Following the aan ice of the girl's eye, the ey, spk d from the window. angelic loveliness of the lad’ before her. | i e charm was not alone in the soft, ight, golden. hair. that. Weoww halo around the fair, open forehead, nor oming complexion it.was also in the expres- ; of. earnest candor and trusting na that beamed from every feature cf! 0! that sbasultd face. y he looks like a sere a i ae a ” pa ‘Sybil, a burst ee admirat Ms “It is Raphael.” | “‘Raphaeb! <an“appropriate namé, “So tight bavéAdoked- the Shllacartist: Rast phael, in-his-brightest. day: earth. | of rams sean, ‘as if spellbound, on the sae of ~(To be BonuAnedt, ———+ MOATED HOU: Helminglon: Hall: is’ the ‘seat’ of “Lord about eastellated mansion, rounded with walls enclosing neatly seven acres of groun is moat S| sunita with water from St. anareg’s ses NS Fe - VOICE BY GRAMOPHONE. A young lady from Austrélia has just “record, yy the ean of the. ee he thought she might examination, and was cessful. lidates - oul ie 490 Dscopanglt ; Us r | at the right Line, r in is bette cool vellar is good. * kop ;toc warm the silicate is dep dg eggs are not properly preted. 0 wash the eggs before packing, for nee doing their keeping quality is in- jured probably by diseelving ‘he mui ol saved and may proye harmful to nt lass is a very cheap product enough solution eggs, so the cost method would only be about one cent a dozen. wooden Kége Or “barrels “tre d hich to pack the eggs, they should roughly scalded “4 ith oi boiling water to sweeten and puri FARM NOT! Thorough cullivation is essential to ood crops, but thorough preparation of the ground before planting is just as essential. The school children of our day are acliye in nterest in all enter- ated to, improve ig as walnuts. raw the soil rom. Ul away fi hut rather ridge up lightly. ‘The middle he rows, ike a ditch with a smooth, hard bot- ae ‘scientist has recently made thestate- ment that pe te td world’s supply of nitrogen is in the next 25 years the inhabitants thereof will face ‘Starvation. But to this h wailon the arlifclal Heaton Gf almospherie nitrogen. Get it fro air by Nature's methods, wwhlon wil probably: be the cheapest 2% years from now just they are to. ‘AL present there.are several sources. of “nilrog gen for fertilizing the soll, but none uperior to the plan of drawing it from ihe air By gs owing leguminous crops. LIVE STOCK NOTES, Cotonseed meal is good food while cows ar shure fed areen fodder ‘Be sure ‘sweet. Never feed it whi fresh and a grea at advantage to e to three eae it mixed ie thelr f feed. gee Aa idgment, one or two handfuls of “Ant seed oil est eee is ae ‘relish is far prefe he ee handsome, he ri Hane yy horse ves be driven. shottld weigh ab but Tater on ies ee little pair att weigh | Sbout will be popul: Peet ‘will meat te. be ae mdsome font in- order to fi the now ind fashionable homes. ‘And end saddler will always be in FEEDING BRAN T TO POULTRY. Is certainly and o1 but it will a far that it ig lime ia the food {hat is most easton A cause it is the form that-can be «bet! digested an | essimilated. than corte ol fa rT is also rich in lime, and win clover-and bran is given to the sats they “will need at Shells mineral matter. as source tort wi sit to ‘provide time for the shells of oe GOOD. Roatie Spray Covers every Hart of the leat bord Nahin escape: Good spraying, too, is, always done ay a While-before: or tributed Paris green, | Spraying that pay: LIGHT AND VENTILATION, Provide Blenty of light, we dark stab) is an abomination, regard! ai Ness of want ith most, invariably “go to; eget PIDs hae sish. (ld ones are Tust g00d for this purpose) :and-fit- wi Telia here there be ordinarily: one ae there should be. two or. Three square feet of sash is none. ~ ‘much for each ten linear feet of si idig. The windows may iia of be hinged at Ae lower oe are held place ata, providing for aj © relied of entiation which, oe lec eride er than ni * wil SatSey Gael aie Hoe “There's one » thing Twill say. you guite as well as your mother used tb poele ‘What's’ that, ret?" Te: “Hello, Bilkins, us 9 ou for now?” “Same people — & wife ta five, chil children. ‘ speorls It is In the Practice of Surgery That is. kind of cabinet for the proj if work} a Re Union Bank of Canada 4ist Annual General Meeting STATEMENT OF YEAR'S BUSINESS. Forty-First Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Union Bank ‘of pannee even hala a the Banking House, in Quebec, on Monday ‘une ea ‘There ent 2 Hon, Joun ‘Sharples: Wa. Pri fe, TG Aylwin, “Lieut-Col. ‘Turnbull, ur = Geo. HL. Thomson, J, P, Casgrain, H. Hi simmons, 0, A. Pentland ahd Juled Ky the motion of Hon. John Sharples, seconded by, Wm. Price, the President, hhomeon, took tho chairs aad sted Mr. J. G, Billett to act as Secre: eee gan Mesors. ©. P. "Champion and Arthur Ir Scott ae Serutt necks, which "te Sereed to. The Chairman read the report of the Directors, was as ‘The Directors submit a statement of the Assets and Liabilities of the nk nt the close of fh" financial year ending sist ier Tnst, also the following ftalemsitcot ti easel © busi 1 past y TAND LOSS, ‘ACCOUNT, MAY Bist, 1906 Me. Balance at Oredit of account, May Sist, 1905 a $ 74,613 66 Not, Profits for, your, aftor deaetn exponses of petnet a in. due depositors, reserving for interest and ex tanklag. provision for and. doubtful debts, and for ra ys bills “under ‘digeount, ave ‘amounte 452,930 24 Premium received on 5,00 shares of new Capital’ Stock 200,000 00 $_ 727,443.90 Which has been sor as follows :— Dividend No. 78, Threo and onehalt per cent. ... $ 94,897 00 Dividend No. 79, 1 105,000 00 Transferred to Res 400,000 08 f Bank Premises 100,000 00 Baisnoa of dobhtaneien tained 27,546 90 $727,443 9 EST ACCOUNT. EN Bal t credit of account, May Stet, 1905 4,100,000 09 Premium received on New sGapital Stock... 200,000 00 Amount transferred from 200,000 00. a Average Capital a use during year, $2,625,800. was increased during ‘apital of the Bank the year by the male of 5,08 shares of its Stock, at Sad per share, ‘Phe, Bromium of $200,000 9 8 Fund, ‘which: now amounts ‘to. $1,600,000, or 60 per’ cent. on the ‘Capital of they Bank. The net earnings of $400,900.14: alow 160 per ient. ot Doge peered. to tu) Gilera ae much regret the death during the year “Gitons, a ze esteem met ber of ei: Board. ‘The vacancy “was thea hb the election of Mr. ey, of Winnipeg. i tion of the Branches has been made during the year, customary inspection of the Brancl H made during the yeas: GENERAL STATEMENT. LIABILITIES, ° Quebec, Juno 18th, 1 of the Bank in ciroulation Deposits not bearing interes Deposita bearing intere: Deposits made by and balances due to other Banks in Canada Total Liabilities to the public Gapital paid “up st Accoun' for interest’ and Exchange eserved for Rebate of Interest on Bilis Discounted | ht idends unclaime Balance of Profit a1 ASSETS. nd Silver Coin. Gold, Son Government Banas Deposit with Dominion Government for security of Note Ciroula: id’ Cheques 0 trom ‘other Banks in Can Notes vot ‘on other Banks Balan from Agents in Ki Baanee & from Afsate in Uulted States Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, or Foreign or Colonial Public Seaman ties: ae than Canadian Call and Shor and Bonds in Call Loans on Fauets and Bonds in United States : Sia os ther Debts (estimated loss proviaee oer 27,803 33 Qrertweeate other than Bo tgages on a Bank’ Bremises and Fura 991.449 78 Other Asse realy 31,157 74 Ga. Hu. BALEOUE, May testy ee ral Pa peop ae ds -Mucinesh, and aabonind Meine meee Sharples— on ei ort at aod ae peeling. be adopted, and printed for di mat ‘tho Rep: pee ies SERS tri Carter, "and seconded by _Tleut,.Col. That to the “Directors of, the Bank to eg sitabioh "atagantse suc) to such co1 irectors may by revolution ‘of the Board determine, ‘and, for the Directors may gontribute thereto ont of the funds of ay deem - pi jor the due carrying out of this sums as they m: airman having asked for an cE of opinion from thi mbled ag to as Gitte tgrted els are tio gk LE, go a oa an tapuely, that the pract nue “Hoved by” Mr. jomson, and seconded by Nor Tht tho ng ae pee ete tea} election of Biretore’ tar ine en suing ye + ok and that he reoeint of votes be: kept open until ‘one ‘shook, ot unt the ‘tafot 8 have clapsed without a vote being offered, during which time men five mi ie maa penied. Ok ceeds utincers appointed at the meoting reported that the following gentle men were elec tors of the Bank for, tho. eneuin eae Andrew Thomsen, Hon vee ‘Bharoles, Bt, “Hale, Wa ge cbaw ee hs Date, t,_F. a ‘iley, eee Subseauont. mesting of SGhectw board of, Dowsiory Mv. 4. Shimson wae reclected President, and Hon. John Sharples, Vice-President. f Montreal, who has been elected a Director of the President of ‘the ag Ney eg tmp ge neh the Empire To bacco Mr. Mortimer B. Davis bys. PQ, pt Montreal, and the H. Corby Distillery Gompaity, Limited, ie Bellevile, Ontario. , AS THEY SWAM ABOUT. In much the same way the entire face can be illuminated, a little bulb of light being introdueed into the cavity behind the. nose, A remarkable discovery has made by Dr. A; . DEVICES TO AID DOCTORS EXCEEDINGLY CLEVER AND UP-T0- DATE INVENTIONS. ee ordinary smooth glas: wound 13. the be Most of These Novel Devices ae. Are Employed. of the most interesting, and cer- disease- h the Medling Under the Raeag through the suit. foot there is a smal bellows, the RD a ang tie cae WAYS OF FAR EAST. Indian, Princes ad Westra Nurse Hamilton and Geish A British trained ae of pe far hes ‘Two. glass. eyerpieces e This novel device} {am on a case 1 region of surgery: recen| DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASE. It is quite open in front and just deep 7 person to step into and Sania upright in, - large Rambet ol elecirienlights are ide, which af- the eondition: of amy can glance, so to Speaeand any fig abnormal eboul it once. detecte idea of iuaminating the body for ing the Inlerior is ‘oe ee aye a Sormeal enchanted by the ‘smi “Of the geisha He @ who "go out in ais garden imp!” Lieut.-Gen. Sir Ian eS ies on the RFusso-Japanes oer when it lights up the nee ot es the presence of any vee stance can be detected without tat “This device appears to hi | his speech: translated shimes Ags you are — sparrow, I wish you oe shut sell ‘up in a box!” cleatiy a eevee