NEWTON. He is blasted off and brought up t he surface in big lum} eer small anaghe Dr. Murray, eh | “Atwood, was in joe cian to pe e question i eas on Friday arises ho’ eee get the coal up. e s. H. C, loeaer is spending a few quests isa tr: ie laid on iiss, the same aays § Sealortl any ordinary railwayitrack; upon : "T Havctloon has aiaposed of is tas track ‘they have placed small iping cars, One esr Holding abou! Cutlery at and below Cost aveling to Robt, Whit iuinplna oat4 one = in is spending a few|drawn to the eleyator with mules. days in Listowel this w They hitch one or two and some- ) e e The following have aes in town | times three mules to one car, accord- e i ne the Holey: Miss Harrow at| ing to the load to be drawn, they are Hawke's; Miss Cook, of Berlin, | hitched one a-head of another. There AG ‘Nise Mariay ei) Mrs. Dobson, of | are quite young boys that attend to Steak Knives, regular price do Butcher * oh oD Vancouver, at Neilson’s; and | the mules, about 15 or 16 years of age. Mrs. Barnhardt ante “Miss McClory at| They work 10 hours a day, for which SCISSORS Win. Dunbar's. th ea S. Joseph Gies and sister Maud|ears are taken on to the elevator, eS ‘ Regular price $1.35 now 92c. Regular prige $1.00 now 7Be spent Sanday in St, Clements drawn up and dumped intg a breaker me i Regular price 90c now 68c. Regular price w ATe vine two Lady Rvangeliss who. ar-/(Of which 1 wil give deseription Regular price 60e now 43c. Regalar jo naw abe rived a week ago’ hang held mighty [ater the are are Tet down again - ; os 40 v2 bes ineetings- in the town hall and by : h pl Megulr prc ae B.B. now 36¢ Regular price 35¢ now 20¢ Appearances have had good attend-|°MPty carsare taken down and fall The People’s Store ances. Regul S Beat Wetniaare ne of the mining our guide took us ina bp aie ie eos Bent Trimmers now 15c. The farmers have about Sallber different direction. After walking + + ’ ' h i th Rey ing feo oe, nae already ct pone aati eae © mle a aa on a ese. neir fall. wheat which promises a|in a nice stable w ere they keep the Terms Cas good yield. mules. This stable is about 80 feet extanl 20, 24, 28 and 82 feet, for 20c per foot.| Mr. Wm. Johnston and wife and| wide and long enongh for two double ‘We also sell Extension Ladders, 2 mily of Listowel speut Sunday at| stalls with a feed passage infront and a Mr, ©, Yost water in front of the manger. The Not necessary to introduce the Bargain List with money words—People know. JAS. Ss. I A pe a SO floors are of plank; after viewing the atablea we retdediell agai’ to the mialn Every home that’s acquainted with this store knows that our great object always is entrance, and taken to the surface, to give you Geniline Bargains that will bring every home in direct connection with 2 The People’s Store as a money saver to every participant. GRAVEL L RIDGE. Hardware Merchant + + NEWTON) x. aca s Ricbling visited |* os frlondial Romtenk an Monty rer Mr. annin, has panned after a month's trip to the West th FOR SALE. Clerk's Notice of First Post- Bargains all over the store but our specials for this week are as follows: LAR i of Voters’ List lie staasal og A : ‘ x see Town Tots on easy terms et a stoned at to trend a ig on an an Dronberaare famlatiorce ithe power A 56 inch Semi-bleached Table Damask, regular 50c for 4oc, reg. 25¢ for 20c. at and he so ee 5 Sah - ly if VOTERS’ L LIST, 1906 Bir, Mrs. Phillips Westman| ‘em the one plant. ‘The steam is A 56 inch Semi-bleached Table Linen, reg. 30¢ for 20c, a ee peg Sey trendy we Bia | ene re ie Beats MUNICIPALITY OF THE ion re After this we were taken tothe water A pure Damask Linen, fully bleached, beautiful design, satin finish, regular 60c 2 he farmers of this vicinity have | hoist (as they. call if) whieh totes the for 45c, Extra Bargain. i fae Sale or Rent TOWNSHIP OF MORNINGTON) mostly finished hauling in their places ofapump. Tedrainsthe 6mines is pump is wroug! electrici ; oe _ : Good house and Jot in Milverton with COUNTY OF PERTH. Mes rs, Jack Langford and Edgar| it's capacity is 4000 gal.'a min; the A 72 inch Semi-bleached Damask Linen full bleached, pattern, regular 75¢ for stuble. Apply ee Taggart spent Sunday with Milverton | depth of the shaft is 480 feet. This 50c. M, A. LEIGHTON, | oe fe as SREBY GIVEN that I ha friends. water ig Damped nto. nee transmitted or delivered £0 the pers Mr, Eunice Langford left on Mon-|from whence it is drained into an ‘ e i 4 § od i ae ssi a day cri ai ween as open, siren. 1¢ ea magnificlent ae ee ap ane ee aaa ne ts tee el with large scroll pattern or ¥ PGS ritton. . a bucket abou small dot design with or without border, regular 75c for 50c. “they ain hy Milverton Act of Clothier of] feet, 1p diameter and 20 fect long. 8 , at Park ‘end ‘Mice wana Schaefer of | cea with water, drawn up ape Colored Damask green and red, with border, regular 60c for 45c. Extra spec- } ve, a ay Cato eee li oat alin one minute. the we Sel © ‘ : f ; Z Sembiy and at. Municipa ms, and tl Heh tall Of ARE a ok ete f : i the sald ist was rst poste Bre apre ie oC eaceree etl we Wald Si Elina Chua “0, BOX 294, Milverton uly 16th, 1906, works Sntomatioal and goes a RSS there 0 pale i ns Hictors | next a nd lay Tae guar o’el clock and night SHEEN act ae te He 6 doz. Table Cloths, Semi-bleached, large and small design, bordered, fringed, 7) he as ed examine the said Ii quasterly services at) {s is the only automatic hoist in oe " ‘ omissions oF 0 ors are found ho Farm for Sale at Milverton Station et are Hing to Millbank in the a istance and run by eleetricity. After size 60x90, regular 1.75 for $1.00. Don't miss this bargain. 4 ati. e the sald errors co SURES acrius ot sale Ebates about | this we went back to our hotel for i z 5 , i +3 of Loi 1. 4, Morn vw to08 | aY, gave the the farmers of this vicinity dinner. : A pure Linen Satin finished Damask cover size 2x3 yds with Napkins to match (i a Bank qgtraw, shed;| Dated at Burns, this 16thday of July 1906 /a great of tronble on Sunday t 2.30 p. m. the special left Scran- 2 s ena ee o i; f weaves a acre Saat a sone ene niore ire ie Chater na geen A ines a anes the Wyonihpe size 27x27 inches, beautiful design, reg. 8.75 per set for $6.00. Don’t fail tosee 2 a, ple nid rain oe aa sieriaenet: Sai aoe were knocked dow: Valley, to en acliveakor aie they this beautiful line. : Tip ta-the peopricton, oF to sted ae Pe Mate has material on the eal: tho. Seneaanle Breaker. mney e ply to the propre = = ae put a new roof on his barn. | claim i e the largest breaker in Q eas ware : Se eee eee ta tke Sha WGA SThe amines Where thie Table Napkins, full bleached, size 27x27 inches, large scroll design, reg. 1.25 , ———= COMMERCIAL. parts. by hauling 103 bunehes of | breaker is built upon are 840 ft. deep. for.$1,00, A better line, reg. $2.00 for 1.60. = oo : inne siya Brunner station in one| The average oar oon oe ae ; joad one da; ei 8 of coal = IN oases A 3 : ; WW A N a E D ! Ass Sab. Feoeived @ message |e 18 17 feet high, all coal (as atready Special A 27x27 inch Hemmed Table Napkin, block pattern. bordered, reg. Fall whest per bith «e552 frouParkullon Becueiey ofthese stated) are taken from the mines in 3-50 for 2.75 per dozen. Barley per bush .. ere illness of her daughter, Mrs, Jno. AOA E iS deat abe Con * Z ‘ Sane i At once, twenty teams to} Osts Newell. "Word came too late for her |? the breaker, dumpted into a screen, All other lines of Table Linens and Napkins, not on this list, we will allow rg Pe: se to catch the train on Saturday night, | the dust is taken out an peal be ey work on the Guelph & Goder- Anne per bag. but she went early on Monday morn: |"¢ Put through ape bree srdiennc 20 per cent. discount. i é Pat ing. > ich Railway at $5 per day.| tay per ton.. A severe electrical storm passed an ‘eesorting process. As we went 10 per cent. on all Linen Towellings, Sheetings and Circular Co See Ria FOLINSBEE, | 20" coe over this section on Sunday. Tt com: | SOME we noticed the different grades i: I sent oA gs, ig Cottons. pply to.—J. 4 , Begs per doz | menced early in the morning aeccom- | % Loehes SG aaa ater north window for a special display. s 1, Lard. pani vy rain and wind, i F epee ctor Milverton: 8 Which played ‘havoc with standing | Young boys stting on the side of the Another shipment of Prints, the finest prints you ever 5 w b pig ie Relda of cate oe whetening whole | cise which is useless, after that they saw, reg. 12 1-2 and 15c for 8e yd. for Sale in | Milverton cut and in shock was also put. into Lapa dealeage pen ete Nona bad shape. ‘The severest part of the aetidai t " VNC IN aie liarge Pee cheba, Toenevcreateer ct the large breaker is run by electricity. Full ‘‘Marsells” Spreads, double bed size, reg, 1.50 for 1.00, reg, 2.75 for 2.25, Mel EES streak, the wind carrying everything | ers 18 Only ane besides | this reg. 4.00 for 3.00. Kaliway containing about Ba ‘splendid before it, fences in man i St0 we had: Beat AoW ar chtoagh thle oe 5 OE Min street having a frontage. of "G0 feet Pe earn, Gnd, orchards upwrooted. | pailding we landed at the top of the _ Ribbons! Ribbons!—Hundreds of yards of ends, remnants, etc, in a ferlesinate le he ‘ ei sine valuable, phabiabiret ear rg ea bn ee Were then taken down Ribbons of Silks, Taffetts, Satins etc.. any length or width, at bargain prices. Seer wt rooted biifineofiashana sre tae ‘i ne vet ng 73 100 —-_>__——_. we were all called on board and wer Silks—We are-going to offer Silks for the next 10 days at prices that will Potatoes per bag 5 78 A Trip to the Coal Fields. as “fo, Beranton aga oS Oe surprise you;At one end of our store you will see a Table loaded with Silks of all ob morse sf ain, hy pte W.b. WEIR, Milverton ae oe Sale hacgeeit oHate drain: wheres we their at at 6 pM min coe evening td criptions pe cannot here enumerate. They are ail Pee and late) patterns at ; # entertained by e bratich off is’ gupperted above with| their families in the age your choice for 5oc, reg. prices 75c, 90¢, $I.00, 1.25 and 1.50 per yar ii ft. with a few 5 i % the rock from coming down at in bered 5-“This sate, hot aati: See our Window Display of Toilet Sets, new. ‘designs, dust arrived, which we n thing grand. The choir had been will offer for the next 10 days at Sale Prices. Look and seé. ees fT to where the miners work-there is opgaged by the >. Lew. 2. E Co. a ity deseri for our entertainment. The day is 5 ge eee tae oes poly the mere coal-gr’ rather slate; the | ow ended and we. must say it pee A 10 piece Set, in colors, Green, Blue, Pink and Combination, reg, 3.50 for f sides Of Shee shafts or holes are ajindeed a delightful and very in- $2.25. ' AILWAY To Manitoba He'rock of pure conl, ‘here Is an structive day, being in the mines; % - enawa viewing the great water pum + Sitar * . ¢ = 0 manito! asKaccewan ——" ‘li ii Peay ae Sit ruovee mal Wadithe priviede of ora ronae ___ A beautiful line in assorted colors, beautifully decorated, finished with bur- the largest breaker in the world and nished gold, latest designs, reg. 4.50 and 5.50 for only 3.50. n for the additional for the return ticket, eing the a iffe = roses 8 that ; 1906 D going trip. Seat CRREIOIITER Oe botons Haghel bovet sat Sec elae as Bee A big shipment of Assorted Chinaware, large and small pitchers, cream and GOING DAT (To te continued.) milk pitchers, extra large water pitchers, at prices from 10c to 50ceach, Something AUB. 14 Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including SaannoE new an Souvenit China. is d stati th, t north of Cardwell Z ; ite if AUG. 17 Hanne Torani o Sra an “hapten aehcee ae ca ei Thomas of at Batlin isertas We are headquarters for New and Fresh Groceries, Il points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and ing at Mr. Ro AUG, 22 easbedaah Rack tr rorcnteand Cardwell Juartea oa Nort Bay and Mrs George Eberwein we regret to Get our prices on Sugars and Fruit Jars. We handle Redpath’s Best idland. Divisio S : en Rpt re I Sroie-2 06 te ese Wad beet seriously ill. Granulated only, ‘ni s being the limit: they ron ‘One was {stirs fatmery, appblated by Manttobn and Saskatchewan Government, will met tate venga being $4 to $8 ey that | Miss Lorna Yonkin of Berlin is at ived an “Extra Fine” Table $ Bri . rate: Taborers on arrival at WinttPSG: | winnipeg to'polnta where laborers ate needed. time, present visiting Miss Goe Just received an “Extra Fine” Table Syrup. ring ajar. 5c per quart, 1a) shaded and’ this certifiente, when executed ‘The question came to me a : eee ees cara at Pod thirey days or more, will be ‘honored from |an hue in whieh ‘sare Miss Moore of Guelph is See that point for @ second class ticket back fo-starting polut in Ontario, at $18.0), prior to MStlsvl vanin the wiloe wiiore thet visiting her sister Mrs. Daw Pure Maple Sugar, just what you want at this season, at 25c per quart. Tickets w ‘Will be issued to women as wel issued at half fare to children, t ti] ry p coal. : wo 4 i Hf i i Fiske colt Gaol Farm Rreeg ce See ba wil nor be Wai ciouices oy ee ere aes drs, wer oy and anger are Notice:—Our Vinegar is extra select XXX White Wine which we will For fall paxtioulara so nearest CPR, ticket agent, or the different grades of hard coal:—|V'iing at Mr. Alexander Rennie's. uarantee as the best on the market. You take no chance when you get our rite C, B. Foster, D. P: es remont nut, stove and furnace coal. The| Mrs. Dawe spent a few days this 5. We Bi i coal in the mine is like a solid rock: | week visiting her mother at Guelph. inegar. By actual Test the Best. student from Berlin supplied the i Buildings 1 for Sale pee of the Lutheran church on Sun- Frame bi 40: 60 wit Ai st FY ul dia ng, oral (boarded. "iny” sp pena £002 | ‘The Misses Manser of Toronto ave raw slic ‘ i nats f hice beings. w juare in 's plendia a at present visiting their uncle Mr. do eae jaser.. For fir Nichien partie jculas THOS. CAPLING, Mrs, Al. Rennie and daughter Ruth ailverton, Ont- oe Toronto are at present visiting at 3 x Rennie’s, For Sale or Rent! ae Pfeffer and Doherty of the Sovereign Bank Millbank were visitors ndersigned is offering for sale, hi aw: eli ‘and Hatt gore fo lot with 9 rood orchard gee ae cae fat Musselburg. On Ba re Stable and shop, which wéuld’ also make | , 48 Linwood has not yet had a pe fine dwelling. “he place is in_& good loca-|day this year, what is the matte: ae KS You can shake tion, suitable for a retired farmer or anyone! with celebrating th 1 of he the new line to Listowel, oma up}of the tornado or the distruction running a small sho; rinty im weaver or ene arrival ' ‘a vi v + de a “Sunshine” Shoemaker. For further partieulars apply to (regular passenger service. ‘Think it| matters in oon we , i oe would have been greater. us sik SURGE His aa oe STE structions of the road already finished Contractor Gibson who has the con- ! 2 ; < Mr. Russell Culyert of the Soverign| The T. Ruggle Company have re-| tract of laying the track and doing x ank Staff returned on Tuesday even-| ently installed a new lighting plant, |the ballasting from Wallenstein to B ; ‘ Milverton’s Civie Holiday ing after spendiug a couple of weeks nue lights up ee store almost as| Linwood arrived at Linwood with the| S/opsis of Canadian North-West furnace without getting Pe covered with ashes and dust—has a 5 : holidaying at his home at Wyoming | bright as in day steel on Tuesday evening, ‘The pro- me d dust flue through which all the dust Datta and along the St. Clair River. ae he is the majority | cess of laying the steel is interesting | tse ee ween eee : % Ny 7; f farmers are now sending their milk] to ®@ spec! at as never eo berd ti f Domini: s \ and ashes escape when you shake the supervision ot Switches under >, “cream to. the factories, the ‘T.|the like before. A train consisting o aS oeeeea eee ‘ down the fire dl this week and it is expeet, | Ruggle Co. have ready for "snipment [a sumber of cars loaded with rails Fay ie Homentzadea by ang” perton qeho.t eS 5 aac tiat therwark: peer be pretty nearly | over @ oe Renee all eet a ee Jas Surette shovel alan Uy an Bat the sole head pf a family, OF an wa few weeks, his certainly looks lik " jects a aeetion of 160 deres, more oie ae This heater is so easily Kepniated and operated, : REQUISITION ! completed by the end of the week. Buntnedse * | sshoot” down which the ties are run | Butry may be made personally a ear atid 60 clean, that it makes the entire household ’ Fall wheat cutting ieusel the and laid in position, The rails weigh- | 1204 ollice for the district in whi y desires, Milverton, July 31st 1906, | township and district has about all] A very heavy rain accompanied by | ing 800 pounds each, measuring 30] may, on application to the’ Minister of’ the b mn een cut and the greater quantity has| much wind passed over Linwood on| feet are sent down a Shorter. *‘shoot”} terior, Ottawa, digi misaloner of bright and genial. wynite tis cubdersianed ratepayers of the| heen safely housed, ‘The oats are be-|Sunday about noon and lid much} and laid in position and adjusted and cute authority or some Soe tome vag 8 to proclaim Monday, August “6th, ginning to color and soon the oat har-| damage in the way of flattening crops | spiked after which the train is moved entender i reauired_ to peor Sold by all enterprising desler, Booklet free, Civic Hottday est will be in full swing. aS Sauls to ‘roports| fiom near up another 30 feet. From three quar- tne ‘Sonditins connected therewitiy wader irbsville, we may congratulate our-j ters toa mile of track is laid daily. Lb Schacter Whaley AL} Gadi Linwood is now alive he ralrond selves in getting off as safely as we ‘Phe ballasting train follows the erate eat i aleivation of the hana" cach Seat tor 9 A. sack Bo ehoe co Hesugfora |men. No need of any man from this} aiq. “Down there it assumed the pre- laying gang within « few wails. and) ES FRE ay C a S fe Bee Ce ee ee a oymont, tn | Bottions ‘of w eyclone, a funnel shaped |bellaste upethe track hich soil be slecensed) of the homestender’ resides upon a mer country; farm in the vicinit; wiverfon Plaining illo, Gears Sault | year ee ae gens ea HaticOR gioud — a — se eee left wale being disturbed ed Reig cecuicediedie te testa ae red for as ePinkbeiner t en’ almost | He. tertitory. scattering. fence: until next spiing. It is exy isfled by such person’ residing with the father Rothacrmal © Son scree tL en! Bee Srlioavid shook and faWonine 46°4h6| Net the aes end ele Mill ne mts oe oS setier ue ae . UVE! a 2s ground grain ready to cut, It ulso|foras Millbank by the end of next upon farming land owned by. him i LONDON, TORONTO; MONTHMAT,_. WINNIPEG,“ VANOOUVER, Proclamation. Mr. Peterson Chief Engineer of|struck some woods and uprooted ee wweelk: s tke intr of “is homesteads the require os SEO ees In accordance with the aboverequisition|the Guelph and Ser abet peays| Bape oft aie tases TH one fag Fat ae ese residence upow tuceeld tae, anaes PE Lhereby proclaim x aoaasy, August 6th Civ-|has been a frequent visitor to Lin- | woods less than one half the trees are Ra é gece monthal notice: tn waiting shuld be Se ee ee ane: Oty Siaave the | wood Of Inte, the oocnsion of his visits [standing. It is estimated that 700 or| “Subseribe for the Milverton Sun] Ends at Sti ation a aap sue holtig the supervising of the work in| 800 cords of wood are down. . Luckily | —from now until the end of the year] pat Z J oh n Rothaermel & Son Agents : CONRAD HASENFFLUG. | connection with the onstruction of | no — or ieee seen ae for 35 cents. ee | Deputy of