Milverton Sun, 2 Aug 1906, p. 2

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oe SOME CURIOUS LEGACIES ‘A TOWN IN S¥SxEZEREAND WHICH REFUSKD $150.000, Against the Lo« « sarn Bank Notes— A Difficult Legacy to Win. One hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars is a nies ump su mut not long ago the town council of Thun, in Swit- zerland, wnkestatingly refused that amount = as A 0. his alive: > brewer gamed Feller, with the “pula that pie man whom he had al '§ disliked evi be are a ar : ditee as a" at another ob}ect, of ler it, so the money went to the Swiss Government. wills of men who. attempt after r ag to ik their hate upon hated his h tors to burn $25,000 in bank-notes. But the law says that who burns banknotes is guilly of arson. TI eutors refused to comply with the c: ition, ‘and Sa/render jisempslyes dlable fo prosecution, an sorts of legs complications are. the res oe o the sum of $325,000 a young Edinburgh man, but the caniaes angie the legacy a difficult one to win. The legatee must the oe visiting four- teen different countries specified, and after {wo years return one and write book upon: wha mn.» This is submitted to certain book is o Bienes eres ee these are to give their opinion eels it. If this e prorat, THE MONEY WILL BE PAID OVER. a ot, the Peas legatee must Fee els, and make in the necessary Sgain start oft on to marry at all before certain age are productive of endless trouble. And those which make a Pa Teaving all his son on. condition oT the Gee found and married the — banker’ eldest son, with whom he juarrelled: many years before, and i South Bist eg weir, oweNer, wh Waa still alive, | refused his“ compromise, and declared that her daugh' as years! tigation, during: which nearly GRANDDAUGHTER WON THE SUIT. The unfortunate ted afler wasting three years of his far aa tat penniless. Of the $3,000,000 eft by the late Mr. Nicholas Keene, of London and San arford, ually miserable Is the case a well-known vegetarian Some $3,000 a year to nev or touched meat, that he wrote an had published at least three articles a year, and at THE VEGETARIAN His heir prefers a cut of a CAUSE. roast beef and pint of bitter to any vegetables, how- | vy a man who work and has no gift for public speak- in; ing. The. most d ati legacy. of recen! order with a Photographer to. make a photograph of is it swuny r tl sate to the uncle was so terrible that it completely ate his mind, and a “wv weeks later he ne eate WHY IS A NEGRO BLACK? The on Rays of One ae Lati- de is the Cause origin of color in ohne has ‘vided scene yvith-an inter. rin hu- un fall upon the mei equator the rays aze about vertical; at the poles; they slant at a le-un- Imown in the tr effects of the different kinds ofr igments a the skin. vary ot pease ine ywhite to Diack tntermediate ‘ste lack, ite aes "i ag pecul carialn tated a geteration wort eventually there would ‘be no trace whatever of ‘the origi olor. Whites setlling 5 would be a simmar way, the color gradually deepening with each es ration. heirs to marry | < was the daughter of the} > al | which every case will pase if i mdition that the latter } so, 8, and the eee rs e: DISEASED KIDNEYS. Made Sound and Strong se Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills “two doctors, told me that 1 Was in- hanks m a at ce to-day. This slong. Sistine was, nl ade hy of St. Catharines, to a * hearing Ay tne her. “A few in ‘Hamilton? attacked this_alspairing condition urged me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilis, and to please hi them. After using severa the pills were aelping me an ued taking t ntil I had tised some twenty boxes, see I was again restor- ed to perfect health, and every symp- and I have since enjoyed the best cf healll avery rop of blood in. the filtered by the kidneys. body is in r way. the genuine pills with the full name, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo: ple. on. the wrapper. around each box Sold by all medicine de r di from the Dr. Wiliams’ Maine €o., Brockville, Ont... at.50 cents a box <r six boxes for $2.50. FOR BACHELORS ONLY. e man ties avoi account of tl al ids matrimony zn le cares of wedded life ecured himself s by having his legs au ated. It is in life as it is Josephine we and while he |. her. ‘ismarck and peo whi for thirty years the rolling powers in Pumeeert politics both owned that they their success to their mi for el es ey is as silly as the man who ly @ house because it had fine towers tn yihe front oe RS NO DIFFERENCE. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Roid cures any external, Bleed- ‘Suppurating, ele., imply names of the slages ira ough inues, Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the sd bowel, and it takes an in- med. any dealers, or The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls Ont ti po EhSs | Mea MOSI-SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Janguage is Chi. ; but as there are so many dialects two-foot mae we should get the fol- lowing Portuguese, 4in.4; Spanish, Saint Russian, Elo Ger- man, 8%in.; English, ut. MUSKO A THE BEAUTIF iL. uu. know the place? If not, fering landlord pe fast- losing his pa- tience, “Look here,” he cried, angrilly, a0 Tot expect me to hive pay your rent?” Mr. No- cash smiled the Sacarfeea smile which = -| who did the ue rk first, and then s: a s little as Ane ie ailoenatee: i ing| Tt has often been said that Sir Charles backs and deadly Bright's disease. The| Napier, after the capture of Scinde. only hope fs to strike without delay at] wrote one of the most laconic and m the eootcobthe trouble in-lhesblood with delightful despatch tthe world Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. They. make} has known, when he telegraphed. hom new blood. ‘They flush the kidneys} to the Government the, simple Latin clean, heal their inflammation an ord, “Pe —1:0:, have sinned them strength for their work. Common Ronde Sin hee gossip has place kidney pills only touch. the ptoms | the foundation of the la —Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure the} 1 , for, as a matter cause. ‘hat is why they cure for good, | o! , it was not Sir Char les Nap ‘| vessels which were upon the coast; pack ~ | fare sometim s | He looked her a Se it!"—then MESSAGES TO THE POINT “FIND LIVINGSTONE!” THE BRIEFEST EVER WRITTEN. Sir Harry Johnston’s Message of Eight rds — The Cleverest Despatch. Surely no more laconic order could be gi any matler of world-wide rf 5 2 ae to Stanley when Me. Gord s Herald,” despatched him it, pre] returned not until he had found the ce- lebrated explorer who en lost to civilization so lon, Some of us remember the despatch o} Sir Harry Johnston—who is happily sti with us e forwarded Sauspury. certainly the Tecord alters. vs is own. times in suc JOHNSTON'S MESSAGE of his eippresston, of slavery was fol ows defea aplured, But then, Johnston was always those oe > inch,” who ¥ e jest il is an Taremety 1 aa of work of the must in- ¢lude Thomas Caviytets notable Teply to @ devoted admirer, who wrole asking if THE SAGE OF CHELSEA fograph as a present to the said admir- ecasio t of note- truly, arlyle.” Tt was: left ir the admirer to aning at his will, but doubtless he was ssalisfled when he saw ri ever the writer meant er eat naval battle in about a score of sents is surely given fo destroyed all Spanish her and description as per margin.— Walton. a : 2 There is a qiyhole page of naval svar. newspaper, as that swhlets to recently fonght, which, otwiths came to see him, who prided herselt up- on her blunt speech to so deemed feriors. She regarded the doctor with some hauteur! because he did not rise and make a great fuss sof her when she entered his usted that she Tisha out ber sealaed hand, pitaccegee cule! (othe cae in the face and answered at once resumed his waitin made. aconipally, however, was thal the SOEDTAEG Talleyrand, who a certain French Coun. cil, from which mucl fel ae PHOTO. “I have come to get_ my wife photo- graphed,” said the determined-lookin man on entering a photographer's followed by a meek-looking “You” can make anyone took hand- Sol can’t oa” replied the photot ages that is part of the business, you wel ead) here el out of the window He) e her nose. GOOD NEWS FOR JACK TARS, tion? The popular ically- te filted to vessels to proper circulation of air through even the most remote of alley-ways. _An- lop- a the men in the néw vessels will ple to get fresh bread as re ly as the German and French naval crews already t it. In short, the Ad is at last waking up to the reasonable .e- quests for ete Bate: ont years past yy the British Jack =Whier te as oul camping, ia '¥0 your brother kill much?” Egber! killed everybody in the alt will take | p had any objection to sending on his au-| W°S does not fell onehalt-so. much of whet yas the actual result of the Maht as this Taconic, statement of Captain Walton's does about the battle off Messina DROKSERNEREY vas another famous man who neyer| Side. wasted words, A woman of title once f{ the cleyerest. of all such zeplies Lae Do British warships breed consump-| of agony of Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the _ Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and foliow directions Sunlight Soap |": GRIME WE CAN'T CONQUER INSIDE THE PRSON WALLS IS NO PREVENTIVE. Some of the Most Daring Crimes Are Planned and Hatched where. If, armed with an order from the lice, you walk as a writer dil recently, through the workshops of 2 greal_convicl prison, you notice wilh Surprise that in a large room, such, for @ tailors’ shop, there are Ses e warder gome filly of Sisly ook says Anse Now, a8 all are aware, the rule of a eonvick prison is. absolule silence, The men ma, fraslon. spain the they may chat wili in| chaplains, but among themselves they pacvanees mi how- lags” invariably have in Besides, old “ learnt how to talk without moving their lips, and consequent); you if you gain his confidence that some ft THE MOST DARING CRIN sco plenied and hatched in prison 20, give one instance, in point. "The ofa notorious “fence” in Whille- ehispel. by: the bungler Seaman, ,who Was Ranged for the crime, was planned by that man in the Southern convict. e: tablishment in which he served five yet Quite recently, no longer ago than November last, a case came to light at A robbery planned in prison, Upon m rged al the Mansion House vith rch Street Fecnets nyille, and smuggled Sits disehistaas, an curs the following significant possege: “What. price a window in Fen Court, City, the jeweller’s?. It would-not be a bad Bight Jeb for two amateurs. Have a peep r THIEV! re “HONOR.” For cool impudence the following ac. rison crime will a good plunder was hidden, whereupon the lat- ter went off, and at once laid ents md disposed of the stolen goods, lenving fis “vielim’ to regret hig. confidanee on, when arrested, the swind- ler was found to have done could. tell. Next @ cas same, bul not for a week that it vag Higecerer tie theys had made a hole in the flooring tunnelled into an at's cellar, where they had consumed ONE iain GALLONS OF WINE. watching for several nights succeeded '. lis Blunder was found carefully ‘hidden un- der the floor of his Pa ee I HEROES OF THE BATTLEFIELD. id Their Best Work. For = last twenty years of Professor fered. Take a fr | Finsen’s life he suffered fais pe i 4 mental utile Journey through Musk: | You en ao Wout nthe pote Aibeaeek agate willie LW tven ecomtert ir erie by night fol- by pyeektg ig for that er ae ced a , sir.” herocially struggled until te alse veb nolmather how ee rae to ae eee ct ee e| mat she won't look ‘so much like a] fessor . R. Green, the English historian “ nap, lots of views, and fn facts. | rabbit? who wrote the famous “Short History of| Mr. Cheapside : *1 thought you said aa the Sipe as eae ens, pale “Oh, I think the Englles egilee e on his di a a ve going te wife and children.| «. bed re he start is | o'clocl fea this Semnche? atte atler Then slam {he-door on the doctor fo aye Abd hata baile the east inshore | rice lit him thal he could not hope |v heapside: “There's ret ft to live m an six months, but le ive o'clock tea isn’t Journey through the Muskoka District ia 5 Soe CRE as i raw in his cherished’ history, |tikely to be ready before seven. She racer Anette, | Abu th exes” ante eer ne of feel ant fhe servant wae 10 avd ideal Family Resort. For all parliculars| “They won't appear in the picture at} Tre" iynited Slates, was made bankrupt and handsome’ iMhistrated publication | & through the failure of a bank. Fearf@l| ,,bulousness Burdens Life-—The bilious pplys-to'-dvs.D MeDEnnlds: Galen | “And jill the hai be rea PG aid avi Nsewidne ann! i sete ul aetna Toronte, 0 wre } Union “on, - | of dyi Penis Mone Miaoehing otis ecause his ailment renders him morose a “ Oa aay: ipracbed: Sit down | SS: se egies Bt a ee While} 224 gloomy. The complaint is not Nioae am iaors a fee cca try to look pleasant." }Stor 0 is he was sitieken with afur.|dmeerous as it is disagreeable. Yet Aneten ea Naw “ skies * ing, an * »: di pee ie was wee formed: at the ie ol ed ffer from it who can Page more Mes Nevaeh ara errors pale sep ee her misfortune a eancer formed at the! procure Parmelce’s Vegetable Pills. B: ‘8 Mr. Rentall to ex- t of ee Dey av geel ei OW paptilating the liver and obviating the cuse him for the lime.” The long-suf- ever, the t general’ stuck to his! effects of the bile in the task, and Sonnet the book within a ied almost immediately Ge his venre was not I 's book male Much of the he best work of Sir rthur Sullivan was also eee Guting days of body or of ‘Attorney for the Defence-—“Have y ever been cross-examined before?” Tha Witness—“Have I? I'm a married man.” Mother’s Ear WORD IN MOTHER'S EAR: WHEN NURGING AW INFANT, AND IN THE MONTHS THAT COME BEFORE THAT rim, SCOTT'S EMULSION a SCOTT & BOWNE, Cherntats, Toronto, ‘oc. and $1.00} all druggists. camp. le was the caok,” e eerent , home. is what I have aaige of ct mote s eat Ml | dist’ family 1" wo! Men ae Sultered I From Painful Dis- e Di bi KITE-FLYER TO THE KING. General Baden- Powell's faith in an. esiela ty deciding lo create a new in the Army—namely, the “instructor in Kite-Aying for he salary. attached 3B Es 3 i asic tor this. year's’ ballooning equip: ment, Now Is The Time To insure your health by using -"SALADA" CEYLON GREEN TEA In place of the ‘adulterated teas of Japan. . at 0c, 50c and 60¢ “Gr Mm. At cers. Sold only in sealed lead packets, all gro: Highest Award, & Louis, 1904. Sa EE ACATION TRIPS. ‘nat everybody should “take @- vaca- tion’ is acknowledged» by all. No matter jow pleasant. ~—your- home may , any physician will {ell you that a change from everyday life is di f few months, as lination may dictate, spent the pines, cedars or | beautiful Canadian \ purse or inc in the woods among along the resorts of Lake Si eco tied it pays to feke-a, vacation, y Grand Trunk Agent for infor- mation. ‘and illustrated folders, ad- a facdonald, district paaten: ger ans sceae GOOD. BOGS HARD TC TO GET. “Yes, I lost both my husband and my @og on the same day,” the young wi- “How sad,” spa the listener. “It was an awful blow,” she went on, as she brushed away a'tear. “By the vay, do you know Singer den get a Wed ‘spaniel ?” Sa et YELLOWSTONE PARK. This is the grand tourist resort of people and one of the most beautiful P e American Continent. Only by a trip to this the tourist comprehend the stupendous grandeur of Yellowstone Pari ee cine ', address t Si Choate, G. A., 11 etroit, Mion or J. O. dsell "T. P.A., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Canad: One Le four-year-old Fred climbed Upon a hair. to reach something he ‘ou must not get. on thal Rate with your feet, dear,” said his mother. Fred looked down at his feet, “Why, mamma,” evidently puzzled. he “T can't take 'em olf.” said, Holloway's Com Cure destroys. al kinds of corns and arts, root ai branch. Who, then eit endure with such a cheap edy within reach? ‘od and effectual rem- lord: “I tell you this, T sha'nt ret You move oil of say, house until you pay your rent.” Tenant: “Ah, Sunlight Soap is batter Cian other soaps, ‘but is bost when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Goap and fallow directions, “This dog, madain, would be cheap at twenty doll “T would take him, but I am afraid my husband might object.” “Madam, you can get, ano- ther. “ee id Much easier than a dog Cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their Jenebn that the cold hand o! 3 = 5 & S é s 25 i=] = . = 3 ees 2 Both, my grandparents on my sac her hiss “My folk wi all Bap- tists, but Josiah comes foi a Metho- Much distress and s sickness in child: be- convinced, Her Father re going to mar- that iuigitaac litlle cad, Percy Millyuns! Why, you. onee said you uid “never marry a man less. th Gft. high.” Edith: “Oh, I know, papa; tT decided to take off twenly per cent.. for cash,” stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. sy eS THE BEST HAIR COMES FROM fal ts hair, the early ings by disposing of it “at intervals, parting, perhaps, with all but 10) iece, e-ends being allowed rs han; te loosely ‘iin ord ae pre ee the wave and curt, gee eek acute | Strength au | 1 by cleans though aes a the chief market for |, ares on, straight to Lon and Made in i poh, 2 inh, on 2% inch Send Specifications to your neares Corrugated Iron. “ Keeping Everiastingly at it Brings Success." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 m. press (the ony | one in Canada) one corrugation at a lume, aks ay £ 690 ton os in Oshawa, inary requiremet corrugetions in steels asy. length uA to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted an@ Galvaniz Tas clsass cherie rict Je AiOeh Suitae econ EEE ing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and proof. idges, Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, and is guaranteed Montreal, office for catalogues and prices. Horireal, ue, | Otowo, Ont | Toronto, Oat. ng Ot Wionipeg, [tonne 6. 767 Craig St, | 428 Sussex st. | 11 Colborne st. | 69 Dundas st. / 76 Lombard st 615 Pender st. Write your Nearest Offi AND Ont Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag. LANDS to for in Western Canada S232 Saskatchewan, only ames soil, BO ber, Bente vblough a ian, nl, poring creck, Bo 9 railways, CPB. TPs yt eae s per acre mop an fa R. PARSON: Wellesley Street, Toromto, Canada. ADVICE FOR THE EARL. The Earl of Sheen e owns es of lan scotlan tey district where ‘he had ‘rarély been before, garden fence to watch an old laborer at work, “Is this good soil?” he questioned. “A ponded the other. hat is’ your next crop to be?” was saute interrogation. The worker looked up and gazed dis- approvingly at the stranger and finally remarke “You don't know anything about s, young man, just you hire a nice lite allotment somewheres and take to cullivatin’ it, and you'll have some- hing better to do than to come inter- ruplin’ busy folk P A SPECIAL. FAVOR. and” smarttooking Seat Attra was to preach a “trial” ser- mon in a sirange church. Panng that his hair might be disarrange: mo: he might have, ,einudge on Bis face, aid {0 the sexton there weing no cane in the vestry : t me ‘a glass?” produced in the “Ye mage let ‘on’ about it, meenis- ter, for ‘a special favor; j and I Sanne hae got it at all if T had na told them it was for you.” ‘o Prevent is Better than sa Lente A little medicine in the sha} f the wondertul pellets which are int Parmelee’s Vegetable Pits, administ ed at the proper time and with the to often prevent: a seri- *| Irregularities “of ;fthoy, are. an _invatufibte eo ing the blood they clear skin of imperfections, wrective and the Guest (suspiciously eyeing “the flat- tened piliows and the crumpled sheets “Lo ee heres landlord, this bed has been Landlord (triumphantly) : nats what is for ‘The Wretched Conditlon of thousands is due v fhe fact that they neglect the simplest care. of their health. Wheu in this condition “ Ferrovim” will buld you up and give you strength, “Now boys,” sald. a Sunday-schoo! essing the juvenile clas ‘can any .of you ue me anything the Heise ‘ork for Robinson Crusoe !" The Crick in the @ Back.—“One jouch ot nature makes the whole world kin,” sings the poet. But what about the ch of rheumatism: and lumbage which is so common now? There is no poetry in that touch, renders lif miserable. Yet how delighted is — th Dr. Thomas’ Cclectrie Oil drives pain away. There is nothing: equals it, THE ONLY THING THAT Bold by all Droggitié afd TEN cents ECE FROM ARCHDALE WILSON HAMILTON, ONT. as ci Cel ti boner Ae Pencils oe caves ‘eden acanapan Me Copy; $1 a year, Sample fcopy free telaide ee ‘Toronto, ‘Ont. i aa old chap, 1 peer ats ve lost ig Le n't put it like Beer tooish hot igh to sever its connection wil i= es 7 Tons my, id Gi eee “To-day for ‘our fine catalog FEE. jigestive organs | The (Qhotse 480 acres near Moose Jaw, Sask, 3} salles from Pasqua Junction ; stable,” shack and M40 res in bushels wheat per acre 200 por wore” Ma DOMINION HENDERSON BEARINGS, limited. Manufacturers of tho HATS RO Bean ENGINEERS, TOOLMAKERS, HIGH-CLASS MACNISISTS 785 King St. West, Toronto Work wanted for Potter & John- Brine 2 ‘ind of atau dachin low. can to eet For ie Law Oi Ecoxony, Sarnia USE Prime QIL White ie No real aced to buy the moreoxpensive| oils if ee BURNER is KEPT CLE. AN. If you want a BIG LIGHT—ranes or}! ‘AS JETS IN ON) i 'Saenn TRY A rd BEAUTIFUL Licht Lamp For Sale by Dealers pase acs ba City Dit Co.

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