Milverton Sun, 2 Aug 1906, p. 6

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agi a Meeting W: DOCUMENTS SEIZED. .... all, and seized his companions, The Viborg manifest, Prepared and is: Bued by ex-members of the Dow now been signed by 217 of the “ aes ie expat that Governmen| fom standing es candidates ab the nex election of ies. represented Sarato! vive ani tie agrarian pens us Au- shoot the strai Ae MEETINGS Se ewspapers say that the Gover- rovi nate have been ordered ‘borites, ani Tohusselberg, disteel hundred. Constitutional adopted by the Douma at Viborg. Prof. Miliukoff preside: and artiller mes, then walked quickly aw: @ from the dan ate AN APPEAL TC TO FRANCE. AEX: HERD Police Entered House Where ind was nothing unpleasant would , has It is stated that Nicholas Ivoff, who in 4s a Liberal, declares that they will sur- tings of Constitutional al Id to use troops, if necessary, to ey Legal proceedings are, bein taken leader, Disorders, are spreading in the Cau- ery sa been used tim in dierent directions, py Moe iMlecter- signatories of the, Jetter include a num- NK th mG as Held. ft members of the Erench ane aty to warships ARRESTS IN MOSCOW. « despatch from Moscow says: Sixt; five members of two of the most ie English ' portant revolutionary. committees were arrested her ning. Among them were the chief strike or- mis ARTILLERYMEN MUTINY. A despatch from St. Petersburg * sae Seven me arrests were mac at -|2 o'clock on Wednesday ee 5 at t BrestLitovske, where three companies tof artillery mutinied on Tuesday, night, oes rs’ club an t an hours. mulin affair Eats that the situation at Brest- Litovsk is serious. AN ARMED UPRISING. lespateh from Kharkov says: The acti ne oS vd cevolatonss ae ee g for an ing and a re-pro- clamation of the ‘Republic a Kharkov umn. The French Vice-Consul here has re- ceived Cieruiet ng Hee from neh industrial establish ents. At Yuzovka Ri gency, strikers almost continuou: ork | contseation of the pl FORCED TO PRINT APPEAL. oe despatch from Yaroslav, European h from Cronstodt, says: view of aaa attempts at der dant of tions, the comm! and the chief of police have issued pro- mations, dec! g the fortress un- martial Jaw, and announcing that lespatch from Paris says: The In-| scriptions he er aicvaky Regiment, ee Israelite Alliance, whose | fore ae “was brought here, has headquarters are here, has addressed | which Y Wisaffection, which is @ letter to Foreign Minister Bourgeois, Telnlcrseg eS cue, oe to | especit Sent tol corps and other special service men. Forty members of the ‘signal corps have been arres! ‘THE WESTERN CROPS. Another ae ~ - Ogilvie ing Com opinion that the yield of wheat will no! coed that of 4 Ea = i¢ dangerously pre ball which may be. material. EXPERT GIVES OPINION. ‘A.Chicago despatch says Snow, cro) prospects there, elegram him pobilshed. ‘ere on Thursday bad at nt. more Pondition Se SOME FARMERS. LOST ALL. i patch says :) a ———j — LIQUOR DEAEERS.§ SENT TO JAIL. Magistrate of Moncton fects 4 to Enforce the Scott atch says: ele ors 0! act to jail for one “ynonth, ‘without tie option of a -fine. ae pevelgen | - few times a year, 50 each, went on selling. Te Tas of patetai the law has becn blamed on. the Nani ~ trate, but soko that he proposes to enforce ft hereafter. & 8 Sar See BRITAINS NAVAL PROGRAMME. Only Three belo g has of Four fo Be Buil A London dea ae The agita- tion for vedic mart gonstruc- mn prograi mine a ae successful tio) and Edmund iQue rs ‘avamentty announg Two ocean-going ers will be built instead of fi ight — submarine boats sion of twelve. _ The total of the expendiiure 6 oe hy. the ws 000,000, instead Mill- Jast year, notwithstand- ave | pe made to saneae oe jodging and by W. | til ‘known crop expert, is Pp ie many points in spreading rapidly this ym rust, the prospect is for 20 last year in the es) rm are reported the erection of the various types of vine } du ATTEMPT TO HOLD UP MAIL, Driver of Wagon at at Windsor Foils Plan Two Highwaymen. A ipeg in atch says: ‘The aiespe to hold up a Royal mail wagon Ogilvie Sony “ted snoftier-icrob jt the corer of Arthur and McDougall estimate on ‘Thursday, reaffirming their | Streets 1 o'clock on sda; it ——4—— BRIDGE BUILDING DISCUSSED. eee of Highways n That Subj A des) ae from Toronto says: Much | information of va! ane to Municipal Coun- cils is contained in the third part of the report of the Commissioner of Highways The brochure important subject of toe ee ele The commission- it . Cam ea cea heh the matte lect of aheap idges&. He points out that the feces ae of ‘timber is Report of Specific f 4 VEIN OF RICH SILVER. Provincial Geologist Makes Find on Gillies Limit. Valuable A. des; telegram, ch from Toronto says: A received at the Bureau of from Professor Miller, the Pro- sists of Cobalt itepsobm, when ie richer in cobalt th in was covered by three or eS cet ‘of soil, and A sale ‘of si & progr dis stogpeded ae a most valnible one. rd a as IN MUSKOKA, Brantlord a ee Bathing Got epth, A ei ae Game says: drowning accident occurred at Keeway- den Island, skoka Lake, on poe oe afternoon. While bathing, Mrs. H. K, Smith, of Brantford, Ont., floated on 0; few feet over. ve depth, and, rena oe The of foreign |, en’s demands amount Dredl lo a the nares ee = “| while lambs showed a tenden ies . Bran — Ontario — $15 to $15.50 in bulk. Wheat — Ontario — Firmer at 77% to 78c outside for No. 2 red and white. ‘Wheat — Manitoba rices. higher at 8434c to 85¢ dor ae A ee ern at lake ports; No. Oats x s —Steadier, at soe to7e ae r No. Rye — 62c to G4c outside. Barley — 49c to 5ic outside for No. g oF — American No. 2 yellow 59¢ Ontario “points, —80e to 8c oulside, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter — Receipts of mixed quality are fairly he: Creamery Pals : solids .. Datty prints .... lo pails + 20c to 2ic + 19¢ to 20¢ _ ce i2%e to “y28Z0 f cat uotations are chin ed 18c to 19¢. “ is of new are unchanged at $5.50 to $6 per ton. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 31.—Grain—There was no improvement in the. demand for Manitoba wheat by the cables this morning and business was verey quiet. Oats—No. 2 white, 42340; No. 3 white, 4c; i Flour--Manitoba spring wheat, to $4.70; strong bakers’, $4.10; uo a inter ay da, Tn aus, $1. $1.90; ext a3. $110" 10 $1. 0 $17; ee $20 to S21 pe ah 50 1 30 to $2; mulled mouille, $21 er ton, and straight grain, $28 to $25. F Rolled Oats $2.25 per ‘bag; Cornmeal, $1.40 to $1.45 per Hay—No. 1, $9. 50 18 $10; No. 2, $8.50 38 dat 62% oes hk Canal trighisStc NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, July 31—Spot barler.ajene No. 2 red, 82% elevator; No. 83340 f.0.b. afloat; No. 1 ni anhere te luth, 87%c f.0.b, afloat; No. 2 hard win- ter, 84%c f.0.b. afloat. CATTLE. ae Toronto, July 31.—Caltle of all classes excepting the best arene 5c to-day at the Western Cattle Markel gong 6 the large arrivals thereof, and the large proportion of inferior animals icy to de- line in pri xport ewes, 4% to "l4340; culls and bucks, 3% to 3%; lambs, 734 to es were slow of sale al % Hogs were quoted at $7.90 for selects, and at $7.65 for Hate and fats. MILLIONS SEN FROM MINES. New South al ew Suffers Im- nse A despa ee from Sydne: In consequence of a WwW. 4 cir pat amstanti- at statement that the Kalgoorlie gold ous. ‘stealing w nd ie ee of thousands of ounces, but s the robberies are smaller than al- Tes tS oe ertain' men who are generally r as upright and gard rf Honor ‘able, te iiving Juxuriously eH: on the proceeds of receive it ahi he actual stealers, ie are mostly officials. A resident magis- trate confirms the detective. ~|WWoman Owns Over a Million Acres of Land. A Kingsville, tenes, despatch says: ‘ing has eee the .000 acres, practically in on This cattle queen's por i, apy nearly twice the area. of Rhode Island and nearly as large as Del: See EXCELLENT FRUIT CROPS. ee Reporte Received by the linister of Agriculture. A Toronto despatch says: Hon. Nel- s_received repo i perimental stations of the Province to the effect that the fruit crops are fe falar i ed § lo $4.10 for second and $3.90 to ay for i are quoted © 8140; ‘straigat ly “Millfecd—Manitoba ‘bran in ths, $16 | pr vere offered, the | ii Pes LEADING MARKETS |+ ee BREADSTUFFS, 3 HEALTH July 31,—Flour — Ontario— Dull, exporters bid $2 for 90 per cent | FRR +h patents, buyers’ bagsy oulside., Manito : ba St. to $4.60 for first patents One of the joys oy pumnct to thos Fis ihe bathing who live near the w "the open air—and not @ joy only, but a heaith-giving exercise got the highest value. mmbines three measures, each them excellent in itself, namely, cold bath, the air bath, and exercise, to which one may add a te eae —the friction of the skin produced ‘a the rubbing-dor \d_ drying process. Ref- erence has made in this column a tonic to creasing the power of resistance of the body to the effects of changes of tem- perature. The air bath should be taken night first in a warm room, gradually, 8: the skin becomes accistomed to the ne pact of the air, the room can be made cooler, until suey the hardy air sa can open the body drink in one he exercises ey to prevent hi ee he open-air bathing of summer tie | perfection of the air bath to. be had car lols; No 1 timalhy ae track here, |oombined with the water bath. At the Mixed $7.50. Some new is offering ai|Same time “tne swimming, if one knows $950 per ton’ for timothy. how to swim—and every child should Tent effect upon the skin, and this sti- mulation is carried by the ee ae the serv in all outdoor bathin: time after a hearty meal, although, the offer hand, bathing on an entirel empty stomach is met well it the bath Tussin, pays: Twelve armed men enter-|{c $9; clover, mixed, $7.50 to $8, and fore breakfasts wal 0 against ols eae a minting 0 pities here after midnigat| pure clover, $6.50 to $7 per ton, in car| em Saige OL Te bare “tian a L. FF STABBED, on Friday and compelled the ie Jas milk beforehand. Another | OF AMATO rs to sel up and the printers to print} | Eggs--The market is unchanged al oeteend-an' troporlant one, is: fociiake despatch trom St. Petersburg seys:| 9.099 eopies of the address to the coun-| 0c to Bic for selects and 17¢ to 180 for} ihe hath brief. ‘Ten minutes should be The hand of the assassin is sill 9b work iry drawn up at Viborg by the members Note the limit and five minutes will be long In Russia, At Warsaw Col Slamatott | te outlawed Pasloment ate eso ithe wae ol tine of the. gendarmerie wa: ed 10} there July 23rd, a: asa number BUFFALO MARKET. bing dev annul ne ay per- Geath on Tuesday and the assassin 2s-| were July Sims i Missued by the ; a eaped. Col. Sigiatot, who was assist p Bilfalo, July. 3t—Flour— Quiet ut} form ant tothe chiet of gendarm the | Soelalistss firm. Wheat—Spring unsettled; N = oe Northern, 8290; Winter stronger; No 2 Sern MeOpY: 1 CS a ues een active eee LAW AT CRONSTADT. . | NOTE, B60) Teonger: Nove yellow, DON'T BE MOO! c; No. 2 corn s- Frm; No.| Moodiness is almost a form of disease, ae certainly leaves upon the ce. It be fought Sere Mes conquered by every woman who ny care for her beauty and pane ness, Plenty, of eheetful, pleasant 00- cupation, which we ca ind if we try, will ies this-en ay. Nevel Idleness produces unhappiness. ry, too, will ‘add man’s looks. Cultivate a habit of Tookin ing on the bright side. Think good, sweet thoughts, and re- pene that our fac e the mirrors of o1 5 uate: er ‘will or no. be idle. and Heronients years to a EARLY RISING. Scientists ae discovered that there in the old-fashioned ad- When tired, physically stop work, minutes, an jaxed, the eyes lazily closed, and the mind resting dreamily with the Such a rest, if taken before you are pie Fistely. exhaus' your work, will Sry) yu back with fresh vigor and re- feel: hig ‘as well as a rested and refreshed body and brain. HOLLOW TEETH. A hollow tooth becomes a receptacle lied. it will also tend to arrest the spread ef the decay i other tecth. NOVEL SALT SALT BATHS. very strengthening. REMEDY FOR NOSE-BLEEDING. It pr rolonged, a. little powdered alum ay be pl ithin the nostrils. As|{¥ @ rule nose-bleeding is a natural means. ff blood in the sixteenth years children have the” blood | circulation undergoing certain changes. Nose-bleeding often pee hysterical symptoms ‘and bad headaches. INDIGESTION 5 People witli poor digestion should drink no water with meals, but take 2 giassful half an hour before, and drink Frentifully an ,hour or so after each son Monteith, Minister of Agriculture, | mea i e pa oe 7e milion dollars. is the monet: ary | r truction of | ie Russian’ ly fired by seve waver. lake acaip. wiltane 8 short|® ®| right to sell beer on Sunday, under his naeaptirrecaive The ». | OF a ests fight in the next. Weelslature, i the prisoners became CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAPPENI GS FROM ALL OVER TUL GLOBE. wheat ¢i sae ne Ste rate discrimination by Canadian. railways, The C.P.R. is said to be planning & summer hotel at Blue Sea Lake, up the 2 hy aU. The steamer Arctic Seen then Que beo for Hudson's Bay on Friday on a year's cruise. carry Major Moodie and party to Hud- son's Bay, is being loaded at Halifax. ‘oyal Bank of ada paid ee a foot for fifty feet of property m King Street east, near Yonge Street, Toro mito. The steamer Arctic intends remainin in the far north all winter and next eos returning in the fall of 1907. e. Icelandic guys will shortly |), e igeatea on one ol lands at the mouth of the ae! "ti Emi meson Railways and Canals, overnment to supply two telephones to the schools a three-year contract. ve architect in Canada will have tawa, the site of whieh has just been determined. Rudolph Kranshort dug bls “grave by and the pit a vices from both the Annapolis ond Heys, N.S., indicate that the apple crop this year will again be having affected other varieties. has approved the ha pee e town, and to grant a city. Brewer Ok aving an. interesting He claims the Dominion nieeys and the council thinks otherwi License “inspecior Birell, of Hamilton, t hours in addilion to the proprietor. and to cancel the license of bartenders who serve aller hours GREAT BRITAIN. loss. of $750,000. 1 guardsmen. were shot and jeledi ine orewded atfeot in Dublin, @h Thursday. day, cau rs limited apap comprised mostly me- nd early to rise, cong rae ah m and common cattle, and the top d that early rising and getting UNITED STATES, price recorded was ee lots | c hile the dew is on the} A ferrific wind and rain storm swept. brought $4.80 to $4.90 per cwt. G gs and circula-| St. Louis, on Thursday, doing much The drop butchers’ cal tle was from|tion to absorb. health-giving elements} damage to propert to 20¢ per cwt, in all lines, excepting ‘atmosphere contains at i t King RoR: ‘Tennison: Thunedey ie the best. Choice butchers’, $4. 30 to e twenty-four hours. | negress gave me to. iad children, all ses medium, $4 to yws,| A single. experiment. will convince any- aliv $3.25 lo $3. Be Dulls. $3. to $3.50; Soin: not es as pele that} Fourteen brick "Hianle™ in the westerh ners, he 50 per cwt u) the air of the orning is more} States have consolidated, with a capital ‘he aan eee quiet in seodirs and| bracing and inv vgoraling than at any of $! 000, ‘ stockers. rt keeps, ae 0 $4.70 | other ces of we or night. Twenty slaughterhouses in Philadel- Se feeders, $4 to H Scr phia condemned by the Board of Health $2.75 to $3.50; stock ie ‘$2 to $2.25 have closed ps ently. a PHYSICAL | EXHAUSTION. Ake his ices in concluding the ewes and bucks were steady, jan-Ja} japanese war, President Roose- Nobel p1 For the brutal murder of N een arrested at Poughkeepsie, ‘Hestth officers of Fort Worth, Texas, election com- missioners plan to haye clergymen for officials at the county election, and to open the ih sae 3 Hees as a means of securing a Charged ae pemoing the body of his aia tee rom in and at- fempling to throw it ut ah & window, Charles Anderson by) hues Anse by entstrals ‘Moss, w York, and was sent to the work- house. re is seme that the Indiana age inter crganizing {for a mined effort will be resent law which puts tight i the state every ofthe resivaint upon. dogs; made to repeat the the An article that is becoming more and arts S Springfield, Mass. Companies ne estima oe more used is’ salt. ite some, the} Provisions left on back piazzas are no thetts is ero exaggerated. ‘he total ta salt possible to get.— sea-salt} longer safe, and oe is made _hideous value of the gold stolen does not exceed | Preferably—is thrown into. the bath-| by the fence-lop wailings. i- £70,000 year; The utmost vigilance water and used as a sort of weak brine. | nance ce shooting a cat. fails. to chen the stealing. Another an of use is to take large e York World says—“Every, fails pl ifuls of moist anc he oes of Busse Sage’s great fortune a —_— whole body and limbs with this, LOE left Sage by a will, ma 5 e “scour” with a ng-off in a ie tan insignificant bequest SOS ae ol, clear water. This is found to be} made to Mrs. Fannie Chapin of Onelae. N-Y., an only sister, who died two years ago, The fortune of Mr. Sage amounts to_only about $60,000,000.” oners Danbury, Conn., police station on Thursday made a funnel of a ehisotber: held it up to the “friends outside pourei e Gagiems Bradley discovered the {rice aap when PF eT EES MELTED CHURCH BELLS. Havoe by Lightning and Cloudburst in France, A Chambery, Department of Savoie, A eloudiurs, e “Che. vannes, about 35 miles from here, melt- ing the church bells into a solid’ mass, injuring number of persons, and A g am enormous amount of dam- ae Franco-1 rales burdens way o! Telegraphix . 3 Association, the whole the crops staph: Briefs From Our OWD-AN4 1 are Iooking well in the Province of Oiher Countries of Recent ntario. Beans, however, will be icieleerte: light crop throughout ,the Province, and tions a* com; llure, CAN. owing {0 blight and anthracnose. 100,000 preset eS Gaia GE io adams Witmer cannes naceneateee und in Calg ae considerable damage done by mag- Ottawa’s new ci gi a early in the season. Ree pacninas uy. eres. gives hey? Tn the snaoelly of sections gale will aes ig ie fair crop, and in some sections an Mounted Polic exceptionally good crop. ile pota- The minimum estimate of the western foes will be a fairly large crop in many The steamer Adventure, which will |(.°! wr | Toronto and colon; The Bell Telephone Sue offered | fr ae Lethbridge in oeiattgs for its taxes} this wi anid | The fire at Leeds, England, on Thurs- | sl Gentry at Chicago, F. J. Constantine | wom A ee THE VEGETABLE CROPS. eans a bee Se china Parts of The A-Toronto Seiae says HB. Cowan, Superintendent of “Ageioulturai Societies, has crop reports from the Ontario Vegetable Growers’ low lands, ood deal f rot. ; able. quantities the potato crop .would suffer seriously. From ze early cucumbers will be a lighter well but the one ‘will be late. will be a fine big the W- Falls the. Fregetables have mi rapidly than usual and early tomatoes normous crop. from. the sectidts round Kingston are to the effect that; Beans. have been badly damaged. Kingston the onions eek taipely ruined ‘by, blight, pe SS TS NORTHWEST CATTLE. sermon Dae culpa git Season er Than Ever om the ranches of Alberta and British Indications are that this be a record season for western eee oR re ae ‘ THE HEALTH OF ONTARIO. nto despatch tums of 785 division registrars for June are among the history of the nd consumpti ihe seine month Inst fe of 11.2 per AND NOW THE HINDOO. British Columbia a Import im En Masse fone ge Re ate says: The Hindoos who have been working her th year have taken advantage w the call for manual k rs for sa nd Ir. sawmills adjacent, to Van er. lo rnish that number of Sikh and Hindoo Jaborers. Most of reservists and they are found to b ‘and Japanese. Ea Vs SUFFERING FROM SHOCK, Bomb Explosion Has Had Serious it n Queen Victoria, Kobi haus ana says: The shock which she suffered from the ex- plosion o mn her wedding day is telling seriously upon Queen Victoria’s health. Recently it was. reported that tration, which takes the form of hy- et and insomnia. e@ is an enthu- tic motorist, but fi ten days her an cee has forbidden her ta indulge in the 5) ‘he ecom devout tho end sever wine’ da ally ass. She has a tiny tablet, bearing ie image ot St “christopher, the pal- saint of motorists, on every one Wf fier cars, pocahontas fo PREPARE Le! HARVESTERS. CPLR. ss Arrangements to “Mande y Needed. A despatch ste Montreal anya Creat preparations are bein; harvest days. It is estimated that at st 25, men and women will be wanted for the harvesting. That is the se estimate, but it is thought by many. that it-will be even greater. SRS Sr RES PREFER MONEY TO LAND. The Claims of Total Since th onto despatch says : A NEW MINING INSPECTOR. An Addition to the a in the Cobalt | District despatch from Fee ye Tt is Ww. ker cqiaaial that Prof. C. Bal eeean iting Orbe ‘a recent deputation of mining men 0. wall ee on the Government. The be oe gton sane word that | he Marked Decrease in Deaths From Con- tagi iseases. tio ter for work in the mills than cainets ¥ ea | a ing made the | di Canadian Pacific Railway for the, hand: = an Veterans of '66 Now $10,000. ne crazed Doukhobors 5 Fashion Hints. REIGN OF LINEN FROCKS. If the linen suit was a favorite last season, it is doubly so this. Linen lear to every housewife's heart that it is no wonder it has attain- ‘ such a vogue. But that it should be- c summer fash- io) ne » is really a matter of surprise even to: “the shopkeepers and dres This s tween thet fine handkerchief linens and heavier sorts, the fine naturally used costumes, is bi mimi | lately white as a shirt of good quality, linen, tailored ‘linen Ashe for th the cloth si classify the linen suits this summer product. styles it had its origin in the preferenco edit ae coat suits of natural linen fie ached white linens. Phe only trimmings on these suits are duachante Vanvel collar ane cuff fac- inciple and interest of the} A eh: oe spali bane ccord: lebenture stock of the C. N. .R.’s/ing to Chief cae Delorme, more Satan to Sudbury section cal aint material, seaTton yellow and slate, have been pe et on the ae of Houghton | ment of Cattle from Montreal since the 4 Lake Yonda, Sa: option space regulations in | ings femissaries” trom, Dowles . Zh 11008" elton Thuneday morning, when | i city, near Chicago, at bridge |the Dona liner Athenia sail figuring on og a big tract of Alberta |from Liverpool with 1,042 head. aboard. land for a Of this number 700 were western cattle fact that thelr vogue has not yet reached THE READY-MADE. SHOPS. year 1,033 deaths were reported, a death 1,000. the summer homes for a day's shopping. The second fication of Jigga suils is made from ils trimming em- ur | that fall free from the figure and com« are still of a eh the skirt peruchyy ee a corm inding of vel- ma the soil of these light linen pile is ae em, and J ted, se as ment, the ee is finished he A BROWN BINDIN res fe in really ‘he pony cat style ex where, and i tallent in this fabric. som gives ‘ ae is really a part and parcel of every nae enough alm: ve find the skint elaborately pala aie over embroideries. _Bowkno! pire — wreat a 3 medanions are ues to excell on the white li the matter oe “colors, white leads vineial Government. giving veterans ot |8°6 rey 66 and "70 and the South African War their choice of 160 acres of land in New |™Ut of chapen Vy and Ontarit in cash, the number of | "NS" fh Nor applicants proving their claims ai ee Pen are re _ anptopriate ing for the money has now totalled | With the linen suit, but h Br viet green, light a ‘brig he aka in’ the sere bs CRAZED DOUKS IN JAIL, {| Peter Verigen Asked That They be rested. Regina despatch says: Sixt who have~ been

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