Milverton Sun, 16 Aug 1906, p. 4

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The atcennn Sun {Is tho best Local Newspaper in the County pont of Perth. $1 pet year, strictly in advance. not so paid. ae MacBesn, Puntisien G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. QING NORTH, GOING SOUTH. ©.P.R. Construction Notes. The first of the gir girders for tbe Mait- land bridge was hoisted to position on Tuesday and the second was rai Thursday. This time the cross-bea to which the tackle for hoisting the end. was ched held the weight of the girder all right an everything went off without acci- dent, The girders are 104 feet lon and about twolve-tni depth andl welll thirty-e tons. The girders the nexts de ‘vill be'plasecton apoth ex plan boldg ran out-on false gird- The steam shovel is now at work Shaking t in the hill below the Lighthou: A cei tom has n the embankment at the a A “Whe ne A Chest. Means spur trouble ig AHR Be ee To dela: fatness will i P) ee Housenoia re remedy. Twenty-five cents buys a large bott Sa. ciara Rare One Slight Trouble ° Hook Heat, A celebrated and witty member, of the British parlia as enomously and Dittorly attacked by inber of the opposition. He rose to reply: and in bland and duleet tones he said ake r, I have listened with Se An Americian Disease. Some doctors go as far as to say that indigestion is the pedenal dis- ease of Aimer ere is but one and eta ite national remedy or indigestion medy is Dr. Haunilt that re y | An early decision may be expected. this: | specified above.— 2eE = m1 Marnetlug the petition of Peter Stock and the application of Mr. Han- Mebaklngtlie Counell-to Grant’ then mBanngtgaueck wire ioldes on “con: cession road 14 and 19 opposite lot 20, Z Y eect that M. M. Hanna granted a bonus. for erebting wire fencea as Lost. amendment by Mr, B onded by Mr. g tick- Reis that onus be granted to any person for erecting wire fences, rried. ‘0, 500 of the powers hip of | polaa 4) TWO MEN OWNERS Of a Whole Continental Railway Sys- tem. In Canada. 'The New York World prints the fol- je: tepnacantinen iat railway system by mo men on yet no equal. railroad one Canada, practically syithout a debt up- on it, will soon be completed and will b owned by two individuals. ne fi 1 will be receiving from @ 1 urce, to say nothing of their recel; rom their electric street railways, which pay better than any gold mine ever ated. When Mackenzie and Mann began to build their road across Canada they secured a guarantee of bonds upon each nitoba. NEE A lle for 600 miles from ¢he Manitoba boundary to Edmonton, A few mori ELLICE COUNCIL links in the great chain across the con- nt have yet t added and the e Ellice Couneil 1 met at Hill's ho-| new system will be complete. teh Mice, July 30th 1906, pursuant to| More bonds will be guaranteed, end journment, the members were all] these, bearing a lew rate of interest, present an: Reeve occupied the] will be sola in London, for 2 chair. The minutes of the previons| antes of the Federal or Provincial Gov- erase were read, adopted andj ernments makes them gilt-edg Thi signe cessary money for completion is thus assured. All their roads pay almost from the time the: first train runs over them. The earnings of the whole completed against it, and then this new trans- continental road of thousands of miles and lera spreading in every ai- a rection will be owned wholly and sole- ly by only two individuals, Capt. Bernier, Enthusiast. Years of unavallin, Flesh and strength are fast restored nd patient can eat and digest any he pleases. ‘est Ham: eae Pills yourself,—25¢, per box or five boxes for $1,00 at all Abalone: SERRA CETL A A Splendid Herd (Farming World.) A splendid little herd of purebred Shorthorn cattle is Mr. ) a hie from: sittyton “Violet, by eat William ‘of Ore ‘ tractiig to Red Rose by Magnam Bo- | Brown mun (18277, What Does It Mean 21: Dr. Hamilton Gives a Full and "gu oan Biicnaatiga. r ton tines its Sally coated, some- times it’s clea 2 Stndy this out and you'll find some interference with the functional ac- tivity of the body. tiver Is-sluggiohy and th stu blood is eoneuante ae oe ig cathartic pills act so de- O'Hogarty of Amherst, a Be aste in my mouth, city for 8 Hamilton’ Pills, which 1 knew w r my condition. ‘They me up very quick have kept me in good soniition. over since, re are other. mei the camp that. use Ref Hamilton's Pills als they wouldn* without the els for ten times their pri U. 8. A., and Kingston, eae SEES Best quality of nalts gasoline xept forsale at The office—30 co | act to investi ing the complaint tad by John ¢ | gibbens in Pai ~ | $148; | Malloy for the amounts mentioned in jou: wate: “Last winter I worked | ust 27) y mule lees on gep rates. e total assessment of the t fown- re the Assessment. Crowley that By-Law No. 600 of the townsbip as now reud a third time be now finally passed. — man and _sec- 2a notice of the passing of By-Law No. Moved by Mr. Crowley and second-| and - Que., » 1, 1 with his parents from the years of two to seven, He left home in 1861 1869. and be- Since iy favre, France, and there a] es eis ee that, as vid I ao ointad a cominittes with gate and report respect Bitz- the fence on the west side of sideroad 30and 31 being ww No. 504 of the Township of alge toapnoint,Jobn Roga n of Mitchell, three times and passed on motion of Mr. Crowley seconded by Mr. Briok- He of the Townshi, ‘By -Law No. Ellice to appoint Jobn Roge! r, O. of the n of Mitchell, apo waship un eis sec a75 in By-law of! 1908" pit the Maitland bogs By- Law. Carrie the Reeve called for ten- ders for ie construction of issobecralte ana fox -coliebe Ber vig — From Wo Connnelly Nichola ustadt & Zimm’: n Grabam & Coleman Crowley & MacDo'd Macdonald & Kelly, ey. The following: fader were received for eulverts viz :—From J. P. Malloy, one for $133 and the other one S10; Hishon, $150 and the othe Timothy Murray per squ unanimously jentiae for the gotz Drain & Zi immernien atthe figure of their tender. he contracts for the erection of the culverts were awarde: ohn S his ten A eae Bamber of accounts having been passed a: id the council ad- arloff’s ‘Aug: | P business ‘or the year 1906 nd for the various Con- pace a follows, of Concession 1-$235,679. ¥ ye 2+ 175,622, ship on sales ach 7.00 8 Total asseasment-$2,461, ATT. Jude Street 5 jadaewent given in ge Park “a & ‘Trustees of S. 8. No. vs. Ellice ar he | he publteations ‘arr verts. The following tenders were received | Cac,” is retic” investi- as ‘been mi d: S, | great candor and wealth of detail, aap : Canadian Wins Distinction adian educationists who erie won distinction {n the United oor tes ywson, ernational law sf ob of} and Ctemn of t the thw department of the University of Missour! at Columbia, Mo, Judge Lawson was born at Hamilton, Ont, March 29, 1853, At fiton Collegiate Institute he receive: ear- ed uuinsrity on legal robjécte, of anion he has weitten:volliminously. A tew of sue rand Customs, Evidence,” “Insanity as a Defence,” “Defences ime” (five volumes), “Rights, welts and Prac- 0 known contributors to 5| United States journals of law and jur- Asprudence. During the World’s Fair at St, Lou was president of the Mis- sourl Bar Association. Useful For Slating. A local gentleman recently had cause to complain about the quality of the t the ppout hs hundred- mineral containing weight of stone and s' Determined to put a ie to the bare- faced swindle, when the next say of coal arrived adulterated as usual, he said to the driver: aeons it backs rm wave no more from your Later the coal merchant Remo Ms cus- tomer in the street, and a: point-blank why he had lost his cus- 5? worty, you'll get it back ly. soon as my ho’ ing Til give you an order.” POINTS. The Dillon HINGE-STAY. ‘Your stock what insurance Isto your Byetece hen and often saves cot of vata ted Oatalogue ‘agente want Justus KREUTER, Clerk of Ellice. For the Stomach Heart and Kidneys Dr. Shoop’s Restorative is a Cause Cure—not a Symptom Cure. isa common mistake to take artificial diges- — e h erves ig iknow! elieves the pain rt trouble: than toes ina ail temporary reliet Bow be Thal ot of drupe everywhere. For THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. -| Barley and Peas). WANTED For which we will pay the Highest Price. PFEFFER BROS Sun Life Assurance Gompany of Canada Results for 1904 Assurances issued and_paid fo $15,911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 December, 17,851,760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984 44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Assets at 3lst. 1904 Life Assurance in force Dec. 31st, 1904 85,327, 662.85 Increase over 1903 9.646,473.98 A. S. MacGregor, Mgr. Western Ontario, London. A. MacBeth, Stratford,” District’ Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th “ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, PRINCIPAL H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY fin| Fruit Jars Imperial Pints, 7o cents per iozen. Imperial Quarts, 85 cents per dozen, Wine Hatf Gallons, $1 per dozen. Imperial Half Gallons, $1.25 per dozen, Granulated Sugar $4.75 per wt, CASH. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE, H. MOHR Before buying your Spring Shoes, I want you to see my lines. We special agents for are Empress Shoes for Women Geo. A. Slater Shoes for Men ‘These shoes ave up-to-dste in every re- LEE eehhhhhho ot hbhhy t Always the Best — :|| = of Everything + for the Least Money ! Every thrifty housewife should be interested in this store People who have dealt with us from the incep- tion of this business, some six years ago, have proven to their entire satisfaction that our every day prices are lower than is usually found elsewhere, otherwise they wouldn't come back again. Keep this in mind constantly, if you want the largest value for your mon- ge ey, direct your foot steps to this store. Just Arrived, but somewhat late, a few dozen Boys’ Balbriggan Underwear, size 22 to 26, shirts and drawers. Laer EEE 50 pair Lace Curtains, only one or two of a kind, to clean them out 25 per cent off, 2 dozen Men’s 99 cents, Tweed Pants, regular ade for 5 dozen Men’s Wool Sox, regular 25 cents for Ig cents. 500 yards Sy regular 12%c for 8% cents. Men’s Outing Collars, regular 25¢, for 20 cents. 1,000 yards Muslins, regular ro cents for 5 cents’ _GROCERY SPECIALS. Thames Corn 5c tin, Alvinston Sweet Corn 8c, Maple Leaf Peas 7c, Patterson’s Cambridge Wafers 15¢, regular 25c, Norka 10c or 3 for 25c, Otter Sal- mon (red) 2 for 25c, Anchor Salmon, very special 15¢, Tiger Package Tobacco 5c, Starlight Chewing toc, O. K. Soap: 12 for 25¢. ave you tried Naptha Wash Soap? 5 for 25 cents. ¥ Come and see us, we would like sb you to trade with us a TERESA AS TET TLESTL ELAS TERT ee W. K. LOTH: LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ERE EER Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neatly Done at the Lowest Price, when printed a The Milverton Sun spect, Call and see them WM. ZIMMERMAN The A SEVENTEEN YEAR’S RECORD ors Sound & Careful Management New Wedding Rings —and— Wedding : Presents We have just received ‘a large shipment of hand- some Silverware, which we ordered specially for the wedding season. Be PUBLIC CONFIDENCE Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. me sure and inspect our new TH stock before buying else- where. Also a fine as- DOMINION FE sortment of Wedding and 5) Rings. Our ees Diamond Rings are cer- tainly beauties, —:: Hyes Te Tested Free of nee Paul. P. H. Bastendorff This Concerns Every- — body one The way your clothes fit and the very tasty appearance it has, but to your. profit is the good quality and the everlasting workmanship, Now to please you and everybody, and to get high grade clothing AROUND TO THIS FASHIONABLE TAILOR SHOP and it will be our pleasure to show’ you these valuable goods, and to your pleas- ure to wear such goods, Suits at all prices. CALL Knechtel & Smith PRET EteEeigeEte ted t “6 from tie Viahe te ie Jett until withdrawn FOUR PER CENT., componnded half- pi ieee ‘This Company is now propared io isane its bonds ot debentures for $100 deaaireetie eur nding the interest with Sprint pal every six months, or paying the Interest out every half year, as may | ‘incipal and interest = time after the expiration of twelve months from date ot serene: with in- terest to date of withdrawal. Te continues to pay interest, eee from day to day, at the rate of three ROLE “om pawe- bok dapanteay of wwhateter amount. — Interest compow yearly. Thr withdrawn at any ti same to date of. withdra The security is firs mortgage jose: Nottes the anne melsescaen and the surplus fonds) whieh amoun! to about Hon. THOMAS DALLANTYNE resident, WILLIAM aie ee ager and ‘Treasurer, fiduwosst ool S. BRICKER, = Miverton’s 4 Leading + Tailors District Agent, Listowel, Ont. Jeweler - ent: - Optician BRITISH: MORTGAGE eee AEE ess ‘ . e House o u * LOAN CO. of Ontario 4%: Pe hee Hestertetentetentertentertententestentestentente tert SY eh ‘ete mediate use bear 3 per of. y when” by i Owe ion E tree ool OS SO EA Pres Company, Market Birest, Sbeatiord, for seis steskeefeste beled speed periods, "it will realise terteatenfestestestentententententestestententente se steotententente testtertert for a salesman to have you slip into a suit, take you to a mirror, pat you on the back and say : “Did you ever have anything fit so perfectly ? Look at the way that col- lar hugs the neck ; how well the shoulders'’set, etc., etc.” PERHAPS = 2) But Hew about the wear of the fit? It. depends on the tailoring, what is to hold that collar in place ? So don’t go altogether by appearaice ; judge by what you know of the reputation of this store. : Ever since we have been in the clothing business, we fuse stood, and will continue to stand back of every piece of clothing we sell. Test us by a Trial-= Charles H. Davies LIMITED OUTFITTERS TO ALL MANKIND

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