Milverton Sun, 30 Aug 1906, p. 8

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yh UY ROPE Pure British Manill inch at 15 cents per Ib. Coal Oil—American, * stock. Pfeffer Bros. Flour and - OIL Machine Oil—the best at 4o cents a gallon. Cylinder Oil—at 65 cents a gallon, Cream Separator Oil—at 25 cents a quart. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil — always kept in WE ARE SOLE AGENTS and Sherwin-Williams Paint Jas. S. Lockie, * Spare Ont a Rope—from 5-16 to 1% at 24 cents a gallon. gat ie vg LINWOOD. A cold wave has ] passed over this section of the country which makes ing days of the past week. Dorking Miss O'Connor has gone to rehis a week or two with friends in Hawkes: yille and Wallenstein. Will Campbell and R. Barret of Toronto Medical friends here on Sunday. Miss Kathleen 0” ‘Donnell, of ee to, is be friends on the R. Fish made a eee: trip over the new C. P. ce line wou! Brae cast hose of the New id on or before oven sent to the Le ae Messrs. McGilliv Alex. McDonald et “Sneutlian, "4 ranphend spent a few hours in town last w Mr. ue Mrs. Ev. Rennie, of Tor- onto, spent a few days with Mr. Alex. eee FOR SALE. ‘street connecting Mill Street ‘Avenue. New SAMUEL WHALEY. Choice Town Lots on easy terms on Pacific The Larmour School with C. P. R. Station Grounds—Ten lots —or— Sold’ and houses going up. Move quickly if want any. Apply to Telegraphy and Railway Instruction orth Part of Lot 9, Con. 4. Mo ington 8o_acres. “Bank barn, straw. she good dwelling house, @ acrea in hardwood fee Roe ele heap. Beice’ $4,600. ply to the proprietor, o1 W. D, WEIR, Milverton. Farm for Sale at t Milverton Station | situations without delay.— Write for Catalogue, a New Method Entirely Successful. — provided for graduates 4; | giving full information, oe mee em. 60 Ce pe Be fendid grain ‘ain fat ed R. LARMOUR Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont. Mornington Voters’ List Court. be held by His Honor the Judge of the NOT tas pursuant to the Voters List het resume his duties as engineer on the County | C, P. Court, of the County, of Perth, at Newton PEFFERS. Mr. Harry Loney has returned to R. at Fort William. M. Alex. and Miss Bessie Lone ta x JOHN WATSON, Clerk of Moruingto: Dated August 21st, 1906, Are required to attend at sald time and | a +| party here Thursday evening last an: bout aes guests spent avery pleas- ant tim "1 Miss laa Freeman has gon For Sale in! Milverton ‘THAT PORTION of the West Half of Lo No, 8 in the 4th concession of Mor! Ry pply to J: F. KERTCHER on the premiscs Seta w, b, WEL Milverton, May ‘th, 1906. niog-| Mr. Dav ton, ining souty Of the Gucipe and Goderiah | Fore William this w he north si TR. stati fold at a bargain, Fo or further Dartloulars resume her duties as teacher at Tile water, Muskoka, The peer is about finished and many farmers are sowing fall wheat, e Jones intends going to Kk. and, Also 14 lots lying on the n ide ate Armin street having a fontage of 60. feet] Mr. Alex Lennox left a the har- Gnd adepth of 210 feet, Some of the best | estore excursion to the North West building lot ge. On iota led good, new solid 3: storey brick House last week ie water. ae ir “i cand the| Mrs, Florida, of the Philipine Is- ation. Thesi ties will be age is visiting here with her brother Mr. Henry Freeborn. Mrs. Flori speaks very highly of the Philipines as a place of abode, they having a very = cent Tenders For Drain, he opened and isonsidered wae “Dontey" Hal Newton, on Satu Bp Drialu will be received by the underain- ed 2 o'clock, Saturday, Sept Sood foe. the construction of a Manicipa uifficent security for the com- | of the road oe gece etek Feidees ath | surrounding community. all, JOHN DAVIDSON, Reeve ideal climate. The material for the erection ot a id more comfortable — station ne HALED TENDERS marked “renders for house will be shipped-here next. week. The officials of the G. T. R. have found that to move our station and putit up in the bush at the next corner as is supposed by two or three me individuals, is not in the best interests or of the pe ple of the Britannia Rules The Waves saya ae ah bution of prizes Notice To at Babb deceased, re the estate of t the above estate to the cidtis of which they shal tittn have had notice Dated August 4th 1906. Many Buu Bapn, Executrix. RICHARD Bapn, Exec All parties owing the suid estate. will ac cording to the terms made settle with Mrs. customers. ‘The change {n business to take place after 26th august 1906. ny iia Gm! sd Who ied on test | arnment, congratulated the ofcers et day of September 1906 as after that date | Togo’s trium ch in the wi pton ul sey ee teh ee 8 P “ ks ars between A, J. Babb, Millbank, and those having ‘will pi 0, t ‘ommend to our Babb ana tamily extend their most Hingtap iat at dro sup and aco | Sympathy in thetr'severe trouble of the past | ain is not only se its head of HERES AAA ctett tt le |precento, buttiereanng ‘be ed The gross steam tonnage ‘of the Brit- Many EMILY any, ice ish Empire is now 16,000,000, which n board the marine training thi Wonton Rise Hon. Lloyd George, the distinguished Welsch e|member of the present British gov- the vessel on the noteworthy achieve- ments of forme pupils—not the least remarkable which was Admiral Russia and Japan. ‘The Worcester, indeed, was responsible for that sig- nal victory, as eae Togo Bot his training as a cadet on boar her, Ho: oe prosperity in Tn ping Great Brit is nearly 600,000 tons more than the HE UNDBEAIGNED offers vatnat <stparth contactable awelling saouse.” barn 49370, new: corner lot, splendid furm, wind mill, Eo0d rowdy, 3 i lyer: “sonkton om thet Hare ech ance: “aoplt farm or to W. D. GEORGE W. POSLIPF, COMMERCIAL. Minvenrox, Aug. 30. 1906 100 Acre Farm For Sale in Elma iSey SaaS nA but a for. sate that a ery y t es me tastat daaaue bigger ships. "Sau ly to the proprietoroa the by the British. Seventy- five vessels EIR, Proprietor. G whole at the rest of the world, © Ger- she is_nearl; 3,000, bit tons ebind Great Britain 00, Britain is building There are w 100 yessels in the world of over 10,000 tons, and of these 52 are owned than was ever previously turned out in any one year, and 700,000 tons more than was launched by the rest of the world. The only trouble seems to be Fall wheat per bush 68 Barley per bush 40 Oats” ** 28 « oo Apples per bag Putatoos* + 1001 Hay per to 6 00 6 uiter per pound 18 Begs perdon. 17 12 5 Turkeys per pound. 12 Hogs ‘ive weight « 625 6 Flour, per 2% 2 Bran, ver tor 18 00 38 eerie ts digas an i Corn, per fieanel: 60 Stratford, caer 30 1906 Fall Wheat $77 arley 37 aS. 65 ts. 40 pples, p 351 Potatoes per 150% Butter « 15 i} Eggs... 2 8 Tt is not ressanting tolearn that itis so difficult get trained men for British ships et foreigners have to be hired to man the greatest industry of the United eiaoe Ap improvement in this regard co no doubt, be effected if the condition ed for of all old world mariners, a Frank Hocking, foreman of the N staff is at present laid up with an attack of la grippe. have just completed arrange- aah supposed to have been the | eo. F: id_and | strongest financial institution in the| Weekly Star aC Montreal whereby the | city, closed it’s doors to to subscrib- | other able assets are about $7,000,000. ments with tl two papers wii! be given ers for $1.65. * 'o the getting of the necessary number of | Good Rules” of King Charles 1.1 i i They are sort jpiina in ydur hat take the management of all this new | for Salyers Moore, of Guelph, is viatting jae ahapitee Min He Dawe ‘aulds, who was taking iiaige De Mesa ohare “‘praotebs Jsle on Tuesday for his home near London. Miss M visiting her unele, G. G. Manser. Mr, and Mrs. V. a Berlet and children have returned after a two weeks visit with friends in Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. McEachern, who h Aug. 26th. They stopped two Winnipeg, visiting the latter’s brother and then proceeded to Edmonto: eee they visited her two sisters. They then journeyed westward calling at Banff, Victoria, Vancouver. Seattle and then returning to Toronto where Mrs. Me, remained until gions vis- iting her mother. The Dr. is delight- ed witl @ country and speaks of many of the old boys of ntterobd and the surrounding. country who are wi prospering in the land of sunshine, ov hear and. determine turn to their homes there in a few a Subscribers of the NEWS may ob- tain the following papers at the foll- owing prices: Weekly Globe 60cts, Weekly Mail and Pepa 60cts, Fam- 4 Herald and Weekly Star 65cts. London Weekly Advertiser 65cts, Lon- don Weekly Free Press Ticts, Weekly Montreal Witness 60 c1 POOLE Mr. and Mrs. T. Magwood, of Strat- jord. and their daughter, Olive, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, Doersam enjoyed the Huether excursion to Goderich on Tuesday of last week. Miss Janet P. Chalmere, of Sarnia, is holidaying with her mother, Mra, J. Chalm s Laura Magwood is visiting fr jane in Stratford. Mr. A. Large is spending * few days in St. Thomas at the I Convention. Mrs. Farrell and son Claude, of Detroit, are visiting at ae home of Mr. and Mrs, George Far Me. Daub, of Nada v. 8. visiting his sister, Mrs. P, Doersa Miss Jessie Dewar, of Detroi visiting her mother, Mrs. P. Dewar. Mr. A, Clarke was in Russelldale last week attending the funeral of his fathe as Beatrice Kines has resumed her duties as teacher in the Dorking school. John Coulter has gone on a tri - to the North- bite Mr. and Mr: ard Nebraska, U.S. are ving ae ine er’s mother, Mrs. Coulter Mr. Peter Chalmers su the mis. fortune to lose a valuable horse last ee! ile on the way home from ihe blacksmith shop the horse took juddenly sick and Aid before veterin- 2 d Sey -Ald oon ease Miracle. (Brockyiile Times.) Which reminds us of another story. sent some cheese to Tgland Re Bicsksille section ree but something miraculous appa: occurred, for some aan intuat a "iee ter from the English de sipithe chiskie Was'eaal as itis” aoe: ville board, in which it was stated that the cheese had been received safe- ly, but that a small bottle found inside containing a letter from the cheesemaker who had made the cheese in New tate. Which shows the urgent necessity for Canadian cheese being stamped with the impressed brand to prevent any more euch miracles. of new shiping, or 100,000 tons ee Were They froken in Charles’ (New York Prece ) you remember the “Twelve Urge no rata the proper authorities. Profane no Diyine ordinances. cs Touch no state matters. BORN Reyeal no secrets, ‘Taytor—At Ellice on Friday, Aug. . Encourage no vice, . Make no long meals. 11, Repeat no ER: 12. Lay no wagers. \ Rear aie gaye gq 5 z 8 5 ro} § 2 a e Real Estate Trust Co., of Phil- the public the lay, ‘The liabilities over ayail- I one feel like living after the smelter- a fi Mrs. Wm. Hackett is visiting near i College, calle on | while sent se one should be handed to|™ eae revises as the news is that 4 Manser, of Toronto, is| jo 'n | west to waste two or three months of she to the public that ae ou e is allow- to the village without se consulting Lancrorp—At At Ab aaa Sun- MAR Tonoan-Rasci AC Elmira, 1» by h oe i age Los oe Cal., The Over Reach of Selfishness. (Toronto Globe.) * e long run selfishness over- initseager desire to. save its life, iosee all ‘that “makes life worth Good Word for the Guinea Hen. (Exehan| e.) Massachusetts ‘Poultryman lost A no cribs hawks and crows si he ke a yawalt flo. though losin; any strident voices seem to disconcert the thered marauders. hi ineas id pay on many a farm to add a few guineas to the feathered stock. BURNS Owing to the recent heavy rains, the farmers of this vicinity have been unable to finish harvesoin, Lr, J. Ross Munro, of Toronto, paid a flying visit to our burg recent: ly. Miss Janet Gray who has been so urning in British Columbia for. the past five years has returned home. Mr. W. Campbell of Stratford is spending a few days. with relatives g 3 Masters Willie, James, and Ru: sal Miller of Brantford are holiday. ing for a few weeks at Mrs. Thos, Grays. Miss Lottie Kerr, of Fernbank, spent aay with her cousin Miss Isa Kerr. Mente Tom Marta aed Fd. Sim- son of Brook]. ere renew- ing old euieen bere last week. Jas, Grieve of ters Wash is visiting at Mr. J. Rev. A. H. fee cual will conduct morning and evening services in pate th Mornington church Sunday — HAMPSTEAD The sound of the eet) machine is heard in our The wet weather rot last week has del eee harvesti erations and some of the farmers tere not finished eb, This section has been almost free from damage from the recent electric storms which have been passing over the province, Mr, Hugh McTavish was the only loser who lost a two year old calf supposed to have been killed by lightning. Mr. F, Johnson, of Sarnia, has re. sumed his duties as principal of our Pes The trustees have secured Miss Fanny Montieth, of Stratford, as ean ‘8, Henry Smith and Mr. Arch, MoGillecee who are on the sick list, are recovering. The Council have to replace the old wooden bridge at Hampstead by a new iron one, for which the Stratford: Bridge and Iron Works have the con- tract. Mr. Henry Schmidt has the job of putting in the floor of this tndge which is to be of cement. Be rlin, occupied the pulpit here inst Sabbath, Mr. James rson, renewing old eu waintan and Mrs, 8. H. Pag ie and fam- es sa Aig at the Iatter’s home Reward of Truthfulness. From the San Fransisco spend t When Jim Fisk was in his ot want to pay m. call ed a clerk and maid wl im: “ive Ae man @ pass to anywhere and return. He is the first man they has told. ile truth to-day. Don't Go West, Young Man hawa Vindicator, Our city dailies appear to be work- ing overtime still in. their efforts to send every workingman away to the his time harvesting, while he could save a good deal by staying at home. It is all very well fora man who goes to the west to stay, but it cos| tween $40 and $50 Ss = very ee to go there and retu or $30 better off by s aying here, where he is as badly ae) asin the new provinces, —_— Reeve Hasenpflug desires oe intim- ta take sanitps. Mater belorging 24th, thee wife of James ‘Paylor of on, day, August 26th, to Mr. and Mis. Geo. N, Langford, oe Mody ore ae Reichert, daughter of ae a Mrs Heary Reichert of Macto: July Geo. J. Reiner, eldest son of . “a, pes Wollesh ley, Lisle Judd. x Fall <x nnouncement Pr “‘ The People’s Store ’”’ + + + It is rather early to say anthing about Fall Goods, but as fe are busy check- ing and putting into stock, the largest and best selected Display of Fall and Winter Dry Goods ever shown in Milverton. nouncement before this. You will be surprised that we have not’ made the. an- We ask you to watch our advt. very closely every week, as we -have some- thing of special interest for every family in Milverton and vicinity. In another week our store will be stocked from top to bottom with NEW GOODS, already our first floor is more than filled. We will be pleased to give you any information as to styles, etc. The Right Materials for Eton and Tailored Suits or Walking Skirts Pretty grey effects in Scotch Tweeds have the preference, but they are close- ly followed by fancy stripes, checks, plaids and overchecks, T hey’re in light, med- ium and dark grey mixtures. REMEMBER, we are headquarters in Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks, Etc, Everything in Ladies’ Wear at FINKBEINER’S, Goods Right or Money Back, “+ Specials for This Week 4& Our south window is an indicator of what you find in the inside, in Cretones, Art Sateens, Muslins, etc. 1 12¢ 12 42 inch double border Cretone in nine and small scroll, regular 25 20 anid: 30°centetor.s, ci wesc tase ‘Cn poae IC A special in Art Muslin, 28 and 30 inches wide in floral and gilt de- signs, regular 18, 20 and 25 cents, for. 34 inch Japan Design Cretone, ina double face and hoa: in colo red and etl regular 1g and 20 cents for... 20c Curtains Curtains Now is the time to select your Curtains for fall, our stock is large and complete. ART SATEEN—in all the new designs jd colorings, with or without border, regular 25 and 30 cents for. ... In order to induce early buying in Curtains, etc., we will offer the following extra special prices. See w indew. Regular $2 Curtain, full size, for,.....$1. 25 Regular $3.50 Curtain, full size, for ..$2.50 Regular $4 and $5 Curtain for.......,.$3.50 Curtaining by the cade some beautiful designs, from 10 to 50 cents per yard, Bobinette Lace Curtaining in Fleur-de-Leis de- sign and other patterns, regular 25 cents for 15¢. Ladies’ Waists in Lawns, India Linens and Silks We have a number of beautiful waists left in above lines, which we will clear at a positive 25 Per Cent. discount off regular prices, Don’t fail to look over these, as there are some heauties left Corsets Corsets ust received another shipment of Corsets, all sizes and styles for ladies and misses, also waists for small girls, A finer line you cannot find in the larger city stores, Prices 25¢ to $150 range from, Extra Special—Just received an advance shipment of a number of beautiful Cotton Eider- lowns, suitable for Sacques, Blouses, Gowns, Etc., in colors blue, white, cream and pink. Come early and have a good choice as these will be sellers. Special at per yard, (any Colony eRe Seaham Wall Paper 1,000 rolls Wall Paper with match ceilings and borders, gilt, terra brown, blue and green colors, in fact the finest assort- ment of all lines of colorings desired for halls, dining rooms, kitchens and bedrooms at per f Single Roll Only 5 Cents We offer the above paper to give our customes a chance in a lifetime, as all lines are worth three or four times the price, in fact, some of the lines were retailed at 60 cents per roll. GROCERIES ! Redpath’s G I The only store getting in Fresh Broveries Every Day. We diated our pte Absolutely Pure and Fresh d Sugar. é $4.50\per cwt. tf you want the best VINEGAR, getit from us, we can guarantee it. BY TEST THE BEST. Try our SPECIAL BLEND TEA, regular 40 and §0 cent line for 25 cents in green, black or mixed, It’s a dandy. Free sample for the asking. Girls Wanted—to \earn millinery, must have some knowledge of sewing. — Apply at once. GHARLES A. FINKBEINER iS

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