Milverton Sun, 30 Aug 1906, p. 4

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i The Ailverton Sun horribly offensive, you fool ‘sick all |for can in write a. more efficient pre- i Health ss stake Dr. Ham-| scription than Polson‘s Nerviline, oe can Surely et wes Is heb oa Laces slag sha in oe pede iiton’s Pils which regulate the bowels | which reaches the trouble and cur Strength th r- Shoop’s Subscription | 224. cure constipation. Taken at | quic ie marvelous power ot ies. ietiom wc pear: Tit night you are well by morning. ‘The Nerviline will sarprise you; it's re . . a purify and cleanse the system, pre-}best household remedy oughs, sa hich be dealt as not so paid. —M. MacBari, PUBLISHER | Font tread: he, billiousuess and sick| colds, sore chest, eroup, and intebnal|aiguetewemasne Sustns oct had teat stom and vertain are|pain’of every kind. ‘Large bottles | Des mr roar ete when your heart e, Haniton's Pil ‘Of Mandrake and | have been sold by all dealers for| PStos” Ouher sigueare 9 shortness of breath attor G. T. R. Time Table Batter for | nearly fifty years at 2 slign:exereise: fainting Spats: tenders 1,00 at an deniehe ee, ness about the heart cu a ned bY ‘Fowler hears ‘Trains due tolenre Milverton Pe en tie b eft Gorn NoRTH. (@ SOUTH. naw a =| Ontario neon peecienene Veri-| chest y tt Expre! 02 a.m, aaa vee ‘rads wo greae a.m, Express . Pipes 0:44 pom; Expreee., 4:06 po. Aa oat arent. Stat) ay tor| Wingham Advance:—We haveit on grip. and his eondnet ia described “by good authority Wind Oe Jaree ol : *t wi mand Teeswater, has THURSDAY, AUG, 30, 1906 | ie racetul, unc ee infamous and) threshed his fall wheat and i¢ has ‘A doctor gets drunk and assaults a| ¥ielded over fifty bushels to the acre| f tieuieas lady sitting ine hotel with’ euch’ -vio- pe a old Ontario. Winnings in: Wintee, lence that bot! floor. H gin Times: a (London Spectator.) is a “dead” city from October till the beginning of April, since the it has all its exgs in one basket, hen the wheat is not being s or harvested sits idle. it is an gigantic country to city with its own private interests. Not Sleeping Well. Without sleep there can be no bod- ly or mental ace: consequently Noi so surely restores sleep a: Ferrozone; it’s harmless—just a nour- engthening tonic, Fer 01 put off —Ferrozone at all dealers; get it to- To Teach ere Boys Use of Rife. The Minister of Militia will equate oe wa, in the fall a -conference with the Provincial authorities, toi se- they have learned to their There seems Canadian at knowledge of military matters, so that they will be better equipped to answer the call for volunteers in any national emergency that might arise. “Let The Peapie Know 1” ne. is tl the backbone of all successful trade.” So Mr, F. ner yor ers | The f Keep The Bowels Regular. If your bowels did didn’t move for a If h fall to the d uate pi punishment pull ‘Nothing i is said of the of the lady who suffered. from ising in very mo a remedy for a prevalent disease. Senne aS Cc. P. R. Construction Notes. (G Joderich | Star.) n are ing the cement wall to hold up Uight. ees house employed ion between Harbor Hill elevator is as uched, When this streteh, which will pass through part of the It well, is started, the whole line the impale of ithe work’: . "finish will be iiite work on the Maitland River bridge is proceeding, steadily, and its pr promise Sompietion “inside of three 1 pan, the longest one is fin- bridge men are making the egond apen solid, and pi ng the temporary are tose ones over into position for the third spa Sir Oliver and the Messenger. s to finish, | 9°" zs Teton of the enerally believed that in|‘ Croup is ae Deadly. ere in- It must be stopped aaleey ing so sure as Ne! t hele 8 oe Monday about 800 bushels of fall wheat The sole of wheat wi growing, not even with the western prairies, this brutal assau! Listowel Banner—The oat crop s ne would suppose that this is the | being weil got in this eels ieipie sort of at would occupy the standing the heat and local showers, attention of the On Medical | and a few days more will see the end Council or its counterpart in Quebeo, | Of the harvest. Quite a number of rio. Medical Couneli farmers have | thresh r y for. eogh eran of en 4th of Elma threshed 811 bushels of barley off six acre: ie yers of he oat crop promises to yield from 40 to 60 bushel 1s tothe acre. Peas are he only crop in this section that. are not turning out well, and are almost total failure owing’ by mildew caus- d by too much wet in the early part of the he adjoining townships mammoth yields of magnificent grain re the universal returns. From forty bushels to forty. -eight of wheat to the season has produce quite as well pte the high standard while the barley and peas only make the fariner wish he had planted many ‘Chere will be mone: ‘tunate- for Peat ve ‘the possible ex- h_western sectio: ods of agriculture have done much to make the very best of a most favor- able season. More gels Than Famine. Neglected Catarrh sooner or later 3 was ter, of Galt, told the Master Baker's, lem The Qgnctally believed that in| wa ILA RMT Ste! = convention. He advised the bakers| about to mest disaster similiar to that AI UT cat eR ACR et to introduce the best anachtnery, tarn.| which erushed the McKenzie adiin- | MC’ it aration, thon he te othing amen out the best products, and then let istrstion a little lees than a year be-| {He irritation; then by soothing away the people know it through the news| fore. But to the surprise.of aluost | (ne congestion and infammation 1 papers. everybody, including the Little Pre-|qures the dischatge, hawking, and ; Muptar-bas found that adver-/mier Rimeelt, the Ontario’ Liberals | SToPPing To the throat.) 't suffersd tising pays him, or he would not] achieved a signal victory. writce Keneet . Dakitn of Rosemont recommend it. It is an equally sal A good story is tol the inanner| “that I scarcely knew what it was. to Inference that, Mr. Hunter inakes!in which Sir Oliver: received the re-| {uae scarcely knew what it was to ood bread, for. even advertising| turns as they were brought in by. altre cos Cateninnee volinna me would not ‘make four bread to go messenger boy from the telegraph | ay Sate add MnO TE TeorsuHirabtet . as st fay- ike given a complete recipe for success: | orable renoete wore. record tts tN: | No other race 1 Uieraptat aa First make good products and then | cipient smiled his thanks, andaslight | 20Re” — try it for your nex let people know it. parerion will] gleam of ho) ope illuminated the cloud a not succeed unless it is backed up by | of despair that had 0 heavily merit; but merit will not ie - | overhead z few minutes thiti lost fo beokea ap ‘by advertising, gerry fl dy, A, few, minutes ~The Fall Exhibitions If a man is adverti Ms article, | in, and this time the I remier’s grati- Geadvetiising duhanestiz: ake public tuide to ok the form of a new nage oe . find it out. | jut he may quart Mornington, Milverton. . Sept, 27-28 have the best wares in the world and Still later, when a yosaaes arrived | The Western Sept, 7-15 the public may never fin ut an-lannouncing that the victory was ess he uses printers’ ink. Advertis-| practically assured, the enger | Canadian ‘National ‘(foronte ing will bring customers to the man| was made richer by a crisp dollar bill who oods to sell, but he nly|which measured the rising tide of Aylmer. * pd his customers by delivering the | Liberal pes. At last, not merely.| Central (Ottawa) . ... Sept. 7- goods just as he advert: ictory bat Se ehelta| ig triumph Gavel couse ers, In every well-regulated mereat fs cheing: paid to the publicity depart- Advertising has become an science. and women are arta it their occupation. If a mer- chi Ys spat spaper he should make the best possible ‘use of it, by an attractively-written adver if towards hin exelaii event you have a glass of wine, sir Short enrieg Retold. al noth g bat the truth, By bri persistent, and veracious advertising| Two boys who managed t - fie gets on & tiendly and familiar |er unruly in ha or ao deaese aie | enn with read wea id i for| their teacher that she requested them his announcement every day as reg-| to remain after hours rite their ularly as for any feature of the new e th h aper ft in advertising usual 00 much shop-worn stock on Pree. eee Stop That He Headache ! Foolish to Suffer When a & Simple Remedy Will Prevent and Curi paper. ‘The merchant who takes no stock | f fair, mum!” His name's. or sh anid mine's Schlutterineyer Tavistoe! ept. 7s 18 briaia ot hospitality. Fand giadness| Blyth mild may. Listowel. . Drumbo., Chatham . ishman was competin agalot an Trishman in a race al =S 2 n atta. glishman Ever stop to tl think what caused| was winni 1B 80 that he stopped your headache’ two or three times, and shouted to bly. a Tien look to the| Paddy to come along. After the race bowels and stomach, and you'll find | everyone was chaffing the STE plenty. of cau Chances ‘are you'll |on the beating he had recei bur And poliet DAHON, liver is sluggish, 0 his shoulders a geet onder you are dull, tired, rest- ide aud alee sou He the cleansing influence of ills which cure your condition j in short order, composed of natural vege- table remedies Dr, Hamilton’s Pills os eahaches never come to those who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, an fact is vouched Manag: bett Hamilton's Pills w of {I For headaches, eee and stom- ach disorders one ipreseription i Dr. Hami Is, Pe n Dr. Hamilton's "3 | I ith im fiott confidence; their | sai Smart tewonder ail deal- | ed effect is won nde! rful, Sold by ed to arrive at a la) onfident that the he SSS: ton’ re, if as any rests as he had, ie could ’av bate him easily!” A visitor of noble birth was expect” ‘your my nat bout may we be truly thankra lawsuits, and alwi ries eras le. y he w whole | his lawyer and laid “the details ie An efore him. through the lawye: sey Jeb Se to a the case; Mr. hi r. Sage — r said he would b a sure ¢: e- ok Con YS. ently the great man | oye: of his sur A when | be d. the little girl wad ‘a Russell Sage, the millionaire, hated on * BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN CO. of Ontario y Why should d money not wanted itis left until withdrawn FOUR PER CENT., compounded helt Tike Comping is now prepared to issue its bonds or debentures for $100 and ear’ OF more; deposit, with in- terest to date of vithdray al. oney may be withdrawn at any time, with interest on same to date of sihaeeeel The seen bonds, and the tors, Trustees, Municipal Coun- Lassies ‘companies are make jerosbuedie Assurances issued and ®| for The Signs of Heart Trouble tends ovei in y overcomes the cause of the trouble as well the result. For sale and recommended by THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Barley and Peas WANTED For which we will pay the Highest Price, PFEFFER BROS Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Results for 1904. paid $15,911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Assets at 31st, December, 1904 17,851,760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984 44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Ee aes in foree Dec, , 1904 8: Increase over 1903 9,646,478.98 A. S, MacGregor, Mgr. Western Ontario, London. A. MacBeth, Stratford, istrict Superintendant. . A SEVENTEEN YEAR’S RECORD or-= Sound & Careful Management ooh heb eb bbb dh hb bb hb bbb by Watch This Space Next Week ‘all Term Opens Sept. 4th yy, GZ, WG, ie STRATFORD, Cup: This small Advertisement reptesents tha lammtst ond Dene Commie cia omuO eat. Write for catalogue Sake SMGtACHLAN PRICED It will Pay You = NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Daily H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Fruit Jars Imperial Pints, 70 cents per Pe ee as ee Oe ee ee ee ee Ps A ee ge Be He He Fe He Fe He eT EE TE OO OP OT | dozen. Imperial Quarts, 85 cents Ph hhh bh hbbhh % per dozen, Wine Half Gallons, $1 per dozen, REDPATH SUGAR Imperial Half Gallons, $1 per dozen. $4.50 per ewt. CASH Granulated Sugar $4.75 per cewt. CASH, Fee eeheeeesd HIGHEST PR DES PAID FOR PRODUCE, Have You Tried Naptha Soap EEELELELELELEELELELELELEEEELELE EEE EEEEELELE LED ; * a Sod + 5 cents a cake > H. MOHR = SEEDS % BUTTER 18c %& % EGGS 17c 3 & EEEEEE SEED eh te o£ W. K. LOTH: REEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEE EEE EER Before buying your Spring Shoes, I want you to see my lines, We are special agents for * 3 Empress Shoes for Women VV edding Invitations i Geo. A, Slater Shoes for Men Promptly and Neatly Done at the Lowest ‘Whese shoes are up-to-dste in every re- Paev Men pene spect, Call and see them. e a The Milverton Sun WM. ZIMMERMAN ; The Be Sure And * This Coneerns Every- Get : Your ;| —_ body ———— The way your clothes fit and the very tasty appearance it has, but to your profit is the good quality and the everlasting workmanship. Now to please you an g everybody, and to get high grade clothing 3 CALL AROUND TO THIS FASHIONABLE TAILOR SHOP _and it will be our pleasure to show you these valuable goods, and to your pleas- ure to wear such goods. Suits at all prices. Repairing P, H. Bastendorff Knechtel & Smith Miver ton’s + Leading + Tailors Jeweler - and - Optician DOMINION LIFE PUBLIC CONFIDENCE Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. S. BRICKER, District Agent, Listowel, Ont. AYA. Synopsis of Canadian North-Wes Homestead Regulations ¥ even, numberd, section of Dominion nitoba or the North-west Be Ent ‘de personally at the local Jand o} ce for the « distcit Jn which, the land situate, or if the Ro: for he hotieiteader. Is: séanired <0 uke ine Conditions connected therewith nnder residence upon and oe the las! in each year for ) if fi. fagher EOE mother, if the father is deceased jesteader ‘resides upon a farm in the v vidal f the lant entered for ae. ever iey guests a8 3 tO renidence may ‘be sat- isfled b, Sear person residing with thefather orn (3) It ‘the settler has his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him. in the wleinity of his homestead, the require. Bi cesttien y, BE satisfied by Nines gone eid “Sizmo onthe’ notice ia writing should be pies te ine Commissioner, of Dominion Hon, THOMAS BALLANTYNE President. WILLIAM ba te eet ger and Treasurer, Ee at Ottawa of intention to oy Deputy of the Minister of ihe LateHor. Our business manager, who § ea the prices has Speier | hrough our store and left cine | table signs of his visit. Where- a broken lot or incomplete as- erect was found, TIME INVENTORY 7 BROKEN TIME PRICES ceemeiennnn§ Down Went the Pricet 4. We do not propose to advertise afGreat Clearance Sale, Goods Sold Regard- less of Cost, or Less Than the Cost to Suc! I advertise- ments are simply an insult to public intelligence. Here’s our statement :— IT’S We have made great reductions on all broken lots in every de- partment. We have not marked them up and then marked them down. Simply Cut the Original Prices. Now, come in and see for yourself, Let the Goods and Prices do the talking. This is what constitutes a fair, square Reduced Price Sale and this is our Straight- forward and Honorable way of doing it. $10 Suits 7.50. $12 Suits $8. $13.50 Suits $9. $15 Suits 10.50. $16.50 Suits 11.50. Etc., Ete, $14 Sults 9.50. Charles H. Davies LIMITED OUTFITTERS TO ALL MANKIND |

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