= G. T. R. STATION STORE 0S ie AN UNLIMITED QUANTITY Bet stars Live Poultry Wanted This Fall Of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Hens, Chickens, Etc., for which the highest market price will be paid, either in cash or trade. (& WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT W. J. R. YOST & SON a TITS TTI TTPO TENT TTT FTN ATTT TTT OTTO TTTTTO TOOT is Business Cards Dentistry. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 1903 DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lie- entiate of Dental Surgery and Member Bridge work a Specialy. 0 BES j-] CULLED FROM 0.5 p.m, Office above W. a "fink er’s hardware store, Milverton Medical. F, PARKER, M.D. irad- uate and Gold Medallist ity ted dical College, also Gold Medallist, Trinity University, To cessor to Dr. Egbert. ‘Office ra Publ ic Drug Store, Brunner, Moserville and Rostoc! Telephone connection with Poole Eat Legai ORPHY & CARTHEW, neers i or the Bank . Milver- s have been A member of the firm will be in Milverton every Thursday. i. fe MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, grranged lor, EIEIO NM We ak ae ae ae Se Se Se ae Se ea BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Orders apipee heed sig hhtoy Monkton » Etc. Grocery Orders put up and ede to these places and to all points west of Toronto. All Grocery Stores or Department Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., Etc. Send us a trial order by mail and A convinced that we can send you first-class goods, Give us a tri Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & CO. Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE FE SE ML SY SE SY SY SYS SY AY SY SM SYS SY AY SM SY SY SM SM SY AETRERATR EET PA EREE TAR ELE Ds He the A a a a a lk ee at ak at ke ae é é " " é e 4 % ‘e e é "a 3 E “ é é 4 4 4 e c = e ic x y Cash for | T S | Cash for Milverton: Gradtiate of Ontario Veterin: ler ore | x Toronto. Treatsall disease burter | The Premi er ot Fags i scttiil a Sat He | Plione or pls attenioa te: , Livery. J. H. LAMBERT, Mill St,, about 3 doors east of the Queen’s hotel. First- class horsés and rigs to be obtained at all times. Commer: Baggag ge transi fer. cial driving a specialt, Societies. : F., No. 99, Milverton, meots every second and last “Tuesday ery month, at ver Rothusrnel & No, #02, ‘Milverton, ery Friday night their halbover Public pes Store. Visiting brethren always wel- come. Daniel Ross,N.G., W.K,Loth,R.8. Notary Public. THE Favorite Floor Fabric W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, tioneer for the County Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Auc- flic shoe store, Main street YMilvert ‘tol “silver Star | f Perth and | on’ GENERAL NEWS who have already passed in one part of the senior teachers’ examination aon eanaldates wi 1 be Ss Fenee of rede nes : wrexa Furniture Dealers and Undertakers The C.R.Honderich & Son It is estimated that the census will show a pan atsea of 180,- 000 for Alberta and 330,000 for Sask- atchewan, For dry, sane lips, or rough skin, use Dr, Shoop’s Green Salve. It pos- itivelyinaken ltne aagaigh like weleee Sold by The Public Drug Sto e: Mr. Vogan reports that the peas which have come to , wormy, buggy @ the farmers in this locality will hay to quit growing peas for a few years. —Walkerton Telescope. Of the 4000 people who left for the west on Friday’s excursion, fully one half, says the Toronto News, were from the County of Bruce. When we are told that 20 left from Mildmay, 26 from Walkerton, 82:from Kincardine, and 150 from- Paisley, we can well be- lieve that the estimate of the News is about correct. ruce people are a restless people.—Bruce Herald. By the time the wheat is ro to move from the West, the Saale the crop. The roadbed has ach improved in the West and in most parts, and this year under the i tions the able to haul 1,500 tons or more, prove A er is a prairie chipmonk, and people here look upon the chipmonk as a lively but exceedingly harmless little animal. 8 west, abet ance, almost asbad as the rabbit in al ee: aby are not s w Provinces of Alberta and Sastatchewan, they are joing immense in the wheat fields. As the pene becomes broken up, they will gradually disappear, but. in the meantime they are almost ah, plague. fue Farmers’ Association of Toron- 0 W! ill hold its annual convention in ueen Street East, Tor- per 4 anc 5, commencing each t 9a. e tariff question will be res patencaut issue for discussion. There cen be an eight with the Ontari n the Rail- Hotels. HERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. LINOLEUM is the ravorite floor cov- ering of the whole country, So easily kept clean, that housecleaning would not te the terror it is, if every home had it in every room, We have several bright new patterns just in, at every price from...... Oil Cloths 25c - to - Inlaids 90c R. WH TE & co. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office, , STRATFORD Calf - Feeding - and Hog - Feeding Few subjects interest the farmer more at the pre- sent time than the above. Profits in stock-raising almost entirely depend upon the start animals get in life, it has been proven by the best feeders and dem- onstrated in almost every show ring in Canada, that Carnefac fed animals outlook, outgrow and out- weigh all others. Every farmer should look into this at once. Our Poultry Food will save you any amount of loss and trouble with Young Turkeys oad Chickens, and keep your Hens in perfect Laying form. The cost of Carnefac is but a trifle. No gifts, no premiums, just CARNEFAC the tonic that gives satisfaction, or sale by— FRED PRUETER Harnessmaker - - Milverton _— EXCHANGE HOTEL, Branner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor. Best liquors and cigars at the Phas class ac- commodation and large stablin; GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil . First-class accommodation. for pOTATieGial trairellere 00 GLNB, © TARRE large somple rooms. Best brands brands of liquors and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, S$ HOTEL, Milverton, RE Ont. best aci scommodation for commercial ables, George F, Pauli, Proprietor. TRALEE Mrs, Ney, of Brnerbridge, Mus: koka, is a visitor at ae pein of her sister-in law, Mrs. 8. _ Mrs. Milton Loth ee ‘Miss Kath- spent a day with friends here last eek, Miss. Sara McCloy and Miss Retta Coote, of ronto, and Mrs. Chas Mrs. S. R. McConkey. Mr. and Mrs, R. Knox, of Atwood, and Mrs. and Miss Malcolm, of Tor- ‘onto, are visitors at the home of Mrs, Wm. Wood this week. Mr. on cus Master Willie Brace, of Detroit, iting ab the home of the faiier's son, ite John Welsh. Miss Florence Mackey has returned to Stratford after spending her holi- days at her home-here, ae HESSON. Miss Retta Coote, of Toronto, and Mrs. Barber, of Crosshill, were the | guests of Chas. Coote on Sunday. Miss Cecila Kennedy, of Toronto, who has been visiting ber parents for the het month returned to Toronto on S Mr. J ohn Gatchene, of aides. is SG his parents for a couple of THIS SPACE belongs to the enterprising progressive merchant tailor JOHN KELTERBORN % ~whose name stands for merit re- liability and square dealing. sure Wm. Thrower and children of Hamilton, N. Dakota, are spend ing @ couple of es with her broth- r, J. R, Moore Miss a. Sklistki and Mr. San Skhstki, of stration called on frends here on Sunday. Miss Mollie. Spitsig, of Wat visited at Mr. John atoielate. He week, Mrs. Theo. Barbelein, of Chicago, who has been visiting her father, Mr. Henry Isley, returned home on Mon- lay. Mr. James Cumfor, of Listowel, friends in Atwood on Sun and Mrs. “ecaebe Quite: = quent around this week and by all re- ports we are going to get the station. Then watch Hesson boom. | Mr, E. ©. Knoblauch has the con- tract of suppling the C. P. R. with cement sewer pipe from Linwood to Listowel. Good stabling. | women. Coote, of Hesson, spent Monday with pas quite fre-| t way Maxon ASE have will te"H0 rest till railways pay taxes on their property in proportion to what other properties This was provid for by the Pettypiece Bill. a woman suffers from de- ressing weakness, she then keenly realizes how helpless—how thorough- ly worthless she is. Dr. Shoop Be brought relief to thousands of su He reaches diseases peduitar to women in two, - direct, specif ways.—a local treatment ou druggists everywhere ai Shope Night Cure, and a ona EOCinaSLSCE internal predaleiion ¢ called Dr.Shoop’s oe liquid form) is a constitu tissue tonic. It brings strength, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women. These two -remedies,, singly, used together, have anirrestible, posi- tive,—helpful power. ‘Try them apbe 8. ld by the Public|feation of mail matter; and a simpli. month and see, Sold by the Public} qeation, if not a redaction, in the gS arious’ postage rates. Nominally, ae bas are 19 _ “ap of mail matter; ut more than double that number of BASOMORAILLE: postal rates, And itis dificult to un- ae ; erstand on what basis these rates eatveel is entirely a thing of the| or) chatged: It: conte “as min rry a postoard through the tails as @ rate of one is half that Mr, Geo. Koch, the people’s thresh- erman, is again on his rounds and the elias will soon see the fruits of their poe osliff, who has pe en- aed iat Edens spent Sun day here before leaving for his home in Wingh Mr. David Doering had the mis- fortune to lacerate one of his toes with a fork last week which bene sore did not incapactiate him, Riding a ¢ a Camel. (Cibkingtl Inquirer) Dr. Nachtigal, the celebrated Afri- ean explorer, once said to a youth who expressed a sentimental desire to eross ae Sahara on camel ‘man, I'll tell y. ean eee a partial idea of. ‘at viding | w a camel in.an is like. T as x bite ae every four urs, This will mire: you a faint idea of, the exquisite poet ry the Sahar Text Book his mill of this | a is chief before doing 8 same locomotives will be u Night -Cure| by tl -|is applied locally, and at night. It| gr i sleep. It reduces | i a ‘y two days aid: letting of camel riding in| v o teil a good story illustrative of Hig! land character. he conservative candidate in rural riding, chiefly inhabitated by Highland Scotchmen, was an English broker who charged ‘ruinous rates of interest and pressed the iron heel o tortion on all who got into his clutches. xander McKenzie tended one of his meetings to speak for the m candidate. In the at the tl ve platrorm until the latter with fist full in the face of the detested broker, turned speaker and asked in his native tongue: “Bhaail mi mae an abe Lik: reat man: oi Gaclte ex- e euffers by tranela: Tt meang “Will I strike the son of a devil? The Sheritt told the storylwith reat tii oto ask permisston from his Saat RELA) Comfort at the Grave. Every hour we e hear the clang o} the sepulchral gate. be ion from time into ete nity keeps three-fourths of the fami- lies of the earth in desolation. The air is with farewells, and the blacketasseled vehicles of death rum: ble throngh every s' of the child that was folded 60 closely irkness. seatte The in. the harv field of Shanan says: “My. head, my head,” and they carry him home S w 3 5 os 4 & HALL RACKS A few days ago we unpacked some real new designs in Hall Racks, finished in Empire Oak. They are handsome in appearance‘and at prices to suit your purse, rang- ing from— $9.00 to $25.00 Call in and compare these goods and prices. Paper Racks 2 dozen in all, some slightly soiled, : but we have reduced the price to....... 45e They were regular 55 to 90 cents each. (See Nortu Winpow.) OUR MOTTO: C.R.Honderich & Son Tuesday 2 to 6 p,m. Thursday 2 to 6 p. m, Saturday 2 to 9 p, m. LIBRARY OPEN tehes for its pr Detweanities seer, gates of the sepu ehre our 3 are mangl ernshed, re any earthly solace? one. We me to the obsequies, we th the grief-stricken, we tal pathetieally to their soul; ave passed, the car- e or f those who will never come again—sighing into the darkness,—T, De Witte Taln Postal Reforms. ondon A ‘Advertiser) More th a fifty yearsago the Can- jan Government ees over the pos- tol service from Great Britian, And or many years it was carried on with all the r e and formalism, that characterized the old regime m he officials in the eapital, who road made with difficulty, and under Under Sir William Mulock’s aduinistration improvements. were y made, and a non paying de- & sure e first place there umlght soiné rearrangement in. the lassi f a ir of a lady, if he puts them in an eiivelobe and seals it up, he must pay two cents; if he wraps them up in brown paper, with the parcel open at the ends, it goes forone cent nee; if he wraps it in a newspap will xo for one cent for four ounces, if the postmaster n to it; but will be prosecut: eaby by the department and fined from ‘And ike neuen Saitd be glen “abo owin; ast, that is 88 ich, even i sta b It does seem as though there might be greater simplicity in this d t t. ‘The Department of Education has ued a circular directing that th tt of text books authorized in Au; ne m Another matter to which the atten- tion of FA cad fa & Fa , 1905, for use io the Public and High sehools, commercial ‘that tutes {otal ne extreme, we have th and ¢ ill remain a large city with a une inaeda til gs notice, and | salary of $4,000--with a superintend- that revised "edition: Fehon ent ie eee after the work of his the tee cannot The text | office, and a staff of sistant paid by yr the Nena: Gollege and =) s , session. exal held in 1907 in the: subjects of part I of the junior teachers’ or district cer- tifieate course, and that candidates the other ex- overnment. The SOI. From Now Until January ist, 1908 FOR -:- $1.00 HARVEST HELP CANADIAN PACIFIC siaees18 WANTED ca SEPT. & Btations fa sgiet ea) but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, SEPT, 7 Main line Tor 0 Sarnia and Stations estat ei north of Cardwell yancaon tt Toronto on North Bay SEPT. 8 joe all eg Toronto and east to and Pieeies ‘Sharbot Lake a! ve and north of ‘aréate and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Divisions, lass tickets sold to WINNIPEG only. sc ted by Manitoba and Baskatohawen Governments, will meet bo furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed. ished srhen each a is ep paronesse. and this certificate, er wnen executed we mer, showing that labore ed thirty daya or more, will be honored from, that point for a socond class Ticker bwek to starting polit ts Obtato, at §1B0 P Tickota vil be lasted to we ts are good only on special Farm Laborers’ trains, For full particulars see nearest C.P_R. tioket agent, or write C. B, Foster, D,P.A., 0.P.R, Toronto, Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not an- other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive control. If you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means, 2, |M°Clarys Pandora | Ran ‘Warehouses and Factories: FR Toronto, Montreal, ‘Winnipeg, Vancouver, a John, N.B., Hamilton fap (oe the the past, there is stills something for the Hon. Mr, Lemieux to reform. Qt Le 8. LOCKIE, Newton eet omeeaomtmstal J. RITTER, Millbank JOHN ROTHARMEL & SON, Milverton, Agents Ee