Milverton Sun, 20 Sep 1906, p. 8

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Lederman, Secretary of the oddfellow's lodge, on Wednesday afternoon, received a tele; ea ure Regina Sask., stating that bert wi ead a ae asked Hib Seite dota Are You Often Bilious? Read This And | Learn How To Pre- "i liousness is earsly a term applied to a condition that exist Oe the body is over- ede The complexion turns yel inet eyes look dull, pimples, itehing and eezema ae out, headaches are eve Few will ;wacape. The torturing aches of corns. Be repared,—the of IN RICH ABUNDANCE 11 “4 The People’s SroPe ‘es «Brighten Up”’ time is here—the time to clean up about the house, renovate, and make the old things look neat and clean again. We aiouanean in tvs great causes constipation and defective liver act- ’ ion She Was Wild With Pain. When Dr, Hamilton’ 5 Pills are tak From Willow Greek, Ont., Miss E,| 02 they not only cor Pee ‘can’ help you in the work with our line of | Diesel writes "a tew'yeurs ago t was | but act ditecty on ‘the. iver, rola A REET EST FY rebehed with rain-end gob lumbar Jike ordinary medicines which SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES. ee ioe steal rod piercing ny | purge and give temporary reli pee reas This store is on the high road to greater things in merchandising because a never were we so well prepared in every way. Our ora customers are delighted “It is really airnsing: wet a little paint or varnish will do toward | One with Nerviline to my. ear.on | nent cures ar ; belaeaning, up ncisians ane, Sie, SM. Family: Paint, us Re erro sr ie Tams besa. anys venareanered do cure bil- and more satisfied than ever with our store aa who tell their friends, who also help eC. oil paint specially prepared for home decor- | That rubbing relieved and in a isness and liver Hi! sindascaliscais ting and Eentbee With it any one can ae the appearance OE . hours I was well. No other liniment Suet us to add new customers to our list. Every day, people tell us, that since they can hundred litte ise that now look worn and old. It dries with a goo ee (onende ie tae Peter Ve prove this by the statement of buy here, having such an immense stock of well assorted, new and up-to-date goods, gloss and will stand scrubbing with soap and water. Comes in 26 attract- | superior to allotherliniments. Noth: | Nf ,,cmwick Luddington, of New they have no further need to send out of Milverton for goods ; as, without a doubt, ive shades, ieee ee aang aa ick ing beats it, 25e. at all dealers. months ago I ‘had no expectation a you can buy better and cheaper at Finkbeiner's than anywhere else. A trial will Tho S-W. Fl ie is another splendid household brightener. ee See oe ver getting free from periodical bil- ERM eed Gack can be Gsed on old or bow woods equa Third Line, Wellesiey feat Mtaate: Ghee ae ena convince you. Qur Motto: Not How Cheap, but How Good. izziness and geatifal headaches. 1¢ er my head w. ast well. Imitates the natural woods and gives a most pleasing effect. Wellesley fair, “which was held last Friday, was a decided success, all classes belie well Bled the day fine, and the 4 and a nanseous feeling crept into my stomash. Dr. Hamilton's Pills fixed up my liver, drove all m! blood an These offer a few hints for you. Come in and have a ‘‘Brighten Up’? talk with us and learn more about how we can help you in your Fall cleaning. Our line has Rey, . Fei ergn son of Moncton anon | in on Church on Sunday. Underskirt Specials j ° & paint a et badass a Cage Mr, Christian Schmidt, who for the f mmber, we sell baat ioe haw Been in the Berlin Hos bet is Been err JUST ARRIVED~ pital, {spent Sunday at home. Mr.| dia; : THE PS ese WILLIAMS sess Schniidt returned to Berlin, as he ts Siar eas Pills. to-day. ‘On ealanine les. Hinele Viaiderales de of undergoing a five week’s treatment | goiq by all dealers: 250 a box or five n sale this week. Black Underskirts, made o} on his sore leg. boxes fi 1.00, By wail from N. oi best Mercerized Sateen, with rows of flouncing and Miss Bertha Freeborn, of Stratford Polson & , Hartford, Conn., U.8. frill, a ‘bi le 2 fe : . e Business College spent Sunday at] A. and ington Ont. dust frill, a beauty, regular $1.50 and $1.75 for $1.10. a ren Newton Naa cant oe8 from this vi Teh <= 5 —=leintty, to Mr. and Leonard MILLBANK NO. 2—Skirt made of extra heavy Mercerized Sateen, double flounced, trimmed with Sheppard plaid full size, regular $1. 75, and $2 for $1.25. SPECIAL. Magwood, oF papieek is vis- iting her Besant er, Mrs. Grieve. We are sorry to learn we Mr. Win. Winkler is still confined to the house. r anumber of yeai they resided on the third line. eee ee OP ULAR Health Depends on Good Blood AEE is the absence ‘St Hay’ Hadas tho NO. 3—A good, heavy, plain Italian Satin Un- MORNING veyone who uses, Ferrozone has) pulpit of Knox church sgharehy was derskirt, with a 12 inch double frill, extra full fashion- foethis ie Ferrevencscoawes Go Greatel kr Shatin ee Sh ed and lined, all sizes, regular $2 for... Boa MAINE eed eee rents ie eid and Mrs. Allingham down, had no strength and couldn’ : 3 ; WILL BE HELD AT eat? “writes Mrs, Chas. Benny of spe Stay with their brother in NO. 4—A full finished Mercerized Satin Skirt, haces ‘, AY Clo: “My nerves wereirrita- c bled aie Vattnbicoden oul eons Mise Lilie Cinelid Shas. rehartied ts with Abie rows of sherring and tucking, double MILVERTON on THURSDAY and FRIDAY ahi a isineee 1k tre errorane te Stratford after spending a few dayn flounced, full fashioned, regular $2.50 and 2.75 for $2. eee Sere Le ae with ber parehis he This is an Extra Special Bargain. me otto mede heeds! : Groataat me are net re “builder ever| Miss McMane is Sue at T. in Ferrozone. Sold every-| Hawthorn’s. where in 50c. SEPT. 27th and 28th, 1906 ‘New Ladies’ Collars, Ties, Belts, Gloves cy 3 Barely Elved i Throw, Syeues zh It, = The premium list has been greatly Obituary oe ae Combs, Etc., just arrived —— experience ; enlarged. Word was reosived yesterday of the| O°Connor ot Sault St. Masts a death of Mr. Charles Manly, an old| boyhood” he writes, “I haye b ; i TE JEW i ies’ ‘ THE SPEEDING CONTESTS See assert ok plthesr of Gleials aie constant atone rom asthma and be te emcee VERY NEW in Ladies’ Collars, Ties and> Scarfs, trict, who passed away at the resi- © and throat was 3 4 - Geter GE Aiphone Marly pe Win pane seeybedup. pd Ue aE irae cmt i throat. Wh ac - eit See TASS In Naenber, nipeg. ‘The deceased had been in Poor same on I thought I could'nt live If you want to have the very latest in Ladies’ Wear, here is where to get it. health for some time but was not con- | through the niche Tw e 2 8 ¥ P sidered in serious danger util shortly | gasp tor ‘breath eo rouldiaait ap, Beautiful new BACK COMBS. in gold mountings, sold in the city from 75¢ to 2.23 Pace or Trot... urse $ i gasp and endure great dis Si T P $100.00 before his death. tress. Catarrhozone made me entire- $1. 25, as long as they last, your choice for 35c, We also have them in Jewel set- 2.50 Pace or Trot . Nemes Must Charles Manly was born in Trsland) No stronger proof is re-| Mm t so cents a pair, regular 75 centgand $1. Open Run .Purse $ 50.00 and was 75 years at his death. ited. Asthma ie cnrable, 80 is ings at 5 Sy COPA ee Wat 7a $a With his parents he: Sees to Lan |catarrh. Use “Ca and Het Rem then about §|YOur recovery is guaranteed. Two - , ‘A auimber of good oo will also ey ce ee being then shout 8) sizes, 2c, and $1.00 at all dealers, Ladies Wrappers One = While welkea rong! ane te iS oo eee © Send for Prize List. fee iene eee HESSON. Our wrappers are made perfect by specialists, who do nothing else but ani Reduced Railway Rates. :: with his family, to Glendale. Lat i ViHurriskiend: Mra Heese pABEEES Made pe best etd Wrapperette in stripe design, full fashioned ~ > BET he lived at Dauphin and two years|o ; : nd extra long, regular $1.0 for iat nil t emai is o moved to Winnipeg and finally shasta tie Wehoat Ook. slat % seo $5 resident, cretary resided with his son there. x earl Strangway galled on friends in Lfetowal on Mon Did You See Our Grey and White Flannelette Bed Sheeting ? Extra heavy, seamless, full width, at only 45 cents. Never sold in Milverton hefore. Mr. Manly was known as a God fearing man of sterling es Sa ne = = =| was prominent in the wot t ek church while ahs to thee Rey. Fr, eis is ane Rev. Fr. Emery at Kin! Mr. L. Kieffer Aba daughter Jessie attended the London Fair last Thurs- eieaves four sons and four dangh- ten inneapolis; Josiah, of Weddin Invitations Winnipeg; Hayes Robt: -Manley, of] Mr. Henry Bahn, of t St. Clements, The Best Fall Clothing g rowns Valley, Minnesota and visited bis brother, A Baebmy ab Mr. o> Shy Sa Ratatat Gan ope eters John Manly, Minneapolis; Mrs. John | “us. Beisinger's, on Sunday. Promptly and Neatly ne at the Lowest ¢. Hamilton, of Wi g: Mrs. Fred s Adali FOR MEN AND BOYS < int Rice, of Winnipeg; Mrs. Geo. R. Bel-| home after spending a Pleagant holi- Price, when printed on, 0 and Miss Clara i at Zari and Niay This Store's Reputation does not end by being lead- ers in Ladies’ Wear and Millinery, but we must also lead in Men’s and Boy’s Clothing. Never have we had the pleasure of inviting you to such a feast of Clothing Goodness. ‘ Manly; of Winnipeg. I he Milverton Sun ‘The funeral takes place to-day at 1.30 from Mr. Bi ae residence to Riverside cemetery.—Neepawa Regis-| yfy, GC, Knoblauch has purshiased ter. a new driver from Mr, Do Ge SIRS Burns. _ ane a : BRUNNER Mr, Jno. Vollmer has sold his farm It Will Do Goa. Net are to his nephew, Mr. rs, Servine eae aienstlan visited friends here on Tune day. We can fit any man with a suit, made to fit, and fit to wear at from $3.50 to $12. Not necessary to pay $t5 and oo heres we guarantee to sell you a better suit Much sympathy ‘is expressed here for Mr Mrs, Leonard Shade in a berehvetaent inthis iaee: ot STEER ‘LOST The result of the deliberations: of| thel An all red steer, ,dchorned, weighs, . between | the Ontario Fish and Gai e Prot their two little girls eho were killed held at the Lutheran church Maida 30 and Soo ibs.” Finder ‘pleate communi: | (fe Ontario Fish and ae # ME hi wreck near Sudbury was a very large attendance, 10 or J. PF. KERTCHER, nual convention in Toronto recently, | While on their way to the west to vis. Rey. Mr. Klien, or aes Saree Be Milverton. | promise pr We of cathe Mtteiondes Sympathy IN cles erien:|@ motingn 7, Serving tron, Uuthe direction of pre: | ded to the friends of Mr. Lou Paff,| ties McKes, of At ee ab fale We make a specialty of Youths’ and Boys’ suits. FOR SALE. mtb n nay bas yy ztermination ae Gonos a ed Meas ha charge of the Public School. Many styles to choose from and better still, all sizes, at Choice Town Lots on easy terms on Pacidc | 2008 of the forest and waters of Ont-|on Monday and itr, Boyle on Mrs. Moratz Volliner has been con- from $1.50 to $7. We ask the mothers to have a look Avenue. New street connecting Mill. Street ario. The mittnan ened of the | day. fined 1 to her bed for the past few days. at our. boys’ suits, wit P ation Grounds—Ten lots | various committees, whic! b We hope that she may soon recover. ui i sold “ana Nowes wang up.” Move quickly {| Dated w ith 1 Keennes hand vigur, worse, Aout er fom this locality atten- aa 0 ly h few ceptions conenrred fn wit SE ee A ee Come and visit the Leading Store, the Largest Stock, t samunt wHatey. | unanimity. Should thelr dese Pe ae rere u) ig Store, the Largest Stock, the eta met Provinel Government | Pott for cae ipndon Exhibition drop- EST a Best Assortment, always New and Up-to-date there will be at the next sooty A pA a) VALE eee WELLESLEY COUNCIL, Farm for Sale at t Milverton Station the Legislature a thorough revision | peingla little ingustive to find out laws, ani he ation . ‘he North Part of Lot 9, ‘Con. 4. Mor: 4 fish and game department under | POW the patronage from this point is ae aonlelpals Council of A teaton, AF sere, Bank bem niga, the, | the charge of a couissioner, who | Appreciate iis al PER Ee velock, food dwelling Rouse, G acren ia harawood | would bea member of teceabieee | Hot in when he. entered: hethad”to| Monday, Bap. td, at 10 lock bush, rete house on, oe: off emt. 90 Th e better enforcement of the ex.| 2ttoduce himself. The hands were | All the members were in attendance, farm. Por sale cheap. Price $4,500. Ap-| isting laws, tightening up some pro.|2USily engaged in pasterizing a vat|A. B. sition 1a phe cnates Bly to the proprictor, or tom visions which ar Madolantls.|tmjorined that tie che eee in es reat lewea eee Py S = affective. Boe ay ‘orimed that the Creamery or- . oe were Seiuen ton! ieaativae ta MTCRTNESE TE os ders from the Exhibition authorities ena oae bills and accounts a game laws, the leensing of guides, | tt,houdon to supply cream for the| were received, read and ane : . the prohibition of thi rf 1d reed eso eats. 1 wes In: |. whe! mn it q 100 Acre Farm For Sale in Elma ash d certain kiads of onthe ae od | formed that they forwarded the cream rtp tonal by 4. @ Giubons: ier ; mt UNDERSIGNED once for ane vias | Creme Of the nO: residents! license fee apie Te nish 6 they | he follo d 5 IGNED offers for sal at | t] tl Teg enna a Kot #5, Con | Nets and the setting coace cartait| were busy at the time T made uaysel that the ree several accounts a0 fel |MoFadden, for the south} of the PEFFERS. gompleted when ithe bella ring Ta ed | hard, comortable dweling outs, bank | waters of the eastern shores of the| Mt ome, ey glOoking through the | lows, v peat aestion at eerie ot tue teat | Tie ecliaol has Gero alot Mite Oth gird z Sendai et ci es Penal er | Georgian Bay exclusively for angling | SUeing and stepped Into the anne fg SOF : J, Lorentz for the whole of the Rast] ‘The school has bee ; osed for some} ‘The ti gird, er, completing the ard " sed mi goed peas mls on thee.B-. | were some of the more Important re: | ations there with great interecé: hy (ane umber? SIL 92; Sac, Kuntz, grav: | Seotion at a sala ehip of Well: | er; Mine Merrill. We hone wie meee | eelaee ee oat i eee eraiece va ccis th the ceocricter ch ae | commiandat ious ations there with great interest. The | elling ng ors of eee the Township o} v3 H ve “hope she may | bridge, was in ron farm or to W. DA WEIR, Milverton, cream after being mixed th 1.-R, esley for the current year have a speedy recover: eek, and while the driller is binding enee re cear, === | tested 36 with the Babcock tester | tract, half pay, was then moved by Heipel, seconded| Mrs. Florida, with hes son and two| the two glrderst King the span to: ee COMMERCIAL hele Whe pro excursion trafn eae alco 18, .80; Geo, Fleet, “ditto, $23.75; | by Gibbons, that committee resume indfani left last week for her home ea ant a ated be Oe placing SESE iH Maple in open council.— ‘anil in, ng I stepped aboard bubbling over | 34 : il, Moved 5 “oO Splendid Home For Sale peer ac with congratulations for a group of | pape eer et Pe S xa Heel eee A oR DANS Lites chee Bie one peels Bennee na au, eke Ook: Fast het) Near Plillbank Station Rea bith $68 6G eee eee terunmer that had tak-| Peter i. Schuimmer, stationery, ete, |moier, that By-Law No, 980 and }nis oie here. Kidd, to TH Stan, “we saw the ral wheat. oe mush .. -$ 68 66] ent ip beine to skim meroent at pro | $64; 'T, Short, putting in culvert, $23] 5 now filed in be read a third) Quite a number attended the an EE @ first sod on the outs ee soak ots deed cue tele high percentage of but-| J. Adam, grav’g per cont, $25.50; @. | time and assed —Carried. San THGuRIee Ine Nervioes at tine on. Attrffs bent, aud heres aa fh we wing hose with ten, 6 good : : §5| too good for: thom, seT est wou te | opel gravelling $20-75; G- K-| On motion of Messrs. Dammeir and | Trinity Chureh on Sunday la prealtion you ca hg eT ALS PAaiE ant ochernied ee eens space in your valuable | fy. Jacobi, filling Foe reach, teaming. | ibbons, carried ‘by Da eae Freeborn and dnsigiter to reach Goderich will be at th fain det esaticet tet find hen honse,’ "A neat . Whereby I congratulate | ete $13.50: E. Martin ee Snub of $8.50 i eae e fee ann | Mia esting gpenta afew days in ‘Tor-! bridge now building across the Mail. be'sold, "Apply om the Grmniea te thea 6 00 6 00| them publicly. Increased confidence $l; A. os hmiat, frauening, putting eres PE toe OF dog onto a land.” Well, we have made the note, Petar or WED. Wel eRe, 18 18 that is wanting to make in culvert,’ et 95; A. Sebmidt, A Basel tens tira Te6cl at nnd Messrs. Will | ee how close Joe has hit it. : ALEX SMITH, Nae Ae profitable Pattiog in euivert 3.50; Alles, eet ecg noe esac ranint ethos Canipbeil and Mr. Shantz, of Grose | Tn reporting an tuterview with Diy- ‘opri¢tor. eee jnirying. i i eave pit eG: a Ged sel Bees paral eee mors pita N. es spent Sanday with friends here. |ision Supt. Leonard, of the C. P. R. 5 ravel to pm A Fe | Haehn, * the Tor 3 - a gravelling per coutract gli that that the Municipal Council sts. Saxby and Foulston are | the Gre Pan, netorriag ko FOR s ALE 4 Notice to Contractors, f Carried. |the Township of Wellesley heneby.| dot aoing sotne Rood threshing in. these said: “We will have thelinecone totes QO) GRALED, ‘Tenders marked “Tenders orl ino Council then went into eom-| 1 nih Ra eer LS ee ady for service ws far as Saltford, ‘> in” will = M + =! ist ove! é river fro 3 S jesaig pote ia che Vilage Bt Pope Ce RET rs cesmrcncers assessments and estimates of] 9 p R Construction Notes. {fore winter ve or, COGPEIGH: Be peti et Dice ot isad, 60 | 190 the construction of a Municipal the engineer of the tp. 0! ‘nington yi Mefight aa ape we ii in.— 8 5 as ‘ Known as the'“Mank Drain’ in accortane ee a en a big ji “5 (Goderich Star. ir.) with plans, profiles and specifications pre- | T! ion by Messrs. Heipel On the an side the ate is being it rofiles an ifi- tay reales Of all Linde; abont 40°seae 68 | Pared. therefore.» Plans, pro t Dannie coun ell adjourned to ers proceeded with in good style, but the ed on th mile brat = ome achaolc RVers. convenience, sree Barle Satone aye Seen at the, Sip a cotices in the first Oet., at_the| trouble with the Jajunctions has de-| wood, on the Guelph tet gh oe line old will be rented. “Heie is a rare chance t | gun pipe seen security for the com. | ty purposes was struck at By ele townabip hall, Crosahilll, at 10’ o'clock ard the work eonsideral bly. ee ‘0 Listowel qe will Ibe finished this ; CLS pg yore retin gar cacti Penden, | the dollar, In By-Lay oO. e eg e C. 5 ion and a freight}fall. ‘Che Walkerton the i the i 95 a ai ow appointments were made, shed are bi ushed |. and it} tl 7" wh Bplz te the proprietor on the premises or 75 1 00} willbe opened and considered at Donley's ig app ents Stee F. scuumMer, |{bedare. ee atic Filo ‘Daildings. srronah Pree, Durha 75 | Hall, Newton, on Monday’ October = JOHN DAVIDSON, Reeve, eggs, for the north + of us R. G. FARRELL, Wd , Be; west t section, ata eget of $50, oprietor, m, Hanoy Pee pat Ome ry Bornd. ine, te Hill overhead bridge pushed tural in meteses and will be Burns, Ont: will be nearly J. | Clerk’s office, Sept. 7th, 706.

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