H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or @> Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “It Shines For All.” $ Vol. XV—No. 35 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Saving made Easy z eg facilities to help you to $1.00 opens an aie in our Sis Spending has ever been an easier R Ch ee than saving—but less wise. are ance crores saath aia ieee end offer exceptional ee, and “The Sun” will be | | ALEX. LAIRD, A: oS savings department. dd The Sun from now ae 1908 | Sun office or with Mr. st, Gen'l Manager sense ae sent to any address | ~ one dollar, Subscribe now. | Interest paid 4 times a year. s : gre Case Dwyer is now issuing cheques) BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN | . in Canada or the } oS "the August cheese and for the THE UNIT The Sovereign Bank pi ok cB jar ne: ete sas | month's make will-pay out $6282, | ees vas escent AND ENGLAND | y-five cent la | iness transacte counts may be opened and of Canada. | eCold Blast” for hala dollar at Jas. 4M om Gant Moruineiae th 20 mall with-all branches of this Bankes Conducted by now until January 8. Lockie. Sra sig Mame Ne | B Thane and Abaoe Wahtnen doe i hifi en Ad ouag in a place where you can get it fi | Miss Sarah A; Yost ts spending a (pavalvainip ite: | SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT - % PRES ; 1908 for $1.00. foe of weeks with toleate In Baten i Mr.W. K. Loth left on Poesday Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and Interest allowed at ———— an * | for Toronto to et aks Oddfellow rates. The Pa eeaad? is subject to Be ae lay what. A. J. CUNDICK, Manager, Milverton Branch Le Tetua'glvs you Wllanea con our Congention: a2 delegate “from Silver| r in the Withdrawal of the whol pe peating job, We ean interest, Fink. = Lodge 202 Milverton. | orton, of the deposit rs Hardware, RioVk Movetdeo Soult Hava his WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH | | | ER ee ae ae ae Barb Ratan of the uy] oidertall in operation on Pacsiay a Hesfestestestertestestectecte ce stectectectertectertectectectectestertectestoctectectectectectertectectestente ote’ pet ste TG at is prepared to make cider from ae a +) Seanartail Weilesley until a8 close of the season. 3 : | W.F, Pinkbeiner left for Zurich on| n fathers, of Walkerton, NK. H MI T N x | Monday to attend the funeral of is/have decided that the Coden wee % of A L od cal inlaw Mie 9 Baas town must confine their eae TABLISHED IN 18 + Z| , The Milverton Sun from now until] Vays TaN e Ral in the Head Office - HAMILTON $ > | Jan. 1908 and the Family Herald and/| CAPITAL PAID UP......$2,500,000 | Weekly : 65, -| : : im RESERVE FUND. 2500000 ai syd Assets. . $30,000,000 + #&| Weekly Star for one year for $1.65, | It will do you good to see our dis. “$2,600, 00 000, | | play of stoves, No Better in Western de i Two good eae nee ore for |B % Hon, Wm. Gibson, President. pe shes 11, Vice-P: d Gen. M. | ntario. We handle the best that’s ‘Gyrun a ha Pi may Tr. 2 wgenkgemuthentonl tet s a | sale. “One. wood ‘cook aiid one coal Not how cheap | but how good, Fre A caadeit Proctor. Pinger ee % THE+ SATISFACTORY + STORE a oi oc lee wae Fiukbotu-| ade Not ade H. M. Watson, Asst. Gen. Manager and Supt, of Branches, ae es pant agement We Jaren pease who leteonthal 102 gina bande AT 4 puoi eee: a. Hicvasters*ne katana tae hes Weer ene aa) savings bank account with the Ban! $ barrister ot BEB arys, dropne Hast ‘week econped sion for the West @ Savings Department ! ( One Doutar Witt START AN Ree apps | from eat ladle ak Thursday ee ite ‘a “ah Account, Interest allowed ne sighs Current rate and compounded Z $ 2, [noon of last week. joa sae eee ea Ak ae nis Baws twice per annum, Ist of June and Ist of December, | ‘ Bee | Special F | goralS. Lindow, Comp, 7, 28th | rding was wieeked neat Winnipa vy| @ Farmers’ Businéss 15 etme NE alot die ticle & | é to farmer's at reasonable rater, | regt., left on Friday for London where| being run into by a freight. Fortun- Sale notes collected and Guakteuee ¥ 2 | he will attend the Military school for | ately nobody was seriously injured. Drafts bought and sold on all Parte af of che world. Bid pte Bent Sites Core | abs etart loa er eahniened Leon ey Order em atthe ua 4 1 banki u + 4 fenry iHaeenpilug. who: has | the weston Friday after spending a Feucinede Goring iranactd 2 | been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L, B sonal of months in the prairie prov- << *¥'| Pfeffer, and other eturned | ix 1s much pleased with the Milvert ton Branch, es J. Ranney, Mer. 2s #© | to her home in Berlin this week. as a notion of ret ning PS PSone oS 3k nuikbes hows Milne te ded in the not far distant future. While & We have been YER, fortunate in securing o |the tuuovalol teehibieacae he et | west h he sold his ‘veteran’ land in New & the services of Miss Florence Hunt, late of 3 | Mrs. Valentine Schade who were e kill- ok rie to Mr. Daniel Lineham of bite poe 3, to ree millin- ¢ Hamilton, for the fall season. Miss Hunt 3 | ° in the Sudbury wreck on the O.P-R. | Da rioeed fale Boe & = ill be abl EL Mase Peat Cokes #$ | last week. The milliners have returned to the) | Se ers i. Sarly and + will be ably assisted by Miss Pearl Coutts. | Fall time is house cleaning time. | village and are busily oneesel in get e wicket on how - & a ; : 32 | ‘Brighten up” the dingy. Srden thingel Ing sendy for the fall openings. _Miss|® ; = Our Millinery Opening will be held on 4 about the home with one of the many | Gibson, of Blyth, is again in aeee ie, @ 4 Bact left - bed A Hee = Sherwin: Williams paints or Varnish- | af the millinery department of Mr, C.) Forrest where she will i Pa Thursda and Frida *& . S. Lockie for them. ‘inkbeiner, te Roberts is again | be joined by Mr. Barth bth Deaead & y y | Me ue ae ate P., has! eh Me WK, Loth, erwhile. Misg| to Chicago where they will spend. ten S , days with friends before returning. & 2, | generously donated a silyer trophy | oes oie rooms of & Sept. 27-8th, 1906 % worth $50 for the i team of 0% mt Mee hacer & Wh Dr. Parkas has purchased from Mr. >| ster horses owned in the county trackl: he ‘m. Livingston, of Newton, the ten 4 of | Perth, exhibited at the Listowel fall eq aitntece soa cong ech miles of telegraph posts between Mil- t EVERYBODY INVITED a eS ; erent as we predicted last Devel bboy Hewtl abe ue fae Me BH am ‘cdmidt willsoon have tom-| and are now on wards. a stretch a telephone line ip " 5 Fee his contract of plastering the | Monkton which place they expect to| between here and Carthage. He will Mill 1 ! oa od i $F aalibesk Milverist-andMonkes reach about the of next week, | have stations at Mr. Sam’l Kinkead’s, Mery PeMINgs ey U d pe Stati fons ae Schmidt has had | or the beginning of the weed following | Wm. Turnbull’s, Wm. Dowd’s and ©. £ naerwear Furs ae aeans: had’ ‘considetable | Wats waa’ provsbding Gatcke's, Carthage. ‘This will ouable at Ghe People’s Store ‘a i ee omctene satan hhintn eens *¥ | work yet to do betas the snow flies. | through the village a large number of /the people of the northern part kof Ws MB Chan Bpaaoes rhe has been | Spectators were present viewing the|of the township to ‘lities ae Ps : rogress made. for telephone communication which|% We * ee, arran, ae for % | We are the largest buyers of Ghe Best Made in Canada 4% |yisiting friends in, England sine | Pros eto ecg elon nada canes + in thi a | Spring, returned on Welneaday night a continuous dry spell is causing | 4 . 4 nderwear in this part of the Votlest week? tia whedon Mi: Satine alent ve Pp i 8 tim * | hi e countr: ¥ | country. We buy direct from We handle furs from the largest and best fur # | Spencer visited many placesof interest inte = teuthsy estas stare,” rebently krom present indications and i Thursday and Friday $# |the mills. We don’t buy the} houses in Canada Just now we are showing an in the Old Land i altogether had a wheat, ete., are ser-|quiries made from outside the fall Sobt 27.8th | makers cheapest goods, but we}; of Fi Rufls. We. ha he © |most delightful t ly affected, Stock in many sect- Be we yea aay fair # surpass all } a es ss buy SG the: ees nlent deat’ we immense range 0! ur uffs. e have the +), Dr, Lerman ae last wet | ions going Lae Ear Rae ities sae Hit = o ever attempted in Milverton, dy . rom Toronto where lerwen' for lack of pasture, and if the drought ill be one of the % = }can buy that will meet the} CT¢a™ of the styles for fall and winter. When 4% operation for appendicitis. The Dr.| continues, farmers will be compelled | chief features and already inquiries dows downer <a fcalien d : i look at Ruff te th d ra tay betel ick: din | to feed what they hi Pa for | are b fi i Sod worth wearing test. We make you come in to look at our Kufls, note e@ mod- 4&%/|says that he feels much improved in| to feed what they have reserv iy le by rom ; 4 ‘ health, though he has not fully re- | winter. some portions of Huron, | London, Listowel, Stratford, St. Marys % = |aspecialty of popular priced} erate prices. Every article of fur we sell is hon- 4%) overed his usual strength. and particularly in Bruce, is this the| and Berlin. The track hag been thor- CHARLES A. FINKBEINER $ | Underwear for ladies and] est throughout. You have the makers guarantee 4 pects however, to resume pratense The only relief will be copious | oughly overhauled and fitted up and S| children at from , STEC I ‘ licit 3. | Boxt week and the showers cannot come too | keen contests are expected. The races sd for it, and ours as well. LADIES! We solicit 2 Mis teopical weather that has. been | quick to be of great benefit to the | Will consist of a 2.23 trot or pace, == bo an opportunity to show you our range of Ruffs #$| prevailing for nite 26 me g community. —Goderich Star. sae ete Anwe vnade to. van |, Meet your friends at the eat $ cto and Muffs #$ |sndden termination on Thursday last) ‘The season “of auction sales willl ar ovcnesion Baty trae Bie ctheod un | ton Fair on Friday Sept. 20th, & i 3% |When the temperature dropped from | Soon be on. UN has every fac. | Sept, 98th, leaving there at 12.30 p.m, ]) Much ig iti is expressed for To buy such underwear right ‘3 | 90 in the shade to near freezing Point, tility for turning out sale bills quickly ii i Mr. James Squire who on ‘Nuesda 'y 2 ae and Seaniaen 2 leaving Milverton at 3g + you must buy it from us. We] Prices from $1 50 to $30 #$ |The change was welcome atly, and it is also an saan 10 v'sl6ok; last was bereft of his me int son, & ° 4% | rather sudden and extreme. TLater=| medium in which to advertise, as it i cng few months a, re was called ask your underwear trade on a ‘2, | Vropical weather is again with us. [a weleome weekly visitor to many|, We understand that Mr. S. Whaley | upon to mourn the death of his wife. a ad = “ + G t | _ The concert in Grosch’s hall on Sat-| Poth in village and country. An ad- porte SUREAOE 20 DOraeaee tepyconaing in your entries for the a uarantee #2 | 28y_ evening, under the mane Sah ufepciae = se! bot iheaes Jes, | Guelph & Goderich Railway right of ahead entry tickets will be Pane ane : 5 auction i That is, every wool garment SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS Christ church was a most sticcessfyl 5° nu vestisament | ly to bol Way. I regrettable that this] Yo ‘air morning. It will save + y y garm yoga Wau avall: gateonleadshy ale} is more Uikely” tobe. the sec ‘Sele ye | read in a newspaper th h .j | Street was not opened out before tag end the secretary much annoy- we sell we guarantee to be WEEK IN lic, The ‘amme consist paper than when poste = | numbers. by. the. Imperial -Quartette 4 fenees or in stores. If you are go-| lane of the railroad wore registered |, | ie + Absolutely *$ | assisted by Miss Hienike, Soprano and | iNB t0 have a sale this fall ae ae Nok of reitstepecie thee aray ot getting | 1Eeo diMoultutorkwanem enwiemeeraly + Unshrinkable Wall Pa er # | Mise Guvendolyn Anthistle, Blocntion- Sun Geet eleten ot BEBE acer iealeitiead eae AS and: she ghdere that, they. hav ded to s p 3 | ist, Rev. pence, rector, occu x : ilway. 001 i commigs- | build an addition to their felt room ares eae are printed at this office, a free an-|? busil & jor replaeed with a new gar- 2 eae ee ciate ace nonneemsnt will be given under. the PEERED ped Pe coue constenolibeework of angie see ment. en again, no matter - eading ‘Sale Register ¥ the roa + ? In order to make room, we will give some + / $40. be graded up and maintained in good|. A meeting of the Directors of the $ | what you pay, 25¢ or $1,/we | hig discounts in Wall Paper. See the Wall Paper | Thefollowing from the Mitchell Aa-|_, Climbing santa is an ocoupa-| orde the municipality, before | Tere Bend in er eg Costly 4 | guarantee each and every gar-}| yw, li t 2 ovate a srorthy of consideration ; | on which will keep you busy—bat| granting-an order to cross the rail- Sha Ee nchap Meare stbgh. Sat- i ‘ . e are selling ai a 1 s you won't arrive anywhere! “‘Run-| way. urday evening of this week to make ment t * ‘The @ School reopened on Tues. |¥OU % ¥ i ry final e Seas ee ae #P day Sie the holidays, but the streets ina” store, or a business enterprise iri iali fain Tall atberiaaee sin sane 4 | faction or money refunded. 7 Sip ea a eas sets without advertising, will keep you| If the spirit of commercialism has| falr. se eae i is reques' : Bs appear thronged with the little | FT bat y, ; fs taken possession of the old town The > telegray Are you fair to yourself when 31 pAe 5 and 7c hile ata uae dio ts or | PUsy—but you won’t arrive anywhere! | $0 tal “ legraph gang are eo i y Se i heen ea “Sand Stair” methods of advertising| Walkerton that its council may, with- | busy ‘ouvdinn | in Poles for the line and sell t | you you do not give us a chance er single roll =z y eit voices vetty to look at—but they Protest, on the part of the citizens| have the work completed west * [to show you our values. This P re change is preva-| Oye bed vont wer thay ‘crune, | Offer the *bend,” its one beauty. spot Milverton as far e steel is laid. oo i y “ies i. ‘ #% | lent over si coatier: Is the young- | 0) a nee peed ee y you|*8@ station yard for the C. P. R. Jing in the wel mn ete DOW: wanes eeK We WL Jace on ? ini the vir ity tl 5 E | Gur big leader (Gr ladies at age] REMEMBER! We sell Borders the oft qmeron soning tos! We ata fad of lions and enly Yor Snysentient andthe seme’ of the] Lh ue aay Ff Sle fe | our big leader for ladies at 25¢} eee Sider and Cailia i that ie fetingct realities, you will break yourself of | ®¢Sthelic is dead and whi Seem | putting in two switches 1300 feet. in —we don’t ask you to compare 4 ee ee eee i eaenee otha: Ogand-statre’” habit—andrely upon a great loss may not be re; jared as alfengthe A ¥ will also be pee in at i hi h > 4} | the effects: A tatestogt all classes | 10 good old "in busi ap doubt, so long as later date, Engineer Griffith has his Bs, this garment at what you can = ise rey Sita is almost acer a campaign of hawenecer advertising, saw-mill, brewery and three butcher | hands full these gave but he seems | get elsewhere for 25 cents, but & Mechanical ane eee an’ UP |s'und-staire” are related irs | Shops are left unmolested the inhabi. | equal wih as he keeps well ) a 5 “4 fe Ky 27 ‘ its rejoi ead wi | compare it—with what you see} JP eople Have Confidence @ timing, or at tonst tho man and the Free ee ane AAVSE MLE Ste Fo: Fabia far Saintes kat ve ‘the M at 35c. Then we know you ‘ehildret en. eats bankewhencthe mar- lated to newspaper siyertising.” Th 2 ‘fi ie Mornington a ESS! an J = = #F | vied man had a mach hander natin tp| Peal stairs to success is the advertis. | Ye°N0 greater sacrifice than the loss ae reaetved t the following letter rom % | will be willing to save a dime| jr, This Store.... 2 oe ‘3 = ing columns of the Milverton Sux, | 0 @ Playground for children and a - P. Timmerman, General Sup’t. . As tread, he generally reared a large fot place of recreation for the aged. To of the Ontario Division of the © | on every garment you buy. & tye Keeps wos a ad as the The usual meeting of the Executive| the worshipper of the sublime it| ‘I have your letter of the 12th inst . . ys grew u be 26 dozen Plain Knit Vests, natural And that’s why we are going ahead so rap- |p" aay alah safer Tisineeone Pet PEs ere ae seats sae Le Hs Milverton an See vat tee nate i i i il auD . “4 6 beauties of nat = a | Savor front bata, amancrs’ ewe | idly. The minute people loose confidence in a %) he parents could not afford to give| President W. B. Sheppard, of Cayuga healt boomed ee een aylvan | SnQWing definitely, when that Roan Ft | to match at per garment... 5¢ store, its forward march will become a slow move-_ # give them more than a public school /in the chair, and Supt. Cowan pres-| paradise when a location. adjoining | crt te fuatternip, sieusthe ae : ment. We dont intend you shall lke confidence |e‘ te tra of Sai ft i net ae erent, Mtg a Mena ang I ¢ » confi : s htes 2 ast annual meet-|on the unbroken prairies of the west|him to advise me, and wl a MAES in us. Therefore, we make no claims in the | day. How is it now? ‘The large fam-| ing of the Association wore disoussed. | would be more in Reeping “with. thetr|frow ‘iin sill: again somthemhets be store or newspaper that our goods can’t substitute, & ot oe, to oF eet by « Honseol ise bd A which are likély perverted tastes. The Thenaes be 2\° * yea aeie see a in President ae see aes oe $ be ede undoaktedly, one of the mo: Tne Milverton and Mornington Min- $ A$ | childs looked upon as one only’ sut-|Mitehell, Supt Cowan and’ Me Bee cenae gl tatral, avis, tobe found |istarial Association met on the 18th : . Par- of On be Bring Us Sour Produce ighest Srices Iways Paid 2) ea tor a 0 college ee and som) neh of Lambton, seit jecy Macfar- orio. It ¢ x H A 2 ‘igh profession, In this they meet an| lane. were appointed a sub-committee easier life with better Soa but | to prepare the program for the annual J 2 ill se oonuinus ee ena is meeting of 8 salso to Sete the ming led with profess- | several railway authorities with refer- BS ional men of all classes and even at | ence to desired changes in the rates on : ; 2 ie ste aes to more than one fall fair for ex! ss ‘The new Agric <9 s & re and Arts Act will be a subject. * j ie lively aisphastos at the next meet- cg : ing, including the change in the ap- % ue re * BS bee 5) : Rae co eat factory wall ae on Sie +! ernment grant|ed and no particul dered | are the : oe 5 ier time of gaining the worldly | which will contain oes surprises for to anyone but the railway SDmpany a8 heme d Maras Morlock Ferg: Ho sfasfafucfesfash ay needs” many of the fall fair the C. P, B. will come just th aie tertained the members woe | | Apple barrels, % cents each, for | | Pape dies seed sale by Pfeffer Bro LOCAL NEWS Best quality of engine gasoline kept for sale at The Sun office—30 cents Peper rer | per gallon. t Jas. S. Lockie’s, Newton, will be dispensed in we eee char next PSinday. Lost, on Tuesday, a tie-wieg] ES and} strap. Jinder will kindly fave" at Roe. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper for ie in lanterns. | | | | Call at Mr, E. H. Yost is taking a business | Haipito Toronto thid week THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Pald-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ‘8. E. WALKER, General Manager