Milverton Sun, 20 Sep 1906, p. 7

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wHe Begged His Captors to Kill Him at Once. L sles, and the people generally. ‘The Sh |yii bent n peasants a Eee a distinction: between | ton tl e Government. The a ARREST, lespatch from Moscow says: Vladi- ne Maruese the leader of the Moscow | P* Drees, fie bee es i they consider thei saviour, t c ant, have b alter their’ curse after a running fia with ape ih. the Duma through the reports dinned Mite a tegen or NR) il the cal Wy ecg na] x b police, which made it appear Tee Ti ae on Nae SAUBE | esembly-refused. to-co-opetate wilh We he begged the officers to kill him im- Fm; mmperot _ereatea little sorrow among a Medialely, recognizing that h the! Muj undoubtedly be executed. He was the lirecting spirit in th bb eee THE SIEDLCE MASSACRE. th from Warsaw says: during the revolt of last December. He vastaion at Siediee is He} fire: lasted the most im-| p pillage on an extensive scale. were burnt down. Dead number sever-| Sai mber of wounded very | with = CONDITIONS UNBEARABLE. ue A despatch trom Krassnoyarsk, West-| Erogress, “Destore have Loon sont trom| Cal fin Siberia, says: Conditfons here are| here, as there are not enough at Sied- |liers, Food scarce, |nial 5 2 3 pravicy among those} jy was found impossible to. deal ade-| tio in authority which make the people an quately with fires owing to the fail easy prey of the agitators. The water supply antry ere an ignorant lot, easily amen able to good or bad influences, but all : the advice which they get now is in the STONY-HEARTED GOVERNOR. lawlessness and crime.| - Tho ¥| cables from Si yarsk are unsafe afler dark. Meetings} Governor on three conseculive days or- sre held daily in the woods surround-| gered the troops Y ause the ing the city, The principal agitators| Jews failed to surrender the authors of Thai re Jews, but they are too clever outrages which are understond te| Mi Caught. The railroad employees are re-| he did so in spite of the fact that «| dent Yolutionary to @ man, bu embering| rabbi and delegation from the towns: | to-h did not know the culprits, ard had rea- dishonest petty tyrant to his subordin-| along the coast of Fin! ARE DRA ASTI P PROPOSALS. twin FIVE CHILDREN DROWNED. TI Great inerpet Created in Land Legisla-|A Pitiful ee Accident at Port 1 Pi in New Zealand. Felix, Nova Scotia, A despatch trom London says: Th New Zealand Government land propos- One of the most als are the most drastic A despatch feo Halifax, N.S., says:|to si 45; John, aged 11, and |stop e provisions pre-|East Port Felix, Secompanied by their | pay venting the present owners of one thou-|three cousins, Clara, 18; Maggie, sand acres of first-class land or five|aged 14, and’ Marlin, aged 12, emit, ousand acres of second-class land|of Mr: Joseph King, Port Felix, left their homes @ Proposals | pick blucberries eri be sturdily combated. of Port Felix the lake in an: old leaky flat kept there for ers, Ez [2 bout six miles back| Cub: 5S ae SS UNEARTHED INDIAN RELICS, reaching a small ene —. island in the Mound on Ontario Farm Contained | time in the boat, but on returning | the the “Sun of Numerous Redmen. i Colborne, Ont., despatch says: A wenanie find was made on Wednes- day in @ mound on the property of Mr. hiies es up, ing Maggie Fougere and | Parli Maggie K n president of the Humber Stone’ Club, Some years ago pais erecting a flagstatf some indian elics re! ie ad Q Sinee then no further excavations tree |MHe soy sho saw the Free ae oked te a r. Phillips, assistant curators of the Pro- ss Be =e o = ® g 3 e i = en s ee & 2, & = & s potter lion, also some clay. pipes, beads Later humerous bodies, the skulls of which are|®h **Tived in about two hours.” She that e) perfect conditfon, +———— Ros eco: the term blood-poisoning is meant pleas of the hour, the search for: ol RAMIFICATIONS Orc. PK. of poisoni 5 Orie cohol intoxication, is blood- Peo ne, yGeneral et of ¢ ogee Sacead of ene are three distinc forms ew Lines in Ontari finde Paison ing. In one the germ: putrefaction are circulating in the Blo manufacturing their poison, upon at . - ise de-,the Canadian: Pacifie Railway, made a] oran, the com-| ried eeercine. its errs poison which ‘roduces the disease; in| He sald st youl ee the present ath Fu tl the — thi he bacteria, either of Henptens Junction for putrefaction or of suppuration, are not Brockvitle, “irom where it id skirt the surface of the}@long the St. Lawrence River the | man le toxin, as this bacteria-produced poison is called, is in this last pete im) aa while in the fh rd company’s new. line ed it ere, of domestic | from Victoria tlre thereor obtained pe easily and in tennis rap © an germs in the DI id, | easier be epriien: “of retaaisn im “the able through territory” north 3-10 per cent. be found: "7 The ate emic form is ae by |construction of the road, including ter- irregular chills, fever and s' weating, and|minals and elevators, would cost about the formation of abcesses i 5,000,000. Lost A gatio ——4+——_ Shows That Doubled in Five Year lespatch from Ottawa says : ior mptoms, i millio Hanks M ted si Sauihese torn ace fous nee ad Alberia togsner represent a popi| trom caused by the same poison, in one case| lation of about 805,000, is almost formed outside of the ody ta sorbed | double the census showing of five years by the tissues, in the other produced by | 9&' the bacteria in the blood and tissi from Manitoba are not} gp, Sapremia may terminate fatally, but it] quite complete, but will show something ve more readily to treatment. This | Over 360,000, as @ ts in mi A the festering ae cleansing-the surface | ™ pid g former contains | entry roughly, and treating it with matt |@ population ot abe 260,000, and. the throu ics. latter e year: a u —+-—. ee bump of intellec- mely well developed.” | In 1804 same region we ee Sts al’s where my wife hit'have a Population of 00.7099. tual LEADER TAKEN BY POLICRIoMes” WAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TO’ GLOBE. spponied ‘ches Temiska ni have received horse power from western Ontario, De 9 e by cannon and rifle | Bavarian, sunk 50 hours, and aa followed as edits ae It ‘ostmaster-General _w: pet leaders of the entire Terrorist| (7 Penge oP nn, “two, hundved ‘sh ops Seeulahon, oto count ‘he C.P.R. rts ation dispute at i | governor: diver’ of to'consider, the question of giving double y morning to] Tha @| Canada wi Ses tunnel from New Y y, Ta, oor tenced to ye imprisonment, is Havelock, | Mander-in-Chief 0: anilebe a; SAYS: ) NEWS ITEMS Telegraphi, Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. ington district’s tobacco crop marel for hasing agent is to be appointed Hh “Temishanhg & Northern Ontario wa, man, of Montreal, has been asing agent of the Railwa, ectric Power omnis or applications for 45,000 here is a rumor that the Canadian Northern. purposes locating its car shops at Montreal instead of on Wye rock, below ty postmasters next muss the quest rnia wilh over +e Vand 33 miles lead a ossession of grsnolie suineeal ptain john Graham of the 7th Fust- ; London, has. been given the colo- Veen forces" long service decor- howe. Mr W. B. Anderson, M.A., of Aber- deen and Cambridge ‘univers, has | Tes wr of Latin at re N Wea probably have a union railway station, the C.P.R. having con- to allow the Great Northern ace of the Guelph General Hospi ne e lady superintendent of the Berlin. the awful repressions of General Meller-| people solemnly assured him that. they Waterloo Hospital, i eS Jost fal! with @ ruthlessness| son to believe they were agents provo- |tations to the Pranions at te epectiva hat is almost incredible, they are afrald| Gateurs, covinees to attend the conference to be of the initiative, held in Ottawa on October Sg ee roa amen fist TS, CZAR SAILS ON CRUISE. In vicinity of Barrie, thirteen : e hunger as exists in Russia proper. Thi espateh from St. Petorsvarg soys: aes ries fecloies thal zn iy plague of Sib tho official hight | The Guar the Cuavina, and their ghee aynian, every station from the] dren sailed on the imperial y ae ee lowest to the highest. is a corrupt and| dard on Thursday afternoon for a cruise ate yes ching Tahocek ner e inspector, totalled $4 000,000, ov ,000 can! @ last year’s sales. val an end to the tax. ee by agreeing a lump sum for ay $8.54 its new hotel, in liew aa taxes, TENart ay will enter Al a contract &N. 0. uupply the T. Railway with pitiful ‘drowning acci- Sl waiee at six cents per thousand called ns PI ineffectual to a feat | at Ham OTTAWA HOTEL BURNED. Many People Jump From Windows and Receive Injuries. despatch from Brae says: The Gime Hotel on Bank Street was gut- ted in Jess than an us iday night. The fire was of the fiercest de- scription and it spread theduigh | the great Daten: with lightning rapidity: “Th Gilmour has since hotel was crowded from cellar to at- attending the fair. ve-storey one. The lessee: of the hotel was a French-Cana- i o S as =] iS suddenly noticed ‘smoke emerging from the elevator shaft, and then there caine a rush of flame round the elevator. The fire d ment was speedily on the spot, but ft ‘Was al once apparent that the ne was doomed. The firemen had for the ae ment | their nts as ne § of. life was the first ue anos LEAPED FORM WINDOWS. of the upper windows per- anty attire cried for help. thrilling time. ‘The heroic names, risked their lives to save the guests. Many were injured in endeavoring to escape from the burning building. Mr. reh. nm and received injuries nton. nian named George Mont- gomery Hips from the second storey, and pic Hospital. Those taken to the Protestant Hospi- tal 1. T. WALKER, of Multies au cloieste CR N. J., boll broke oat Walker jumped from the third .. PENTICOST, of 40’ Toronto, jumped, both ROBT. Huron ace libs’ broke MRS. BUTTERWORTH, of ok tawa, who was only ma night ago, and her sister, Mrs. De severely burned At the Water: Street conti there is a Miss ane Leforest, address not known. She is burned, but not severely. Mr. T. Smith, or Montreal, had hands and limbs severely’ burned e less severely burn- te sonveniane drug stores and doctors’ residences to get their wounds GREAT BRITAIN. t the United States will annex a is the impression in Great Britaio, Carmania sailed from Liverpoc! New York on Wednesday with ie old. oelanieup service from Belfast to was inaugurated on Tuesday by C.P.R. liner Lake Erie. are fae in, and when about two-thirds} The British Governnient is said to ae way across the boat filled and contemplate the handing over of the old bee liament gous: Dublin, to the new slit Irish Counci em UNITED STATES. rly passed through the new Penn- York to Jer- ete on We ednesd la; arles perce confessed te murder ie sleep at Sibl -» and was sen- any. fein Adjutant- ‘ennessee under Governor en, and, ae fo the! Buchanan, died suasienly at. Wodbury, he | Cai ly, ., on W had {0 be abandoned till morn-|gannon coun A re-union of C 3 ——+. soldiers, expiring while in the act of re- fe expressior ming re Ae ate was ans, on Thu made at New rsday, that Miss Flor. Elston was married on a tughoat t sea last Saturday {6 Eugene Durabb. tk marrying Mr, Durabb Miss ie Elston mother's wal cutting off from inheriting on e finest ge groves in Loulsiane if she mar- Mr. Durabb. GENERAL, ther a shocks have been Chile. ef ® one Zealand Jand measure, whic! a limit on the holdings of land- ‘urkey has called the attention of the pot he said it would| powers ¢ warlike preparations in Sate of Prussia will be Com- German active —__+-—___ BONES OF JOHN ROBERTSON. ‘Near oe Assa., Twenty- ‘ars Ago. Moosomin eee itch says: m of human Investi- a 3 5 4 A a 8 & +P e lost. After careful search his ee is now Le Meas & population west of /returned to her former home * RECORD CUSTOMS PAYMENT. P. Pays Duty of $382,722.31 on ee 874 Tons of Stect Rails. lespatch ue Portage la Prairie, robably the largest Grand ene Pager Railway, valued at tered. The duty paid $1,500 und: to | was Bree 7. st, ‘whieh cS regarded as a record Customs paym ‘janother year will —_+—___ TO STAMP OUT POLYGAMY. |Mounted Police Keeping Strict Watch Mormons in Albert: A despatch from Cardston, Alla., ere with one of his wives, leawin| another well provided for in the: United States. He came with ate 1 . 2 and No. 1 followed. The child o! 1 fell sick, and he visited bis inet teh The police | forbade this ¢ . bul agres ake no “ecion prorined be Sond: live with No. 1 only. This he re- do, and matters wore this week referred to Ottawa. Other ii -|have been ferreted out by. the North- e| West Mounted Po! ina hurry. 1 allege of Taylorville, Alta., is named fter J. I. Taylor, a chief of the Mormon Church in Canada., ae ok apostle in Utah until recently, s deposed a Short time BES it Weng tite that he had five wiv ——+—_ CHEAP BRIDAL TROUSSEAU. Small Outlay of the han ‘Woman in German; patch from fan says: Frau reat wealth impos zd Fraulein Bertha Krupp . ae Tichest woman in Germany, she bi cipal heir under her Pr bridegrooms-elect are Porr young men. eg TO PUSH TRENT CANAL. Three ts to © Complete ae sai tals to Lake Ont Be from Otta t io a speedy completion. This work has been pale on pieceme: for mai . Now it is estimated that two yenra willenable the work to be put through from Georgian Bay to Peter- boro’ at a cost complete the canal rom Georgian Bay through to Trenton, on Lake Ontari see ae TREATED TO GUN SHOT. pyeee Bridegroom Gave ivan arm Reception. ung mi in the inyoeee THE W ORLDS | MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE TRAIE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy ProAuce at Home Sept. 18.—Wheat—No. 2 white sora ab “ye outside, with 70c id, and No. 2 red, 69¢ bid outside. No. 1 Manitoba hard ‘tered at 78c on trai Owen Sound. No. 4 Northern offered at 7624c, Point Edward, September ship- ment, with %c mak ley He LEADING ted outside at 47c, extra Me “tS, without sellers. white wanted ee oulsid, and Sa cars of old N . 2 nee sold at ¢ to arrive, pte Nee. Ontari . wee 1 ah cent patents are quoted ai uyers’ sacks outsi do. toba first patents, $4.40; Soonot patents, 53.30, and strong bakers’, $3.15, ne ‘an—$14 to $14.50 in bulk, hse Stor are lil at $18 to $18.50 ou ne American is quoted at sre on mee Toronto, Peas—Car lots of No. 2 quoted at 73 to Ye outside, COUNTRY PRODUCE. eaeee ond -picked semen at ign 7510 and primes aos ee at 4 b: 10¢ per 2, Bay and jgombs at $2 per dozen. lop: Ha. see a hate No. 1 timothy are quoted at $9.50 ee 2 on track, ronto, and No. Straw—$6 Potatoes 30 to oe per bushel) in quan- ee 2 oultry—Turkeys, — pallens 12 to] & ues chickens, 8 to r Yb, alive; ducks, alive, 9 to 100 te 3. THE DAIRY M MARKETS, Balter Eau aoe are quot bs 2c; tubs, 00; large a 18 to Cre Feamieey ine sell at 24 to 2c, 10 23. stock, 10% to 17% Ber. dozen; Splits, 1276 lo Ch They ‘are. quoted at By to 13%6, the laligr for twin, HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lols nominal. Bacon, long clear, 12%c per % in case lols; mess “pork, ‘$21.50 to. $28; short BU to $24. ens Light to medium 16¢; do heavy 150; rolls, 2c; shoulders, 11% to 120 acs, eakfast bacon, 15 i jt —Tieres, 11%¢; tubs, 1130; pails BUSINESS AT SENS Montreal, Sept. 18,— Grain — ‘The raatket” Was steady day, h’ no- thant! particular interes jour — Manitoba Spring wi to $4.50, strong $3.9 Win! eat patents, st to $4. 10. and straight ve $3.80 4 iu bags, 81.75 lo $1.85; $1.50 to St. vw - ae $1.40 to $1.45 per bows eranvlaed, ‘31.05 Milfeed“Gntai 10 $19.50; shorts in bags, . Manitoba bran in ba ane $22. Oats—No. 2 ster pen 3, 87340; ne ss 3634c, on on trad NO. 2 $10 to $10.: se cover, re ‘o- $8.50; clover, mixed, $9 to $9.5( short cut ries et 0 82h: half-barrels, 5 to $12.50; clear fat backs, $23.5¢ ae “out heavy mess, $20.50; half-bar- rels do, 310.75; dry sal bacon, 12% to 129c; barrels plate beef, 812 to SiS; half-barrels do, 88.90 to $7; barrels heav ef, $11; hall-bar rels do, $6; compound lard, 8 to 9340; pure Tarde 1134 to 120; Kettle dered, 2% to ms, 143% lo 160, accord F on, to Mie; Wi 3 fresh killed tbat dressed, Coes rt 5; alive, $5.- to $6.90 per 1 UNITED STATES ee Duluth, Sept. 18.— ¥ Northern, 71c; N Sept., rOnkes Oct., May, ‘3 Mi oe No hern, 70346; Ke; Dec... 7%e: Rye—No. 1, bay 0. 8, 55 to 56c; Hotta) lo S4c, Corn— rie 47 to 47440; Deo, bg a 0 48% Low Wheat ‘ash, 18. 700 Sept. bor ‘70%¢c;, May; “ie Minneapolis, Sent “18—Wheat — 6% to 6024e%, Deo. 70360; May, Pe e hard, 733%c} No. 4 LIVE STOCK 1 MARKET, Toronto, Sept. 18—Trade at the Wes'- ern Cattle pried to-day was scne- what feature! Exporters. 28 quoted nominally o)- a few grains They will all recover, most-at $4. SA. ine nee cattle bag? voted at sere $4. Boon cower #8 ing a 2280 while for good c was pi Fair to good Dutcher” were worth $3.90 i eat a oe canners hes Nopeerss at and up abtoke, oe 7% to $3.50; feeilars, 8.- to $4; shortkeeps, $4.10 to $4.60 per eS “lively trade was reported in milch pus wi quotations ruling at $30. to| © ‘$60 cows and springers of mieditie, to good qualit Export sues sole at 8h to Bart buel ane jambs at $5.50 waives were eae. at $3.50 to $6 per at $6.40. for selects | H' And $615, ofa siete and fats. —_j—— || ea one of the aa STORY OF THE WRECK ‘Witnesses of the Azilda Tragedy Return Home. Many PINNED ae THE juss) gat the ( with eee Ticutales: had ma gre “ deal to do with the ti terrible wreck aN na Sa eb jeri C.P. R. at Ai near Sudbury, according to reporls given by. pussen. gers: Who were in ers ae eedy" Imperial fd. sayy a mass of splintere Limited atthe time it crashed into the|W8S. the first colonist car half buried arvesters’ special, and passengers who a a luggage, while the other end were in the latter a A number of wh up and lying skew-gee hese passengers ae in Toront ae ns the track, Sin baggage car had m North Bi sah on | elescoped the. other. fe d ptecan and their hurried des y an idea of the magi mnitude “Ol the {luggage nearest the engine and worked disaster 1 in which fourteen. lives were until after 12 o'clock without a break. Jost. ‘ive or six people, they said, were under it, It took us over: two THE KILLED. hours i pate the trunks off, and then the ba, Mote Schade, aged 2, Monkton, Ont. ie K fl f the baggage car was be- Olive Schade, aged 14, Monk' wt those fe Dr. Milne, ‘Saute Woods a ay axes and split a hole in it, but that Frank Blickwell, ouldn’t work, and we spli the ev job. Heats A minister, |Centre and jacked the two parts off and to got in at the kage neath, Neleon Saha Xe , Hamburg, Ont. wire from New Hamburg says Mr, | Th schaly is Bite ving, ant his name has | badly er not are Bes from the official }man ist of we worked ae Teta North Easthope. ph W. B. Puddicombe, N. W. 'T., former-|crushed ai ly of Haysville, we Thos. Puddicombe, aya, Ont. in. Policeman Blackwell Louis Pfaff, New just as ‘tm 53 if you lock ae Palmer, Miller's Hollow, York poles fs 3 3 a BE his legs aut Kingston, Frankfort. hody before we got the Inknown, but believed to be E, May,|Just there we found another dead body, Winfield, Ont. nd the Inst of all to be cleared of the rcy Baker, Collingwood. ole wreck was the Toronto: sousta xt this time little could beh of the RAIN WAS FALLING cries of the wounded above the ee of escaping steam. It wag a tetrible tino” as the ial Limited dashed uy as the aids imited dashed up on NO ONE TO BLAME. the mal ie von rails. decided), Slippery, and ther eausing an addi-| General Superint sat ah Brady of the tional ‘difficulty in ane the heavy}Lake Superior division has issued the known at following official flatern ment.:— reports indicate thal no | dent. m in the imited was injured,}was no mistake. though it is seid the fireman was bated mechanical failure. Both trains in+ by jumping from the cab. Alm re ssen| unhesitatingly where they ought to hav: said that the speed of their train had] train been checked considerably before the |engths from the east e of the air-l which 500, 108 long. k e distinctly | going east was to audible, though it is said these di bot work as they should have done, latter’ to. HARROWING SCENES DESCRIBED The description of the scenes subse- ‘ bul, quent to the collision are harro responded, and the trains telescoped.” Pansat YEAR'S BUMPER YIELD. in Sudbury at about noon, | gent Py ee and their removal from the ard: | ePtembse eee * S. Agricultural most mournful. spectacles epartment, in. the whole history of the town. ¢ New York Journal of Commerce ct Thesdi ay WAS AN ILL-FATED*CAR. an some cases these had lost the baggage or had been shaken up 0 that | they did not care to continue evn trip. Among. the torn in the collision and w! ® number of seratches as yell shaking up. Mr. Bartley admitted that short of miracu- 80,069,000 bushels, which, coun. inthe car where all} ares witht-a1905. yield ot 2, 707,093,540 bushels, and which has until now been 2 ge sz" gee 525 rom the front of| the bumper crop of corn. The condition the car," he said, “and I saw that pon-| °f spring wheat on the other hand, derous bagyage van come right into our} Shows a decline of as Bol mts, oF ac- car wilh hardly a moment's notice. 1 xchange esti+ crouched down, but two men who’ oc-| male 12,000,000 Bushels, bul: the hedion. eupied the double seat with me were} ¢4 ¢rop Is minutes, but releasing myself I crawled | 8Pring and win: through, a window, ‘wondering at my, have a escape. ‘The baggage just seemed to chew everything to pieces that was in} Wheat harvest and 11,000,000 bushels its path. st baggage, but| head of the herstolore record yield of was very thankful to get away so luck- | 748:450,000. bustiels i The minor ily. crops are as a aie: stated ory. f 1E GLED. heyaanmocm.aibocy cd? MANY BODIES MANGLED. FRUIT) BASKETS SUARCE: Sitting at breakfast, James F. Ken- nedy and his daughter, of Lindsay, ae And the Growers Are Anxious Over the leg, Felurned wars interrupted by th ircanbet, hob, Folly shower of broken Blass “front the. ch andeliers, je the} A Geena ich from St. Catharines saya: Victuals were dashed to the floor. Mr.] serious situation has developed in the enth conch of fae industry in the Niagara Peninsula, ing Kennedy, “bi | Growers declared 0} minutes we could not dis tinguish anything because of escapi 2 & sy & Hie = i 5 5 < ge z 2 Ei cy eady to pick to- -| steam. Subsequent ae accompanied | gether with other bral eu be wasted, were simply |as there are no baskets to put them int fully, mangled, some of them being} cands of doll flat.” TWO SISTERS’ ah Se ey Two sisters, Miss A hing Ke Maran "Hue Miss dred thousand Daa every yea ee The were travelling together ol? Medicine! fruit growers have gent men to the Hal the effects | United States or the | aceldent, “hat ther ‘decided to re- os turn hom i “Did you see ried of the wreck afterwards?” the young ea Dees demand for the i a ladies were time and only make about the number ui ed. “No,” replied Miss Annie, with a shud- |" der. “I saw two little girls lying dead just outside our car That t sight was e PCy austen FIRE WIPES OUT VILLAGE, enough: we hadn't n out-and see anything: more Shawville, in Pontiac Sout, Visited HOW IT OCCURRED. ¥ $100,000. Holac ae was standing in one of the tourist espa’ a from Ottawa says: when the scoliston occurred, but village of hee a one coun ihe shock did not knock me off my| ty, had a st villoge and halt the popu Hic seerteiey There een no proper are appliances and the “I distin mclly, “felt the ‘brakes grip. the} Supply. of water was Very s wheels shortly after we had passed the] of the ualdings destroyed a ured western entrance to. the switch: at] The (Guardian and Royal Companies Auilda. Rain was falling, and perhaps pit “ISH NI AUaG0U ONTUVG the braking was hin y slippery Ra tas Jewelry Worth $8310 Solent Portage feat east he eek a anout 100. CREATED VEGETABLES Live. Madd foe ne Siding whers| Claim of a Professor at the Medical A A a, ton Portage i nae] tt was intended the two trains should School at Nantes. cessful robbery yet recorded in Portage| P&s- 1 cannot tell the ee A despatch from Paris says: Prot. took place on We lay morning, What did the wreck look like ? Liduc, of the Medical School at Nantes, when unknown thieves entered the jew-| “The engines of were] claims to have created vegetable life. elry store belonging Shirrl ‘shed somewhat, fish car on] He has been experimenting for ten Vickers, on Saskatchewan Avenue, and| one train was in seen ienaen ad nad a bag-| years. He tually discovered that stole goods to the val 300. The gcse car was damaged, of job was swiftly done, and the thief did ecia! It of the owners, who aslee| @ rear room. The on the front door was wilase bya ae licate nA and the thief made little 2 noise in his 9 nation The rohe bay ry took place about ai tok, but it ee not discovered unt

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