—3 GREAT BRITAIN’S POLICE| Does tit pete ese ee . No Adulterat 3 ©} & al ] as a Docsn't inmwerane INO Aduiteration ‘hy HOW THEY WATCH FrorEIGN spies | Shrink W "itn ae ind, Is‘ used in ihe preparation of ‘That sounds good, doesn’t it? ND ANARCHISTS. 1 said when you hk aay) Never a cold or a cough but always a tly weil and hearty. You could be like that with a little care and COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT Keep it in the house and eye se af fer slightest i of an approaching cold 0: S It positively cures poles 9, Cougs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma | About twénty years ago, ‘Throat and Lum more desperate section of the Irish Fen- It I had been more careful searing, Nor give you needless pain! International Crinie Experts — Their Training and Duties — Under : We may. never take back again: stand Heliograph. ete For though in the quiet evening You might give me the kiss of peace, men and little folks,| “Yu i might be CEYLON GREEN TEA, and all Thro: cc vaeaviapsor Your druggist keops it and Regommends it. ians was’ almost bafling the English in a variety of styles,| ‘That never for Price, 25 cents. Sopra eee Poe oa ce ae fabrics. and pricese} The pain of the beat should eeu THE TEA THAT OUTCLASSES ALL JAPANS, distinet detective’ machinery, Hak inity gx tno uaa REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. th ‘< ranch’ C1 fates eanie Deneeniee eee ™ | That never come home. at night! [LEAD PACKETS ONLY. 406, Foc and Go PER LM pose of locating and diss Weautorize every dealerin Pen- Angle Aoldteeada Ea Sai . various murder and dyna ne RE FOE identifying the men connected. there- rumen faulty in material or making | THat Sorrow can ne'er set Bs sé 53 ; ORANT wih an waging hn der se “OSHAWA” Steel Shingles. Hon; also of course for protecting pub- = 3 3 oe a IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND] tte wie tne, tm Suber | tunes rk and examined ny he Home] BABY NEARLY DEAD notably Arthur Bal four, when he was| Office at ee of Ex Nee ‘and pro- ed ea the Chief Secretary for Ireland. nouneed to be hotting worse then a] Mrs: John Cuddy, Killaloe Station, Looked —oOr— = i ork of arpanising, this Peoneti discarded dry cell battery. At another a AB ae, Ves by eee Es pearly . NEWS BY MAIL AnoUr JonN BuLL | Yes & correspondent of the London time not far ee the branch had to} dead’ that a place my ear clo: a Chronicle, was entrusted to Chief In-| shadow some men who were suspected | t¢ his breast to know that : AND MIS PEOPLE. spector Littlechild, who retired on a| of being foreign spies taking observa-| breathing. He was in this condition aa t pension some eleven years ago, The| tions near an important military posi-| When 1 first gave him Baby’s Own ee machinery and methods. of, the Special | tion,’ and the. “spies” proved to be as | Teblela.and I hardly. dared hong that é Oce : ranch were found to be equally well| harmless as the “bomb.” they would save him. But they helpe : mrrenees In the Land ‘That Nelms) cGanted to the ultra earnest Russian| At the present moment, in view of| him almost at. once, and soon made wif Supreme in the Comnwrcial patriot or the fanatical bob thrower} the recent outrage in Madrid and the | him a well child. He is now two. re Sides bd ‘World. from France, Italy-or Spain. visit of the King and Queen of Spain| old and weighs forty-five pounds ani The Criminal Investigation Department | to England, the S. B.-is particularly | has never known a sick day since 11] Mage tin The Queen possesses @ fishing rod | Special Branch is, although composed | busy, and_an_ interesting story cout | first. gave him the Tablets.” Baby's || per h Ran woes soak oer annie nit a <i the moot dura ov ; ‘ mounted in gold, and worth £40. almos' entirely of C. I. D. men, more| be made out of the various men. and | Own Tablets cure constipation, indiges- e Will sell by public Auction, 50 bead | “Tt ts estimaled that a Penny changes| directly under the control of the Home| movements to which the S. B, activity | tion, dierrhoea, teething troubles, break salad. Canetas eis ae tice! covering fo tor Houses, Baris, Sloe Eke. : vf High-class Ayrshire Cattle, also Agri- | hands 1 185,000 times in is 1 Office than the rest of the Metropolitan | fs directed; hut. the writer-of this article, ; UP colds, expel worms and-give little || hammer and. snips are sheet ratgeeiee giaatordnk shingles. A cultural Implements, ete., properly of| Out ere hundred ier insured | police. Its duties: consist in what {s|'who has bee nin touch-with the hgayich | ones natural pealiy Slecba< ng: the We are the largest and oldest eda f the kind : Hon, W. Owens, River Side Farm, |" Dien only five are those of wo-| described politely as “political work,” | since ‘ils foundation, has vio intention, | mother has a guarantee that this“medi- flag, att have covered thousands of the best palin aueugbait Conus 7 Mateepilg pie angCigtic ti Netto oe 5 ae pag including the supervision of while salistying the curiosity of tha] eine contains no, opiate or potso ethan igs throughout : ‘cs he ‘mory of the Dogger Bank out- STS Public on a. most. rbing subject, of | Soothing stuf. id by all medicine & Shore Line, between bigot and Ot | rage a statule is fo be Unveiled at Huli| ANARCHISTS AND NIHILISTS Providing the misereant with valuable | dealers or sent by mail al 250 a box FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. . lawa. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. shortly. and other persons who may be a source| information. Suffice it to say that,| by writing The Dr, Williams’ Medicine ak also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and At nec the old Blue Bell Inn | of pearioy danger to the King or Queen) among other precautionary measures, | Co., Brockville, Ont, EAVESTROUGH, pe October 17, 1906|*: will shortly be opened es a mission |e fo members of our ro ed in London, sac ny Soe METAL CEILIN G An nition of briek or stone foreign potentates v in Geri t 5 Mastanh Morey weather “have faslt tov: | trys Ge-pue cw Ministers ore state one wanlel FA aueomoer Beene Gana Teaah attempt to kiss me | | Write for Catalogue No. 14M and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Send for live stock catalogue, eaters is Spai ie a rst petrol mo- eS ranch be sometimes kept busy in try-| police are supposed to exercise a strong|1 shall, call for help.” He or help? Write oaye r-fireboat ever bui ing to trace the source of anonymous} press censorship) and circulated in | Why, my. dear girl, 1 am capable of do- THEE PEDLANR PEOPrPrI.z, — Mr. J. Pierpont. Morgan has contri-| lelters written to any of the above; it| Lond : git alone!” af CAPT. T. E. ROBSO? buted £1,000 to Guy's Host for the| also undertakes the necessary inqolt|:translated into English en Miatieert a Kontreal, Que. | Ottawa, Ont. | Toronto, Ont. | London, Ont. |W V itusicee, promotion of medical education. es in the case of applications for let-| eral very interesting foole ches” of the Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator arte Mt, On. London On} Wintpe, Han, | Voncouver,B.6. St ; 'An order hes just been ove ber the eet of naturalization, or on hebalt of | proverbial order are ppeee Bay ihe feet Oe en ir ‘ 821-8 W Craig St.| 428 Sussex st. |11 Colbornest | 69 Dundas st.|76 ‘Lombard st. | 615 Pendorat. is rah orn te fawn * “or the: supply we ign ee ets See Per | in the sand and aaa that con-{ paration sold in Canada. Write your Nearest Office, -HBAD OFFICE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Ont i led of being foreign _spies | sequently their whereabouts and actions | gives satisfaction by Tao ‘nealth loture posteards is the} also receive attention from the S. B..| are a profound seeret; whereas helt) te te lite folks == =o | estimated number sent through the rally at the instigation the of the| photos, each one bearing a descri : | WHEAT 3 SOLITAIRES J) cst suring. the, hotiday season. Admiralty War Othe of the’ various. phys Hates “Want,” was the answer. “How was PRAIR E | eqite, Reisen Commissioners have ask-| ‘The presents consisis “of Supt.| et the sublet: ave being carried in thé} that, pra; Wwallor wanted “another a: re Rea ed the Y. M. C. A. to arrange for the | Quinn—an admirable’ appointment—one| pockels of some dozen or more S. B. man's watch. He wasn’t willing I should LAND ‘ 2 GD a Ran ea systematic visitati ot rarieaiicias chief inspector, three inspectors aad sleuth hounds. e it, and the jud ants me to sta: Sueeoe THREE-STONES England’ contributed during the pest| fifty-two other ‘delectiver in the case | Wriig tre Prinelpal oficers of this geet ce coum ein wt eee 4 , : uN eo a ee Inpeial era cir sles a astabe branch receive salaries ranging from Fok 3 _ A Ts EG ni and Ire-| lished rule that every clive must| £180 to £500 per avn; the rank and better the ther 80a} OLITAIRE and Three sep meaeaoos ney ES, Have mare fee an ordinary an ae file, wile have to hunt down men w vchtlght Seay Ete han ah i ht nee) i , o i ri Ir. m walv hese exceptions boat Bio at their sors draw from Buy Sunlight Soap end follow ; Stone Diamond Rings are rida pean e pera ah ea Sete pa aie on me at Beek Pract ie 2 155’ week, no-extra allowanced Vear Neudorf, Saskatchewan. A great bargain. $12 per ; as. jus hi 5 moni m es tiga 4 - i the most favored of all finger J} ed nearly 150,000 miles, aliens:in this and ether. countries. bang made fer Menguages penuoee ect hat man Sho Meore| 8OF@, Close to two railroads, “Branch line of Grand "Prdnle adornments — especially as Mr. George Meredith, the novelist, has| Some thirty of this number are’ di- Manet could. have an anything like good | Pacific surveyed almost through the property. 4 rerahediest tiki | elurned fo tis chalet on the Surrey | vided up among six foreign: and seven| wart Au, GRAIN NEXT SEASON. | health” “No. Vimogine he would feel ans Is, at Dorking, and lias now quite| British ports—which shall be nameless LL HAUL, GRAIN “NEXT SEASON. i th styles Diamond recovered from his broken leg. —to keep observation on outgoing and : — : only. sew-sews BOX 21, 73 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. Poail had pareicularlyatiaccs To mpintein smartness in the ap-| incoming passenger boats, a few of ye Ertonees airing Mate Wie cia for Generous Eatrs.—"There ae pearance o! e staff, th t Ne - | th asi i r¢ i- cl P. m e Z re 7 ae, 7 ive values at $25,00, $£0,00 [| tm Railway order that all thein stall at dulyecantiecion wilh soya’ shat sak euccaunie aren es ay ns of healthy appetite. and a MONA ER Ie aaa General, Agent, Wanted: and $100.00, abali ‘weal wAite collars: etre SRR eee enn “canada, will have a remarkable rail-| poo digestion who, afler a hearty meal. | af the Shah of Persia were to be de-| To, take change of your County. Ap- 5 ‘ the Carnarvon. distri i z hen the Grand Trunk Pacific is} are subject to much suffering. The 2] nly, to, Imperial. Company, Jay St § ‘on district a quaint né member of the branch speaks and » ‘ prived of his income he could still mak» a 2 jese_would cost you ff} tuneral custom, which dates back for| writes seven languages, another three Dalits the statement whieh was made Ffood of which they have partuken Ties |2ure of being one of the richest men in Galt, Ont. < considerably more were we {J generations, was observed recently, | one has resided in five different coun. chit eons Comingwood Sthreibers| like lead in their stomachs. Headache, |the world. He would only have {o-sell| 2 py MN WILL TAKE YOU TO. hot Canada’s largest import- | Wien: some bread, salt, and @ coin were) tries and speaks four languages, and adian ‘Govern paet capiem chine sane Cepression. ee amotiering tesla follow. rmserets ieyls gels hack “eapleDs Me ie: mein’ New eo aent 4 ; a iF ; lor business Bl ps i saetarraty Atak A most of them know French, Helio-| “#1 have just coine from the. West, | or work of ae klied. Ty thes conto, | stones, 40 become possessor of about wanted in your city. Boston Shipping ing g lers, inquest. was held at Whitechapel grap phing is understood by some of if i) ob $35,000,000, the sum at which the mag- é (einer aneoatUIte oe cehesion es where I have been inspecting the por-| Permelee's Vegetable Pills will ‘bring'| nincent eelléstion Ie valved: | Co, 18 Norfolk street, New York City. ender tea petal card and we wit Wl Wns: killed. by: swallowing. a hon eile ie Sere not, as is often sup-| 2 of the ine from Winnipeg to Bd-| relio, ‘They will assist the assimilation = tas be ke Which “popped” out of ‘the fire into posed, permanently safeguard the Inter-| 24 the J drove the entire distance | of the ailment, and used acconding to baer erm cha 17 FOR SALE. is mouth. sistcl sthes nate a at of the route trom Portage la Prainie tof direction will’ restore. healthy diges- Nothing makes -meiy foot mone sme}, $e eye nghe nee Valls, neuron 0 has recently come under | eign “political” suspects in this coun. a ortant than his ability fo answer the | eecral Alberta | about Tze acres water sche a the care ofthe Mutford and Lothinglaad | ie, At least tieae European Peer nave AOR 6 -enieiy = ie EY oe or clive ‘ye govern- questions of a small boy, ticlas FY rin teen a Jn the name) ments are represented. in. Englund by ae ne a eee a the ee ane SDle yairctear there wo@'a skeleton in| — fat peek ion ieee q ‘a Agatha Wil-| their own Smith's. tamil ‘d “you] It is only necessary to read the ‘testi- | faith ehop tool on. tah : of one per cent., and west- y SUOp S008 Shoal ‘on Ina E E 2 " 4 was % 5 "f. x ec Ss ae to be con’ d reamery wagon collects on-Sea is becoming known SECRET SERVICE ‘AGENTS, me IN ceca “Where?” “Inside of bn acti 's Corn Cure is teed fot th Gio por acre. H.W. HUNT, Calgary, Albei s ru siete half widows Sree sie ie . wear A ea A ssies,_and ect to do about re aa HO ne Jones; “Andi therr he cniekted iaioheally. removal a b= aes $e; OTT er pet aden oie Beton ‘ing pperiden ty of us. A foreign Be ——— complete extinguis! an@ unimproved lands, in the Penhold ¢ next o each otter while in another there | teetive. sent “ero (fF Special purpos | mots Ree Ee ene The number of th here sore rom eights wen STRONG, are twenty. y 4 fic, and’as the natio n . = rrespondence 80 Unde he ne ind cui coum sini wife Sante srs hve macy sud [NE oxen, nie aga aa AD S| eel ea Pa Scene cil by-law people - who throw down | sent there is no combined internation | these grades. all the way trom Winn pe Winipes Cheer a int this other fellows thats been i H =) AVE CE Wwastepaper, Rae on vegetable. refuse, | movement against this class of crime, | De® 10 the Atlantic, there is no doubt “ pica ee ennee teres creme | Your: alster?? NY know hi ing on’ Fruit Crowers Attention 4 A NEW AMERICAN. NOVEL. a “ans. | @nd | Montreal, is Sxeoo rely aati aes broken glass, or nails in the streets will| The results of the special branch or-| ‘2¢ line will be the best of all the trans-| oot ona reflects great credit on its pub {replied Fred 4 novel by Arthur Gopdrie, entitied be table {o a penalty of forty shillings | ganization eannot he judged. by wha Spun Jia, Ait on penle obs the Eh nA vary arenutacti area (| showers.” Having. 20. comm a man ot Power,” is announced} | When a steamer was, entering the| 1s read. in the newspapers as regards | Most economic administration and hand} yng soe this publication. "Yprings Nay P tee Hats spabuestion, ICsAds tue: slory Mersey the they day. neti toe parrots| the ‘suppression of _anarchists—there| HPS me greatest amount of traffic at gas ed ithe loves oF Awo' frienda forth on board escaped and. flew s. | have b 1 ssecutions i a minimum. cost. rer oneal eke iA § ie pug foiene AS The Migut er tai Pol “howeve, sy fee me Pee eee 1h te “By iutumn: (ere: willbe over a hun. ceria (triumphantly): “Father, 1 : He “a ri a Ate | This every-day American’ tite as a back-| WS short, a number of gulls swooping | quiet work has heen achieved. Su-| (cd miles of the ine’ west of Winni-| HM NOL SiUnE Gn Ihe tet som Mowe Co Ting. clear of eye, alert and’ buoy * yrotind, a story of high ideals and cour-+ down and pecking tha ettanger’ td| spected persons are located, observed, | Peg Failed, and there 4s little doubt the td B te how you| ant with health, are not- miserable, ‘igeous’ optimism, “The publishers of | death. and offen frightened out of the country | 0d will participate inthe hauling of aisle oa Te weeae Thee toe t awtiatever'~may "box Their Pasad this “book, ‘The Outing Publishing} |The other day lite gi was ask- | unknown to the police, COE Ue aE Youngster: STE Rat ean ter bast Hone Tobe weld te" to Cone ae Comp’ that it “grips you in the| &4 Toughly to describe. the: hy body, relations between going in with the road. Their shacks . 5 beginning and sweeps sar oil your feet} With the following: result: “We haves one the anarchist oy stig eee were seen dotting the prairie for the |iné Painted. —— i ‘cue Nodes ae engi amebel §n.the end,” and they boldly prophesy head, which ins the brains, if any; | 6 5 one | Whole distanpe Irom’ Poringe Ia Prairie Liver Pil j.| Bhomas* Eolectric Oil will help to d that it will be one of tho. best selling ree =) Body, which contains the heart, | of three shops suspected of providing | ', tepiag pea Hy : ee that be hiss Betton ida with Vhis ° ooks of the y rt of: the liver, and the tummic. The| informal meeti : te | “The company has: sixteen surveying BY. = he year, Eiichi bets tar ee nate Laer Ree ae ere | atiegs wronitne ld the west OlTeaihn thei origin in-a disordered liver, ; Speer ee, and U, and sometime: z Tina tnnden “ie-spoumleinsk AT coh delicate organ, particularly DEFINITION OF A SECRET, EUPHEMISM. London’s net debt, according to a re- tors are encountering some difficul- susceptible Ree eras ee MUN cast nats a: a Tate ked. ti First. Friend (on deck “of oecan| Port just issuer, is £44,620,266. The re- in getting lal lowever, . therejia |-come: from inreguier habits or jack. of gusted’ viotim. asked. the dis Mehmer, to sea-sick companion): “Have Sins on the . London ‘County Council | hi two different. languages: gube thes Tal w/e pob tak Sent el art eet “A secret is pi me the eee Io dined old man?” luring the year amounted to £15,216,-| both know his business almost as we very La oe time. > i y Second Friend (fainfly): “On tte con-| 742, and the expendlure tar aibjz7in| 98 ha docs: “Bul there la noc aaa oe eed Ui eae ee rel ue est w aise who heads vivo ry." , education costing £4,586.398. betwen the hunted and the hunter. tty = ; ralee's Voelabie Paes nexe : ir. Wil 5 ! 2 E TELEG! t plee's ae’ vas Mr... Williom. Ralegiiby. Batade's|-= OW aidlher Soins ioe nine a ee ton Boren plots ee eae Ae reer Meet Minter ne te tin . Fi Their operation though gentle is effec- st friends, who tel rerpete " a Nearly all infants ne more or tess | SUCC%eSsOr, has gone on a tour tough, | ce lese-undesirable eltens:inconte of the ean rnler uses the telegraph | 1 Fite ww heey mh per nade * subject 10. diarrhoea and. auely come | Franea, Spain, Italy, Germany. Bely| dangerous foreign quarters. is looking | 0 much ad ihe sBmperor of-ussing He [Aves EA ce ad Stace Soeties plains while teething and as this period gium, and Switzerland, for the purpose | on at a stingete between a couple cf|has a secret code both for his private : . ‘A TORONTO MAN TRIES Bes bs i f their. tives. ia. the mast eeitiens, sao t% easing se charttible institutions. | Constables) and some roughs, one of the | and hs official messages, and expends for ee Be : ers should not be without a bottle of ; y h mer having just sounded the shrill /$25,000 a year in this kind of corres | gy . Somethin, Kellogy’s Dysentery Cordial. spe to Mr. Woodhead of Thun-| signal for help. The onlookers are re-|pondence. ‘The German Emperor spends ee ay 20 SeeneL BACE 8 a ae 4 rsa ge : ee is @ specife tor sucn| 2e"SHy, Essex, was eight and a haut viling ‘the police in several languages | $13,000 a year in the same way, and he] taq of Bighteen Slays an Old Couple ai y complaints oa is highly spoken of by in _cireumference, 8 s them are inclined to join | uses a code which he has invented die oN. Dale, = those. who havo used it. “The proprie-| broken. it was found to contain aaniher | fmt ts-tninly-torone against the uni-| self, and which he usel for: Funds, tors. claim it will cure any ease of chot | Peteelly formed egg. | fo van Englishman, of no teclerhonever he. desires. to, communteatot A led named ‘Brown, of S: Aw €ra or summer complain’ ae et at. Macclesfield for furi- TUAERADIE physique, ae his way {with the Cabinet Ministers or other| stralia,, only 18 years of a caho is ously driving a more,.a farmer pleaded ugh the outskirts of the crowd. is| prominent officials. The telegraph is| about to be tried for the murder of an and (be igtt cat com ree keri peru Melati fee ae ip Part not used to any. extent elfher by. the] oldman and his wife, named O'Keefe ‘ iS Spd a ‘iatrutions, “you musk fon ibe tina ae paolo ests ee ken: our ‘ at =f a man who is exhorting King of Italy, the Emperor of Austri and their servant, Gillick, tells an um er mili ot ee violen Engli: ee . & é “a i Dr oie femember how to behave at the instincts so that he could not hold =) isthe eleree Wh. oe ea king eae oe Uieen she the eine slery to Mis lve fr Urpietean arses nid; i‘ x: part f you're asked to have something and erests him s\ _ away, whisperi Ni i n spering | andra use it constantly. King Edward} He says he had no ierudae a you want ‘th you erst say ‘Yes, thank EIS Ee oecea = nee his private des pales “Albert | the Olkccles, eis had: be tk you,’ and if you don’t want it Seah Mneeiiion teh 4 tigress a a Mets Edward” or “Bertie.” and the Queen,| tc him. Bul he was a oe of a using Dry ay F ay a ou memint Bother bout that] TORTURED BY FIERCE zuLus, | And rae B. man has achieve elWwho always signs hers “Alexandra, Seeret society, whose objects weve 10 Lebntanits ‘Anti | VABVADE PS Dey a ip ean ee ts rae than three constables could have done; | Writes quite as many in German as in lution in favor of a “White A Tot canzenc ar he» most costly book in the Royal 4 hich Prompted Troops| Moreover, he has located a man Who | Enetish, The oaths binding _the : i iy atHessnitie ne at Stockholm js a “Bible, and , ‘The surgeon of a large hospital was “No Surrender!” dest et lost sank re i ; : eee , he declares, Ring. | Mr. M. Ne Daloe. when a boy. Ifind fiers is not another just like il in the 4 A! force is apt to have ils zeal se- k ent that he would hang before h they late bot n ‘ world. In weightsand size alone it is | Henry ml y. ha x Pe < ig ae he gave ey regulate both stomach and bow- - é) a VE AER ee en Pe cn iy Stas ae eee Oe tried by, false, scenls and even| THE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. thie ithe of "his aadocta eg els; My old Unie vigor has retumed, junigue. It'ts said thot 160 nsses) skins a who was not bearing his pain very appeared io any on ne ain pi a8) wnat Nimrod was a mighly hunter, but], The society a short te reat and} 80 that my spirits are buoyant. and | Were use its parchment leitves. j a bravely, for he was groaning loudly. y expert {0 be had he hunted in the “Highlands of|i* Was decided that O'Ke bank | temper normal. U give ai credit to this [Each page fils but-an_ inch short: ofa | "Oh. ‘come, my poor fellow,” remon- aetna ne troops operating in Natal | Ontario,” he would have been a might-| POOks must be stolen.” He a dered wi paar remedy — Dr. Leonhardt |yard in length, ‘The width of the leaves straied the surgeon, “try and ‘ear against the phieges he Derbant ‘brought POSSIBLE nod MACHINE ~ | je; ane imrod hubled for glory, put | oF this work, and set out on a Sunday, is 20in. The covers are solid planks 4in. a pain like a man. It's no use kicking| bY Kelr Hardie and som ot "ALB’s. | was discovered on the day-of the arrival | thos go. into the several disivicts| armed with a bayonet and a sendbag. ae aetlnd on he: Wilsen-Fyle. Coy thick. against as “Shure, solr ro wi states that the very opposite was| in London of two threatened members| of No sine Ontario hunt for game. |e. ‘bul meant merci intention’ of -mur-| Téuited. Niagara Falls, 01 # the royal family and at a spot whence | Those Indians who made the first canoe , but meant merely to stun the old peacenrey Cisco = aS eee eae Irishman, who 1 aie and shitter of 2 TI “spe pert taken care of, and only the na-| an outrage might have been: elfected. | of birch bark long ago, were our great- | © He by meena: 5f andbag. ~ “NUGGETS, x rely kicked by a mule. “ Hi y v eceblly asked ft 4 tally whin the | tives who were found " tw the ordinary if est benefactors. ‘The children of those| , He found Mrs. O'Keefe seated by the pia feae GG tae rent Sy ly the sir the fate of a mule! a eaecaee found in arms against eautonary ie oy ae eo pie. a : he ae aes wok oe @ head with pif nena heart will make a thougnt- | the aie bossbe dhe to be there. 4 With. regard io: te other side of the despi any suspicious sign, however | know how ie ae he and e ee ae is Bs ag burst, and Ane ul hea Want,” was the w 2 picture, the writer says: “Brooks and Sent okay. Taine spot in St. | just and deer are to] 01d lady struc rown _ on -the heck ea good talker pis ais first an Of We a aie see found. est aides ie oS Habe nan, to. his if sa to. be a yoo = ; Fei . the D Sol averchad’ =~ Tus fuskoka | Wile’s help with a gun, ai rown is uller tatth re i cud Sag °D DD. S id ‘ olice, were most terribly. aus He : » stabbed both of them. Gillick by th fi = tilat : . ia Kes," Lake of Bays: a aati 1 . Gillick appear-| by the sacrifice of 1 an ‘ ‘ SK lated. In th se 1 ‘ed y' Svaaawan | ed at the end of the struggle and flung} What we get trom the Pena cena other : se. he , ; Sol J in. | the slightest regret for his crime or to to be happfer {1 were cut off, He fainted, and. when Best fumnting. op the Anerionh COMIN: Mev cmetank is pamet af tha he eral rites sna eg Her ees “4 combatant, tie must have’ sutte | River,” “Fre iver,” “Temagami, Bs ms fa POR Ak onalss Wines ts ree 4 : “Georgian may” and several other “dis. fimse on Brown, who stabbed him as Sis Tibet came eS Ze fessed_to rics in’ this eat “North ti e ing to ho Se us that the poor fellow was i ie ot oe Country Brown cannot he induced to express | in this aoe is a grudgo, : i i st consider oth he came to he was made to wi e # t is offered here. Write the under- tance, carrying @. ‘heavy oe a we SCOTT'S EMULSION serves as a | signed for copy of “Haunts of Fish and pone at whose orders he attempted} Let your means outrun Bite wana, heads aa hbridge’ to- carry the weakened and Comite, an “illustrated pulllestion issu- | 2° Z neve wants outrun your he is right hand was cut-off by the Grand Trunk Railway Sys- oes: hot “depen | paras eur Enema ce en nate system along until It ean find | {C,." eiving al {nfopmation as tes: WANTED upon accident,. but upon selection, and. After that his eyes were gouge support In ordinary food. maps, etc., Bell, General Pas- . < Every duly which is bidden to wait an swag =distiembered winie 3 Sait wectiicle: senger ARAL Tame adies to do plain and light sewing | Teturns with seven fresh duties at still living. Can you wonder that the - SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemista, Aes at home, whole or spare time; good | back. aren of McKenzie’s column, when they ‘Toronto, ‘Ontario, = pa, ie work sent any distance, charges | I's more useful ao 3 pee fines und his mutilated body,” should ery ‘$00. and 1.003 all druggists, lee i vay believe that every pas send stamp for full = particulars. ee make people think ie ‘Take on surrender, six"?” man has his price?” Wagg: “No; lots not hile mas be- =: =” lof men give themselves aver?"