Sneek. yan ee ee oe The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County of Perth. {t is the Best Advertisin, Medium. Rates reasonable. Subscriptio $1 per year, strictly inadvance. $1.50 if not so paid.—M. MacBern, Punuisner q. T. R. Time Table Bret ae to leave Milverton, NORTH, GOING SOUTH, es aay scnile THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1906 Stomach Medicine is Useless Impossible to cure catarrh in the the germs and you at once ascomplis! ood. Any case of catarr! is cura. freed of plexi, avery vestage of the trouble is forev: If you Meant permanen‘ th, throat trouble or bron- Catarrhozone is a stand- chitis, ‘Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers, AC SEN Jim's Estimate. (Grimsby Tndependent.) The death wit, Hemy,, Carscallon, member for house during the past two sessions, Health For Run-Down Women, From the experience of Mrs Ino. Panke, Saskatoon, nothing compares was nat bed: aad. could'nt “do with Ferrozone, a to my work. Iwas rundown in flesh, Tost strength. ie meets Las eh color was “Ab has special virture in female ailments. Sold everywhere in 50c boxes; try Ferrozone. + The Virtue of Laziness. (London Chronicle.) as uracat men who have any large public mie * educi will fs eall to mind numerous in- ce. hat upon investigas ing the early years of those who have tnajority were rather lazy than not before they entered battle, of life, ool da: ays seems to haye been wholly undistinguished. Oliver Goldsmith was looked upon be his Soe aad asa dunce, possi have been the tault of the latter, 1 fancy there is something ‘pecially narrowing to the mind in a jelibhaatte career, just as there isin a doctor at, at least, is my dividual experience, Gladstone never @ prize at school, if I remember | hai oN aw though he subsequently gained double-first at Oxford. Those late High yeieate of science or philosophy, Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, i Spencer, Short Stories Retold, “At a banquet,” said ditor, “I oncé heard Jerome K . soe uty a member that ‘To cure snoring it is advised that a piece of soap ropped into the mouth of oe snorer. The oil in the soap will } ee the pharynz and other Ta A New Prior aa his wife were evenly travelling in England. Loi the wife Georg: Bernard Shaw, shi Trish playwright, has ag deal of con- t for scientists “We hold sci- entists in too high honc recently to an Ame “We take them too much We believe every scientific no matter how incredible itm: And how incrediable, how ch of this scientific tall ous mui ets music, but then that’s only eri |, for her grandfather had_ his skull fractured with @ cornet at a picnic We have just completed arrange- ments with the Family Herald and | ™ Weekly Star of Montreal whereby the two papers wiil be given to mabe Tie 8 for $1.65. S| wonder you look $00, feel p ™/tone the entire blood and impart a feeling of new life | 2 d p | Writes Miss Effie Thompson of Meri de: o.|. The increasing independence on the part pe areca independence upon the part e Tn | pe ry Look For Blood Humors sagt es Out Constantly, Showing System Needs Purifyin, tk re not satisfied si ous looks How can you be with s1 pimples, such rough uneven sk Blood is full of foes and it’s no e Sleep is hard to get, Snap and vim are lacki High time to improye matters— but what's the proper remed Experience proyes that Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills give instant effect. They system, fortify the in a few Unlike purgatiyes. Dr. Leong 3 Pills are Say mild, They are made from concentrated veg- etable extracts such as Mandrake and Butternut, and can be taken by young orzold with possible safety. ““T learnt something very valuable after using Dr. Hamilton's Pills.” d to have ugly that much embarressed me. tonic and purifying effect of Dr, Ham: aecles ous medicine. Let your i be Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills. do cure so thor: oughly. Sold by all dealers, 25¢ per box, or five boxes for a dollar. By mail from N. C. Polson & Co... King- U, ston, Ont., and. Hartford, Conn., A. Newspaper Independence. (Brockville ‘Times ) Toronto Star commends the of Canadian the community, There isno voubt shout this. Almost any newspaper itor can testify to the fact THe in both the Grit and Conservative parties there is an increasing num f air’ which is altogether likely to continue to the marked benefit of Canada, The Origin of Gall Stones They are simply dried bile, made up of crystalline constituents of tae Suid. ‘ery common is this disease mong merchants, clergymen, shop sire and those of sedentary habits: Prevention consists in’ maintaining which is beat agcomplished by Dr i 01 using this medicine need fear gall-stones, a ever be bilious. Sound di- gestion ite, a-clear color Pay eeidence the health giving prop- erties of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, which ‘The | 1+ e. “ Bioe Peterson, . | Schaefer, Harry Hostetler, Louis Paff; Wellesley Fair. a followining is a partial ist of izes awarded at the Wellesley the Pall show held on Sept. 13 and. 14. |ORSES. Heavy draught Horses,—Brood rive: Ine geen Peterson, 2nd Wagester, 3rd Geo Z Lanz; f Thompson, John B Schmidt; yensling G Peterson, Alex Hammond, © Di enberger. Agricultural—Brood mare Toh Thompson, Wagester, 3rd nd Ww Schaefer; foal 1st W ME AaSAbet laufer, 2u Dennis; 2 year old, Ist Geo he er, n Thompson; one year old; Flewining & Son, Nicholas Roth, a mond. General Purpose— me okt Frei- berger, Ezra Wettlaufen G Graham Ren- nie; foal y, no K Hammond: 3-yr-old Louis Frei eraen, Ziyr-old.0i Redater Wai Patrie yrold “Jno K Hammond, Wm Schater, Draught team, Geo Patterson, Gor- y S tural team, Malcolm Rennie; general purpose team Jobn Hillgartner, John Petch, Wm Petrie. G. Gourlay, Unionville, Ont, ot Oarviage— mare grat Wm Schaefer, Nicholas Roth; foal W yr-old N Roth, 2&3 P Petri; 2- we ol A Millbrandt, Alex Hammo. AE Ratz; l-yr-old Aug Millbrandt, Peter Seyler, H Hostetler. Roadster.—Brood Mare David W Chalmers, A Millbrandt, Jno Zinn, (2nd walked away)3rd Lorenz Schmidt; 2-yr old Alex Stahle, O Latch, Arch McGilinwee; 1-yr-old itz, J Ogram. Carriage team P S. Herold, Geo Bundscho, Roadste: team John Vance, Jacob Schaefer, Jas Pe Harness tandem, P S Robertson, P Hey W. F. Petty, Grimbsby, Ont., ud Lentiver. “| ers, id Hy Schaefer, 3rd Warren Geo Zinn, Hy i Robertson, P er, | Plcral design, Miss Grov, se tie. | Swest_ peas in bloom, B's Sehmiax, Wi tor desert, J F McTavish, A Hirm uae Any other kind, fall, | H Tenliites Crob, Albt: Proud ae Henry Kelly. ‘Pears—W Laut Pinsallagetes JF McTavish, Flemish Seckel, L Koehl De Jersey, J Trachsell. F MeTavi aub. Anjon, J. F McTavish, Jacob. Gofton. Glapp's Favorite, J F MeTavish, L Koehler. fh MeTavish, H sell. Yellow Egg, L Collection of Lichty, Black, L Keebler, eS B Li lection, J. Tra acing A Misiones Jas erving, Henry Kelly Schmidt. Canned Fruit, J Bsc mide, | Be + Trochsell, Musk Melon, L Paff, L Koehler. Flowers and Plants—Geraniums, scarlet, single, T J Sa: Zinn, White, J B» Schmidt, Sayers, White double, 8 B Schmidt, W Ni man. Scarlet d louble, J ‘Trachsell, es Norman. Ivy Tete G Heipel. ae light single, W Norman, ee Dark double, W- Norman. m, Fate J Trachell, G Heipel. Begonias, 4 var, Geo. Heipel, JB Schmidt. Col. Roses, G Heipe', house plants, A Mickus, ie, flow- a B Dablins, Koehler, -W an. Hydrangea, J B Lichty, John Trachsell. Basket flowers, Miss Groff, W Norman, Norman, A Mickus ®| Norman, TJ Sayers. Miss E Roedding, 1 BSchmide. Hand Sayers, 7 B Behm: J Trachsel Norman. D Dempsy, sud; judge, CATTLE Durham—Bull, Hastings. Bros; yr-old Adam Heipel bull calf Ts 3 Hastings Bros, 3G D Hoffman; heifer calf G@ D Hoffinan, 2 iS 3 Hastings Bros; herd st calves G@ D Hoffman, | Hastings Bro: Dairy cow C Berdux, Se Belling- L. Groff, Elmira, jud ings rom * Crosshill, took all the prizes for Lelcesters ex HK er. the safest and best for general ily use. Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, be! pet box at alt dealers. Mr. Greenwood, if he makes good use of his time while in Canada will take back with him a valuable estim- newspapers, realize that this country as a whole is not to be judged by its more bump- tious imperialists or its scattered dis- ciples of separation, but’ by~a much jus class, numbering al- enlarged self-government, a hin mony aun the Sieh “defen- sive league of free nocratic com- munities,’ held voghtline: by bonds at once light an strong, of which bonds the common race, affection and moran respect shall be the foun- datio Two Year Tee For Councils the last. term of the Ontario fais ure the Consolidated Munici- pal Act was amended by inserting the following, as section 95b, thereof: ‘The couneil of any local municipality |% by by-law submitted to the electors in ing secti of .| this Act, and ice to by a Tae ity of the electors voting ae Ny extend the terni of office of all me bers of the council to ie iereoftar elected, to the term of two years, such to hold office until their suc- 6 elected dor sworn into office and the new council 's- | is organized, and may with like assent ipsa any such by-law.’ Some news- batde by-laws tose Hot show this. It would appear chat any municipal counci: may int 0 two years, submit it to the electors, and if . | their assent is obtained, have elections is thereafter Blesnibalys Thene: cient time to pass 1 fore the municipal slesions in 1907, should the members of ai There may, however, be less disposition to take advantage of this option, because two years long time for an objectionable council or’ alderman to retain his place. A system under which there were two year terms and satel elections, half of the council: lors retiring annually, might be pre- ferable, but then again the elections of only half off ayorality years. Considerations like these incline the average ratepayer to endure the ills he has rather than fly ee-oyhiers he knows not of, 0 Easthope cleaned vu} thing in me Oxfor class except Wilhelm. The Hampshire Daw wns: prize. were all awarded to cp H Kelly. i, Fairrlen , ju Herksliees Geo. A Hyde ‘sak three He and two 2ndsand H Koelln one Ist and two 2nds, In Yorkshires Mr, Hyde captured Ist for aged boar, boar pig and sow pig and 2nd for brood sow; Harry Hostetter er got Ist oe peed sow and H Koel! 2nd for and J Wi 2nd es sow ae ind did doe Cheese sow pig. Bacon hog, 1 Adam Eleipel, 2G A Hyde, Geo - Green, judge, Pouurry—Turkeys, bronze Jol Trach Hugh McCulloch, Geese embden ulloch, R J Laurie; toulouse Laurie, J Trachsel, any Ducks 1 and 2J- Trachsel. Cc Albrecht, W OW Rei . White rocks W Reid, cuibke W_ Reid, Jac Gofton. Buff k J A Herron, W Reid, W Reid, chicks land 2 ditto. Dark hmas and chicks W Reid. Light Brahamas Old Seer Gakighte Impossible to-eseape being cured if you apply Putnam’s Corn Extracter to the worst corn on rei Painless, safe and sue only a quarter in any drugstor: 1. | Use 2, _ Sion Ret Restorative to Care! Lenhei- | f ug! “Pons Seedlings, TJ Sey: A “s|Weak Kidn a Bright’s - and Diabetes se, If You Suffer From | These Symptoms. | \ Barley and Peas " WANTED For which we will pay the Highest Price. |PFEFFER BROS H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Fruit Jars Imperial Pints, 70 cents per 6 bh hh oh hb be edon oh ob dh ob obo boob ea obey MILLINERY OPENING On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sept. 27th, 28th and 29th, 1906 Se Be Sie Be Be Be Be Se he eh EEEEEEELELEEEELE EEE EE ES Miss Roberts, of Seaforth has again taken charge of our Millinery de- partment. We cordially invite you to. visit our show rooms, 7 Be Be Te Te TS OT Ee Ee Te GP Oe EST Te Te Te Te Oe he Fe Fe He Fe Te The Ladies’ Jackets have also come to'‘hand. Ask to see them P So She She Ss So Bio Se Sic Se Sic She Sle Sle she lo Bs Bio Bic Be Ee ab eeeedhdedeedeebnnsieeceeensaaeseiaste anita when in, no trouble to show goods, 2 : Tapestry Carpet Squares a : a in 3x3, 3x3%, 34 x4 and 4x4. Prices range i. : from $ 8.5 to $15. 2 A Little Early for Furs = but cooler weather is coming, and you will > require them. We would ask an early in- - spect ion. = * oe ‘ EEEEEEEE EEE EEE E REED FT - > : ol W. K. LOTH: e e the a — § LEE EEE EEEEE EEE EEE EEE PEPER dozen. sy ata Quarts, 85 cents per doz Wee Haif Gallons, $1 per dozen. Imperial Half Gallons, $1.25 per dozen. Are You Sungect to Stiffness. Perhaps it isin the neck.or shovld- pacientes Sugar $4.75 per « CASH: e es HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE, Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neat ane at the i ato Price, when printe The Milverton Sun ers. First thing is a good rub wit Nerviline, No re speedy remed; ean be adopted. When applied to the muscles Nerviline gives them flexi- Aleyawid Vieok: Indaniiiorsaceeilee H M oO H R. nd stiffness disappear, ‘Whether in e the chest or throat. nothing can sur- pass Nerviline” writes O. B. Denton,| Lumber Merchant at Oak Bay, Ys N, Be eo “Rubbed on at night, trouble is gone A by morning... I eon proved Nerviline — a great medicine,” veryone says the ’ caine, and: Nerviline always makes| SEVENTEEN YEAR'S good, 25c bottles sold everywhere. RECORD or C eseeTHE GREATe&S § School of Business CENTRAL SSTBATFORD, ONT. School is recognized to be one est ae Colleges in Can: da. You a Write for free catalo; Elliott & McLachlan, Principals. ofth Buff Leghorns land 2J Herron, chicks 5 Herron, 3 Gofton. Black leghorns W Reid, R Laurie, chicks ditto. tofton, a MeBavish, White sy SanONS WwW Reid, Gofton, chicks, W Reid, 3 Harron. Bia ck mil chi C Albrecht. Black Spnish 1 M Wilhelm, W Reid, chicks W Reid, 1 M Wilhelm, Ruff ‘cochin R Laurie, chicks 1 and 2 W. Reid Partridge Cochin 1 and 2 W Reid, Hamburgs R Lourie, © Albrecht, chicks R Laurie, 3 Grofton, Silver Inced Wrandottes J Gofton, chicks, J Gofton, W Reid. White Wyan. dotte W Reid, H K Forler, chicks H Reid, ae, “Albrecht, chicks W Reid, Houdans R Laurie, W Reid, chicks ito. OF pingtons xOofton, R Laurie, chichs 1 and 2 ammer, Carrier bx. | Pigeons G Mallee any = ind 23 A. Good, Geo Heipel. ERUIT Apples—Snow—L. Koehler. Geo. Zinn, St. Lawrence, Jas B Hammond, .|J F’ McTavish, Baldwins, H Len lsiser, Geo Hipel. Tolman Seiats, F McTavish, we mer. nburg, J EF MeTavish, Hugh McTavish. Northern Spy, H Lenheiser, pale Trachsel. ace Island Green, A Harmer, J F M Kang’ of Tompkin, The Larmour School oF Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Method Entirely Successful. — Situations provided for graduates. without delay.—Write for Catalogue, giving full information, R. LARMOUR Prineipal and Instructor Stratford, Ont When in Town ON FAIRJDAY Don’t Fail to cil aul examine my stock of. WATCHES, CLOCKS, RINGS, BRACELETS, CHAINS, or anything élse in the Jelewery. line. ga" EYES TESTED FREE. P. H. Bastendorff Jeweler - and -~ Optician Sound & Careful Management ENTITLES DOMINION LIFE —ro— PUBLIC CONFIDENCE Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. S. BRICKER, District Agent, Listowel, Ont. 4 IN CHOOSING j Your clothes, ‘there are three things to consider—quality price and service. The quality of our Tweed Suitings is unsur- passed, sthere is none better obtainable, Our prices will compare favorably with others for the same class of goods and in point of service our customers will tell you that they get what they want and when they want it. Our stock is varied and complete, so that if you deal with | us you with us “aly have chosen wisely, Knechtel & Smith ! Milverton’s + Leading + Tailors | “The House of Quality.” ars go. 15 Gents Don’t Miss The summer is gone, so most the balance of our summer Col These collars are positively all this season's goods in Couble bands, pokes and wings, and not one of the summer's hits in collars is missing. 100 dozen 20 cent 4-ply linen collars to clear this week at or 2 for 25 Cents 15 cents or 2 for 25c.*, This Chance Charles H. , Davies OUTFITTERS =O) ae MANKIND LIMITE