“(G. T. R. Station Store ”’ ea OR oe Stoves and Ranges! e you in need of a heater or a cooking stove or range thie fall? “It 80, , why uot trya SOUVENIR. You will not’ be y for doing so. «is no other equal to it for baking. ee saving fuel. hey are all guaranteed (9 please you or no will be pleased to chow them to you ee give you our Paheiee you buy or not. loaies Netting prices, We have a few rolls of poultry netting left over, which we will leat out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 2 foot Netting, regular 5 cents yard for 8 cents yard % rf beet waren dy * Gigs dia J. R. YOST & SON = E SSETERIT T T | Cash for Cash for | Eggs Butter | Lhe Premier Store Business Cards The Milverton Sun Dentistry. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- Ontario, Honor gradua’ Toronto Uni- rsity, egulation of retin eine au me inkbeity er’s gataeare store, Milverton Medical. PARKER, M.D.C.M., Honor Grad- uate Ad Gold. $e allie Trinity Medical College; also Gold a ‘Medalist, ity University, eerie re ae Brunner, Moserville and Rostock, Legai MORPHY & CARTHEW, oe sy neanys Ete. So ae for the milton. Money to loan, Milv oe ean it “Bermanent aiiaee have been arranged Am of the firm will avaeee ee ae y Thursday. HL. B, MORPHY. . M, CARTHEW, THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1905 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES Best quality of engine gasoline kept dor ale ae The San piice- 80 cents per gallon. J. J. Emmerton, near Kincardine, setae Teale tne Onis Ha thpesliod r acres which yielded him 65 bushels ‘Bet nore. This 1g. not an estim: oth field and yield were measured. The Ontario Fish and Game Pro- tective association have issued in- structions to prosecute all boys who are detected robbing bird’s nests of eggs. The penalty is a fine of from $1 to $20 or twelve days in jai Piles speerely, cured wi ith Dr. ing or blind piles, disappear like mage ic, Sold by the Public Drug Store. The largest whitefish on record was Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Veterinar eon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- allege, Toronto, ‘Treatsall senses ofdomesticated animals. by plone or otiiexwiee promptly ekiciifod to. brought into the fish honse in Wiarton the other day. The fish dressed weigh- ed 193 pounds, girded two feet, and|o measured three feet one inch in length As it came out of the water it would have Weighed fully 30 pounds. Think it your nose and throat discharges— of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Cure WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders shipped to Milverton, Monkton Newton, Etc. Grocery Orders put up and shipped to these places and to all pre west of Toronto. Grocery Stores or t Department Stores should haye an ‘AntGiiatts Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and torn Etc., Etc. end us a trial order by mail ang at convinced that we can send se first-class goods. Give us a t Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & GO. Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE Gift Furniture! Livery. J. H, LAMBERT, Mill St., about 3 f the Societies. meets C20: 99, Milverton, every second and last Tuesday of o'clock eit hall over Rothaermel & Son’s vare store. neta brethren always welcome, S. Henry, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Ree-Seey. amaete avery Friday night at r hall over Public Drug icing brethren always wel: come. Spaniel Ross,N.G., W.K,Loth,R.S. Notary Public. R, Notary Public, Aue- erth and shoe store, Main street Milverton, Hotels. For September Brides Nothing can better express genuine esteem and thoughtfulness than a nice piece of Furniture. From out long line of Parlor Tables, you can pick one to suit your own taste and the bride's requirements, They're here REGEN ees seed scrscall se obese nese ZOE StI) We Prepay Delivery Anywhere in Ontario R WHITE & co. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. STRATFORD EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont and cigars at commodation and large stabling HRAND, CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton. ss accommodation for SER TR Es Baie thers. ‘Three large somple rooms. Good stabling Best brands brands of liquors ead cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodation for commercial quors and Cigars at the bar stables, George F, Pauli, Proprietor. The Fall Exhibitions Milverton. . Sept, 27-28 Calf - Feeding - and Hog - Feeding Few subjects interest the farmer more at the pre- sent time than the above, in stock-raising almost entirely depend upon the start animals get in life, it has been proven by the best feeders and dem- onstrated in almost every show ring in Canada, that Carnefac fed animals outlook, outgrow and out- weigh all others. Every farmer should look into this at once. Our Poultry Food will save you any amount of loss and trouble with Young Turkeys and Chickens, and keep your Hens in perfect eave form. The cost of Carnefac is but a trifle. gifts, no premiums, just CARNEFAC. the tonic that gives satisfaction, For sale by— FRED PRUETER Harnessmaker - - Milverton New Fall Goods |: ARE ARRIVING Do not- fail to see these goods whether you want to buy or not as they certainly are beauties, We GUARANTEE “every suit To FIT. Give us a trial and be convinced. Kelterborn , the Tailor The Western . Aylmer Central (Ottawa) . entral (Guelph). Stephen Usborne ices t ce 00K... eve ae BRITISH. MORTGAGE LOAN CO. of Ontario 7 Why should money not wanted. for ent, only, when by/tl depositing with the British Mortgage Loan R CENT., See half- This C its bonds or deben: over, for one year fae ol Sate: the princi a six months, or paying the interest out every half year, as be desired, and allowing both principal and interest. to be withdrawn time after the expiration twelve sap dial frome dateot deposit, with in- terest to date of withdra It continues to pay interest, calenlated from day to day, at the rate of three Interest compounded half: yearly. Three per cent. mone: withdrawn at any time, with: interest on o date of withdrawal, ‘The security is first bonds, besides and the sw to nbout $050.000, land mortgage /Execniors, Trustees, Municipal Coun- ceils, and tn mauranco | Compauies are authorized by law to make investments the Deben' isc = this Company. Hox, THOMAS BALLANTYNE ‘resident, WILLIAM BLCKINGHA . | torative. S| Jess noticeable than for many y Pi se Zompany ts now prepared to eau d | Yor! cent, on pass-book deposits, of whatever | the shareholders’ money | ® Polus inner eich amonn ted a your breath is foul and feverish. This snow white soothing balm contains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, ortant vety petrolatum. — It soothes, heals, purifles, controls. Call P -| at our store for free trial box. ub- lic Drug Store, Aylmer Council made its collector, and the ates has oe following to say!) “The new plan eae taxes, aving oe aid into the eae BTR was tried fos the first time this year, has work- ed out beautifully, better in fact, than anyone dreamed 0 saved 8 lot of work siderable expense, and the plan will irobebly be adopted, per- manently.” If all dyspepsia what Dr. Shoop’s Restorative would do for them, Dyspepsia would pract- a. ly be a disease o! Dr. Schoop’s Restorative reaches stomach roubes by its direct tonic does up- on the sade nerves—the Stomach eae or weakness, “tne bloating, belching, | P' ce. Call @ Restorative. We|P recommend ona sell Dr. Shoop’s Ri The Public Drug Store. At a meeting at he directors of the Ontario Co-Oper: Fruit Grow- rs’ Associatiot ¢ es- good prices, being particular! 4 in quality, and scab and insect injury years. acking in central packing houses un- der the supervision of experts yuna uniformly high-grade fruit, the department at Ottawa fruit beware inspected and protected. Member ree ations will be in no ee 6 sell; and a number of old country buyers have indicated a intention to visit Can Prices wi be materially stiffened, it is thought, A peculiar case was tried at Dur- ham the other da; A man named Spoat hired a horse from one of the liveries at Durham to drive to Ceylon. nstead of goin 'eylon, he drove some place else, and the horse on its way broke its leg. The liveryman then sued Sproat for is sum of sixty dollars for Judgement was opie R be the law that if a man hires a horse to go to a certain place, and anything happens to it, the owner is responsible, but if the party who hired the horse, ot go where he agreed to go, 1 responsible. These which may not be horse or rig, -he is are facts of ey generally kno The Buffal ifs oe says man; of the skin on th which has puzzled tl very much. The area of the irritation is red and slightly swelled, somewhat like the bite of the mosquito. The irritation is much ‘greater than the saat bite or the hives, and lasts much long- er. The tussock moth, which eats e saliva of the tussock moth and is deadly poison. The breezes blow foose bits of the cacoon about in the i air, and when particles of it light on the skin the annoying irritation fol- lows. ~ An attempt is being made to clear Canadian market of American adian coin. ‘hat disappearing from circulation ada is gratifying. One likes to see our handsome King’s effigy. It keeps ublic atrioitem, alive and sana be seen too for one dollar he would send a finely Governme: t dollar was rewarded with a Canadian ten-cent piece. This fellow was as ver as the man who advertised that advertised a book for sale or reading of which, in some countries was Prohibi- when they received a copy of the Holy Bible. ii was claimed, justified the means, and the end was to get the goo hands that by. any other mettiod + than Shoop's Magic: Ointment. Tvs made orp for piles alone, sale the work perfection. Itching, painful, protrad- if| would settle all of them.’ a local bank |; sufferers knew | kee .| revelations made in the insurance in- will have the |® then in case anything happens to the| had one ver; iis havateen afmovaby an irdeation | ce rogue whi advertised that iaeeaige sm man who | su; The end, it |¥ od book into | Wey Rheumatism is not incurable ce born? Yes! But Dr. Shoop’s matic Remedy will if faithfully nao drive it out of the system. Its the blood that’s at fault. Poisonous cry- stals like sand get into the joints ae shi mus Rheum: Rei event this. It anives rheumatism from the blood and then rheumatism © di “ mmend and sell it. r sale at the Public Drag Store ‘The Farmer's Adyocate'says: Some men think they are doing the horse a great kindness when they feed’ him ground grain, but there never was a grind vided him a mill to do his-own grind- ing upon, and nothing will keep it in order as well as the constant use otf making poor use of his noe thrifty, by no means setae all his ee d for him as not orly mastigated grain. Mu his oats with bran or ee chaff h. ubscriber once received a dun through the post office, and it made: him made. He went to see the editor about it, and the editor showed him a few duns of his own, one for paper, one for type, one tet fuel and several thers. “Now,” said the didn’t get mad wich cause I knew that all I had to do was to ask several reliable gentlemen like you to come and help me out, then I ” When the subscriber saw how it was he relented paid up and renewed for another year. al Option matters got pretty brisk in Atwood last week, when our local Scotchman had secured the whiskey at the drug store and as a result the information was laid. However, “ Scotchman swore positively that he did not obtain the liquor at the drag store and that settled it. Mr, Mac- Farlane was fins honorably acquitted. We believe that lane does We: haye always had faith inhim regarding this and will contine to trust him until he proves unworthy.—Atwood Bee. The Toronto World, in view of the veal tigation as to the gelling out of the e Life, very plainly and truthfully. says: ‘‘This, we believe was a gross breach of fidel- ity to poss ruohlers and these men must be m to disgorge the money zu the policy: taldes Pulered of pay- it. Ifwe have any law in this conntey ae crown officers ought to it in motion. No men in uy Bo. ae these it were legal right to sell their poliey: ale ers, whose trustees they were.” deal was confessedly managed by fee or three individuals who pocketed some $80, 000 amongst them, aiid the 3 who knew nothing matter except that wey got several thousand dollars amongst them, and now plead that they kid where it came from, are guilty only in a lesser degree. If. the enquiry is to have any proper effect it should result in the prosecution of the principals of such deals. Hon. Dr. Pyne, Minister of Educa- tion, said ance other things regard- ing his |, that he took the eEniralilty ve alenk into the school- book question. While away he had interviews, with a x of members are in use in the Brit Each board has the menace there of select- ing its own text-books, instead of having them_ prescribed by a central iy. Dr. Py aS, thought this plan led advantage, in that it relieved the central educational authorities of ¢ a him, with peas for elementary schools and ndary educaction. ere the text- the aS a would be vealed larmely y the Advisory Council, whic! te elected this fall under the new ‘Act. Spcom S. Kansas woman, | Mrs. A. Stan- oln, has been awarded a by a Boston firm for the wer to the question, “What constitutes success?” She wrote: “He has fachieved success w as lived well, Hoos: d often an ed much; who has gained the respect. of intelli- sink ia and the love of little child- as filled his niche and ac- cafiplisied i his task; who has left the world better than he fou an inspiration; whose memory a bene- diction.” jee ES Pn Mr. Reid and Slang. Whitelaw Reid, | the United SI ambassador to Great Britain, propos- es an international association for the preservation of the English lan- States hi were raking the count: to pour out every morning o eS) ¢ | helpless land. This degradation of the common lat he ass For Sale It has been said that opportunity knocks, but once at any man’s door. This may be your opportunity to secure a house. We have for sale Red Brick Houses 7 rooms, good cellar, hard and soft water, which we will dispose’ of from now up to November 1st, for the sum of 950.00 EACH The regular price of these houses is $1150.00. certainly a rare opportunity. For particulars apply to— C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers three brand new This is LEADING AS USUAL ae For years this store has kept in the lead with the finest stock of up-to-date Shoes at moderate prices. We are Still in the Lead For fall and winter we are showing a bet- ter line than ever t be- fore, S@ Sole Agent for Geo. A. Slater > ~ Shoes WM. ZIMMERMAN The Shoeman Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Results for 1904 Assurances issued and paid for $15,911,904,2 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Assets at 31st, Deena 1904 17,851,760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984.44 Profits paid Policyholders' 117,238.21 Be qoinreneat in foree Di Ae 5, 327,662.85 P Telitees over 1903 9. 646,473.98 A. S. MacGregor, Mgr. Western Ontario, London. A. MacBeth, Stratford, District Superintendant SHSIESEESSSESEEISSSSSISESSSSSsS ada or The Sun ce will be sent to any address in Can- the United States from + NOW until JANUARY 1908 2EGSSEEESESSESESSSS Ror $1.00 DISSSISSSSISSSSSSSS SSS SSS S' aad SISSSSSSSSSSSSS 5S other. control. Bac ccNOL ee u what word can anager and [eo a ruse it would never reac’ we get to take its place to-day? JAS. S. LOCKIE.| Newton JOHN ee “ so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive If you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means. =| MClarye Pandora Range -; a ‘Werehou: ‘Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. Sede: N.B., Hamilton Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not an- other range built in which the heat may be regulated and Factories: —- SON, alverton,