are coming into For Painted FI ch Floors—1 ‘arnished Fi Stained—, For beers Cracks JAS. S. LOCKIE, € by 4 : Painted and Varnished Floors Ni} alt more general use each a . ing attention. . ay th ‘no matter what style of finish you choose Teside Tloore—rar o-W. vaio Fuoon Parr, THE 8-W. Porc mee Painte C és eta car a Maraae Noe Vacs Satncd=rce or pane rand varnish Combined. i Ie 8-H, CRACK AND SEAM 3h Call for color cards prices, etc. Hardware Merchant, Newton, Ont. FARM FOR pas 8, Maryborough: straw house ost! offices stor Tineke shop. 6 direhes and school, alsa viacketctory toutes, For particulars, apply Sapremisea 39-42, D. dnd G. SCHELL, Wallace P. 0. Note Lost. note of hand bearing date on or about the 22nd of September, 1908, for Two Hundred Dollars @ velve months and De Haterest ae Oper cent, a8 Dy Samuel Smith and Robert Smith,” o fee, FW, D. Weir oF bearer. The ot to Milverton, Oct. 3rd, 1906. Splendid Home For Sale Near Fulltbanic Station ood oe Larmour School |: —oF— | Telegraphy and Railway Instruction in New Method Entirely Successful.—| guards, su-h as would be provided by aoa ities as a public Situations provided for graduate giving full information. pauses ~ Instructor ratford, Ont HOUSE FOR SALE acre laud on mill street ation, Apply A.D, ALEXANDER. == fond, FOR SALE. wine Choice Town L terms on Pacific ust} Avenue. New ntseee ‘comuee Ping Mill dia aeue on ith C. P. R. Station Grounds—Ten Hetor or Wy Weir a¢ Bailverton. lid hounes gang ups Movs atickly you want any & ALEX SMITH, Proprietor. SAMUEL WHAL i IR * 100 Acre Farm For Sale in Elma Ligaen that a: Trumph heater, heC.P. Kare chance, “Apgie.t to the c proprictoron the far BIR, Mil POSLIFE Proprietor GEORGE W. ie Pandora range ef \d wood, one Aw, ome Oxford coking stove, one Delay Shura, and oth - Apply to Br jones, rector, Millbask LOST pA parcel of Laundry, w iggy in Donley's sh 2 Will the FOR. SALE _ A splendid house Tm the Village of Poole f the Devt, of land, Apply to the proprietor on the premises oF w. bi Weir, Milverton. G, FARRELL, Proprietor, ae SALE far Ho! By sippaned £6 bein foal t Holman's Belgian te mare rising 1. ‘8, Qayear-old filly "Biouds 4. a ay nit ig colt, ws nappgeed tor ie in-calt, coming “ad W, D, WEIR, McCLORY & McLENNAN, “Auctioneer. Proprietors. Unreserved Auction Sale ! oF FARM ST0C :_ IMPLEMENT Household Ef mares 8 nd * 4 yearl si rs. gant ring calves, sovt aiid pigs rhoroughiired hog. Binder (rast jay rake, seed drill, culti- My on » sleigh, foanins mill, nip: weder, ce ka! plow, 2. sin; gle lows, ee roll arrows, ‘soul Bay ood ae pepauee| eis sugar Retateo Whieelb frindst rope and mes, rahe ci 2 fone wal saved hay. top. bi y, 2 horse blankets, post hole ¢ chaing, forks, sho iso some house: ‘ —10 mi that amount an nt of 6 per cent. per $5. ond Be Weir Clerk. W, D. Weir, ‘Auction¢er Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations en, aumberd section. of Dominion ANT asin Manitoba or the North-west xeepting & 21 ind 26, ae ot Fenced, on who. 15 one-quarter may.o rior. © Interaion, Winnipeg, or the local agent MAD Si ‘authority for some One to make Raise teader Is required to perform fons. "gonneeted Cherewitir under one a “followins Rouths’ residence upon aad eutieation STthe land in each year for tlurge TPene father (or mother, If the father is Ne and ente 14 & cy ES ES or motl : has his permanent resi- ence ithe te jand owned by him. in the ‘einlty 0 dian P tne ein, writing shoul he Commissioner of Dominion ands at ot be | Oat Ay Prat wt mineencion to apply for pau eputy of the aMinieteret Sine tne Hor -| ply to the proprictor, or t #5 Doniey's ho Gad save further troubl Roper List STRAYED. Strayed from the premises of the ay, Jot 13 Mornington, on ersig: CONRAD SCHMIDT, Shines Pla: Poole, Farm for Sale at t Milverton Station ‘The North Part of Lot 9, Con, of far acres in grass, spend did-greia or grazing farm. For sale, cheap. Price $1,500. A W. D. WEIR, Milverton. AUCTION SALE oO 50 acres of land in the Towns Mornington at, Exhibition Park, M mn, on Sat th a October 27 and is composed of the itor the eSouth nat oflotno. Gin the ip. ofthe said township. On the premises is situated «house and frame ‘well, The farm is well tinderdrained and In, a | £00 f she ren pe Soren talc and tuticient tiferewith torniake up: 40 Bae i oped within 80 ay thep Sash? For further i tacher att = | Ses ART. Hamperead oF We. Mil W.D WEIR, JAMESSTEWART, Auctioneer. Executor. SEALED TENDERS madi n a ae Barley per “oo family, or a male over the esr: ot family, nF n Oats deceased) of the pice resi seat Manito ead, the, reauire-| Barle homestead, Th gacd by | eae Notice to Contractors eee recelved by the under- up to 7 o'clock p :|Saturday, October 20th, 1906 for the construction of a nae Drain, in nig, Mornington, “The Klockman Drain” in accordance with plans, profiles and peat pared therefore. Pla is may be seen ‘Oat. Thee Sendesing. aaet the completion of JOHN DAVIDSON, Reeve, Burns, Ont. COMMERCIAL. | Large spent rn-|-ed his fine farm to Mr. Mri ng fa * Miss ~ x. MacBeth in 1: ock harp. | “th farm contains GO. acres of| fy rked_ ‘Tenders for ed. “Tender: bes Jend-| here, and Mr, Bar The Ontario Bank Failure, “What strikes 2 ioe aps the Ontar- 3ominent e use- fble men for the most part, and their| fairly well. international system: there are securities otal “representing the bank ge It seems equally certain that me highest degree, epecnlarive character not known?” It| pay conceivable A me that ie eure ould not have come view o the board of aieeeton aera were they thinking about? Criticism of the present system of bank ins; ae a 2 5 3 3 e aes de in many quarters that Goyern- ¢ inspection, such as ites insur- cently Gikou ve, Se companies have, or ma; al {ter the recommendal tion at ‘te banks ve, every respect that further safe- 8 | over this item so present the xe ne aay completed arrange- Family Herald an Weakly oe Montreal whereby the two papers wiil be given to subserib- ers for $1.65. All sportsmen vill be Pleased to be an open season for vi | ions Sis seat bee E00 supply of ; fauail fo yr some. We would like ae ee to read that the ey will be clear on the newspaper law: person or persons who takes a paper m a post office, whether name or another's, or septa he has subse ee or not, is @) if a Palaccnt aed fhe must pay. all arvoare oF the pub eee may continue to ent is made, and ‘hen collect ‘the Pale amount whether the paper is ile mains Ane is an ie facia evidence of intentional fraud, Two or ue gentlemen re- the possibility of changes hie Aaieuaea n, and the In- exirs that large importers have to Be e been tain private information piece ought nae Tb are so thoroughly w ai ianaged of the ie Sir F: ane "Smith ge ee trates the rigid view he took of his re- 8 butit is not too much to expect. : without delay.—Write for Catalogue, these banks to submit to what tor| schedule mW a Brovailed in the Onter Whether the inspection as f of financial institution by the ae fective, mus haind there all “Y something upon which, not banker Tt would be expeuiiye: 8 our bankers are both en Gtled toour admiration, An occasion: sue. Bonk, oc-|ow: curing at long intervals, need no} al case such as the Ontario shake our confidence. strength of the system as a whole, an‘ POOLE s renewing old acqaintances. aroun returned. ‘eon an extended visit wit riends in M Miss Mary Mago od and Miss Mar Tre sibert Smith, Wellesley. and Mrs. Schlagel aa Roth, of Nebraska, are friends in ae neighboriiood. s, T. Wilkins, of Strat- ford, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mri cs Large. orge Farrell 7 of Hanover laa EEE: HAMPSTEAD (Too late for last week.) } Mr. Archibald erie has ren McGillawee and tends ae apt Hart left last week for Unive ds of Mr. ed parents our heartfelt sympathy. Sees SSN RES EES Third Line, Wellesley ttle Miss ilies has been engag teacher Se 8. No. 8 for the coming ye lary of $500, and Mr. Gaynor as teacher Mrs. James B, Hammond and Mr Mrs. Brunner, spent Sunday at Mrs, Henry Schneider Bony Mr. and Mrs. Noalt Lies, a datigh- HESSON. Mr, John Cock, Tr, , left for Detroit ae former teacher visited at R. J. Moores: recently. triends here on Su d y. Harry Bastion who ospital. ‘The remains were brought to Mr, Francis Querring’s, Jr., with | day. Muvertos, Oct. 18. 1906 | whom deceased formerly lived. The Fall wheat, per_ bush $ 68 68) funeral took place Sunday morning i 0 | ot nine o’cloc! ‘acton, where the | longing to the ains were interred in the retin an Cemetery “Misa Oliva Busch, 0 f Hawkesville, = nw — 50. 600. 6 .. C, Voison of Glenallon, ees the: guests of Mr. Wm Kennedy on eg =e lenstein, Lai very interesting ceremony was Tallo performed lay morning al Turkeys per pound half past nine, when Mrs. iotelee pote aie Es live weight oe 610 6 10Jof Carthage, and Mr. Martin Lines-)" * ple Flonr, per 210 210] an, of Tralee, were united in the) Mr. and M Bran, per tor 18 18 bonds of Holy Matrimony by # ie ee ai 2 30| Father Dantzer’ Tbe bride was at- 20 00 20 00| tended by Miss Kate Linesman, whi Gorn per Pushed. 6 the groom was ably assisted by Stratford, Oct. 18, 1906 | John Dietrich. After the ceremony $ 68 6 wedding party, accompanied Ménsias 63 | the immediate friends and relatives 40 | of the bride and groom, rept 32|the bride's home at Carthage where indistonat, 60 [a ppt rOus eed aT bed 75) part long and happy | spent part 35 join Tn wiht them alougand happy soe Bee ar round | is | migh bei n. banking hate Bore fey bout ‘the comin} Their rarity | did he take of his Cab does, in fact, accentuate the essentsal | Minister that he taco to. serve ais ; Mr. Christian Kennel, of Nebraska, ttn| _ bringy! iY attended the Fl faneral ol tie infant son of Mr, ng | Mrs, Bert, Farrell, ory Sage; he f Welle: have returned home after visiting ee ives in Walton and Toronto, sere he will attend the pe and pe r e extend to the bereay- Friday last Mr. Christian ; schiniat returped howe from the Ber) Mie ouilse Sonitaess Shi slenley lin hospital, ‘Mr, Sehinidt says that AR SA eo oe he Pekin done his leg very of 8, 8. No. 7 for ‘and visiting friends’ of that John Schneider, of ei the 8rd line Wellesley, to ec 1G | Saturday, where ‘he intends to remain | for the w: Of Listowel, | Ing. subject “At Mr Win. Suman, of Elmira, visited to report the *; | Culvert spent Sunday in Elm' Mae es ¢s| Rennie spent Sunday at Crosshill. s a member of Sir ae uld’s pabiael. bei: -| that time te was t was v being ‘on the inside? the Iino! he -| would take with regard to a — safe, ‘tip’ rms in the €-| Consequently, kk actions, went to -|iff, and what policy he should pur- “You'll just have to use your jndgement,” said Sir Frank; my (Neeser eenleds © Go ctnebrars view oath 4 | own interests. a prudence with which it is adminis- “| tered.” * BOR CooK—At Ellice on Saturday, Oct. 13th, the wife of Geo, Cook, a son. d | Moorz—KastNER—At the parsonge, by Rev. J- re, after an absence of twenty Silverton, ~~ Oct. 11th, ears. D. Morlock, Joseph H, Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt. have| Pearl ft ner, both from Ser ees sis PEFFERS. se eith their bing: ‘The Misses Einma and Clara Free- r.|man left on Wednesda: ay to visit visiting | friends in Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Da rst is busy putting Sain ant floors ty his bar! ae Henry Freeborn went ve Seat ford on Wednesday to an fiers the G. T, R. Bop t. in Paara to eee service here, Holmes spent Sunday at bs te here. Mi with er friend, Miss Barton; at Done- ¢. | ga Barrett spent Sunday ‘The beautiful weather of the past few days is very much appreciated by | the farmers, who are ie pete mangolds and ‘Turnips. t left last week to begin his thd yeas studies in medi- cine at Toron iss sis of Trowbridge, has school. h here during the past couple of years, has be f to resign owing ill health. ee ee LINWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Beggs spent Turing of last week at the home of M Wray, Fern Bank. Miss Gatschone, of Hesson, and Mr. Farrel, of Rasa spent Sunday at ig ie eee of Mrs, . Sutter, of Elmira, visited his tater, Mrs, Margaret Sutter, on Mrs. Steckley left for her oe in were on Monday of this week. r. W. J. Beggs spent Sweduesiay in auateeh Mr. Weber, ue Clouse sailed on Mr, Frank Am Miss Jean ae spent Teatineelk with te sister, Mrs. Will Wray, sae Date Koeble and Mrs, Frank hina spent paul with Mrs. L. Pommer, Ber! t |, ABniversary services will be held in ee Methodist church, Linwood, on 2ist, at 11 a.m. and i, m. Rev. Geo. B. Honey, B. A., af Drayton, will preach, Even- ering ‘objections okies eked Te of God.” al to stay at the home of Mr. d Mrs reutzwelZer, a little son. Father is wearin an nhusdel. petty sun! Congratulations. Miss A. McGillivray spent. Thurs- a at Berlin at the Teachers’ Convention. Would those ane re sisal be- ee RAP leees w organize ast want to Tae aie WReltts J. Ruggle spent Saadant atthe latter's home at Wale Miss A. Goetz and Miss Leon ard spent Sunday, with’ Miss Hargrave ‘s. Wm. Terry, of Water- loo, spent Sanday ‘at the home of Mr. Robt, Hos Messrs. ae Bundy, Heimer and McCard! Cee and jaker, jr., spent Sunday ‘Miss Luella Flachs, of Hawkesville, week with her CHARLESA. FINKBEINER {a aneeneeranena amish Nita BINA New Goods ! New Goods ! NOVELTIES!) AT: a. “4 The People’s Store ”’ a ee oe : The generosity of this store has been the cause of its big success, Our busi- We had the heart to go in for big things and the courage to try improvements wherever they ness has doubled itself, which the crowds of buyers will prove to you. were needed, You will always find the very newest on the market here, and we ask you. to have a look at the display in our north window, which is only an indicator of what you'll find within. Just received a shipment of the very latest and newest Paris Designs of Fancy Net Stoles with veil combined, in plain and scalloped edge, very wide, in raised and plain me- dallion effect, in lengths of 40 to 78 inches,'from.. 25 cents to $5.00 ‘ In Bolerois and Fancy Shoulder 3 Collars 3 we have a large range in colors of Paris, ivory and black, in net and embroidery effects, long and short fronts, suitable for children, misses and ladies, at 50c to $1.50 Embroideriery Stock Collers and Turn-overs—We have a most beautiful as F range of the very newest, all shades and designs from.........6.6. 6104-65 £0 75 cents. 5 See Our South Window for a Display of Linens 4 For Thanksgiving week we offer special inducements in Linens, such as 4 Table Cloths by the yard, also Table Cloths and Dpkins to match in the newest : Irish Linens. We will allow a discount of 20 per cent, on all Linens dur- ing Thanksgiving Week. New Handkerchiefs This store has a grand reputation for handkerchiefs, both in quality and value 4 because it has earned it. : ae Men’s Fine trish Linen Handkerchiefs — 4, %, 3 inch hems, extra fine quality, at from........ s.s.15 to 50 cents each. Women’s Fancy Handkerchiefs — bemstitched, embroidered, § Each « , 12%, 15, 20, 25, 35 and 50 cents. y New Covered and Pear! Buttons q in serge, satin, cheviot and velvet covering, all sizes, also Pearls in small and large = NEW SKIRTS Our skirt order has been delayed somewhat, but arrivedat last, and a finer or scalloped and lace trimmed edges, all new patterns, Swiss or linen centres. line you never saw. Don't miss seeing and comparing them, Very newest models. .$2 to $10.00 ‘ Another Shipment of Dress Goods — Very latest colorings. We guarantee you cannot find a better display of Dress Goods in the large city stores. Anyone Having Poultry For Sale (ALIVE OR DRESSED) -HIGHEST CASH PRICES Prices from will do well to get my prices. BUTTER 18 and 19 Cents. PAID, EGGS 19 Cents. 4 Your poultry may be delivered at— MILVERTON, pe tes 7 Ae ae TLL, LisTOWEL, ue ATWOOD, buyer, C. H. Holmes. % AES Ee ee a Newton f+ The Up-to-date Stores <{, mitbank FOWL! FOWL! ‘We want your fowl all alive on Tuesday, Oct. 28rd, before 3 P. M. We wit ipa ¥ the following prices for fat fowl alive, deliy- ered at New: see aiterens:, Oid He Young pucks Young Gees Young Turkeys..... Te pound bo. OC The above prices are in trade either at Newton or Mill- ‘bank stores, or if cash is desired will pay 1 cent per 1b. less, REMEMBER—We do not pay for grain in the crops of Fowl Notice ! Will ship every Tuesday until further notice. Bags 200 HH. GUSTIN © Butter 190 RRA AAT AAA BARA AT A IIE TE TEI IETS IE IEE EIA IEICE ASIC IE AF. A hchsses t= eietiee Ue