N NAME “President of Union = ¢ Pp of Russian People inc Makes Incendiary Speech. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: M. Dubrovin, President of the Union of Russian People, made a, remarkable ad- dress at Odessa on Wednesday. le bis carried him on their shoulders to the railroad station | on his departure for Kiev, and said ‘In loved Emperor ly Russian cause is Nhbter lermiaclien: of bas bend of 300 rushed di he principal streets of the eily, shouting “Death to the rebels!” “Death Baza id terror bina the night; The tactful measures taken by the pre fect, however, prevented further ais: durbances, mnounced on Watnediny the znulingers during the uprising of Augus! succeeded in wounding while attempt- ing to capture the “Bridge connecting the DISCIPLINE WAS LAX. of the lax discipline prevail- the agitators who organiz to live h the soldiers wand distribute revolutionary proclama- ‘ons. The sedition which permeates artillery, as well as engineers and other special branches ‘of the service is fo be main- ly due to the license allowed the agita- lors. aganda has made compari- tively slight progress among the infan- try regiments, Continued naval mutinies are regarded he were ine nen u The Social Democrats The military authorities consider jo begi the commissions as org . “ike the push xtreme bravery and One of y | samples had been so manipulated, the wsburg for dis orders and siviking an office investigation Colonel stoi. Grenadiers, fees of duty and ¥ heen elie on the chart He of laxity by coutt-m: in faaiataining discipline in the re te DEATH FOR TERRORISTS. odz, Russian Po- land, say death by drum-head courts hanged here on Wedn The employees of the school teachers and the have j artial, were esday. the seat railroads, newspaper as 2¢ Se B wh inst trials by drumhead Tu court-martial, AL Bondsin on Tuesday five socialists by drumhead court-martial and shot for armed resistance to arr’ BANDITS’ BULLETS FATAL. A despatch from Warsaw, Russian John Gadomski, editor of most promi- tof the ho as shot by Fpundits on ‘Tuesday ‘even ing, dle jednesday. toariies CONSCRIPTION. from St. Petersburg says: js have assumed the direction of the organized movement fo1 the refusal to perform military service, which tho Constitutional Democrats at thelr convention at Helsingfors, dectded avoid. ecret and tended meeting of the Central Commit tee of the Social Democrats Petersburg on Thursday it was decided in the work immedi A despatch erats’ pro effort will “pe made jo reach wee man on this year's list of conscripts BRITAIN'S NEW BATTLESHIPS. ‘Vill be the Most Wonderful Ever Built for Any Fleet. A despatch from London says: Th Daily ‘Telegraph says it learns that the three so-called armored cruisers, erful ship ty having greater offensive power than -any two battleships now in commis- sion, combined with extraordinary peed. There has been some more or less mysterious secrecy regarding the ves- y were authorized in the 98 was the ensa: with and the present r 17,250 tons, ch W Azineh guns a aaltae i ten, but their broadside to will be iden- dical, as the Dreadnought ts” only. able 4o fire cight of her guns in broadside, helrs. turbine engines designed to dovelop a speed of 25 knots, but it is likely that on te trials “they will develop 27. Pp & s “on the same principles as the Dreadnought’. ject seems to be to enable them ortly launched. pleted they will probably have cost £1,- ach. —+—— THE WMEAT MOVEMENT, CPR eee Bh aes Nineteen Mil- A despatch ‘oH Sika says: The ‘otal wheat receipts on the C. P. up late this season amount to 000 bushels, and 1,123,000 bustle cf gs grains lave been marketed. Thurs- eceip!s. were:—Wheal, ; other grains, 37,000 ortesponding day. last ent rains were rents do this time ‘bushels of wheat and 623,000 bushels of te other grains. + AN APPEAL FOR THE HELPLESS, Now that the thanksgiving season is “beautiful suunmer just passed, which I been. crowned everywhere by suet ‘ ‘bountiful harvest.” Nony hav thought of any particular way in which | press. their thankfulness, and will glad to know oh Tene place where ft share a Nessings will “ear welcom In the "Toronto “Home for ae wWunn Avenue, Parkdale, there 140 ee ie tients, $6. of whom are toes pon the liberality of the public ae “nel ‘daily food and for the shelter aR 2 gt ie east. Al seontribu pons fs sae vegetables, flour, ‘fowl, or clot which will never be issed by rete ho are eee ‘ith png ae Boe ‘atefully re- | ived by of the Maen tL wil Eo in Selatan many. sad nd ity. in the work of this greal Santi Sat ill! shipping expenses | the | & mew veubelé Gah fire allt {rea fhey will be equipped with | f 0 h speed something |P ATTACKED CONSTABLE, A Desperate Hott Pin a C..N. R. Bunk louse. patch from Port Arthur says: In a somiels fight at the C. N. R, bunk nthur on Tuesday even- &. ey Z g Donovan and his olleagues have been arrested. — DREADNOUGHT IS FAST. A despatch from Rae England, : The battleship Dreadnought an chored here on Tuesday evening, a: oir & full steam tral lasting ight aie in which she of twenly- wo and one-quarter ‘nots, the mean rage being twerlty. hi of vibrati ion- was again re- —_—_p+—_——. PAYS NO TAXES. Great Increase in Exempted Property in Montreal. are in- mpleted “tt nian: yoot for the cur- ‘alues of pro- perl “hie will pay ma taxes to the city amount to no less thar 250, The edeinpltons have increased to’ tho extent of ten millions during the past three years. ht - . REVENUE INCREASING. That for Nine Months put Collections for La: ear, A despatch from Toronto says: ea Ay cle Proviuelat Soratntps department this year is expected to ret 1,000,000. Last year it totalled . The increased revenue finds its cause in the number ings, prin- cipally in the high liquor license and ne forcing of delinquents y for the maintenance of relatives in asy- tums. About $125,000 will be added to the provincial money pile as a result in the advance in license fees, at A $200,000 FIRE. Summerside, P. E. 1, Suffers a Severe Scorching—Work “ol Incendiary, atch from Summerside, P.E.t. ys: e did $200,000 Bl Thursday. with insu e light station mn, jail, i es were destroy’ eae and “Bapti Tl “The fire is supposed au have een incendiary. The fire beg: railway shed, and was mae ty the gale, remén and engine from Gtarteteva saved the Presbyterian — CHOLERA IN HOLLAND, Two Fatal Cases Reported Near Roster- dam. A despatch to the Paris Eclai Rotterdam on. Wedn ir from| esday announces and. Oranjewoud, aul he gladly curred at Bloetebduel hear there. 2 mi being unavoid- ven abe e@ of |m: gely al-| inj | by the boas . | ficers. Makes Twenty-4w0 hs on Her Trial tri cl lespatch from Montreal says: That that two fatal cases of cholera have oc-| liv CEREALS IN Soe MEATS. Inland Revenue Department Publishes lis Analysis. A despatch from Ottawa says: The otted at and bologna sausage. mentions that the canned meats exam- ined some time further sub scription, it was detec purchased in and 23 secured in vinees, ‘of Chicago but some were from Toronto and Montreal. purehased in vente were found be similarly affecte many of the sam} canned meats - described in the pee bulletin con- or flour, which a great many instances. aeons ”etc., do not justify flour or cornmeal, and articles with such names cannot. ee re- garded as otherwise than adulterated if they have received additions of cereal under the microscope consisted of maize flour potato starch. f 32 samples of bologna and other sausages examined 11 contained dyes and five preservatives. nee ag eat TYPHOID STILL INCREASING. Doctors and Houscholders Fail to Re- port Gases despatch nt Toronto says: Fur- th ee reports have been received by the Provincial miape of Health from Jocal health officers, which oo to show that typhoid fever more prevalent throughout t vince than <4 anticipat and towns outside of Toronto, compri lation of 50, of such a large ‘proportion is contend rd to be neglect on the a of the physicians and householders to report the cases to the local health of- 9 an undesirable food. According to law there is a imposed on those householders and phy- sicians who neglect to report pana Eee LICENSED TO CUT TIMBER. Government Will Receive About $230,- 000 From Rainy River District. from Toronto says: A ; | pumber of parties have secured the right io cut timber on a number of ber' verlised by tho Department of Lan is es, T derers will pa: alon | tional to bonuses will be paid by the contractors. For other purposes, the dues will be $2 per thousand feet, board measure. The extra-bonus 0 is a ew one, the former method havin, been to p bonus. The bert! hip an expert ranger estimate Ph the proportion of red and while pi tion of which ten- sult of his measurement. ete: PRAIRIE LINES READY, “|Expect to Have Track Laid in Time to Me love Next Year's Cro A despatch from Winnipeg says: Over Ae Regina, and the other to Hudson's Bay. < RSET LES CATTLE HAD LUMP JAW. Winnipeg os and Cremated ‘A despatch from Winnipeg say3, Tho ai ity, Velerinary visited the C, PR. tock yard: asics | inspecting the relat fitented for the local_abattoirs condemne cated twelve ani ilies have ee be Bg Vigilant. BEAR NEARLY GOT mM. The Hunter Kite i bs ata Very Close despatch ae st ohn, Emil Paturel, of Shediac, tie “Trilla experience in the woods a day or two The be cl the hunter, who, just_as he was abo Ice snot fell, on when he got up the bear was few away. jut had lime 46 thrust the rifle against a and fire, ane the anii sprang to hin. = moose and a see ioe MANGLED BY STREET C. ing aceiden' in the Province of Ontario. 37| Eight painless ey Chief Analyst Mebarlane remarks that|® lum e {Properly handled. most exclusively of |E es | pert packers, the grade of frui grower a greater pro i ate gratefully smelt the flowers. c after hecame faint, and had to be is making an} 2 dob-is ‘ihe highest depends vipon tho re-| | Brantford Starch V in aj black one, ce seven feet high, _ Pa- and his ee ee each shot aja bi; b on ate edinple ae } at $25,000, and that in the s| out o employment. HANDLING THES APPLE CROP. Prof. L. H. Hutt Tells How « May Be Done to the Best Advai Hage. In commercial orcharding, the busi- ness end of the enterprise, that of mar- keting the crop to the is second only in importance to. that of} a, Producing frult of the best quality. particular that there is The m gets one-half what really worth, if it were eee remedy for this state of affairs, what is association, through which the grading, packing, and marketing of the fruit method of handling the cifective co-operative, sassociation for this purpose involving the selection of an hoi man- an organization, boxes and can be purchased wholesale to better advantage than by they ca be: ob ined by single individuals; the grower can de-|j whole attention o Seinen fading, packing, and with this work in the han handling the apple ftummasoedceageicael a beller product, and realizes to GAVE BOUQUETS OF CHLOROFORM. a A Bogus vee gies Robbed Women An hotel taal nae has oundetene tert at the Grand Holel, Paris, rested recently France, He called himself prince Tschilindro, of Montenegro,” 2 abe ensive suits ig in luxurious fashion. rau i 1o the acquaintance was sufficiently de- veloped he ventured to. offer-n beautiful bouquet. His victim, charmed with the “Prince's” courtesy, smilingly accepted, She Wea ta vhae rosea ‘The “Princo” then busied himself in rendering hi proves to be a Russian Jew oat Ramskeiff, — WRONG INSURANCE PAID, Mistake of a Workhouse Clerk oe made by the authorities of the Birmingham a gngland) Workhouse idenilty: of one of the a few days ago, ha In the oebins was undertaker to py the c The relatives had man’s life, sng drew several sums of money for funeral expenses. ties offering no ‘hesion after the o cial notice of dea! qT funeral was about to take place when the tunderlaker suggested that someone who had. kno} ead man should Joey! shia. cBs'gs Mrs, Bull: oF once offered Io. do. Ho nd the-comn: wos = | Op ‘Then’ it, was discovered that an extra- body was at once taken tak gen louse, Difficulties have since arisen regard. ing the money paid over by the insur- ance companies, who are now asking for its retur: The guardians, it i understood, are likel a Ma in the matter, as was. sent in. connection. wilh ihertuneral arrangements. BIG BLAZE AT BRANTFORD. ie Starch Works ae aes by the tm ate says: The A despatch ‘situated about jetely deswro he ne fo the main buflding. Ty Otimnten $16,000, a 000. About fifty hands are thrown In_ 1902 the BErEY down under ee far _cir- °8 | vestigation is '!be used in deciding as to the best policy "Slt adopt to {| which will be cons! so [20 the |ted to each district, been system- a arranged with an] j ‘offin. P insuted the old w head. e to the] iar Fsessment of the cily. HORSE INDUSTRY OF ONTARIO. Ontario Department o! of Agriculture Will Obtain Information. : in the Province of Ontari now bein, derlaken by the Department of ‘Agricul- ture of Ontario and will be commenced early in October. The object of this in- to obtain information to encourage more extensive beeing a a betler class of horses Following are the principal points idered in the course f the investigati 1) The umber, brooding - of tal type, ions and brood mares @) What ponililions ave MIG ity and number of in the various if the ef- r good whether or not the same : fame jons could be applied in other sec- horses can most in different sec- ¥@| sont adoplea in Ontario atlier thai ‘pric vate ownership. (3) The views of horsemen generally aso the advisability of a Stallion In spection’ Act. (6) Suggestions from those interested in the horse business as to what can be done to improve conditions of the] req horse business generally. to procure th ‘mation tho Province will be divided into eight aistriels. ‘Two competent and expert been selec allot- From five to six spent in each district by tion will be procure conversation those met by: the-Sommillee ‘wha thay: Neve n the horse ive any person who so desires an opportunily of expressing his views to . The meeting in be held immediately after the Committee has completed the work in that county. In each Farmers’ Institute district the Secretary has been asked ork-of procutiag ihe memes. and addresses of the stallio ig out the most conv forthe Committee to: follow whillo’ in He has also been asked to accompany the Committee, and to ar range for the public meeting in the Secretary B = awi quality and | obtained by. 3 The object of the meeting is| 4 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS QAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUE GLOBE, Telegraphl, Briets From Our Own and |) Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA, The boundary line on Lake Erie is being marked by buoys. The local option campaign at Paris has been abandones The Welsh residents of a social chu will total over half a million dollars. It is estimated that a thousand tons of Bees Re ruined by frost in Nia- gara d ‘Wellington Hicks was killed at Deser- onto by falling down an elevator shaft on Friday. Duncan Graham was fatally ‘in- Qi jured by falling from a scaffold at Guelph on Friday. rests in which Messrs. Mackenzie & Ming ‘are active propose establishing a smelter in Toronto. ee hin a week, in the Spare Man., section, eight horses have bee Bnet for glanders. Mr. W. R. Riddle, K. C., has been ap~ pointed to the vacant Judgeship in the Ontario High Court, farmer named David Smith, of Man., exhibits a citron which Mert ounds, Ir, in Ellis, a student of the have been made by various municipali- Hes to the Hydro-leetrie Power missio Wolle Island's five faclories produced $600 worth of bey ety cheese per day | 1 Grond ‘Trunk Tali ay is reported to have a scheme for elevaling its tracks betw: een Bonaventure Station, Montreal, Inspec- iN Bene at Fort William, amounted 297,750, Hames tie defaulting Secretary of the Railway Telegraphers at Montreal, was found guilly “on Friday of defrauding | 4g the pei he ee out of ie ‘hs season, gether abou itty bushels to the aare Is: the yield of Colleston, Bat hone. ema ane ane ‘3 breaking Which he sowed with Preston se @ addition ass be built to the Moxeling hospital at Fort William, At resent there are 89 pallens in the in- t stitution, with accommodation for only Constable French of the N. XY. Mh. has been sentenced to 15 days’ confine: ©) ment in the barracks at Battleford and the Joss of one month's pay ns a result aged 15, (Extension: undeh way ‘at the {the American Locomotive and Ma ‘at Longue Pointe, Que chine €ompany vill then be por room was raided near the proprictors arrest- on loads of Ui where Nquor is sold openly euthongh, WSs IRCA BS LETS ths Scott Act has been in force yas. unabl work, the Presi-| te Scot of the Farmers’ Institulo has been vy asked to make the necessary arrange 2 ments. The dates and points at which GREAT BRITAIN. the public, meetings will be held have} Tyo hundred Barnado citdren have been selected. Arrangements have also jf Paddington for Gand been completed for the dates allowed for ie Bante oe! England Has? advenoad Sach Institute division, and the polnts |xn9: omctal money rate to 5 per cent, at whieh committees wil! transfer from ene Institute district to the one fol- UNITED STA’ lowing. The work should havo. tho. sympathy and co-operation of all owners of stal- lor and of all who. 4 the horse industry. “It is hoped that the hat™evéry person take advantage of the Spnaneuntty bei given to express his views as to td the horse ee of this Province can best be impro’ JACK WHITTIER SHOT, ‘Toronto Man Found Dead Near Sprague, | '% M fanitoba. A despateh trom Sprague, Mon. says: Jack Whittier, a sectionman, employed by the: Cohadian: Nortticen- Hallway. “at the gravel pit spur, left -the camp: oh Sunday morning io hunt. When nedid mbt in an old Mumber camp about nine miles east cf Sprague, apparently shot through the Whittier came from Toronto, EARTHQUAKES CONTINUE. Siciy Sun ees From Severe Shoe! 8. A despatch from Pelermo says: are interested in| day. Clark and McKee coded in a base- ball ae at Rolla .» on Wednes- McKeo was iaited “insta antly. colh and Mr. Fairbanks, ce-President of the mane States, eloped on Wednesday, and wero begin rh ne 2S 5 ae eriean exporter will take nd- Antec of the shortage in the Ganadi- an apple erop tg attempt to baits the Bri eae at born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deshon Brandegee at their mag- estate, “Faulkner Mrs. Brandegee’s rie vate fortune is estimated to be $15,000, is also Site to sworn out on Wed- nesdny a “Dalry and:Foad Commtliston- for ne arrest of the Phila- Bene managers of mour & Com- pany, one of the members of the so- Piiled Beef. ‘Trust, charging’ the. fir with the iMegal use of boric acid in ams. s Joseph Siegfried, of Akron, Ohio, was isaving home ‘on Wednesday to go - work his bride of a few months: hlses him. A few minutes later neighbors fiesta Ao of a pistol. They found her dead, She was nineteen years o! age and despondent ealth. 8 The earthquake shocks in. Sicily continue, | Was founded, eT eee ind are causing serious damage rehash ty i Jorg! nde mabe Fie. dwellings and churches, some of which ‘ght The } aesebeneall ae at y have A Cacamo sustained ‘particu. | "8! 384,000. oby copa ee ps sgt rly heavy damages, tnd the condition} ® 13 On seen. ceatnoe ule ef the people of elit town, Termini and} “% o Ayate ing, gal Trabia is extremely ssing. They eight years ago. weeks past. In the than one hundred shocks have bean felt at Trabia. cet Se genes SHOVED FOOT INTO PRESS. A Doukhobor ‘Terribly Injured at Ros- A thern, Sask, despateh from Rosthern, Sask., says: rom: the bi Knee and Henry Podanilnikoff, a Doukhobor, was rescued froma hay pressing machine on Thursday morning west of the town. wa his it was caught in the machine, - OTTAWA'S POPULATION, me es seems Returns Show an Increase a 2,452 Over Last Year. A ae from_ Ottawa a assessment _ Commi = a 5 é} ea ed | ane GENERAL. ae in Mexico caused the loss | of “Tet ( inowsand rebels have been dis- banded The bo Fonte seins Anpertean goods | °° has been raised a ceemane te eile SIHVIng for an alliance with Ilaly on a new NEED BETTER MILK LAWS. Medical Health Officers Advise Pro- vincial Board. A esol trom Toronto says: A few | ug mont ‘ovinelal Board « Treatth eae out Tellers to the local ent nofficers regarding the difficulties they wi i ith the milk I should. be clearer lation of Ottawa is placed at 075%. Gh] tion a the milk, and the uses iner wa of 2,452 over last year. The] preservatin Tyss TOMpiuwts Will be Salas assessment for 1907 is $41,300,000, Epcal a before tka Board of Health Ty the increase of $3,416,825. secretary, Dr. tedget's. Winnipeg = "s building operations this year | § Plant | 996 Glace, | °° 0 m | $3.50; rou he tferior, $2 to because of ill} puck ‘For the first time since New Orleans} LEADING. MARKETS: DREADSTUFFS. Oct. 16.—Flour .— SSA The reve is quiet at $2.70 to $2.75, buyers’ bags, outside, for 90 ow gent patents, for export. lanitoba—Firs oi Bn, $140, second aie $3.90 hae ai {illfeed—Bran, AAS mn to $16, in bulk, gute shorts, rn—No. 2 yell hit “AirbeiGahs is quot- el at 55¢ to 5534c, Toronto. Call board quotations:— Wheat t—Ontario—No. 2 while Tle bi east; No. 2 red, Tic bid, east, G. T. i id, G. T. Re hard, 82¢ 1 nor nerts 80% are Port Huron; No. 2 -north« ern, 78% Bai heyealvos 2, 49¢ bid, on a Se ri to Toronto; No. 3 extra, 4830 Soke, aa 42} bid, Peas—No. 2, 78340 asked outside. Rye=5e bid, spot, for 5,000 bushels COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter—Receipts are still light, willt prices holding very firm, ce asked east, 780 Pie to 5¢ 23c to Se Prices fitm at age w pias te latge and fe Ta 14% tor i Eggs—Firm at from 19¢ Hy ices are unchanged at 800 to $10 for No, 1 timothy, in oar lols. here, Raled Strasw-—Prices are trom 69.0, to $6 per ton, in car lots her MONTREAL M. MARKETS. Montreal, Oct. ee on the focal grain market was quiet. Bids on Manitoba wheat were about a cent @ bushel out of Un Buckwheat—i6c_ per bushel. ex-store. eater A No, 2 mixed, 5% ex- ore. ? Oats—No. 2 while, 3934¢ to 400; No. 8 while, 38}4¢ to 39¢; No. 4, 37}4¢ to 38¢ per bushel ex-store. Fas Bouin Da | $1 in carload lots, $1.10 in jobbing 1 FH nieatienttabs “sniing sypett Be ; strong winter wheat patents, $4. ¥ atraight pd $3.60 to $4.1 | ba; a $1.65 to $1.75; et S180 to Miitecd-—anitobs bra $22; ‘milled mouille, nie to $25; straight grain, $28 to $29 p: oh ater boa, ed to $2 in jobbing lots. aneee eaedlng meal, $1.25; nulated, se ae No. to $12; Noe 0 $11.50; bie ‘med, $10 ois eee clover, $9 per t lok Eggs—28e for selects in ileniles jots and 2c for single uses. Fres ered are quoted at. Potatces cit would be diMeult appar- ently to buy N. B. k at less than er 90 pounds carloads on track, though some were purchased at 68e; 1 72c. Reds may be had gras cut mess, $12.50; n Barrels _ short ; half partes 11.75 to dry salted long 2X0. lo 12%c; barrels ae he = ste iy $13; half barrels do., $6.50 ; barrels heavy 11%e to 12¢; ec ren Se; hams, tue to, 19}40, necording to size; breakfast ae Se to 160; Win sor bacon, Bago ec; fresh killed abattoir de i Nog 80.50; alive, $6.75 te $6.90 per 100 poun BUFFALO MARKET, NEW YORK Waear MARKET, New York, Oct. 16, —\Wheat — Spot. easy; No. 2 red, 78%c in elevator and ¢ f.0,b. afloat; a ‘i Ra vrnty Dut uit, 8630 f.0.b, a'loa\ . 2 hard wine ter, 82%c f.0.b. afloat LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, Oct. 1. aut ee deliveries of fete were cor’ the Western recite hea “ee a slackness in the Chains butcher $4.40 to. $4.50; ba dium butchers’ to goo butchers’, 84.15 $1.40; fat cows, $3.30 to $3.6 cows, $1.75 to $2.35, ero Be ae ee he at $2.50. to a feeders, 1,000 t tbs, at $3. $4; short-l en ay "33.80 to Late eae bulls, ee 200 ths, at “$2 $2.30 per ewt Lambs were fale < $6.10 to $6.25; eno ewes, 4.50, and export ks at $3 t ot est om owt. Calves were steady to firm, at $3.50 $0.50 aia hat wis in demand at $25 to ri ous were unchanged; selects sold ue 96.65, and lights. and fats ab $6.40 pt ew. Sune ei a FEAR EREGUE Sea oa Too Much Wien 1 = oleae and Now — ‘anted. A sr nate Chicago says: The freight traffic has in- Which have not on which they originate ave the crops i the west pouring becoming extremely, ious. With the approach of winter the movement of coal has grown heat pees i the = esis condition: hit aS ee on 4,235 cars which FL could not fill. _———$¢——$_— The Lene airship ba rom Paris to , Depar Charent, shereit will ‘be employed as sehen) ‘balloon a — crews Tor rance’s ay