dobtniie” Aseoieeakes Caskets ARES ESS. wan, Oct. 17th, the wife of Mr, nq cae * OPE, ae ge ‘ am y ee *s S Robert Goodale’of ‘a gon, es ate Addie Shenck is yisiting at aay eee : ares The Fall Fair Will Stay. wa .&, Bab, purposes moving to « - £*The People’s Store ’’ e "2! etown | Harald.) and Mrs. John Dahmer and ooh ahs the ana fall exhi- tam attended a birthd: party at Fs ti ps py + The in 100 lb. Sack Stock Food es now $5.00 ghou' _is| Mrs. Lunweber’s, South Easthope. Z é mpstead Branch of the Wo- 25 “ Pails of the president e t d presiden 5 oes Sack ioek deaided-te Ko, ont.of by rs. Alex Porst ‘to-morrow after mt a noon Tee tele >, al a i ocie-|_ The cement work of the new bridge Package Poultry Food tles are doing great things for this|has been completed and we are glad Prov to report that the barricades are now the road is open W Powder PULL BARK orm Powde: ae ie weather on ree evening, a large scaaneoecing huntber of the members and friends These are all RELIABLE stock Foops and must be f/of Grace Church, assembled in. the hatkettg got Be Mates surat Facts and figures are stubdorn things. The superiority of our ecaatee cleared out to make room for new goods. Pexpe Hall bi 3, AW. Jon their) Mra. Wim, Girodat, visited idisde at Lowest Prices, is drawing customers here from greater distances than set oe o Fain he, ent Clark) e Hanon OEM Sow days Sener Wonk Every day and every week shows a greater increase in sales, This sale will last only for NOVEMBER and _ | Mr. Thomas Sayers, called the and is Lo ut Forester ie ‘visiting her ‘pete Bee STRICT CA’ Jonge to orien, phone earect ot ates sts “are z at New Dundee. ‘ the meeting, when Mr. Samuel Mr. and Mi Clem- . . aan iller imously elected chair. ents, ca 5, Gabel sae Sun: We appreciate your liberal support and you may be sure that we will c 0 i a sit as. Mose: PP’ y! IPP’ y iy F ich position Med. ir ay. : ‘ : a JA Ss. Ss. LOCKIE, NEWTON genial manner, Mrs. R. J. Tan- ise Panline Shed left for Wat: ue to make our store Attractive and Profitable to you. Hardware Merchant ess to, and present Mrs. Jo: erloo Thurs lay, where she has iouse, of La Salette, and THIS WEEK we anticipate the greatest rush. We are ready with an abun. zs hn Tote ie wereate dance of cold weather things at Genuine Bargain Prices. Sa; was aske dan add: id ists babe abestc ead The Rey Almanac. [sented Me, Jones. with a handsome| ‘Mx. J, Gatachene has sold his house cheque, ich Mr. and ilackamth shop to Mr. Louis CHEAP Rey. Irl Fig Hicks has been | Ver: i length. A'| Kieffer who takes posse che ion about 8 it te demand rot the members of the con-|the fifteenth of November, ‘hs ame the publication i regation gave short add blacksmith business will be continued a é have made the fol Known and popular Almanac for 1907. | speaking in isti of | by Mr. Nelsou Merrick. Underwear Ladies’ Goats ling cuts in the price of b This splendid Almanac is now ready. SEE A, TOPPING. ef, S Talk about Underwear, you must see | : The following is a re ort of the our assortment to appreciate and Jackets 0. i P ae sf peal i quantity and quality. oe oe po which were read and presented: MOR CAAGEAL UIE When eee Tn order to have something Extra every eabecyintione Dear Mr, Jones. your ue Ema We handle Penman's_ Underwear ‘ known the world over. Every piece ~ —— i uaranteed. Positively the only gen- full line_of Ladies’ Coats, very latest — ices y r ing | Millie D. i y ? = Miss Martha Koehler is going to| Vite As fusourlenl= Rabe and Rnie Nafeie: uine “Made in Canada” to- day. We 1906 styles in many designs, Remem- re “Blnor Sm merge accep: | Mie th i have them in all grades and sizes at Mr. Elnor Smal 5 an e past three years you have|der, Annie ted a position on the Maple Leaf Sadnarea a ourself to the members of | Ezra Boshart, Noah Nafziger, Ribak tom +..25¢ to $2.50 per garment, dif d il : staff, ee this Congregation by y the trae christ- leer Melinda 1 a Finke Edith Mohr, and if you need a coat at all, now is your Mr, Oscar Schmidt and Mr. Rose of | ian spirit you n your | Maggie 2nd.—Herma crags 5 St. Jacobs, spent Sunday with friends |daily lif st us. The ev Erb, St i Caps chance to buy the very latest at. about in tow! i come whi ee rt oR ACES A SR T Joaee doen wcere Pt a ‘Tom Ai ' one half regular price for 1 week only. ton to visit her daughter, Mrs. Schade | to each one of u: You never had the opportunity of see- A ion which passing. years will be un- f Mrndea “Aveawau seweler of (Able to efface mily bee meng ne! ing a more complete range o Another . shipment of Infants and iutog cepest Sanderaat stents ie, inte most sou pea ewes pura eegencaee Caps of all descriptions, Child’s Jackets in imitation bear ¢loth wit ie us Tots ofrain and snow | harelt i serik inet exemplified inthe LINWOOS: sizes and qualities. _ in colors white, white trimmed with red, Which makes the ronde rather sloppy | Coe teeal, pulldiog ia whic aitic ae forerunner of winter—flurries brown and bronze, prices $1.50 to $3.50. and ploughing rather unpleasant. with feeli poi rej of snow. For ladies and gentlemen, boys This will be the tage lot for this season, Ed. Ra y. nt fie ", Edmondson, of sisson, and gitls, prices from...,.....20c to $12. a bunting expedition Hel is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joh: to Muskoka for a few days last week. m fon “of: ste pur ely ipenatioal Sm ut id aoe Ti ce CuTHE..: Miss Annie Miller accepted a_posi- | Part of your wor , Pipes table walter’ ice the antier Geant siertuone for us Aas ey As McEachern and Mrs, Ed. ea osey. ‘Ss : . i i 7; ate re everance from ; Investigation neues Berlin, whither she went: to- our Pari sh and your ite sett ba Bere sot last week with relatives < eenly felt by ui bi a Me Wi eeihatos anh it | “We ask you to accept this cheque|, Miss McAllister, of R. Y. Fish's he Twin City visiting. friends | token of our-sincere and heartfelt millinery establishment spent Sunday a ‘ Id acquaintances, regret of losing you, and our earnest | at her home in Fernbank, e i ategvlhd Ae inpanicer ._| prayer is that Goa may fruitfully 4 (SEE NoRTIH WINDOW) Messrs. Oscar a bless your work in your new sphere| The C. P. R. pump Shute last ‘ ° \ 4 mtasiinuer Hen id Mrs. ne | Of labor, whither it has pleased Him) week and now the tank is in a posi- to call y tion to supply atlas to the ‘atile as Special, we are going to put on sale our Boils from -3 to 7c Roasts from......7 to gc Steaks., 10 cents By the quarter $4 and $5 per cwt., the best $5 and $6 per cwt. CASH $5.50 and $6.50 credit. JR. MILLER MILVERTON BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE geaeeeaaeeae WELLESLEY. ber this will be a genuine bargain sale, queavaueuuueenee ct S Lo] Pipa ep ebogaist ly tonatah . st ler and Gushion Forms Ghe Royal Commission showed He of Berlin. da; nd: .._ | Signéd on Bebalt of the members of We just received a line of Fane DOMINION TIRE Bites Itarh WH. asled aa) feng: tis congregation of Graco Church, a aad Alan g k 4 ¥, oe te Ee ea, | Millan - ir. D, A. and’ Miss Patterson, Mrs, Goode the line of Coseys, with or s. a bt. l ah 1tho! orms, pS ll Rae arate ed 9 rer ee {Robt J. Tanner wot ae, peated the funeral { ete home in Floradale. Tho! ‘ieee he Ne dip A males, ai ‘ 3 y Kreutzwiser ininaiAl ag . x i went foe A ie : e also have the Tea Cosey, Pin eG: aoe RS, JONE: is with much number 0} ams and men are en- Clean roughouw' tel which 8 hls Fe ocbbr aire aeG gaged itis tee Pome bie Cushiae and Cushion Forms in all sizes, and Hatsy ULcatakesp abreast, with thee ws very close wen ‘we are to ‘Well and Foonomically eines a from amongst us and we think These are all samples, which sell at ik spelt st sad news aie ug, here lost| portant le OP-| and also on the Listowel bra s: of the pete of Miss Magdelena, | for the keen interest ai iring| The elevator under construction is daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jotin. Len: |{0", we, Keen, interest, and matters] progressing favorably and in the near ; : Half Regular Price. hard, of Moose ‘Tavr w, formerly of this soumtected with the work of our] future will take in Jes a / DD a Representative for Perth County : place. th othe hole co nave the | ch Store coal in the basem / ‘mpathy o1 e Wi ee oOmMmMmuDi' in y "7 WW * As, M, M, BRICKER, Berlin, Ont. uae Rhett ead attierion. - wi teris of ou and tant along as the farmers até awaiting First come first served. Don’t miss the ; DU Ubecueote sltizens ‘tended stomed iS cehrabipaienterot wheat | chance, 0 ion party giv id rd r presence will ereate} Would an h | Bete 33 yone having books be- Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. | totic cen Jom cad hig ben a blante whieh fill take no inconsid-|ionging to the public school library Soe Fe : very id selected to please return them, as the government 4 - = J - lly" Drepared which con: | gna Menai “ogeeeet this Souvenie| Erane. henceforth is based” oie the Grocery Specials it di ited ildi macs sis iefly of solos, recitations, and 8 our united love and affect- | Value of buildings, library andequip- 4 r I kinds of parlor games and in-door | j , worthy to rank sata the cost-| ment, and it would be well to have Ladies’ Skirts Sun i * ssurance inusements, liest pitts that kings beste these books recorded and valued, that NEW RAISINS We pri God will ‘wateh over| the grant may bo aa levee os wevathie 3 28 ny of Canada| HOUSE FOR SALE | thartid wilt abunddntiy bless ond se —— New skirts made up in Tweeds, NEW CURRANTS ompa y meme Bitteyeneas our ar BRUNNER Broadcloth, Whipcord, Serges, Chev- E y 3 ine new brick dwelling on George street. | the noble worl ‘as called upon is iots, the newest styles, such as self NEW PRUNES splcnaly aecaied tot rhe parca you to farther for Him Turnip harvest is the order of the ested stncled ead hs 5 pply a Signed on behalt of the members of | day in this vicinity. strapping, pleated, tucked and button NEW DATES Results for 1904 the cong Grace churcb,| My, and Mrs. Hartmann spent Sun- trimmed, all shades from $2.50 to $10. NEW FIGS Sip ese issued and paid HOUSE FOR SALE Mrs. Alex Miller, Mrs, Wallie Tan- oy see a Pak val ase a at r, Grieve aud son, of Galt, visite 85, 911,904.24 ndipuse ond quarter acre land on mill street Heauenone fire Gree Gahan at Ar. re Schmidt's wf Seay: Child’ en full range of cscs nt R. station, wade over 1903 1,744,698.77 | "** epee ie HaxaNDE. Mrs Brorelt Sr A Se Mr. Henry sha ed a Bi pee a «$1.50 and $2, Fresh Groceries Every Day =—_— — general meeting of the Anglican i ‘reston and Hespel anks- Assy at 31st. Decembei ioe we Noung Peoples’ Association, will be| 17,851,760.92 pli tac ite na ish Hall, ’ Mon Jo = oe returned home this ae over 1903 2,345,984 44 Avene Seiosen ones tet P ee ere eee ent ean , “ e r diet ith Grounds—Ten lots od eben Bring us your Dried Apples and all your Live or Dressed Poult Hi - Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 |sold and houses going ‘up: ‘Move quickie if or i 7" ua ith and daughter visited « ultry. Highest you want any. Apply £0 : fon tember: hi pee haha ON Prices Paid. Any quantity of rive Poultry taken for shipment every Tu Life Assurance fh toise Des, aMUeL wHAtey. | ship is not confined to only thi er danghter, Mrs, Walker on Wed- Thurs day. y ip) y Tuesday and f ant 3ist, 85, 327, 662.85 LOST ey will w iting to Bsa jh oe Mr. Ji ae Cook, of Fullerton town- : % Increase over 1903 9.646,473.98 principles and aims of the Association, | °'P: with Pesan apandlae ee = reel of Laundry was taken from a Hetian ! i zt vag veg Shee s bi Newt st 2h Sept. \ the part ¥, please return the same | 7 We are told that the threshing on A. S. MacGregor, to Dontey-8 hota or the eo BRITISH MORTGAGE on Mr. Burnett's section of land in : Ropi RT LINTICK. eo ~ Mgr. Western Ontario, London. ~ pele amounted this year to $1,000. A. MaoBeth, Stratford, Tink FOR SALE LOAN co. of Ontario a n and T. Whitney District Superintendant ‘ghbeld-in ney Raried ee ae Saturday evening 125 acres, west half Lot 2, 4th Concession wanted for rat ee Shp ee They: Feport_ a very Maryborough. 20 acres bush, balance clear E mediate te boar 8 ores and in good state of cultivaeion ; well ww. Wee it. ae t Fred-| g FEE Se y Sening nouse ‘palit in 3908 er ae ise Raaltne tee wae ae ar pla Route Mesa 0 si SSUES Si a Sire [ons ae de and stra ni ae DO Meta Mer orbs ee na joan | Who eee! nition, by a dog, is .. * mes a fe - Market Sires i Th Up- date Sto chess tory este | Gempeay, Macket Strat, Stator, for [able to be out % Newton | The Up-to-da POS | Millbank Boas: and G. SCHELL, Wallace P. 0. | from the time ithe left autil witheee | Mr. Win. Strut “ Zz FOUR PER CENT, compounded half. Pit i Homestead Fi i Regulations: 4 y This Sener is now prepared to i: fens N¥ even. numberd section of Dominion henece techs its bonds of debentures for $100 and | journey throu; Le ae ae A nds in Manitoba or dite, North-west MIL! Seas te x i gies aor fe “! 2 . excepting 8 and 26, not i * 8 Pe ree ‘: » 60 sh fad ver! Ladies’ Fur Ruffs to Clear at Hi matt Bo fi eiaee lalf Price at a Sue worth: Py es to olbar a see on 00. “ * $4.50, nee $6.00, The Cheapest Place i a een pata A to Buy Leggings er, when thei at aby eldest daughter, ties: 3 bh) united ia] cok ti ae Ric! ir, Rubber Boots a: Men’ 's Heavy Rubber Boots, bet anal Girls’ Light ust the th ‘th Men's Leather Leggings ol sy 50, for i It continues:to pay interest, caleulated her f. father Ta from day to day, ae te of three A Bical gree Tallow = _ | eent. on pass-book deposits, of whatever One oF the follow wing: Turk ips amount. ded hal NA) At least six months’ residence | eT as y htee per cent. money may be| ¢ and ao fon 0f the land in each year for ae eee at ay eee! wil fe interest on Morlock ofiiveton mes a bean the father (or mother, if the fathe is 5 same to date of wit rawe 1 are! le was. sre pH Aa eee tes yee 3 Me seoonrity: is; fvat. land: teorbgage |dresaed: in elite Mik ead-wunuastote emi in the st Of the land “emerad for Bort, be ton ; Is, besides the shareholders’ money | by her si ies He Fink, while. the eae vale with thefather | Corn, per bushel. the us fi which ted | groom. orted Mi bobtey ka deliv about | 2 4 2 <4 may eet (oan ye nbn te $08 68 cecutors, Tt e i, rests. ‘VERTON, buyerC. A. Finkb iner Sen eeier ae oe [be ; 4p: i ee 1 , wanted ments as ote upon thesia. ay, | “six on pee se Yh seseesewaneeeae a