Milverton Sun, 15 Nov 1906, p. 3

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HtEtttt tt t4ttt tt ttt ttt ttt ttt tote tee ttt tet $++++++4 $-4-444444444444344444 + ++ 444444 Face to Face CGGE8O9O0 OR, GERVASE RICKMAN’S AMBITION, © CHAPTER 1.—(Continyea), “Oh, Paul!” said Sees siraing to him at the father Reuben; wi im die!” “My dear Alice, you must not take all the illness in the parish to heart,” in- terrupted Gervase; “the bo. right as Annesley told him. te deprive Gale of his chief earthly ae Qos? The old See revels in his miseries. It is a that class of peo to have a fatal dis- ase in their fami netlereditary, tuo Paul; “ apectable as a family ake in higher circles,” “Orthe curse of Gledesworth. es not puant ine’ a as the landiord,” continue umptive, and it he is consi We @ poor wot Pid be fretted ag fiddie- strings in a month 4 bed did not harden our hare to the inevitable.” it is this ine eae asked Alice, @ int io. ae dark-blue “Need vase, you know that he would not have to die. mean tne I should order Ger- deepened none side by the row of wind-bowed 1 accompanied them, as a matter piers topped by stone glo drive bounded by the velvet turf of a century. ind up the porch of which myrtle <grew mingled with ivy and roses, @ door, and they entered coted in oak, door-ways and the broad eee piece, Seka which, on the open @ polished walls; o1 shining and slippery with bees'-wax and gen nerehiona: on @ few old ies of armor and chairs of an old guint fashion; aha: uOn a table near Sey esa on which @ tea-service was ban ea Xe Ung, and occasionally talking,for want of a better jist wn | ee ind’ of distinction to tg fas re-| tn 6 galonvay, wl its stona| , hb elderly Indy sat by tho fire, knite| ae FESSSNSTLTS STS T TSS T TTT SC TTS TTT T TTT TTTTT TTT TOS 1s how Alice abuses our long-|; growled “That suffering,” how pret which See agreed silently with him. ard is quite right about the eee eye sd Paul, in his statel: an- ner. “An elegant negligence suits. bes ScMformie! meal in the dusk. quaint settle, ri ale one yun and the your head, the” iets "bling “peneath that splendid old chimney He did with which she sat half re- an light vai ying flames, made the ce charm of the picture, anes "replied Bee ee est and re vate Be coming ee pe ia nize my honest old friend, poe with ts blunt but whole- | some r “it is 1 me am rebuffed now,” he re- plied, gravity of her mi Es “Nonsense, Paul,” interrupted Mrs. Rickman; “Alice can only be honored by. Se tyrcomngianent. You ought to ‘ase’s pro! es; Tal ways Dalene that Annes- i would make a first-rate lawyer,” Gervase, n forbid!’ exclaimed Annesley, settle half-burned Jo. whieh. Lureatened to fell when ler, thus ruining a etnias scape Alice had been dreamily gazing upon uel you are—you have shat- vi troyed “ oetry of the hour, for I af must light ae candies.” Were you seeing your futi ure in the, ret" Paul asked, as he lighted the can- ; | dles shé brought RES thrilling ath i i F fneve 2 ob-ald what He: Woughts that! = singularly discomposed’ by the |p al was aloibat religious. | Said. .sin to the Annesley who owned the es- te, was only slightly ac- Jquainted with him. did not even now any of those Annesleys, and the mad pais having ‘had three sons, o ff whom was married, and all of whom had-grown to manhood, the pros- pect of inheriting the family estates had his wildest & now lives stood between Bin elderly maniac an: No one knew better than he how large ‘Oh! it m as if the curse was a realily, still.” Nt - the curse,” said Rickman; “ani pelieve it still. does see and worke “I never Mrs. Why. firm believer in the , and defended ils to birth, rse ome "pram 3 me the Piteonti of or the inheritor of fatal { disease, ike the family at the Traveller's 2 “think 1 would eather be an. Annes- ley,” sho a alia Widicesetiet Jo sees of his heart and Kin of vital warmth within hey fell to ‘discussing legend. e days reach ae darkest le a. glow oe Gledesworth ©) King toh @ lord of Giereweeke ied, leaving one young son, and his brother, nob cettent-with wetaieg teyintidar draw the widow and orphan from his door. ust read ae the because ate ee his sed the cruel bi and was seen no more, But from that hour: Gledes. lands never descended fell him; 0 its owner, as was the Nibelungen oad to whomsoever possessed it. The morally weak point “in the curse, ervase often observed, when fuiled to Aaa the ee stories. of that fated line, was that there appeared to be no chance of expiating a wicked baron’s misdeeds, while ber of innocent yiclims who suffered eats the curse was appalling. “You & hardened sceptic,” Foul vaesides, you forget the ‘stone cel lle. Worse sil. Beinn likes to exchange it for a , turning to Paul with aj w eye pe owner of | necessi ne cell, are all his eens to be} §' nue a Be longer and costs more to an not occur if they BRERA SSARAS ROAR Gre: Almost without exception tate. plowing 1 t $ | rings: poor rope of wh THE CARE OF THE TEETH hudy needs of soils in re 3e J | spect to fertility shows that heavy sods Scr £ About tha Ferny lst te taki’ ts hots sis |Puevowmrer, waren on rms + +| they secure to the land the power 10 PORTANT MATTER. t | produce well when crop) No Tahar av olgrenters tiioniancasthan <<. + 38 SEH Hh eet tt | inpcavement in Huinthte neat oe Some Instructions Which Everyone SILO ECONOMY. this direction were secured, our agri- Would Do Well to Heed and p to 1895 1 had been feeding my | iitural prosperity would be iar greater. Ket Upon, : Much land is drawing el upon its dairy herd clover and timothy hay, ala srlility, That has been. fover, sitaw, etc. and pasturing dur- a ee fet hl as be aap interesting paper. weak rad s other and os already passed the point | Apa Gaciiesle (an Cupar pada at xt ound that the ae the varisly Eh foe oro ianle cropping, ee wa! din the Dominion feeds eniployed the better, writes Mr. J Sa pee ae a contains go, muc P. Gearhart. it about that ti ated publication ‘s pilention uaaealeebien de chee ine sy LIVE STOCK NOTES. tow zht desi as attracted to silage and nf is S 1 built i ala Decty’ of the a feet this floor. cost $42 and $40 for work and lumber ee I afin ied. have never had any trouble keeping hot the. silage, mont the trifing amount | ; that spoils around the sides of the stone wall at the ree and bottom. From this suggest that the stone osed tnternally as ossibte; it is not as “good as ¥ usually feed 20 pounds to each oy morning and night, with hay and about 8 pounds bran and Yraldalings mixed half and half for cows in full gt be m In contrasting silage with other feeds I helieye the former. produc fifth more milk fe milk bee owever, kept in nicer condition, their coats being softer and smoother and their digestions bet- ler, I can save at least three cents 4 silage. naging ci silage and for erain, ib that the aeude variely of corn chosen is a large fodder vartetys| fe such as leaming, which. mat May 10. nthe kernels reach ie aoa ptate whe cling of ‘we boats culs two rows at times ane throws. the stalks in small] Al 01 day if the haul is not she will have established S Sparioisk to case, but very especially so with greedy The dance ae up at = a. m., we “Wake up,” si Ir up a pod of loss than it does mote of gain under fay- aa. % 2 5 3 ip a a 4 g 2 oR aN is s to try Not more than a ru to the horses meal. first ae el If the first period be short, 'y earlier eriod had een protonged. — For i Preason, 2 {of the bristles upon all sui young cow should be kept in milk ‘as long as Ye used also in willking, as Clean’ mille possible. cial care should A Ex a sob alncastcdeienbasiea! THE MORNING AFTER THE DANCE. | enough reached our beds at foui mall C five O'clock the farmer's fst was rap-| with he, “your breakfast pita Nere amoast-unbonm gi late; The hogs are aang te us cor! *y the cows are at the ee sixth ine Hann a Toast once da. oF wash While brushing. soaps, and rene all nostrums sol the teeth. eg requen! ¢ kept entire ‘Therefore, the first thing ee in the care of teeth is cleanliness. teeth with quill toothpick | after “every Use clean water often as you face. Preferably, the Bose valer should be used after e tooth the brush lightly ates water, or better, a st ut of the mouth | Rinse with GLASS OF. WATER TO FINISH. xcept when prescribed by a dentist, ho drugs, powders, dentifrices or for e inostly injurious. is far bet- up igh to perfectly polish the surfaces teeth when properly applie 1 looking-glass. them. te rie age of ites ree years, a child’ has ty-- temporary - Wseth “About year permanent teeth appear, The ane very long. delicate touched her | “wy, mol measure a retribution | Experience teaches me that deep, smalt] We heard bis heavy tread retreat along the eanoey bate cera ena hand acc:dehtally, and caught the play Snihctier woot eh aoe Ih extends tnt | 18 are much better than large, shal-| _ the nal the latter are lost. ‘This occurs of the newly-kindled flame on her fea-| {ne indnife, by the events of a rudimen-| {ow onet. Round silos are cheaper and | Stx sleps it may dave boon, oF seven ally between the ages of six and seven ures. Bana tlte werd. nies cae more satisfactory than square ones, be-} and then we heard no more. ay dine: waa eee ay Gervase watched them. narrowly,| “Quite ae ” repli Pauls “T confess to i pe pee ee ‘wall space and upper mtaaats touch utseeelbd eG clids | SWelve the child will have twenty-fou though furtively, with a secret pity for] a great hans ‘on for the family curse, | S¥*face to the size, pee eathecaate aaa ae teeth. Dur this «period mouth ma dsl a att Bee x response It aS the God before men'é 052 Seog raced et a nt sparing & Ae undergoes the greatest changes and resp i cious Seale acain oe eine ‘ should be frequently examined. Parents sot o E ing nd young “i un Uisircetine ruins BRISTLES, and little twinkling feet. often do not know that a child has ken feeling; and then he moat M Rickman’s kind ty ' ermanent grinder this lime, and ure, which he read in the sea A lah or aol The sows should be bred early so tnat| Again. we waliged Matilda. Jane and| Py Tegiect 6 have thom witended to nine low Sar the he puis: The. sea lehtin; and: Fedor tos discussion ‘in| the pi tl come in time to make pore ana do tha ate ae is i loothache begins, In this case, seri othe a desultory conversation | which they all lost themselves in the Bod owt arlor, two by two; le and Joss of the: teeth may in which their thoughts did not enter. — | interminal le puzzles of Begin f your brood sows farrewea} Parlor, panied He had drifted, he Fj i and the bounds se tte art SPring.. She always | But just as we were bowing our partners}, If) when they begin to. decay, the till the hall clock gave musical on old alana she is the kina | ,.0 their chairs, teeth are repaired by filling, the pain, ind and Paul took | tn, Ti eee covteias ta | The farmer's cowhide boots again were time and expense of the operation. will hasty leave, finding himself belated. STE eee eh See Ste | Sreteatd upon tis ataire, be much Jess than if delayed until the - that pays her board. fee a tocher adopted mothers sid sana bee breeding purposes, pe oat ho ior | With sighs and groans, we fumbled and aid “general bint tw iad canna te ee eae ie ick out ie i fara pops Bien ingly, whereas if delayed until disease duly scolded for that ‘ort of thin For shoes ik such cleeteras that car-| 414 Pain compel the extraction of a hy the child will forever ‘afterdande ory. She had -y for breeding| Peted the toot I. lived in. that house a her, tigeteentn Stock, ae they should. bo allowed te The frost was on the Arowsy com what defeat further” ellen oe % rul cause, having a competency, he wished |her guardians, that she and Sybil might| the. cold. weather, when they sane time we drove that w f lo pursue his favorite studies in the quiet} benefit from other's society, and| brought to the pens and atlowed to ran The moon Sil tthe alent Wolly aap RYE A eee ea ot Arden, wt here Sb ae n when they had studied. ait grown up together} in roomy yards on fine days. m we: came:from. pI ‘Allow no one but a qualified dentist " 69 happily, that Alice hoped, on iene They should be large) Set aabe: to ext b arenes fete ‘ome, he i ing the the mistress of her own “iltle for-| genous foods, ugh ae pean growth | he pa se Citas garmented with | (eth ae ohild raha ae mee " dine =| tune, a year hence, to rema S ‘ gress from a d his duly and| “Slay a minete’ Anon Gervees saan | we The siars were ae Aleapily: above | Pe waching Fite eae 4 y: , Alice,” Gervase said, ran cand windings fed. tp For-reaching injury may result from the Please tis Parents, whose hop all Pest when few minutes later sho was about | mo eee nuandtee: together with skim the sombre: pines it-advised extraction of a child's tooth mn, ; 0. follow Mrs. Rickman ups! “qt]and buttermilk, should be fed, so what nature, the child) or yourself {p.him, and he decided to make himself you are not tired, 1 should ike you to grow and frame rather than fat pro- ‘thowsend le dwn Bak domes a} cannot do, refer to the man’ Ww of the ou and the firm the} le: me rehearse my Speech for iber- | di reas And: evenin; seemed. S ws a special knowledge. enables -him: to, ao ha Be lession in the county. {al meeting next. week.’ : me cornstalks, roots, pumpkins, | “Sway moe ig jousand years land do what is best, and to instruct the fe ghEA hes Lots ial he had a flies, wilingly acquiesced, ase fed in limited quantities, will also child in how to clean and examine his OO a ee Sx Sork 10 not bo beth be relished and tend {fo balance the ra-| 4 tp, 1g {own teeth as well. hewell & Rickman. ‘The’ younger ev belier walt "or fed at U ua Sere reo mee Bil Whawell Shad “rane res os Hs} Sibytee tion. A little corn ak ee ruesae s thoughts were lighter-tons For lack of acquaintance with their that wearied him, and the elder was at}. hed, aid esta, shat Sibyl had paral Mapa one: be"gaet: te poe Se raed and “aahed and nes rte nae ee an “age. when love of ease is stronger epee Ren treated to two rehenrsals;| Tibie | : . oie eg arabe tt rth aorauing ae ae ea ‘50 em thal in, wrong. than “love of power, and it was well| 2. ie 1k Up he ae ee con ‘Tho fattening hogs should be fed lib- diss sate loadouab-casnie Pies SY Known that the juntor partner was the case which oe Ratt oe erally on corn, roots, pumpkins, ele.” |«Which one ” says zim “Matilda?” ana | most eases, enable them to find cavities os the business, which daily-in-} ached the ending behind the iach Sw n fed on co 6 sha-ralion Ru replica, “Hs Suet fore decay has 20 ‘deep. as to ee RaeeOreier he seat eats: | is too carbonaceous. me “husking now, 1'm| cause toothache, But if toothache. has a country ee could danger of cholera and i ease, ane cn it oi b be; egun, prope treatment and filling will tise, Gervaso Rickinan intended ‘to: rise, | haty eS wennie the: wide, echoing} Correctives in the way of charcoal,| "=" "8 or twa” be tl ‘More, time: . i. iy a en he intended Ieee Parla: ea pee ee hae ae ub as "he ease sulphur “Enomdbe. kept ots i: _ioneraulations—but be | wil i ined, however, for _ whieh we centre, and aZ fitful fire-gi re thi is don ree peer pal opportunity of developing. | A jice was 3 but not peed Fae usually vi er coe BO stat 1 econ fi Es Se miehly fied tm eee pein Breer ernie for rere t attended to Rae sea. The p> RICH MEXIGAN TS TRAVEL PEDRO ALVARADO “GOING TO TOE €ITY OF MEXICO. He Will Take Millions in Gold and Hundreds of Canaries With Him, Pedro Alvarado, who hus been trans formed from a poor peon inl sus in six years throu fabulous richness of the is preparing to make Mis’ frat vial 16 the outside ward. | He ided to to the City of Mexico, writes a correspondent at Parral, Mex- af he were ete on a me around the world and i Senor Alvarado’s City of aieaiy pro- mises to be full of splene A special train of Palla, “ears jpanions in his days. of poverty, to accompany him on his ee ae will also take along with him hysician and his law: yer. The wealth of Senor Alvarado is jlimated all v ie in strong steel yaults IN HIS NEW MARBLE PALACE. It is said er he will. carry with him his trip to the City of Mexico many millions of dollars in oak and this fact has given rise to the he thatthe ob: ject of i visit is to ci person on esident Dit S 5 Pr Bs r to pay the Government debt. Minister of Finance Jose Ives Limantour is said to have ret this offer recently, al- ough it was insisted upon Alvarado in letters which he wrote to Mr. Limartour, Senor Alvarado is a very honest and conscientious man. He obtaine ground ai as the ground is A & part Biahtexioa 4 = feels. that the Gov ment is rightfully entitled to a out are of i Alvarado's friends f voor peopl a wants’ eer. singe. Ma 1 began. He dis tributes large sums of money among those who deserving” at frequent. intervals. He built ats” own ‘expense a cathedral hel S HE IS A DEVOUT CATHOLIC, enor Alvarado has never shown an; desire to travel. ars ABO wite to "ne City of Chihuahua Mae the puRnoes of having her teeth attended to y a dentist. He is only 3% ~ he stat he will take several hundred of them with him on his trip to the City nnexed to the palace is a room wna Bi supplies for the ae lishment are ere t at the rooms of the palace are somewhat oppressive to a man who to an active life in the "The ornaments in the different ld. knows swowsmuch heel the errs mine has produced. the owner aay is permitted to enter NO one, ‘as daily. feeling hi: her,} taken to market at the mercy of he , and did nothin, = ara 'y feeling his | ana as ake damage should be repaired, deca; its depths. “It is a Friday high onl ‘way and laying the foundatone ef local | rolt of notes ee ersed when, buyers. —Frank Putnam Jn National Magezine | ped, and so far as possible, revented | ONE OF he FEW. RICH MiNee tes fi g D pI Rickie Pttabatss: inc eniecieeh but nor popularity. A man who makes himself] ing “an ett ee se pores nnd {irik | ‘The pens for the “store” hogs should |” for Novemtei from beginning again, by filling. in the world which have never manners were such as immediately put oa ae, eilng ns are eyes kindled as they took Monparding Pipeaeenty, sabeesion ti tay bee Aringpoents onabenpenionee mig r at their ease, and 1 Gi ses | glance of wide space bef rei h Se cess in preventing decay, suffering and | expert. her pleasant’ uncritical smite aaeoue ler of men, a desti mi ae fore him,| Spraying with kerosene emulsion wil Stes loss. On the other hand, such, work,| A few years ago the-American Smelt: “aged Dittaisspepie ian es mare va than that of any ‘sover converealion hahaa Sane eee ee | De lolmd saute way of ridding the pen. <ARRIAL TOREEDOMNVENTED, | seaipadona tor inch ut Lheaanger aii |g sand Retning Company, which is Fee enee And oshees thats isd fooling “eth onsurning hea aoe; | hall with a, power going trae ver| The Windows should be put in ana}, M- Hemel Rowdy, of Bordeaux, France, |* Nonesly, is worse than u r {known as: the Smelter Trush decided PS cumes a children,” she sald, cheerily, aE NG Pet ramticus bending of aman ara eae dens a eat She eeu ae ness il rol ad operations, Fond eds oes it Meath . re ou i oe je tpt .t . > sing when the door opened, to busy|| treble, saw’ sue’ erat 's Dure| certain dignity, . The eat sprung wir in| © Sheeting wt o_o whole. families. The. auality and | company sent one of is chiet mine ex- pense tho reble, saw such: magnifi ects, Y. eat sprung up in Sheeting s with ie aes and zeus nein i ht he ae Gln: dbl Hon: a as the others did*not areag alarm; Hubert rosy and sat fistoniwy Ot Lagandsaw tikdher an slaoeiensiga sw er ligi - nor heavier es ie air, | ¥! depen perts from New York to Pi ‘ins im him capable} his mistess's feat. [3 ballast is-replaced by: shells and} the knowledge, skill ved honesty of the structions to’ examine ‘ust Bs and SH ee ung.’ And through all those Ailes clapped see ite & exitionl:: air: making: the fens habitable, > erenaléactor oer pul As the car-| Man Who performs it, nake-a report’es us ase, y= ial apace: Hons Alice moved with an} “tear, hear!" and “No, not” at tatece - z - ry lischarged on the enemy the ten-|, By all means © pi the natura} an called on Alvarado and oak 00d half-hour, ‘Then i al dency to rise is diminished by a piece | teeth. They are essential to” health, | stated aoe object of his ¥! ie a = ha bas eo s become of your cousin | opened, Sibyl returned fron ne door FARM NOTES, of intricate “mechanism, the secret of hoot famvenence and the voice. If} “1 do not want to sell my mine," Se ice was asking of the| choir Practie and made an sauna to| There are farmers’ gons in towns and] dont to Boudy refuses to divulge ox-| oe canine peeoaete ema B RL A Avarad do sa me, ea cites equeeding out a seanty, unbalanc: pt to the French Minister of War, be-|'Your children have “the benefit of it,} “But 1 would like to examine the we the doctor alone and ie wert and in Medington id aver tioke Tate oe ea ee see. | fcreawhom tt bag a n Jaid, -1t | and, for Meanie wr haab late arti-| property and perhaps an offer might "down ny Puss.” this time, wo don't dine til) half-past| i 7 er hear such rubbish ci 2 «| 4s claimed the balloon can remain | “¢i@l teeth, Old people, whose re then be made that would indi un to Berhe deerhend, ad been fawn SO%2R; 80 my mother will have a s sa your te, Sib Alice asked, laugh- aceon ave made the farm pay tn the air tor on days at a height @lteady gone, have no other ‘ene sell,” insisted the epee ee 'g on Paul, eee lour to purr over the fell % = i feet. It can also be directed | For them great skill must be » side le neon {he} much of him. Ned always woe e Tucky | potlica a elng a Oe a ae hae aie how many | in any. Course required by neans of pro | eke fe i es ond a the ae eee ce, Puss disdained to| fe0%, ga emember, Mrs. Rickman, ‘0 be continued), «Jot one’s oldtime nds have at pertestign acute are alroost as far'short | “yin: pe fix a rice on it for us to Paw to make way mack of sualing. friends.” : ~ Jaway, nor how many — changes hat | ——— ete ee naked 3 emi gemembers” ane reer eee Sie eo uch a fender spot has een made, i WHOLLY WITHOUT AID. GLASS EYES AND WOODEN LEGs. |. “I sell the Pati, but Ph Sahels Gervase placed fa fl ai twas ee ae replied. “How CABMEN PROBATH is best to keep one's eyes to the front ell you renee 1 will " said Senor tas showing Mrs, tt i jus ss sore im. IONERS, and ee up with the Beals, of the} Tommy had taken x oe for a ex-| In this kind of professional service | Alvi , his eyes Might up. “You uunches of violets, one of eae e ce Sales or rather it ri ‘aid to have a real school She world, oe Rye fer the| ‘here may be vast difference between | tell the American Smelling and Refin- he put in water, and the other se liice Ht Ned did, Tho Antl-Cruelty ‘Society “My. ex perience | in pine Py y yield exami ie teacher, rE “wtite ae the work ‘of one man and another, <0} ing pany. that if they will fix a ith a thrill that it was ita him. If he neglected his bowners'. Association have ee ot feat from six bushels do not think yqu, can buy a set th | reasonable price on a na ir smelters sin her dtess, whero the soft tise lessons, he always got off in class by together, and the B 1899 to B03 in age has varices “Who helped you with this map,|®S You do a set of dishes, not caring | an es in Me: buy them. her reali rocked it ty oe ea shots. Other fellows"| a plan for elevating ‘the calling er aers that for large cro the ground| Tommyr* *|who makes them. You will be the sul This proposition aladgena ke expert ite Ebeae {shots failed. “Born under a happy a with Its neophytes and ia { must be worked wp thoroughly. on top|» “Nobody, ma'am," ferer if you try it, Always keep artifl-| and h “thnd where are Me. Nckmon ena sy ‘Yet he . must Inherit In brief, the only way to a box | lke # garden seed bed ve a solid] “Come, now, tell ee the, truth, Didn't ¢lal teeth clean. - Use brush and. water fe he: asi Bushing Ww Yj. Gledesworth." Alice yy rato among the great com bottom, weiles, correspondent. This, | your brother help on them every day and do not wear them es , whilé Gérvase sage ‘Oh! that is at ai Reginald An- | panies—is to be through a period of. mJ with a good fertiiver, gives good results,” “No, ma‘am; ie ae 36 all.” ate Your inouth tobe rid} “Commercial _ travel will appreciate hes aeonng nésley -being in a fanatic as i ns Pe 0! pro- |? the- plate atinight as your feet necd | this story, ‘mh is told of one of their the: lspoition inet “td the conditions of aoe tus pound a TNS conan Spprentice” ier aitee number. “He had been summoned ue 8 that but if th 5 : are eee “-Whanne 6 as ae ag x brings any amelioration to theaerreek an Sepang eS at v8 Bette NG oat at ou ploy from Bs tnd yet not quien eit von} = celle, conditions of the Paris cab trade it os net wae Gi it. “cleo thanné shalle brake Sere 3 nes Hae of the i The ae xo han no better pi dic- | examining him, “You gat for Jobson cl ftate to a dentist than you are law- oe Com EnY do the at! gaecls seem against the theory,” Ger rere leg = dest nin the Yer or a physiclan, If you have no con- eo ony i Tong have you said, “since the estate can not now Taine pal gy of the horse, in ledge of dentistry, ae oe i?" “About. ten years.” P pad rem Reginald are to hie | police regulations ving, and in’ 10. wo Fk one Fe: “Been travelling all that ane have will Seung ae ae 2 a — eard, Paul? =i practicing propery, a Aye has | you?” Bean no, sin anid the witness, ‘eginal ea ied led while 3 vee sell, lo quote, | makin, caleulati lenhant-hunting in South oe tal nothing to advertise, His business thot etumty treveting T have put in Ee nm up her hands with a tuted i ey ar’! “Tha oe Se 1 eS render eS dbs ae about four years at time waiting at sof special -kno smooth ‘the rich cried Paul, with excitement. “We heard} preached this morning.” sald the sla for his palient’s welfare: For ts ne] ney ‘ions od Upon 4 are 7 his wife and baby eee and. it ps Ba timed, gollects a fee proportioned to the extent, : «iets ‘ yesterday.” ‘s es tuber was first cous 0." “Yes,” replied the parson, with & ip aa 1 noticed. that.” snr phates: ediea_—ihe “That ‘of the sngeeeee Tooked at their stobes frequently,” answered the good man, with another deep ‘sigh, view. pay importance, etc., » of the service ru of human weaknesses and interest in Telieying le | pair of shoes a sym-| when was that, ve seen the when Mr. Rich ‘te pithy ‘dh ‘not, have a joes to cover ee oes “And Pray?” “At the time ho

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