Milverton Sun, 15 Nov 1906, p. 5

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MLA LLL “G. T. R. Station Store” See oe Tat Souvenir Stoves and Ranges : SELL on their own mer: bod IT CERTAINLY IS THE ‘OVE & As we purpose going out of Ready-made Clothing, and have but a few Boys Suits and Mens and Boys Overcoats, which we will clear at prices out in two. Come and look at them, J. R. YOST & SON = | E = ITE evr rrr rrr rete ever rrr rer rere ever Business Cards Dentistry. Buffets 1 Buffet, quartered oak, regular $27, for 17.50. 1 Buffet, quartered oak, regular $30, for 20.50. 1.Buffet, Empire oak, re- gular $21, for $15. runner, Moserville and Rostock, Medical id Silver Medallint, Store. Telephone connection with Poole B ic Combination Sideboard College, also Gold an : ‘Trinity University, Toronto, Suecessor 1 only beautiful quartered to Dr. Egbert. ‘Office in Public Drug oak, extra large, regular $50 for 42.50. Legal of Hamilton. Money to loan, ton, Ont, arranged for. be in Milverton every Thursday. H. B, MORPHY, MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Solicitors for the Bank Milver- Permanent offices have been A member of the firm will J. M, CARTHEW, Veterinary. LOW PRICED OAK DINERS ———_——SSSSS= You want the things in you dining room to look well, and you enjoy buying things that look well and cost Jittle. Now, we have in stock a line of Quartered Oak, Leather Seated, Dining Chairs. They are neat and stylish, convenient in size . look inuch better than.” 916,00 DROP A CARD ASKING FOR A PHOTOGRAPH OF THEM ~~ ——_—_— Delivery Prepaid in R. WHITE & CO. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. STRATFORD of domesticated animals. Calls b: . W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- By Treatsall diseases Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Livery. Son’s hardware store. Visiting brethren always welcome, 8. nry, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. & «: Visiting brethren always wel- Store. come, Daniel Ross,N.G., W.K,Loth,R,S. MED Cash for Butter | The Premier Store | {3° WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders shipped to Milverton, Monkton C. Grocery Orders put up and shipped to these places and to all points west of Toronto, Da All Grocery Stores or Department Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., Etc. Send us a trial order by mail and send you first-class goods, 4 convinced that we can Give us a trial. Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & CO. Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE Calf - Feeding - and Hog - Feeding Few subjects interest the farmer more at the pre- sent time than the above. Profits in stock-raising almost entirely depend upon the start animals get in life, it has been proven by the best feeders and dem- onstrated in almost every show ring in Canada, that Carnefac fed animals outlook, outgrow and out= weigh all others, Every farmer should look into this at once. Our Poultry Food will save you any amount of loss and trouble with Young Turkeys and Chickens, and keep your Hens in perfect Laying ‘form. The cost of Carnefac is but a trifle. No gifts, no premiums, just CARNEFAC the tonic that gives satisfaction, For sale by— ; FRED PRUETER Harnessmaker - - Milverton - me is A®®W%B®%%YW®YBBWBWWBAS A®W®O) Notary Public. Village Clerk. Office overfZimmerman’s shoe store, Main street Milverton, Hotels. he bar. commodation and large stabling. larg . Good _ stabling Best brands brands of liquors and cigars, has, Ritter, Proprietor, pee ee es eee QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, ‘The best accommodation for commercial travellers and others, "Two a od warm E. Pauli, Proprietor. YBAXYAYYWABWBBWDWO CHEAP g = eel reel Be. SCeSeeeeeeeeeeeeescee We have made the fol- ling cuts in the price of beef. Boils from....... Roasts from. By the quarter $4 and $5 per cwt., the best $5 and $6 per cwt. CASH $5.50 and $6.50 credit, -_ R. MILLER MILVERTON BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE g Ss Seeeeeeeeece meets every Friday night at 7.0 p. m, in their hall over Public Drag “A Grand Success” IS OUR TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT WHY ? Because we can fit any form that comes be- fore us, no matter what shape you are. If you have any trouble in getting a Suit or Overcoat, to fit you, give us a trial and let us prove it to you. We carry a nice line of Tweeds and Worsteds and Overcoadngs for fall, also a nice assortment of Ready-to-wear Fancy Winter Vests at from $2.50 to $5. We. have a few Scotch Tweeds left over from last winter, which we will sell at a big reduction. These are snaps. Call in and see us, we're sure to please you no matter what you want. In regard to a FIT—WE LEAD. Kelterborn, «the tailor } Our Christmas Stock is Arriving Do not fail to call in_ and see our new and ~ #ap-to-date stock of JEWELERY, com- rising Rings, Brace- lets, Watches, Clocks Watch Chains, Fobs and everything else in the jewelery line. Order anything you Sideboards I quartered oak, canopy top, regular $50, for 37.50, 1 quartered oak, regular $36 for $30. 1 quartered oak. regular $35 for 29.50. 1 only Empire oak, can- opy top, B. B. mirror 28x36 regular 25.50 for $22, 1 only Ash board, serpen- tine top drawer, Scandin- avian ash top, regular 23.65 for 20.50. 1 board, elm, G. B. mirror regular $18 for 13.50. 1 Empire oak, G. B. mir- ror, 2 small and large draw- ers, regular 17.50, for $15. 1 Empire oak, G. B. mir- ror, regular 14.50 for $11. 1.Elm board, G. B. mir- ror, 2 small and large draw- ers, regular $15 for $ro. Extension Tables Comprising Quarter Oak, Surface Oak, Ash and Elm, all at greatly reduced prices, Kitchen Cabinets 1 only base and top finish- ed, natural, extra large and roomy, regular 15.75 for 13.50. 50. 1 only base and top finish- ed, natural, real new design, regular 14.75, for $12. 1 only base, large size, re- gular 8,50 for 6.50. 1 only base, small size, re- gular 5.50, for 4.00. C.R.Honderich & Son House Furnishers and Undertakers An Honest Sale of Furniture at prices that are dumbfounding Nov. 8th to 17th FOR CASH ONLY AVING SOME VERY HEAVY BILLS to t meet this month, we have decided on a Great Clearing sale of Furniture, Upholstery, Blinds, Car- pets, etc. Every article contained on our two mam- moth floors is offered. The goods must go, and the prices are about as you would make them. Never do we resort to subterfuge to sell our goods, hence when tell_you that we are selling goods at actual cost WE MEAN AT ABOUT ACTUAL COST, We quote a few lines, as space does not permit any more. We have hundreds of pieces not here mention- veneer drawers, aH ed and al going at cut rates. If you want a bargain now is your chance, We guarantee every article, Dining Room Furniture 1 complete Bedroom Suite, quartered oak all through, B.B. mirror, size 28x40, regular price 55.75, sale price only 48,50. 1 dresser and stand, quartered oak, B.B. oval mir- ror, size 30x24, large size dresser, regular $45 for $37. 1 dresser and stand, Empire oak, quartered oak - oval mirror, size 171%4x4o, regu- lar 26.65, sale price 21.50. : 1 Combination (Hotel) Dresser, regular 11.00 for 9.00, 1 dresser, Empire oak, regular 8,00 for 6.75. 2 dresser, Empire oak, regular 7.00, for 5:50. 1 white Enamel dresser and stand, B.B. mirror, 14x24, rdgular 14.00, for 12.00, 1 Birch Mahogany Suite, regular 19.00 for 13.50. 1 dresser and stand, curly birch, colonial design, large British bevel mirror, size 26x31%4, regular 25.00 sale 16.75, a snap. 1 dresser and stand, Empire oak, regular 25.00, sale 15,00, Kitchen Chairs 39¢, Double Stretcher 42c, Diners 60, 75, 95¢ 1.25 up. Set Diners, 5 and one arm, surface. oak, regular 7.50, Sale price 6.25. Set Diners, 5 and one arm, surface oak, regular 10.00, sale price 7.50. Rockers —‘in all styles and shapes at GREATLY REDUC- ED PRICES. sale 17.75. stand, B B mirror, size 14x24, salé price 9.00. aged, regular 12,00, sale price 7,5 want engraved Now and have it done be- foré the rush, : --- P. H. Bastendorff Jeweler - and -. Optician C. R. Honderich & Son ae: Undertakers and Embalmers, _ \ 1 Empire Oak Chiffonier, 3 large and 2 small drawers, “| hat space, B, B, Mirror, regular 14.00, sale 11.50, _ 1 China Cabinet, quartered oak, mirror on top. good de. sign and spacious, regular 23.25, sale 19.50. 1 quartered oak Corner Chin sale 16.75, a snap. A large variety of Sinks, Kitchen Tables, Fall Leaf Tables, Cupboards, Wooden Utensils, which will be offer- ed very cheap. Carpets This is where we have them all beat. Over 100° samples. 134 yard lengths in velvets, Brussels, Tapes- try, Unions, Wools, etc., also an assortment of Rugs in Tapestry and Wools in stock, We want your trade in this particular line be- - cause we have the goods and the prices to compete with the largest concerns. As an inducement durin; our Furniture Sale, we wi give you a discount of 10% off market price. We take your order and in three oe we have your carpet _match- ed and sewed. Express charged prepaid. Try us. Window Shades This is one of our hobbies. We do a large special order business. We can sell you a blind any shade from 25¢ Ps Curtain Poles Brass Telescope Poles 10 cents each, 1¥% Wood Poles and wood trimmings 20 cents each. Also various styles in brass covered and white poles at a great cut, Paper Racks 2 dozen in all assorted sizes and colors to clear at 40 cents each, ish, regular 6,50, sale 5,00. a Cabinet, regular 18.00, 5 Dressers and Stands slightly damaged will clear out at a Sacrifice 1 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, B.B. mirror, 4 large and 2 1 Birch Mahogany Parlor Cabinet, 3 mirrors, plate glass small drawers, hat compartment, regular 24.00. sale 20.00. shelves, plush bottom, regular 20.00, sale 16.75, 1 Birch Mahogany Parlor Cabinet, oval and square mira ror, glass shelves, regular 12.50, sale 10,00, 1 Combination Music and Parlor Cabinet, Mahogany fin- 1 Combination Ladies’ Secretary and Music Cabinet crotch mahogany veneer, regular 14.00, sale 11,00, IRON BEDS! Over 35 to choose from. Prices range from $2.65 up to $30.00 HALL RACKS—i only quartered oak, heavy design,. umbrella stand, B. B. mirror, size 18x40, regular 27.25, saleprice 22,00. 1 Quartered Oak Hall Rack; with umbrella stand, large size B B mirror, regular 21.00, 1 Quartered Oak Hall Rack, oval mirror, heavily carved, regular 16.50, sale price 14.00. 1 Surface Oak Hall Rack with umbrella regular 11.75, I Surface Oak Hall Rack, diamond shap- ed mirror, regular 10.00, sale 8,2 5: 1 Quartéred Oak Hall Rack, slightly dam- Or . 1 Elm Hall Stand, regular 6.00, for’ 4.50, sale 9,50, sale at 5.00, sale 10.00, GOODS DELIVERED FREE! A BARGAIN COUCHES—A dozen of Velour covered couches, 10 springs, fringe all around, re- gular 5.25, sale 4,15. 4 We also have .couches in Verona, Wilton Rugs, Imita- tion and genuine leather,, less 25 pet cent, PARLOR SUITES——We have them,. and nothing’ but the newest and best on’ the market, goods during the sale: will make you wonder. WRITING DESKS—1 weathered oak ladies’ writing desk, mission style, regular $14, 1 Combination Desk and Book Case,. sur- face oak, regular 12.75, sale 10.50, 1 Surface'Oak Desk, roomy writing. bed, regular 5 25, sale 4.25. 1 Oak (Second) Desk and Book Case. for 1 Book Case, Surface Oak, regular 12.50, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES — We have nearly every kind made, .Come in and compare prices, EVERYTHING GOES AT CUT RATES Space will not permit us detailing any more, but come in and look through, We guarantee every article we sell, Store open Wednesday and Saturday evenings, z : The prices on these .

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