arkertestestectestectertertententententententeatertentertertententententestectesteetente H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or ®> Marriage Licenses » Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che “It Shines For All.” Sun. Vol. XV—No. 44 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 22, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Makes *Millionaires °°" “= Marmora, Millbank, Newton, ical Manager, A. J. CUNDICK, ° ° e The Saving Habit Many know how to earn—but few have the knack of saving. Small sums systematically saved lay the foundation of future wealth and affluence. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received; and interest paid 4 times a year in The Sovereign Bank of Canada “The Sun” will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States from now until January 1908 for $1.00.::::: which assists you Bae: ee Miverton Branch THE. + +. +. th era *. ee RT Rae ae SSP EEE REP REE ET ERT ES ET MESES REE NEP Ne Ee NES Mer NTS Nee ne ete eke eke eee eye eke ate cts * mas ae ERE ERE RE EE RES SET EET ES RT REP ERS EO ES NEO ES Ee ee age eee egy seeks che cde ete et every week, or juggling with prices. see it in our ad. IT’S SO. a Saat A Clean Sweep of Millinery % Don’t let your neighbor show you the bargains she got in Millinery here, but come and get some your- self. We have about 15 Trimmed Hats, the regu- lar price is was from $2.25 to $3.00, your choice now For $1.50 Also anumber of Child. ten’s Hats, regular $1 to $1,50 at........5...75 cents. SATISFACTORY te want your. patronage. preciation by the most liberal business principles. TRY US ristmas Bells Will Soon be Ringing Our complete line of Holiday Goods will be on display in a few days. We will have extra help to wait on you and will be pleased to serve you at this sea- son and you need not look any further than “right here” for the best in the market. Our showing of Fancy China, Neckwear, Ladies’ Fancy Collars, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers Gloves, Toys, Confectionery, Etc. we believe the best ever shown in Milverton. We are bound to doa big holiday business, simply because at this time as at other times of the year, we adhere strictly to popular prices, er at this holiday time than any other, for with it closes the most successful season’s business we have ever done and we feel like doing our share towards making the Christ- We are disposed, if anything, to sell goods cheap- season of our customers as pleasant as we can. We We appreciate it, and show our ap- FOR YOUR HOLIDAY TRADE. SPECIAL SAVINGS FOR YOU.—People look for our Special Savings When you read our advertisements, remember there is no guess work WHAT Read the list over, there may be some of these lines you want and if you do, you are, buying them at a saving, WE ADVERTISE, WE DO. When you Chidren’s Underwear You can save money by buying your Children’s Underwear here We place on sale this week a big table of Child- ren’s Underwear for boys and girls. These are no seconds or job lots. Every garment will give you At satisfaction. There is about 200 garments in the lot. Heavy and medium went o you bought them in the regular way you wonld pay from 25c to 35¢ While hag dBSt. ca cyse< Pes PVE NS vee es 20c, A Good Warm Winter Cap for 25 Cents 5 dozen, good, warm Winter Caps for men and boys, os Beal You have paid’ 50 cents for no bet- ter caps than these. On sale now at ooo 256. s It is Time to Think of Winter Clothing Now Our store is full of the best winter stock ever shown in Milverton and our prices will fit your pocket book exactly, See our-immense stock of Furs, Overcoats, Shawls, Blankets, Underwear, Ete., Etce., Bring us your produce Highest prices always paid SCHAEFER & WHALEY Pa = te ce = = de ro te = > = ao eo aa = a de a cm + = Se Po + = te 4 > Pa de = rd = = Se ea = Se bho abe |, } Binest fruies for your Xmas cakes, | | | : LOCAL NEWS three days. the Sun useday in Tordn\ visiting friends~ in| Hamill in = Raw Sr. and Mis: the former’s brother Mr. The Milverton iinee trom Muskoka on wore stiocesetul in bagping alx-deer, Mrs, Pasmore and Mrs. Karn, of Guelph, came up to Mr, oe Donovan, An effort is being made to secure} il, of Mintieapolis, as one Mr. J, J. Hi of the speakers at the Guelph Fat Stock Sho ding engagement ri ae i wists and a ioe, it a8} ta no trouble to shoy ‘As aks aks aks chs aks sake ais cks chs aks nt ak, Ke aks ats aks ok Co oR a? | arises as to wl sks aksaks ck NMRA eNeNERRNMMEE ERIE bs ops as ops eg ops oH O O 0 uO O O + Ome Mr, W. on Wednesday to attend the funi of his friend Mr, D. MeMurtrie, isey se for the John Knox Co., Hamil- Mr, and Mrs, McKeown, Miss Keown and Master Alfred, of ‘aabect St. Stratford. spent a day’ this week, the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Wm; The Rev. Mr. OatenWwill be absent on Sabbath next preaching anniver- sary sermons at Ashfield. ‘The Rey. M. A. Smith, B. D. of Ashfield will | supply Mr, Oaten’s work. It is noticeable that a number of small boys are indulging in the habit of cigarette oe and the question they obtain them. Any dealer applysae thém is Jiable to a fine—a word to the wise is sufii- Mr. Richard Roe has secured the iti the C. the winter terminus of the Guelph and Goderich line, and keeping the tender supplied with coal. We have just had arrived at the office n large quantity of new job Sun type, and-we will no’ printing. a your fall printing, drop ‘e are bound to pldave: The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute home of Mrs. W. Kerr, on Nov. 29th, meeti [a to open at two. o'clock, Fancy Apron, Mrs. J. G, Grosch; Hair Receiver, Mrs.R.J, Tan- and Buns. Everyone is hopes s. A. D. Alexander, Secret ‘eventics, Ae the ventics are jome candy tablets. Preventies dissipate alt les quickly, and taken early, when you first feel that a cold is coming, sae check and preyent them. Preventics, are is eran for adults. Sold and recom- nded in 5c and 25e boxes by The Public Drug Store Mr. George Elliot, of Strathroy has just completed the con' erecting the cement breakwater under the doubt preventithe water corroding the |* road in the rear of it, rotectthe entire roadway, bat the freshets of spring alone will e first passenger train to run re- ae out of Milvertoi y night and remained ser until eae next morning. four or five hundred people were at the station to welcome it, which they did in royal style. holstered in leather. coming oF ak PR. Secure es butter parchment at office, ght to see Rastendor® ’'s 14k, | solid Role tie pins, , they are beauties, Beniett, is st nae esent | and Fee Winifred and Myrtle Orr Wi spent part of last week visiting friends at present visting thee daughter is J. of ae towel, are visiting ie wea retu: Satnrday—they el ted. spend ‘owe day | with ‘i sister a W. K, Loti h, on P| Tues who spent hipped home a fine buck 450,065, The increase ov will be held at the Sunday eveni tract. of . | ceeded Mr, J, y | regretted by all, .| when (no one can tell how or o the carriage and baby tumbled off the . to Milverton brings many advantages | in which the Ae is not slow to appre- H. Mohr’s grocery Our solid gold neck ae and locket are beauties, Bastendorff has them. REEEEEEE EEE | ee Christmas will be here in thirty- ape ania with friends in Hamil- ‘8, C. Prost and W. J. = cate and Blackwell, orange mai lade in fruit jars, 200 each r. Jas. Moerance, M.P.P., spent Mohs at the Son ay as'we cannot! celled in designs, urday evenin, m. Sanderson att | hte eo Diesenroth, of Toronto. a is an that the commercial rat- | | ing of every druggist in local opt cent the moment the votes are coun. the Poe 8 care for a mot —Tavistock Gazette, The County Council loo, Wellesley, Wool- townships ani elo town 2 e: | other miunfofpalities 1 each. With the opening up of i its new line | from Guelph to Boars the C.P. ee “appoint ed tl following sali ‘Milv: etn, ae W. 4H, San- |, Mr. J. He Metshe 5 The Tavistock Gazette appeared st week in enlarged form and is now six column, 20 inch newspaper. The kK. aa i for Hamilton | Gazette under the Len arere of Mr, eral | Fraser has been stea and will sox the ly improving, joon be the equal of any of weeklies produced in Oxtora | unty. Rey. J. M. Aull, of Knox Church, Palmerston, after ‘undergoing an op- six years, pastor nd was Bac Boteemsd An Palmerston de {and viein’ aay 1k 3h, an ey road from Sea- orth to Brussels, and arias with on Gaetph to Goderich branch of the C. P. Rat Walton, has again been revived, and rumor now has it that eC. t your butter parchment printed | Mr. John Gernhaelder had a num | be of geese soles from his stable on} municipalities is marked up 50 Fr WM MAYNARD, | THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO at a B E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gea'l Manager’ BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Every Biel aeererae — for eo aes for a poh nny BANKING BY MAIL, —Deposits may be made or tive aah by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH . Appel, who has been un-| | der nth suf-| fering from a severe attack of Sbolathite os as a Bei tialod recovered to leave | his of Waterloo ks hunting in the vicinity of nee year will consist of twenty-three mbers of which Berlin will ‘contri- Wat-} Galt 3 and the Head Office CAPITAL PAID UP......$2,500,000 RESERVE FUND. 2; ioe Hon. Wm, Gibson, President, Cyrus J AS Birge n. J. 8. Hend i. a. Tvaeae Asst. Ge of Hamil twice per annum, Ist o Money Orders issued at dr palce bai BANK of HAMILTON ‘STABLISHED IN 1872) John Proctor niGe Niaaeaee and Supt. of ‘Branches, 102 Branches Throughout the Dominion 102 Savings Department 1 Open your ranvings ps baat wl account with the Bank CCOUNT. Interest allowed at Highest Ce tate and compounded yea 1st of December. ta ecial earn given to farmer’s requirements, Farmers’ Business ! nse aned to farmer's at Huioebiee rater, Sale notes collected and ady. vase seers D old on all parts of the world, the nsnal rate nking Saunas canted - HAMILTON ae Total Assets. . $80,000,000 ‘CTORS et ‘Turnbull, Vice-Pres, anid Gen, Manager George Rutherford Dalton, Toronto, WILL START AN Milverton. Branch, R. J. Ranney, Mer. a stock of pearl by stendorft ie Just received a large ndaches i in sea soning young lady of those lastic bands, capable of being elong- tremities of their locomotive members to keep in the proper position and the required altitude habilaments of their abias.” The clerk is now looking for a job ditching, ~ length, and would sonhess several | front seat in the ressive ‘ban mall villages ani xceedingly | wagon.” He is the first one to extend cg farming district with th open and warm hand to greet he railways at aie eee reehase and Walton.—Goderich Sta ‘The revenue of the ann office de- the same month last year. For Oct- ober 1898, the revenue was $286,847. For the first four months of the Pres: ent fiscal year the revenue was compared with $2,137, O36 last year, and $1,418,728 for 1888-89, er last year is $313,000 ae over 1898-99, $1,031,327, years, . Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Schoop’s aoe Cure is AO safe even * the younges e—an Public Drug Sto: This community was shocked on stranger and Welcome him to the bes a slur at a member of his fam- yery politely invites the chronic croaker to ‘mo: ’ He is ever ready to give his just proportion to every public enterprise. He talks d_ and best place on God's green earth i an Which to live, and de- sires to be Let us all tty: to be like this one year and onr town will take on a new life aan} Supine as never before in its his' ied here when he dies, for —_-—_— Many Children Sick pee and give mothers an anxious time. With the first shiver or ance: rub the little one’s chest. with Nervi- line, gargle the throat, and give ten drops in hot water at bed-time, Next morning all is well. No cold, notim lost at school, If on's Nerviline isn't in your hom there a ealers sell it te ae 25e bot: WOODSIDE. ‘We are glad to notice that Mrs. ©, Liehti, who »for some tim confined tovher bed, is able to be out | ¢o e has been 2 En day M Ghelmers mteaaed ane: inceaee of the later’s ied Whiteman, of week, few people were aware Shakesp of as illness, when the announcement | _ Mi 1, of Listowel, hah of his death came. Mr. Lam ert suc- | James Bhieavek: of Elma and Mrs. The. e mpathy the community is extended to his auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters, ‘There is a little girl at Oliphant to whom every one shoul hats—aye more, should tha that the Grace Darling race is not ex- tinct. The little lady we refer t with her two ite brothers and a baby sister in a oarriage, the children were playing on the dock at Oliphant. why) narrow dock into the water. Without -|@ moment’s hesitation the little girl ich is a snug nook is up- At the rear of the smoking compartment is the lav- followed the outfit, and securing the baby, with the water up ar in the water 2 ter just inside the L., -|and the little girl was nearly exhaus- ted when relief arrived. Mr, bringville on Saturday. much missed hereashe made many friends during the summer, nna e ed over to him he lakes as sail-| jowoler's Celerant sith this the or and fisherman,— Wiarton aned. ma ign, Dewar, of Ree ity, ‘i Peter + | Michigan, forutrly ot Mameolaneee oe renewing acquaintances around here. On a Friday last the cheese factory gt Honey Grove closed n after doing a aueunnoponee aee ae eae cheese: ker, returned to his Look out efor Fakirs, (Cockshire, Que., Cronie Our readers should keep thee wea: ther eye open for swindlers and fak- irs, for they are numerous and work urday, in company |e’ very scheme to le. “Lhe latest swindlers in cities, recently i ir gui ato a jewelery ore and selecting.» $125 maton Jeli aes ke fe rawn on ut of town ax with instructions that watch be regulated and e would come after it and his change a Kk lat On returning he was in. ERE 5 sai , ‘you'd’ better give me a ie: wig Hone mon nae went into the bank, go' Letter of Condolence To Mrs, JoskPH LAMBER?:; Dear Madam:—It was with pen sorrow that we, the gir! of Court Milverton, No. Order of Foresters, heard of the sud- den death of ome, Signed in behalf of ae le H. Pagh, RB. LINWOOD Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Deitrich, of the American oe Guelph, visited at L. A, Heimler Miss Annie ie bral of the T, Ruggle Co., has secu: position at Hamilton, in a ree alot Miss Elenora Hartman, ot Guelph, met Friday with the Misses Heim- he 0 has, W. Parsill bought the first ticket tie Gs P.R. to Toronto, Mr. Fy Schummer; Sones clerk at Ry ¥. Fishe’s store, was town lay, looking over the n Ruggle stock with intentions of pur- chasing same, r, and Mrs, W. Lantz, of “Mill- pant visited friends in town on Wed- nes e Geo. Klinck, of Elmira, made a tibiae trip to town on Friday, Mr. A. 8S. Rennie made a private business trip to London ce Saturday, Will he no come back ag: Real estate in ke i booming, During last week Mrs, itrome, poser the dwelling house and har- ness s| reutzwieser ra a in the neighborhood of 2000. EapoAegs purchased the Spake hotel for th x Smith, of New Dundee, W. iiNet the hotel at present run by Mr. John Preidman, for the sum of "$9500, and will take possession Jan- nary 1ith, 1907, Mr. Ed, rh deg of the Soyereign bank, attended ding at Palmer- ston on Davkiay: Mr. Wendel Fornwald, of Guelph, visited at Mr. Heimler’s on Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) MeEachern, Mrs. Secord, Miss O'Connor Mi Ruggle, spent Monday oe Aegis) at the home of ee desea the Ah pean gentlemen. of Saouitite positions spent Friday evening in our quiet hamlet and had an enjoyable time. Hayns—At. Linwoor on ur Nov. 4th, the wife e W~ J. Hi of a son. The remains “of the late Patrick of the Ontario evening. They were interred in the R. oa cemetery at nee on Wed- nest W. J. Hayes eee a am = cite from here to Toro ie Se e recent wet weather has retar- ded building Spas son aa the new separate school which was making considerable POE ie d, and was never heard of ayes Mrurzavern—At W Walk on Fri- day Nov. 10th, to Mr. sand se Jae 9, Mil neeraose a daughter