away until you want it. Drop in and see us. 2 Jeweler and Optician =: Ss 2 Q Q Q Q 2 Q We have the largest stock of PEARL GOODS ever carried in Milverton, Q Pearls are always fashionable, and we have them in cresents and various other de- Q signs. Our stock of DIAMOND RINGS is certainly the largest ever seen in this : section of the county. The fair sex can never receive too many. We pride our- Q 2g Oy a Q A Q Q selves on our collections with their wide range of prices, Our Stock of Silverware is beautiful Everything new and up-to-date, with prices right. We guarantee everything. If you are thinking of buying a Xmas present that needs engraving, order it now, so that we will be able to do it before the rush. Anything you order now will be laid P. H. Bastendorff SISSIESESISSISSESSSSSISESsEsIgssssssEss Here we are again with our large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelery | Eyes Tested Free SSSSISHSSSISHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSG | now “ G. T. R. Station Store ” Br Souvenir Stoves and Ranges ae SELL on their own merit od IT CERTAINLY IS THE STOVE As we purpose going out of Ready-made Clothing, and have but a few Boys Suits and Mens and Boys Overcoats, which we will clear at prices cut in two. Come and look at them. J. R. YOST & SON E Business Cards Dentistry. DR. entiate of Dental S: of urs 9 a,m to5 p,m. Office above W. F, Finkbein- er’s hardware store, Milverton, Medical. sees ra SEEN Eee F, PARKER, M.D, Honor Grad- and Gold Medalist College, also Gold and Silver Trinity University, Toronto. to Dr. Egbert, ‘Office in Public Drug Store, Telephone connection with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostock: dali Legai MORPHY & C RTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors for the Bank Solicitors, Ete. mi Money to loan, Milver- ton, Ont. nent off v arrange A member of the firm will be in Milverton every Thursday, H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, SISSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 8 LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lie- | costs each, Several of 1., E wey Medical | pe: The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOV. 22nd, 1906 GENERAL NEWS CULLED/FROM ALL SOURCES Loval option by-laws will be voted on in 103 municipalities in Ontario in nuary Twenty six of these are towns or villages and 77 townships, Piles quickly and positively cured with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment, It’s made for piles alone—and it does the work surely and with satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding or bli d glass jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommended by The Public Drug Store. The turnip crop has made a re- maukable growth during the t: of the season. Up toa the turnip patches generally looked very slim, but those wh i the ground until last week are gath- ering a splendid yield. One grower was heard to say that his patch was increasing at the rate of a ton per day in weight, since the first fall of Mr. Dan Blea, the Deputy Game Warden vt South River, in the Parry Sound district, reports that he recent- ly arreste ite trappers, who had eleven beaver skins and a number . trappers were tried at Sundridge, and fined $60 and the’ beaver skins were enongh to make their skins valuable ‘When the tip of a dog's nose is cola |, t sick, A |i h a dos. And so with the human lips. Dry, cracked and colorless tips mean feverishness, and are as well ill ap- 2 It will soften and heal any skin ail- ment, Get a free trial box at our store and be convinced. Large nickel capped glass jars, 25 cents,—The Pub- blic Drug Store, There is in Ontario a great dearth in candidates for the ministerial ser- vice, and many pulpits are vacant through’this cause alone. The de- en| mand from the west: has been so great as to exhaust'every source of supply, and in the Presbytery of Paris, in western Ontario, there ate six vacan- Veterinary. LOW PRICED OAK DINERS ———————————— You want the things in you dining room to look well, and you enjoy buying things that look well and cost Jittle, Now, we have in stock a line of Quartered Oak, Leather Seated, Dining Chairs. They are neat and stylish, convenient in size and style. much orn a $16.00 R. WHITE & CO. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. STRATFORD DROP A CARD ASKING FOR A PHOTOGRAPH OF THEM ~~ ——— Delivery Prepaid in esticated.animals, Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to, Livery. J, H. LAMBERT, Mill St., about 3 doors east of the Queen’s hotel. First- class horses and rigs to be obtained at all times. Baggage transfer. Commer: cial driving a specialty, Giye him a call, Societies. . 0. F,, No, 99, Milverton, meets every second and last ‘Tuesday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in their hall over mel & Son’s hardware store. 1.0. 0, F., “Silver Star Bs Lodge,” No, 202, Milverton, meets every Friday night at 7.30 p. m. in‘their hall over Public Drug Store, Visitingbrethren always wel- come. Daniel Ross,N,G.; W.K,Loth,R.S. Notary Public. Calf - Feeding - and Hog - Feeding Few subjects interest the farmer more at the pre- sent time than the above. Profits in stock-raising almost entirely depend upon the start animals get in life, it has been proven by the best feeders and dem- onstrated in almost every show ring in Canada, that Carnefac fed animals outlook, outgrow and out- weigh all others, Every farmer should look into this at once. Our Poultry Food will save you any amount of loss and trouble with Young Turkeys and Chickens, and keep your Hens in perfect Laying form. The cost of Carnefac is but a trifle. No gifts, no premiums, just CARNEFAC the tonic that gives satisfaction. For sale by— FRED PRUETER Harnessmaker - ~ Milverton W. D. WEIR, Notary Public, Aue- tioneer for the County ‘of Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn and Affidavits made. Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Branner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor. Best. liquors and cigars at the bar. First-class commodation and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton. First-class accommodation for commercial travellers and others. Three large somple rooms, Good stabling, Best brands brands of liquors and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodation for commercial travellers and others. Two large sample rooms, Only'the choicest of Wines, Li- quors and Cigars at the bar. ‘Good warm stables, George F. Pauli, Proprietor. “A Grand Success” IS OUR TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT WHY ? Because we can fit any form that comes be- fore us, no matter what shape you are. If you have any trouble in getting a Suit or Overcoat to fit you, give us a trial and let us prove it to you... We carry a nice line of Tweeds and Worsteds “and Overcoacings for fall, also a nice assortment of Read -to-wear Fancy Winter Vests at from $2.50 to $5. e have a few Scotch Tweeds left over from last winter, which we will sell at a big reduction. These are snaps. in and see us, we're sure to please: you no matter what you want. In regard to a FIT—-WE LEAD. Kelterborn, the taiior” 8 Farmers’ Poultry We want all your Poultry, alive or |. and will pay the HIGHEST PRICES for it. py Your poultry may be delivered at— < MILVERTON, buyer C. A. Finkbeiner NEWTON, “Samuel Herron LISTOWEL, oo: #y ATWOOD, buyer, C, H. Holmes. Flavelles, Limited . | in a short time means trouble, a sher- (| did you ever reflect, in your contem- 8S ¢-/ So there's no use in making a chronic O-4-N-22 London, Ont, by removal to the west. There are also eleyen vacancies in the diocese of uron. The total. number of stu- dents graduated from all the Presby- terian colleges to the ministry last year was forty-six, the m f deaths was forty-six and twelve were placed on the retired list. ‘oung man, us give you the benefit of our observation. We haye noticed that at least nino-tenths of the young men who have been before the courts for misdemeanors are those who take no interest whatever in ed- ucation, seldom read a men of their acquaintance. “Their minds run towards dirty stories, mid- night sprees and ba is iff's invitation to attend court, and a fine or term in jail. An irate citizen says that hereafter he wants the editor to mind his own My dear Christian friend, plative moments, when the moon is beaming, when whippoorwill sings in the tree, when the hired man sleeps in. the loft, the yellow do snores in the lea, and the mosquitto gets in his work,—did you ever reflect in aa es upon the idea that a paper COhtaining only accounts of the editor’s own private business would be apt to prove monotonou: he general public? They might stand it for a while, butin the end it would be a. thorn in the side an business is to make everybody's busi- ness his. business. That's business. kicker of yourself for any one. Rich American girls who buy up decayed European aristocrats for hus- bands, in order to enjoy the sociul vanity of-a title, usually receive a ro- turn in the wreck of their natural do- mestic feelings. Honors are doubtless easy with some of them. are likely to be good enough women. with a taste for social display. These are almost certain to come to tions, brought up under widely. dif- ferent conditions. Jay Gould’s daugh- ter married a French Count, and is now going through long since, and is now getting a de- i aid a big figure for the title, but has learned to x inyest- It is always best for people to. marry in their own class and nation. eS heer Try This For Your Cough. are. Ttist r to pur- chase the ingredients separately and repare the mixture yourself. Virgin which droggists buy for dispensing. h vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case he P ‘otects the Oil irom exposure ight, Around thi ode: isan engraved wrapper with the name—“Virgin Oil of Pine Pure)’—plainly — printed On. re are many imitations and cheap a vi productions of Pine, but the; o “kittens,” just old i aring. To have Ueautiful, pink, | te condi ist, | velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime coating of Dr. Schoop's Green Salve, | and. Profits paid Policyhoiaers. 117,238.21 sg %®W®®%®®X®®zW®®®w2Ae Ww Weak Kidneys | Bright’s Disease and Diabetes Use Dr. Shoop’s Restorative to Care the Cause, If You Suffer From 1 These Symptoms, ; | | Here are the symptoms of Kidney complaintes Urine laden with sediment, brick dust 10. ui highly colored easy froth or in it, string: ous in ‘urine, unusual, de- sire to urinate, in passing water, pain the back idneys. hot, @ry and itohin Axizy and brittle, pain heavy, sleeplesaness, tion, they cause over WW strai etic remedies are thom selves eause of serious kidney diseas doctor the kidneys themselves, harm them. Do’ THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE, Synopsis of Canadian North-West e poe Homestead Regulations NY even’ numb: jon. of Dominion ands in Maniti the North-west omeste: ion to the f the . the Commissioner of Im- ation, Winnipeg, or the local agent re- authority for some one to make entry mm. for ‘The homesteader is required to perform nditions connected therewith under lowing plans: ist six months’ residence ttpon ion of the land in-each year for her (or mother, If the father is he homesteader ‘resides u pon a inity of ti cc CARPETS Sold by us at ‘gest carpet stores in the Dominion, from which you will be able to tl make a selection equal to that of a visit to expense and trouble of a journey. samples are all renewed at the beginning of each season, and in this way we show a clean, fresh and up-to-date stock, In buying from us you buy at lowest city prices and we pay all express charges. Call in and see us, or write, and we will come and ¢ city without the see you, C.R.Honderich& Son. to residence may be sat- n residing with the father rmanent resi- ed by him. ad, the require. be satisfied by ments as'to resid residence upon the said Six months’ notice in. wri given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to. apply for nt, ting should be paten W. W, Cory, eputy of the Minister of the Interior Company of Canada Results for 1904. Sun Life Assurance Wedding Invitations Promptly and Neatly Done at the Lowest © Price, when printed at The Milverton Sun Assurances issued and paid for $15,911,904,24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Assets at 31st. December, 1904 17,851,760.92 Increase over 1903. 2,345,984.44 Life Assurance in force Dec. 31st, 1904 85,327,662.85 Increase over 1903 9,646,473.98 A. S. MacGregor, Mgr. Western Ontario, London, A. MacBeth, Stratford, - istrict Superintendant «THE... Investigation by Ghe Royal Commission showed THE DOMINION LIFE to be Clean Throughout : THE TWO PAPERS YOU WANT The Milverton Sun and that Best of all weeklies, The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of e Montreal, both for........ * And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be included the most beantiful picture ever given to newspaper readers. It is a gravure 22x29 inches, entitled “A TUG OF WAR.” It is easily worth a two dollar bill, The Milverton Sun will supply all local news, markets, social happenings, ete., ete,, and the I ‘amily Herald and Weekly Star will give you a combination of the greatest weekly newspaper covering every portion of the Globe, a great family mi ne, far surpassi of the English or Ameri jagazines in edileye family read- ing, and without dou’ farmer’ on the continent, it the paper printed in the English Janguage gives its readers such big Star. Sample copies of the Call or send your subscription to The Milverton Sun OUR BEST COMBINATION 1} and Well and E ical, Managed. Representative for Perth County t M. M. BRICKER, Berlin, Ont, Head. Office : Waterloo, Ont. § BBABBYYYWWWS CHEAP ; We have made the fol- ling cuts in the price of Boils from.......3 to 7¢ Roasts from, R. MILLER MILVERTON BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE reate nausea, and never effect the desired regults,—43-4;. 22222222, sg gs sg gs Ss gs gs s gs gs gs gs Ss gs gs gs S gs gs s gs J Ss @ eeeeceeeees e ee oe JAS. S. LOCKIE, Newton Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not an- other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other, : But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive control. If you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means, M°Clarys Pandora Range -y2sm. ver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton JOHN ROTHERMEL & SON, Milverton, Agents A TO J. RITTER, Millbank ©