Milverton Sun, 29 Nov 1906, p. 2

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AMBI $44444444444444444444 FAH tt tt tttttttt tt ttt Face to Face CC6O0S0SO TION. SSSI SST STS TT TTT TTT TA + R IV, When Paul Annesley appeared breakfast next dine he had look, an vn a good which he apdlogiad, observing, casi Na that he kad bi called up at two in i boralea, ‘and. ratay got home at six. sufficiently e had fallen asleep in the guard. house, ‘qstioned a field, and left him while he visited the patients “In the meantime, the horse had loose, and, a tes chase round the field, Paul dropped and broke his irate and (wandered knee. deep inl oat of water down t twieo; after ‘which he de- cided to walk howe trou h the dark, ing morning, lea "This dr ing steed to his fate. nothing more dreadful then. set tured at dayligl oR by the patients hus- band, and led bi ‘oken, cessilies. animal before the door ease were talking, a picture of thome- yt In Bis ‘of these pound adventures, Paul was bent a d's accompanying him, reh through the thor- ough-bred Diana, whom Re loved like ea ' rdvard, scarcely. less, siarl chestnut, charmed to find inal im suet cement company, re Mi i ‘and apparently ed lite tlentions Were ‘recetve elegant companion with the haughly ES diffe fneldent "ta high- wi rh trotted quietly along, Paul stopping gaaienaly to visit a patient, Edward id w f ships of his lot, an excellent son he was to that very try Few sons he, and -his affection ‘to mother was, deep and strong. very pa Teaate ula ‘on hi he had hear He thou, ght ‘ot his own kind and sweet- temper ed matte pt als 30. a widow, Mov Ps any radilion,. con rmed by “see Mrs. a Annes o Walter, had Mrs. “reported that wished to do, hs ver piece in his bed- room @ por Eleanor was taken at the time ot he and ane a lovel: slime’ ot early Victorian wave peeping out from of curls in front of le had gazed fascinated upon il, vainly ting to detect the lu eee behind the © angel semble vas on a. visi gion when _Nally's s death eee. hild, then ae 3.018, n being severely and dt for. some sii ht fav her ee who was chasi ye “Undutiful child! You have killed me! You ad unfit to live. Never let me see int the mother burst out with ence: @ child teak her at Per word, and Edward noyer would dorget her w! te face as she turned ‘before ari N nor ning ae saw tes slight body borne drowned into that hall. She had not aes ralsaats being in disgrace, s\ was house easier until she was found by the river-side, and thus tragically brought home. = ‘ere there other demons lurking un- pas behind other Lele faces? he won- ed, Eleanor Annesley in those innocent bridal ce dream what lt ed he id not dian that “tne curée of | Ne the htt wibrays had fallen on himself. only is each human being or to his mies a dark mystery : on every side by impass: zd: “| more agreeable a long and tantalizing | low ston livery h uch ig Se frodien earth; part of which n an aie Seon, and 2 el oe oe sprung forward ‘ plincton, foilaining: SA EEFt +4 +t 44444t44ee ttt tet tedte ett ee tet CHAI There is no musi¢ in the lehtingnt od I be y Sylvi ee for me ‘e ae on - "Then he mused upon the news he had heard there, and thought how it; would have been” wi h him, had Reginald’s ba a not been bori ls were king of ppier circumstances, _ hi: life and comparative , wealth. And now the chestnut pricked up ears and looked abi on through the “eer ara in ee of and carr patient, objects, the desolate spot o lonely inn was built looked! gay Eitan mated this morning. nt of the Saale Gants evant aiaved the pre colored mass of hounds, ‘thelr slerns waving wilh half-suppressed en- ipped | thusiasm; ful person- | age, the master, splendidly mounted and | +7 brightly clad, his brow, was with a world of care on exchanging ;| monplaces with gentlemen, whom his expressions later in would be less_ civil or, even while the} Ty i beautifully equipped county gentlemen, a few ladies some half-dozen cript ridérs, in cluding a clergyman, rane in these Vehielos in search of the objec of pu affec ag at the solitary i nit “thought a ‘the suffering that a thin wall exchanging pleasantries with the whip. His father was leaning on ie ae wall, with an emply pewlet pot i 8 IE his daugh- ter were not dying and he had not all those graves down in Arden 10. wer aughing, chatting ere. champi sidlina and. stay wilh the srullalon of the coming hunt, The, r was laden with the Pot opening bude, trampled turf and the luscious flute-notes of Ss, nd he tender ie | ¥00d-pigeons came from the opses be- and mingled with {he occasional Of @ horse or whin oe a joyous thrilll of expectan- P thal tnde: Puward ta forget his stee neither he no: hought of the background wa engsyh whi shadowed every human eing low i horses di tingu charac! haut mal with zk inl iat ice the rider, ed his not The Taller however, Knees into the Arab, so suddenly that the ex. Larry-backed into an ‘unpretending gentleman anda young lady. He caught the flash of a pair of dark eyes as ho turned after getting ed, and then é, who bestowed some ironical praise upan ‘the unlcky’ Larry and “expaina that it you were staying at Medin; “y who live there. fealty.” returned “a6 in that, Heat hole?” “Some seis thousand people live there, belie replied Edward, tranquilly. bly, . reflected the oll fixing ae crease so as to take a steadier sur- im, “Ah, ou, mean, Annesley, tat die ton qui “T gate that ere iWve ha ‘a precious the Highlander. “Pos: e3, and ‘all your idleness and affectations,” “Stwange fellow, Inge!” moralized the officer, Sei his ae with fectionate Ba ss theta ae were-a- parson “Oh! stow that aifectation: ie “can't you aie at -you think and be whai you are, a genuine tnstead ofan imitation, dishonest “A wough diamond, vewy wough,’ continued the Highlander, ofering hin a oS uous 0 live the supewior zit stools ae Medington?” ol esley, my- cousin, a doctor. e | That ‘brown mare with black points is avons fo to re ie iste ny r gigi eniis. 10g, veal un-| him. the} a patient in the inn idward. “He doasn’t hs he can't pele in in front o} his; in| replied Ee pretend to hunt, but it if the hounds will Tui ‘Vewy good’ wei aSOn “yewy. ‘Ge ee ANT intwoduce besides: a tif I ee yout | a pk aa a : i | sreomodie. a's nd Paul pressed | cra d down, and} a! was a eautin} # hi ry thi fellow,” he | added In his uletad drawl, “you said ton, dl am staying with somo friends mi fo say that sug boay. lives | lows cay Jats ys honest Sore 5 ck. | & tr our old friend, age he said, with u1 affected admi in easily exci pitas as the charms which won Paul's heai Bul S having overheard his con- versation ‘vith the Highlander, formed estimate of his character which she sed on it while aul, with ae left her’ while quaintance with Mr. Ri see the dreamy imaginative Sibyl that so fine a vision had never before ight. His very gesture when neck of the despised. o} horse went to her heart, and remained there forever, @ air was now alive with expecta- tion; the eager cry of a hound broke out and set the horses’ ears quiver the huntsman’s hom, was winded eve cked like pistol-shots i ine heart “of the wood; the last cover ack was exchanged for & ae tightened, ing oi sete pe onversation the pai hound, another and another, sens; nore horn. blow lemoniac oc ae + About the Farm Oo ts UEP Rpg nance GROWING BUCKWHEAT. Buskivheat does well on almost any kind of s It comes in very nicely asa Inte ero HHEtte tee qey orate rk, have a fie! a the seed failed to adel this poor it should hav application of stable manure. i may be plowed any Mime before sect. ing round should be fitted ner small grain Seats It visab te to ave the seeded thoroughly ed and the work put on Tobey buakeutedk July large, usualy 0 °|sow by hand using about one peck t the acre. The crop should oa harvested before frosts occur hang “nually:the-full-tetumphany charus | I Shay NADI O ‘sgt, and ents "es sada horses, all fate an the part of those in harness, versal madne: hi Tada, ai Pa andthe: coy ide: iara tee. mone ene deserted, streaming across the fields, snd. carriages: along the high-road, beea oiishs brown animal with a bushy tai has just whisked cautiously out of the far side of coppice, looking behind hi sagacious grin, rejoicing that the ardst muzzle sniliing-his trall Je"a good ind. him ete y Straight slong the wily beneath the ¢ fine pack and. was soothed to find than ‘matched in mouth ike bells,” ae nately nobody knows. Yet nae can ini anstb ni eae that it must be a fine ane ‘o diecstnpelint at full stretch, ai e exercise ae - one's powers baffle ali that tverien ig “elloting of 2} portnely med ta put ‘hia in trim for a run, legs to the ground ees ae entail esolved) 1 It came to the hai m nd, | Wita wrath, and his denunciations are loud pungent, as some. reckless rider nders over the hindmost hounds; the huntsman and the whip are allve in every nerv and i tiedge and. ditch’ and, brook are_clesred, with eld the hunt is n-out into a Toner and thinner sean timid seer scrambling alon; in n soar of gates and, ‘ens: there d-near ral tarnished, tained with "Ware wheat!” of the fun trom thas vanished from their view, and apeear san only form ae guesses 08 19 tho whereabouts of the nd Hogi acetate huliog stipes han it seems. A ony riod SUS Ay is to avoid ‘whom as any. bir aside, and ne ah lander itlin the middle of a fle, whither his horse, who, after. coming nose, pee plone himself up and contin- ing*his course undaunted, bad pitched hi m ming over the fence, Nothing but alas solgns now hadow of} yi @ few bruises, on his reeap- Larry, he and me vider alike for his advanc’ in the first. bie of joyous excionen een pounded hank together, outs A vigorous roll of his own devising Larry's hoofs.) The old ae appeared none the worse for his tumble, and the rider, finding that his rode on with of ‘i bbetavir d 1g hedge- vessel i have gone as straight and overriding d ie best-r h bundle should stand self, with a hand around the @ should he left in the feld until dis airew’and grain are dry. r that the crop can he stacked and threshed as-any other small grain. times sell buckwheat to the millers, At other times T have it gri round and put the buck wheat flour 25-pound sacks and spring to a depth of 6 or 7 disk this every seeding buckwheat, off I find my field Practically free fom bad weeds. In this way it can be used very successfully as a eknint crop. IN THE DAIRY. n't cover milk in crocks tightly un- tl vie eniait heat has passed off. be separated vps it is t tho bes tte churn with saling hol | water Deore ing opera! , ons. n't use a: bad eneling oe deosiee meee cloth, even if it does look clean. Well ripened cream is never bitter or distasteful, but just mildly and plea- santly sour, It is an plan exceedingly good to 9 whitewash the whole interior of the cow b ng tle lighter itewash is the jer uch Tonger: ito small boy assistant go by fils and cr there will. bem fink to turn the: hand ‘The bowl in which. itl 4s worked, pe thor- r be- here W the: butter sticking. rom other and general aeration generally rid milk of a considerable arnount of the odors that come from the ig such things as turnips, be si so potetiea shave Things should be thor. No odor should done a batch aol oreamt will be the result. ca arent et into the milk n the eee of the cow Satie wat We where the milk is Kept, Maa i es from the cow is practically free from all germs. Abso- lute clenainss is the whole secret of | ood, af + utter has a bitter or other e plenty of sunlight resh air in places where milk is pl. in washing milk utensils, frst. rinse them off with cool water. Then use hot water and. plenly of scrubbing minteelat A little sal soda and borax added will greatly aid in removing the grease and oalitig which is likely to remain. The should finally be nsed fn ine Hoc welen Tad tie-veusels should be placed in the cuniad exposed for Beyeal hou Papeete atl fo pick up a usual flow o! Keep plenty of hay and some gra’ ae in the mangers until the cows refuse it, which mean that, they are getting enough feed outside, — FARM NOTES. Old boots, shoes, bottles, tin cans and the nee seem se regulated fé yard is no place as ee in the front yard eiiher. it is much easier and pleasanter to fix a leak in, the corncrib or woodshed windows. than to wait pau it tae ite cold id to do ‘$0, with any coi facts that good sods area big Ueber and that light ot - phosphoric acid, may | otash. Thin and mo ot To the Shareholders, e tae pleasure in enclosi ending 31st Octc ober, logether wilt opr matine hate ete @ progress Bank coniplioninliety Tho Bank's American and Foreign as well as our facilities at home, enabl ee a favorable basis, and the results wh merci ing er Srabt vital spain any branches in ene y of c thus proven t In these ing, ahs g ing arranger the Bank ($4,000, & Kooy tii oe shareholders ae The Sovereign Bank is at. present amount to § M, a large part of e Note he ‘y! year will be at least as ey pee tht institution “ hrougtout the vais - The Sovereign Bank of Canada, ith statement of the Bank's position Sani Statistics for the past five yenrs, and stability which they indicaie will n le aie has now attain s fo handle British, Continental a iy have been satisfactory to all concer confined to Canada, and is be the safest territory in two provinces tho Beni hes ss branches seme Instance only two or three ; a agli as y ae usiness throu paid up in a few months, .200 and include some of the vetitior onditons aa TrODRENY right auebeey p00) willbe fully ”” nearly 1 BR eighth eee chartered bank hich are “liquid,” in and the continued er cent. over tasl year, and compiled, Your obedient servant, he Dominion f THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF OFFICE OF THE 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. as_at the close of the fiscal: ‘halls The figures require no special expla afford the proprietors and friends of rable imnorfance. Our connections abroad, sera transactions entrusted to us red ia the provinces of Ontario and Quel 2 lor the conduct of a ieee pest) a and n days a week, ys! : dl a and in the meantime | oie ae ghout that territory, yr an is a of great satisfaction most, powerful, flnancial people in the. Canada in point of capital. Its assets growth of doposils testifies to the popus oo both the Circulation and Deposits eee the Bank has ever had, and we have every reason to think that the erent D. M. BIOMANTS Generat Manager. R ATEMENT ie October, 1906, toa ne 942,710.00 1,335,8% Notes of the Bank in cir. culali 5,085,921.00 9,893,598.66 Other Liabilities ASSETS. Gold and Silver Coin on hand . 4 ve 8 Do- Government for rily of Nofe Circula- minion. Secur oe Government and te aA curities os and: Short Loans : 1,612,831.16 cured by Bonds, etc. Ca’ 4,614,067.0 (less re- Commercial Loans, Ny. $14,640,510,40 hate fs intone es ~ 15,578,919.7%5 $10,223,740.73 COMPARATIVE STATISTICS Tesi 8 1,300,000 1,610,478 3,042,710 and Univ ded LIABILITIES. © Fund Sovereign Bank Notes Depostis. in Circulation 2 Profits 240 ee 138h) $10 °550,790 2,859,675, ist Cash on Hand ‘0- and at Bankers Debentures, etc. 1,612,831 ASSETS. Bonds Loans at Call 1,565, 4,614, abe Tote! Assets to is Bank ¢ amenced. business Ist May, 102. Branches and Liabilities Sub-ollices No. of ai Shareholders’ the Public : ee M_ STEWART. General. Manager. most economical feed. Three dollars rherse has been saved feeding, and tho ain in endian all the time. man who dairies sucess must protect his own cows fro ment weather. especially, heavy mille producers, are affected more by cli- Sou drink ice-cold wa ster ‘and ing them in cold barns, is not conducive to Peers dair GUTTERS IN DAIRY BARNS. Nothing else so conduces to clean inches deep, is sufficient room, a gutter of the larger imensions will be found satisfactory, and ae no ‘defects, ther of cement or 4-inch bi aaa sia with ins: fom cemented; earth if tho bottom is next to the platform should bi by a plank 2X12, fa: not slip over the edge of the gutter. + SEA BOOTS, Sceptical Crowd “Watelies Successful Water Walking Trial. was a orecstul demonstrated at ‘Ten- in. length, an sharply pointed: atthe toes, and to of them is attached We trae noone Sn Pollea by mieans uf seering”Iines -hitehed lo\ the walker's ‘To “the bottom of each ne is fixed). a series of cross-bars, for balancing a sce apa: noHtons oP fay | Guy re now Sie | or we rc Ronvy a Mr. sided rath an ated oe on has also invented Paton ahi sais and meet gave a demonstration off the Royal View toria Pier at Tenby, i rt wi 'S | armored, ane armed, a y of walking on the water | in away in 1b Zs oe to make a oat red that a 3 BIG SUMS THROWN AWAY HOPELESS — ENTERPRISES: WASTED MILLIONS, WHICH Public and Private Money Squandered and Thrown Away on Fool- ish Schemes. K few years Sago the French: Govern: ment spent $4,000 upon a new cruiser of a ae type. ” she was he Jeane. iat lo be tho “powerful. and neaty ened y en finished, he was taken out ‘om Toulon for her trials by Admiral jgnon. Sho proved to be ts useless. vibratior te - | could aot be aid at all, there was the ci Not a Agai mile guns, 40 e of the dyia- than “elght y invented: x svallta: hutl pa ‘< ‘a rot dynamite saath two nile i t risk of missile met its mar! es ‘They spen' ay aos, on the huge air ae Instantly “Zalins! 1e worth exactly their weight of old Nearly five million doHars was n away. ue ae Mr. a BL Te a4 Phila- work nonumen- fr rations: of the Dnalish Tea age. ‘The services ‘of forty of the best scholars in Gare were Te work, By the tae i i forty men, after vor| for nearly Toute years, nad reach the word “dog.” “It was mak. ig an old man of me before my time,” aed Mise spent purposes, and the walker has the fur-] $400,000 “IN THE AIR.” ‘mon. pe & a rand oon. Th ie now Teun au ] t ns ‘rai aivempt : from Vancouver, two from Aust and quite half a dozen from England, ates ISLAND CRAZI company ha: op “vclonathe Exploration any opme! The whole seamed and sear i locate the millions buri Benifa, ah: for to its story is mos Here the sacred: Titi: a. ace who wor: Man," suj pposed ings. raion a sumod to lio at the hottom of! Beilish syndicate set spent thousands in Se ciaia tremendous crk, for cep ahd hie lhe Ton ater had at last been got herb were found at the baton “Wel five foot of solid niud oui the mud solidified, and “then re a million cubic: fect “of solid briek the buri Shibehs the late 3 2th f Alas THE ERROR OF THE su! estimates have accatinted tie Waste of pieantte's f the Si 090,000. was stim 10 © original bri was a grant ‘and nee bridge. When it was half built a tug sha: into it, aaa it was found that or i) ings were miepses thant quired. council ee rains, and oe ana redh siiper ‘shy steel. ‘The result is’ that the b tte cost the ratepayers something® 000, x the record 6 course, Panama Canale been sun! ini oie stilt vuse. the Ss hi ee Ws 10, 0 a HTS i hhe count sold| qn.

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