Milverton Sun, 29 Nov 1906, p. 5

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signs. section of the county. SESESEEsssEsSEssssss that we will be able to do it before the rush. away until you want it. Drop in and see us. I, I died. and O, ai- ASSESSsess DGSGCCEEECBEEE GGG GSS MEMS ME KS KES P. H. Bastendortf —ATSEGEIGSSEGSESESSSHSESESEESESSSSSESSESSEs Here we are again with our large stock of Watches, Glocks and Jewelery We have the largest stock of PEARL GOODS ever carried in Milverton. Pearls are always fashionable, and we have them in cresents and various other de- Our stock of DIAMOND RINGS is certainly the largest ever seen in_ this The fair sex can never receive too many. We pride our- selves on our collections with their wide range of prices. Our Stock of Silverware is beautiful Everything new and up-to-date, with prices right. If you are thinking of buying a Xmas present that needs engraving, order it now, so Anything you order now will be laid We guarantee everything. Fe Witttees LrsTe ee Eyes Tested Free SSISSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSOSSSSSSSSSSSSTS Really Handecme Furniture in the city, at prices made for rapid selling. ‘When it comes to buying really fine furniture, have no hesitation about coming to Stratford, Here you have the advantage of great Stocks to choose from, and you get goods fresh from factories, mostly Write us for sketches or photos of anything inthe line of gift furniture you may Le intererested in R. WHITE & CO., Stratford The First Furniture Store East of the Post Office LALA AAA XMAS IS COMING and so is Winter We are Hey prepared to supply you with the ge or ue events, We have made an effort to have our stock goods more eanionine than ever. In the line of Chin: ers ty ner and Toilet Sets and all kinds of Dishes, “ot which we have a large assortment to choose from, all suitable for Xmas_ presents. Onur selections in Nuts and Candies is up to. date. Furs « As winter is drawing near, everybody Le prepare for ie ual Far Sale ave made preparations to haye our 4th Ann the usual time, tl wetolng Dee. 15 ets Neckwear will be the largest here. eke ata will be. as they usually are, so ofeed to suit the purse of everybody. ‘@ kindly invite you all to come in and see our stock and get our prices, whether you want to buy or not. We take a de- light in showing goods. ae kinds of Produce or Poultry, alive ov dressed taken in exchang J. R. YOST & SON Business Cards Dentistry. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- rr ental Surge: " of Royal College of Dental Surgeons o Ontario, ie graduate of Poronte Uni eialy, Office ane WwW. tr. er’s hardware store, Milverton, ¥ inkbein: Medical. or Grad- Medical F, PARKER, M.D, uate and Gold Medalli College, also Gol list, Trinity University, Toronto, Successor to Dr. Es pert. “Office in Pub rug Store, lephone connection w ith Poole Brunner, Meenas and Rostock. Legai MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, te. | Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Mon i yon, Ont, edna tions axfanigod fo. 4 meraber of the fren wil be in Milverton every Thursday. He B, MORPHY . M, CARTHEW, Veterinary. J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin: yy tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Livery. J. H. LAMBERT, Mill St., about 3 doors east of Queen’ ’s hotel. First- class horses and-rigs t ained at all times. Baggage transfer, Commer: einl driving a specialty, De hina, Societies. C. O. F., No, 99, Milyerton, meets Visiting brethren always ¥ CR, 8H Pagh, Reo-Seey’. Dison 1. 0, 0, Lodge,” No. meets every at im, intthele hall over Publis: Nene isiting brethren always - wel- come, Dantel Ross,N.G,, W.K,Loth,R.8. ig nlver: Star Ze NMTTTTVTVTrTr Tre eTPrTTTeeTrrTeTrr rrr Tere TPT Notary Public. Calf - Feeding - and Hog - Feeding sent time than the above. Carnefac fed animals outlook, outgrow and out- weigh all others. this at once. form. The cost of Carnefac is but gifts, dives satisfaction, For sale by— FRED PRUETER Harnessmaker - - Few subjects interest the farmer more at the pre- its in stock-raising almost entirely depend upon thé start animals. get in life, it has been proven by the best feeders and dem- onstrated in almost every show ring in Canada, that Every farmer should look into Our Poultry Food will save you any amount of loss and trouble with Young Turkeys and Chickens, and keep your Hens in perfect Laying a trifle. No no premiums, just CARNEFAC the tonic that Milverton 99 “A Grand Success IS OUR TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT fore us, no matter what shape you are. If you have any trouble in getting a Suit or Overcoat to fit you, give us a trial and let us prove it to you. We carry a nice line of Tweeds and Worsteds and Overcoadngs for fall, also a nice assortment of Ready-to-wear Fancy Winter Vests at from $2.50 to $5. We have a few Scotch Tweeds left over from last winter, which we will sell at a big reduction, These are snaps. Call in and see us, we're sure to please you no matter what you want, In regard to a FIT—WE ee Kelterborn, te tailor Ls ole oe bn abe ele Bn eke Qn eke oe obs ole do ode Qo oe ole ode de of SB ae ee ee ee ee LEEEEEEEE DEEL E EEE ELEY WHY ? Because we can fit any form that comes be- « et Th? OP OP Te OP MO? HOO? OP OPT RESP TTT TH 0 W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Aue: tioneer for the Connty “of Perth and Wat 09, Cotveyancer. vine Clerk. ffice over Zimmerman’s shoe store, Main street Milverton, Hotels.’ EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor. and cigars a ar. commodation and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton. . First-cliss accommodation for commercial travellers and others, large somple rooms, stabling. Best brands brands of liquors and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: Se eS ee a QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, ‘The best accommodation for commercial it warm quors and Cigars at George F. Pauli, Proprietor. stables. Farmers’ Posey = We want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the HIGHEST PRICES for it. : Pi Your poultry may be delivered at— MILVERTON, buyer C.A. Finkbeiner whi NEWTON, — ‘Samuel Herron ListOWEL, « * ATWOOD, buyer, ©, H. Holmes. Flavelles, Limited 0-4: N23 < London, Ont, ELELELEEEERELELE EE EE EE EEE | for the youngest ; | association, The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOV. 29th, 1 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES by about 300 this year, and the fig- ures now rin up to 13,000, There is one satisfaction in being a ite! it cannot be said that he saci every dollar of take a cent of it from some other man. Tt comes to him first hand out of +e soil, ae re ee is the cleanest i all the w Piles qaekty and positively cured with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Oi in pent It’s made for piles alone—and i the work surely and with egestas Itching, painful, protruding or blind cents. Sold Public Drug Stor ‘The C.PR. line on its way to Walk- erton will pass through the school grounds at Durham and within 300 n= ders the property useless for school erecting «new bui Yhe etl y. mbers are willing’ te other three hold out for $14,000. There is urore truth than poetry in the following item culled from a city contemporary:—"The farm help fam- ine is still acuts. The farm boys are in the cities clerking for $6 and $10 a week; and the farm girls their mothers and fathers strangers as_mucl a girls receive in wages and boarding.” n the tip of a dog’s nose is cold and moist, that dog is not sick. A feverish dry nose means sickness with loz. And so with the human lips. Dry, cracked and colorless 1ips_mean feverishness, and are as wel ap- earin; Sse pes velvet-! like es apply at b coating o! ichoop’s Green Salve, It will etie ‘and heal any skin ail- ment. Get a free trial box at our -| store and be ee Large pie capped glass j iar, 25 cents.—The Pub. blic Drug Sto The apple cbiistie season closed yesterday, so far as our Seer ae iot, is concerned. The he shipped from Goderich on Thurs. day, with shipments from other stat- ions, makes his total sales ier 1906, 30,000 barrels, ‘'For” said Robert, “they are all sold.” Mr. Elliot said pe season had been a fairly good one personally, and that alee the season was late for shipments from the G. ‘tion here will aggr gate over pee car on —Goderich Star The new Pie Food and Drug Law will mark it.on the L; a of eyery ‘ough Cure containing 0 oform, or any other arupiiag or poisonous drug. But it passes Dr. Schoop’s Cough Cure as made for 20 years, entire! ree. Dr. Shoop all along hag bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or. narcotic: hi e is absolutely safe even babe—and it cures, it does not simply aauetees: 3 2 - é ww be you ol] peas reeset Hep sell it.— Public Deng si tt, of the O. A, College at Guelph, gives the following. advice on the way to obtain a good lawn, the eater is now timely: a a matter that has conquered many, but a good lawn is care and the right soil. happy Brussels-carpet-like surface the best seed to be ut country is a co ‘The mbination of spring,’so that when the grass grows it intertwines i in great profusion, This The manure is applied in the fall, after the first frost and be- fore the first snow. snow runs into Be mous the are roots e Re of Galt has decided to form a blacklist ‘of those who neglect to pay their ac- en run- ning for some time, and the merchant sees no chance of a settlement, he sends a printed porate errno by the to debtor ‘warning him ae - a; acute is not settled ya a giv is name will be put n the blacklist and forwarded to Hierohahes in Canada, Usually this brings the delinquent to time, When it does not 4] is sent to all members of the associa- tion ii nt alerts If at any time he pays his name is removed from the blacklist, —— — fos This For ve Your Cough. 'o relieve a pough a cold i in twenty-four none thet Tollow: productions of Pine, create nausea, an vel desired a a é se only effect the Guelph’s population has increased ther 'm- after a two weel a daughter at Ayton sed in this part of the | °” $8. au tail mera ’ Association ell one Be. ee the Seer and the persons name |i: Indigestion Stomach trouble is but a symptom of, and nob Stet @ true disease. We think of Dyspepsia, feartburn, and Indigestion as real specific ptoms eet of @ certain ane sickness—nothing ‘Mt was this fact that fist correctly lea Dr. oni 8 Reetyeoe Shoop's Restorative. Going direct e | tnd favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. Wit out that original and highly vital principle, no ee stomach distress, bloating, bili bad, breath and sallow complexion, try Dr, Shop's self hee — — and will do. We sell and cheer. fully Dr. Shoop’s "Restorative THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. WOODSIDE. - Valentine Schade, of Moncton ui of the threshing machine is now ellent, a the threshers have conmimenced chopoing The choppiiigintl ists Sete Pink been closed during the cider making ;|season commenced operation this soon? HESSON. Miss Pearl Strangway spent Sun- day with her friend, Miss Annie Ken- nedy, of Wallace. Miss Mary Hayes, of Linwood, visi- ted her niece, Mrs, ‘Phos, Hanley, last a: Dietrich, of St. Agatha, is renewing old acquaintances in this Several from here attended_ the “Bachelor's Ball, at Millbank Mon- day ee Miss Margaret and Johanna Schie- bel left for Waterloo on Wednesday, where they have secured situations. ie apa Vollmer was a busines: C.R.Honderich & Son House Furnishers and Undertakers : Furniture! If there is anything you require in the Furniture line to brighten up your home, either useful or or- namental, just pay a_ visit to our large and well as- sorted stock of Furniture and we will show you how well we can please. Every article guaranteed. GOODS : DELIVERED : FREE C.R.Honderich & Son “THE BIG HOUSE” to New Hamburg a couple of a 8 inst week. ett Sgn, BRUNNER John Hartman paid a Dbastnsis trip ito Stratford on Sat Mr, Geo, MoehIman ra bride lett on Tuesday morning for Detroit eee they intend residing in the fat- £ 100 tons of pressed hay was ; shipped from Branner this wee anna supelied Hi ou! le made a shipment. of hogs from Branner on Thursday. We note that the price Wedding Invitations ae Promptly and Neatly ea at the Lowest Price, when printed The Milverton Sun as the price paid this week was nN 75, . Hamm and his family o oak are visiting at Mr: Stnneider's of Brunner, Mr. J. esas oa way visited at ae ‘orge Reis 01 Ff Henry 8 cua were in ‘Stratiord on T Asa result of the recent oain the roads m this vicinity are v Mrs, Falk and her nepligne “Gordon Daub, returned home on Thurs ek’ Viait_ with “her The shooting itateb held in Bran- ner on Wednesday.was a decided suc- cess. For Old Subscribers Only (Goderich Star.) often wonder if newspaper men generally appreciate the old, subseri- ber at his true value. e mean the old standby who takes the home pep r year, through evil as through good report, and o 4 i o F o, & BE jolly- wi comes into the office, and drops a word of praise for the paper on tak- ing departure. God ss the old subseriber. We love him; and if’ we sometimes slight him in order to give space son old hes wi isn’t worthy to buckle ie rma, it “e be- road minded and charitable that ne vill never mind it. —- PREFERS. Holmes, traveller, spent sunday at his Hons here. r, and Mrs. Solomon mn Kuepter left last week to visit with friends in Ne- eas ‘a and Indiana. many friends here of Mrs, Loney. learn with regret of ae pone t, Wm Lannox, sets il pies ed on Mr. J. J. Carson on Mond ‘The funeral of the Jate Mrs. Free- it forty years were early settlers in Mornington. They are surviv y six sons, three of whom are residii in Mornington. ee e by their persevering poneat toilearned most comfortable intelligence was received 8, e ad ii Bittria last of the death A ele Jno Be nford. oney, of Alle: Mr, Loney was well OWDy being & Pane here for and had many w. friend sig Tis his boyhood home. those who mou: what ¢ early demise are at ee As sincere sympathy THE. TWO PAPERS YOU WANT The Milverton Sun and ily Weekly Star, - $1. 65 Montreal, both for........6. 6.0... And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be included the most beantiful picture ever given to penis RPS readers. Tt is a a AR.” It is easily ravure 22x29 inches, entitle oA TUG 0 worth a two dollar bill, The Milverton Sun_ will ace ply all local and Weekly 8 social happenings, ete., etc,, and the Family Herald and Weekly Star i give you a combination of the greatest weekly newspaper cov‘ every portion of the Globe, a great family mi , any of the English or American magazines in interesting fe ing, and withont dou st farmer's” on the continent. Pl rinted in the Gre language gives its readers such big value as the Family Herald and Wee pigs Be Sample copies of the ice, beautiful picture phi be seen at this ot Call or send your subscription to The Milverton Sun id SIJAS, 8, LO S. LOCKIE, Novia The Pandora Thermometer The th on the Pandora range oven means precisely in ac- curacy to the cook what the square and.compass mean to the draftsman. Without the, square and compass the draftsman would have to work en- tirely by guess, just as ‘ou do without an ac- curate and reliable thermometer on your oven. The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to anexact science. You know precisely how much heat you have and what it will do ina given time. It is one of the small things which makes the Pandora so much different and better than common ranges. M‘Clarys Pandora Le ‘Warehouses and Factori London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Va: St. John, N.B., Hamilton, IR JOHN ROTHE i, Byes

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