Milverton Sun, 29 Nov 1906, p. 7

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psliiiieends of other COnFSPOOTE Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Coughs Of every description and character, Lung troubles, Asthma, Sore “Throats, etc., are all cured by this Sate and permanent remedy. F or sale by all dealers. Only 25 cents a Bottle. © all sides we receive thousands of | Saag from grateful people Expressing their appreciation of — COLFSFOOTE EXPECTORANT WHY POPCORN POPS. _fontains Oil, Which a D etestag Ti makes popcorn se ” asks the caguative youn vasive rapllea he receives it is event that fine real reason is not gen- erally ki The different kinds of corn contain oil tons. a is to serve fresh buttered popeorn with salad. The combination is delicious and the corn bait io tastefully arranged, encircling a mound of s ‘opcorn, amigy ‘llingly be served with plain ice am and ic the combination is DOG ‘novel and: dainty. oracles A CRIPPLE CURED. Sd ee Bent with Rhcumatism— d by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Bn heise cripple. I was bent i for.n and could not straighten up. Crutches were my only means of mov-- {ny abou tried “many medicines, but they an failed until 1 began De, Willies’ mie rge Schaw, of Short Beach, MEE, mreve the above almiost, startling Suaette 0,0 reporter lays ago. Me aw esa well hal maar Bi gewng broad sbauldered.... tine Nova Scotians, he is © fisherman, and is ‘There was a tin hen T never ed to stand erect again, but Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills straightened me up again, not only that, but they made me the pirong. ACs man you see. me t3- day, can never ribo the awful pati vi iinered before I used these pills. r tried many hedicines ond had treat. ment from several doctors, but to no avail. My legs became so stiff that in order to move at all I had to use cruteh- es, Finally the doctors decls led that 1 and told m hier aatiti bo: suffer day and night, and then e they could friend from: a ¢ lo see me and it was from him { learned that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills I for rheumatism. 1 iniltbowat lo uso. them. dication that they were could straighten up. doors and soon 3 well as an {oll you my neigh i astonished at my cure; dal thought | would "stray be a cripple.” Dr. fi liams’ Pink Pills cure naa matism v -going alralght to. the roo! @. blot oh Sa tone in They “tH vich blood t haeproaes out the poise and soothes the jangled iow they cure all trou- ie blood, such as anaec- ‘a, ind aon: neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, general weakness et ial iments that only girls a women '. Id by all imediting deal- y mail at 80 cents a box ob six boos for. $2.50 from the Bre Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. There is nothing that annoys a more w his wife to tell him ‘that ne has hee Malking in his soe and re- fusing to tell him what he ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM is especial! vd to ey 4 ae ealeaee co a and nanny hope: fons cas ontalas Seplss ta any forea “OF TWO EVILS.” Young—And you're going to der. T warn you that I don't marry him Til dave. to lead a single one, and that’s wors T continu-"| aither sugared or buttered, | wo love AS TO DREAMS. Mr. eee on the Fancies Cherished y Both Men and Women. ve ail dream dreams,” sald Mr, Bill ops, “and I suppose if’ we could look into our palghber I heart, be that neigh- bor man of women, we might find there cherished spiretions. and fancies tastically al witb the en neighinr’ egyenilal vemeande Bnd or I know, energatic, capable, tive, successful and in all his ife felabty’ systematic, (ells ine. that if be could do as he would like to do he would be a tramp. than Mrs. Billtops, paragon of domesticity and de- votion ponifites to me that she always anted to be an_ actress. ful that’ aciudtly:alle choad ts play her charming part on the Billtop house- hold stage. Bu all’ dream dreams, and though nay never realize them, yet e cherish them through life, and—so pan away: in-pursuit-of dreams; cearct i for the pot of gold at the foot of the Bogue but most of u: and ream, and ‘our dreams do “We adinire the heroes of history: and hei romance, for we ke them, and fondly e placed in like entle girl dreams vee ihe “stead inbe a splendid dreams of the achievement of his ambi- tion. “We dream of fine houses and car- riyges and jewels, or it may be that the —but these as perhaps, os loflier ey us only into ort. Or, dissatisfiec with out lot or calling in life, we dream of a day it will be happier. But all these ero only the. familiar eams—the dreams commonly indulg- ed We have many strange dreams, yr wi as. well as thos If we ca ale an cr ingly ‘most woman, we aint be binused oF amnzed “Necessity is our greatest blessing, it eeps. us al accomplishing things tas-only re st “But w spew: BABY'S Se Sa Every mother who uses Baby's Own Table's for her little ones has a solemn guarantee ‘that this medicine does ntain any of the poisonous found: in so-called “aoth and liquid preparations. censitpation, _ dlaragh and simple fev. ers; break ent croup, e pel worms: and: smoke. tedth : Baby's is have done more lo bring health, happiness and content- ment to little than any — other medicine n get Baby's dwn Tablets from any dealer in , wis by mail at 25 cents a box vy iting the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. +—— GETTING EV! aye! WITH LAW Mes Overshrewa Have tats Traps of ‘Their Own Makin, Overshrewd lawyers often fu at = jolt -aaiversnttes: wit weepans, <°"Dks is ise at as Been iene iene “by the srondside?” ans advo inqui Ves, airy 1 saw it very plainly.” “It was cons} led by the le repeated his former as- serti “What's the difference,” sneered the ss ieh i “between plain and conspicu- out he SA bolt with his own tard. The wi “Dean see ther: lawyers, thetugh you are not a it conspicuo! r witness a blow directed againet the, character. of. s-.witnesa: for: Svat we th tho company of ‘thes “Friends; two. ee I suppose you y be true,” was the dry re- tnt ae are both lawyers.’ blow that zcestrers the effect of an eaves examination is genesionily more fhe restilt ae ecient in of con- is effort. In rial nae and after going through his ordeal was One question remain- “Now, Mr. has not an attempt keen made to induce you to tell the Court a iterent story?” “A different stoty to what I have told, “Yes. Is it not so?” depen? “upon your oath, I demand to know ster ite @ persons are who have attempt you've tried as weve, seit hard as was the unexpected an- vt ended the examination. hp There are forests of leafless trees 'n scme parts of Australia, The wise girl selects for a husband a - | man whose mother did not know how | to cook. : ¢ for the great majority of us—they do us no harm. True, some of us waste | face with a large white han rchief, al time in dreaming, and some of us ‘airly | tho ‘same: time entresling him to. “Kea MARIE LLOYD'S WEDDING AMID SCENES OF MERRIMENT AND HILARITY. Screaming Gags and Dances at Marriage of English Music [Hall Wol. Superintendent ger, and the side-p purlios and the humorous “ antics of the best man and the sallies the bride and bridegroom's friends the hundred ‘odd. guests: cohvulsed v faughter trom: Pega fo end of the ceremony. Registrar 2 Te) s a COUPLE ARRIVE. © marriage was fixed for half-past a but long before that time @ crowd ioe ee ae their way up the steps into the building. e bride was nitied in. a. costume of white-faced cloth, wil ittle The Mark That Tells|: Ani ent, tells you i Ewill fitand won't ink,— your ealer. guarantees it, eae thus trademarked ia softer, warmer, more flexible, better wearing, BrTTre rR UNDERWEAR, LONG DISTANCE PIPING ERING FEATS PLANNED FOR WESTE.N AUSTRALIA. ENGI Gold Mining Region of - Coolgardie Supplied With Water at a Cost of $14,000,000, 1 1s expected. that. the next few years will witness the development of'the most Mae system of . water. ermine ret toque and tt which, carrying with a.diamond necklace and earrings | ia western Australia that a ever been that she © the gifts of seen, The plan is t again and sa er _comed again, the successful neering work a heavily bra that is now supplying the great gold far out in ning nd vest, with istped trousers and: patent eo boots Sam Poluski acted as best man, Se "Mr. Tom MeNaughton performed the unusual office of “geni of the ring.” i ery cordial commenced when groom, having “is their seats in front registrars’ table, the best. man proceeded with mock solemnity to mop the perspiration from the bridegroom's S6 gaie @ proceedings by rever- ently dusting Mr. Hurley's boots with a gorgeous rei blue bandana, Other guests kept the fun going with witty sallies, whilst the registrar, and a dozen camera men, b that official was literally sur- rounded, snap-shotted almost ever; movement of the bride and bridegroom. BEST MAN'S WAR DANCE. : intimated the Some last thal he was ready to proceed with ceremony. ‘The “Dest man and Mr. McNaughton promptly executed a sort of war dance, and the best man having passed. his hands hypnotic fashion in. {ront of the ouple, the registrar proceeded to recite the marriage lines, which were repealed with much gusto by the bride and bride- groom. Alera vigorous search through all hig. Bockela: Me. Sam Poluskl discovered on hi sinpty echoed with te when he anded-it to Mr McNaughton and cheer. nly remarked S 8 ea Ws of the Ring, pass it ind ring was duly handed round, and bridegroom, who er of the Rirecetee sic nenent e Poluski gagged— “Gemini ‘Talk about a soap trust, why it’s all sunlight here HALL OF KISSES. Before the guests had recovered from their convulsions the bride and bride- groom were cordially kissing each othe pr omiseus kissing. “Geni of the Ring” kissed the bride, au groom meen to and the camera work; Mrs. Hurley ‘obliging with a pose in the act of sia Sam’ Poluski, Miss’ Alice Lloyd, Tohn Wood, tater of the ae ide, signed the registrar as wit: nes the two Hignoekabouts” obliged with more cheerful. sailies, and then, with Marie Loyd on his-arm,-Mr. Alec. Hurley proceeded 10 “taco the music” of crowd 0 PUMERAN DEPARTUR ho couple ware ‘plentifully speak led with confetti, but, knockabouts solaaming nd } having ess at ae Style, backwards down the stairs in front) of them, eventu heir mo- 01 numbered a good thousani oe Mr. 20 uae Alec. Hurley. lel, where & Pe-| motored to a. hot “i 2 Pocuod was wa all he Jeading lights f the music hall profession being ae yy. Grippe or to call it, is ea diseases known. Liver Oil and je-| is no dang be Followed by @ Se of motor han- nd, Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Hypophosphites in easily di- gested form, is the greatest strength-| eee known to medical science. We feed easily digested Gat it einks tata the system, making new blood and new fat, Luci aneie~wed mele coaameaee mining region of Co: tie: cekere ac. interiors wilh plenty of w brought trom. the coast moun- tains niles eed fig Soni Aus satin desert con gions in the world. Carnegiemade his second journey across it ears ago velled 800 miles t finding anything aS sug: Fe ed a periine ents For many he ‘saw alii ‘ut pri jekly spinifer: covering the sand ridg- es, which were forty fly feet height and extended east and west pai ailel_with asin Sth na crossed more than eighty of these sand ridges in eight hours (ravel But under these repellant sands lie {he great gold resources siralia w supplying more er the metal every year than of the commonwealth. ot miners to this great thirst region be- gan, the e and the frantic Fale ton waisl was SOMETIMES TRAGICAL. The Government ground sources of s ttits water was { iat th search jpought for under. uppiy, but most ng:nee! _ water deli eee mountains, — of Perth. part of tho world = i completed only two 0 and they: ore attracting all the the population paying $14, “000 000 for them still quite smi Tho amount of rainfall in the basin of the Helena River, which flows throug eh the Hills” south of Perth, abi inckes a it was foul that by inspouning this river a suppl. ot 5,000,000 gallons | day would: he available for transportation inta 1H ! terior. The problem was, to transport this for was ing, the place where the Helena River was dammed, is at he surface of the desert to which the water was to be carried is about. 5 OVE SEA LEVEL, and had to i lifled during the process bout 1,300 feet. The water win: collects pas = of the dam in, the Helena River forms a fine lake seven miles ngih. ‘The big @ thet Onrpies the water is Trakbuiad age he ani Mica onthe gurface of in’ open trenches,’ for” there BE Ee There ss ver Hinting stalions, a lille more than forty miles apart, and the water is ope “moving up the long, bu It <Any et : y. miles west Coolgardie, and from this eae tation takes Il fo 5,000 inhabitants of the Coolgardie fase camps and to the Kaloorie region J This water is sold 0} eyond. 75 cents ‘a Posing galions, and it supplies not only, those distant mining camps also some iwenly of thirty. seltlernents mand sr 'y at al time have lost ae teas for the pipe line iling si ‘in| GOOD FRESH ROO TIMES. There has been no interruption of the jenza, whichever you like the most recess peer PP PPP PPS SS SS SSO SUS SU flow on account. of accident to the pumps, because extra pumps are in- sialled ab every station for use In ease ee PS IL to give the widest: posalblo appli- eation (0. this idea whose practi- cublilly ‘has bean. 20 Thotougtly. denon: weste urning their attention. far in the all he interior, ut also to f be fi country than was formerly thought pos- SS ARE TOO WARM. With pale face she waited the ver- & 2 “And you told father your love mo was burning love ” she pestered to sk. st au! % nighed the young man, who from running. “and ‘that ay heart was on fire?” was And what aid he “Why he blazed away uae Ateen min- ules and if there had heen any more Tamils cae ere Gey ould fave had to call the fire engines.” —+— — AFT RS. L Stephenson, of Peterborough, n years I suffered con et itching, then tite R NY stanly with Bleoding; pain almost eet urden. ed everythin ti IT used Dr. Leonhardt’s io "Rold.. “IT had taken but a few ses when began to notice an improvement. Now fam elely cured.” BE Hem-Ro Wilsomfyle Co., Ont. Limited: Singhs rails First. Lawyer: settling up ond Lawyer: awyer: 0 work hard t key the heirs bls peas part of ine KIND YOU HAVE 1” Menthol Plaster. ot Kine only by Davis & 1 tarsal Ge Miss Antique "And did he.say he re- n I was a girl?” s eae ho remembered you when he ae a boy. e, Prairie Scratches and Mt cm of contagious Ttch om human or animals cured in nee by a ‘ole ford’s Sanitary totion. never fails. “TION. METALLIC AY) Gindy —“What type of men do you pre ‘ah Tin types; if he hasn't got the tin I have no use for him.” A Carefully Prepared Pill. Much time snd attention were expended in th perimenting with the ingrodlents that onler into the composition of Parmelee’s Vogel able Pills before They were brought @ state in which they were first of: @ publ pills may be, Pari are the result ot Wha! Ve 5aeiable pills Ae expert ae and ia cr ry CO! ing what they HOG'S HOLLOW. ‘An old lady living not far from To- oe retired early one Sunday even- ing. Jeaving her daughter to entertain wo city men. From time to t he talled down, Haro they ane vel The er Was 0 ‘No,” until y nies sted that they one of the visite te Sugg! answer cae and hear what she would tw boys hogs on the but- owe erful trea’ “If oti had made ine 6h ostrich," en rouch, “I suppose T could ¢ you no in wphat would. Be. very nice," ans' nperturable spouse; He Daud me some plumes for my ut eels be Happy while mt ns. Then do delay in boltls of fonoway's Meco removes all kinds of corns ‘without pain. Failure with. it is unknown, 1 ott “How go “A jealous girl, thal Elsie.” is that” “I fold her four week: in the strictest confidence that I was seorelly engaged, and now she sn't told a single person.” Ee h year in medi. ni ti od that, the wo: y r| oa ae and Toneut from te One of the things a a conceited youth can’t understand is how any girl can be so foolish as to turn him down for some other chap. When Rheumatism doubles a man up physician and sufferer alike lose heart and often deapair ‘ols cure, but hero's the Wm. of Norwood, Ont, says Fhoamatism, Somehow the bargains a woman ac- quires seldom look like poreaing a few days later, when she occasion 10 visit another store, A Suecessful Medicine. — Everyone wishes to be successful in any taking in which he may merge. pill pro- duced — wi 1 fulfil. everything Staimed for = “For goodness’. Lan what's that noise?” “The door is havin; ker voice. cultivated. = “Apparently the rocess of cultivation has reached the WAN Ladies to to on an “vgn st at home, whole or spare pay; send Ea for full niga National Manufacturing — Compeny, Something Superior TO THE FINEST JAPAN TEA GROWN: “SALADA” CEYLON GREEN TEA. ‘| Sold only in sealed Lead packets at 400, 500 and 600 por Ib at all grocers. is used in the cempionsip league in lille more than the cheap kinds Canada and Rs Slates. but isworth MUCH MO) STARR QUALITY THROUGHOUT, THE REGAL HOCKEY Costs a the the Box Centre Bracket which is not shown in the cut, STARR MFG 6O., DARTMOUTH, N. S., and 132 welineton TORONTO. Heel, Limited, i of WRITE FOR CATALOGUE “OSHAWA” Wind, Water, Stcrm and flag, and have covered thousands making them METAL CEILINGS. in 2,000 desi Steel Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from 92.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. is is the most WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROOF. ‘We also pei iis Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and regan Fay in imitation at brick or stone, Aaa doh Catalogue No, 14R Aa free samples of “OSHAWA” lay. TE FPUDLAR PHOPri.syr, Shingles. or Houses, Barns, man can lay the “OSHAWA” shingles. A re the pre fools ed. the hiestsy and oldest cccmpany of the kind under the British of the best buildings throughout Canada, durable cov- res, Shingles, Hontredl, Que. | ee, Ot {To Ol muswonise lianmen | uciey tondon, On | Winnipeg, Hor. [taco BG. 69 Dundas st.|76 Lombard st, 615 Pond Write your Nearest Office.HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Ont PLATED. During theBoer War an Irish pen- sant, who. was posted. with ' F musket on duty, and had wandered a little out sted by an offi- of his position, was accos! th: “Whal y hi me I am here for a can ial Proves its Excellence.—The best fieurnoniat one can have of the ‘virtue { Dr. ‘Thomas’ Eelocteto the treatment of bodily pa nd affections of the It not ound Thebes it Hike has food substances. LAZY OLD SORES, Pill not linger tone after tron Corate has Sith Weaver's Sysup. dnl and at Fron nent with iveurne @ blood believes & man. loves her, even believe anything A woman. always neh hd declares Li {hough she else he says. ran... Water. 0, G. Arctor, of ‘eewers Main says: “T have Ary ’Gafarrh. for’ sovorall ye Water trom my_ eves end. nose. tor moat four en ago ow's Oa tai md _-aince wine the Wonderful remedy I have not. had Tt te “so 7 would ran at a ti tack. relieves in ten minut centa. Dri cant (Wo awkward squad) — “tho bolle of our new rifle will. go right through. eighteen inches of solid woot Ber member that, you head Help your children grow strong ai robust by counteracting anything ‘int causes ee ealth, t cause cf disease it child ren is worms. Remove them with Mother Graves’ Worm Ex- terminator. It never fails. HHNDU CREMATION. Workers in a Columbia Have No rying Place. Unable to secure perm: from. the Canadian officials to cremate their dead according to their religious Ee the ern it wt ey say that the cremation syst in co Rada with thelr religion. Saas Seenoee ey A GRAVE QUESTION. - Little ee be Le zit are fessor, aren't Tittle Jimmy—“Are ‘your punils go- they grow fem ‘uged in Seattle is not} EATHER DYEING Gloantag and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned Thea GRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING Ch Patents Secured Frea re patent ergo “tt you have an plications free of invention send sketch to-day for free opinion, 24 years experience, FR. OL Gibbs, 52 St. James St., Montreal A DATE DESCRI o that’s “mastledl May i She—"Yes—or the first the fifth of November.” tress ‘and ald digestion cents. the young i ines Tablots after eating, coe Jill prevent this a PTION. thing o: and Decsnbeh of April and De mediately 5 38 He had lent her his his Ailontaphts pen id she pomtuepied . aoe it w n in iovs vith this a letter, de No write uutilly. min loyewilh:the holder.” Sho saw the point, ten what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most momentous. y ure. tlis- posed to regard a cold as res of little consi elect often results Drive out colds and coughs with Bickle Anti-Consumptive Syrup, remedy for all affections a slight thing, ideration, an in most sort rs of suffering, the recognized of the throat “Have you ony children, Jones?” “Oh, yes! You know Robinson?" “Which Robinson “Which Robinson — Wil+ liam " “Know wi very well. ha’ that got to ‘ with ik” “I'm going to tell y one between ns ing abyut? You must be crazyt What do you mean?” “IPs correct, He lives, on one side of the orphan asylum and T on the other!" when 2 ete eae wen Toile of SHILOH will « She ye yt do as hunireds of thousan: done foe the ing to be undertakers ni up» Canadian: Sire ad

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