“H. M. SCHAEFER’ @ issuer or @> Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “It Shines For All.” + Vol. XV—No. 46 The Sovereign Bank of Canada MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 6, 1906 Maleolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Chartered by Dominion Parliament. ee A ee A NEW CANADIAN RECORD. R are Chance ed ae lee ened rep ed Bea PEARSE Ea Sse] Palette | undiviaea | BRE NGHS, | Demlts | Tobie 1902 1,173,478 $ oem 759, a fe 0 $1,: 413, a . } 1903 #800'000 302, 1,237,650 “The Sun” will be 1904 1,300,000 ey srs tk 0 Be 106. 741 4 1905 1,610,478 5: 550, 1906 3,942,710 1 385, 847 2,850,675 ison 920 sent toany address mer i the es | Peet some | tant | me Lawes ee Ee: r t Bankers ete. ey and Ditcounts __ United States from raoa | $ 953.007 | 490.269 | $1,090,109 "| $1,an8 400 $5,855,208 ee yantae 1903 122,774 x 2 074,048 anu 1904 1,214, ’ 672'034 1,179,540 7,014,123 “now unti y 1905 1,491,398 791,153 1,566,144 9,578,850 3906 | 3,916;842 1,612,831 4,614/087 14,640,510 Lippe ele abchtereca a, Savings Department at all Offices Interest Patd Four Times a Year. A. J. CUNDICK, Manager, Miverton Branch rea = = = Prey eae ae ear ae | OE RE PEE SR SCHAEFER & WHALEY: asak 52S we SS —— SATISFACTORY + STORE CLOTHING! We handle the Celebrated Broadway Brand Clothing for a popular priced selling gar- ment. not only made to sell, but also to satisfy. finish there is no better gar- ment made in Canada to-day for the price, would like to have you ‘call around and have a look at our Broadway Suits at $10 to $14. Our Big Special Offerings for Friday and Broadway Clothing is For style, fit and Gentlemen, we Saturday of Millinery Mantles, Underwear take your choice for $1. choice for 3.25. length. We must make room in order to have plenty of [space to display our Holiday Goods, and on Friday and Saturday we will throw profits to the winds on the following lines : Trimmed Hats Taste No. 1—20 only Trimmed Hats, all this seasons, regular 1.75 to 3.50, take your choice for $1. Children’s Hats 10 only Children’s Hats in neat felt shapes, trimmed with ribbons, regular value $1 to 1.50, your choice for 65c. Ladies’ Mantles Taste No. 2—30 only Ladies’ Mantles, good cloths, last season's make, good warm coats, regular values $4 to 8.50 Ladies Skirts 20 only Ladies’ Skirts, navy blues, blacks and greys, all this season’s, new and up-to-date, regular 4.50 to 6,00, your Winter Caps Taste No. 3—8 dozen good, warm, Winter Caps for men and boys, also about 4 dozen girls Tams and Toques, regular values 35 to 50 cents, will go quick at each 25 cents. Shirts and Drawers 5 dozen Men’s Shirts and Drawers, wools and union ak regular 50 to 75c, at per garment 25c. Just Arrived A shipment of Ladies’ Tweed Mantles in the new % Ladies, come in and see these beautiful coats. ee ee ene ne ee eee en eer ener ess SCHAEFER & 2 ok as chs ahs as aki aks aks cfs % hs 248 3 ks sis ch * sak Ey 8 ee ete isirtecitne: TITHE: PeaRtiGte: THERE Gee * A ca | Pfeffer E: jst Fetained from North | Monday: ant Tuesday The Public Drug Store. | gg ede debe eked debe obe ode deg ‘f LOCAL NEWS | REE Ph heheh ER Oranges, sare oeet 25, 30, 40 and 50c at H, M Miss Sm: = a Macton, has been visiting at the manse this week. Butter and eggs taken in operas for patent medicines at H. Mohr’s. Mr. Richard Raycraft, Granton was a visitor in the village last week. | If you want your picture taken come a Maitland’s studio on Friday Dec. 7th car Grimm of Ailsa Craig, | spent Sunday at the home of his ee in Milverton. of corn has aie at Messrs. ros. élevator and will be sup- plied to farmers at $1 per cwt. Mr. John Dryburg, of Collingwood | is spending a few days at the residence of Mr. John Roulston this weel ac W. Burke, of Cleveland, ‘o, spent a few days this week at ais hawent Mr, and Mrs. W. Burg- man. . D, F, Stewart, B.S.A., who has Battleford, visitor in the village on y of this chee Watson, Sas] Mr. H. My k and reports the progress of this branch as favorable. The stern train from the north R. on the G. T. about two ae late on Monday w phis is may be ered a_news item as such a thing nid not ReGeRE UAE Abis “iia hace lest r. Wm, Haztman, of Ellice, as been engaged as teacher of S. S. N r and has been highly recommended by the inspector as an efficient teac As a result oe friction over second- The livery ae of the late Joseph H. Lambert is now nee offer- edfor sale, This is one of 1 stands in the country aketesan $3000. and $4000 were taken in last year. Anyone desiring, further pete should communicate with J. Barr, of Milverton, A friend at our elbow popes ae the best way to head ot order houses is for the loc: kane to advertise. ee and Pe bh ee themselves. It does look rea: All of the pacuastal: mail omen Howse are heavy advertisers and if make it pay why not the ae mer- chant. copaaniet Chronicle. Boyle vs, Roulston—At the es of the Division Court held at Mily. ton on Thursday last before His H Hon adge Barron. case arising out of the purchase of a pig by. Boyle from Roulston, a subject of correspon- dence in recent issues of this paper. His Honor gave judgment in favor of Mr, Roulston with costs, payable by le. To have beautiful, perfect, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime light coating of Dr, Shoop’s Green Salve, Then next morning notice the efféct. Dry, cracked or colorless lips mean feverishness, and are as well ill appearing, oe Shoop! oft, creamy, healing ointment, Geta a free trail box at our store an be convinced, Large, glass jars 250. Bs The C.P.R. have decided to make London the divisional headquarters ated from London. fee staff, altogether about fifteen peo ple will have to remove to Lon On Thursday afternoon of last week e and five . David Schartzentruber, Mornington, during the absence of imself aud Mrs. So AS ee idea as to the the identity ot She thiet and will await develop! Next week the 23rd Annual Pro- vineial Winter Fair for Pace Sheep, | Mr. vii Poultry of the Farmer's Institute will be mead to the Paris free by presen- ting their 1901 embership tickets. Tf you have not aes call and get one trout your secretary. Single fare on all falwabe from 8th to 14th ae | Raw furs, highest prices paid at H. Mohr’s. Finest fruits for your Xmas cake at. HH. Mohr’s: Mr. G. F, Maitland will be at his | Milverton studio on Friday Dee. 7th. | The highest price will be paid at costae hogs and beef hides at Miller The a squeal of the ee 2 Pons er these mornings testify that this is “pig killing” tim Satis is the time to speak r. Sam Noll ets Stun the the big tone shortly before Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Torrance, of | Listowel, spent Sunday in the village j visiting Mr. Martin Grimm who has been quite ill. Now is the time to onder your bill BANKING BY MAIL, and up- heads and enyelo; Anew o-da ate consignment of type ia just | arrived at the Sun s Grace See = Mr. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO BE. WALKER; General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES STA’ A GENERAL BANKING AND ENGLAND BUSINESS TRANSACTED Ev: facili pe ge : ery ity forded F: fe oy heeete business, Sales Notes eaatiag a fag for collection, mail. Manager, —Deposits may be made or withdrawn by Out-of-town accounts receive every attention, WM. MAYNARD, STRATFORD BRANCH Misi Wi Beet of Lansing, Mich,, after spend- Za week with friends in and around Milgersn have returned home. Lederman has sonore his _den- to Weir’s ie pee “te ees as oe for business as e little more snow ae make The merry jingle of Dr. tal bl CAPITAL PAID UP, RESERVE FUND... BANK of HAMILTON ‘ABLISHED IN 1: 6 best tu the sleigh bells is heard once more Knox ‘ollege, Toronto, who vrcaied in’aid sid | of the Knox College Mission Fun Mr. W. D. Weir will on Saturday, Dec, 8th, sell on the square, Milver- ton, for Mr. J. H. Schmidt, tWe driv- ing horses aged 7 and 10 respectively, Six months credit ‘will be given or a discount of six per cent. per annumn off for cash, Sale commences at 2 o’eloc! ee son of a wealthy London mer- chant was sent to se a to stay. medicine. After some time the mer- chant went up to the Scottish city te see his son. While out ‘doing the sights,” the father, pointing to a large cannonaded building, anak what it was. He replied: father, I really do not know. such little time for sightseeing.” On an and asking the game question, Sart were told: ‘That ilding, sir, the School of invrg flee to deseribe the ace feelings and expression, ¢ Ladies’ Guild of Christ church, Milverton, will hold their first annual zaar and sale of work.on Thursday ba: and Friday, Dec, 13th and 14th, in a the building formerly oceupied by Mr. Seigner’s shoe store, The ladies have Christmas presents. During the after- tea and cocoa will be served. guessing contest is one of the features of the bazaar. beautiful doll is on exhibition in the drug store an every person has an opportunity to ecure it by guessing its name, Each guess costs but five cents and no limit is placed on the number of guesses open to one person. ‘The bazaar will be the social event of thé season, & ‘The N, P. Women's Institute held a | © very siccessful meeting on Thursday ternoon, atthe home of Mrs. Kerr. ‘The programme consisted of a paper entitled “The Entertaining of the Gu The embroidery by Mrs. piece hair receiver and apron by ticles were passed around and those present had an opportunity of examining them. bas Kerr had also prepared bread and buns, Mrs. aley cake an Connell orange sala duly tested and commented upon The President and Secretary, vention to be held in Guelph in Dee- next meeting will be held lexander, on Thursday, December 20th, for which a.timely and appropriate programme id. {is being prepare svete te bes The concert given. here last. Wed hes Sees by arte ee Glee pee male Be Robb, of Stratford, sates the = gut of her cousin’s, the Misses iim A tate OE Milverton, iv at preent i visiting’ her sister, Mrs The Methodii ists of ae oe are holding their seryices in the Forest- er’s hall until their church isrepaired. ee ees Honorably Fs le oe Mr. Norval Babb and an employee, Gillies, Stratford, were honor- in the rts, when it was 5] to haye been a straightforward business deal, and the customer was: al 6} even more for the old article left at the store than it was really yout 0 | The whole ee originated out o} ring worth nd for which Mn Gillies aloerel $2.25. It was merely and probably y some outsider. We ¢ congratulate Mr. Babb and are glad to know that such happenings, origin- as they did, when the truth is rge Xmas trade through the pat he has:just had. = Mitehell A : | Mr. Frank daughter, Miss K. Robb, a few b an retin Glenn ny of Milverton, is| in he} o . smiserseats: twice per annum, Ist of Sale notes collected and a Dra A general banking bu ce naar oes cc n. Manager a Su 102 Branches thacghbat the Dotntiton 10; Savings Department | Ps? your saving Interest allows ie Hi and Ist of Dec Farmers’ Business ! Speci attention 1S to vai ye imecy ther Used anata - HAMILTON Hse Total Assets. .$30,000,000 ‘TO! RS urnbull, Vice-Pres..and Gen, Manager rge Rutherford on Toro! t. of ee ‘s bank account with the Bank ONE DouLaR Witt START AN hes’ Current rate and compounded farmer's requirements, mer’s at reasonable rates, An Milverton Branch, R. J. Ranney, Mgr. tober cheese and butter cheques te “the Milverton factory are now and may be had by calling at Mr. Dwyer’s house, aaa EEA une Wedding Vancouver Province ae ag she the marriage of Mr: mier and Mise ‘Mabel land, solemnizes it the family residence, Fairview, Van er. teresting ceremony was performed in the drat iy MILLBANK Mrs. (Dr.) MoCom, ne oetihte to visi si me By hom sok st ‘Palmerston, is violting en si Gilles Miss Aggie rete cf Miss ©, pakee spent Sunday at Mrs, H. Stew- ening at 8 Ae coe Master Willie ‘Gillespie, of Shakes pear, a ending afew weeks at his Gra nd fat ab Mr, Archie Johnson, of spent. Sunday with his feother Dr speldincor ck pe i eol- anlar bot N the morning and even~ ienne over taffeta silk trimmed with ing g services in Grace Church hore, Ri par wd and mas a bebo oe Sunday, 9th inst,. Communion ol lossoms, and she carried a] will be 1 5 shaver Dogars Of Whites comeatione As K st held after the morning ser: nd smilax, a gift on e@ groom, je was given aw father, 7. her ended by bers tend Miss Bel. la Summerville while the Li was supported by Mr, Alex Grieve. The party with a number of guests were entertained at a el re after which dancing was indul; Mr. H. Gartl far- nish the music. The bride wi a Japai bioyers, 5 aneesiis carving set in Famme- --Gropp. arming Ne vember wedding and neath a floral bell of white carnations, while on either side stood three ribbon girls forming an aisle. Precisely at 3,30 o'clock, the bride, who looked very girlish and pretty dressed in white taffetta silk trimmed with em- broidered chiffon and silk ruching and wore a bridal veil cay ight up with orange blossoms and carrit immed with valencienes lace and carried a hoquet of pink car- nations. ion groom was attended his brother, Edgar. Little Viol: Zimmerman, cousin of the bride, made a very pretty ring bearer, carrying a basket of white carnations and smilax. tite Flora -Gropp, cousin of the b ride, made a very pretty flower girl, | Gordon Hoffmai in white silk, The ushers mn gir! Misses Katie and Cla: stock ; Missos Annie Becker, of Wartl rtburg ; Misses @: Zimmerman and Ella Gropp, of Mil verton. Immediately after the cere- mony the bride and groom led their w ‘he bride’s evening dress was of pale blue nuns yeiling. The evening was spent in ieee and The happy couple ing to their Hae home Se- bringville where Mr. and Mrs. Famm: will be at home to pee many friends, rech- | © ‘as | ther, Perey Si | man pamcaDARtae SAS Wear Te School Report: “Par November Bee s Coutts, Villian. THondertohy Edward Guen- 8 Rececree eget eb Sse Frieda Over Nets son, Hae 6 Coulter, ke rad a Soper, Pear ran Forrest Gi —Honors—Helen McKinnon second | Pei r. 1V-—Between 40 and 50 per cent. Henry Pauli, Norman Roegse, Rub cel Jacob Klen dlaagie ie Schaefer, Hes- ter Guenter, Char! 25 per cent, Roy Miller and Verna avery, equal.) Diviston IL e) 28, rles Hofferd, Alf Krajefski, Alice Hamilton, ane Loth, Eddie Dies- row Over 30 per cent.—Wilfrid TOR! r. 111—Over er_cent.—Perey Goulter ‘Marie simithe E) Jennie Keer Russell Guenther, Wil- Aile a ageene Zimmerman, Over Bo poets dna Piero wy ‘Atkin, Oharlotte Linder, sermal, (Theo Linder, Violet owioy) ngal, esate Roese, George Thamer, Willie Paull, Arthur Jacobs, awit Ritter, Laura Thi m tS er cont— Clarence Miller, Beryl Oaten, Bevery en. Della Scplas Teacher. Drvistox 3 | Hoffman, Lite Hoff man, 'reda Rus: kin, Alfie Boeckner, Lillian Ross, Pearl Miller Jr, 1—Doris Ritter, Edith Alexan-~ der, Lambert Layerv, I izzie Schauber illie ‘born, te Bandécho, Willie Coutts, ial John Morlock. Wilfred Bundscho, = a iat