CHANGES IN THE TARIFF A. Number ‘A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. Fielding delivered his budget speech on rsday. The new proposition which © presented, gives really five tariffs. They aro as follows First, the general tariff. Three of these tariffs are figured out, and as a equence we have as @ basis of oprations a three column sche- si the paiest of the three. decreases a number of duties and in- ‘The principal changes Manufactures of lead, reduced from . per Mo 5 per TE ogler Silverware, eent. ay fy per cen! oe pee and ratenes, increased from increased from 30 per + Se aoe typesetting machines, {ncreosed from 10 to 20 p Mowing machines, Ticats ers, reap- ae binders, reduced from 20 to 17% per bse xes, scythes and ‘Sickles, reduced tery 2% to 22% per Shovels and spades, reuduced from 35 or to 82% per cent. Telephone and telegraph instruments, Taised trom 25 to 27%4 per cent, Contec eee specific rate of 3 cent. Silk’ ‘tor | neckties, increased from 10 to 39 per cent. Silk, Tasniaclures, 385 to 37% per cer ay anes duced from 35 to 25 per increased from S Pibsiag corde Increased from 6 to § cents a “Glue, fangs, Rey increased from Pee aeedek kon bo to | per cent. Gasoline, formerly _dutiable at 2% cents a gallon, n Building brick ay smanutactures 18 clay increased from 20 to 22% pi of Duties Others Increased. = The t. lreach the total of $105,689,519. 101 to 1 re cents per arl barley to er cent. Vegetables Hncreased from 95 per cent. to 30 per cent. Oranges and lemons are made free. % pero Decreased and agbalts bat us, inereased from 30 to | Ht,7* commision, i uae: ‘. a securing a Co} of the recommendations c man nea Cine ee 2 10) or the recent. Chicao convention con- Tz per cerning insurance reform. Beans increased from 15 to 25 cents sods 1. and buckwheat bn from bus! incnesod from 20. per je at tic the Satchels, _burses, and _pocket-books increased fi to 35 per cen tallies an culls increased from 35 2 304 Heike Steaaes from 30 to 35 per Brushes of ey ote increased from 25 to 27% per On the old a tari These rates were sub- ject to a di ne-third. if me. ee came from Brin The n eme abolishes thi jo estimate, but will increase the revenues. th 80 prov barriers may be lower: which will ensure reasonable competi- n, estimates for the next fiscal year THE WORLD'S MARKETS) ost’: FROM ‘OB LEADING MAT CENTRES. REPORTS Prices of caitte, 6 Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Profuce at Uome and Abroad, — Flour — Ontari Toronto, Dec. 4. port, second paleiey $4, and ate Haken Bran—vhe market is sleady at $16 to $16.50 in bulk Buleiaes ee rts are quoted at $18.50 to “$19 outsid ae ted al $16 aulslday without offerings. Wheat_No. 2 while offered at 77% Rees uatp x red at Tic ante with SAS: ie ig shipient from Fort William. Barley--No. % extra, 50c bid east on CP. a Pi 2 wanted at Sic outside, without sellers, gor of No, 2 white sold ab a be 86}¢c on a 6c rate to Tor Corn—-No, 3 American ‘low offered at 52c, track, Toronto, wi jc bid, and it also offered ee 51% to ave Toron- to, will Cain my PRODUCE. oe la toca tani at $1.50 to $1.60, t $1.35. athepeetratned qunted et10%to e0| soe NE eT Net pee sg and combs at $2 to $2.50 per pi 10 $4,408 second” patents, Hops—New quoted at 18 to 2c. pa tees Ast eas fea estes: Hay—No. 1 timothy scarce, and | °° : quoted at $11 to $11.25 on track’ here; ae MARKER. Patntoas-Ontario, 60 to. 70eper_ bag ae track, and New Brunswick, 75 to 80¢ Po sultry Fy Turkeys, teed Bee 15c; chickens, dress alive, 6 ta % per tb; fowl, Mie: 4 fo 8 50; ducks, | $ dressed, 8 to 9c; do, alive, 6 to 10 ee tb; THE DAIRY MARKETS, Butter—Pound rolls are quoted to 27e, 12 to per dozen, and laid nominal at 30c. Cheese—Large cheese, 13}4¢, and twins at Lic, HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed. ire un- ie st Bacon, long clear, 1134 to 12¢ case lots; mess pork, $21 to B21, 50; short cut, ight to mediuin, 15 to 15%4¢; ‘4c: rolls, as shoul. 6 to 16%; 12%; a ders, He etree ho 15% to Lard—Tierces, 12%; pails, 12%c. ‘ BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, Dec. 4.—Grain—Business in tubs, red | 9); CER, Northern, 80340 peat oink ae | sellers at 8ic, November Bul Manitoba shee continues quiet; No. 2 in store are quoted at 424c; No. 3, afer and Nos 4¢-40%6. to dl Flour—There was no change in the local flour situetion. Manitoba spring wheat, stro BA. 1 inter wheat patents, $4.10 1.25, aight rollers, $3.75 to $3.80; do, in bags, $1. to $1.75; extras, $1.50 $1.60. Feed— Manitoba bran, in bags, $20; shorts, ae per ton; Ontario bre in bags, $20.50; shorts, (0 $23; mill ea mouillie, $21- to $25 per r ton, and straight grain, $28 to $30. Provisions—Barre short cut mess, to $24; half-barrels, $11.75 to $12.50; clear fat backs, $23. $13; ati ar Pics $6.50 ets mess beef, ympound 1a rd, 8 to 9340; pure lard, et e Tacs kettle rendered, 13% to the; a 14 to 15240; breakfast bacon, 10 to 6c; yr bacon, ne made, sc: Quek nebeos = tg aye. 254; UNITED STATES MARKETS. Duluth, Dec. 4—Wheat—No. 1 North- » 79c; No. 2 Northern, ies Decem- (ol ern, 77 to 81c; May, 78 to 78% bid. Be io, 1, 69 to arley—No. «eta site ber, TMC; May, m%c; July, 80303 No, 1 hard 88240; No, 1 Northern, —Another rather light run at the aly ci Market gave trade a risk tone, this ning. Export C eChoice, Sh40 to Ho: good, $4 cows $3.50 to ints $2.50 to 807 Butcher cate Hare cho Sheep and Lambs—Export ewes, $4.- Leet te Ras and culls, $3 to $3.50; ustvalian Federal Australian branch of the Standard Oil Trust. WHOLE TOWN BLOWN UP: Three Hundred Persons Killed or ae Wounded at Westphalia. » ‘ A despatch from Dortmund, Germany, “bays: A “Roburit” factory, situated close seven mi day evening 4 face of the earth. i is econ that 3 unded. ve to hi eight dead. b “ yobs ot eighty of ne severely wound- ed p ns had been ie} can be burned wilh safet explosion: The “Yecldent oceu! ne ie 8 PaO There ere were | tremendous pbtenetcne heard Rakes ammonia ingredients, . Tk 1s by, @ Bow, andi vision is madein thenew tariff to| an sd Bound Officials, Ese: ‘TReview of eer SS Sixteen ; ae puaen Peasants have been murdered b; band of Turks and eds Government is anata the prosecution of the DOMINION PARLIAMENT NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. INSURANCE vEroey. rance Commi have its report before it resumes after the Christmas holidays. PACING nae Mr. Fisher stated i tion by Mr. Chisholm | that ihe pad of Mr. . Moore. chief of t..e markets F een ot Agricul- ackin; Beha in rally, & satisfactory rs. AS the report. went into details concerning the ess of packing-houses, it was, thought better that the report should not be | upon the table oi the House. GEORGIAN BAY CANAL. charge of the survey of the oe Canal, that no approximate cost was included, was the information ke by Mr. Fisher to Mr. Bral ‘he final report. he added, is eivedied i the end o! RIVER ERS Mr. question of deepening the mouth of the | Themes to the Chatham to 18 o1 peaiaats SILVER. Teply: to. Mr, Uriah Wilson, it was stated. by Mr. Fielding that the Govern | 82, sth 58 in commission | 4.48 in expressage on American city of a, vi tu from Januar} to date, Of this number 100 had been deported because of discase up to November 1st, since that date twenty-five had been deported, but a de- tail ort of the cause for their de- portation had eived atthe department. The Immigration Depart- ment Mr. Oli sald,-dnes. not: cant: bute in any way {im- jo the poverished Hindoos arriving in British Columbi Sie get PRISONERS MUTINIED. Looted Prison and aped. ladimir, Russia, A despa! from Be Af and avian cloths the Domin-| to private busi-| of ce Mr. Fisher intimated to the House, in | j "| of each car should be acceptable as sale. LAWS FOR MOTORISTS. French Government to Pass a Drastic Mea: re, A despatch from Paris ae Senator le Freycinet, whose jughter: hopelessly er’ ipptea the motor accident dra! @ bill SD aecidents aly in uburbs since The an how cidents the chauffeur will be fined 1,000 rancs for the first offence, sentenced 0 a year’s imprisonment for the second and three years for the third, with loss of right lo run a ear. A special corps polled i provided. for. Tho bill will possibly be attenuated in Par- Viament, but nevere measures will ably pass, as the country deputies and Senators strongly favor it owing to their constituents’ complaints. - ‘THE RAILWAYS’ VICTIMS. Chicago's Heavy S: tir A despatch font Chicago says: Ar ns killed and 2,271 is al one-half times the sealing capacity — GUNS ON AIRSHIP. New Engine of Me Var is Being Prepared in Leaene k Herald of Wednesday age 7; commission, German _ mili thori- es are constructing in a new department be vied with all the modern, improve- ments, experience gain: @ Parsi val and Zeppelin Girigibies Pelng uu ized. 1 will be armed with small amount will acce] Port of A despatch from Montreal says: The ocean steamship left Montreal on Elder- sho’ large increases, while, on the otlier hand, there have Teen ‘some noticeable decreases in the certain commodities. ad is a falling off in some. line: In spite df. the fact that the grain wsindes appeared dull during the last feason’s Business Through GRAIN EXPORTS aCe Montreal Summer, the total a ols of grain show a large increase, being 25,460,713 bushels, against 21,9" vushals last ©. chief gains were made eae} and Haxsc shipments of the fo fae 616 bushels, against 9: 116, 187 bushels last year. This xport of flaxseed were 3,015,174 year. cheese shows increase 0) aks sy ter exports. ello shipments 1201 mh against 115,180 head last year. JAPS ON THROUGH TRAINS. A New Departure Initiated by the phe Pacific, » $4.30 mtreal despa’ $4.50; choice, $4 to $4.40; medi ur, 5 7 | adian Paellic Papen will infrae 15 34; common, 25 to $3.25; bulls, $3] Japanese attendants in the through rain service between Montreal: and Sie and Feeders—Choice, $3.25to| Vancouver. The Japanese will be em- mon, $2.75 to $3; bulls, $2 lo} ployed’ supplementary to the pre- 82. avy feeders, $3.65. lo sent train staff, and their functions will short ‘cocps: $9.85 to Qe be to render a somewhat similar a Mlee Cais Cha ice, lo $50; com-| vice fir nd second class cars | $25 to $35; springer, “9 to $40. | that performed by the porters on sleep: nn aves Unchanged al to 6c per} ing cars. The Japanese staff employed tor Anis, Durban Sel gaged by a Tiote i i Ni 4 proved by Vice-President McNicol Ho} changed at $6.40 per and Passenger Traffic Manager Kerr, it for choice sclects and sas for guts is expected that the Japs will ‘shortly and fats, fed and watered. jliar figures on the through trains, ‘They will relieve the. brako- mn of the rather irksome duty of clean- ing cars. and wall passer thus enable them to giv —+——_- ONTARIO’S BILL OF HEALTH. “A despatch es oe says: Accor- gto the report of the Pxpyincial Botd “of Health. the total number of Pp poe ar tagious diseases during the period. Of cases were reported in is power is second naivided attention to the nLite of a ‘Typhoid and aha Were Most lent. thi a last year pa ii Gnaw Hole in Beer Duct to Get Glori- Ss FIRE TRACED IN ST, LOUIS. Six Dead Se Thirty. -five Injured in lel tee uis says: The streets, thet was damaged by fire early oH being seriously. hurt, some not being expected to live. Four were burned t death and two died from injuries re- ceived from jumping from windows. Six jumped are lying unconscious at the City Hospital, and are not expected to ecover. Only two of the dead men have been identified eee TO THE KING'S TASTE, King Edward's Employer's Menu. atch from London says: Cedar, the Prince of Wales’ chef, has given to points ‘regarding the itis placed on the royal — RATS DAVE DEBAUCH. nk, A. des] ‘London: sa: ys: AL search to ea the cause of a leak- age in the show a gain, being Chef Talks of Royal t = atch cor, the fifteen-year-old son of Solo- A Wednesda. ; [The boy fell with his head between the CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Telegraphi+ Briefs From Our Own and Oiher Countries of Recent Occurrence. Cc The now Provinck as been entirely ft Qu aAppElSs Miistriet raised s of wheat this season. aneouver will wank $1.50 a day, b ist on S17; Niagara Fronier Bridge company is aoe g for a charter to bridge Nix agara. “Over nino and one-half miles of new gas, mains were aid in Victoria the Sask., sawmills will cat sixty milion Nga mae lumber, valued at $1,200,000, ni The C. P. R. nae “ined $200 at Swift twenty years’ impriso clive Lehuquet, who surprised him it Ottawa re- ‘est Pro! in tho city. ‘The Presbyterians have four fess, and the Methodists 1 five thousand boxes of Japan- ese oranges, the first shipment to ar- rive this season, were condemned by Provincial Fruit ‘Inspector Thomas Cua- ningham al fo less than five different species of scale and a lot of fungi were found. GREAT \T BRITAIN. and Duchess of Connaught The Duke in Bngland for five clergymen and fity- five eatechists for work in the west. don Dally Mail-strongly advo- t of a Canadian Ambassador British south African Company alvation Army a mil- Rhodesia for col- stokers who mu- tinied at Portsmouth have been sentenc- terms a ene opera- B. Ferguson, ex-F Medical Association, droppe UNITED STATES. re was a falling off in football ovale this nage it is thought, to, modifled ‘Bleven nha were killed and injured. Beaueets. aggregating more than $1 0 be dist tho: British xd deat iributed to an ate paint manufacturer, of Chicago, who died last, Thursday unattended "by single relativ Chancellor Benjamin Andrews has a sics. 0) student foun guilty of chewing ‘ihn Ke sur expelled from the instituon, ra year ago smoking-on the Saeed eee colored people. will be ¢: ¢stablished in connection with th e enterpri oy known. all Pennsylvania. for his eae ful. ability to play: the piano pipe ville 25 Toes partially returned and he. hade hye atter looking on his loved ones for the firs GENERAL. Bulgarian bandits have pillaged and burned two Servian_ villa: Important a chelogical “ausoveries have ogi made in central Asit A te in the Austrian pen House of Parliament ended in a free fight. oe EFFECT OF UNIFORM. Swindier Imposes on Numbers of Brit- ish Naval Officers. despatch trom London s En tholls somewhat resembling those em- plain" Voigt, of Koepen- nie, which he wears with polite self- assurance, he obtained invilations to the naval officers’ messes and horrow- s|ed money from them. He has now gone Du ‘irk, where, it seemsy he impos eri by representing himsel! “i nephew of Cornelius vendeebitt: whose yacht is a0 at Dunkirk from Antwerp. His orders for supplies for the yacht were undertaken “by — local: tradesmen, fa < with large amounts anywhere, but in the aggregate his plunder -has been heavy. = es % HEAD GROUND AWAY. Clifford Morin iE sume at Port % i fet ee Arthur says: m Morin, mi A horse ran wagon box an nee and sustained er ee that. h a few ‘he jaw ae eee toa pie and “tho se side of his head ground They had 2754 families out of the set ES varying from six weeks to| © 000,0.0 a by the will of Daniel B. Shipman, theo Earle Kept, an eighteen year blind | * s | laborer, ESTIMATES FO espatch from Ottawa says: _Esti- A des mates for the nine months of the pli The expenditur re. on a fund for the ~ ae One Hundred and Fifteen [lillion Dollars Called For. , Is $1, far both. periods Being 1340, -| estimated expendi re fo) ds | conere! ae ae a fie y_ Canal $115,005,905.7. S | $18,000 855, 000 for 1908; $9,376,3 js for redemption of debt.) to sei ‘he mating wall for the Wel- Ae 000. for 1! 908, $45. 99.46, and for the fiscal i 22h, 645.72 the jolal_ capita! enditure we oe oe $18,419,765, and for 108, $38; is “The na eye: for under the head | 000. R 21 MONTHS: Intercolonial Railway, $185,500 for se Prince Edward Island Railway, $10,000, ee and for canal: The iture: on vebullig the 280,- Jarbor and river improvements at bgt ae prairi@) of pailways and canals during the year|Port Arthur and Fort Wilian, $300,000 sees seats ‘4 | 1908 amounts to $32,953,340, of which | for for 1908. Im- arenes Xtreme p49 | 52908,050 is allotted to tho Inlercolonial | provements at Sl. Andrew's Rapids, Red 3 bi Se Railway, ant +410 aes the Prince Edward | River, $125,000 for and x Seis aoe oman | ES! way, $28,360,000 to the Na-|for the year ending March 31, 1908. Bert Me > yar tio _hianscoitnentat Railway, and| Esti the ees on the C. P. R. at Sudbury, hos fallen forthe” ne | bul {ouawe rb heir to as yusiness in Bristol, Eng., il wie al aw wae $5 soe an months of 1907 $2,519,590 fs asked for the | for ;d $400,000 for 1907-08. Joseph Miller, a C. P. R. brakeman, ss was town from 4 train by two tramps ete handle the patient than it would be on s near Piopol, Alberta, “and. neatly died a low, broai before eae fou Tho’ sick room should it possible ibs T end of Sept mber the a, ; in @ quiet part of dhe house, and * gate caries of the Temiskaming Rail-| § joining a bathroom, - If there is an bat way since January first 83,300, re and coal has to be put on, wrap the and the net profits $144.51 coals in pieces of paper or in pape ew Westminster Chinese laundry- bags, and lay them on the fire instead mn have shut their places up and ee guia: of shovelling in the usual way. stand united for an increase in prices. CLIMATE AND CONSUME TONGS malt save a great deal of ear-racking tor, domestic washing. : e. ae i erect an eight-storey building n innebiy, she ane au niprantuc ei he three “essentials that the homo Hastings street, Vancouver, for 8 new | Wr Mato a perhaps slow, was in-| 2UtS® should take as her watehwords, department, store venture. yas | ov Modern scientific knowledge Robert, Walker, a young criminal, was | 1he"Cne aed ail thal Saab sentence ple aya shee that tuberculosis. li time is quile amenable gets well 0: ub any. speciau effort os up part Ho pen or physician. The modern tre mainly of matio, that is 0 Bay, A tans if ible, to some part of the AvORLssi bes woul than it rely ol the tis uel moro, simple one is. I is indeed the main, Dut no only t ae iis deirable. alsa: that the: place ét residence. of e tropics, is a matter to be determined by circum- rs suffer from heat and ‘Natura disastrous to send a lover of the tropics to winter in Minnesota, and equally cruel. to compel snowbird to live in the ‘A climate. that will be beneficial in may be harm- Elevated regions, for only “ i later stage, when more hemorrhiges. advanced sla Ideal, will eevee for the and dangers of a one hatin and home is the onl. ce. after all that car be said for the pitch a tent,—Youth’s Companion. FOR THE HOME NURSE, me nurse should have fresh, clean. wishgowns, without enough starch {o make them rattle. ‘They should Her shoes, rustling papers, whisperings and ‘similar nerve-raekin, ago eee than Ley Hy or the rattle and roar r Dot alow ‘oud fatking, gloomy or Don't voice, @ serene, ' a pleasant smile are for the nurse, ane ee blessed amateur or an aitbutes other The. ‘patient's bed should be a high and narrow iron cot, if possible, as it t Merion of the Hon. warm , oats. ed | The samples of In 0 | Prize, Rochester Rose, Money Maker and 0 | one loud ‘a y SAMPLES OF CHOICE GRAIN. Minister of Agriculture Will Send Them Free of Charge. from Ottawa says: will weigh 3 Ibs. each of the fol ralewitig varioiies has been eeu for this distribution -— sanner, Wide-Awake, White fine “Danish Island, Thousand Dollar, ieee or saul (white varieties), and Goldfinder (yello Wheat.—Red Champlain, Percy, § White Fife. Tic, Preston, Pringle's Stanley, Tiuron and -rowed. — Mensury, and Claude. Tae , Incineible, Canadian ey. Indian Gorn (for ensilage). — Early sorts, of Midnight, Compton's Ea later yarielies, Selected ae Early Mastodon and White Cap Yell Dente loneecarman No. 1, Early White Late tan nly one sample can be. sent to plicant, hence if an individual re- ceives a sample ‘The samples will be sent free of charge Tou the mai cations should be addressed to the Dienise of the variety they prefer, with, a s sort as sa alternative. Aplications will filled she order ia which they are reoalved: + long as the supply at se Farmers: ua ised to apply le disappointment. or pota- toes will please bear in mind that th not usually distributed until latoes cannot be S addres tral. Experiaipatal Farm, Ottawa, —— Japan has decided to connect Mukden and Fusan ridge aetoss the Yalu. Chinese inthe Ttaneio is much easier for doctor and nurse to shown themselves hostile ia chisuond aries. YARD. ENGINE A Fatal Accident ‘A. despatch from Winnipeg says: A remarka ident occu fred in madian ‘Northen Railway yards it was aioe: as th ‘and vO more are fat of pedple aré mare. or less the es ot ‘the collision of these t ut from the rebound of the froght ‘engine, which, with its reversed machinery, tore through the railway yards and ripped up a line of freight cars wherein a gang of civic employes were working. AD. William McNeil, foreman civic ton- work, and Michael Mudiow, are: dea ad Anthony Olson, laborers, are et in- Winnipeg. RUNS AMUCK in the Yards at SS cut a! y being coma ee ‘helt in not really s ie ae now acho HAPPENED, Mt appears that the big Mo zine with “its caboos aaa ine wee ward to pike up its train ott of the ae gals zi standstill, but the engineer and fir ot tf felt Jumped alter gh = x peg. Moat had no crew. thel ime in the yards. smashed i) ‘city workmen were loading th equipment, died were horribly mangled when. erumpled up from the.