se) for space in com paper. What is the Secret of a Happy Home ? BOUGHT AT The reason is that it is the b do not forget that we handle as well, before buying. Hardware “A Pandora Range” and while making up your mind to secure one of these, Tt will certainly pay you to examine our stock We are also prepared to do furnace work, plumbing, pipefitting and tinwork of all kinds on shortest notice. Sole agents for Pfeffer Bros. Flour, Sherwin-Wil- liams Paint and the leading lines of Stock Food. JAS. S. LOCKIE, sewron THIS STORE est range that can be bought other manufacturer’s lines Merchant For Si Sale .% lot 17 Jand, close sea d aiden iruced and. we rain Sifap Tor quick Sale, “Apply, ‘to, John Cook well fe ‘on the premises or W. D. Welr, Milverton. Executor’s Notice to Creditors ‘oF any part chereat to er persons of whose claims they shall Rot then have had notice. DATED at Listowel this 23rd day of Noy- ember. A.D., 1906. By MORPHY & CARTHE Listowel and. Milvezte on. r Solicitors Stephen I. Pugh, Milverton, . |of Europe for the number GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Germany, which stands-at the head of its-news- papers, has over 5,500, ef which 800 are dailies Some of the railroad companies have adopted a new style of fence post that should be very durable. It is made of common galvanized pipe and cement. Z shee of pipe about six feet long is edded in a Saat a ee filled with tele! cement. n hardens, leaving a post that Sas ne ade up and reset if wanted. The clearings at the port of Mon- e@ amount o! cheese, butter, cream and milk used in home consumption and some idea can toto formed of the possibilities that are up in thé well-bred and well- caret for Canadian cow. If ‘taken at the Sneeze Stage” Pre- ventics—a toothsome caddy Tablet— will surely and quickly check an ap- proaching cold or Lagrippe. When be first its cold—or feel it coming —take Dr. Shoop’s Preventics, and the prompt effect will certainly sur- Martin Taylor, Milverton, Executors. 4n COMMERCIAL. Mizventox, Dec, 13. 19 Fall wheat per bus $ is 100 1 600 6 1 610 6 215 2 20 00 20 230 2 Ps 20 00 20 Cos, per bustel 60 Sitatford, Dec. 13, 190 ¥ 6: B 4 a ‘ Oats. ‘ 3 Apples, per bag . § er bag. Rees 2 B prise and please you tics will surely supply the proverbial “ounce of prevention.” Sold in 5c A petition has been circulated and hope th be pressed to doing gressive indiv cold w to throw Yon the | project, a us ven- ure a win ont. The villages of Gorrie and Fordwich are Police Vill- and we are credibly informed that the people are tafe satisfied with the arrangement. ‘act they would not go pak ig the. old ce. of shings |. for any: a good hand fire engine; pleuty of good hyckets and os and a w Synopsis of Canadian North-West ta Homestead 1 Seaulations NY even numberd section of Dominion 26, nay he Howesteadea by ‘any on who 1s the sole head of a family, or any 18 years of age, to the extent ‘of one-quarter ection of 100 aera Teas. 8, more Entr, he made personally at the focal land ofie fo Re ihe distriet in whleh, the land. Hoa e or, Ottawa, the Commissionce. of Im. migration, Winnipeg, or the local agent re- selve a ah one to make entry or hin rhe evhiomen cader 1 required to the connected. Wierewit under one orth oltewing bia SAE least six "months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) I the fathier (or mother, if the father fs deveased) of the homesteader ‘resides upon a farm in the viclalty of the land entered, for the requirements as to residence may be sa istled person residing with the father or m (3) settler has his permanent resl- dence upon farming land owned by him tn the viel stead, the, require. \e1 resi may, Dé satisiied by Fesidence upon the said la notice ia writing should be fren to the: Comnilusioner oF Dominion Lands at Ottawa afiatention to paten’ apply for W. CORY, eputy of the Minister of ihe Intedlor I os el organized fire compan: All this can be accomplished at very little in- Let everyone he petition and hus achieve some tangible results,— B Atwoo OROSSHILL. iss Jennie Cainpbell, of Berlin, is into friends around ber Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hastings spent Sunday in Lin eas Coiifa, of Gien- allan spent "Monday ac Mr. (Gael Mr 3, Robert Foster visited va friends in Tantoer ee A nomber from here are attending the Fat Stock Show at Guelph this wee! he church of England has been renovated in inside and was re-opened Services were Semaluties. in the jn morning and evening by Ri Bbeses: Both services were ‘well = held at: Mr. J. Richardson. enjoyable ‘time Was spent. On Mouday evening, ith, Rev. W.J Spence will deliver a lec: ture in the church, ‘The Flower of cho Einptre’ or Ronee lime light views. That Pig Case. To THE Eprror. Please allow me space in your pape to give the public the teat of The Boyle vs. Roulston case. lefen- > Sea rf ‘ good as a ‘80 how could the jadge in favor of the plaintiff when the plaintift was ive a verdict | Scharwe MILLBANK On F 30th, Babb's rane fee eld an Sapna: tthe rogram was rallop pean McKee ‘wood ; piano 2s iss Freeborn: a plant 80) sa ‘ove the case. i with all men aS, Bool ‘eto take ‘a & ae 5B Elegant” by Theod: icKee ; duet, t | duet, e088 Marti re fe aa Ha: rae a. See Grace Martin ; a Andrey re o-Sten by Doe! Stade rr, Miss ir and sab 3 iano iano solo, “Tha Little by Mand e and 25 cent boxes by the Public Drug Store. tay nt. ee W Vat, ane Monday evening a Eales Belen ee a Miss Ollie | u A bara by. Prinee, ice Charis Culliton, 0 peat jaus ric! Kroginai ii in and Roh fete BORN. pot Milverton, on ednesday 5th, the wife of W. J. Smith SSE Ee OE ar eae Card of Thanks Joseph A] Lambert desires to thi ue the many friends who extended their r syinpathy and help. to her in e sad bereavement, She also Acatres | to thank those who sent floral offerings at the time of the funeral, a eT See A Leading Schoo! ‘The Central Business College, of Stratford, which ie the largest sehiool ‘is of its kind Ont ae Aprils of the The Annual Meeting of the patrons of the Milverton Cheese and Butter Factory will be held in Grosch’s Hall, on Saturday, Jan, 5th, at the hour of 2.30 o’clock p. m. The annual report will be pre- sented and other business transacted. D. J. DWYER. ing man or woman who disiiee to bt mamaria education or shorthand trainin, a progres- ter term opens on Jan. 2nd as per cardi n this issue. Seodtereeag i POOLE Poole Debating and Literary ety have organized for the win- ter months with the old officers in charge. ill series ore meet ery. Thursday evening, 3th. das when a fine program will be rendered by local t Timing ahh hae ae der the wentlier for tomes How 'able tobe about again, r, L, Opper, who has been ih the West for the past six months has re- turned hom public schoo! 0} day, Dec, 20th, An excellent pro- gram consisting of dia jalogaes, songs, recitations, table: will be joedn soli beioeehildcen? Opper’ orchestra, will discourse choice select: the evening. Curtain Admission 10 cts to all parts of the school. EL SSR SES og 7TH GON. WELLESLEY. ce ciara and E eos ican) net in the school house for | zation on Wednetday Saige thers when the following officers were elect- —Pr Committee, Messrs. A. Doe W. Young, J. Phair, i MePaden and on 3 Progi Webber, Strong, M. Mr. J. Phair, leader for the affirma- trong, leader for the Renner HESSON. Miss to Wolverine, Michig; ing a couple of months with her par- 8 Miss ae McGuire and A. Gatscb bt Saturday and Sunday in Strat. in, after spend- *Mesers.. Gohl, MeKenzie and’ Wil- son, of Listowel, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Lantz and Jacob Lantz, of ‘Linwood, spent Sun- day at John 'O ie Lering Speman “und George Dehler and Bd. Kraemer, “t Glenallan, were ae guests of Jose} elm on nott fall to attend the school con- ert on Thursday, Dec. 20th SAchuiaber of wasn from Mitebell are nt at work on pa. a boundary, and expect to have pleted and ready for traffic in a Mr. and n Boppre, Clements, were visting at the latter's home on Mes Lillie "Busch of Hawkesville, is ig a few weeks with her sister, Kennedy , Knoblauch has purchased | ™ ee lube ‘driver. was in ‘one village Tuesday on seph Helin bad a very sue- ata ‘Tuesday. S| turned home afte Committee, | p Annie Kenne ay has: returned | {4 “business on |@ Mr. Charlie Huber spent Sunday | § The annual meeting of Wellesly, L. 0. L., No. 23, Millbank, was held on s oe evening, Dec, 7th.The follow- officers were piecteas for the ensu- . fageear BOM Bip Mier alas ron ; D, M. < Bes. Wm. Robinson ; unas pie John Brimstone ; Rec. , Bro, Samuel J. Harron ; Treas. Bro. Sohn . Strong 5 ae uae sie 3 Thos. Hall ; Direct es, Bro. Alex. Me: Bride } eae SByo, Geo. R. Harron ; Committee, 1st Bro. George sista 2nd Bro. John Smith, 3rd Bre eteealss 4th Bro. Thos. Cru Bro. Wm. Wilford. Tt was Mebided to hold a concert in the near future if suitable talent can be secured. Watch for posters. ee + RRR ROSTOCK. Much sy wopathy is is felt for Mr. and Mrs, Henry Weitzel in the loss of their Yangblat, Fred. Maurer and Louie Mach Mrs. Geo. ‘Thare, of Logan, and her da Mrs. Dan. Knech- el. and family hove moved into th aes the house lately vacated by Mr, John Loeppore and family, wh a week removed to: Wellesley vile aie Albert Schenck has again re- extended visit iss Lydia Scheueh i “home. from her position in Milve iss Lizzie Eggert, spent. aia at home. Mr. Je 5 ai Milverton, tailor, is at is room with an isse Mandell, attack tis. Phair and Do Tt was decided} Miss Leona Gaul is spending a plea- afin e-the tisk cobkte: ba Weduoe: pant HoUay with Ssleuds :3n- atllvek lay evening, Dec. 19 Subject Minnie Ratz is home after ev. Mr. Haist, of Stratford, Evan- gelical church, ’ preached in the church here on Sunday afternoon, "at sabgaie WELLESLEY, Mr, I, G, Reiner has been vis things very lively, especially along the busi- ess line ai will be one one come along and take charge of it tn the near future, k ery good on the pond and is well nade use ot by our jay- eniles Alex, Bean, manager of the Berlin Daily | elegreph and his Ph! brother, Clayton, from Waterloo ronicle, were short calls thering new: interest to the public for their souy- enix nitucerehion janicely decorated with the different officials of the sev- i is now all st. Mr. John Ottmann from Hawkesville, spent last week over here | jarani a few grunters into i stra Otto Fleischhauer is on the sick h, the grim rettper, has called bl eeher vietin to its multitude last Tuesday afterno Mrs, Walton The dear mother is now with friends ia ee Wr sttended the | S#rowing husband and seven “child: El i Habadt eds a veges nel ren sures a ourn her loss. The ie ae on Monday. sym: this Ronn aatty is with the Baretta family in this their hour The remains were Ellice Gouna, The Council met at at Harloff’s hotel, Wartburg, on the 26th, ult., pursuant to adjournment, All’ the’ members ere present and Reeve, in the air, The minutes of the prover meetings were read, adopted and signed, At 2o'clock p.m., the council ac- ing to adjournment, took up. rats 01 hn a5 on his examination on ie Pane ‘or _improvemen| Whitt Creek drains & sideration ion of the said report be further adjourned until the 14th day of Jan: 1907, at 3 nm 2 a, So 507, providing for hold- ing the anno municipal election of members to the counce! Ellice, for the ae 7, Was reat in the second reading the Falleetng persons mene were entered in oe. deputy-returning office! I eat soe for ae ing sit: divi ion. yy | No. ‘rank lin Siebert, for J mann nominated Mr. Jno. y_ returning ip engineer in- handsom\ strat him to inspect the Jundt and new jules on the oh line. Their "| many friends wish them every success White award drai remain, ets isses BBs which luncheon ees nantes wT oo mes 'p, Ellice, taken to Bee Heads Thursday for interment | R. C, cemetery at 0 oteloe Mine Annetix Oltinaan spent a few Phe with relatives and friends in the cit; hn and Mrs Phil Berden, attended a funeral on Sunday last at Rostock. He comes well recomended. — DONEGAL — public. Quite a nuuniber f from jak attended | the concert at Britton Friday even- ing last and report a very good time, “Miss Mary Johnston, ‘of Stratford, ‘| spent last week at her home bere. The annual Xmas tree of Sich church will be held hoe ane Weded sage 10h Aue orrgcauinne 4 being prepared. Miss Vina Sinith, of Atwood, spent iow dap lngvicmeek “with tried tae concert. given here by the GHARLES A. ThePeople’s Store } Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store During the Creat Christmas - Shopping - Season This store will show its usefulness to the people of Milverton and vicinity. We have done our best to make shopping profitable and pleasant to you. When you come you'll enjoy the store in every way. Our Store is certainly Santa Glaus Headquarters As never before have ycu had the privilege to see such a grand Christmas Display in Milverton as you will see at “The People’s Store.” You'll be surprised when you see our large assortment and abundance of stocks, and you'll be happy when you see our LIBERAL PRICES. Fancy, Useful and Ornamental China (A Real China Hall) China is at the top for Xmas Gifts, always acceptable, and we have an im- mense range and what is best at popular prices. Don’t Miss Seeing our China Display, ranging in price from 5 cents to $5. Dinner Sets from $5 to $20. We have extra special bargains in China at 25 cents, some pieces regular 50 and 75 cents, Dolls and Toys of evey description CANDIES and NUTS to no end New Holiday Neckwear for Women Nothing newer to be found in the large city stores. Crepe de Chene Scarfs, very new at o and 75 cents Spanish Lace Scarfs Bs pe to $2.50 Stock Collars “i $ ‘sie stevnsa SO CEREBRO: T'25, Ladies’ Gloves—A special line for Xmas at prices from......75¢ to 1.50 Handkerchiefs—Lacies' and Gentlemen's Pure Irish Linen H. S. with large silk initial, % dozen ina beautiful box, a very acceptable Xmas gift at 25¢ each Specials for This Week Another week to clear those White Mercerized finish honey comb 98. QUILTS size 134 yards by 3% yds, regular 1.25 to $1.50 for, e The balance of our FURS TO CLEAR at Cut Prices, sale of furs, Read list in last week’s advertisement. Don't miss. this We place on sale the balance of our MUILLINERY, Everything must go and Re pies just a little more than giving them away. A few beautiful Trimmed Hats by our own artists, were selling at $4 to $6 which you can have for, $2 fongies line selling at $3 and $3.50 for $1.25. ...sce0sse0 REMEMBER, What we Advertise we do All Farm Produce taken in exchange, for. which highest price will be paid, Bring us your balance of Dressed Poultry. ~ Special Prices for good plump Turkeys, FINKBEINER RR AAI The good sleighing of the past few = 2 ee ainen from the mud of a i iiier of our young people en- PEFFERS. very much appreciated as a acne ie eel attended an +h appre erial for ce erection of a uew barn. J pire,” illustrated by one hundred the be: nual Xmas tree to be held here Wednesday evening the 19th. Mr. and whose marriage took at an early date, in their and happiness in their new home, y “Shamroek Glee Club,” the theatrical dye Mr. Alex Wilson ts preparing mat. as. Struthers is ‘aula stone ; | for the Randaion of a hou: ; | Thav’s going some, Obivlies Siceer Engi v. JW, Spence will give his lecture entitled; “The Flower-of Em- st views obtainable, at the an- Mrs, Henry Seelhoft,| Our young peopl lace here re- eds a be at pan to their friends ude Barton visited in Morn- ry | joyed a pleasant cutter ride Sunday. Mr. George Hurst has been on the sick list for a few days. . and Mrs, Solomon Kuepfer have returned from their ‘visit wiih 86, | friends in Indiana, ‘ineer Rogers was. employed hi ere ee week doing his professional work n the Freeman and Peffers municipal of aaa ins, Miss Maude Barton, of Donegal, spent a few days last week with her friend Miss Jemima Barrett. are anticipating a good time at the big annual Christ- mas tree of Trinity church to be held i h on 5 ao § a3 2 ol. 5 : 2 o z ‘a 2 Miss Emma Harron visited her cousin Miss Mary Hurst on gene: last. m Stratford Hospital, and the injured se | member is doing nicely. is chee: factory to Mr. Gambel ‘and intends} Mr, James Freeman is moving to Stra! ford. doing hustling biz, in cutters these days, gresesnssoevnoeeneeces Xmasis Near MMe t Now is the time to do stock is complete. Mixed Candy..... New Mixed Nuts.. 3 Best recleaned currants 3 pounds, Bet your buying. Our tues 5¢ per Ib. Sees free ween eee B5Cy Oranges all kinds and all prices, A’ full stock of toys and presents for both young and old. Come early and avoid the rush. PECIAL NOTICE :—Will not shi fowl after Tuesday, Dec. 18th BUTTER Boe 21-22, a alll. tos 28] HGUSTIN |e SESE SHEILA SY AE SMI aL CSM LN SY le ee Newton | The Up-to-date Stores | Mitbak “7 q senanannenaanesnees