Milverton Sun, 20 Dec 1906, p. 2

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Doct: mori, of Too Te a slory oe the Chinese oo Th per Saperr died ‘ne uae fegligs ence on the id would here a the “is _ma marin, Yentse, struck “Sire, this pen has Tob et re tormity ac- ves to ae and Curious care, | arena, Coney * account-that he }and ‘ferocious animal known f halt af tbo-lie: ault, our reign was on the point of disgracing kill- “He is Burns boners CASE OF ere Show Zan ou “cured paconalliag than before 1 r cuts, Zam-Buk is the Il als ringworm, | Was the grievance a o Iiustrated and nes teron? er ‘on you [introduced ut exact that m0 att bes iwOuld are in quest of & beniefeial smediclae. madam merely a x eho, and, i is not experi: ant The Backache Stage may bo just that {incipient form of kidney disease whic ls Relies Will develop ites eanbors the m: oa Gare stops the ache in six Soure of Mak ING LAW CASES. Much That Is Amusing It singular damages for the her fingers. short lime ‘ago George A. was badly burnt, sued th MORE REMARKABLE STILL the action ently brought by ny Zoe eae Ee Neiiane husband was a switch- contended that her ae 8. | cent burial awarded § damage cepling the offer, the teeth wer teeth and called in the law, M Grahai C len) beau gal m1 rn "a whom ‘stie sued for side of her ae ae peut while tion. sone, and hence the action. husband's death, fhe insurance com- ferently, for Mr ue we sult of a sneeze Foley ses Nr. oO. H. pavidean ak § 000 repre a sev months ago, in dson all] his liberation claimed § jamages he. gentleman “whose request a match led to such RTLING CONSEQ! An equally singular brought by Miss. ppears that, when Mr Farrow. was iss Roone he gave her dainty hand such a hearty and vigorous im of such mis- ; well-incant, cordiality re- covered $10,000 damages Among other useless; and the vie = e amusing law-cases_ of whose food she had introduced some ing underneath, with er dress and bonnet; and Mr. Arthur issom claimed $100,000 damages trom Feaaihenietlnee ie alienaling his wife's aifections: SE E SERMONS. The holy life needs no her Your: fads.cannov he another's: fai Character seldom climbs higher than kindness, No man rises without being knocked down a few times, ‘The debating of dactrine means the de- laying of duly. if a ‘who oa do no more than dream fs ip a aes does not make the sani wor: les ‘to bring down the house than to lift it up. you-are not~happy, on a little you would be less happy on more, ws just how faithful he is until he ete ate fire. You do not set yourself solid fo fen by” os ig a askew with earth. | is debtor to 1 ane to al least threo | the. aa Sy eS 100% first. will never get much Tt. is wonderful how 1 He it tal satiate: the some people. if Ib. is. Sey ie spoil a ce so religious] tigie with a Titth e-att: color us ti Tt is always well to tel | things deeply, provide ss thin; $50,000 FOR A SQUEEZE THE HUMORS OF SOME INTEREST- Chronicles of the Law Courts Contain Tha| case which will | the emperor, “tel him stiottly be head in the Supreme Court of King’s County, N.Y., in which Mrs. the man-|Anna Richardson is claiming heavy » “iste ss ilies ing of Spokane, Wisnliglan: who iitmnlched cuticle to save his wife's life when she $10,000 damages,’ alleging that they re- anwi have moved more of his skin than -he had Doxtntor against the Chicago ichigan Railway Company. ru tertinibyel by the company, and in the course of his duty he had been run A Stariled Mother Hears That Cough Sho Thinks of the Consequences —Croup, Whooping Cough or Lung Trouble. she is a wise mother she wili have never-failing remedy ha torant. golds -eroup, It is t e as reliable known mod oudle, Without ib iu the house,” , the safest, Heater borne similar testi- athe wonderful curative proper- lies oo “coltst foote Expect druggists, 5c. per bot! le. Cough Medicine “Just as good” as COLTSFOOTE EXPESTC RANT, \wear itch are taken \ Pen- \ ‘In a variety of fabrics, styles and prices, in all tikes for women, men and ildren, and guaranteed by your own dealer. th and Vigor depend upon the quality aud ‘quantify of tm, bond Humanitarian, Dr. Carson’s Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters at A Purely Vegetable Tonle and Blood Purifier. Price 50 cents per Bottle. Ityo on Areas two hotties upon vovelpt of ONE DOLLAR (50c. per bottle) carriage Pamphiet sont FREE en application, The Carson Medicine Company 87 Wellington St. West, - Toronto over by. cars and so’ seriously injured 1| that bo! i The limbs were promptly cre- mated; and the disconsolate w: idow, sil should have been given to her for de- d the company and was 75 e In Paris, recently, a most curious ac- tion was heard. A young lady had met a iatienen in Montmartre who so ad- - of Corr. for three of them. The and handed over to the de- who declined to pay the pro- with the resuit that the aggrieved plaintiff set her remaining Still greater Houghton a Michi- joctor, icips The for wages. Mrs. 3200 Houghton had consented to have one | wards of al. the other side allow lo remain eahiascbndsagleyely tie order to at vertise - THE TY-DOCTOR’S SKILL Man Who Buy P in her atibps -window. After the opera Really Appre: inful Graham, according to. the plaintiff's story, refused to employ her, ett fiiriouslnnikeice ‘case Was wecd he| not long ago in the Supreme Court of saute Kentucky. Mrs. Amberg, of Louisville, s-|had been made a widow through the bite of a mosquito, which had caused her pany contended hak osduite tlle Was ident for which they had any es ay but he slaw. decided dif- erg was consoled for the oss of her tusband Yo the extent who 4 tine Ae st. ni cago. Mr. Foley, it seems, was in a res- ’s as the | taurant when Mr. Daven asked forva han | match to light a cigar. Drawing room | ly produced the matet but unluckily rs, ‘ob- | Sneezed violently just a: rains | had struck it, and cxlingulstied the The cl ae as requalty ness—that you thought only fine im- V Wi : eine aa gu vi filler mt the aan COnnauIaH binder apper all put y 1 this model factory ot echecPuMunn Hie ri e classed with fifteen cent ciga ant you to believe it unti You will when. you've ae a8 ction was that es adith Roone, of hair comes out in bande Philadelphia, against: Frederick Farrow. d.” conse’ quen nces | F iss contrasted with 1905, Despatched + his Re LOCAL OPTION IN TRANSVAAL. A Vote Can be Demanded by One-Tenth f the Voters, e Cape Times announces that reg ts lations have beon issued in Prel command of th Governor for taking eee ther the sale of intoxicating liquors. proniblted, within any municipality in actin; colony. whenever a requisition is by one-tenth of the persons on * roll for the purpose of municipal elections a vote shall be oy the purpose of deter ale of liquor be prohibited ally or ‘ward. 26: the ae sale of gute ina stead ity municipalities in- tlie ‘Trans- P.HLA.R.A.O.11. ecial t a iran cosis e ‘The Pharaoh costs ten cents, about everywhere good cigars are sold. would like you to buy one and it in comparison with any fifteen-cent Jou naw. just about certain you will say ine Photos has the full-bodied, mel- 's could Y, Que. b MILLIONS OF LETTERS. Britain's Foreign Postage Has Pas to Enormous Proportion: A return which the British Postmaster Gs requ if 1,322,00( Tollowing were (he letters and posicards received: f same countvies in the same year 1877 12) Iniled Slates returns for 1877 are available, and so the year 1881 i ‘The figures are: 1881 1905 65,000 The posage to ai foreign Pune Sys AH. pet felt gunes-tn 18% penny less in : CARPET DYEING BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO, Send particulars by post and wo are sure tons/iaty Addroos B Hopper. from Europe. you, Til wait until she's gotten through telling about it.” rmining whethe1 $1.00 me,,an’ be had: up for resistin’ the po- Cigars by Price Won't ate My Pharaoh, - plication. gnew's Ointment is a potent cure 08, ie eruptions ue he axa 9 do with its smoking qua- Wilk The ‘ining that counts is what it’s ASE it’s made. ‘oh cigar is a revelation 10 men who re wont to thi nk a poe had to be imported to be ache as much a surprise to tie "t deli ar Mn ig Bue fistizurea wth Totter on my bands. 1ow' sused ta" 8 ocktar about camels.- They are the only ai mals-that cannot swim. ss it cost fifteen cenige tk Ce fell of tho Corato's good word in curing &u ted an appliance to enable ay lwo pianos at o1 aes fon he make anything out of il?” F Well Se eee bern ssl: neighbors threatened to mob. him.” immed the sj thy action. been known 10 See teliee when all other so-called remedies: have. failed. box for Xmas, P shou have it—if he dale and eens ihe best brands fade in -¢ Payne, Limited medica aay, Sneak highly of their qua- terrible Thing vee your wife quarrels ‘with her mother and. the old lady. lives with, you Haver i “aoalgality." os pote the for stomach troubles, The immense per- centage of vegetable pepsin contai s the Sse of let pesfeans despatched in the a brother am issn A of commerce all on a in pst wilh whom he had no account. He took ihe hint, called on the man, and as re- ceived most. genially. lay I show you my samples?” in- | there tren produced quite nd Cleaning. This is a specialty with the MAKING THE FIT Infant Mortality in England and Wales. days ago Mr. John Burns noted in e legal — a to cheek infant n received by the Premier and him. The former said England and oration of the race: last ye in t meant a =e should see that the eS were “well- —that the mothers had. good air, good waler, good housing, ease, and a cer- gave comfort and health; and then that the child should be well their hands pretty full, but his was not addition to his SURO NEEL, Mr. betting and gambling—the better and the more they would help the local authorities. ALWAYS WANTED. Mother (lo convalescing _boy}—“Now one in case you should want me, just "8 this bell.” Bobbie—“But, mamma, ['m_ strong ear to ring it all the time.” TO ae BOREDO} t you to meet Miss inning “gin: Just back Dashaw: Ara rertonHer first visit? “Wal, old man, if it’s all the same to Allen’s Lung Balsam, in which thore is no lungs i it tcoust that to ree thealrpasmgen 3543600, Dotti <ate, I must warn you. 1 saw that policeman put his arm round you and Sait Rheum, Totter, Eczema—These dis- eases relieved by one ap- s Ointment There is one remar eculiarity ks are due from the proprietors of who hare written to Many Th Voaver's Ci rs, scald head and other skin diseases, —“An acquaintance of as pat- lo They Never Knew Failure. n of the effects of F Careful nelee’s as oa can be substantiated ave used the Pills, and abber: you, old man, il’s a nes le do you take?” either Tae ve an alarin- Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tabiot loal peleneo by sccident iscovered the pineapple. 2. anacea en| ily advised ommer an had ‘no objection; and snificant-looking bag the surprising specimen goods. said the affable shopkeeper, what Is that? was the Feply, “1-4 see dla. you like the metropo! Al metropo Jab bag was at last. emptied. | can lell the torture corns cause. Pain ule I want to-day.” | Wilh your Out came the order. Bue Mr. ae remarked the | sure delighted at apne ‘a new | Cure. going to ‘get al} ‘hare vale le ag) Wife (trying ae ‘Ae that little -bag again! le sel a please.” Gre tonto te te should be falkon by all i ‘avalide by all who are run down oF 0 up, Bi Dear Mother ion Cure, Seeing ee so many ? Ta ad | to be the only reliable remedy for all take. Itis guaranteed to cure or your money | is returned. The price is ae per bottle, Sed al aleve oot saa sit SHILOH ‘ia remedy should bein every bouche, | ‘OSHAWA Pe & bent cold and doub! NO COLORIGN. MATTER NO ADULTERATION = ur icipal expenaiture on seri) pulation from the National Con- y could hardly pak the world in the z that. 120,000 bi Aes even. the fittest. were made unfil, We CEYLON GREEN TEA, " Has the same character as Japan, but is born” in the natural sense of the words di nourished and dealt with from the earliest moment. The ‘Sonersanat had The VELOX sis an se OGRA eS Tho very LATEST AND BEST for Up-to-Date Players. ee ae ee NOTE the distribution of clan by means of the Double Standards eel. ihe “Shape af Riviner aa Oui of Steel used unl en- | e THE STARR M’f’g;, 60.y unten, zo MADE OF ALUMINUN ! So Light and Yet So Strong. Mani by The Canada Cyclo and Motor to. Limited, Toronto Junction Pee Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s shears, go Ww ings | fire-proo: oot and raat against iene sig eer least in we long run. Made of 28- gauge tighetied sheet steel—only one ae used and that the Last longer with no painting than about eae roofing ee know. awa Galvanized Steel RANTEE every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century ddress our MONTREAL Nearest Warehouse: _ 21-9 Craig St. W. NOT WIDE OPEN TOWN. Archie Gabble—“Well, ‘ies bez, how aetna from his at city trip)— pble="How did you like the —'Twasn't open.” Only. those who have had ‘experieviee boots oe ae with ait Cleese night and day; but rel is 9 those who ne Holloway's ‘Corn Butcher—“What ‘can 1 do for you, a veteran! ntigagey “but mitten Spee beet sat Combination,“ parroviz, Tt builds _* Soldiers must be sat ae pistons says ‘ountryside, “ ghily pepinmenne: 168 ‘ a sty edo! ateh,” ‘De Aen arth mite st io, deafness is a ie ma. veny for Oks” a tramp, ane le tn a sailor, ma’am. shore.” | “Woren't you rghtenc ‘when your ae Did you netics that old man peat eheat ® ee See a a Hele pie

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