Milverton Sun, 20 Dec 1906, p. 3

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tHttt+ttttttttett ttt testes test than ei a aptumed Paul with bad eetets = i Face to Face || 60996990 OR, GERVASE RICKMAN’S AMBITION, in an acquaintance by comin 1S" May following to lunch, e teed pudding, “You aloud, ee tne and tian refstlon 0 M Aden family. Has she been with them SSCS SST S OTT TT ITT TC Hteetteeete you ought to Ienow | frie are wearied . doctor agen until in desperation he went I not ihe Jc of old Doe Heo. scems 0 nae feted si 10 ne et Bete hte ial and aus eso thorougiy ie the through nt ee ‘ott svallede cele would revert to chaos, is lo and s} pathetic; he fates about ‘oroptealons may sited tho uso ot. speech, Anaeey has us "ko Paul's way best," Sibyl ob-] own h serv in tou aie 2 young savage. real her ou say is Mot of tho allgliost conse. Still, T do gh see ey aa should be persistes o~4 men disparaged in other pro- 338 aivays ae it ea Conserv alive: Jour ne wt you met Teave poli- lone. bell “I can not believe that honor and ‘ment weak Pie ou Peay to bow down ate yas it ould eed : me the young sake eacl “fl ore "eiearey a anh appear until a ee atone Toney Hee bi have the right to spéak to~her. ee wer decline ee es | repted rear, oni wp is eile grown of jar “But~ Heseaareranngstartrateattastasipsrstr oar aaeet Se ae ee out Ii 1 he so ful | fice spite ae ge “age 1 certain coxcombry about him that he} beaten man really was not sorry to in. ‘shall ising Jes eles vite deat fellow, a y to her, she NOW| pas blow: 3 ze ondet tat Edad cecetien ir aariet alts opens fond aby Hats even | Gaatre ta. ally. “ont yes, she scolded im just as my "| shong coffee, while his cousin took his | si lo. hat and dusted it in tee cee Leics d he took it without a word Medin ington parties were not very bri} liant, as a rule; Se sunshine and music and the sex which je $0 sadly in the auorit ou} in count w oapls tion ne Scrambled through his low a} sion of bash malens sole s | one afte social tort ay un plano, and low! Pauls foes fushed,-and tis eyes fash- "he mova, myhere he inde viol young gente | ight aie: ‘favariably. did até ‘resus: efit zits i both 's otter a an ‘interesting Fiaay the hy: siognon ee of “Buty n now be ot that Edward had violets arewy eo Bpnands alutepegant bis etic ton in cantenplae ing the ceiling; while is cae de “Ana so they gave you violets?" he sked Shee ith x nsec Seen ie loteet aon seek uni contained the skeleton, ani ra hi r one’s latent tnipite for the genera} goo. lis aye enlleising his: His old ate vd. | ter-looking, g}in a most rary renounced fro with, tho oid. ruler who Taye 0 great S the country of which he had been presi eer Possessed ei aa gift During _ th ovals afaerved' 10" hits in te propos of s on the piano, “How well Mls Se #55 at i. nd the Tsung reply, which set Paul ‘vondering a ihove all, th Then he Rent his mother request his i a piely and Pees A story is told in ek ry nies a ais with a party to hunt. the ain gloomiet” tha “T cannot nas al 1 stgules have jing into er a to ote ae aoe Ske 3 . id to] with wonder, ens dubbed Kruger “the aus tengs he ee when he vet the ae party, would ‘nol a aia took or dn ius al: is ‘pie, wail (01 me Se gion, and, drove the game to the Boer ‘hi with the Rickmans at their “You from Pg ats SERS nies wilh eee oe mney shot na be ‘ interrupted | brought. out LARGE PROFITS ON INVESTMENTS, The most striking feature of the investments. During the Profit after deductin, nly of pi sas but of inter efter liberally ‘writin, sl curities at all doubltut of o “dc sisting chie gone by ie son pond piven which, though held in eran. interest bearing, 0: loc of n these may. be taken ‘OIS'T 2 paneling “Danville with the t and Champaign, ight ona gas plan @ properties by Stak they was ee The ot interes| bon uding amount re- The existing net earnings wen ready more than tw of the property jas moreover. estimat- $1,500, roperties have also steadily meres, ¢ that the surplus, whicl nid without any slocle Companies, which each Better cannot be ae Sun aids e hoegatn yz whieh: tk obtained some bonus. stock, on we ordin- in any arily have gone to way lessen that iat ANY, lion securities consisted. of the bonds: audited available net earnings of thes ly | Properties, without any addition ae normal: inerease ae earnings on new roperty, were over $62,000, {0 cover au interest piniee he $30,000 on the new bonds, or more than $2 for each $1 te- retaining the stock bonus. interurban line 00, available from its other bropelics for tho payment of this interest, the entire interest charge upon Sete i road when finished would be only $65,- 000, the interest was already assured two and a half times over, even if tas new line se nothing. It did, ever, earn its own entire interest cea it ih the first eight month of ils first year complet 0. that instea: of 1 of having to call ipa the guarantee of the parent oe x earned a surplus of fifty per These holders only 5 per cent, upon the amount aid into the Company. "As the money corned more then 5 per cent. this new SUN LIFE ASSURANCE 60, OF CANADA: RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION COMUSSIONER, i ENT'S. APPRECIA: : The ee ‘ratty aeknow- ledges Mr. Kent's appreciat rks at the closing session, in which he slat. ed in connection with his suggestion i to Tho Severe Probing but Revealod Greater Strength— $3,000,000 Better Off han it Claimed to Be— - Investments Absolutely Secur Sibyt was. about.thirteen: they Profitable — Mr. si ame age to were all Purchased shortly afterwards the pinnacle of a ‘successful Company another management. with other tfc tes n antghe) Pas ust the chaff of trifling details wey, the management the Sun Lite Assurance Co. of Canada ww attention to the. really important facts ‘which tho estiga~| but th ion by the Royal Conia has Aor eR will Pontus the present high While the direclors and management | deeply regret that they do not see the question of voling by policyholders in the same light as Mr, Kent, neverthe Fo evi. lence was unquestionably. the im- ible oO t years tho Company has realized no ae 2 eo a ih owned, is al bout $1,050,000 in excess of their ledger value, Still further, ste Company he of contingent fund, a the Company's books at’a nominal tatu i ay ocle Work seen eee | amounts have since Dect i mn « ee at gi34| write of actual conditions second Rus @ meantime policyholders have Ble advantage of the immense additional Feasonably expect to have their profits | ® ine Se ay much increased from this source in years com The = ation was asked how Jong it dents I ca all jh fegiment of tho Empress: ¢ fds" wassdiaingenlong: SEbehia-siteet singing iN rniliary song. A: working-git} to the Compaty. at of ae berately look- ing aro ound and sel ig those that ae 1 rel tous ‘nat they joked as if the, jus en ete caught up. the st ay it a officer of the guards, al? see oe sidewalk, had fier the Jie-oxdered-si Talay dragged forth and carried in a cab: to the guordhouse. ¥ ith their whips. she was then allowed hi iien on the apple ulililies ca the cl Were hase honds absolutely safe? audited net carnings for revi- ed ing a month ha sed. nis ae ise Geary iely reported Score imilar-auliiges’ are opUNreInEEDE al pans of; the’ empire duly, but are never hei ahead of the interest on the new bonds, iinet to ‘comple ie ‘the interurban, was 0005 government in jus repr ihe terrible. The replacement value Mg ee of Itinois Traction preles i and ata photographs ‘of the ceremony were from the camera, That the ie can sur- pass the brush in making r: curate transcript of ‘such Nesite ie shown by the coun given by W. P. n me fo era! oe the SEE this con banking firm, at in turn retailed | © x them at.a still higher price fo the pub- parciege othe pretatt riage scene,” said we wich Frith told him o! commission. hen Landseer added, “Not for all the. money in the world would I undertake to do such a thing !” The ceremony was Re eae for etching purposes, so N th had to dlepend on his memory ihe aane All e security for these bonds 's mony to the high unity ‘of the ae DINECTONS. HAVE NOT PROFITED. 4 ATAY AGRE Cosh DECATUR RAILWAY & LIG! iif Cut ot the Company, Byemwetn a The second Bane ot, Minois Trae. the Decatur Railway. & ent poner ing had to be done. Many declared which carried a mortgage upon the his| street railway, electric light and gas properties of the city of Decatur. | The tion that the picture to be painted was ro queen’s.prder usually produced both eats clothes and the desired sit- mite fo atee seas ilies for oho e has been done, however, they have pat thet 0 owh aaa and the company has & cane the zones cases vance in price, the Sun Company niet as ae th be verslved ay hea the presence of the gown, or allow his peepee es ee ION COM- ene This was the be Pehase These bonds were secured by first mortgage pon a new ij ! Dhuleep Heats and Springfleld, the capital of tes 6 ae these precious possessions: with Mr, Frith, but at last consented on con- dition that aya were to be put in the led bank at night. 1 ‘The Pri if aes oor “sitter. She could Ape. her Stabe shale He et his Derpicity ie the You should scot her!" exclaimed the newly-made" li pk great satisfaction to ae queen, But net} b all the silters pea ased. One, the When the Sati was eee: i 1897, ones wife of an apie ador, waS so. aa jikeness of ee when & value. is of 15 i ant which have sines fore > Yield the stock. "lo copy in its aise has cost the policyholders no- ily Squander it. have done here is 6 complaint to st them, or any one of aa an say whether the future man- of your company?’ h remarks, coming, from one ct commissioners, are intensely ap- fated, ——+- “THOU SHALT KILL.” New Commandment Is Now Ob- served in Russia. hy aaa Srlles bo TiosetaetaIneplaiaels sat arlicle, “1 nctioally culions xs REAHATA ETH +> MOS BES EES # About the Farm pevecuveuseeweauwaveres DRAINING AUTUMN PLOWED LAND. The extent to which the autumn plow= d lands require drainage will depend tttt+tttt, ttt tt+etod bso} acler of the precipitation in the winter the Underdraining. or the opposite, SHA) the soil eaeulsea @ pot tent influence r Slit soils, however, should always!e drained unless where the amount of tho Precipitation is, insignifcant. y rained well on the surface, nol wale ates collect in the low places, ‘OLN t The influence of the subsoil is “es as great as that of the soil. A san that sliff ‘soils overlay sandy subsoils, Soils which lie upom stiff clays require such drainage, no maiter what the cham ucler of the surface soil, The stiffer the surface, the greater is the necessity for he thorough underdraining of land go reports of citizens fea teat canned lessons the necessity for surface drains Killed—by the police, by an supreme, pee he world, and te n ae marked ae mb a oH! ob is he gist ten he bu the of an gpartment-house, wal and do what you please,” leclins then called even iraaners oulioners” and com them {6 give-the--girt 25.blow pers and the identity of the was well known, he has not been {o account. et aL ae present its “news. intere: a ue ine alate oT Payout This 7 been officially proclaimed hy. the alc ainge the’ days vines Sa in ated 5: oy 5 3 &S oh 2 z S € a “patriotic” society. The reign] Soils the percolation of the water is , for example, a case that hap- the very capital of the empire before injury can follow froi acett eyes it “newspaper earrespan; mutatfon'on the land. In others ib d pass away thus quickly, hence the essily for scme surface drains in fica at least in the layer depressions. MAKING SURFACE DRAINS, In wet ye marshy lands it may Hepessary to sink drains, deeply outing fey eee ‘Some by. | them with the spade, or by machine yi | may be deend best unde fr (hb birt “Hustah fer tho. Port Alter | Stances. Such dreing In nferere seriously wilh {he cullivation of the land, and, ould be aspen dW ahould.sin line be cupeteeded. by. thoes juin sides “whlch slope: s0- much th they may be driven over by teams draw: Genie seer “upleen of tillage, Such drains are made by séraping back ine edges with a scraper drawn horse labor. It will pay well to make such ditches in the larger’ depressions of lands with a stiff subsoil and to re- move the earth drawn into them by the a plow afier land has been plowed in !ho Tough the ailair. was reported: In all ai other eee mt a plow furrow run along these depressions is made some- aby anit ine cb vf onion alter instances by running it back Seni HUI Miekade: thes cngeernatt at he water. Such handiwork, however, is only necessary under what may. be termed extreme conditions. But it is very necessary 1 y in- stances to run these cross iit mae in fant payee land, They are called cross rows, as many will know, because they carry off tho surplus. water from PAINTING: ROYALEY, furrows made between the lands. Thoso curing the Dresses. | the recent coronation of Kin, of Notvay — many excellent longer is any place sacred of his efforts to carry out nan Sricis for 8. painting , then Prince of Wales. Wall, so you are going to lo the mar- nnd to guide him were-a few notes of r ibe ane 16 ‘the asion. Some browbeat- rae lands on ridges are from to 20. or Great Difficuliies Encountered in Pro-| 30 Mas wide, according os the land neat oe online in the contre and slope to- > ard the furrows on- either sido, When or Winter rye, it will pay. well to shovel out the cross furrows as described above, as I have proved through years of ox- lution and along with them much valu- ed, if good-erops are to be grown, Nev- ertheless, it is always the better way f an excess of water can ate , Ly going down through the soil, rather than by running away over its surface, the Dosis of re Ba a ney PROFIT IN LIVE STOCK VS. CEREALS. e had to wrile sc s s been demonstratéd both ‘nce and practice that the farm- sells beef, pork. and mutton s were destroyed, bit the informa- | wy) na he produced from the grain an an ae Frith was quite successful in pro- material, but with in the days of crinoline, When the artis! ‘ass raised and fed on the farm, mee more mone; Jand than ne tae who grows grain at ue Mort et It. Top to be sold e} products, rather than in the original a magnificent She had a promi-| crude and bulky state. nent position ie “eye of the picture,” i | rin the ane Ait of transportation and maintains t ing the fer ee of the soil.. Men who k to feeding and are not tempted to must| sell-their rain. make the most money Nn that will enhanee the pra not to smoke en TM Deer ih] Ge cenpoally ot abs solla ton-thesptos conspicuous and pictur ed with jewels. He was reluctant herself wi a moment, and the arlist was in de-| pei of Wales, al sone completed, gave at her Aen that she eaged h to paint it out, and duction of forage conditions, win help freatest advantages in -l esque wedding guests was the Maharaja prowing Jeguminous ite crops lies Sin, a, his Eastern dvess,} in the | which ecu crops as, for example, the clovers, cow- as and the soy-bean. Tho value of &. ROR as a soil restorer ends upon the amount of oearatle Soil one

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