Milverton Sun, 27 Dec 1906, p. 1

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H. M. SCHAEFER. @ issuer of —@ - Everything MILVERTON, = ONTARIO Ot Shines For All.” MILVER1N, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 27, 1906 Vol. XV—No. 49 Figures That Tell perky Fah pra de new Canadian recor Penta oe 4 $ Cora Race Find wd Undivided Praia, chp ofp of oh of oh he oy hb Mrs. A. Torrance, of Wallace sas ee sa00 onnae eats Se rm THE CANADIAN is spending her holidays at ho: Rare Chance REEEELEE EE EER | Miss Anna Hactmier is “spending al few days with friends in Miss Bertha Klenck, of Stratford, is Ns Jack Langford, of Bale eal lidlidaying me a day aa ‘two his home in Milver se this w Mr. eat Mrs, David Gowing and sey are visiting friends in Elmira | Berl Paid-up Capital, $10,000, 000. F HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO < BE, WALKER, General Manager ALEX, LAIRD, Asst, ‘Gent Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND “hee THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS’ BANKING Every facility afforded Farmers for their bentng business, Bales oe cashed or taken for collecti: prophets have not “The Sun” will be : sent to any address in Canada or the United States from now until January 1908 for $1.00. Os erlin. | osiase wvMr. and Mra, Chas. Beese, of Blyth, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Henry Miller. on Sth and Miss Smith, of Tor- ito, were visitors seas the week atthe Grand Cent tral iezner. fs “of Hensal, spent at his Lows in Milverton. Be Tillinn Morley, of Piste is spending her holidays in the vill Inge. Mrs. J haefer, ‘of Preston, at present visiting friends in the ‘ill: age. ae alli s invited fod reign ang saad: woven received in the ie. Pc coliataa paid 4 times a year— The Sovereign Bank of Canada, : Marmora, Millbank, Newton, Monkton A. J. CUNDICK, Manager, Milverton Branch 5 Grosch and 8. PI Grosch "ot Boke 0, spent their Christ- mas nphanye at home. | Mr. an 8. Andrew Werner, gittind pent Christmas with in| BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may_ age made or withdrawn i Langfcrd, of Milverton Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. th, of St.f Thomas, | spent the Christmas holiday’ with his| 'WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH ~ brothe: eRe G. A. Barth. Mr. ei ismith, of tea om i i” Phrenologist and Madical! ‘School i is spending the holi- Palmist will be ages on New| days at Year’s day. Miss Grace Ballmer, of Macton, is spending her Christmas holidays with Mr. Lewis Bayle, of Toronto, is spending the h Pays at his home in -H, Mumart, of Berlin, is spending the hidays with her mother mmme . of Stratford, rv. Sid J, Gropp on aopertredertentetertentestententenfentententententestectentenfestestententententostententente teste rte nesteste rte | SCHAEFER & WHALEY cca BANK of ETON TABLISHED IN 1872) Guelph, spent the holidays at the Evangelical 363 oie —— AN SATISFACTORY + STORE Sy cacstcctiess Season's ws Greetings! PA ea fap ox fate tac egret? We wish you Health Wealth and Prosperity It is a pleasure to wish our many customers and friends in Milverton and surrounding country A Happy and Prosperous New Year One and All. We thank you for your favors during the year just ending. We have grown and our business has increased by leaps and bounds. You have helped us in the past and we thank you for your patronage. We have many plans for the coming year, which we trust will result in mutual satisfaction. May we not count "pod you for the | future. sie eangn anh ajar haag ati en Ptdn ah geagi diniai| aie z i Be ORB ERY - as ae Miss Martha Roulston, Mr, Whaley, of Cadillac, Mich., is spendiig-afew weeks with friends in Milvérton. r. John MeKinnon, of Toronto University i is spénding the holidays at his oy me in Milverton, Alta, is eating the holidays pin ‘his parents ir, and Mrs. John Atkin Mr. E. A. Bambach, of the Sover- eign Bank, lerich, spent the Chris- mas holidays in the village, mkey, of Stratford, spent apes with Mr. and nae Palos eph Mc: iene De ide, Brunner, spent ee Christmas holidays with her {Henan Mrs. John Schmidt, of| J. ilyerton, ir. J, W. Mealey, of the Dominion office, Alameda, spending the festive season with’ Mr, ‘al eit 'T. Me. Lennan and children of Dauphin, Man., are -at preser iting at the residence of Mr. Joseph McLennan of Milverton. Mr. Weber, of Wiarton, and Mr, Currie, Atwood, spent a few days in Milverton last mdeavoring to stock for the new Cycle Snow low. eorge Brickman, who for the past three years mpomber of the Ellice couneil boai contest a deputy rer eship ee Mr, M. Crow! 8 é, Weiderbold* Pye fe to have two cars of coal One of furnace and one taken off the cars as you will get it cheaper, Shoop's Magic Oitment. Remember it’s made alone for nie —and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Iteh- ing, painful, protruding, or blin ee disappear like magic by its use, nd see! The Public Drug rnington municipal matters things are beginning to stir a bit, It |. Mr, George Gropp, has definitely decided to be a candi: date for the counci The township of Ellice which hes 1004 electors electors qualified to vote at the qeuletpat elections is entitled toa deputy reeve under the new County Council's Act. Mr. M. Crow- Jey, who has faithfolly served the ainoboxs for a number of years as coun- is about io seek the ene thé peoplo for deputy-ree arker has quoipleted the er- ection of his new telephone. line as far arth Saml,:-Kinhead’s, * Wm. Dowd’s and C. Gate! thage. The northerm locality so far as telephone connection was concern- township into closer communication. beautiful, perfect, pink, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a Haut coating of Dr. Shoop’s Green alve Dry, cracked or colorless lips mean detains, and are as well ill ee Ege, glass j jars Ie. * Bhe:con' the Heighing for Christmas. iv was bee ese (vantage of by all apes of usiness as Con: small abeneee 0 of aging that. Hes pon the ground ahah oe parsonage with me parents. anh Henry ee ves St. , Man g his se ie Mr. oni Mie: Martin Guat Westman and bride are} spending a few days at the former's home in Mornington this wee! CAPITAL PAID UP, 2,500,000 RESERVE FUND. 500,000 Fron, Wai, Gibson, Petsident, ndiie, Head Office - CT John Proctgr HAM Total ren ”390,00,000 J, Turnbull, Viee-Pres, and Gen. Manager Da + orge Rutherford tom, Foro ent vis- | turn out to} ila, .|Phursday, Dec | prograi mi oleate by th. al Piles get quick sere from Dr. dd that Reeve Davidson | w + cshaionit: Siow White healing balm, ‘Then next morning notice tie i w aed colt weather fea Mr,!Osear and Miss Alex mar, of Niagara Falls, are y is still in a precarious cond Mr. ee accompanied by end 8 his rt Elgin All accounts in connection w ith. the estate of A. must be settled | by gentesy the twelth 1907.—Mrs, A. ‘we "Louis Kalbfleisch, of Didsbur Sask., is | en x Ross, of Ridgeville, ¢ of five avi i $0 fricnta-aspaitit Milverton and New r. Daniel Ross Lee sold is honse and lot on Mill strect toh Alles of Kubryville, for the sum oe 31600! Possession will be given on J There will be no seryice in church, Milverton next account of anniversary ser Zion church, an we Wellesl | m._and m. conducted | by Rey. P. J. Aer of Sh | peare, Miss White's music class closed _on pi Atfour o'¢ Poe homes | ; the older pupils who also assisted ‘via their entertainment. Slass opens | Thursday aes 8rd 1907. zs Cutarrh of the nose and throat} should lead on to at least ask us for Sasi box of Dr. Shoop’s Catar a a real, Faced test—an r. Sho end this, saracatly: desires t you make that test, ho that This es the throat and nostrils, aaiosly purifies «fou fg Teveish | breath, and investigate. things ar, a to stir a der- | stood atl he is ‘ively a tie aineeat by Mr,. John MoVloy who has served | rd orge tain in the field for councillor. Este Sains Westman--Froste. A quiet but nono the less interest- ing.welding eeremony was performed Vs 2 eburch, at the home of Mrs. CO. Froste Dufferin:street, Stratford, when her ste, be- t J.A. Westman, of phase So Sask., formerly of Mil and Stratfor rd. The bride, 1 favo; amongst her many friends in the S, ity, was the recipient of num ding gifts. Owing to the x mise of the bride's father, the - redding | couple lett ‘on th verton to spend: Chri groom’s parents in Milverton. 2 a This ory Your Cough. break: uD rn We J “errs! eae a an = of the ablic Se! ee at bo guste er oe thing so ct et proves suesit ix ida | son _mnicipal, Betas | Literature. Between 50 and 60 per who Sm xe H. og oe, rates! Asst. Gen, seeanae and Supt. Bae 102 Branches Throughout the Dominion 102 4 Open your savings bank aeconnt with the Bank Savings Department ! ¢/Hamilton, ONE Dou 1, START AN ntarset“ailowed-at Highesk Ourtshe tate aat mrmekader twice per annum, Ist o June and Isto pecial attention given to. farmer's requirements, Farmers’ Business ! Money loaned to farmer’s at reasonable, tater, Sale notes eee and advan es made thereon, rafts bought and sold on all parts s eet world, Honey Ocdeet bined ab the usual ra a general banking business tran: ess Strictly anna Milserion "Branch, R. Jd. aera Mer. Mr. Elwy Yost, of Toronto, is r, B. Fy Butler, eye specialist, of spending a day or two in Milverton Tahdok will be at the Queen’s hotel, this v Milverton, on Thursday Jan, 10th, Mn Norman Kabfleisch, of Wrox- a 14th, May 9th and July 1th, eter, spent Christmas at his” home in| 190 Milverton, Milverton School Report If (ilies at the Sneeze Stage” Pre- DIVISION I Attendance hono! every day.—Pearl Davidson, arya Gr per, Bi Helen + -roll—present | 2—! Coulter, eet riffin, Hilda Pauli, Conrad. Schmidt, . Addie Keir, Fred s ven! » Herr, Beatrice * aad 26 cent boxes by the Public Drug tore, oe8e. , Hester Guenther; wan ea ae ee Milverton Dee 24th 1908 e Sun. jen y Miller, Charles ir acab Klenc! to the Editor of thi | gio. Belinbfen Ritter, Rope 2 lars with an average | y, daily iilendance of 83 shows a era ‘ati tying epnaon in this respe nding.—Form I—Bx oat a5 Goon Rats: | Grammar, and roin- Algebra, took $200 from ae Price of the ta een riffin. ver wich was due per cent. rtmier, [Goter and Henry Orr cenbal), Frieda —This class isdoing excellent wi ork, We want a more in it. tyou are eligible come and ‘join it you know an © is ready for hat work send him al Entrance Clase—Kramnined in Comp: Edward Guenther, Perey | both 50 per cent--Russell Coulter. other good class with room | wife a tox a few ore good pupils. V Class—Examined in Cor Spelling, Arithmetic, Grammar ‘and |ed Kienok, Smith. ellie Carson, I Remain yours Tiny 7 18, . We intend to ap: I the. case ast co Ae le as we have 30 Dae 30. percent. Ritter, Verna Lavery. Division ir r 70 per cent—Violet| , Communicati will be char; ning tive, Bae ad + MILLSANK Millbank and Linwood w hockey match at Milo of pale nade: in flat ics the tate of 10c per sen ee 0 pe. ‘Wilfrid Grosch, Trene Hoffman. unior 8rd, Over 70 per ce fe Raseell Guenther, Elva Lavery, '; y Coulter, Edna vain te Marie %b and and Gordon are ‘ition Mra Bathe brother ‘at Castorville. aust ig fo on jWednesdny. nn sailing from tl ere tl a a Scotli sa sae iss BL Mace > ted are ig ab owing, 2 Silty Savetly Oaten. - Over 30. per ent.-—-Gorden Hoffman, Geo. Linder, tae Atkin, Edwin. Ritter, Arthur |: sea Gordon Ruskin Balin ON, Bre 3 renee i ha vee Lave: oats Weary ue pee wit nthe fern (Pare) shi mee purelias: Vi ae Ta Rs

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