mon you have a cough, throat, croup, o ootd, A FRIEND IN NEED whooping cough, tung sore BANK DIRECTORS. BANK FAILURE RECALLED WHAT HAPPENED THE GLASGOW ft the hank as long as he had no weaaon to suspect their Integrity, but nothing could for a moment fustily, or excuse, or palliate the deliberate tte ment of what is known to A VERY GREAT ie PEN-ANGLE Pen-Angie Under- le of very great magni. so it can’t help ronchitis, Jestoes or pees ee eth rie larger the interests committed fitting your figure, I Ach fe h ‘ge, the more they 7 (are ean Mash Speculnions ond Uarge Sums) pound io. absolutely honest administra: <a hns ca Di Led (o “on,” said ‘dship. 5 g - fibr ¢ eed We: Ditersaes The defence of the directors was that t aiylen, (80.i¢ won't shrink 0 LT S$ False Returns. they “did not Know how the accounts it a vaticty ol fe, —and it’s guaran- ae ee alt with in the books, and that | fabrics and prices, for +004 besides, ‘Tha ECTC RANT. TGinegone Bane ra tee the they” were entitled te. abpume, thal-tlis | Some, au whole idea is to z ol Glasgow Bank ranks . Bie e : ek: falling remedy for a most important which has ever taken pa ne aes “outa them fate oles make oor a riailing i : a ‘ ou Dien cbertattin terinlese toe Aga ny maven Mer raya, | OOsltan: of the -accannis-was auchitnr teenie nny and Pop cant Spel sweake at Homactedeeiaaldeliesteteutla. Beriaae aor Be ae or vhatever the detai vectors must | at our cost any Pen- not to buy by the Ghildven love it. Adults enjoy it. It oe Tecrelnla Been OL ies Saat features, have known. they me not possibly be; Angle garment faulty eee SS (in r It is Dr. Slocum's won- tb aelltor ca hide eben Wat aN ap ake Curate, then they were guilty of al-| im material or making. red). ci ir remedy IU ns the iat oat the pre lewlng a false mpresentaian of affairs pescersnDiaaoae etiha SSA al een, equalled fo Af ee FINANCIAL RECKLESS! > * - A salisfactory-res No houseliold | Te magnitude of he financial crisis VERDICT OF eu 4 ae be eee rit foots Bape brought abdul the eollapse ofthe ban Ki] At the conclusion the masterly , Seana eater ar", Exeter: | the social standing o irector: summing up by. the a Justice the “ant and ond it meee hands the a adeniaat of it was | jury retired, and, after an absence of {mi rging one-th testimonial it you w n addre Hoping te onefit others as it has don are mai . AGN ES COMBER, London, very father heath and dren will always hav an. ever-res All” up-to-date ‘will supoly you with dealers, for Ont. ry who values "well: pepe ot te eir oe shamefully abu » th i enil est rarely, if e na’s.of criminal jor UNSCRUPULOUS. SPE %5e, that al the wah these acts did not The evidence showed how a once] volve, and probably were not dowid: ana prosperous banking eoneern “by. any design, or desire, of wa: converted into a mere out or adva ommit- EXPECTCRANT. the abs sa wv g8 5 they thought for the benellt of _ of the Small. and. alloc in- nk, they were not removed from vestor, only to throw, them. ‘into. the lap neans “Health and Vigor depend upon the | of wealthy and. unsc Tupulous specula: |} a quality and quantity of the blood."= | tors. wh> , dissipated 1 hemes | been actuated co Humanitarian. : Dr. Carson’s Toni Stomach and Constipation Bitt Surition: Hou are not able to obta neighborhood, wo will sont. los upon receipt of ©) E (e. per bottle) carrtaye tein your Cae vest teak ss application, Tha Car: Medicine Borie a Wellington St. West, CA! RPET DYEIN 14 Cieaning. ‘This is a specialty with th Sea ye emake x 158, Montreal, Purely Vegetable Tonic and Blood’ Price 50 cents per Bottle. ‘G a, AMERICAN DYEING. ge by por Sagas 8 oe Te Ic rectors while posing as pillars cf com fers | mercial integrity, we fin reality ro!ten:p ing con: History OF THE BANK. y of Glasgow Bank commence | s in the ee 183 Ir nad office in gow, ae numerous ranches thre anont th | tinuing business until the end of the yea v4, when it suspended The bank was, ae wwever, immed resusciated, and ganitimed its el it finall: sed to nd closed 185 ny) nto} anor on 2nd October ‘9 partners con- A BORG RE Wholesale Poisoning in Tor own of Hungary. Five’men nnd fo: women. were r ‘enily arrest cK i for having po reed and “husbands, pen w mele sale mt further Cather » he was a drur Banke in orde im state, Naa is shed a Al Arr a we tole logateo he oisening her hushand is property to nth aay. aut who: pyok wi ka Bog: wo had marry ns ila” Wulesiteh with Pot elderly husband to. mar to h isdn In all cf provided poy, who is. alleged to have charge Bo In each ease. (The attention 8 direeted to the murder e moe an anonymous letter, PILES AND CONST is it vat ee an ag eff “ati m the re, shal prevent the congestion whi Ps Bileans do not ye The; ren cells, enable the em to start ini n the agony of pile Bileans n fit n¢ fig about em how ie mnppy. but is com. -” Consternation and picted on the faces of hi can't marry on a thou- ?” asked one. “Why not?” echoed the youth. “Simply tthe thousand !” Carried on Now z, in the Temesvar potting ie nthe dist, ALS hints accused in polsoming he lean is charged with’ pois- a Ue is slated to y Martha Petro- f the intes- et ended to vais Pa fete taken as es t} been Held eccainal the note issue by thi 00, At the bevinni ing. ar ‘1878, he year <¢ the iy the ae w ia ‘stat al $2,250,000, ine idvidends eee plus pros * hand 1,9 0, end see fireuttion ac- tanec: “ete. 10,571,4 jothw ith: an aa its » the bank had, md n¢ apparent Mapa beuin Ks fore the c é sins! ence nd “beer. flo around in bank cir 1es as lo the likelihood of a calamity GAVE RISKY CREDIT. It was said that the directors had been lending countenance to unsound speculations, and had been giving risky edit, and that. in- consequence the in- fiuen'ial position of the bank itself had heen deopandia zed. this suspicion igre was the stoc! k to se ith camoplicnsion fatal to “J mn itself, X 8 he. the appetiors not bebti ful- ly provided for, ed which ‘the tmnouncemen the stoppage. wos: re No run -on the bank took Place, in- deed there was a pretty cling rotten brah ‘ha then on ne good tree of Scollist it w was fell, would be the better ubsel NCY WAS. $25,000,000. otis, day folowing “the st the books Hes in ‘Ihe iene: es expert necolibtants ‘or investigation, who reported that the deficiency amounted to nearly $25,000 opp “he bank had ost, on $s that is the ara “ot the Bade “ on erve fund, togathse $25,000, 000 eal de SO fosth in report w cael tne: ae disgrace in the hise tory of bankii Accounts faa es “been de peal alee entered and t y gol @ had been deliberately io the extent of over $1,- The Government had been deceived by false returns, the shareholders by “evoked” halance — sheets, and grety thing done that a perverse ingenuily could think, of to conceal the bankrupt condition of the bank. Recklessness ied Mcullies, and Hes ties to fraud in held by them’ only e whole » gether ith the: ma ary, we promplly ar ing. rotused, aithough anpitetion was ‘made in the High Court for ‘that purposs DIRECTORS RECEIVED ADVANCES. At the trial, which took place before pert Justites EULA! ieff, iM, and-ldsled a fortnight, tf ens af advocates ot the day were i gay r the defence, The evlience Showed that for five or six Year nes ling ager, directors and secretary had been receiving Sadtihiaaneirer rapidly increasing 1878, the year in lads the bank stop- ped payment, out of own $16,888,180, "or DID THE DIRECTORS KNOW? In charging the jury: the Lord Justlice- Clerk said the points to be decided were whet! the balance aS See ue folly- and dosensate gamb- ~ifeelip: seeded: (ne ee that the ¢i- ae of a. worthless and decay prisoned for 18 prea , having its Fs “an then paid-up capital ts all, areDNOe of the sea. oi Nhe and thre¢ ng quarter_of. {he nineteenth century ine North Sea broke over Denmark, sub- —— See s- two hours, returned into ¢ ne v fics { “Guilty” against ths man- of the ens Robert ‘Stronach, and one of the dire Lewis Potter, falsi bala t Saaintt almon i Ming the aa By erdicl A re si Tn- glis, of publish ng them, knowing shen to bi “DID IT *p oR ae ” NO EXCUSE The judg ing sentence tence he was about 18 ee JAIL, in would weigh wit = him in {ihe se inflict, n d of the land and form- the island of Jutland. San the Toulouse ler, caused a nillions-elerling: we ha id the f 1896, which killed 27,- the Oregon cloudburst cf ich drowned 300, as well ®s more Sedan disasters. loss 600, peapler DIST ui more pain and TE) RRIB LY D ¥ ‘oid is guaran- y case of Piles, Vils: sara Fails ‘Ont Potler and Stronach would b r months: dining: in the case of the between whom sm: ‘t other prisd tae be drawn, tt the tact that they jail tor nearly four mor trial, he would order that ths P THDBecaee for eight calen- ths, a great conside - on os d ation Fda bre most sendalionel corde: MAN'S GREATEST. ENEMY to. a close one of the! bank trials ever r i HER IT IS FLOOD, FIRE OR STORM. How Famine Mas Reaped Hs Human Marvest — Interesting Facts and Figures, That there are any human beings up: on the earth is quits a mary vh we ue = ze all = ture ways in whi fo destr na- hem. : breach of promise (ri tio} Ripon ae consequer my dear man d red the “by making -@ few simple fore your eyes I can make you you mi ied.” “Go Hi the ot ibe, id “Tre been: try- ie ae foal pL it aha! Sciatica Smith, di put rymai T must give the cred _T am. o cured man Cure must Ciara theccrediic tes @ taacy TRIALS. He—I suppose it would be a great vial to you, dear, if, ailer all, our gagement. was broken off? She—You bet it would dear. A great aU fa sete int, a ee s vineding eaten or arm, anxi- wc 80) ci Many a chronic y vlitated const:tution to. Sis ca storms have no the, digest vO-O0e now for us in these safe islands. me a time rmelee yout ae natural foe + tan any lien for the is ran core enormous. ener lood, | notin, frost, hail-it is d FAMINE TERROL He 3. lo say. the r some port ot the vor every y bably @ people were new s-carly r, tw tat fig sin the nineteenth century car- red a 1,746,000 people between them, 5 quan melting coun: ls most irre ef nglish Snow, and. by ni was inun-| 2 ied and the famous Gomer sands to 330,000 persons. the firs’ But wien T want to find out, any and never fails,” ing ominiaus nole was pushed anaes the front d CANT A WOMAN, Molt. nevi tells —Tom Irs. me a cord eon his busines: ‘ort Mrs ithcr does my h tments may |- ee ENT CALIFORNIA TRAINS. Chicago, Union ee fie and North Western Line. The Ange- Southern Gallia nia and “ae d_ compartment sleepers, buifet, Bet clior and dining cai aes {broughoub. 7 fail. carries Pullman to, ——- And it re Snpbane that there is no harmony in the home of a music | composer. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scrat and every Re of contagious Teh a ey or. ani ls cured in 30 minute ind ES f Wol. | ford's ‘Saat Lotion. It nev jails. | HOW SIMPI | Husband—"My dear why is tam always in the wrong = fRecadse innit ainnys. ip the luck Recovery nays the cx It = Lead packets only. CEYLON GREEN TEA. It is entirely free from dust, dirt and coloring matter, therefore, It is absolutely pure. 400, 500 and 600 per fh, At all grooors. THE hash a AUTO MOBILE” Ks a Ciass by Themselves AND * CYCLE” Design and Finish Unsirpaséed. uminum To Nic! SKATES And Manufactured by CANADA ROYCE. AND MOTOR GCO., Limited ‘oronto Junction, Canada. SHAWA Put them on with no An 3 but a hammer and tinner’s shear: n Last longer with no paintin; any other metal shingles neavtes sane qiHINGLES painted. Sreaaribecd 4 until STEEL buy. et end you FREE. “booklet Sis: this roofing ace mind some things you may not know, Osha Shingles are GUA every way for Teche veers Ought to Last a Century wa a Ste - | People Send for FREE Book—“Rooting Right” Get Our Offer Before You Roof a Thing Address our MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA LONDON WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Nearest Warehouse: 821-3Craig St. W. 11Colborne St. 423SussoxSt. 69 DundasSt, 76 Lombard St, 615 Pender St. , eves ailment dug aie Wry atlersensls the follow-| pet He Deer our winder was broken a Bag Be wot throo it throo for the} ty 4 A Boston schoolboy was tall, ‘weak and sickly. rms were His He didn’t ‘tee a strong muscle in hi entire The physician who had attended the family for thirty years eueeat ‘Seor? 5 Seah, Now . eee feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND 21900. soft and flabby. lous “Ui ae will woke ‘The Luxar: is most keonly on the Say, wails. Kidney Cry.—Pain A Gel where introdu tation, shewing that the sering anes eto Find. A plaster equal to “Tho mituol, Wor sido ache oth uals it, Mai Mon this in 1 exude anes nd I healthy” state, the coug dis pe effects ot the of a sound throat and robust ye by eople Who, ant ine ie have in the back is the ory of the Kidneys for help. | To, ne: lect ithe. call, ist body | tha disease eral “Tatas, “and fe american HOW “TO \ WIN, pe. ae evil in me al- ft ans the rry. Then “your better half aman vs Db victoriot neéral Favorite—In ey place ied Dr. Thom remedy ns last resort would how much misery in red. hay a on which Weaver's Corate has Tou rol F ARY THE OBEDIENT. have: Fevord Deter i fpread. ‘the Corato relieves the pala caused to DOGS CARRY THE BIG DRUM. “I hope {hls Ume-yau've *rnatehes 40,900 out of the small pe uation Cf | Hi sting of inoct curious custom connected with the brought he whole wa Ould vas THE RIGHT END. Servian arm the manner an which} Me that will light, my son.” ' r is ae most of the regiments c the big] “yes, mother,” said ine tithe lad, day Perey, aged three, was play-| drum. Hf is nol aay ib most” “countries “re tried Ihem every one.” ing with the tail of a big dog. stung in the man who by famine in 1 “Look out,” said the careful aunt; but is pia ced upon st A Pleasant. Medicine.—Thero. are some 3 Rie. custom, hee " t drawn by a urge pills which have no Bak purpose evi- courred, to drive all. neo any people, ie seid. “T'so_not ren so trained tha! dently than to beget painful internal of the aly gales ond let them petite he n thi ir ah ithe Tyee art me ie disturbances in the patient, adding to his ag — paral The drummer takes troubles and perplexities” rather than SHIN AT He WORST-SUEPERER, a New York Special-| up a fosilion "bolind tho eant, per- diminishing them. One might as. well The last aioe famine in England ‘Mor eae on testing and compari-| forms on the inslrument as it moves nllow some corrosive material, Par- occurred in 1321, so that t nd, which pe ar god Ao y ble Pills have not this has. now to nia over halt s Sand. warene Snowe to Jpturiou ‘operty e Was the first lo: escape front the E use it in my own prac- ———— take, ation. In. Ireland, hooieve e,anost acate forms of . - @ this. Pop cs see aan eae ee esi tie "aae . oe tas Pee nds of hunger. AN OMINOUS WARNING, Knitting Machine Ae Tote tonics aii ak The Youths «Yes, Tm in business for WHAT SHE WANTED: Rig Sh 1568 i, ae _ A pane in one of the front-paxtor win-| myself, but 1 don't seem, bu e: Bie me and you sholl want! you can trsene your tain ipod meses spe “es vs shivered in its place, and dro apped meet with any success. for nothing.” ne 1 fe the floe Dor a shatened wreck, At the| body ever meets with fe: “But I don't want to want for] Catalogues ¥, F. io ed Gee taachines, hones tae Jed in, and, in man. He must oyertake it T want to want for something “Addlr0ss, Box 600. thon lo lifes Dut ihe numer of pe neoo| the owner at the CREELMAN BROS, drowned is’ in iselt nb e tse | front-parlor window. kept the ball, sehen The, greater the GEORGETOWN, ONT. many sae he's Sheen. suspected longed to a1 \ stressing the cou “One Foot in the Crave."—It the thou. down oh tae ule fellow who Hive ed next door, ae aE is ae eae of ature to ex-| sends of people who rush to so worthy pirpus. ‘The ball belonged to mee; but} {eg ynder the curative faisie—“Aron't , A of Mine sneaked it and aid medicine, It is pleasant to the taste, | _Méiste Dy rg sees ip Mei ee re mae te ie ‘No ie pa oo Lean me mip Uns peles, tae eens within te alf-mourning? Oh, woll,| Graves’ Woon Exteeminmtor ives sii and that it hove reach of 9 cone and stay half the evening. lief by. removing the catk ve . dt ania ava ———— “eal and be convince d. en Lee 16 Hubba (ongeity: aWepelyou. Bu > Com Cure destro; ; i ie ool ase Denon renen ‘oot and branch. MORE. FRED iM {calm No, dear ¥ ne 0 {Gnd “hart all will be well, if you drop ber that T sieed you three times be fore th aw rout enue ter th ar Browne fist sande-Si.) : sine. garden‘ walls “at-youl fae dons: annagh to, warty Fou? —“How did you do it? don't, beware! Browne="Shorb wailed. 19 borrow Av a aSiana INNOSENT.” REE ed hee TO Ki mia little cold, you know," Mesncoed Tose ol from mixery and danger by’ Allon’s Lung Bal Substamees Added to the Siac Which ‘Good morning, Jones. a lave Proved Us Smith: “ Soe es : you have a-son and heir.” Jones: “Ye: All flower lovers. will @ four house now represents the} tc learn that as a result o Uni Smith: “How's that?” | conducted in France it has jc see, Tam English, my} clusively shown that most varieties ¢f nurse is Scotch, ant uae ers keep as avalt when cut as wi hen eft on the pia meniation is. experiments shown that a mira Peck ih 3 helbing the. the speedy agen out “ot to the water-in which cut flowers are Mt relieves in six | Kept add. very materially es the length ura 38 of time flowers may be kopt tres! - mong. the HS ue useful as chloral, eblnck fact thi hin Biante ics Routh Ame: soot A his, ‘They offer peace to the thei it rial of n| THIS IS A 20th CENTURY FAMILY A REBUKE, ‘The bang is oe fire ma- Nervine nan rican it aro The Bul dum. Here are all Mrs. -Pacokill — brought ths m On o and in nae comproniised by ea ae CUT FLOWERS, ie stems. ane pun: Ha a “in evented, there & an So dollars nty~ me eof SHILOH will ill care you hy gee do as hi are fioasands A ae dia ha at Rciese four ears: jie Sito ye rahe le weed al is worth Gate fal