COMIN’ HOME AT NIGHT, Dominion Day Sista of Passengers T Good- tes reasonal “Ag ttl matinee, M. Mac : G. T.R. Time Table ‘Trains due eo lee Milverton, GoING Now _go1sa sour 02 Bx 7 a. Expos 58 a.m. 44 p.m. press. , 4:1 FOR THE LARGER CANADA, Dominion Must Have « ea Soul as et as st A; w is or what cathe has done, but at i Cabada i rown Tog Nature Uppermost—Ideas of Fun, All the incoming trains Dominion Day re | ‘This obseure nerve— Heart Strength ‘Beart Strength, or Heart Weaknoss, means Nerve hidden tiny little nerve that ee ‘gallat fault the Without that the Heart, must continue to fall and the stomach and kidneys also have hats, sailors, Panamas and Derbys, with coats and vests, mae promptly tossed to tha racks al © ebb valedeecius 0 ‘@ pillow on his fair companion’s shoul- | der. “Break nothin’,” responded the h a hair, slipping a a4 he weary | ed | beauty across the aisle, Whig ho ce hes of ponte eee he er +, ret is o fasverybody pe ants anaes P ird produced, whereupon the chunkiest lad| of the lot squeezed in and institutsa several fact somo- { manufacturing in- tions of com- farmer and miner and the lumberman, xe Peper rtisan, the t the ae ry the poet and ihe at dian ot maani==te the: * bus ell comes from the larger Cana Life in nas continent ieapled from hy eis to sure ry will fix the tional rank of the larger Canada Dalton, a sl sh engineer, Bes @ who knows Dalton will ad- mit that he is not given to exaggeration es he is regarded as a man 3 veracity, s eon migrant in telling of the inclden te lc 0) rhaps confident of safety dog's company. ell, we struck the dog first, but thm ‘ey with Joy wien, we picked up and carried it off the track,” al tata its Toronto Zoo’s Camel. , e “Canadian Pacific express, coming into the city _ other’ mornin; somewhat ied by a quick application of the brakes, which brought the train to ‘@ sudden standstill on the banks of the “Don, By “ala air: Who ran out to discover the the stop were more surprised dead camel Pains on the track, yu occurred. 2 ead animal was eey as “Mos¢ cre-|Cheese and Butter Factory a | Will be held in Grosch’s Hall, ‘y/on Saturday, Jan, Sth, at the ance as to tim: wei mous in thelr acini of “N Roses and Tobacco, ‘All this time people at every station had been coming and going—principal- ly coming. Tired athletes, glorious in monogrammed This clearly explains why, ai a niedlcine, De Shoop’s teri Te is Shotact nasa a O Winter a wl. dan, 2nd Mish STBSTEORD, Cli i Sebool Is recognized 19, be one of the isgee Commercial Ontario. gra 8 Elliott & McLachlan, Brincipats, fe elp. TE you would ‘have: strong Hearts, strong al: Seay) esi ge sre neryes = ye-cstablish as needed, vi Dr. Shoop’s ‘Restorative | THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE, of the patrons of the Milverton hour of 2.30 o’clock p. m. >- | The annual report will be pre- sented and other business transacted. D. J. DWYER. The Annual Meeting . a Synopsis of Canadian “Worth: ‘West Homestead Re Rewulstions. NY even. numberd | section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or North-west ipeg, or the local agent make ¢ jority for some one to n atry ader is required. to perform the onnected therewith under one of the folowing pious: t tix months: residence upon " on of the land in each ye: three lan peat sidence n taned- Cy sch pernon residing wich the ence or mother, as his permanent re: gland owned by him. b momesten d, the. ts den be satisfied by fesidience upon the nd Six months’ notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for pater W. W. CORY, eputy of the Minister of the Interior championsh! to own it Ina ante verted telescope ra square, while, as every vraveler iow after a mile or two a suit ca: ever so labelled, makes poor B ‘Hh lowed to promenade at the next station platform Made CA For Them 'W n't overlook us,” Ser Samontshed' oh thee return, with ust of soft coal smoke and much Ralsema ‘superfiicus. wammiiig’ sult-case seat had to be vacated and the standers in the aisle squeezed back almost to the laps of the pare fortun- Ate travelers, to allow them to pass, In the ntime their bern taken by. Nor holidayers of their wn party, an thay pretty La that won't stand has waa the ultimatum soinder of “the front who flopped down pro! a own- The quiet fittl Pearl beads you girl. with the big could baisrations 18 ‘The old pei who, with umbrella be- upon ek: seek Bay an aie.” ence all the w: rainstick tighter, made if possible, a thinner ine of her tightly closed lips, but said noth- oung wife, more impulsive, were married, exclaimed indig- oughtn’t to be allowed away om home,” but nobody paid any at- tention to her, Obeyed and Skidooed. Romoes do for a Christm EEEEEELEE SEALE ESS The goods are manufac: Felt Shoe Company. teed fe How would a nice pair of Felt Slippers or Call and see them, they are sure to please you. W. Zimmerman, Gée Sh LEEEEEEEEEE EE ERE EEL ERE DES rete PEEEEE EY LEELELEREEEE EAE EER as present. tured by The J G. Grosch -} | Barley and Peas WANTED For which we will pay the Highest Price, PFEFFER BROS H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY +! New Raisins.,.......121%4 cents Currants... 2 Figs.. Dates... Fees) 25 Eemons-<) 02 Vg Oranges..... Prunes 10 .20 Marmalades......,20 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE H. MOHR. TheRight House The passing year has beeri a success. Our volume of tr. this year has been larger the ever and for your share and: help towards this we extend our hearty thanks. We con- clude with extending to you our heartiest wishes for “A HAPPY NEW YEAR.” W.K.LOTH Investigation by. Ghe Royal Commission showed ‘THE | DOM OMINION LIFE | to be Clean Throughout and Well and Economically Managed. Representative for F rth County + M,. M. BRICKER, Berlin, Ont. Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. LEEEEELE Bssssesesesesesesssosg9q9q9 : BUTTER WRAPPERS | Farmers, we can supply you with the best German Parchment Paper—either plain or printed, We print 500 wrap- pers for $1.25, and you get a cent a pound more for your butter. Try us. SESEEEEISSSSESS SSSSSSISSSSSS 2 Ghe Milverton Sur2 ° SSSSSSSSSSSSSSOSSSOSSOSEOS ; 6 No Fortune Telling, But Legitimate Science Prof. O’Brien ‘The greatest Canadian Phre- nologist and Scientific Palm- it, of Toronto Whose et iods were demon- strated a: The only public lecturer_on Soieutifie Palmistry in Can- and United States. Will be in... ee around Her, sat in silent adoration it cost at her feet, and the standers laughed and apologized to each 2 hat she wore ee he gee of her wn. © = bor m5 soos nedical faculcies and Phrenologist and S bot be classed wit those trav oo ae disgrace on these sciences and frdeteat the ae Phirenology he is at the n Palmistry he Hunarets of ee ive r 8 CAT mene Members of ae Singer Editors, Merehai ocatin: a Sp “Fowler's (New York) Ne », Phrenology Scientifics Buigdecy ! A STUDY OF A LIFETIME 4 MILVERTON, on NEW YEAR’S DAY SHORT TIME ONLY, after a ern 9 weeks visit to alae eap pretenders who bring public. head ot ve pore. + has no - ae been “rat b NOT A SINGLE APPLICANT HAS EVER BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE MUSKOKA ___ FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES BECAUSE OF HIS OR HER POVERTY IN THIS NUMBER of Tuberculosis the Lungs TORONTO, CAN, Articles on the Open Air Treatment Attractively Illustrated. 10¢. ex $1. ete FORWARD STEP IN THE INTERESTS OF Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The National Sanitarium Association of Canada has undertaken to publish a monthly magazine devoted to the Outdoor Treatment of Tuber- culosis, and the inculcation of Hygienic — Methods of Living for the people generally. — The first number was issued in November, of —— All profits from this magazine subscriptions and advertising to the maintenance of patient: Muskoka Free Hospital for Cq » 1906 tives. Any one contributing one dollar or more, to the funds of the Shtbla Magazine of The Nat at Astoctatioa: Facsimile Cover Page’ (reduced in size) tional Sanitar- Full size of page will become a subscriber to Ovt-Door Lire for one year, new x7 han a Pj ree, BERLIN, No Father, als Mother, x ee Wors iso} G. Onr.: Beco oo find doctor's ‘certificate and examinatio pet Hope An Orphan, without Home o Dr, A. E. HANNA, Pertu: I have young fellow in whom I am greatly jp but this is a special cas Itis = encouraging to have convenience of those who have. ot tine to oe sr