Washington in salt eae from ic ved here re fn that section. as being atmost a total failure Antong and Fung Townships ily are a total failure, where is under water conipelled to wade at he ‘and in. sottie tases; up ecks, Immediately west of Tsingho what Mt Great Famine Follows Total Failure}; of Crops. dee erly was a fertile is a ext mile ae the awe pain Hee fh ohn fc this south-w ther Hy the refed of ¢ of ve we ibe reached sta te o! at abe Tut alse fuel be’ stricken people, who number 15,- O40 00. DOMINION PARLIAMENT! DINGS IN THE |OUSE OF COMMONS. CANADIAN IMMIGRATION, er of the number of r nis! stated that the a al riving in Canada of recent y fellows: Tn, 1994, 130,000 46, 00; int (800, 10 the end of June thy cath yeu DUTY ON HORS that Mr. Elson. wa informed minin:u valuato m for customs p' poses. on infet Horses imported into this country is. $50. CATTLE EMBARGO. mmunications have been passin, pale. Soe Minister of Agricullure, bi ty e Canadian’ and th i is ranieat $, on val dian cattle, “Hos ¢ government any reason to anticipate the Temoval of this embargo at an early er replied: “it cit to pres an opinion ent a nots at pres < AND ESQUIMALT. F den explained that the sno expended by the Dominion with the military ar Halex. and dequimelt, » December, 1906, respectively. ations, at a ial instructions to encoi fairiation of our own people. NATURALIZATION LAW. * Wilfr'd Laurier, in’ moving the fond read Toe bill to amend the turalzation Le ‘s dispense with the ON of . who ht t ortion n the Dominion, prturalization natura and settling ut judge, file h of allegiance FISET SUCCEEDS PINAULT, A South African as to be Deputy Mii h tm ahi nwa been "Minister of ‘Militia Gol, Pinault appointing Col, St age passec Without ys E. ini i ‘De- fo Bt Pd and Defence ‘The ordeest in- Fiset to his po- ‘on Wedhe: vat er doubt the militia ef e news that an wh his sterling baitleflelds sof South han one. occasion is to the Minister Silistac- in Olt the_ap- polniment. poputor,.. Col, Kiset- 14-0 str of: Sennior, fict,tHe to South Africa in any the’ Host. contingent, oly ee with the Army. Medical at Freo Hs fa, Pearde! fold on : r his istingtt ecasion he was mentioned by Lord ‘Roberls in de- spatches. eae ay Cae HOGS AND TUBERCULOSIS. Carcases E ported to ae From U; Not lo Standard. patch from vn on says Go he mime spiving to 0 que THE LARG Province Receipts of the This Year Reach High Point. espatch, from ‘Toronto says: Hon. vate ge Provincial Peasurey, Dry vn E tes une tor hat will wea ie z-the. stor year of 1906 with noth ends meet > revenue will be a ine ‘ge st pdiled subject on V y ie dnae will surer appears to expec Dah peters 2. Last yea r 6 016,000, "wii the evenwe the expendi- 000, 1906 iene be as much as n suoni not be e indications are short a “e 0, Mr. sanguine, will jek fall ar th sum, ‘The province has come of $1,000,000 duties alone. vill b the t of ys the P ial ; larger than ever be Pom owing 10. the. Oe ased commereial-activity .on the one and to the augmentation of fees hand, for li ich as to sell lly the exchequer will be ten per cent. of price, of Cobalt and Kerr I wvhlch’ must be pala ®t once byt those valuable these th expenditure on the im led by the Govern- Jast-session-of the chasers To Sountenielnhce considerable tant projects inaugur ment during ~ the Legislature pares PROFIT IN LAKE BOATS, Money ¥ id Out ‘eights. ver So Much A despatch trom Chicago, says: Never f wistory computations, bas a steamers, 1 ships of 13 of between 3,000 © net profit on On Wooden ‘nd 3,500 - tons Was high ge of more miz,op.thele. Insurance.vo e cause of this groa per- he demand of the The: total “movement of larg than. ever before, . Ther ae shipped from the head ‘of Lake Superior 81,608,000 bushels, as compared ‘with 59,678,000 bushels in 1905. ees eee NO FAITH IN BANKS. Grai yer volume Woman Trusted Porket Alone, But the 86,000 Vanished. Philadelphia, Pa., E aber was robbed of pickpoc! holiday crowd in th tri district here on Monday. The money was paid Mrs. Kober by the Pennsyivanin Railroad in settler ment Of a laitn ‘on the: death ef A <déspateh trom Kol r hu wh 0 iN hi ent elc railr ts eck ax ie City.» Mrs. Kober had no faith in banks, and fused to. accept a ¢ Sho Ly oles c secre ieket i Bn underskirm White enOpHIg: with frend she disthvered that the pocket had been a tom her skirt and the money take! ‘ive Million A Says: The Krups,” Bssen have rebeived am order snip. millers "wa 000,000 aa (G5, 500, a for the Ris pment. his ‘will be ‘used sian for Gov building new warships. the conditions. of the cofitrnet’ the. Russian Pulileff works will participate to a cer- tnin.. extent, -and. he. Krupp. corupeny ill itiloff company 000.000 ies ($1,500, 000) to extend its Eee bacholors are men who have given marriage a Serious thought. Asked whether the | on ear lols f LEADING Ae a! sc d_outside. We asked. Oals—No. to Toronto; shipment. to Toronto, Buckwhe 2 white, 36% 756 bid for No. 2 es ie ed xc Fi fora 90 per tings, ont patents, 8 0; second, COU yery steady : Creamery ~ do, solids Dairy Prints s $11.50 to § $9: for.No, Hay- and Bal aed oe Bene irm at § MONTREAL 4 Montreal, D vails in. thé local inert, business being don fi Peas—Bailing pea $1.10 in jobbing lo bags, 1 lover, mixe per ton tn Barrels, ; haltbarrels, $1 Sic bid €.P.R.; No, 3 bid outside, asked outside. paler RY PRODUCE. he market for gi MARKETS but very little $1 in carload lots, Miah pring » 83. Sis: to mle moullli, to short gon 8ic sked 5e rate cers January to $17.50 6 0 ake 2 rt, x ‘ood butter: is Nia eal ng fi tor twins ic; timed, 220. don. qualily, pol o for No. 2 in car. lots 0 to $7 in rm tone pre- clear fat backs. mess ary LK a ess bee! Butfalo, ‘Dec. 24 Ke bid Se rate p 87e. “Mil NY cows: x New Shi The Lbndont new §: long cut heavy halt-barrels do, $10:7; aa clear bac 0% to ate bee! alt oh 0 a $2) barrels incate “salted be al alive, $6.5 market is in a yery quiet ation, “A good local trade has eel new-laid, 35¢ 25xe: cold 5 late fall select ge and limed, 200 to 20340. LO MARK! - Flour BUF — Steady. MARK - Wheat—Spot ator and 81%¢ thern - Duluth, hard winter, at; ¢ c.ist. Buttalo; éc cif: Buffalo. LIV MARKET. ‘ororifo, Dee. 224.—Quietnoss was the Eseuaeny f ture at the Western kel 10-4 ee salts aight loads of exporters the market, ‘The: pric No. g os were on My 20; 5” fat cows, 3) $L50 5 lo $F. 6. rt ewes: logs. were “quoted at for lights and fat e steady to firm. ch. i toe Saale: Prices 10,000,000. ‘Times’ corvespondent at ne juckwheal=566 to 5634c per trishel, ) ex-store. Corn—American No. 2 ycllow, 53¢; No. nixed, 54¢ as lore ses a "fleet of 150, 1 Onis—On white, 60,000, of which hal No. Tide & NOs 8 the value of the existing. fleet; to Ate i Nahas ex aipees mainder to be devoted to the building of to ips, The company intends tablish services to mga Holkait, phen $' Java, Vladivostok, North China, Hong Kong, Manila, Tiawall,. America, the South Seas and India. Mr. 1 CATTLE auastine Makes Definite Statement Commons pr adian “ealtle, 5: ; No. | importatio sanad 1; pure clover, | House had ‘decided against a 1 the car lot r as un- House saw fit vie Tohange ils ee east Fall at relained during the Winter rhe volume freight Fort William during the of this port, statement A despatch from Fort William, Ont., : During. the Season of navigation departed at the port of Fort William. A , 1,200 truck handlers and checkers, ight sheds, drew their cheque: tis “marking the close ‘of the seaso are still engaged ab the freighi 300 men, most whom will hat of any pre =} a given ‘out, it ts comparatively estimated fee TRAFFIC DOUBLED ‘Returns at Fort William Show an Immense Increase. thi | the tonnage Fevelvd was 60 per nt. greater than ti at of 1905, cet oD {During the last 65. da tons of ived and 854| freight and flour were unloaded in Fort William, as oo npare h 191,000 tons for the Canadian handled in and although een fre around the entire wor! ‘ is stored her s, five and one-half cargoes per da wv wious year {thls t steamers that the corresponding Reo € year ago. trifle more than 2,000,000 tons, af | for the pe besa f of fee eee “ing | The increase was coi (0- no parti: al igs Reet ecco taarans tal commoait 1 lines of merohan- the scason, and about 2,135,000-tons for-| aise having shared in the advance. Of finding and géveitw/-ived| Label wins that aeived siuce ihe open id last-year. For the last ing of navigation {uly 15,000. tons, or jough to build a easton unloaded at the docks November to, keop an average 5,000 inhabitants clean’ for a {rainloads of farm imple: received, Mst to Dec. ist 165 car- ¢ transferred from vessels to car of coal and® grain greatest number ever arrived at the ight sheds in a single month, A Bogus Cheque Uk Toils at Gal “A despatch trom Galt si the swindler wanted in a owns and 's store, New pig AEE blank ch jan under arrest. ee was ta worked the aoe firs nie mu si in uelp . nied th charge, vs but finally wea fof at Hing SWINDLER CAUGHT. eilies. mnoruing a. strenge:man entered Teen Str with bei or is in the A Galt wa: fec' = su Thur ing the chee | An attempt to-assassinate Chief of Poli city” and North Bay! sperate Alto to Kill ‘olice at L EXPRESS M. eee BU Third Car Consumed Ket From ae 0 Winni toh joe see says: Word received on We ednesday to the ef- t that a carload: of express pack ages ich. left gran for the west on Moi , was destroyed by fire peteenamo | Yo! for nisi dena an aie Points in the The origin oe oes = — S SHOT BADLY. Chiet of tle, coe from ee Russia, says: CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Own and Other Countries of Recent -ANADA. The: Alberta Legislature will. meet: on Jan. Tho “Toronto over $36,000. Cobalt has applicd ey the’ Governintat tor. incorporation ve soldiers ee Dae nm sent t Telegraph Briefs From Onr ‘xhibition surplus was victor from the Quebec peak son. Kingston electors will vote on Jan. 7 an_the-question of Hoende reduction. The Minister of Rai s about to ars for the In- is to extend the y to tna with r ou Rail ataak Tenis Bang os e Grand ‘Trunk It is said that ‘ihe new eee bill now at Otte ave a y voting praviainte of the Salvation amers have been people to say: an nrtered Canad: to om House>employees in Toronto have formed an organization ml ak object of securing a higher scale Halt :G.- Ws Slephen Bailantyne and E ny sppotated Horbor of Monive The ohn ‘Leslie Block on Main Stree! en pure i for $125,000 for hotel otftion Con inissioners Ha Tu Ne as ay Cont are negot land Ate ti nor! get B. Macnamarsy fanchester lists have purchased th Canada Po anent. Block in Winnit antes Portage Avenue and Main S\ quarter ot a ae doliai Hure 7 S arrang Sab Minister of Agric An imports from Great Britain ve montis ending August 31 Bh, te 3 for Sue imporis for total ran the “United Slates N s 606 over the previc porls to the Slates for. ihe sams ce riod tolailed a“ the ding The import West idles 1 3 into. Canada from for the fly aa Uh: amounted Augus' 3,1 f 2 as earnpaee with: 1905 and of $675,143 In 1904. | Exporis > the West Ind 968; showing si Bie gohan core same Baits of two son, Commandant een specially. selected to-command. a. bri- the ana ian in a gbsaibls STATES. row Pa, sure yo and was-admitied to, ball the sum of $10,000. cies in counts, aggregating are alleg AL the Inter-State Commerce. Commis- sion’s. inquiry into the car shortage, Minesola farmers testifled wheat priges nally depressed, with ele- no market! ‘The coal famine forced farmers to burn. fences and sues to keep from freezing. Viscount the. Japanese amba: gies the United: Slates, sald at the dinner of the “American “Ast ic Ass tion, in ae that caster Asia was large © aa gominoree of all nations ‘and’ that the dream of the essimist, who saw the phantom of a sinugale between the Un States and Japan for the supreme “Ot the Pacific was ridiculo rhe. Pennsylvania. Railroad Company ployees that after which owns many At the rate which regular shippe em itoye ousekeepers. annual saying to those who bought their, coal from the company was 80 ° SD ALss aay was “degraded at ing 10S sbeinetalk- ile. for entot ing a che inventor Planning to raise Ge in Manchuria to. satisfy Letiemand. ar oS decorated Premier Stoly- nis zeal in.the cause of the em- the agitation of opium south China will cause a ak. hat each of & States should ie sieved iF oleae to connie 60 Colonial Confers _ Miner has procections for hol ie seuetous ser- es disci antinued. for the presen A despatch from Buffalo. : Sh Four lives were snuffed out and one Det son was fatally burned in a » Zenobia apartment ND WN I fia wer SH Las i) nes and smoke, lost their way and x ercome, ‘ nd Mrs, Lambrecht were visiting Crumilsh avo the third floor. Birmingham, with there nory completely. and sult that-he lost his mem a past be ame, a blank a him, d ae not remember wha ew hours i other facull his memory is. gone. though his unimpaired GLANDERS IN WINNIE First Outbreak in Two Years—Twenty Shol. A despatch from Winnipe ays: Th st outbreak’ of glanders to ocour th Winnipeg: in ea a cote wo days ago, and on Thursday. 2 hase iiticled’’ vere sol: nt the oily isance ground, “Local veterinary sur ae he disease, and the were “inna under their ec mes Lightfoot’s board: and sale Heres ‘on Bannatyne “Avenuc, lost nine, while Slatter’s slables, on North Main Street, lost ten, prse he The odd c It Bey to a local Ys rhs expr The Leader ot Rotem! Rebels Gets ine Four Years. Knia Pantel eimon) were bats nesday, ‘The lec four ye others fo serve terms in the disciplinary vefuye in eve an “oubangt gave sasleeemian ts and aie themselves up, tothe Wealthy Prelate’s i Gives $1,000,000 to Pontill. ‘A despatch from Rome says: The dentn.'was announced on yesday | of Mgr. Adami, one of the most Roman pr rela ies gr. Adami wae able, presents, to Pope: Lo NIL. a Pius X., at sue ld Ag jJatler: fold pector with b By his ‘will * tet 3 100, 000 to the Bape! — TOOK CARDERG ACID. Death of mie Langane, Foreman in amber Camp. A janae from Magnetewan_ say Palkiok Langane, foreman in Burton Camp No. 3, north of here a few rales, jook a een of carbolic acid ednesday night about 6 o'clock, mis taking it for cough mixture, and-oin fromthe effects in less than & good The unfortunate acath is’ very foreman. oa much mes 3 SAVED hom SCAFFOLD. WodyBear's Sentence Cormmuted— Cannot Live Long. desyatch from Ottawa says: His Excellency’ has comimated: the sentence Weolly Bem, an was tried at Tran n ond found) guilly of stn a fellow ‘tribes: een oxepitled. 6H S Soee fay. I and-“confinement tod tha he could only live a short Une. The Govepment therefore pee 1 that nature and not the law should be al lowed {0 fake its course mar requ es of ca cne on: We girl who must dress on next to 1 thing a year is a comparatively ea one this Season, The loose, flowing, almost the old di easily length cape out of a rich Nic. venue, at the corner of West | Ida ee hambacher, an treet, on Wednesday night. | baby, were the only Stee conan ol othe occupants of the place had narrow i com ys the . re Se M ic a rumlish had gone to store half a dozen being reseued b; get medicine to aen, 1s ‘ad art recht, 40 ven mbrecht; | ous. del jaye hy es idee 9 ol daugh into the via um, J.J | andall of them were overcon ew ‘The nurse, who had been dismissed for. iding jatiron-shaped, | the night, escaped by jumping frot an Be id narrow, winding: hallways, in} bedroom window {to the roof 0! which the viclims, confused by the | joining house, CHAMBERLAIN'’S MEMORY, EEE EES EE TS a The Past Has Pecome a Complete Blank . yy, * Fashion despatch from ea say . long retirement of Jost * ms owing to gout anc 5 H t led to constant a-| 3 im S. di clio: xs concel ite fe The he’ ie poe ie tbrrhbrrthrrrer ret Fe COAT ne problem of an evening coat & newest wri n-shaped Hines -of the ay ttle they ea rire filling that la he of a dress Y or by t kes her < pihe: fingers can. work: wonderé. An Ml y of inexpensive, yel really eharmi ow re ple, for instance, wouldy n flannel in this connectiol Young woman, who depends) a ure with an-old) white amd ee wilh a role from a wort ney lined circular. of these cir by the way,” is . godsend, when n evening wr 13 (o be evolved. Use the squirrel as - a ning for some. prod covering to uw sha “ wht enti qT little sia aro hot hi hed 80 much th's villa sementerie Lucky is the ait) Take on Roe fig thes shows: black ak heal ruflie of white and black cl black onthe outsid cheap materia li of the nd finish me the ia Ries snexpensive cape nal may ihe soll torts felt to mn in 1 onion te ps comes “nh! . used, it is, natu 3 hi tt ‘isa ‘ color ped oR p shown r to ee the fv is-thore te enough pe as are eneled down in many a to thas seen beiter, lest on, at si. A fascinating wrap ently of a black lace shawl vied wi ito taffeta, One of the points. caught in a jounty little hood anal ire cape odyed wi h Ae, ten the gle] who ean, afford ore for her materials: canal if she ls make waits Uy: evenings in t chiffon velvet and ae ngalin h eas populér for — evening ler eh Tronabloth,” ands rode ily mane io gs. cable than a ‘a cont, "The: Tre inoreover, reqitites skill nd pressing to look well for her, the vogue for capes ts st maa tans tiopoRe The cheap: Paint adou ally lovely uch a om it me Inexpensive Tapa se silks cnn be ¢3 up for the new kim Ont ATER whieh are frequently seen Uy It must be eenfessed ‘this has more of novelly than ES or real attractivendss to ever, =, lovely ‘Austranion aq Thee both Houses