ength and Youth —A Safe Combination the Assets of The Sovereign Bank of Se them to gs ica and —— Tabilities ul over 5 millions. posits - ores to over | 15 3 millions. our account—large or kta invited. $1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept. Interest paid 4 times a year. he Soverelgn Bank of Canada Marmora, Millbank, Newton, Monkton Job Pting ++ Look over your stock and see if ou don’t need some printing done, suchas ,.. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Etc. If you do, don’t send it out of town, butto .. The Sun — CUNDICK, Manager, Milverton Branch London Bridge There once stood a man, ne she ote she she oho she nfo nie see ape agree opt et eet Dressed in poor clothes; Holding a tray in ‘his hands, Covered with Gold Soveregns, Above the tray was a card, With these words, “For Sale” “Only One Penny Each.” He did this for a bet. How many do you think he sold? ay ~ Only one. This sale was made to a little Girl who bought it as a play toy. The thousands of people passing Did not know there was Such a bargain at their hand. Now, while we cannot offer you Gold Sovereigns for a Penny Our object in mentioning this Is to tell you that we have + ne oe oer Y ae ae shee ae ae se ee Se et ak ag Re RE EP EE EE ES REET ee 0 ba aks aks hs a si se a is Sid i Si Si i a The greatest bargains ever Given in Milverton while our January sale lasts. But if you do as the. people Did regarding the gold sovereigns You will never know just What you are missing We are not paying for this Advertisement to merely Write this, but we mean What we say, in telling you It will pay you to know ~~ The%savings we} Shave’ for; you. We know. OV 5 Everything in the store at esate Prices. Extra ered in all Winter Goo i “positively closes SATURDA ‘AN. 12th. Come with the son: Share in the Bargains. Do you know ? Ks ats cks ka cke ake oka aks Keckesks cts O eet oe 0 i, os oh aks ahs ke aksakeakeaks aks ck 4 FP CO oe RR OR en oO oe ee ee he he Ba he i ok ke ee ee oe i i oi i a tal abs abe abs igttbereee ve = LOCAL NEWS * LEEEEEEEE EDEN Read Prof. O’Brien’s adyt. er column. Miss: ee of Strat ford is at present nursing Mr. E. A. Baum! ey twill to read J. Lockie’s pieatiegiene on the ina page. Miss Ronlston, of Listowel 1 is ra ing friends,jn Milverton and Morn. Miss Elvera Deppish, of Berlin, is visiting her cousin Mies ee eae oan Rey. N, D. McKinnon will on “ie day next. soupy a beanies of the ba church, St. eee rooms to let that may Le apartments, apply ibok toe ra fuiverons ir and Mrs. W. D Spence spent of Hello Central! did you hear about the sna: 3. Lockie is’ giving in stoves, See his advt. on the last page Miss Dodiméad and Mies Lottie Dodimead, of Vortage la Prairie, Man, are visiting Mrs. E, J, Fink- oe 0 buys eg in Goes min- ing Star without first ing the claim is better vided with money than rate We have to thank Messrs. Me- Hugh Bros., cigar dealers for one. o! the handsomest calenders that ar, . George omaha, whe, for the past eight years in “Manitoba | 5, me on a Visi sit re otis parents, Burnside Farm, Mornington. Messrs. Thos. Sayers and 8. J, Mil- lee are at present taking the stock and eed judging courses at the Ontario agceieared College, Guelph. Mr. W, A. Armstrong, brother of Mr. Robt. Armstrong, ex-warden of Perth, has been appointed to the posi- tion of postmaster at Fort William, B. F. Butler, eye specialist, of on Thursda: 08 Mar. Tah, May 9th and July 11th, i services in the LS ES church next Sunday ‘will be (D. V.) German in the morning and Sreliel ly in the ae Sum astonishing fac! e are = exooytionl values ce of our heaters, al id. coal heaters whiet will be sold right, Finkbein- er’s Hardwar Mr. Harry Gleiser, of Oxbow, Sask., in renewing his subscription to THE SUN states that they have been haying winter there since Noy. ith, the weather has been very cold the ther- mometer regiatering as much as 35 WwW zero. We Roel to test that a pme house is anything but congenial to him. Dr, Egbert, of Calgary, spent a few days in Milverton, the guest of Mr. ec ok ke ae ke kk ie ok Si a ots ab ofa ahe , last week The et considerable improvement dur- ie short fees which has inter- vened since he ‘The steel on Bu ‘Guelph es eg sethtes miley on the other ‘side of Blyth. ‘The last fifteen or twenty | miles been ballasted, as not y Work will practically be stopped un- will likely be egular that Monkton will havea service by about the end of May. A number of London merchants have recently objected to the oe of ace hee they are comparativly valueless, s the percentage of silver is so small. The Straits Settlement half-dollar is e Canadian coin, but to express any opinion as to its val ne All of us cannot be in the Cobalt if we cannot have prom- ness consistsin giving and serving others, ministering rather than being ministered unto. jaeer reatliieis for a local item, butave. meet the expected at Perey sees these days. i in Grosch's noon of last wie when the following cheap? Ans Newton, Ont. Mr, few days las iin sits at Trout Creek, evening. afterwards at Pauli’s hotel. is wel formerly of Milverton, spent a g lad hand Family Herald and We the Toronto nad: mer for Bu 90 holds pelt ick the rest of ae nth, we tl has been appointed to Chief Immigration Agent of Canada Se Robert. giaser for the Township of Morning- precarious conditi the bas Sranena from ©! Do has since the opening of the Port Dover line in 1877. cause he bec: missed. any community who ima arts a should contain nothing but what they. approve of, |, | Griffiths. ; Mrs Freeman was born in th see Where can I buy a wer. stove At Jas. 8. Lockie’s eil Clark, of Okotoks, spent a st_ week Mr. Wm Livingston, of Milver: ir. Harry Bue. has secured a job as travelling Caeacis for se Ox- Tord Cream Separator Mr. Ashworth Antero, of the ee oe Okoto! isit to Mr. a week, Bibee Bennett and Miss Edith ei it last week for a lengthy visit with tients a Stratford, Woodstock pet manager s, paid a Mis. Wan. Livingston SE = has secured a uskoka, ata good salary and leaves this week to take shares ot it Silver Star lodge, No. 202, 1.0.0.F., will hold their installation on Lun will take puce asc Girls wanted to learn machines at the Felt Shoe Factory. ‘The factory il heated, w ligh: and pleasant place to be employed in. Mr. Joseph Gibson, of Vicdon, Lore day the village last week and received the from many of his friends. The Sun’s clubbing offers with the ply. Star and Glob ja Far aed t Verity, well. known. to | Government, Con- The bi IY a Council met on inst, at Donely’s wank, Municipal En- a on $10, 000,000. ,000. ° HEAD OFFICE, 8. E. WALKER, General Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND bial : THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND ‘A general Banking business transacted. Pepsits: of $1 a upward: rates. tng depositor is of the pasate ere in the withtiravwal of ae whol por it y|WM. MAYNARD, Accounts m: ‘mall with all branches of wee soni sto BANK D DEPARTMENT received, ani Reserve Fund, 300,000 : C53 TORONTO: LEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gea Manager opened ad conducted a subject oe no do isa what- le “STRATFORD BRANCH Head Office CAPITAL PAID UP......$2,500,000 RESERVE FUND. aIFOP One =a Hon. Wm, Gibson, President. yrus A. Birge of Hon. J. 8. Hendrie, H. M. Watson, Asst. Gen, n sate = Hami Savings Department ! 0! t m, Ist of June and Ist ee Sale notes are and advai a ate Honey Oriacs ingned Bt BANK of HAMILTON RECTOR John Proctor Cc, Dalton, Toronto, Manager and Supt. of Branches. 102 ia es Etrauhott the Dominion 1 sone i attention fa'bought-end sold on a iis of che world. A aoe banking bese aan HAMILTON Total Assets. . $30,000,000 Ss urabull, Vice-Pres, and Gen, Manager George Rutherford 2 8 peak ete Rena TO one alt Dank NE + Current rate a Sacpat inded avi given to farmer’s reaiehenan a ate isomer at ri “rater, usual rat Milverton Branch, “R. J. Ranney, pide ‘he many friends of Mr. B. A. aumbach, of the Sovereign Bank, er, ling t seen ener heis in a ge eae has purchased Mr. Wm Dor- land and has taken possession. Mr. rland who retires from ines hbeen-ranning the bus <a Wiarton. ani ‘The fellow weno stops his paper be- s offended at some item shat ote miot,"suit” ‘his fancy, ways imagines he is getting even wate t the publisher, but he is never only hay oe oveanion: iy, for there are only-a few le in ‘paper The Manchester Guardian sa; ‘In Canada and some parts of the United States the term ‘Cobalting.’ bids fair to become in stock aud share matters a synonym ugging’. The See gee) its ‘Cobalting’ does | not see! oer pie those employ ed by any eile pany, the only eritiasiit is an Betts a~ | cot inary readiness of the public to re- | i lieve the promoters of huge blocks of worthless shares. ‘The members peste get lena sets council on Mon te the Declaration an bere sppanitted bri pict cell MR. JOHN WATSON, THE RETIRING CLERK OF MORNINGTON, xr, John Watson, aie resi ee ip Mr, years in me Sonnet two years as councillor, one year as aepoty reeve | g, e also Jani township in 18i8, pe a man of sterling quali ip was exact, cise and Re itenl All matters entrusted to his car the following officers Clerk, Win Waddell; eid; Assessor, Wm Houston; Collec ee North, Wm Kerr, Collector ‘South W Winkler; Auditors, W. S. and Thos. Hutchison; Medical Heit | Officer, Dr. Johnson; Engineer, G. L. Supplementary meetings of weal Perth wines Institute will be He as fo) s: Gowanstown Feb. Ist, Carthage, Fotorany, Feb. | 2nd, Rostock, Monday, Feb. 4th, Mil- verton, Tuesday, Feb. bth, Hampstead Wednesday, Feb. 6th. Shakespeare, Thursday Feb. 7th. eakers: J. Gardhouse, Highfield, sae Shep- pard, of Queenston. Miss B. M taal ae of Guelph, only at Miieertna and m pstes The village council met on Monday and re-organized. ‘The ollow:ng. of- foes Bes ey ease for the year Cler! D. Weir ; treas., Ds aa a aif Guenther ; audi h Hy. Schneuker } bank ymmittee, Ne Death came ee sudden to ornington, was performing | her household duties as usual and had the fowl, feeling faint! administering | rastoratives, but in a few minutes she oticed that her mother was a corpse, je. town: ship of Mornington and married her: husband, who survives her, about thirty-three years ago. The remains of Mrs. Freeman oe interred in the, men f | you | Helssiia s panseeee Ne Spencer; 3} Mi them out of the wilderness of opposi- _Aeapestve it art or _cret ature th Wade 5 y evenin, Mr. Watson’s By the public Cor denapeet lol guccetor ta a Neve: ey Perth BedoK: body is Invited: to call and see u rth | our new of A HANDSOME STRUCTURE, The Sovereiga Bay Bank of Canada ‘an moving in' - D. Weir block this week. This of the ee! buildings in the village bei wo” storeys high, 25x65 feet, pate of ware has tet sean ered the ailding. bu ish, O signed | "SRE e is Stee sal the main banking AnOEERE n conven The Dalle’ of the banking depart: 8) ment is covered. artistic design ye elr) cream with “| blends very r< e:4 ick with cement block front which ictu: appeal Thereis a Ke Scoteroeath aie whole building. loors are iiding eaeaee: is fil . The upper storey ‘a lees whi ‘The tween the manager’ The bank fixtu ures Ne is eens n with’ all tnodern ed with metal mee ver’ Nastia usly with Mie e wall rr ught papoal $ for over twenty Ye ars, Sopra del in mm the profession eoRet Rash, ee ‘ago. engaged in bus ee in in farming and the ilesitonieh Mr. Wi well qual- ified training mato form the rules ot the ‘otoe to which he has been appoint The County of Bruce will receive this year as its share of the fees of the Registry Office, $1,873.47. iken, of Port Nelson rerede a day or two last week visiting his ae Mrs, Joseph Aiken. a ad mae Ross has been elevated w the part + Hooking apeueCR der to pilot Pita Bertha Schlotzhauer, of Ros- returned last we “ate spending « week with her friend iss lla Dobson, of Poplar tee Farm, was Sen last week Prof. {0 ‘Brien gave on Tuesday evening in| Grosch’s hall his scientific lecture on Palmistr; vf, had Piet Lea about the stage a number of charts from whicl demonstrated. Prof. 0 is tures to prove of the science in in oly writ. He aN ave predicted elevation ion, es certain public men which agen od Rand within the speci- Degas 8 their acknowledge- | si et tness of his pre- ction, Par O’Brien is no vulgar fortune teller and clai fessor of scientifi anada. ett) are skep et es pa mistry go and see Prof. | will fi Het ho it Mr. Thomas Hutahieon, of Newton, Jan. for full particulars, prices, Christ Church, ‘Milverton, ‘Sunday, rv silk bl sand r On thee Fea s. M. Berger is visiting friendg AListowal: holding a big clearing sale from th to Jan. 26th, See p A big, “cat arin: Vv i8| De, Kreutzweiser’s. iter sete at Mr. " ‘any toasts res] | were un Lin marrii Alex Siler DD. well wn and 5 in ‘een. chiffon bi eit bethe only | Petrie’s