Is i pest Local Newspaper in the County =< ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. GoiNG NORTH: Gorxe sours. paar 8:02 acm, Express. The apilverton Sun it is the Best m, Rates reasonable. Subserip tion are year, strictly in advance. ‘not so paid. —M. MacBrrH, PUBLISHER G. T. R. Time Table S3 es 58.a.m. Express... 3:00 paneer Express. , 4:56 p.m TEURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1907 b _ Look out for This Man Tf he offers something “better” than Patnam’s Corn. Extractor, iv’s the additional profit or inferior goods that tempts him. m’s is the one snre and painless cure, Use no other. pe CE SE Going in for Cash (Toronto News) In abandoning newspaper work to engage in « business enterprise, vice of cha Brahmin philospher, who says that a man’s middle age should be devoted to making money. That dry Cough is Bronchitis “If neglested it will weaken the Bias and finally reach the lungs. Nothing simpler than inhaling 5. healing vapor ol Tes The Gharm of Beauty Nothing of more Value to Women. tiful womanhoo those possessing i unlimited advan. Advertising | tages oe health. be nce. $1.50 if| enjoy half the plese ot lite, Pal. The glory and entafaction of beau- own only to ak woman can happy © lid ‘cheeks, sunken xhausted nerves, all tell of a eerjole struggle to fie “What the weak woman needs is Ferrozone;. it renews; restores and instantly—it’s a “woman’s iy’—thav’s why. Toren one makes women strong, plump aaa healthful because it con tains lots of nutriment, the kind that To look well, to feel well, to enjoy the unlimited advantages of sopuat, een health use Ferrozone; sold by all dealers in 50¢ boxes, and refuse a substitute. The New Peril (Rev. J. W. Pedley, Toronto,) Time was when the struggle fg oe the people and the pas i ‘BUTTER WRAPPERS Business Cards| Dentistry. pers for $1.25, and Farmers, we can supply you with the best German Parchment Paper—either plain or printed. We print 500 wrap- pound more for your butter. Try us. you get a cent oa DR. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- to: ers soueeee store, Milverton Medical. Ghe Milverton Sun PARKER, M.D.C.M., Honor Grad- a Medalist ‘Trinity, Medical College, also Gold and edall rinity University, To tipo to Dr. E ‘Office in Public Drug ae Weak Kidneys ‘Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kidney ‘Nerves. The Kidneys, like the Heart, and the , find their weakness, pot in the organ itgelf, but in the neryes that control and guide a shen them. Dr. Shop's oe a medicine specifically prepared to was | 8 futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as well: If Sed back aches or is weak, if the urine ‘That struggle is over in dom. Then the strugg.e was te ween 8 the people and a limited parliamant, _ Downey, ML. A., but follows the ad-| jia¢ js, @ parliament representing als certain class aut cae ise ov The franchise at pane? tensive. Now the s' net is aoa the people and the corporation. What About Your Manet back aches and fairly groans wit ithe vieatiine sy oe ney. een le. You’ Brorehiat you, too, Sold every where, 25¢ ana) $1.00 under absolute guarantee of ‘ tatistadtion Because pies ears Her. ff finally he martied her. He father is in fairly “action is like magic, so helpful so esay | give ape the oP ett quick won when Dr. Hamilton's Pills get_ to old alike, said co wv reat healer, and your kidneys will Sciiieas strong, #8 vigorous, as able waded as new Even one v this, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are purely vegetable; they do cure liver, bladder and eee trouble. BRUNNER Me, Joho Reis, jr, has had. several good Liotta i so that for the} Gace UTS wank rawing stotie'tor lho tga salkdoats “she | Vag Uecoae ob tiee Saee etic ieee ows, Mr, Richard Eedy and bis slater, him, cleat and slaves for their two Sateen 4 you want to know why this man pat her in a position where she would perience such hardship in addition his tyranny? Because he loved her. Why Remain Thin and Pale? Pale people have ve pale blood. The structive power which can be supplied by 1t braces the appetite, digestion is stimulated, w be poaeetoriee into the kii ¢ your system requires. Tite -giving blood that makes rosy cheeks, stregnth that defies weariness, spirit and and ambition all come from Nothing in the annals of mn 0. sure to build up and strengthen as Ferrezone. Try a 50c. box, Sold everywhere Yi g 3 g 8 5 5 Canada as a Nation. Darey McGee was perhaps the first of our statesmen ry The term oceurs twice in = peroration of an address delivered. by him in the House of Assembly iy Guiteot in 1860, and which is well worthy of preservation as a elie of re to believe vhat T have spoken without respect of persons, and with a singie desire for the increase, prosperity, freedom, and do but our duty to the last. not talk on this continent of changes wrought ws fool id but of the events of years. We live more in ten ie in this ore Me the patriarchs did in a thou The patriarch ritghe outlive the ah tree that was to commemorate his Psi been vipuate.} in Europe and America from 1840 18607 eae: whe can 1D por able of maintaining till tlie end of the “century the ratio of the past progress? I, for one cannot presume to a so. jopted country with hope, though not with- out anxiety. I see in the not remote distance one great nationality bound. ike the shield of Archilles, by the ad into many communities, each dis ung of ns internal affai irs, ind together we free sesirsuanaany Tie intercourse, a commerce. T see within the rot ot that shield eas! the winding Assiniboine, the five-fold . Lawrence, the Ottawa, , the Basin B; these flowing panties in all the yalsare they edt ‘i isit i ae Inkes, the the Snugenay, the: . Sobn, inal the cities they vi ¢ s, L see a generation of 0 1 mi -}and this was 60, % | Miss IB. Hedy returned home on Sat jurday after a sree: week's visit with -| friends near Henry ‘Schuidt and family O vse cesses at Rostock on Wednes- day eveni Air. Hanna is shipping about 2000 caatels of oats from Brunner this Mr. Hicks of Mitchell is the Ba ayer. A.number of farmers in this vicinity have sold large quantities of oats to him Messrs. Jobn and William Hart- mana ok a business trip to Stratford on Saturd: The fillowing is the report for 3. 8. No. 8, Ellice, for the month of Jan. | based 02 Mase conduct and. ex- Heber amination —Class Eedy. Nafziger. Sr. liver Kerr, J T Stanley Gartung, Allie Craw- ford, Millie Hedy. JE Laura cker, Gordon Hartmann, Sarah Nafziger. Pt. IL Norman Grop) Mauste Mochlmann, Howard Kerr. t. I “Irene Priscila Becker. 8. J. Coulter, Teacher Increased Piety ahs to Rural It was announced | last week in the prey Sone hat will res grant of ayer $200, 000 ace ae school sections. en ne fnarodnced the bill he ‘oe ‘that it was not a finality. Astrustees of the people the Goverument’s duty is ‘as far as reason dictate: As outlined re Mr. * Whitney, the changes are to a) The minimum grant of $300. per annum by the township to each school section for salary will “b retained. (b) An unconditional grant of $15 per annum will be unde to each section. (c) A grant will be ‘Gade’ for the purpose of equipment and accomm: dation, an (d) Re grant of 40 per cent. will be made on the excess of all salaries incap- | above $300 and u to $600. Tu wi euek es es. falléss: Ap- rpcats for equipment and accom- odation, $60,000; appropriation of $15 to oe section, $80, 000; appropriation of 40 per cent. on salaries over 301 $240,000; a total in all of $380,000. The last annual grant to rural schools by the late Government was $118,000 increased ee year by Under the provisions now contem- plated the municipality will be requir- ed, as heretofore to raise es for each school section, to be a) the teacher,s salary. For Sa dollar oyer and above this receives es ue will get tigradition- ally from ¢ ernment $15, sot for an vie pees chee and 40 pe cent, -live engineer of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid- ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month— Tablets or Liquid—and see what it can and will foryou. Druggist iecudipapad Aatoale Dr. Shoop’s ‘Restorative y| THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Help near par at Hand ~ hat you Rod fee sickness | nyou ae! ‘Telephone connection with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostoc! H. J. M, ADAMS, sncsessor to ce in ‘Piail's lock. Telephone gonnection with Poole, ner, Rostock and Kabryville, cr BEE wered day or wight froin e you need is ten drops water, house. Get a large 25e bottle today, Hicks on February Rev, Ir] R. Hicks make: weather predictions for which need arouse no pleasurable. an- opening days of February, but these conditions will culminate in general storms of rain, sleet and snow, on and touching the 3rd, 4th’and 5th, High temperature, with lightning and thun- der, will mark these duatanbantes over central to soathren parts of de Short Stories Retold ‘An elderly resident of Lynn; Mass., oa of the Christian Science church. When she lived here in Lynn, ile old man, she conducted a temper: met with a rebuff that 1 trnimp once asked her for help. “Pil help one question: Do drink beer, “Why y me arm wid a syrin, of new towns in the West, a locomot- relates the following: across the prairie when considerable town loomed up ahead where nov know,’ when we went over the r day” Well, I slowed directly we pulled into the station, by some important place town down At arecent dinner the story goes, th an ag eeine who had ta n the conversation, and said: ‘You, “Yes,” show the greatest numder o! ca lynchings yearly!" of intimate freinds when a colores he gown was uttely ruined, and tl gentleman of her party at once sei: the waiter, tied a rope lady, sw him into the “florrible!” ae the hostess, 8 at that moment I mustard in the blancmange. ” said you my friend,’ said Mrs. {er Ruddy, vat first you must anwser me | of Apropros of the mushroom growth “One day I was driving my engine| tor February m suddenly | and diss grecetle month of the winter, hing had showed up the says Bill. ‘It wasn’s here where over five hundred people were u : ine: |dress was read by « Jim, first we know we'll be ranning| after which Mr, Get. thig| Yery creditable reply. This goes to én your list and Til put a| slow the Migh esteein in which Mr. brakeman on the rear platform to) and Vjwatch out for towns that spring up nly. Ne M after the trains get by!” hi r ide tans have alten seco theca altars tnuncipal pride in seeing which city “OQ, do tell us about a lynching you have seen your- self,” broke ina half a dozen voices at nce. “The night before I sailed for England,” said the American, “I was |The next debate was held on Jan. 29, giving a dinner at an hotel to a party waiter spilt a plate of soup over the to ascertain their views aa meet then Phe a ofa lady at an adjoining cai and neck, and, a a signal from the nred with The next debate will be held o1 downstairs killing the chef for putting | Mr, Wm. Young the negative. and sleet and snow will’scrike ed between the 4th and 7th severe cold wave for February, Have your affairs well in hand for these wns talking about Mrs. Eddy, the|stormsand for the cold wave’ to. fol- low. A regular storm period is cen: tral on the 9th. k for a prelong- The 12th is the cen- tral day of the period of five to seven lady, ‘he said, }days, in which many earthquake shiv- e’ cert'ny ‘don’t ig I squirt it into} ers will be rep orted in extremes of the globe, Sadden changes of high tem- fe rature and possibly electrical rs See to a sweeping and severe col sleet‘and snow is promised frond | ue 16th. Ona whole, the predi RENTER EE 7TH CON. WELLESLEY. A number of Mr. Wm. marae ss | friends and neighbors gathered at his and | residence on Friday evening, Jan, 18, to bid him goodbye. ;|Mr. McFaddin with a fine Morris chair and Mrs. MoFaddin with a magnificent rocking chair. An Miss E. Stron, McFaddin hey pee ee | Ji r. Geo. in London, so|into Mr, MoFaddin's place the same - | day. The renee line in Sick or well” you'll ind Pol-| of Hi son’s Nerviline invaluable in your | to tcl ad-| commercial travellereand others. Legai “The Right House MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, eile Ete. Solicitors for the Bank maton, “Money to loan, Milver- litetion svery Thareiay: J. M, CARTHEW. Veterinary. R, Veterinary Surgeon, w. 5 sie sone of Ontario Veterin- ary ‘oronto. Treatsall diseases i Calls by. tele- ae of otherwise promptly attonried to. Livery. J. H, LAMBERT, Mill 8t., abens & siaces ae of the ‘Queen’ 's hotel. Visiting brethren always welcome, W. D. Weir, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Ree-Secy F., “Silver Star have arrived. Prints Dress Goods - Laces Embroideries Muslins | Laces Curtains Watch this space next week, we will have something to tell yee EE 5 Books of New Wall Paper Samples 4 If you are in need of ; any paper, ask to see the samples. W. K. LOTH Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. eiibn aA idee stabling :| Wedding Invitations Promptly and beh hag at the Lowest Price, when printed The “Milverton Sun GRAND CEN ee HOTEL, cit yerton. Firs! ‘Thnee large somple rooms. Good stabling. Be est peautuhinnd of lgueen ign sigare: has. Ritter, Proprietor, 3 Ghe Outer Side 3 QUEENS HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. a mercial quors and Cigars at the bar. warm I}must have went to sleep, I have » jeep, .|opinion that a large percentage of| noticed no caveat line news for the silts met death at the end of a e. Finally the hostess turned to last two or three weeks. The debate on January 23nd, was ken no part! well attended. The subject was that better inducements « fi than the United States.” Mra. J. J. he replied, “we take a kind of) McVaddin and Alex. Harron upheld the affirmative while Mrs, A. Deoring and J. J. Strong tock the negative, +|"Canada offers in favor of the negative by one point life is better than country life.” Fowler Young and George Butiler OP held the affirmative and Mrs, uel | Harron and Nelson McFaddin opbsl the negative. 8. Knight, Mr. Jobe Phair after careful examination gave a decision in favor of the a ae 12th, the subject. is “Resolved that ¢]R. Harron leads the affirmative and Poole literary society will furnish the program at this debate, Do You Appreciate a Saving on} to Mr. Foster Phair has at a fm to Mr, Robert Crummer and- Shoes ? vis: 0. Ef you do, NOW is your ehanee !} {Xd ber cousin» Miss Mabel Hobinson, We have just completed stock- taking, and have a number of odd that clearing at from one-quarter to _ one-half regular price. x” Also a number of lines of Felt Shoes and House Slippers, we are clearing at less than whole- S ba 2 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY sale prices. some figure. Mr, Phair i is ie a sale yn me near future as he intends going west. Miss Robinson, of Mornington, Miss Lottie Lang has returned home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Gsorge Gibson, |. A social under the aie of the adies’ Aid, of Millbank Methodist se will be held at Mr. Langford’s hursday ¢ evening, Debating Society intend coming over to furnish the program 6 for our debat by mi members of pleasure last ‘ re EY reise Barley and Peas WANTED For which we will pay the Highest Price. PFEFFER BROS a4 outer dress. you will win the respect with your clothes. jaawges out will surely give you a Ne bettér ay re carefully made and perfectly fit- eas ea satisfaction suited to you, Our prices» con- OST PEOPLE JUDGE YOU BY YOUR If you are carefully dressed t of more people than would be possible if you sh shabby or careless ial clothes we are ypear- teri fection of the making of eae pceieatin wo sell. | Knechtel @ Smith | UISIISESSSISISEISIIISSSSIGSSI9SIGI9SI9S ae “The House of Quality” Watch This Space Next Week It will pay you. CQ fam ET a wn =