MeMillian, of Hampstead, who is 3 . scttonaly ill, monerch exclaimed, “Surel r, Andrew and Miss Kate Flem-| hed king such subject” ‘To which Ro f Your Buildin Ss lpg, of Foc, were: visitors: at Mr, courtly Whittington, replied, | oO y Dunéan Dewar’s on Sunday. “Sursly, aes never had subject such a Miss Gertrude Weir returned to} king!’ her home in Milverton on Saturday Still prettier is the higher? of Lo (3588) “The People’ s Store” after spending a week ai e home} Mayor Osborne ). Osborne ms th “Eastlake” Metallic of Mr. and Mfrs, Alex. Hammond. | the apprentice of a mayor who lived | Ba PP: Gravel and sand are being hauled} on London bridge, per one day he Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, st We do as we Advertise, Shingles to quite an extent and the following| gived tate the river and rescued his ‘ buil.Jings will be erected in ‘the com-|/taster's Little daughter, who had fall- ing season ‘cborn bros, anew bara | en,tough, a lat OR (MADE IN CANADA 21 YEARS) : ie in Yee strawebed ; Mr: after the pues rich hetre i sot awehed Mr ‘Alex. | &¢ by earls and knighte, but her fath- Mi ae te id to them all, * Haumond, cement silo ; Messrs. Jas. | &* Paid to them all, “No, B. . Osborne z ; Rust, Fire, Lightning <9 Storm Proof 4 |,!ssicid gut Dahan Dews | ie" AcF item sh hay epre A Mighty Store Full of New peeing Goods tee, have her pnd e lord mayor as well. Seps Sree It may be a little early to announce SPRING GOODS, but the migh Warranted made of better material, more accurately and Toean nity onmled Bake of ts career ee ultent ep is Here.” We sul ave ; and at this sea: enti ‘Nl Last 1 d cost less A MAN OF PRIVILEGE Buch stories read like fiction, but goods throughout our immense s : scientifically constructed, will last longer an : $5 they are ce vee a city ar- flowing, ne we Lavng seutlesmiec} view inaction resence, viz: re take advantage of “ath for labor in applying than any other metal shingles. chi reserve ie oe Dany EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES ON OUR HEAVY. OR EASONABLE GOODS, and at the same time LONDON’S LORD MAYOR A PER- eith Panter give you an opportunity of seeing, SomeuInE and selecting for your spring want: Se 4 prompt attention to all enquir- Garefal; siprangt and: prompt § q SONAGE OF POMP AND POWER. ——_—___—_ ies. PRICES RIGHT. For sale by PLENTY OF OHALK. r The First Holder of the High and | A¥Block That Was Once as Large es JA Ss. S. LOCKIE, NEWTON Mighty Offce Was Elected In.1189 the Oontinent of Europe. os and: Proved Popular—Dick ‘Whit. | , The small piece of ‘chalk which is 5 e m, Hacdwat oe Mere nen tington and Other Ancient Werth-| the lecture room, the billiard room les—How SelfMade Lord Mayor | and the workshop has a strange his- Gave Charles 11. Taste of His | (31° Quality. difficult problems with which the sel- ost imprenetve: thing about the | fo vaeal Die Fics Canadian :: Pacific, — P -ENDERS will be recelped! upto. Mondas, mayoral € B & Bs B & 8 3 ® Es J 5 Se i t’t Laer rae No es ea ma . Feb, 25th, by the ade nee taking Of Budns church, Milverton, forth ; a Ey onee filled an area the size of Railway wan eae chtgte Masato’ us| London wae an independent tate, end | the ‘continent of Europe and of which ye seen at spaces CF rt. Samuel W! e chief magistrate— a ‘i The lowest oF any tender, not Paeveasauily'| the, ballificow ean of | even yet several gigantic fragments epted. Samuel Whaley, Milverton. 1 n ii emain, each reds quare The first mayor was elec! *| miles in extent. These patches are Z : vas- elected in. 1100, | Temain, dh lar that he retain- ; @ patches are ONTARIO HORSE BREEDERS Stock For Sale ed the office tor 24 vyears. The Sa pasa) ae ee ee ae pe EXHIBITION on the east and extend in the other The,understaned has for sale 8 purebred ‘One of ted in the sout 7 7 (6) Mrough the fog intervening years | ‘°)Forueel : (4) R oO. N tha lesdemmayor hasmetetaed mang att teat Saget soeiee and gam FEBRUARY 20-23 t ( b his prerogatives ag a ruler, Most | tinuity in the east and southeast of Return, fare from con ety Milverton P- ‘sale le have no idea how extensive as pore ‘A sheet o! more than 2 55 Roh catia theeeted elie thousand feet in thickness under- o Milverton |-———— He has his own chaplain (in olden les all that portion of England which dave, like the monafeh; re ia the, soul " an Single farefrom all Ontario stations. " g Wednesday and st eee cae trom, the F \ ; : : vharedny, Febraary 20.20 ea a oe ie a eas | Het ae eee New Spring Shirt Waists a ieage iy well fe the city before all the royal family. is ti i “ i i Ratarae ile, Morley, Rebsuney S97” | and i aha es tal ft Tein na Banja tat way urnalie: onesie miatoh. | Seeehsoe, ante oe Sem Spall ge Do These waists are the first. showing becure farther particulars and tickets, fom | best of; the place ix situnted through the city without his consent. | porijons ‘that di thera of the new styles and are authoritative reat Can. Pac. e w 2 He has the right of private audie of th Sea are usually buried :907 styles. Made up in Embroider; a "Setet ps he placeis on’ | with the King. He has the privilege | from sight by means ot overlying d Showi f oN an sel Eanes y C. P, R. Time Table - | store, or further parti: | of direct entrance witout question st| sands and clays. Where thee Gran Owing ol New and Lingerie styles, in dainty mulls and ee ats eulars eis > WellingtonSproute, oneal, royal levees. He can at any time dis- ‘ha achal ig ‘ > he | of the chalk floor come upon, lawns, Princes from....$1.25 to. $5 50. ‘ARRIVE DEPART 8. solve the city courts, even That ot he 4 lift scenery. is -atrikingly Walking Skirts wale 5+ ah a canon, counal by gamgind Us| and sod bea Any ona be 5 a, my oe Prey . be i 8.50 ps a. 4.45 p.m. a ane Pa aPae the clave Thames, of the | peegenee sean ape magnon oe In all the newest styles and fabrics. conservancy, and he controls the clty | the fase stacks othe ‘Needles or Just arrived. Made of Fancy T weeds, Prints ] Prints ! Prints ] ce purse the diszy mass of Shakespeare’s cliff, g To Farmers The majesty of his state is pretty | Loar Dover, can understand why “‘the. solid shades light, mediumand Oxford Mele (Pinta aneeulipakaicborREae atte sce 00. eas elves sh him white “slide of Alon’ hak krown: ise greys, slot seams down front, high clust- the quantities that are already selling, ond vhe P the 18th o will a sum ¥ 1- i 5 Beng i BOUT the 18th of spe aded'atignee Fi ve ar ctonccianier in Oiail ed | * Mack: P) esse sheet of cay er side pleating, tabs and bu.tons, etc. many complimentary remarks from our customers and timageDy ofthe heat variety, ines ee: wasis i faetboa ith plate and ornaments wo! | again nr Paiies in ‘pany pane gph In fact, a finer line of Dress Skirts has Hek us ae have the best line of Prints in a hf bt a $s, flour mats and i id . " cy Bi, Naiamlinys old stand, ie wl en: | clock, hall rack, kitchen wtsn: as a splendid retinue of | Purope as far east at helen never been seen in. Milverton. Prices ) see bd at the. ou prices, yia.s6,,109 and. ‘ 2he, better prints made. G teed to suit everyone from.,..$2.50 to $8.50. to saaliiya and aah aes ng ere enumerated, all of w Sch | servants, including a sword-bearer, |. yon in Gentral aate Seat the sep Hive mea teal, ; et aed Lambert, miace-bearer_ and seven trumpeters, | of How far it stretched very. best | cock scons at the very Biowest prices. “Kindly ti sf) “ is st £1,000 an- ‘west Propzie tor beaters liveries. cost some £1) ward into what is now the Atlantic m saac peroies Milverton ually ives a yearly banquet; | may never be known, but chalk cliff Mitverton, Feb. 7th, 1907. (a-m) Pt en ee pwn Costs, Sbsubance of pounds, and of ue least 200 teat in ahiakrjeae’ oe e in iti — — supe an army of 160 waiters, cook® | goon at ‘Antrim, in ‘Ireland, a 1 ‘ and carver conspicuous formations are found in ‘ 7 n Sa 2 stoc to : ¥ * ta : ie a gars pres ail, bo es, ae Power $0 | Scotland, in Argyll and Aberdeen: | & Extra S 2 i fe 5 In Ladies, Misses, Girls ene pie raise vast a y for cherl:| ‘There can be little question thet all ecial for is eeK and Boys H E clafns | table purposes. In the last quarter | these now isolated patches were once | i list : ‘ ‘ and Boys’ Hose, ng- ny rant of oe ot 8 century, the TSS. er rieoaatea ini ee a ees sheet, | ea ish Worsted Hose, extra flne yarn, very elastic knit, GC ’ eee ee on eto | conned, fe it Cf 20 on, bare te TET el ae aia: | Tate mast Chareforb lieve ‘saotrtad double heel and toe. Reg. prices 25, 35, 4oc pair. VAC AFINS Ce to send post pre r mg by nearly 1,000 broad, an aed executors other feature which makes the ; theese Baciulce cl acd aasvalte aiseenives ioette gine | eee nen, hae Pe te prement our of romanes. More often than ue the king of the city is a self-made Dick Whittington started 0 ae Pera) Hurt as an apprentice, as many other tord avd: prorilsonh tel 08 haga mayors have done. The mayor of 1611, call for @ friend at hilo office, go as to’ 2s | came to London in tags in a carrier’s | f° down into the country togetier. He, Corsets ! Ask to see our new line cane ‘he wealthy mayor of 1418 had | #,# Stockbroker, merahant, what you : of spring dress wash goods. been a foun ‘As recently as ee Fiase of ft usinent belng Yen en Just. received | eh a ever, of London, WHO | call atte business hours, about a shipments of the @ train celebrated D. & A. Corsets, all styles, to fit any figure. A beau- tiful range, >and to introduce sev- a: MERMAN } Remember our Dress Skirts and Ladies’ and Misses Coat Sale at your _ own prices, All 1906-07 styles. Executors | “When men of this character are ex- satis. Yo “ye, ‘ind chi cheertally al SORTER aS ep i. do treakish here a ee work. ie sbecltaly "tela ‘to a is over $6, L ¢ instal W.D, sun, J.B WEIR, JACOB ISLEY. | 4 had 4 as ane ‘ll from a hele ladder uit NOTICE! fncue eae — — t perry’ er £| hoor fellow’s watch 1s safe pe Z : Ask to see our samples of. The public will please take {| " Another self-made lord mayor gave Sin Ua a New Wall Paper. All new Mitvenrox, Feb, 21, 1907 notice that nobody is auth- Charles If. a taste of his quality. quote spe éial . . s orized to offer the Bell Charles dined with him in the city, prices, reg, 1.25 Fall wheat Led bush 68 68 Piano or Organ for sale in and ised wine passed so freely that for $1, $e for c Bacley por bush 45 45 Milverton and vicinity ex- the guests grew noisy and the mayor 75c ; os eae eee the eenidany'a Hol famifian Chai lea therefor re stole away New Belts, New Collars, si i f . to his ch in Guildhall yard, bu e ; mere rat A por ag 100 1000/4 agent, Mt Chas. Carter, ibulous mayor pursued his majesty | one New Novelties of ore. des: : m of Stratford, or his son, 1 and, catching him by the » Cl ies. cription awaiting your inspec! ion, Haciee per pound f° a 4 ‘m. Carter. We advise out, with ® monstrous oath, “Bir, you i Piety ct thi ee indeed had. aa extra quality goods, well made, always Beye per d 24 (Oh all who require a piano or ni eiabaaden 8 letter to write sold at from 50 to 75¢, for. ; H W3 organ to buy the best kein those’ wasted eight 50 £0 75% UOfvsvwer25& | HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Produce Fal nd BB wittets ‘beata. fie- Pa Fee Pall avepie ba Slant - : ¢ hadn’t, i tom wi ve joan 610 610 BELL. Mr. Carter will sue brow afd, though he Flour, per ew! 220 2 be glad to answer all en- nd, vclty.. He i somplaceney. that” this “just of the principal citizens because they | catching maplace athe rie atts eat all the more remai ¥ You mon Shorts, per to “8 refused him. @ loan on. bad security: | ers i Beatie ps ree FEY : Corn, per bushel 56 (66 The PIANO He fined the’ mayor and aldermen PORPES coenie 7- pale ear aaa acrsasa Cat TOF = BELL & IE} £6,000 on the protert of a irifing city EER eee UP aoa kaa ORGAN CO, [f| riot and £50,000 tor pretended mis- Were He Steed Out Fall Wheat. 67 LIMITED management of estate ae Barley: 4 45/4) GUELPH, = ONT IE]. thes mayors,” themselves, “however; |G, Oneites tents iat nh hae, John a a Peas. 72 Apples, per ba, 0 8 % 2 40 quiries sent him to Strat- ° ford. 3: id could fine readily enough. on occa-| Wileon Croker, who was nothing 1 35 Bar i 1479 had one of his sh fin ol uke of it m about some 95: Must Send the Chiidren to E50. (about £1,000 of our money) for | incident in the Waterloo campaign. 4 School i Kneeling, 0 close to him while at} The duke gave up tl t cour: ‘ geass Heys -Bt. ea ls. ‘ teously. Shortly after the diseussion a ~~ Several parent ‘et. another lord mayor (1832) made | fell upon percussion caps, roker thelt dutyrinsegard to tire Deslecting | an amusing blunder of speech at a | again flatly contradicted ‘the hero, of their children to school dinner to judges ahd leaders of the | Waterloo. “My doar Croker,” said y y afternoon this { Bar. “See before, fou he exclaimed | duke, “I can yield to your superior morning. In each case they paid the| magniloquently, “the examples of my- information on most points, an * soa and promised to send the ehild-| self, the chief Taspuataie 6 of this great | may perhaps know a great deal ore ‘ nto-gchool in the future, In ence | empire, and the chief justice of Eng- | ot what passed at Waterloo than m: Synopsis of Canadian North-West] of their faiture to carry outthelrdaty | land sitting at my tight hand, both | Self, but as a sportsman T will main- li i hi Newton | The Up-to-date Stores | Millbank ~ FARMERS ATTENTION Its a little early, ba bad to ‘et Clare Re. but, however, we have aR spe of the ver biti vt aA Clover’ Seed that Homestead Regulations court, ae M rearets. promises a} and both eprops from the very dregs ers already of the people!” SRE TORIES ANT as carat of Dominion | have reported that thee abiidpen ont These ayant banquets, by the The American Collector. vi fare in school once more| way, have spat been wonderful af-| ‘Historic Bibles In America’? is a ny 3}and Mr, Dore « action is Producing a fairs. In the year of Geor % ‘kabl dof Ameri ge Lil's | very remarkable record of American eee cay, tuvltig: Stee sneha good effect,—Stratford Herald, tnartiage. there were. placed on the.| enterprise. Among these Bibles’ are pe totes FE overnmen sted and we sh a eeeatoa seal oF les — tables 414 different dishes, excluding | volumes that belonged to. Charles I., reports = at press go higher ‘til oe saa y h Tee ie a wale wasnakiiat wiaiobe, woopsipe. dessert. Forty-five years later (1806) | George I1I., Queen Anne, Prince Hi Red Clover at per bushel. $10 Spot t Cas| fag othee ie the Garrick ta wie sess o no fewer than seven of this monarch’s | 7» Aue 0 pe ee Be x may,oa appli ‘0 the Mfini 3 is Christian Sehmdt had .| sons were guests at a mayoral dinner. | Sussex (ten), and Richard III. Intesion, Ouanea,the ‘Commisioner ot ot, ine ceaafil wood bee last Thareday. | The Guildhall banquet to the prines the crown jewels find thelr way over A SNEe a pene imi or the local agent re-| Mr, George 8. Hammond took a| regent and the allied sovereigns be- | there?—London Spectator, Our spring stock has arrived, an GRa Aseaainws te, Fotor Cue. to seake L887: teas Ey Shakespeare on Tuesday. Tee lias tate: Ot Wesbatihio: arta ets Hardware that prices have advanced about 1 Mrs. Alex. Hamiond spent a tew|ed on plate valued at over £200,000 | ———— selling them at SAME. OLD PRIC . plate valued at over ),000 wane ec days this week with friends in Dur-| and cost. £ We guarantee to give you thi ‘one of the following pla: aan. ‘All this, however, is hardly ro “Locks, Bolts and Bars soon fly as- (1) At least six months’ residence upon|, Most of the pratt from here at-| mance. We must revert to Sir Richard GIRLS we) ! under,” so, the song says. That, how- ‘4 : aad tultivation of the itnfin"enet'Seanfor| tended Mr. Archibald MeDonald’s} Whittinglon for that. | Sir Richard ever, is not the kind of hardware we YES! “- ses : tion sal pay : Say de Ritiad aveiciasie ae tartenchs bg be? eae uray. eally did hear the bells of Bow tell- carry in stock and sell. have our NEW eb in stock and they are a fin Gaba eethe twtastiadee cenace upon «| Wellesten ped pe ing him to: “turn. again,” and he did SEE oh un oe. of beaut atterns to choose from. Best English Prints, sate Sete tua diuny of tae leper eatseee. oC y. spent Saturday with the| marry his wealthy master’s daughter, OR : y Sapte oy colors at 12 1-2 cents per yard, the requirements as to residence may be sat- latter's mother, Mrs, Sarah Ham-| g, e did become thrice lord mayor the Bee id departments intled he person residing with the father | mond. SPT aMAGHs WAR lad. he Hedaya up-to-date knitting bine i Also New Laces, Erfarolderiea, Lac Lace. Curtaing, Shistings, S, Sign rete wit co:pleatant time in expected at the| there is a story of Sir Richard | mill “Rooms bright and clean, | ment of both “household” and “shelf” Cottonads and many other spring go rere: eeu ae ance ipen gn farming tana oof, yin tn gumival to beheld Friday night at) which makes a good foil to the above | work light and pleasant. Good | ang ouir prices are no. higher than you A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE eaten es tee ean fd senldence may, be sntlened. by | favorable, ees aE Bort ag A SN TR irc game MeL ce eR may pay in some other quarter for infer- residence upon the said taitd. (A Bamber of frtends, ai ee Fee ene te Nance. |. day or plecework at the highest | ior goods, : EGGS H | BUTTER aust etecin ee emt te daa zeirae ' oe GUSTIN | Six months’ notice fn, weltng should eee oe ee Tilimote om hve: ec, aid threw into it bonds to the | Tvs Apply ak ones to 25 cents . 21-2e eae at Ottawa of intention to apply for da: toate value of £60,000 given him by the PENMAN’S Limited |p; } “ . w. cory, _|,,!Mts. D. W. Chalmers is, attending ae tee teas ta ee _ Heeing Pinkheiner’s Hardware eputy of the Mini te ofthe tateior the bedside of her father, Mr, Hugh jesty from PARIS, ONT. ee A °