Milverton Sun, 21 Feb 1907, p. 3

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MRT FATE IN AWOL STORM RAS _HAMERIS) se eseee nem eee = TT TS ALAND OF WONDERS * BREADSTUFFS. A des atch. from . see England, pacer goes No 8 a ah = Fee ay moyen x gigantic scheme onthe part of DIPHTHERIA. = : Tc to Pc 3 NO. 2 mix mixed, Te. lth pee tere Wi <a der A few years this was one of ‘the P f, Vv #H i in’ E i ti ; “4 : : 2 revenue is reported to have been un- lew yi! ago. Surgeon Flood, the Wilds, Frozen ee ri, ie: No. | ten ty sin evens ee he| most aa of the dann ot chase | TOle VON AGININOTSISINS “exp ora ions aie, it is asserted, discovered a and i Oais—No, % white, 39¢ to 400, Torot-| tom Cf underground pipes through w to Death to;No. 2 mixed, 8834 to 390. whiskey’ vas conveyed Sire athe Northwestern Canada. = Peas—No, 2, 8c asked, oulside, 80C} tory to the duty-paid warehouse, whence | s} vs No:'9 yellow, American, 582 to il was distributed to the trade, thus es- Corn—No: 5 , ax Of $2.75 per : JA des>aich, trom Winnipeg says ce that the dogs ce ven th their heads | 59 Nee. Tori 2, Teicine Re ee eta Sane death of Sur- | they turned Anas is the ¢ On! ke lo -4Se, basis Chatham | an, i S of $300. sence Fart |forcik; omy lo be turned away ‘into. the ene maniled the payment of a fine of $300, A despatch trom Ottawa says: Refore) Iwenly hours ayt of the twenty-four On the special commiltee of the Senate on} July 1 Fort Providence, near Slav the Hudson's Bay route and the resources Tike. oe ae ehligiencia Whee about 550 «ft Canada’s hinterland; Professor Von miles north ‘of Edmonton, Mr. free iS : i . I on tho simigged liquor. ‘The matier Hammerstein gave evidenee on, ‘Thurs said he sav wheat inthe tly” potatoes ae Sete te was ee Zin 10. acai, jaws of deste lion, Pere aE to 530. probably will be brought up. in Parlia-| 9 day morning as to his explorations in| in flower, peas use, tomatoes, tur- . Beech, ; : ye—6 ment: aiaribyalennCanaiie; that on, nips, rhubarb beels, cabbage, onions courier who brought the first tidings to LEADER LAY ets HIM. | Barley—No. 2, Sic to 520; No. 3 extra, SeaeeeeS part of the paska River | and other Teh teailee Whe straws ization. According to Beech’s story'| Flood, when found, lay in the snow |490 to 50c. eRe i ecERISAN, shebeewas candereeneae could berries had been“ripe there for some Eee Nake Nowa Ane BI Bee and. his faithful reader He alongside aCe pinuceGnienla 00 per cent patel = a who had. been surveying the | rim stiff, The dog had evi |g2.70 asked, $2.67 bid: santata, iis Family. Bi i is hor and dock reserve for the px Fee ee iy sop’ master’ ody Patni, Se ee ae "|Family Bid “tm ta Enea at the ee gia: nd neural gos: with wiih, (0 me, and the eople had eurranta sad he greatest gas well in the | goose Wo oe was jocnled al Pelican Portay ge. Said. al Fort” chiperegan it had Nyaa 5 dor he purpase’ ol explor: | retpel in-bg treais the’ oltier bia ie Toronto ¢ays:| Wiilish specks appear on the tonsils oF egress in the sad fr sever dst ing tor eee W ey Snes bit themselves free of the harness. and oEaeye to $20. Chasis ‘Ml, ae genera). manager py ine Pal ecuisione See ae ncever bandas meet the steamer Wrigley ther was fair or edlench other, and sought safely, but she pes of Bank, who is under sen- rae 0 tnvoraie tor them, They hed Prepare leader lay down beside his master. COUNTRY PRODUCE. tence of five years’ imprisonment for thie ree ‘tong may be toe Soe Hoare Big ata "psa ox. 4 amp up. countiy end “prog Major Moodie and Mr. Thibedeau took | 110. rhere ts. no change in te raaking flee eluris 19. the Dominion | chet’ e midst fry. Austin, the ploration’ would show a eu hak, Dut when they arrived they found two days in. getitng back to headquar- tat they had dropped their grub box| (irs. and immediately on their arrival |M@rkel, and prices aro. sten mation” of i Eski- oe inflammation with the 10 may extend to the nostrils or j Amery. along down from Slave Lake to a cae see tar cage ait the while people, indians and panes ee Aaa sete at a Oho Taryn: The parts beneath the| ty lying between tho Athabaska and | River. Along the slackenzie River spruce FUSED. ASSISTANCE. mos; turned out to ‘seare co In the in jon being carried t Ropar TAS Hae vers row clei he shores of the Arctio Dr, Flood said'that he would go back| The storm was the worst that Mr.|Par¥, prints Hi on by the curator into the alfairs of te pees Se ae MRE nt Stewart, Dominion Superin-fOccan.. ‘There were aspen, while poplar, c] . iL: e thermome- mlario Bank. he prisoner's fami ¥ = eS wa vi Os ea rip sar papa yee Beech Dns ever. Seer d the wind blew | Cheese—Large, 13xc; tw Seen oad by the xuthorities to say |covers all the surface. Any of the mu: writ dares, ES ed agtyas wert vias hi) ee. rig oe ann ETD .* at the rate of 60 miles an hour. The] | i ee nee “tse farewell to him on Friday at the ofees oe Soa oe hody may be] a that already. given Se ae ee Am lenat chant: Slave Taranto ed: a search party three days later. dogs which broke, loose fram, the sled ep Slureentay of the ban! 1 Ore | Mona Agvicullire. Commilice, Ie sold | bunk of ‘burning coal about. twenty While he-doubled back ‘0 snowstorm | returned to Churchill seven days afler xy Tho market continues wery + nee which are the most ‘omnnly > thal the growth of vegetation in the Mac: | miles in length near Fort Norman, which. - joetotie| . HANGED HERSELF IN KITCHEN, eee fresh-killed engzie Basin was surprising, the sun in} Mackenzie had reported burning in 1 camp. : about wntil he dropped from exhaustion.| ‘The body of Flood w ot Pe al ie interioi At the same time with the formation Pow! the summer being Visible for about! and which had been burning ever since. ¢ scarels parly found that he had |barracks at pea RSH iia 18 the frst ryfrezen stock .-.. ae Woman Wks’ Hiesided Near: Bowmane ee fe fe fo a ac Mu the dogs, vhen they instinc-| grave and the leath in the his- . see 5 : : finely, turned iowards the. camp 1¢|tory of the Royal North-West Mounted : Bll isan En or ae. hea ata, as "eid CO ENCED) NEWS [TEMS| otitatr'shultae Sacamnens.2 led their heads away and went fur-)Police in the Hudson Bay disiricl, jy oe ato A jehnich trom Bowinanville says:}ehanges in the blood and nervous sy EWS FCEMS cectah ae Oe coe into the wilds. Had he let them| Dr. Flood was 30 years’of age, and} *! + severe MCl0 22C) Mys. Benj. Werry, who lived’on a farm! tem. A special. danger in aight is aL a writ in Woreester, where the mem- they would have taken him to safety.| went north from Quebec, where he was jeady at Tio per | with her son and husband, just n heart failure. The poison of the disease =. er had-boen unseated for corruption by pails and 2 46 & 50 for this town, -in’e fit of mental have a special affinity for the] UAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER Te | his a nls ‘Whenever the trail left by him showed arin st-atonae Gn Enidey 10 ane acne of woman suf- oe —— Eres teady at $1.55 to ee) for} hanging herself in th mmon sequel of diphtheria is a GLOnR, tr Jpg aliempted 0) TO PROSECUTE LUMBERMEN. ‘THE BOILER EXPLODED. ban eked, an, ‘primes $1.40 to $1.45-} hook in the ceiling wulleaher ha .d| temporary paralysis, involving ue rat the See enter the (rilish aes Commons were ‘ meme are quiet al t 7e 0 nd son were in low! siness : Fetegrapht Briefs From Our Own ae4) narged py mounted police and many Failure to cg Bales 5 Mave Unplea-|Fatal Accident on a New York Passen- we per: pay gene ‘Wc to 80c, in car} was about 68 years Other Countries of Recent injured, ger ‘Train. Is DERE st fo SILSO for No, 1| 0 {OF the acl. eee vents eae “Ba Jed Hay—$i1 to for: No. ~~ ‘The usual treatment of diphtheria ze im : UNITED STATES. despatch ee Toronto say: panne and $8.50 to $9 for No. 2 in ear FROZEN TO DEATIL by the injection of antitoxin. “In addition *i NY saciiigreice of a number of the himber tie ng ‘on track here. es S {> this, measures have to be taken 0 CANADA. The United Sales alien head tax is to a jo. & Western assen- oeraare at $7 to $7.50 in car i revent failure of the-heart and to. keep 2 - | ger outs which tet hereon Wednesday ee ec nene Alex. oe TREE, Willowbuneh, | Or a sae reap Ts Awan union stenebers. Hamilton | eorner Gavernar Higgins of New York xploded near Loses Way in Storm. case involves tho larynx, death may ve been granted neces ah died ont Thesday’ Tine seth ee MONTREAL AL MARKETS. A despateh from Moose Jaw, Sask.,| threaten through choking, and in this} pointed manager of the Cuba Railway. i nan he tc ease onc a Log Ss pati : E isin : eaten {the loeh) market says: Mr. Alexander ‘Allen, a gancher | is necessary to insert a tube be- e ‘emiskaming Railway Commis- a ly 0 of Willowhunch, was found frozen o| tween the vocal cords to allow the death on Wednesday one mile from! patient to breathe.—Youth’s Companion, ion places orders for two hundred new lontreal man “who was riding in the cab of the |is : ae vi ki gi as c 56240 er bus! 3 ff jaily ak, eee phen pos & as e : fod " a yellow, 55c; The three peek aig Senses ‘of the Kwheat—56 : 301 Ame a : i Boek founding of Quebee will be celebrated it} Brazil is said to be almast in financial jured. The body of|No. 3 mixed, 650, ex razil is si atin Mss blown pe au Oats—On spot, No. LS Fane wie July, 1908. straits, her deficit this year being six 1, and his head was|No. 3 white, 4134c to 42c; No. 4, 40740 The Manilobe:begislature has been pro-| yyittions, aaetionn sik cab | tc Ate rer bushel, ex store, rogued, and it is said a general election Eight ‘girl students at Moscow Univer- ; , P Boi wi don Mi 10, have eas, $i in earload rch e been tried by drum-head court- : oy named Dean GENERAL, Sion of camps and ci ith physicians providing f iat d T attendance on (heir wo) ol nae also thrown into a field by}lcts and $1.10 in jobbing lots. An Oi! Springs v ull informations will be lai the force of. the ‘explosion. 1 i “lout anita sore wheat, $4.25 to . shot earring by companion “wile ne Hague Peace Conference will pro- ei of Ioinber companies, feas.blown lorie si trong bakers, $220 fo 1 Toronto Bartender Kills Sweetheart |mstsing a a tereet on Friday. bably. meet on June, 10, SOR prosecuted for thee negligence cages badly. daoabeds. eLnlen wiket pata, $4.10 to § : . ; -|iasting two months. Araficil of the board as gone to the) ir, pecs i ry a aug cba : Z e 7 ce ear formation of a million-do}li ement ig” in sight’ between the rails and went it . |} straight Boar ee $3.60 to in I take the nece: The explosion is believed to have been |tags, $1.65 to $1.75; extras, $1.50 to and hen Suicides. * @ e y to erect workingmen’s houses. | france and the Oba e the Church Winnipeg City Council has decided nol] tr a"Siate questia due to pipe between the tank and | $1.55. ceept th revented t An infernal supchine was discovered in ie engine freezing, which prevented the Miilfeed—Manitoba pei in bags, offer to instal a telephone system at once. ihe thumney ‘of Counl wiles house, ab ater feeding into’ the boiler properly. | to. $82; shorts, $22 to $22.50; Ont A despatch from Toronto says: Act-| bullet had entered the right side of his! ‘The Secretary of Pelersburg, on ‘Tues¢ - Se u nn a head ree the nae! oie emerg-| of Health charges that milk adulterants |” Germany has ordered ie same ‘of the z s GE nder he Tremont|ed above the temple on the opposite are being sold by @ promin ent firm in} ),qoings ¢ in the country = NO REDUCTION | IN JAP BUDGET. Touses® choke cae Riedy Biter Marit sides : ee adits Nn CS Bat wet 0. are LGU Tain soar to $2.10 in| Chariton, the satan with whom he| The body of the Lisepnacious:wvonian uctors and a motorman, in Jobbing] lived, In the doorway of her home, 100} was quickly ‘ a hitch, which |e with robbing the Street Railway PES seat eyh Carini reco; Richmond street mf on Friday a‘ter-| happened to be pra across the Company rs Pas milton, have Deen com: the country’s consti No. 1, $13.50; No. 2, $12.50; No.| room, and uralng: His: revolves street in, front ot a very stable, and} mitted for t ‘A hundred miners were caugh! 1.50; Paver xed, Sit ho pul mullet (hraugh his all speed was seas The saa President. of the Board of| sn°q shaft at Bakhmut, Russia, on ‘Tues- to $11 per ton, in ear a n, which ended his life, ‘The double | Hospital. By the time the hospital was| Trade, Mr. Peleg Howland, suid that day, Forty bodies have been recovered, agelly wag. the culmination of mae eer a Ray-| Canada was Mealy to experience a period| “Pie frst overland mail since the out- T he | owerlessness of the Opposition fs a i Bad Sign. 3 despatch from ‘Tokio says: The national budget ei (eat pa S| House of Repre on Tues¢ without the slightest Cilitinen uch 0.50 Cheese—Loet ally pri 340 for white and 13%¢ ine alae: F ouater pu Re caretiod se senoul pyscedoat © betwsen the pair, three weeks ago. | ore. : about ten minutes afler Le] of dear mone break of the war between Japan singe the opening of the Japanese Diet. | ake, sti hots good. iia eecceatiy weet planned iby Ray- ‘The Maniteba Logisiature empowered] ijsia left Berlin for Shanghal on Fr he he {the Opposition is| . Butter esh-made creamery, 24c;|miore, as the revolver was a new one, the Provincial Railway Commissioner to] day, iianpeuandanaiceh cs 12015; iin baskels or half barrels, $20 to [and had beens loaded from a new box SIC ap anerense is BL Mie Robert Hart, head and creator of stern dairy selected, a Mani-| ct es ie to 21c. ligense commissioners and inspectors to enter into contents with any persons in at the-dijuor trade with whom they tnoy China's Customs’ Department, has bee As: x the construction of @! granted two years’ leave of absence, bub ine between Port Avihur and’ Sudbury |S" 5¢tixely: 40 return terehide, has been asked by Messrs. Mackenzie & ¢ the progress of constitu {222403 W eoverrivent in Japan. The bud- oY S = ‘ ariton with a friend, Mrs. 1H provides forthe expend aid, 3 elected ‘stock, | Mahel Cartwright, of 117. Sherbourne street = $60. mare 00 Boxe: dis oo ooidelara gestion |strel, tall Teeebontcabepyine Ju “iho cn a las my + 2c; limed, 2ic, No receipts this morn-j afternoon, and when they returned to Mann of the Ontario er ent, een Sag . : Pees urns ind = twice ee ing. be mianmaniicetety Hose Ravine ears| ‘The Winnipeg Boar Control has CHILDREN’S COURTS. BIG TRADE IN CANARIES. prior to the Russo-Japanese War. There | . Provisio arvels short-cut. mess, | was watching for them behind the front} of age. Raymore was 45 years of age} given the Street Halves. ‘company sixty} an youthful otfenders "or | Romeles —. ae harge, appropriations for naval and #22 to $2380; hall barrels. $11.75 to door, and, a3 they approached, be apen-| and had lived apart frooy his wifo and days to secure 8 ary. 10 enildren she ould, be “removed entirely 12,000 Birds Shipped From England tor iivary increa a $i 0 $2.80} long 6 3k aughter for some years, He came meet th Fequrements fi the ‘trafic. Somes ico ote Ine. See y ings in. the Department of Communte a up to the room.” he called. |from Fergus, and for a time he was} Ald. 1. C. Buadl, of Tl Comer is | Police Courts in large'eities and We dealt ‘A despatch from London says: was] tions are to be met by an internal loan Mee Charlton was afraid of him and be-| member of the Northwest Mounted | was cece 2 the ¢ es px lls in| with by. a apectly ‘organized Children’s announced at a meeting of canary | 0! $15,000,009, ¢ to back away. He rushed down|Police. Later he became a bartender | bribe Octave Lachance. a me oy art. connection with this Court trastere aizVertuoth on Wednesany| erage the sepa and gelzing her by. the shoul-|at the Wilson House, on York Stree, be investigated by Eman ae eee cichie benetbekicn pllcete lashes thal 12,000 canaries were exported to the = Sears ‘ ed her into the hall, clos-land for a year or more he had been| * The Great Northern, Railway es Mel vestigate charges of youthful wrong- Uniled States during the last year, con- CONCESSION TO SETTLERS. bf i . Two shots followed in poinlaved al the Tremont in a iistee duced ‘in Bs bord A Pa Pa 85 tne! Moing and homelessness, ete.,.and sv signed Norfolk, Virginia, fir Ms quick ‘succession, and a minute later a | capaci Prairie ta ‘So ion tine bi Paul forced [it to the Judge a report of each, case Slone.” Breeding thé birds is « profitable Relieved Homestead ig ll to te, u heard. ae: ai and wits Cag Nua a fesnil of [C. a oSy Kare cnprees with “ an ieee ingmen, who’ supp) he Severe Weather a young womun from a near-by house | three boys, eng 17 -years should be placed temporarily under the eGR: pont prices :aThAM| hea am fo Ree. Chis sie negs tHe LTS bacon, 154¢:: 0rait in and “they found Mrs. Chariton |ot age. she was searched at{ That sick tna are atin nd cave of these oflicers, some of whom may cord price of 8125 was oblained for a} Saskatchewan Government request Ie; ah *iaited ‘ita p Aeeeen hogs, | prostrate in the halt and bleeding from | the Tspital M0 in bills was found on sium aa ne ke Province is the |? volunteer mission workers and who Yarmouth canary in November. hat MIRGHER of ine sfaterion that eats $10; alive, $7.35 to $7.50 pus in the mouth and left’ breast. |her, and in her room at her home a} HOWrs a pe - eR, W. Bruce Smith | Would supervise the home life, hel fei be ratievat Hons doing Iwo months’ es ne silting-room door, @ few feei| bank book was found with $2,000 to | Charge made by Dr ch. We Bil rocure employment, or take whatever MONTREAL'S EXEMPTIONS. homestead duties on account of the s away, lay. tbe body of Raymore. The-her credit: in bis cae sag g' Northern’ Ontario [SPS might be necessary to remove the vi er x cause of 0! . , Phe me. surround- Filiytour ease: “Dollars? warts ot leehavaeriel wed vr OI Sates Ye BEA tea soles rine }ings and early training of children ere y Pays No Taxes. Thecdeparuaeicants gaa oraerst ied TO COMBAT TUBERCULOSIS. NEW ¢. P. R. STEAMERS. Santon’ facith Ine presen to ot ep lors: i eMC ofticers li cc as Ww A =e ‘3 . . espateh trom Montreal, ays: Ac pone eee Seatac ieee arabs sion, | Fraternal soe 23 Ask the Govern-|two Are to be Ade ‘ the: Companys| 8 eat the ay ot Me a an & get into sonflict with the law it is rarely pee At Yomptrolier, proper- aentne the same, because of thei ihe. i for Legislation. ee of Quebe their fault, and their failing an be ies are xumpiad from taxation to the} ing away from railway communication. % ead in studied in a kindly parental way by per tune of over ,000,. Reports show} ‘The immigration. officers have been A pit from Toronto says: Re-) A aay a hee says: The ‘sons whose love of childhood is greater {hat exemplions in the city have during insivuoted to furnish relief to those sel- presentati ie building three new liners GREAT BRIAN. than their sense of so-called he past few years gone up by leaps g located along the] NEW YORK WHEAT aes eoslations tor “ise “mis coming suminer. Thesé cordite magi and “chemical 4. J. KELSO, Toronto. bo For instance, exemptions + | | eateholders, consist of two new steamers that are 6 Sod ee peste 902 were only $39,398,535. In 1905 the een a E|HHanna on Wednesday morning and laid! {o be added to the lake fleet at the end restr forty aah Sande cx scan Ps figures had risen lo $46,443,215, whit ‘ a before him of the summer, and one freighter for. id rts v SION. ast, year another $8,000,000 ‘of ‘exemp- a presets of a weet Re ecauise Of |, afloal; Nov 1 teas Duluth, sia spread of tube tiene Calicael ie ithe | Reckte es borrowing by, Gabiellate tions’ were ded, and swelled. the total | catio: Lob. afloat, No. 2 hard winter, 88 f.] statutory enactment making the dis-|steamers, which are being butlt ie ‘the | Municipal ster ponte ‘at Ahele eveurities, | Two British Vossels Have to go to eum to over 000. peti cF tance Bbreto caso 8 nolifable one fo the Joral pele Fairfield Company, will Bs Ab dut eee eee ereiiteves in. Loudon hays Gibraltar for Repairs. 7S SLY 22 ‘ 71 cE gn SH ‘ cbs Sete souble- Ine ORgriDE weed! S-} stolen. pail wellery valued at ‘i Sey eevee oles TAK CAT ee SRE to municipal sanatorfa be increased. | sels now in service, although they. ya Bits ib tom: the rss POPU Rs Beare nalgutreptienr re te ioe tse T fine British battleships Albermarle and es ‘Toronto, Feb. 19.—A demand from} That the Province be organized into dis-| be only. some forly feet longer than the | yy, MR. N. DYMENT'S WILL. | bo aa of oi ko Canada Is yes made | kate vey al the West- | trict ar a ihe auperrait erat ae present lake eone The freighter a the Bt Brilish House of Commons on} ing in manoeuvres off Portugal. polllaed vincial Board of Health and the eslab-|for the British Columbia coast, which { ty x urged the necessit ‘ ind wi Barrie Taaabeemn 1 Leaves an Estate of |, qq spateh from Ottawa says: Sineo|. Export cattle were strong in price un-y lishment of district sanatoria, is lo be about 200 feet in length, is be-| - ail Pelee ation by Mineteowenyee th sue Tee ioF bare Mh ee Million Dollar: 4886, 44,070 Chinese immigrants have paid |@er the influence of a good outside en- —— + ing built by Messrs. Graysons, Limited, | imperial defence. pae ‘There were no casualties. A despatch trom, Barre ays: The the head tax on entering Canada, and|quity. The transactions were at figures VERY MUCH 0° af Bisienhand.; Sine: seasons Ube ee A despatch from Barrie says: The) the total collections during the ‘same angio rom #50 $5.50 for choice, — sels are being built ih British yards 4 will 0 e mel Dan period amounted lo $3,018,679. Of this }ond $4.40 to $1.05 for medium to fair. | Stories of Distress in West Discounted | because Canadian “firms. are, unable to shottly be filed for prob ate. The value} iota the provinces have received a share} Some Bite heifers brought $5 ia 5 it Ottawa. undertake the work, Gf the estate will be in the neighborhood | (tho qmmount of $977,950. During the [ewl., ond the other grades "sold peat Paice of three million dollars. While the be-| past year only 22 Chinese paid he pot Fespondingly high, The priges. were “ts| A despaten from Ottawa says: The quests have not been mene public, ib ts | P coming into Canada; 446 came. in| fcllows:—Select butchers’, $4.65 to 8;| reports of deaths from starvation in FINE IN CRAMP YARDS. rik widerstood that, except for a few be- ves, $425," $4.0; mised | he Northwest which y upc ie exemption law, whieh “apples heavy ale ers’, $4. 505 mixed 1 a west which appear in press ’ tragedy the | PEt het sch "st common cows an gues, 2 See ths Ii | eventytive Pee Cent, ot | Company’ ; i naK ir int Were! ies or schools. : a a) ners, e rt : : : meditilg, members of the family. $1 lo $9.25 per ewt. aent is ther mounted police, nmi: sel tien Destroyed General Kroupatkin 3 History of the Late Stockers A reedard were ene tion Nhe and other officials of the} A despatch from RP aCr says supply was light. Stockers $1.7 department, So ie only one death,! An inch irreparable ees was Aistsined & 25; leaders, $135 to $3.75; short Mee, that of @ negro, in Alberta, has been| by tho Wm ere amp & Sons Ship en J apanese War. 0 Bh tees wt. reported. As lo ee severity of the win- Engine Building Co. in a fire at their we sh and lambs were Heer ter no one dou! yards 0 mn Weinesday. It destroyed the PS eet een eee to tae Grain fed lambs, 86 to ese Sees patiern Pia 1d two storage rooms.| 4 4, + ; jespatch from Sl. Pef erate Baye ae he wes aan ee chiefly on & com> common lambs, 4.50 to $5.50; export, : At least 75 per cent, ‘of ‘this company’s] Gen, Keroupathin’s history of the warlike spirit of the ‘export bucks, ‘$3. HUNDREDS LEAP FROM SHIP. patterns were destroyed, among them S ra nt iaind Be tis nf LR valor 5) to 8: . Hen ety, conflaceted | Sap cs ‘ ee Ronee eS an: Being those of the United States patil |ePemese Vian Government, hus at lest whieh, “Ne saysy had never been Chief Secretary for Treland Gives Formal |*« ney FOES 8: Bo to Oe Laat Matiny.-on a: Kunklsh ee in, the leas a fiel ieee eee renee Hecome wosvesible, despite the moat ex-linsany. previous wat, and thelr ability = = for. lights”“and fate, Suez Canal see, Maine, Alabama, Iowa, Massachu-| tome precautions to prevent this _gal-| to Thaihiain the. nomertabl superiority Notice of Bill. — uch despateh from Suez cay: =n 4 tng oficial Andictment rom renehing Jando: assuiné the offensive, with, tho = S fay. on the Turkish transport Tioaeindoh, ony : ; public. The work covsists of Mee {disadvantages | UNUSUAL SEYERINGNTALENENT? while passing through the delet Ae Cea SERA beh ain vrimies. respectively devoted 10 inadeutey. of he sn i A déspoich trem London says: Fol body. It is underslood also thet this ee and Widower and a Daughter dirs aon ing overboand nnd acing | teen $100,000 and $150,000. Tea err ciieetiellay state uitea HRA in eeding Noe Pe Jowing closely. upon his “announcement | council will have extensive administra. Fach Married at Same Time. | through the Bitter Lakes. Ten of them oe al ihe Balile of -Mukden,oleying, and in a hopeless stale of cone of the, alent. of the foaterauient 10 in- | tive powers, but its right to legislate will wero Nora ae shot dead by loyal “< Tl minous general orders statis: fusio et \d__ cross: NIrpOeeD, ‘ vith f So W oe errr ‘Aiguitine birel rote eta hes rae waar See een earual’ sate | marines. ‘The others reached the ehores|. MANITOBA 70 BE EXTENDED. | tics, reports, and dther documentary {alate ‘of morale end confidence’ nmong Ceaee hate ten téelnnds gave formal |” Nothing definile Js known es to the|moniat event was. celebrated atthe | ANG, SMUaOO. | The Mone ed orf WE Mave out on pee oe Pe teers a ON ead a becaneesg A ‘notice on Thursday that a bill “to es-|amount of financial control to be en-| parish church of St. Louis de Mile End, | her,” She lan Wt % Enlarging to 60th Parallel HeLa Gainea’ Kiet SA VAC WEE Bea ese internal troubles énd of insults ‘ablish an Irish Council for other pur-} trusted to the council, but to satisfy} when an elderly widower, father of five Wounded in the outbreak, ute the ish en Jand reproaches against the ‘; poses connecled therewith,” would bé| Irishmen. this will have to be large. | children, was married to a. widow, who A. des) ne from Olfawa says: It ts} Seto fsorganization and incapa-| He complains of insuMcient firmness ‘ introduced. sys the st see ‘There is no doubt that the powers now | also had five children. At the same ser- See eS said that the proposed extension of a ‘and even’ oP uicsteninnen ‘of speci- a a number of regiments, instanc- ment is keeping ils the} centered in numeroug boards controlling! vice a daughter of the bride and =f CARRIED TO SEA ON ICE. Manitoba's boundaries will carry that Pag) oy lirgent orders, on. the hae of {ing the famous tenth and the troops of Nalionalats to. aS: piace eh "repislation to] the administration of Ireland will be| daughter of the groom a evo also Mm: ty Province northward as far as the 60th stb een Sitters. entris(ed- wetth-Gans ae and Biderling. y i eo f the present session. of Besse to the peat ried. Special {oi _ ranted 450 Finnish Fishermen Have a Disagree. | Patallel and the Churchill River. ‘The tig ein 8 the = Parliam akin 8 the or on Thursday | the younger les m undergo the . ju i nae il “alihough aN the details bave| evening, Me. Binrell'said that tbe ques. | marriage Ceremony outside ot tucir cee sc pegs ee are not likely to be disturbed, but will rable indtnet rane pea Cpe ee en Nel L yet been made public, will provide] tion of the Fesioraion nat evicted: teas apne. papsher. 5 vce thatthe par. | -A despatch from Si. Petersburg siys:|bo merely projected northward. 1 reas ay peer er en SE cea er ay he for & council in by eh the elective ele-} to their homes was one of primary im-| ents and children m i An the mup- A number of Fini and Esthoni re is done — will get the out- y i ability foe the ee ee Re ly for us, ho did nol,” he could hav mont will predom! A number of| portance, se Finat brooked of no delay. | tial in fenntotle: Friends of re a lermen were ore out to sea on ae let that she on Hudson Bay. fat eine aw r seized Lino-Yang as ¢! pay an in the 7 veins et ine bier Gro relained-ep'| He pledged the Government to take effec-| parlicipants witnessed the w es from, Feqedwnienn: Gulf of Fin- The 60th Ati ts already the north-| feat K ning of June, are Me ole narrative 's° 7 order to placate the Liberals who are] tive measures to obtain the reinstate-|ding. Rev. Canon LePailieur, he ats In, Tuesday, but were later rescued} ern boundary of British “Columbia, Ab _ REASONS, FOR FAILURE, retro: unprepal Dp ; priest, perfor ceremony. [without any loes of lite e 4 farta and Saskalehewon, vaikin's neeesns for {he fo an entirely representative’ ment of evicted tenants.

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