the best ieee Newspaper in the County ‘of Perth, Lt is the Best Advertising "Medium, Rates reasonable, Subscription | $l per a strictly inadvance. $1,50if id. —M, MacBetu, PUBLISHER G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. ‘GOING SOUTH. Express. ..9:07 a.m “Express .. 3:00 p.m " QoING NORTH. Express....8:02 a.m. Express ..10:58 a.m, ‘Expross....6:44 p.m. Express, . 4:56 p.m | back i _-HESBON. Miss Sohiaana Moon 3 on Mon- left say for Bepioe where she has secured | —- cae afew Abe of t. ae at Mr. net x 8: ‘r. Joseph Helm was a business enie to Benin on Monday. Messrs. Dentinge: and Boegel St. lesen, were the guest. of Kenn Mr. rare business visitor here on Tuesday. of f Jas. —_—-—— She was wild with Pain. From Willo Creek, Ont., Miss E. Diegel writes; “A few years ago I was drenched with rain aca got lumbago; teel rod piercing my also had earache and was ied bat- - @HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1007 ting soaked with Nerviline to my and rubbed on Nerviline for the lum- Thad rubbing relieved and Health Depends on Good Blood | }, the Byer ‘one who uses Ferrozone has color and great vitality. Reason } ) Rolo Nothing beats it, 25c at all dea! roken _ My nerves were irrita- in-blooded and continu- BRUNNER Mr. and Mrs. % “Zook, of Sebring ville, are spending a few days with rs their sean cbr toe Hartmann, Greatest toni known is ee, in 50c boxe: a arlene ec meee Adulteration of Food Goldwin Smith The dislosures oy science 2 the jo adulteration of food and dri appal lling. Tea, coffee, ‘cocoa, aie gin, pickles, whisky, mustard, vinegar, glucose, ‘ge hs adulterated, and in some cases poison. Medicine is adulterated Ii ‘kere at least, is and of the ease of greed. do not heat Falinn so bad in the uth. Science hersel hae Tiaoseasly shown the ue, Yet it is likely that not a few of these miscreants are holding their tion of measure food by congress, especially by sen: compelling resort ee inte fegactoe: has a sinister appearance Se ice WELESLEY COUNCIL. Wellesley Township Council met at the council chamber, Crosshill, Mon- day, Feb. 4th, 1907. All members present the reeve presiding. The report of G. Hoan O.LS., re the “Beggs Drain” tcithe police villages at w ion ©) there they re councils yi shai aoe anh cil should di ewise, cou! witheld dickies aati ek er dete ‘The following inted <— so Ralgbt. for: the west section at a salary of $9 pe nptelhs Waterloo, pieeenied the By- law re the ‘Beggs Drain,” to the Council, It provided for borrowing on the credit of the mispaity thirteen hundred and fifty-five an 15-100 dollars as the township’s pro- tion of the cost of the drain. The erae® as read a first and second ite following accounts were pass- Thos Hillyard, 47 loads of ase) gravel 1906 10.26, pikes 1. in Ratz '& Fleischauer, fica ber account 14.72, tolt, re Seine draio, Sat: Wellesley qi hins 598, « 99. 33, SteBride i “Flin, au ‘ac-| as it did for M ve, ve, 65 loads of grav- for 63 Reba ie he G. McFad- ‘ ector, } west secti i Pik extras 2.00 32,00, Mi ek entz, extras as collector WwW. 3.(M. extras as collector 2.00, G. Wate te contract dp "5.92, compensation for 1 iitlea wil ‘a dog or dogs 5.23, ee "rie cige for Spsiae: 24. Sold canvas “ cil | ne wire fence 4.00, ae ki Mr. is at present visiting nae iG Michigan Butchering is the order of the day in this vicinity. Mrs. Walker visited at the home of eee William Peters, Brunner on ay. We mpi Mr. H. Schmidt n the fine new Bell piano which he lately eee from Mr. Carter, of Stratford. Bt Wm. Hartmann has aera as teacher in S. 8S. No. 1 ues and will after Easter take charge of the senior room in Rostock Public School. Quite a large number attended the ¢|carnival in Milverton and report 4 very good time. The stormy weather of the past week j is # foretaste of February. ber of our citizens attended marta in Stratford on Satuday. —————__—_ Transportation’ in the West ‘The people of Canad from Winni- west are up in gainst the | transportation scadieisie which exist. They admit that the winter hae been ‘a severe'one, bat claim that they have had colder ones, and put the blame of the fuel shortage and the grain block- ade of the railrond companies, alleging that they fall far short of sae ndle western business. Men affairs say that even before the tie ards began to blow, one railway com- bushels of wheat less than it ‘had one year ago at the same. peri his condition means that the grain is still in the hands of many - the famers, who are in consequence of it, unable to pay their acconts tee merchants and bss thers. This with the spreading stor- es thut the country is snowbound, out ar fuel and that cattle are perishing, is a bad advertisment for the Canadian eat ven adequate _ transportation red | gatlitiog the west claim that troubles would disappear cues and that it would go she ps and unds and its popatation or gur- pass that of the east. Transportation is the Reicte question of the day id the Dominion Gov't might well take it it up and use its influence to.alleviate an intolerable condition of affairs, The west is the granary of ¢ Dominion and the supplying of its eeds is creating a big market for the Thus the come nation- al question and one which all should be interested in solving. NERVOUS ? Do You Brood ? Have Morbid Feats ? Toss in Your Sleep ? Your atte Condition is Below Par id Must be Built up. Try Ferrozone. All the vital activities of the body are quickened into new vigor by Ferr- ozone, which contains all the contit- uents necessary to make nerve strength, Its first action is upon digestion. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, sais perfect. digestion and pepe cote 9 food so as to be easily assimu By Ferrozono tle mind is ee of those brooding tendencies, o! bid unnatural fears, of Beeiiopicar to conscentrate attention on things that should be done ‘on’ you try Ferrozone? ‘on't you give it a chance to win you back to perl it willdo it, just reighton Zinck, of edu of assistance {to bps of women who ne ly. Twas He thin, My oer in aot and_ lael color. a renal state, Tf resting fell I pia . start. At night I would ai sand al t restored my poi taal [ance gave me self bee ape ‘rozonne Aaeedgiod Chatham, a tar] pany alone had taken out 10,000,000 |! its | do all her own work, retir Barely Lived th through it. A terrible experience had Edw. O'Connor of Sault Ste. Marie. hay 'y nose always stopped ae ae I had cropping in the throat self, act T thought vr ‘aiviat| live through le night. I would sit up and euep for breath and endure great distress. Cat cht, ee Fordwich, was a and your recovery is — Epitaphs. Ne one would accuse Jim Thornton mbling for inspiration among comer, but during his recent tour in Calfornia, which he made on the front seat of a water Waggon, it seems he was induced to visit an old burying Evidently the of the early settlers. Jim found a couple of queer epitaphs which he cop- ied and which he has proudly -ex- ee since he returned to New Here they are:— J ’ -wierlent death near this spot 18 hundred ne 40 He was shot his own pistil. lt was not one of the new kind b lom of Heaven,, “Erected to we mene of Jobn Phillips Accidently Shot As a Mark of Affection by His Brother.” ee illustrious Nobodies (Dr. MacNamara on the Lords) a society lounge,” M.P,, at Cam- Tevet “the House of Commons se first-clas: to the | Lardé; he should like to know what claim a couple of hundred bitterly prejadiesd and rather narrow minded country gentlemen bad to the part of the pr tives, and of these 132 over 100 were persons who never had had to come before the people in the whole _o! their existence. Sooner or later people would sweep out of existence for ever the monstrous contention that because a man was a peer of the realm, therefore God Almighty would pprtay bafta that his eldest son shal ‘nto the world a born leg: juch a proposition could not Sefonded by anybody outside a lunatic asylum. yt ao eS ae eae Death of Mrs. A. Dowling: (Gazette, Gleboro, Man,) Mrs. A. Dowling, who lived with her son Ed. Dack, died very sudden- ly on Sunday morning. alshonat having renched the ripe old age 81 years, 4 months and 22 days, abe was still quite smartand managed to ring to rest on Saturday evening in apparently the best of health. her son, Ed. heard her breathing nes and ap- parently moaning. ent to her room to see what was ibe oattary his mother replying that she was not feeling well and asked for a drink of water, As soon ashe got the water he ran over to Shropshire rie and got zs of them come to town for a tor, but before he arrived us. ing had passed peavefully away. Deceased was born in irelaad, and came to Canada at the age of ten ears ad fab her er sias settled in Edward Dack, who died at the age of 41 years. Tn the year 1870 she agnin married this time to Mr. Dowling, who lived six years, Since the death of Mr. Dowhng she has lived with her sons Thomas and Ege * Fat hearted ol A pcrraehy of all in their sudden reavement. Mrs, Dowling was an aunt ie Jno, E. Sales and at one sided at Pool Mr. time re- Do You Appreciate a Saving on Shoes ? If you do, NOW is your chanee ! ‘e have just completed stock- taking, andhavea number of odd — one-half regular price. x“ ES Also a number of lines of Felt Shoes and House Slippers, we ~ are clearing at less than ate sale peices: M WE “CAN SAVE You MONEY x“ wo sizes, 25¢ at all we determine | It hidden tiny little nerve that repo a poe at foult. feart Nerve simply needs, and must have, Ss vets more stability, “more con re governing Api ee the pepe ust continue ft Kidoeys also aye ‘This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. fhe cause of allthis painful, aii, suflocat- doves tae Bh) "nous directed to these . Tt buildss wuine heart “a Shoop’s . ‘Restorative THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Few Will Escape The torturing ‘aches of corns. prepared,—the onl. ct Gora years in use and absolutely guaranteed. Soh TERE Waste of Literature ard an amusing thing the option town. came to the railway station, address- ed to a certain party, and a few days afterwards the station agent wrote to the party as follows: “Dear Sir— Please send for your case of books at nee, siiaietes WArtns wee Fits Your Case Exactly You know hg so feel,—blue sickly and heavy. E: jorning you waken in a dull naee? condition and wish it were night again, Your liver is wrong and needs fixing with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills; they do cure all liv- er ills. At once the systeu: is reliever of poisons, blood is enriched and puri- SI tu Hawilton’s Pills mike the body proof against disease. your liver, your kidueys, your stomach, for the sake of your looks and feelings try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. at all dealers. The Appeal Is To You! THE HOSPITAL FOR w se SICK CHILDREN Por it Cares for Every Sick Child in Ontario w. hose Parents T The Ho-pital for Sick Chilren, College street, Toronto, appeals to fathers and motners of Ontirio tor Tunas es outtata cusand sick | 5 children ures wa ir "The, Tospleat a not @ local insti — but The sick clita fvou aa place in Ontario who can't afford to pay has the seme privileges as the child living iu Tor- He and is treated The pares had Ja ac ae im its beds and cots 858 parients—331 of these were from 231 pecaee outside ‘of Toronto, The he ‘a agital has treated 12,120 eae About 8,500 of these were unable t and were treated frea, joney SERVING BREAKFAST, sour dollar may, be a door of hope t. The Hospital pays out pealth and’ happiness to suf fe. ing childhood on sti sollag that ty TWO CLCB KOOT CASEE IN PLASTER Bee what can bs done for club-foot chil ‘There were 36 like cases last year snd huadreds in 3ty years. DR. Ll i+ | entiate of Dental a Sur of E Boy ral Col eee Racteatea seit Medical. F, PARKER, M.D.C.M., Honor nate and Gold Medallist Trinity College, also Gold and Silver ‘Medallist, ‘Trinity University, Toronto to; Successor in Po bie Drug Store, ‘Telephone connection with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostock. Grad- Medical DR, H. J. M. ADAMS, sucsessor to Naismith, in.-Pfaff’s blo dieiesh gue auaieticon tite F cate ei ner, Rostock and Kuhryville, Calls ans- wered day or night from office, Legal ORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. in) arranged for miber-of tho fem’ will be in Milverton every ‘Thursday. H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, Tt is leaking.”—Grimbsy In-| {hy dent. Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- ‘Treatsall diseases mals, Calls by tele- shou Gr athiecwiea atone attemled to, Livery. J. A LAMBERT, eat nea Ae the Quee 5 cial driving a specialty, Give him a call. Societies. 1.0.0, F, ane | Lodge,” No. 202, Mi meets every F tt 0 For | St No, 99, Milverton, meets every wean and last Tuesday of every 8 o'clock, in their hall over 1 & Son’s hardwai Visiting brethren always welcome, a ir, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Ree-Seoy “Silver Star Fri in their hall over Public Drug. Visiting brethren always wel come, Daniel Ross,N.G., W.K,Loth,R, ‘Prints Dress Goods Laces Embroideries - Muslins | 5 Books of New Wall Paper Samples have arrived. If you are in need of | any paper, ask to see the samples. W. K. LOTH: Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Soe Public, Auc- tioneer for the County of Perth and Waterloo, Comeyanne Deeds, Wills and tgages drawn and Affidavits made. Vilngs Clerk. Office in the Wait block over the Sovereign Bank of Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gi Proprietor, Best liquors and cigars ,at the bar. ee class ac- commodation and large stablin, Wedding Invitations a Promptly and Seats pone at the Lowest Price, when printed at GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ass Mil verton or t= commercial travellers and others. large, somple rooms. Bost brands brands of liquors and cigars Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont lation for commercial quors and Cigars at the bar. tables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. THE CHEAPER WAY ! It is said by some that it is just as cheap to buy flour as to exchange grists, this is not a fact; a farmer can save about 10 cents a bush- el by exchanging wheat for flour Rt: % PFEFFER BROS STICK TO “Merchant Tailoring’ a The man who buys ready-made clothing loses his individuality for. the sake of mere cheapness. He cannot dictate the cut and specifications _ ‘of his own garments, but must take everything as he finds it. The inside materials and workmanship are hidden with no guarantee that: the cloth | has been shrunk or that the clothing will hold its shape. cut your suit or overcoat just as you wish and make it to your | individual specifications. The honest structural work under the cloth is | re we expend our greatest efforts, We put into the foundation, best tailoring work we know how to give, and guarantee such perfection i, fit and finish as can only be accomplished through careful hand-work. You can’t afford to cheapen yourself by wearing cheap clothing. Get the best while you’re about it, and STICK TO MERCHANT TAILORING, ~ | Knechtel a ‘Smith aassssssssssssesssssssas999999999 9009998 ‘The House of Suplity " $3 S [L ra ee K SSeS Sauesi dil savesstvasseseens