THE VERY BEST materials, combined with skill, make our ‘Usious you ever tasted. e fuel, time, and money Say. prehase ing all your BAKERY PRODUCTS You can from us, Delicious in every morsel. on GEORGE GUENTHER Baker - and - Confectioner i Sw Y, ga ’ STRATFORD, ONT. school of school when superior in the Dominion. alogue Elliott 8 McLachlan, i Principals, A Commercial The Larmour School or Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Method Entirely Successful.— Situal tions eoeae for graduates without delay.— Write for Guialogue, giving full Peoenatetn . LARMOUR Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont read, Cakes and Pies the most| ‘Try it and The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, GENERAL NEWS babe bes sie FROM ALL SOURCES FEBRUARY 21, 1907 7th, Itis expected that the Roblin government will be returned. Pil get quick relief from Dr, Shoop's Magic Ointment. mber it’s made alone for Piles—and it works with certainity and satisfaction. It- ching, painful, protuding or blind piles disappear like magic by it’s use. see. ‘Phe Clinton town council had a de- bate the other mevenine on the licensing a pool r The committee had een in favor of increasing the Iis- cence feo to $75 for first table and $25 | pe for each additional table. The com- license at $75 for three ti Croup can postively be stopped in 20 minutes. No vomiting—nothing to sicken or di your child, A sweet! pleasant and safe syrup, called Shoop’s Croup Cure, does tl work and does itquickly. Dr. Shoop’s Gspon. Cure is for Croup alone, remem- not claim to cure a4 ad dozen ailments. all. Sold by the Public Drug Store The increase in the capitation tax of dered possi! and neccessar; appointment of anorganizer, for which $3000 was set aside for organization If you are constipated, dull or bil- ious, or have a sallow, lifeless _com- jexion, try Tans just once to see y will you. Lax-ets are flittle toothsome Candy tablets, nice to eat, nieceineffeet, No griping, ust a gentle laxative offect that is pleasingly desirable dy lor the vest pocket or purse. eae every you in beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 Sold by the Public Drug Store. Mr far ai bat L, A. has for a number of s been editor of the Guelph Herald, Shae era et his position on that journal, ow= ney entered the Herald dine auras y ane = H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Tea Red Rose Tea — Black, green and Mixed, 25 cents’a package. ————————————————— Sugar Redpath’s Granulated Sugar—$5 per cwt. CASH. Flour $0 Ib. sacks. 1425 Ib. Potatoes Good Cookers. .. $1 per bag. Spanish Onions. 5c per Ib. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. H. MOHR, Milverton ears ago. and a few years Bree caati was: anade: reporter, pointed city editor. 8, when he left for Australia. then returned to Canada ee resumed his connection with the rald, being appointed its editor, catia position he has held to the present. ‘Western Canadian” is an eighty page pamphlet issned by the Canadian Pacific Railway for the guidance of intending immi Ge rants or settler: It deals with Manitoba, Alberta, “Sas- Columbia and how to reach these pues how to obtain lands an how to make a home. It tells of the soil oa climate of these portions of Canada the kind of crops raised,system of land survey, free homestesd regula- from settlers telling o amphlet is illustrat- ed, and will be invaluable for its infor- to all who may go out there, The booklet a8 be obtained free by anyone writing for it to the ia ey Le de- . DHE... Investigation by Bhe Royal Commission showed ‘HE DOMINION LIFE to be * Clean Throughout and ‘Well and Economically Managed. Representative for Perth County t M. M. BRICKER, Berlin, Ont, Head Office : —_ Waterloo, Ont. partment of the eompany at Montr eal. of doing business ou oc down in your hat, that as a rule, the Our patr should be Seas to ee their but- ter aioe them, There is not a busines: sect in our town who Pater not ‘Tuplicate their prices for the and he who corns Seansayssees ; Finest Spanish Olives Sweet Pickles Thistle and other brands Finnan Haddies Lobsters and Codfish ‘We always keep on hand the choicest Beef and Pork, Give us a call: R MILLER § MILVERTON bearer nrreaenreeeeeacaace SSRRaaRSseeeanossense i, " % eee. ny y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y D>. PPM Mow AAD parnanaagaaae @Qe@ sees an good citizon. In conyersation with the editor the So Our friend’ point is. well taken. a J ANNED- GOODS! s day of poster advertising is on tho 6 wane while newspaper advertising is —<—<—<————— the iner ‘The average farm 4 walla atiectitaed by. putting up from s A now shipment of canned Hf Bad ie Soe end busines o the goods has just arrived. ices and business places Ss of the district in which sale is & MeLaren’ Imperial Cheese being held, while an advertisement in Business men are finding less room to display posters. ‘They want the room for their goods, and the farmer with home has no resulting benefits. Gea It’s for Croup, that’s 2 Four hundred and twenty Goes the college. To stop a cold with LENE is safer than toletit run and it you from Sreeentise are little toothsome candy cold cure shoe) selling in § cent and 25 cent box you oS a if you are Henne to sn re: yentics. They will eae Ok the cold and please you, Sold by -the Public Drug Store. Ata recent meeting of the Bruce bor purposes. V ment charts there are 30 feet of water a half mile out there expenditure of $250,000 would be nec- cessary to construct a harbor, e French cee has are the old device on the coin: a Equality, Fraternity” The new law ee Ua A BUTTER | Wrappers MILLBANK tea meeting and entertainment will be yas — shhreh Le ieriy T b, 26th, 1907. Tea oe to 8 o’clock p. <a. after whieb a program. ¥ ill be giv of musi¢ and addressa ra ny Ree eee Farmers, we can supply you-with the best Ger- man parchment paper— either plain or printed. We print 500 wrappers for $1.25, and you get a cent a pound more for your butter. Try us. ++ The-Sun the Ninna Liinoreg ee Hes Burns; Rey, J. H. Y Mor Oaten, oe ND. Moleinaon, “Milverton J. Edgar, Linwood. qiepratelly invited, Admission 25 cts, HAMPSTEAD Mr. A. McDonald held hia sale on Thursday last which\turned out to be ess mo} peouRhE $510, while eth other hor brought figares sarreapondligiy. ete er. and Mrs. A. McDonald leave ree for fuel where they wil reside in futur Poorly Paie Officials runto News) Milverton CARTHAGE aresorry to report the severe ilinese of Mrs. Rutherford, We hope cation, has announced that all the bishops’ ax-ets come to|O who| | d and umber, and | 6 mation sonouening the western country | p, rectories, ‘and seminaries by purposes. The e part of the Mueseu! ry ¥ saat at Kingston, in a le: article, con- siders dancing, and defends it from al in public speech aelared not dance and anasto cannot vel to which he has brought in a g a g z e & ° 5 eb & pais noaale the dance, but all soe: | ial assemblies, yes, even the hom To slander almost one-half ot the! Christian young men and women of, ther from self-weakness or| ae y that narrow extreme ae are| not unnatural. But gross charges against those who dance st pure mothers who tolerate anc ing, is an outrage of decency. The dividing line is that between the properly -guarded invitation to a ball, and the open sale of tickets and pro- miscuous assemblage. Had the To-| ledo mi s line everybody soni. have respected and tare Ba We a eco Say Try This For Your Cough. relieve a cough eak up a Gold eteenny tone nous ‘the follows! edients | 5s R 2 oo ge if; B fs P BR around SteeS 7 | the Home ‘of Mr. Wm. Simpson Tues- 3 | prope! a ‘a suffering officials a decent wage. 1 | And you Nellie, for a speedy recov Mr, R. Gamble ia this week to his new home ee purchased from i Mr. B. Johns sev of Stratford, ed last wi with her friend, Becca Moor ry ple: camkatevent oconmted At visit- Miss ie your many . bled here this evening to extend to you our hearty good wishes and hope | you may be long spared to each other land tous. We pray that kind Provi- \dence may ad measure s.|of your genuine worth than the regret of your many friends eighbors on hearing of your de- ion to remove from their midst and | Queen’ jush, jothers the hardships of life in country ani r energy, thrift "|and perserverance, hewed out for | yourselves a home and gradually add ed comforts until today Morningts ae ares f gray vith any Se sh nip. in this fair province of ours with | its beautiful farms, eonfortable and commodious home: th veniences: and regards of your friends. ery smile and winsom yours until we the home Johnston, 3. Phompeon, gam, A. hi ng, | Mr. Jobnston in a few well chosen rete thanked se friends for thei indi x ood. ase which protects the Oil | ki 88. fi is. all repaired a7) from exposure to light. und the|the ane feeatnbere a sai ptuous wooden case engraved wrapper |repast awaited them. consisting of with the nanne—“Virgin of 2 e | oysters and other good thin; She (Pure)”—plainly printed thereon. | remainder of the evening was spent i iD cial chat and oe Th desired results.—43- A Big Cash Sale ——or— if Watches, Clocks and Jewelery come here for bargains Will you be one of the lucky crowd that will FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS If you are you will Gents’ Watches, gold 20 years with Waltham or With 15 jewel movement, With 17 jewel movement, PRICES. Everything not be disappointed. Everything in the store goes at SLAUGHTED PRICES. regular price $15, sale price. Rings, Brooches and Stick Pins and all Jewelery will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM filled case, guaranteed for Elgin movements reg. $17, sale price reg. $22, sale price. is guaranteed. P. H. BASTENDORFF The Jeweler - and - Optician, Milverton Pr. = Renn tion ey Clifton Hotel, "3 ‘ornington you Taye hae “with {ing al a new |rooms are heated by elect - | obstracte we. Dror ent this and entertain Due A Reotlons owlk merly manager of the Chatean ‘Fron- ‘To ne recenk ore issued by te 1 that sent eae the sala must be ete ter-folded, instgad of folded in half, is aly ill. considered. e order was given to placate the county postmasters who complain that they do too much work for too little pay. Wot balers they ge But the remedy is to ountry post- masters deat salaries Alber than to Pal - But—wh: the newspaper fraternity. be selected as the sacrifice when the obviously r course is these long: Canadians may rd with pride jthe Clifton t hotel, whieh has just been pleted ara Falls on ae 3 Ganadian sie, at . cost of $500, pleasure-seekers lor one with more picturesque situ- ation, Its position is ideal being the only hotel at Niagara Falls to com- |mand an un noted ‘view of the American and shoe Falls and erin Ota |_, From its wide and spacious pinzzas the most magnificient views of t cataracts, the brilliant. rain! the fleeay clonds of mls, the islands, and the great gorge can’ be enjoyed ihe interior of the hotel is arrang- h comfort and en- It via artistic- We have in stock a large as- sortment of Iron and Brass Bedsteads..... ranging in price from $2.75 to $30.00 The very latest patterns to choose from. C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers “The C. T. R. Station Store” the rooms afford- tors. ‘The large white-pillared C nial dining room will seat six hun Qred guests with individual tables. Tu the observation dining saloon un- falls SSE ests’ In idition, there are and_pri- ‘The ball room is equip- ith a stage suitable for concerts e Clifton hotel ‘is under the man- Baas of Mr. Geo. Major, for- tenae, Que Short ru Retold Well, wv} How About Your coe Stoves. ial nee wood > Kindly take ch tries and ar , Sonveutr Bargains~S» We have some special barpios to offer this week in short ends of Prints, Flannel, Flannelette, Etc., after AtOCREIEE, we want 10 clear it out to make room for the new goods arrivi J. R. Yost & Son The quickest Doe! ever noted by a Cincinnati new writer was il Teieated when fe reported a murder case in which one of the witnesses like disway,” Bek ined clapping his hands twice, with an terval of about a second between. “Where were you when the first shot as fired?” “Shinning a gemman’s hoes. in duh basement of duh hotel.” “Where were you wh second shot was fired?” | passing’ dub Big Po! depot. At one time there lived in Worces" a and political, in the settlement where eo couneied a little bouse y inent banker, but had M ateeekallys evaded the payment of rent for many years, No trouble office. The ner.tday the old negro came bobbing into his office. “Well, | Sam,” said the - oe “supp you ve come in to “Oh, no, boss,” replied ‘the old ie “J’se just come in to say I’se glad is nominated, and I will tell the rest fo’ Parlor PiecesUnderpriced “IN. OUR FEBRUARY SALE 50 odd parlor chairs, settees and suites are to be sold before stock-taking at the small- est prices ever printed. You can furnish your parlor now with an extravagance you wouldn’t think of at any other time. Just look at this : 4 piece Suite, polished frame, figured ver- é ona, upholstered, regular $32, sale $20 Preece. vee Next week our entire stock of Pictures go on sale. R. WHITE & CO., Stratford The First Furniture Store East of the Post Office i in’ an’ if it ain’t- fixed I'll have to move out Se: of ithe United jurist. was riding towards Washington on a uisvitle. Before the place, coe a flask bad been ed around and the glass used for the bulk of the justice. the justice, aay “where are you Bidipe' the bottle?” Perfection yf % 2 in sees Tailoring is reached when mater- ial, fit, style and work- manship are satisfactory —all must be right, We Don't Fail to Please — ina single particular, The choice of material rests with you, but the execution of your order rests with us. Let us prove to you how well we can do our part, Kelterborn, G4e Tailor Opposite Post Office % ‘% Milverton [mormon