Milverton Sun, 21 Feb 1907, p. 7

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A Darn STEAMSHIP. Met ne a Serious ais. Mishap and Was ned by FE 0 Behind the cutter, and part of the same READ, MARK, AND FuASN- x one is defeated until he The People Who ee By Practloal Ex ine, is a thresher, and other auto- sai iti Have Unanimously Pamndiand atic machinery, v separates the rom the chaff and sacks it. HAMILTON ie aeaigpe theatcag? in buodies=at aBlosto hosp 2 good opinion of inset es re 3 the ft New Zea- nys a man st fies nail chance of land, far down in antarctic latitudes, is gilt Intreals, il ext Gotsioo Geese 7 agen ‘sroaatle wnlll We Los: beet ‘kicked Incubators and ‘Brooders: aot ing a big ocean steamship absolute- 2 bavi Wiese eet jo 1,000 a 1500 out of a coliag Awarded Highest Honors at Exhibitions. Tave_ wo! ‘and alone. Whoever finds | ccs ‘of grain in eee ie and hero is no Aisgrace in anteventobte out in ever aro Patented. The HAMILTON atinay have it, hull, gargo and engines, |G the whole ining Se enar aoa > not doing Tnsubeon Fog Fexniates iis own Beat. 38 pe soaolise only e : al! valued at one hundred and sixty |, iti mn. takes only 1% Mgalloas of i renee danigte Re nak tieg snows |e eee ere EXPEGTORANT nnaen? ns re pA. al be Abe se jal any one ill find the steam-| WAGES nate BY MACHINERY. ee uiller. No’ Tatler EN a take care of every whick, ship Port Stephen, which will Probenly ~ The Quickest if you haye lost ou sper you! alte tag Seite for our big free torte price list aaepcaar r into the region of drifting ek Se ie ae sunt thie eae Safest " oa your rept Your popes Agee A andi aee foes oo ae go ‘6. the bottom in collision ago. roller it tee tae } Surest alwways Hope for weit so tong ag you keap| Address, THE HAMILTON INCUBATOR COMPANY, Limited, e a firm faith in yourself. Tho Port ed ae was on the way to per ton for rolling “heal rails. IZAMILYTON, On'T, vie tephon was aes Today eon ee ae mecnin| Phroat and Cough ie Pe ie i passed sal Tamms (es ma ss ol ats septa: CURE INOCULATING THE EMPRESS. YOUR OVERCOATS Koy ere ee at the south of New nie ‘ Tape ——— Foy vages are 40 per saiepauer teeriney Fe Leonhardt. tem Rid tres ny | Doctor ieee Experience With ana tated Suits would look better dyed, It no. a the iat ofan a ‘day, the sh a web in “the old days. fcrm of Piles. , Bile i Sr dsiat our town, write direct Beontreal, ox 8 hen, ono day, the shal x ga bakdviae’ thaibeead “a now erine H. of Russia. broke, without warning, gix feet from | made by chi Forty. ye ing, ee itching, ies CLAS Bee: : ae iM AMERIOAN DYEING CO. the propeller. ngin adly ye pc ne ages ply names of the ae though rticle physicians’ MONTREAL. and thy ciel angina sapped het a [it took ity-four hours of one, man's — when eevany. case wilt poss Ii wien the Youth's Compenion punished work to prepare, roll, and cut 1, long ago, there was mi i rk of his rom disaster only al rinds of dough” To-day, by the aid] The reason la CURES everybody who De ui wai hh congestion uf | fee paid to Doctor Dimsda oat | haat ‘A hasty etait ton showed the na- cf machinery, the same work is done ip | fakes it—young and old allke, The chil-|piood in the lower bowel, it takes ise inoculating Catherine Il. of Russia. tues of the injury, andthe engine slatl| 1 und tude __., | dren love-it—almost lke honey, It #8 Jan internal remedy @ remove thecause. |The writer said that the fee. of My attempted the ena Tae. There eee per upntlehal bee absolutely free from hurtful ingredients. |: Dr. ear aia a. actablel | ousand dollars, in addition to travel- mz 2 a ieee g evolutions within the pas! twent % iar take internally, and no case of Piles ing expenses and a life pension, Was: aol eniaeen gars on BG;| years. Spinning machinery gees It is the greatest household remedy of) over teen found Jt foied to eure large for su easy operation. A cnet Be opal Oe ne give ene'| most. Deron = Amiprove ement. one | the age. \ should be without it. Money back it Go correspondent sends the doctor's side of sel adie tag: nora eee lily, Gre | part of the process which lends to sheets acts immediately upon the irritated |” §1.00 at all dealers § tne Wilson-| the story, as it was related by 0 portunity for work, andthe four men eels has: up ‘ ui Mie DeretPt eer spot, stopping the cough, alleying in- inl agara Falls, Ont. ie ibe it Spun snes WOR Widens yrhy will you poison your ystems with {ako nos availabe bogan an aticmpt at splicing Peete Soa A ete picking flammation, strengthening SAS wa: the. Repel of Hla LPOUIe Chua” wala Female tronbie should be iteoatod the broken part 1 ciee and chest, making breathing easy,) “He said that if 1 would marry him | “Doctor Dimsdale did not want to in- cara tin teat Op THE rove you will ial the empress. as me. rt. and it costs, it 1s estimated, $100, In the very ster the ship, where | 6.9 yearly to- pio be would conquer the world.” “Well, Jocal rei 5 y to pick the American cotton| and giving quick and permanent relict uld conquer the wor culate the empress, for he was afraid at tho teak obcurved, the space 04 £0 orop al Fee oe TS URice Gawitig” Souebas eoids, Chey ea Pec Nok Yah aR conquered fof what might happen. Inoculation pitian bra (ahaa fete fe om Pee ria red adeip’ Wie aimucnle ah aa ease amie ot Boston, | ynooping-cough, sore throat, bronchi manna ye meant giving the patient the smal’pox | ‘veragn wi roa of hh. i Seeteat ut npr fa te | Sid no op tl Cia mg wah om nd ne. pen, thm kal an, al erat satin Si sea. ‘The men were continually batter-| (nq to cleanso them from sticks nd] mothery who knows, says: eure. Inflammation vf the sangs 38 the | died. If this should happen with the em- MAMCIPATOR 6O., SR ORR at getter Tt effecks a clear saving of 75) «tnave no hesttangy in reooram companion of neglected colds, and ‘once | press, Doctor Dimsdale was afraid the Bh en neers apromen cantt ed against the sides of the vessel, and| hor’ cent, in labor and in cost our ietgedtorant, wich T bare wed companion of ment in tho system Fo ae aed hold him ro-| Agents Wanted tn frequently. almost disabled, At every ewiy's invention: is trol en-| see i conpiy it the ve ceilant dificult to deal with. Treatment: with | sponsible, However, Catherino. insiste y {plunge they dd lest the propeller |, OI ear ieotak slreetolannct Saekeeetiea is eae youth liz 12 Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup will and gave the doctor SP iccentt : ret “yiuk your grocer for | Should rip out tho short section allixed 11,4 machine which was put on the mar- fare keowa. Coltafoote welke wep tamer souk | eradicate tite col and prevent tnd i Syhatever: happened ‘she. gusrant AL inst, {ne lowyers ‘con't spit holrs ‘The Campbell Se ee ee ae ad the slp Mt a tew months back. Tl has four i woe Big mation from selling Ing ee ha should be held guiltless. ‘Then, with | Yer @hN sda. pu Muito Co. Campbell's })\ As ine engines were disabled, the stip soparale sets of road-cleaning. insiru- nalion {rom pe clony of it itis aurpris:| Maer misgivings, ‘Doclor “pimsdaie in-| (Ney can't “oats Nero He nie ncn, x, Queen City ios Fee a iene “a vents, raises no dust, goes slong © yng, D. MAHONEY; ae Re out in it but bald fects. = a ete Re ipa seven or eight miles an hour, and with- Hamilton, Ont. ent badly with the empress, who ‘inhabited land, a strong current ee : Love 200s enough in, ono plate of i Loataeiey trom the north drifted it steal ra UR ee aye mee ees oe mee FalesrT pa wok tae ita Hagia Oke tae eee apouna,” Mateimong cam sea ee te tae {| BROOKS? | chy CURE 1 the An‘arctic, so tha’ ss - it\'s cough run on without atlen-| places a regula order a octor Dimsdale, charging that he Aepplleane, RESPECT ch esi POLICEMAN. ter red tho region Oe ars th bones DISHES WASHED BY MACHINERY. | Uon, thse end their lives, when | freezer, plotting the death of the empress. They | sbuoxiout an Somew'ere under the ice ite he Ma = — i ji ‘Alt Cushions, Herr Muei m_schoolmester,| aria Isionis, whose oullying Most hotels—lnege ones at least—have| & #0 bottle of Catistoots Expeetorent| sa aujgene treatment with Allen's Za , [Paid ng regard to his paper nor 10 nia Ale Oe pe Weng at eae crew would bs helpless to avold should | already ispensed with the armies of} will eure it, Get it from, your dealer, gates een 3 eet au 3h ans rerpaatrenss Sad ee rts together eb ox : a or ae tect Siegen ee rage ne te Se OP OE ee | ee ese sees haba aia Bae pl Ge Sa atic ra 3 si ‘once, or wait to see what happened to he} { these perils the engine Pare Mer the time at one-eighth the ¢ sf, “old G is a distant re- 1 ? sre ier i . 3 than a week to turn outa Salo aa| Higgins : aah Balers es ee ish OLE, BROOK? poi weinsmrs, ea et neroteally. ni night eat “ witout _pnything ike the buen thousand copies of an ordinary. maga-| etlve of yours, isn't he” Wiggins ‘en Docior Dimsdale tried another Monday morning T Gdnesdey g ovi-| Just the same sort of thing is hap-)2in ° machinery enables the ¥ the richer he Becomes tho more ine SE argiuitent, Beware of the man who never misses almost. hopeless unless. th cning in launderies. A machine is ¢t| 5°” me work, folding, stitching, and cor Ht sal i He, i aoe impr | an opportunity to say that there ain't ed the policeman {4 "1% “inte. but they fought steadily | work which will wash and finish col- erage RS sory sau h put me to death, butif you do) money enough in circulation to buy him. : only will houses be w: et that ful {took them atoard ond the P ted, aid reaching ils crew, nt might send 3 Own Sain Pats 2 grea et frien, TORTURED Byx INDI ‘ine Dr. ee Pink Pills oe After ‘s Had Fail oe in, 368 snitt at 25 Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ae fo at “ se os of L’Evenm ne of the best In flit boots and. shoos cnuse corns. eM ee “moat ane pale se mipbowme's coca Cire isthe article" Witten Pink Pills cured her of a very Gel a Dotile at once and cure your | Wl SS cine : tone to, similar suffere 'S. ; “about a year ago I was yons Tm: aie ona est teeta indigestion wit hod an teem do fr tnatango, Dut Se weit ud. quickly forgot { upon. aes bap ead sifength gre’ Hin oes teh aot at trom terrible “headacl tation of the hei n “The kitehen-maid 1s too stuck up to ane tnathis condition for about. six ‘associate with the cook.”. “How about} months, I consulted two. docte ine cook?" “The cook says mers is no| althou igh 1k cas pride about her; if there she| carefully it did not help MINUTES DAY? What New Labor Saving Inyentions are Doing for the Industry of the World. sociely were properly sqnstiarety wars sand standing armies abolished, a everyone did his stiore, eleven min each. nerve centres Hobson “What a1 are bie doing?” Dobson: “Paintin, my name on the in-|: side of this umbrella. Hobeott! m DO you “thi prevent anyone from mae wi aia. had painted his name Inside, I don't} utes wi ‘kK per Sat 1 would have had the pluck to van Ke ean to Sab the val it, with all necessi YS says. the 2 Ep socialist sane z serlion on the fach chinery has reached such a pilch of oe fection that seven men can enough cD ous it to flour, and bake it into bi feed 1,000 people all the year eon DODDS” 2 KI DNEY ’ ay be guilty of some slight exaggeration, put the fact of the few e and new oC Se inventions In the isthe Take. this “matter of harvesting which M. Gu refers 10. wheat- growing West they now ise sa ica _| which has & cuting Spar 35° feet. wile end is drawn by a 50-20. Aractor.! > drift ante ist it. roi elie SE “i Mrs. Cora B. Miller rot Pi be insolent. ee: 1 proceedings anh * 2 rat nin- a5 wel ne} il followed, and the i rt has decided |, ie oh there was no other hope tess Laas se a ine ra’ ee of een eat ie ngited by elesticity, Inut cooking, du Lams ho 0 aly men ink Russia who ho knows pecoriaerel will find him on the that, while Herr Muerbo w Sieh oat te ve An Gate alae be old ning, even to the washing of ow to treat her, and unless watch ged ‘to take off hi hat Se ne Hendes pee bite hate aaa fashioned methods of ‘was hand| Windows, will be accomplished by ‘elec- Makes a Fortune mn ane bee do wha she non she} If your children are troubled — with ding a policeman, he must pay, ora Ravenscourt scon bore down | will soon be os obsolete as the dodo. vices wotked ae = % kere worms, give them Mother Graves’ Worm ston marks for using the word ingolent.” ee them. ‘The crew of the Port Ste-| Everywhere you fee the triumph of| ting in @ els and pressing buttons—|Started a Few Years Ago with Even Russian officials could not fail to Exterminate; hs sure and effectual. oe phen launched = oat with much ist machinery. tobacco factory. | Pearson's Weekly. = |= Capital, aoa Sew Erupts Ne Rent 2c AR ieee a eryen 7 ae pia ake and tnark the improvement im culty, and th: stain went abroad the | Not so long ago nearly all the ee One ndred lerl ne ihought it sites ate byour cl BABY'S BEST FRIEND. ail} Faidg of rendering the raw leaf into smo =e Sleneg an ‘aphers. pilose arb eas A P peaspken ieee iy ‘only the best of chance that tobacco were done. by hand. Now: it WANE vn Gull - UDREN AR AKY te Sack ay crated = ees om man is so honest he youn Own Tabi oe have saved|had brought a sail their way, so far} is all machine work. One machine, see tiveeae “Tear agora. Cor Rei rander tinad oat oa Sled “ Srey Fe in,” said fi Goode, “I nev smiany a precious little life, Th the usual track of nipping. The | s hich see s all the dexter- [ot thousands of other very poor women | that Se eae A PEAVeune emunrees Geli thous much of the pin testy’ ans srered 10 ater medicine to equ “L was hundreds of miles ts San SORES, RURGHERM Q ULCERS? of ‘Average small town and village. | i \vaitin foe: oe he: CEUDIRES: venne. “Try him with se um- ‘stomach and bowel troubles, colds,|cf it - Ba wa thither by the fe of human he hand: oot oe lect , ches : a dige g tesa ste Oe ‘Gaaat ns palprese ae. eetaver: simple Movers or teething troubles. The tinal northerly. gale. cigarel our ie conc AM-BUK WI IRELY CURE : rs oo ae carstae ware good for AREAS Ate eu n eonsuitaion, . appeared im- | ing | ao) bounds weight of tobacco in its ZAM-BUK WILL SURELY CURE | one. ¢f Che enh peer HAR URS: ed ian Ble ee a enses, she Was ts You sata Reet and keopayon. there from the new born babe to the well peabis, to rescue the Port Stephen, and Hero are-a® few instances of Zam- aisonen. 1b ta the bos grown child, And the mother has thea. there was little iikaihowd’ of other| ‘The brush is becoming obsolete for | Buk's healing power: NOE stimulates, nourishos and children’ in ‘alls have been cured y gam: Buk. of one family in | of seri- “{ do not need a library,” nel the con: ceited author, “I write my 01 ang "John's West | ty-five hundred dol- ae | Menand Chun Seays baby hat} on hea, and promised him all eorts ie answered IND eyRiCs ere is of Ja kind of ras on nis head_auite a tot ould, remain -in'| one edventnge. i that, You run less. nal | ie her Physician. having them borrowed or led: garauk and was. detghied ‘with | dale decined. ‘Faking stolen.” has patente a brick-| the reoriie | t fe Sa Ww nly. welghs Mrs. Goring, of Longford Mills, 4 ailes, bad. jhe wanted to.gabesnole 1S a | We All Have Migslons:n the World— ces the work of seven | “Zam: ‘put isa wonde ul he aler of ring-| | practice among private people, ani no| There is a work fos or every man legs than half the cost. | everything that could: he Seoula SHO be in danger of sharing his there netion to perform The fe by hand, ‘ lever | nothin sath: abla Me | patents thie EP A eeieait {ning pa sty animate and pre nto place, side zllers eum until n-Buk . It is a fine | bacl tai d a ue has a Se niet e work, and olher rol-| | Catherine’ always remembered him | nd the nis phous wn_on the mor-| é Scott, ay at et writes fd when a few years later, he ie Oil is ray baa and wound ie by a hop-| pa out jac, she gent him a’set of reo asi of every esexiption and cure coughs, per. can Jay some 3.000 bricks of sore A art aan Me An colds, croup and all affections of the a day ith ¢ Bey of these m: ‘oon as epi a a it he aie irs, Miller's New Residences, Earned in respiratory organs. AN AUTOMATIG CASHIER. Ea : quick hal has pe my 3 Than One Year. See ANA ne ra . ae nBuk | Several ane ag lek ieaeaal ARMY MUTINIES, How mony eoins would you Sgaht 18 | (ene Neto tak wale lin of a Scena tare n hour? If you worked steadily at te Zem-Buk is partic’ We aan, 8 sweat ged by Several agen: When Lge ‘Troops rato of {wo a second, only | delicate and tend “ih te Wwani an eiet hier, a stall. ma steel, can do the work ct s automatic cast to furnish ie “to tho for it. Sho started with only ars’ capital, and the rem Leese ae wanda oa The ni ‘ing the di ined and most eitent in the mutinies among our forces have ‘The: British army and ns, bruises eczema. happeds plese wouldn't be working for us.” st October, seeing that instead of ee ags. it never * {run nite ee eh dg: boon, very Fane. ining my health T was growing worse, | mal What. is bes iles, scalin ele,: AS he was several tmes compelled | pro the recent outbreak al i sees les, . AS Sh us k a Mild in Their A e-|[ decided to try Dr. Williams’ Pink saachine ie ‘a beginning. It is ation it cures. cheuniotisn “é sc te ararecinrcods offee Oeid. Rees ne last British mutiny’ of ge Hable. Pills are very mild in their ac-|Pills. Alter 1 had takén the second 1 phested that in “ats re even banking | neuralgia, and rubbed well -© pies orien she owns, and almost one hun. | Not n July 7th, 1899, when the Cough Eon. ‘They do not cause griping in the|tox there was a change for the better. |wyiit bi on I by m Boe ae ates ie tidhie LAnee, eENS,, Sa NEROETADESTR, ae. 8) then at Welling- n care your, Cough or Cold, stomach or cuss alsturberers there as|and after taking the pills for a m' bn ind eae aching ight: | Guired to essist in this great business. on Appa <3 question al + “— but— ‘So many pills do. Therefore, the most | longer the Jrouble entirely Gee ea ey aie ‘All deuggists and st mition Women” Use It n of the whole why go to all the ted le and delicate can tald> ih ith : i a the best i a ruggists and stores, sel} eee Gas a milion women have weed P ei inconvenience of looking him up, lelicate gan tald> no) ar m again enjoying the best cf| qf much smaller cost and with a start-|a box, or post free from {he za ik Morg Ner's remedy, and no matt a nof having hisprescription of unplégsent pra gs cans, t00,| he ith, T have so much confidence in| ting saving of time. For instance, to|Ca., Toronto, for price. yon. Mier Tan Feler you tO | aes i y filed, when you ean etep into! bo ee fod, is es pt at ue Ry y us "i iis that ae bore Bh Yinch holas each 12 fect deep | for $2.5 ar ow Io ‘locality no oun and wi ple, but many, instead of appearing in drug store i Canada end obtain jasing penalties folloy ne |take them occasionally as a safeguard.” | in rock takes 18) hours of hand work; aie an a Hy er Despite th i medy full marching order, Pee raded in tunics a bottle of ee S CURB ‘use of pills so carefully prepared. ‘as surely as Dr. Williams’ ae a Ri pneumatic drill does it in eight +} pe fact that and fatigue dress. this’ insubordi- for a quar Pills cured Mrs, Jobin's indigestion they | ho OLD CUSTOMS IN ENGLISH ARMY. ro nee Fe ie aid oad Ta nation the whole al(alion, yeaa Sled ‘To id “two to five dollars “flave you lost another toottr, Bertha?” en gues all other ailments which came ‘The bill for manual labor for makin There was. considerable “heartburning be 1 Savery A guffering woman who writes Bermuda for one year. poet ~five cent asked a who. noliced an unusual bai lot Dr, Williams’ Pink | 109 pairs of boots used ta be S41 in the Royel Welch Fusiliers on the re- to et cided" to give-away ops aroma ‘eaving the Mercantile Marine out of Tote af Saito ill cure you isp. replied the, four-year-old, | P is ally. make ‘new, red blood.| {he aid of machinery the price of the) ceipt of the order that the knot of plack | 275 Wave never used her sal eh the question, the lest Brilish ntval mu- as qui “ond 1 hing now when I talk. he one thing they do—but they is now reduced to the sc “flash,” wol orth absolutel: TREE, - y previ hy mot do as hundreds of : labor is 1 ibbon known es the “flash,” worn at tie | 000.00 y tiny of nole—previous, of course, to the ll. In- making this new rich | yoots are made 1n one:tent “sr ine-time| buck: of the collar, was tobe removed, | Every Woman sutecne, w in| recent trouble—occurred so far back bpenn of Sees nebo et, Essa si Bra jb etre atrikes praia t at] formerly necegsary. a in order only. referral to the service | fectings “nervousness, cre a December, z This was thf famous ones: lot SHILOH beyour doe: anemia Headaches and Daeksee, ge THE WORK OF SIXTY WOMEN, | ess nd with FAN dessert ow |e Agios. wourinens, OF, pi eri aig poate ti Tor whenever a Covg ral ness, nervy ebilily, meu- rt ago the making of 1 bai Siicially made;Imown, and ~ has} cause. should sy right down of the, appears. ralgia, ‘heumatism and the. torluring | ono envelopes tok 217 hours of a man’s| catised- Great satisfaction. to" this distin- | filter, Box 4508, K Ca ee d HILO will cure you, and all ‘Tommy ny Tei les: “Oh, 1 don’t want| weakening ailments that afflict women | time -days the time is reduced] guished regiment. ‘T n was origi | by, ‘mail (free of charge in plata a Rees crapgate ek Hp tale Sieve to go ti Diarra ub end growing girls. You can get these| by Ynachinery. to sixteen. hours. By introduced Bt"the: period when all |#, Scent bor of her marvellous modicine: Oe Reet inet wh tive a don't you W want education ?” | pills from any medicine cena or bgt Fishing nets now being made by| soldiers wore their hair ia powder as ae pene te ipeble books-ablchranery. We; adapted to ae Aciearonatrallon “ily the Cough or Cold cure it wi ee phweaile ingrtiaa: Nox mail at 59 cents 4 box or six boxes for} machinery. Three or four rapid move-| pigtails, and its purposes was to kee member this Ofer will not last 1 navy. Yd rather grow up to be just like ae from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine | ments of levers, and a whole row uf] the uniform at the back mek from ‘ti jousands and thousands ane wom ju. , Brockville, Ont. stil es are ‘act'on. “A few years ago-o| der and grease. All regiments priz savantage ‘Ot Aer os coo oman. would ee spent halt an hour| pecially any distinguishing mark So ay j ria a! ca rote tats Tl E- SAVING MACHINE Y in do! cine Seat The jee Their idnttors In-former aie eg Res a mat your na} fet a atte erat o Nate i A Hee seca t jera ou, iver: yy manual er, | ‘i Mrs. Miller, for the book. and be a system, and nervous debillty once M R coe vvork of, roughly, sixty women stn del Gade es a ioe on $10,000.00 worth. isa pone ber Lending “his: owery 4unetits gendered is diMoult to deal with. There rat r rf a nat . are many tes timonials as to the efficac; Sa vellous perhaps as any other srenadl Vv G a W i li B tt Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills in treal-|gyq¢, WE COME FINALLY TO'A TEN eine: is that. effected ip the printing many on {nels colar our ranasons e ing this Blane. wing that they ing, and allied trades SS sa thing it this old custom coul results. By Old Men Before This forty years ago it took Woes oe bee r $O06G0000000000000000000$ “Oshawa” Roof Wears Out & ee A Boston schoolboy was tall, « 1 coe & Loe Serene ae nies you a wri ch a rook,| His ish ad flabby. 4 , properly Be will ieee no ans no Seats te r at least He didn’t have a strong muscle in his Pi SH AWA 53 Galvamzed F > | entire body. &| tse fz tanks roofs w water-tight, Pot ot SHIN! GLES a . , fire-proof fo: Pee Oa ur pl antee kee| ‘80 for, The physician who had attended : 25 yours: without a “cent of ‘cost to the man vio buy Atl the family for thirty years prescribed & < le q Scott's eee ° : Made in ONE QUALITY onty,— —of 28 NOWS x eenbhardncd STEEL sothieta? 5 oS The : arciethn that aN OLE ES Dagyt AL i To feel that boy’s arm you p Pe al Got tha facts Mer and sal . ee as tgpite on— cota would think he was apprenticed to a Pan ar BS Be ae ARSE than an any meg pate ate us the blacksmith. Re: & People of Oalicie: tell you exactly What i it sa phar’ to aot it Yoighe _ ALL DRUGGISTS: B00, AND $1.00, : : ares sors Unig fey, 1 d6 oKaNter o btDen, re WEE pat in POPOOOIOSODOOOO OOOO OOO

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