Milverton Sun, 7 Mar 1907, p. 3

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‘According to the report prepared by ‘the officials of the Department of Mines | $! the mineral products of Ontario for the | 6° -year 1906 represented a total value of $22,221,808, as compared with $17,854,296 in 1905. This is estimated on the value sof ae minerals in the form in which they leave Cinada. The net value of ‘apallg output was $13,17 79,162 and of non-metallic $9,042,646. The most > Serie gains during the year in the e é tallic group are those of silver, which Arse ic tone was $2,170,212; nickel, $481,485; ae 0. ig iron, $644,721 cement, $595,563, and natural gas, $216,- 970. The output of crude petroleum was ‘worth $136,999 less than in 1905, The ‘Output of the mines at Cobalt for the year was : Silver, 5; mal 890 ounces, worth $3,543,089; cobalt, 312 tons, worth $30,- $19; nickel, 156 ee ir 1 arsenic, $1,558. | 6: ¢ Cobalt camp | Iron pyrites, Until the igh of 1! wrod! 016, 061 Bite of silver, fetur, but they are estimated to $150.77, H1NACT, and $508, re pec ‘ MFolowing is the table of métallic pro- * ducts. ~ PL is $13,422,928, 66, the valuo'of 101,569 Galiete is0m eniehigt als Dis “The Year’s Production Worth aii Millions. fron, is subtracted, making the net value |’ 13,179,162, © 9 $ 59,274 5, 251 30 8,543,089. 819 be 3,836,419 5,940 998,548 Zins ore, tons . _ Tne oulput_of the non Sicuis a aving, No. busting tnd rush 860,000 calein “carbide, to "3.636 Cement, Port'd, bbls 1,898,815 ‘eaeiouk Do., natural rock, 1s is. noe Corundum, tons . Feldspar, tons « Graphite, tons . ons 3,856 50,414 6, 3,030 1,235 Tale, 000 | stock, an Chickens, fresh-kill 3,586 | 367,738 | 4.0 865,000 Fear lols-hel TREE SEEDLIN Distributed at Nominal Cost for Forest fa! Planting. For the purpose of aiding farmers in he impro’ nt of vor ee: lots the: re-foresting of rtions rms, & oaperativs Scheme has é & S b= = 2s = 5 ° s 5 2 5 e Fa s the nursery and of the distribution work. one er-may secure, in _one season, trees enough to plant up tworucres. of-lafith._No one ma 01 than this number in»one year, though is same number of trees\inay be giver to the same man for sevéral years in icoession. ex this Js the only charge ma course, to prepare his Ground Yor planting: the tress, to. plant ees and guarantee ver, undertake to furn mich trees ere. hickory, oak, chestnut and walnut. ‘The best way to start these is to plant the nut or acorn Be itse olher year. . The deat I een aoe Pte wiser | nephrilis and Bright's disease, apoplexy, “planted, especially when a Penile |aopceer cuaneles. und: eppendicltis ie Ay, tions are made on go jcultural a g Sol, Inrsuch, cases cultivation’ for the ee ital year oF (wo Is A nun f pel have already ¢ made by the department; 80 wn, the resulls have been good. ites ‘cho- Sen for tho plantations ditfer consider- ably in charaoler, from rocky hillsides to sand plains near the lakes. se. HOW .TO GET FREE FARMS. be lor, Attracting Needed patch ore says: The ment mi ie Interioe. has instruc- Europe. to immigra- Beartn ted immigration agents in make special effort is to fridues tion this year of men canbe. for rail- Circulars | and of ci 16 a yalienbl 0 loss of “tein ‘several od n. PRESET, tases. The Attorniey-General of Quebec A forest fursery was started at the | 95k in egal G.,A. College some three years ago, dur- 9 ing the ministry of Hon. John Dryden, large number of white pine, black ni locust, tulip, ai ther varieties of by 01 are now tributfon. Ar ardi Ss bi d I. 2, a graduate in gets oes ee Ne pps ide aia, The > board has University oe Michigan, fs in @ of |sent its inspector to inquire into the re ;|Disease Responsible for 0 | that, married ropean ‘War, TOO MANY FATAL ACCIDENTS. Attention of the Provincial Authorities Called 10 Cases. teh from OMlawa says: | The ney, rat fata accidents on Canadia e present winter, ‘otten cent fatal adents in the vicinity of Guelph, and orfe*of its engineers to ex- amine the broken rail and the condition of the other rails in that locality. Ma 5 FEWER DIE OF OLD AGE. More Deaths Than Formerly, despatch ashington says: In a territory in which resided only two- fifths of the population of the United {ates more than half a million lives were offered up in a sacrifice to sense, according fo census report | p on Wednesday, ‘This rat the preceding less aha that for 5,770, followed with a death rate ,068, e: jive of ho-pneumonia. The much-dreaded cancer shows a steadily- ae os ge oS MARRIED MEN THE BRAVEST. Testimony to Superior Courage in the British Commons. A despatch from London says; Testi- tad ry was the epeiaral experience thera tedly developed in the Russo-Japanese ——% Arrangements are being made for the issue of the Ross rifle to the militia, @ few years. PROVINCIAL FINANCES ‘Prosperity of Ontario Reflected in Budget on a safe and soun fies ct $7,149,478, phe sexpentres of aN 720, iiss * cash surplus of $4: ed in ihe excl . id be 7 000 ; leases, inances under the presen’ lands, $5,000 management the Treasurer has 0,000; gri able to announce surpluses aggregal AN and will be available for ining licenses, or jon. Matheson ‘rested estimated _ex- penditure for 1, ee ee to 86, » He went on to deal rai 3 the same fan “which, it is would total $7,612,287.28., With eat balances of $3, ne 239, this of ae 00,526, and would mean a total should the xchequer of thé ol iarast the two years an ‘wich the with the re tu Speech. amount foretold, would leave a surplus ‘fot spade four million of tim ars. The details weer ome follew.:— nd ; timber dues, -| barrels do., 310. 5 to ve aye death rate, the figures being | 70¢ “4,330, a LEADING MARKETS CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS FROM ALL oven TUE Toronto, March 5,—Wheat—Ontario — 2 white eee Wwe to Te; No. 2 pea Mec to 70; No. 2 mixed, t0%e to inn Br 1 hard, 87c; No, 1 nor- rn, Oats—No. Se 39¢ to 40c outside; ie ae ee, Be 9c. CotaNo. 3 8 soiow American. wie to 53c, west; Ontario, ¢ to a0 iat ‘chatnam irelghls. Te Barley—No. 2, 5ic e “ss No. 3 ex- tra 49¢ to jo. 5 Flour—Ontario, 90 pe patents, $2.70 asked, $2.67 bia “Man ne first 100 | Betentss $4.50; seconds, $4; bak COUNTRY RY PRODUCE. Butter—The meee seat peetiel a Se seen pI 26 Dalry “paints stocks. Inferior, frozen st and = Stand: ‘picked, $1.35 to 81.45 for primes. 19,028,322 761,546) potatoes—Onlario, 85c to 90c; eastern, 3 $5, r lols oe =“Steaay at £6.75 to $7 in car lots MONTREAL AL MARKETS. ontreal, March 5,—Buckwhea!—56c te 56340 per bushel. ‘e ‘orn—American No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 mixed, 65¢ ex-sto1 's—On spot, 2 white, es No. 3 white, 41746 10 Me; No. 4, to Alc per bushel Pea ling Deny #1 in earload lots, Flour Manilobe spring soy Sh 80; a trong 2 sen 30.90 to" $4.10; Winter wheat patents, " $4.10 St straight rollers, $3.60 to $3.70; do.. in hags, $1.65 to $1.7; extras, $1.50 \ "eed Manitoba bran in bags, 2 to $22; oe 1 $22.50; bran in, $28 to $29 per boos Per bag, $2 to x 0 in. car lols, $2.20 fo $225 in. jobbing lots. Hay No, 1, $1350 No. 2, $12.50; 8, mixed, Sie “pure clover, ue 0 to SL td i fon in gar lots. short cut age , S11.7 te Jong cut. heat 5 .50; half barrels do. 8%c- to ie be solely GLOBE, . — ee Tetegraphis Briefs From Our Own 208 Other Countries of Mecent Events. CANADA. ‘A valuable ee oh silver is reported: near Sault Ste. The Provinal eeaeche is granting a Be the schools of New Ontario. cave land Wet pee at Begines EtG cae $100,000, is p! The Temiskaming® Railway run solid trains between ‘Toronto. tat New Council erection of a sanilarium for consump- tiv barked on an extensive scheme of tech- . E. Sullivan has been appointed ania of construction for the C.P.R. eastern os Col. has been e‘ected President of fe “Dominion Rifle Association, to succeed Col. Gi It is sai aid the Provincial Goverm pre bi iB aes ee eg nguaniane eae -age pension yisit Canada ai 5] peo Gs belavawa, cial Government. has cided y Ae Oe the tcsching ot cgricultire in Gn ual Fire rile fee ciation ae Ontario wil argo 0 nthe Gov- ernment compulsory registration of losses by fires. Premier’ Tweedie, L. P. Farris and Senator Ellis are mentioned for the Liputenant-Govemorsip of New Bruns- a part in the com- Shipping interests of the St. Lawrence will petition the Government e the ocean mails landed at Father Point in- the Dotkhobors te com- lations has ir land being oceu- e steamers Minto and Stanley have i “stuck in. the ice near Pictow ean, nd communication, with Prince Edw Island is again ¢ William Bell has offered Spline and ‘Wentworth. 40 acres on untain Lop he a ha under consider: Thi ho Nova Scotia Government have em-| © hi to erect an ore-sampling ae inion Government is said to} Cl n of English artilerymen will |! provided they vill erect angentainiain. st © joint industri Tl sinools, dat =e placing of auncleepartet child The | ae AS of the, murder of aes Barron, milton, slinee: ears ago, is the ees a a petitio: ie forwarded to the Ontario ane ment, ree men. who pleaded guilty to keep- ing gambling houses at Homillon werd sentenced to two months’ imprisoi eat ae fined $100 each, with ne itevantive: ord Curzi the British page to ine the initiative in reforming U Reciproci Australia and Canada. wilt be miseuased by the pele the earnest pene Sir- Charles on Peiday peseried ath a 2 poral of shinselt a Py oils in the room in ‘where the Fathers ie dontederation: held thelr ote uh is considering the| er" While Wai ject for the reorganization stimulate keen, discus: ts details is ir Secreti itd Haldane's pro- par! UNITFD STATES. © Thursday night completely dione, "ihe town of Washington, Atk. railways of the western Ss a strenuous campaign: Sub-trensury | ab robbed Jat 2 ‘of @ sul ca Willan haa believed to: be the old+ © Grand Army of the Republic, mn ihe ‘@ldest Mason United States, died on Monday at Clare- cone Nit He was 106. years of age. GENER. Tingle, _ aed al Wai British subject, has rsa ie robbery. iday evacuated Russian troops ‘Tsiisixhar, Im Marichurla, after’ occupy ing it since number of engineers are seeking a engi charter for an electric railway: to: the: top of, the Matter rhe ‘Tho peopl >. be. fran ‘ata that the = going to y the islands, cyclone in the » southern Eturppii used the death: o! indred he Philippines Te said Japanese persons and i eateres ‘naan mee | Gal akon: of: Norway. would favor an ineratona agreement prohibiting the use of airships, and submarines. in tion cainpulsory fire killin the. public AP Si ‘publishes a sensa- A despatch from St. Petersburg says : ‘|The Novoe Vremya contain an. infernal PLOTTO SLAY CZAR’S COUSIN: Powerful Bomb Adjusted to Explode As Train Passed Over It. x on the track was. found’ to) machine: of enor- pai of the British juries, qT i matt last night ae oa due*in Windsor} in tho) despatch from Montreal says: As the mae of a collision between east- ne . R. passenger train which Express Company The Princes ok the in was painfully injured, ‘al others received minor KILLED. JAS. G. NICHOL LSON, al eenger Laurier Avenue, St envi, on hed HITCHINS, express. messenger, al . INJURI ance: tee igeman, St. Fite ‘Stree severely cut across the’ forehead. J. BE. Queen, passenger from. Owen Sound, cut on the face by the’ shock see shavii Richmond —Squa: of the passenger rushed: and otherwise a soni. engineer train, 2) juve i hand ¢ ‘oronto, which Statio Friday morning, liad fust-rou pda tue curve. oveat af eile Tain Station, when sho found. a freight train, which ought to haye been: clear was: too. late to avert pe crash. He sane bravely to his- post and’ held the BURNED T0 DEATH IN WRECK Two Express Messengers Killed on = the C. P. R. emergency brake femy, with the result that Be a See badly crushed and ingese ad to ampu- tated ‘iste ae i hospital, fireman on the pi ger in, realizing that le, jumped and aved his life, as did the a paread and firemen of the freight engines peasy tore them- ee! ives to: pieces, and the mail and ex- loped in flames. it they ee junable to render any assist- of the ones of the char- red-and Tabngleatyern Ins were at Kean the recovered, but the Sts disfigured be- rond isacttion tion, ee was about thigh ease ge, and. leaves a widow and on Shite Ho had. lived in Montreal tor some yet ee ae resided at 43 Laurier Ave Mr. THilching, | the other victim, route ge is about fifty, was from ‘He had been in as. sari of ee minion Express years, giving the pa Ot njatisfaction ‘ats his employers. n the arrival of the train in Mont- real John ee me lee engin- Bec of the was taken e “Royal Victoria, Hospial aS it « was found that his hand badly Tushed that_one of his fingers’ tiad 10 The tnfuries of the othere were not serious. BATTLE’ — HORSE can: Tucan Men Were™ Penned in While} Stallions Fought. A. despatch: from Strathroy — sa; Cooped up in a boxcar on a fast fre ight were:in a palace horse car, attached s apocial freight, shea 5, ust afler’ thes train had pee’ the Cave bridge, nese Soe: off tho tatmasigceierinps ab ise ob off the. ae v was risking their: lives; lo of passen, es pi i A TWO NEW DREADNOUGHTS. Or Srantes Seine Conference Does despatch ' a pisses says: A slates ment ‘of the naval estimates. md 1907-8, ioted’ Ch opariomadl ihe ‘Thitsday. é bight, introduces quite a hovel feal Ss. makes the constfuction ‘of battles shins Sa the coming year depend- ent asure mn the defence cS 3 next pei a conference held at The Hague: This new Construc- tion, estimated at » $60,500,000, els of the Dreadnought st wi red cruiser, five Bea boat. SER yeu ‘e {ol ing of the train, Bice lo rear and) boats and twelve sul ines also. plunge madly, ani instant. had provided for. On Apall 1there: will b broken the halter by Which itiwas heldj|U8der construction five battleships, sev~ Immediately it commenced a fierce at-/€M at dscruisers, eight torpedo-boat tack with teeth and heels on its mate,| destroyers, seventeen torpedo boat which) was more securely fastened, and] twelve submarines. The estimates f failed for the time’ to-break loose. The | {he year show @ total reduction of one two. men made every effort possible to} thousand men and 5,675,000 as - drive back the big vicious brute, but}Pared wi 7. Lord Tweedmouth in lose ‘an le interior |Comments upon the: striking improve ment in the gunnery of the fleet com- Pé ~ : ; 40340, _senoraling ‘ is mous power. The mechanism was: de-|make a 'd, Third, 8 4 tional account of the foiling of another | ‘eq to cause explosion from the vibra-|" ‘That in pes to size breakfast bacon, ; pee ES ' the, two brothers. did. thelr best pee whe lot upon the life sf = rand. Duke [tin of the train as it passed. ‘The guard | tc separate the pase ss ck rie PERN sceolt : a icholaievitch, president of the| who made. the discovery nce COM} the fact that the Rider’ Mr, Bulele aa ial aha ars ct of National -befonee, and eedond muunicaled it to the ‘rairoad offcais| knocked down threo times isles wae 67 TO INES eT Ona Iate sheese—Dealers are Tit quoting 13%e| eousin of Emperor Nicholas who signalled the Teen beNRaGr IA BEC a NCTA ek Se he zi os This plot is said to have been Slopping it before it reached the machine U3 death beneath “the Peas oe British Commons Adopts Motion by oF uller--Fresh made creamery, 25}4¢ to | covered shortly before 8 o'clock. om Tu The entire neighborhood of the railway | peasts, stallion finally b Large Majority. 6c: medium ‘grades, 2334c to 2c; in| day might, the time scheduled for the station was af once surrounde By the tight Testa. atidthe ahs espatch from, Judiden:sayés JROR waive “a it be Ye to 28c;| arrival here of the imperial: train br ngs police. A statement that ioe ‘orders for] ight became: a: duel to the death. ‘The tie an ARIA Sans Mase silaiy the Manitoba’ make: in’ boxes or tubs, 20¢| fm Oo ene ee dehied. | YO meH Were now powerless: and could eR. Commons on Wednesday to 2 s this morning were 67/4 Bt gs ae ewe if ah Kite Governor {20:19 more than evade. the terrible oon adopted a: yeac: in favor of the packages a belt: oe Saitieriny Atl face thtow.{clarges and blows off the titanic: mon-J dise stablshment dowment’ of ‘eae Now a $2c; timed and cold ae k'bomb al hm, has been: condemned | Sry Whos, covered: wilt, bloody foam, (he Egtabit ed church in England and storage, 28¢. celts, this ero, eeieatt by the court-martial witioi tried | 20a! with: bloodshot ayes; sitove Tor the Wales The m de by Mr. Leal oe Lact ee there Siti at’ the- court recommended thé mastery, surging m to one end: of} Everett, a private member, and the : ive ee ee the: oar and! now to. ite other, but never|.Government did not take any respon- cars rec Nd the darkness. the he tir fed, | commutation, of his sentence to» M9 im lop Oma" moment. lelting. up in, thie] sibilly fort. Ma Brel, Chiet Secre- “, vaulting the ences. thal way..| prisonment in’ the ming: nee malo}. f 3 5 ¢ Ee pe LO MARKET. Ho thus escaped to the cab of am accom | accessories ta the crim wre icra’ ces itinn gee Rigteed <a cer tyme ue tere psec ate Rael ® Ae ala was lying in wail near by aad te te Frans ot an Sitide pom toe lene spectators of this. struggle, that| He explained that his views were per - Fe lang. of tho: beasts was weakening: sonal.) The motion was carried by a ————= | breathing came in mighiy gasps, that| ¥ole of 198 to, 9% (The. only previous APPLE: MARKET IN BIEEAIN. spnitered (he: side. off the: can, with division in the House on the question , 47360; No. ey—Stronger; quoted at 6 08340. Rye—Firm; No. 1, Buffato sapeotion: 0c asked. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New York, March 5.—Spot easy; No. 2 red, 82%¢ elevator; No. 2 red, 83% to.b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 92% f.0.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 86%c f.0.b. afloat, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, March 5.—Prices held steady Western. Market Several | loads of at, $4.90 to $5.15, and jn cases w quality wns choles 85225 Was Di Picked butchers’ caitie, $4. o “0 “Sh. exporters’ gallte: sold ere the mixed ai $3.5 export cows $8.00 to 34251 ‘cannons, 81 > $1.50 Stockers,, ibe, lo $3.25; com: 0 _ 3 saves gi.75 to $2.95; (0 $3.90; short-keeps, $4 Export. ee B4.75 to, $5.25; spd $3. 30 to $4.50 ; ggpin-fed lambs, , $6.50 ti ~ ; commons lambs, $4.50 to $5.50 Penogs “continued {0 sell at $6.90 foi selects, and $6.65 for Ughts and fats. ee ‘ = oes TEETH OF NSREF PIERCED SKULL. el Mare Killed Whne cee ste a rv 10 Move Goo a ‘ecpen nee Cornwall, “Cnt, ee ‘ound, of Cornwall, was acci- sawrence Sentalty killed near Summerst Thursday night. He was helping a far- a hay Hake seit ited tho skull, eath. young man So unmart —— i FIRE IN WOODSTOCK, N.B. | One Whole uk aie to Post Oifice in butchers’ and ene cattle at tho | f - | white waist predotaineles; the pale-col- TAILORED SHIRTWAISTS. separate, waist first made iahaenide felt, fifteen years ago, it was a on plain lines, with ving to relieve its tailored effect. S 8 blouse-shitl-walst we c — epende siyle, elmost_-entive for cn its cut, fit ane perfect workmanship, plain linen collars Many a woman sighed Re he fine ik cult but- 8 28 Niner are the penalty favorites for these u ew tailored blouse all- second, ut Mit let on yell asional ae ‘i delicate tints. e most ringing fashionable blouse sho ae on the Rue r kinds neck with a narrow ban mit the! varied and a fish neckwear which relieves its sim) Most of the Pai als, though <n ade and very are very in their simplicity and most inexpensive when made by the home dressmaker. —— with the addition ia jaunty sted or a) nr [was @ large morning Such womel now rejoin, for the shirlwaist built on nilored lines is back In favor once mGhver linen, or linen just one degree | © removed from, transparency, and fine ‘eked or striped dimity and India 5 2 2 Bs. Relea tie ateeetie oe early Britain by Canadian jable, and hed the year 1906, hy growers, he ceid, went a ‘great deal by the fruit crop reports, and when there crop of-early apples on the cther side did not like to take the risk Gpatative principle--be- ing applied fo trult: sellin ein INSANE. FROM SUFF A Settler Near Eagle Lake Attacks His Nurse. A despatch fron: Battleford says: been revealed by the investigations of the police fol- ing the rumor of a tragedy nea Eagle Lake, e German settlemer settler named Kuscher had both feet prove fatal. saved Ryder's life. agd maniac wt overpowered and bo He was taken te another. house. and — his sullerings were. so terrible nal Blur bert who. nursi him ut free him, also went insano aad pes ae ae brains, Kuscher af- SENS Caan, ALMOST FIVE MILLIONS. Is the Increase of Dominion Customs in Eight Months, : 100,000 ; Cobalt aa Ker) Lakes, $1,155,-] A des) es aes Phe aged N.B., says: A disastrous broke out at HH , Pubite ee vite .000 ; Central o'clock on. Friday. night in the see NO SUNDA CRS: rison lustries, ‘Education Sullivan's bowling alley and swept the Department, $45,000 ; Provincial ecre- whole bi ip to the office. me Alberta’ Legislature pie steies: -|tary's Department,” $175,000; -| of the important hydrants on the main as re, $74,000; casual revenue, s' ‘frozen and very little force patch from Edmonton says: Tho succession duties, $700,000 ; supplemen- “ay ‘be obtained wy i at 1e eauiiies divided on eauaey =a the tary revenue tax, $640,000; tavern and} firemen worked ely and ed the} firs me this. session ot brewers’ licenses, $550,000; law stamps, ceria Hotel, fst south, and Piteates Sunday cars. The ees to. the 000 + ma taxes, $2,000; fisher- of where fire palwex Dill proposing to degcliag lable, at larted, Tho block ig a total loss. was overwhelmingly defeat eo Bg an nt. specting gome and fisheries was intro- 0 frozen, and whil i house of a neighkor named Ryder went insane through suffering, having no medical et'endance. He attacked Ri while the Tatler was asleep, a nearly murdered him with an iron bar,| ¢ beating him so that he will be aisteured foody foam, i conte: _Restests ‘2px tunities = ‘the | Hnued oducts. of the Endustr ee dete Lg eek says: oe the: ce Relentiess,, ils: to raim biows, «mate con: till with a shriek. dead. Vie~ tery gained, the: oftier: big” brute quieted mitted to) being fas ‘again by the m NSE Ls FIRST SINCE CHRISTMAS. in, espatch from Boissevain, Man, ough passed on Thue. This 3 egies first time @ train ass paar ater this road since Christ. he fhording, "nny @ 2 people Rocked the weakened} ned} Boissevain, Manitoba, People Flock Out | the train came in early 38 | ang al. disestablishment was in uu was: rejected by a vote of 374 to 8% sar aaah I EAY DEAD ON THE WIRES. Employe ot Ottawa Electric Company Was Flectrocuted, Gespatch from Ottawa says: Theo Fphile Audrey, an employe of the Ottawa @ gang. Apartment, ples wae fetched, but the mus! ave be Inere ninnotiod for an hour, He wore leather ver "woollen mittens, his. hi e badly burned by down the live wire he puch . The Government's mew measure .re~ Ontario Legislature on Dr. te them. Inspectors of game erles nol aie ig three in arabe to inted we see that the wardens ad. Craeaprs carry out their duties Broperly. Among the mo3t important changes are the’ peat ot ee JolNae. close beak IS 5 to mune way ee Ing:—Dee! Nov. 21 Wo Oct. 19, fee inclusive! Oct. 1. The present law respecting -| session of or earry firearm: GAME AND FISHERIES ACI Important New Bill Introduced By the Government. beaver, otter and muskrats is unchang » The use of autortiatic guns is forbid den. Persons ‘employed on the con: struction of ways or other publia works shall not be alowed to have posy unless aUy thorized by special Mcense, for which Seg hee provi an arenes a any hotel, nl aeatatnone “ club to supply for ar as yar a re any gaine or fish, under any prete! des signation at anything seni might at ihe Aim e be ale alles. parson gully, Tn regard ot tread es of the relnuses rouse, pheasants, prairie fowl, part-| fine for each offence not exceedin; idge, Risa biacl ae grey de and not less thi ), together with rels, een Dec. Sept. 15;| casts. At present the fi are $20 la quail or MB turkeys, ater Dec. 1] $50. For offences against other sec- and Noy. 1; swans or geese, between) tions thoeliability is for fines from May 1 Ae Sept. 1; ducks of all kinds | ty and costs, instead of 85 to. $25, r any other water fowl, belwten Dec.jas formerly, Ig default of immediate and Sept. 1; , rail, plover or|payment tho ‘offenders are to be im: any other birds wn as shore birds|prisoned for a period not exceedi or waders, between December 15 and}three months. A second offence com- plember 1; capereailzie, hetween | mitted within {wo years means punish: Dec. 15 and Sept. 15, but f 18 pre @ extent. of not less- than sent these birds are ,prote by an|double the minimum of. the penalties seine ea close. season lasting i A third offence involves: til 1909; ha: betwi 31 and | punishment not less than the maximum penalties.

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