Milverton Sun, 7 Mar 1907, p. 5

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Lo THE SWEETEST IN “SIGHT pa eh Seppiring, “wqethy going ind—we mean t “ not the girl. Purest ingredi just right all round. Have yor onfectionery. yet? If. not, why not? GEORGE GUENTHER Baker - and - Confectioner eer NEY . cr FEIT 7 yy. ¥ “TFORD, ONT. A Commercial school of the highest grade. hool without 4 superior in the Dominion, Cat- alogue free, i Elliott & McLachlan, Principals, The Larmour School —or— Telegraphy and Railway Instruction i pl New Method Entirely Successful.— Situations provided for gradua\ ut delay.— Write for Catalogue, oe P falbinteriiation. Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont /H.MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY iD BAKERY Tea Red Rose Tea — Black, green and Mixed, 25 cents a package. — Sugar Redpath’s Granulated Sugar—$5 per cwt. CASH. 50 Ib. sacks, 25 Ib. sacks 7 Potatoes Cookers........$1 per bag. Spatish Onions... Se per Ib. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. H. MOHR, Milverton The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1907 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Blyth Presbyterian Sonereeation has extended a call to Rey, M imal ir. McLean, ri ae . The matter will be dealt with Presbytery to be held at Clinton next Tuesday, For Catarrh, let me send you’ free just to. prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop’s Catarrh Remedy, Itis a snow white, creamy, healing antisep- tic balm that gives instant relief to of the noseand throat Make the free test and. see. Dr Shoop, Bees, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold. by the Public Drug Fourteen men were required in car- rying to her grave in Mt? Elliott cem- etery, the remains of Mrs. Ellen Clan ey, of Detroit, Mrs.’ Clancy pat ee ed 475 pounds, and her casket tipped the scales at at pounds, . The srinls extra casket was 33 inches wide, 24 inches deep, and almost seyen ee: in length, Some financial prognosticators af- firm that the year 1908 will see a great decline in trade and that hard times and shorta; r eareless manipulation’of finances. Even the i croaker may be heard with Rceaitaak at times. cold or the grippe when taken early or at the “sneeze stage.” Preventics eure fassted colds as well, Preventics | are eee candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. ine, Wis. will gladly da book on colds es by the Public ‘Deve Store. When the last box of this season’s e eese is exported, the local value of @ shipments from Canada. will rend about $28,000,000, a. handsom, revenue for the farmers of this us seen everywhere in the Mae sg og of living ii fact noticed by some of oar jewellers, that thelr sales % Ptccriete last year were larger than in any former year, It is very certain that dealers and ex- porters who invested so lavishly in purchases of jewellery as their agricultural friends have,—Montreal Trade Bulletin. The News—No Pure Drag Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop’s id has been for 2 now re- years, r this reason having Dr. Shoop’s Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop’s labels— and none in rie aise else ic must by law be on the label. And it’s not aig safe, but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance _par- ticularly with yaet. pone, Insist Cough Cure. sho. imply refuse + THE,.. Investigation by Ghe Royal Commission he showed DOMINION LIFE j to be Clean Throughout and ‘Well and Economically Managed. Representative for Perth County = M. M. BRICKER, Berlin, Ont, Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. Aeee e ee e Pee! PE ee HOMES For Settlers sibeemtnt ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LERS’ GUIDE © gine te artic: veiling with live qursatee WESTERN CANADA cnet ean bene thal TIME TABLES sexes Arte test TOURIST 5 SLEEPING CARS ‘Toronto daily. Comfortable, room: me moveraterrates, Fully equipped wil coene aupe wut eters oa eoaer p-R- Agent) atleast two ‘Write vere eg ry free books and anything Write to-day (oF gbour tue West and LOW reach it, Address Not ot poverty, y, but of corns, aching corns, that can be cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor? Don’t suffer, use *Putoan’s"—sold sarees in 25¢ bottles, 100 teaching, and “Preventics” will promptly check a | 's, and others, should insist on| oh Sold by the|he ROSTOCK, The following is the report of Ros- tock School for the raonth of February ler of merit: ae Wingefslden, Clémie Stock, Fred Maurer, Geraldine Schenk. Clase Sr. IIT—Lizzie Baumbach, Lillian Chis- i 3 Jr. w De bus, eens Smith, Laura Yundb-Frieda ‘Reiblog, Class Jr. I[—Louisa Schmidt; Fred Schmidt, Albert Debus; Wilfrid Schenck. Class Pt. 1I—Anna Krent. Arthur Diehl. Class Sr. “I1—Char- lotte Ohm, George Schaefer, Gordon Reibling, George Yundt. Class Jr. 1 Marie Wingefelder, Ida Knechtel, Al- bert Weitzel, Levern Zulauf. J. Good, Principal. L, K. Ba ford, Assistant, ueen’s University, Kingston, is decidedly advanced in its Shpeless the divinity eek are prepared to discuss Bibli ture in the light of Higher Sri, A Queen’s student was “supp! 1g” for the ib i eople kept Rial letter of the law and the prophets, says the Kingston Whig. One Sun- diy nioraing he’ prenched a-*dedi godly punishment, and in the course of his with a good old member of the church who told him| in a fatherly way that it grieved hia to hear sel doctrine. “But, “Bl r old oer is good enough for me. As Hartwell, a New York lawyer, stepped from the train to the platform | ,, ofa little Virginia station, a negro por- ter advanced and touched his hat. “I know you is a druinmer sub, Show| oes techon nd Saahaates wade eo. A. Smith, Principal. me where yo! grips is and Til ae the auctioneer’s hammer wil! please | Class» Sr. I1—Norman, Heffmeyer, um up to the hotel. The lawyereuti- gas well ao old; and oven. in| Noals Wangier, Melville Dontar, Osci ed in a quizzical way. “I am adrum-| warmer climates they will be interest: | Tanner,* Nora Diemart; Cecil Mont: mer” he said but n dratiner of brains.” | eq'in a jarge group of snowshoers in | gomery, Simon Fewings, lassdr. IT The porter sniffed suggestively as he! picturesque costum: t ral | Hazel Henderson, Lottie. Bearinger, said: ,,Huh, fust time evet I see a Senator eek tells of of a negro who| was elected fendants ask for a trial by jury. ‘The negro justice presided with great dignity while the witnesses were ex- amined and the lawyers summed uv; Then everybody waited for him to guage the jury. He did not. know) hot to do. Hiahlpa desde laren Teaned over the neh and eQharge the farp)This ia tebe to charge the jury.” The justice arose Baa looked jab the jury. “Gentlem je jury,” he said, dis yer’sa ues nr case an’ DP): only charge you-ail a dollar an’ a half apiece, Ahotel man in New Hampshire| was surprised to see one of his women! tairs several al s| running, fill her pitcher from the Tf you will ring, madam,”| @ said, ,, this would be always done t you. Their is no occasion for ever to come down yourself for water. mit he carried the pitcher up to her: room for her, and pointed to the bell) jade her bed. ac is the bell he said, The lady. star . rae is the bel ae claimed Why} th eres at was the fire) a arm, and T wasn a Hs vane Ee on any 9 account except in case of fi i er, Frieda Yundt, Myrtle Armstrong, secu iceman ieee es Short Stories Retold drummer as didn’t carry no. samples!’ 4 | tide approac de.| Painting of the British "Premier and a ie ia. Follow adyi 8 you, everything nothing relieved quietly BUTTER Wrappers! +e + Farmers, we can supply you with the best @er- man parchment paper-— either plain or printed. We print 500 wrappers |] for $1.25, and you get a cent a pound more for your butter. Try us. er ee The- Sun Milverton Sit up, Mr. + RATER Man Regina Leader :—The action of the y companies in Ses coal eg use in moving | when it is taken? ae from freezing, there can be nothing but condemnation of the. confiscation of their coal to further the interests of the railways, eR ORES PRE MORGINTEOM The following are the average marks taken by the pupils of § 6 Mornington for the month of Febru: —Winnie Dowd Clas Sr. TV Nellie Taylor 83, Class Edwin Baird 72, Mervyn Dawa 76, Joseph Leatham "11 Flor: ence McKenzie 61, Marjorie McKen- zie 52, Snsan Torrance 80. Lizzie Tay- CANADIAN \ PICTORIAL Wa DELIGHTFUL NUMBER OF ank BARGHAL ILLUSTRATED MONT The cover ‘sete c of the “Canadian modern sermon on the subject of fatvre Pictorial” for March is a happy Cana. | Pupils of Millbank Public. School. for {dian girl with her toboggan, a picture remarks he made it plain thet neither| that breathes the crisp air of winter. scene ; winter in Holland—a bracing | skati ting scene on a Dutch canal ; win ter in Scotland—the trying ake of | F | the shepherd : winter in a Canadian hunting camp ; and then there is a} the St. Lawrence. the Davis Sweetham oe the’ se- quel to the earthquake at Kingston, ‘fauaiens which threatened to become an international question, and the wreck of thie Berlin’ has made terrible timely a viyid picture of the capsizing a 2 painting, which is especially ee as Easter- 1e8. nadian artist’s Canadian sculptor’s bust of a Cana- ian. novelist are given. The states- inan figuring in the series of Canadian _ | public men is this month the leader of the Opposition, Mr, R. L. Borden, and in the women’s department there is a portrait and sketch of Mrs, Bor- den. “Canadian girls in eed “Models in lingerie”, “‘Arts and crafts” and the usual patterns are. also n| features of this department. The news and humorous pages are full to the high standard set by the initial number of the “Canadian Pictorial.” The Pictorial Publishing Company, 142 St. Peter street, Montreal. Ten cents a copy. They lead © plearisy and eles who si bs attaoks ai ahbaege I used most: till I discovered Nerviline. av used it for pleurisy and sore chest ie found it just the proper. thing. For 8 Lumbago or Neuralgia it’s just a: quick as lightning. Ach erfully ree commend Nerviline.” Stronges cleanest, most pain, destroying lini on earth is Polson’s Nervilne, 25c ottles sold everywhere. Lhcsame: Mr. ‘antrsond of of Manitoba, is vis- iting friends in this Pre Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Ropp, have re- tarned from a very pleasant trip to Michigan. ber from here.-attended: - the social given by the W. M S., of Mil- verton church, at which an excellent dress was delivered by Mrs. Gordon Wright, of Large, teacher of Topping leasantly surprised the pils quite i ‘ith a rel vi handkerchief case_ thus showing the kindly feeling existing between pupils and teachers, The following is the gation of th Topping school for the month of Feb- ruary: Sr. IV — Luella Wilhelm, James Alexander. Jr. IV—Moses. Nafziger, Willie Luckhardt, Imman uel Bushart, Marion Schmehl, Maggie Doerr, Edwin Fink, Peter Schmeh, Sr. Kerr, Millie Doerr, Preston Walker, Sam Ni eee Carrie Paterson, John Roes. III — Agnes Alexander and ‘Kate ‘Anderson equal, Noah Naf- ziger, Ezra Boshart, Arthur Whitney, Maggie Fink, Barbara Albrecht, Edith Mohr, Melinda Fink, Annie Nafziger, Clara Nafziger, Annie Hen- Steckly. Sr. 11—Sam cy Erb, Alice Whitney, Herman ‘Selmebl, Sere. Whitney, Jobu’ Kerr, Headon, Peter Kipfer, David Ripter Jr, 1—Tom » David R. Ross: i a yy Whitney, Joe Aikens, Harold Dattee! Jr. Pe. I—Nichol oes, Gordon shes Annie Roes, Lena Nafziger, earl, A 7 Cash Sale —or— | Watches, Clocks and Jewelery : * peat teaver tote * | petitioners-are desirous that: a. union | joners be granted as-fur as the -town :council and when. the matter of adopt: ‘tion was put by the reeve, it was | mowed by Mr. Reis and seconded by MF. Cameron, Teacher, EI EERE SESE: WHLLBANT The following is the report of the ry. Names in order. of merit. Heayen nor Hell should be regarded | The wintor idea predominates through: | ams: Ol Bs as having a local habitation. After| out the number. There is winter a Martin, Alf. Hofhiteyer, Thirae the service he dined England—a slushy London street | Be ax McLennan, af. ase Owen Griffith, Alvin Dunbar, Ball Be ewings, Marjorie Mason, Earle born,* Emm: Bella te Maud Griffith* Class’ St, TI ie Lowrey, Bhima Tanner, Oita Babb, Lloyd Lintick, Wm. Fink, red of | Babb, ete Helm.* - Clas antz, Grace pets ‘Wo Headejeons Alex” Lanier: ete Rutherford, Manic Leighton, Gee Griffith, Maud Mason, Lizzie Lowrie, Marion Rutherford’* Wm, MeLennan, Thos.-Mason,* Mary. Muleahy,* ry Rejpalt Sadie Pender.* = WE ! «: |Couches ! AGENTS ce ,Are you ihineils of : buying a couch? If so, GOURLEY «|! ve can show you many aN styles and colorings, as MENDEL- |] our stock is rather too SSOHN || heavy at present, and in =——— || order to reduce it, we Pianos! are offering . A Special Discount : of 20 per cent. BOTH aoa ee EGESE off market price. Now esas is your opportunity, We CAN BE || have them’'in Velours, SEEN Wilton. Rugs, Verona, IN OUR |} Imitation and Genuine SOW, Leather. This offer lasts ROOMS. || for:15 days only. *: 3: 33 RRM eae tN 2, C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Mabel Lantz * A.M» MacGilliory, Assistant. Ellice Council The council met at Harloff’s hotel; Lem on the 25th inst., pursuant ‘0. adjournment. The members. were al present and the reeve in the. chair, chapter 9, and cil, The letter was read to tl cil and the account was examined -by the members of the council. council Aneeenaied oe nied rhe secretary of Treasury Department, re- specting the: Viability of Ome aeoati of Ellice for the maintenance of a cei ratepayers of the township of Ellice:showing, that. the school section should be formed out of lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 24 in» the “Unbeatable BEDS” At times like this, when the cost of manufacture of Metal Beds is advancing, our immense stock works to the advantage of our customers. You’ll save the expenses of a trip to Stratford, if You buy in tle next week. SEES ME SY A Perfect Beauty: in white or green enamel A fitted with best woven spring. “$10.35 RAAB R. WHITE & CO., Stratford The First Furniture Store East of the Post Office 16th, concession-of the township. of Ellice.and all lots at present in school Mornington by presente soa pe read. It -was.moxed by onded.. by» Me, Bere that the none of-the: petiv: ship of Elliceis concerned and that Mr, Theodore Parker. be bitrator of the township of Ellice re- specting the-said matter in question. Carried. t 4 p,m. the adjourned meeting to further: consider the engineer's report ;on-the-repaiv-of the Whirl.creek drain opened. The report was. read» and considered, the plans and profiles care: fully examined by the membersof the ing the report came. up and the ques- Mr, Henry, thatthe report be adopt: come here for bargains Will you be one of the lucky crowd that will FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS in the store goes at SLA Gents’ Watches, gold 20 years with Waltham or regular price $15, sale: price RICES. Everything If you are you will not be disappointed. Everything With 15 jewel movement, reg. $17, sale price.....$14, With 17 jewel movement, reg. $22, sale price......$17, : Rings, Brooches and Stick Pins and all Jewelery will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM Pp UGHTERED PRICES. filled case, guaranteed for Elgin movements e is guaranteed. The Jeweler - and . P. H. BASTENDORFF htownship solic to prepi law for the purpose of carrying out. the worl © proposed in’ the said report. vied, Th was. moved. in ssnendiron pe Mr. Brickman and secondad Eb- up and examined to “The G. T. R. Station Store”’ WE STILL HAVE Two Souvenir : Ranges on hand which we offer at a Big Sacrifice simply to have them out.of our ree ae summer, as our room is re you thinking about buyin ones x9 fall? If yor 1 ‘indly ask you to ae 6 rel set tl We have a proposition to make to 0 SEEDS ! SEEDS ! We beg leave to announce that our Clover and Timothy Seed has ie We will make an effort to have all kinds of FIELD ee aioe N SEEDS prays on hand, all through seeding. We handle Wm J. R. YOST & SON find out whether the lots. where the new cutis where s gobedied in the petition or The auditors seaneis are report in duplicaté, the report was read, after being examined and scrutinized by councillors Henry ard Reis, it was moved by Mr. Henry and. seconded by Mr. Brickman, that. the auditors. report be adopted and that the clerk do order 250 spe of the same to be print auditors after dechivigg thelr cheques for the work they had performed seemingly looked to the council for to grant them some extra pay, as the work had been heav- ed by Mv. Reis, that the auditors be paid $14.00 for extra work. it. Moved in amendment by Mr. Brick- man and seconded by Mr. Henry that the auditors be paid no extras, Car- ‘A few accounts were passed and o} dered paid, whereupon the Steal d to meet again at Wingfel- Optician, Milverton m Se Rostock, on Monday, Mar. 25th, 1907, to appoint fpathmasters, poundkeepers, fenceviewers and for general business. Justus Kreuter, ‘the best value for your mibue in au to order aa cciscaie offered ase the are S-every respect and strictly as oes Our reputation for square dealing is well known to our customers and we. would like to have you. become WILL YOU? Kelterborn, G4e Paitor Opposite Post Office % % Milverton one and prove it. Cleric Tp. of Ellice. Pe OE A

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