Milverton Sun, 14 Mar 1907, p. 3

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‘Mrs. Gora 3. Miller [BURIED IN TOMB OF GOLD|THE FINSEN LIGHT RAYS ‘The Mark a a DOOTORS USING Makes a Fortune a — wo, tp Et ty, 0007S, A Sen Ror] CH OF HRC CoN TO That Tells) re, sou] PATENT MEDICINES Capital, end Now Emp! ‘One ‘Mundrod Cl THE JEWELLER’S WORK. BE MOST MARKED. and Pen-Angle trade- curious screen stich occupies @ prom- Stenographers. = eR inent place in the menage of the Sultan mark “ ) oa of Turkey. It is made, so rumor hath | The Honest Physician 1s Anxious to iat vith let «Tents ago, Mee. Core. B:| Gorgeous Sepulchre Found at ‘Thebes—| Heart and Kidney Maladies Mave Been gurihents<ells you | Snsmcuny tone perfectly tanned and) “Cure and Uses the Best Avall- 4 el a the veverage. se en pore: vitae on Mummy Wrapped in Sheets Successfully treated In it will fitandwon’t,| it nas been in the royal quarters for able Remedies. eo in her’ own palal , si Brown oo Fenidonce, and is considered Ol: Gold. Copenhagen. { ‘ Sn the wangreeacae aL business Women|. Afr rheadore:M. Davisihas'diceovered | -Stccesstul experiments have been car- guarantees it |r DarDaTliy sons tho “part “Ot Tirkey sk rma gineabaion ona Siu now before sa at Thebes the tomb of Queen-Teie, one of | tied out in Copenhagen in the treatment Underwear thus r two “hundred -y 2 the ‘greatest names in tho history of| ol heart and kidney maladies with the trademarked is | memorial to twelve faithful servants of | guj ancient Egypt. Finsen light rays, and a new hospital 2h Fg softer, er, | 2 She was, says s London Tinies, the| for the treatment of patients ‘suffering tou, my PerAule et more flexible; | he Sultan's reign, two hund mother and inspirer of the daoug from those diseases is to be built close ‘ment ty in a pad te xn woeen go, a wing of the palace caught fire Amen-hotep IV, the “ “heretic King” of the} to the Finsen Light Cure Institute for See Be oe during th pod a a much eighteenth dynasty, ae broke Sin the| the ease a of lupus, which is always e Sull religious. pt and. chides rie ai pa ed, by twelve oes Yored. {0 introduce. on mono ficextehsion. af Ihe lupus, cue theism, the visible zsmol ea Which was | was. planned by Professor ‘Finsenhim- { Amon, | self shortly before his death in Septem- P proscribed, | ber last, and experiments havo been in there | progress for the Pee beat rat the Finsen 3 EF EE rR - r" erished, some of them dying | wholesale druggists, Every manuface UN DERWEAR Jiater of their wounds and burns, so his |turer of reliable and high class re =| Majesty had their skins removed by an | medies welcomes the bill as a step in expert and had them preserved in this | the right direction. ‘The discussion has touching though remarkable manner. |prought out the fact that the best he screen is now looked upon as a part | physicians in Canada and on the con- of the ruler's inheritance, and it is said |Pn™* i that every Sultan cherishes it almost as | tment approve of end Deena foul umphed in the end, nd the tomb ot Tee Ae BA ara a ae organism, ane ene he fe Dlind ‘mage of the victorious | of the success whic bee he would his own royal skin, “ahlng 610 CR anne pr Mhebes and ine “ales sty of | achieved, it, was Pr ofess0 wish Tecen helt haired: toward Hat 8 hove hespliel aheuiti She estan MILITARY PIGEONS. the patient had been using Psychine, ‘ BEFORE MOSES WAS BORN. sedis es soe tha Italian “army all cavalry regl-|wore consulted, “in addition. to. tw ! res SI ON! Mra Miller's New Residence, Earned In| ery doorway of piled stones,_ which SED te Egy oe hyelctans. Ui ments are supplled with cortenplesans | Neisbereenneaies which are used @ t information Tieng: tie military |sample of Psychine was taken pa wlc in cam Young cavalry | ®Ralyzed, ba pho} Rela! Officers go through a cour of instruc- tion in the training of pigeons for mili Papnticteats ak oamnt lary purposes at the akan College. | tient has fully. recover han ” ‘Yeat als Several years ago Miller learned ote ea yaa nie aioeatetion uae Ually broken inoue the qvoddels doo Cured herself and several friends of fe finges, ithe mission of | learning what the patient wi At the Boia Hospital, where Finsen tte te td Toe took than : the treatment of lupus, the success that has been achieved at Copenhagen was receive b interest, and messages were paleo for fuiler delai Be see is Q ip Beets de nish tg | colin, was torn to pleces, and the mu those who might call for it. She started | my itsclf Ae es dollars’ c: al, ae “Queen City” tisement for the w carried on rue a cu ie fag any’ cures ign doe: | 00. tho shoe, of gold s have been for SPOR RES NS, Studi t tote jan other sreiedls Yaed, he “do: | neath J inseli light . depart i ete a 9 pet Monee Aicicdheoatis || f0Ftnight ina mnilitary pigeon establish: | ROWSE Of Tea reason mand grew 80 Tap! was sever WI pacer the name of the heretic was ish bi BU tesses th ef cig of th fet ae rps must see thot six} SRitden end analvaisy Ae. w bullger She Sarr cxevele nme poceae Targest | found if was carefully destroyed, and the s ili: for, which pds i cpokes ae struction om the eare of pigeons, on the | °2 ode t trp ay on mii and al-| figure of the King, adorning the solar primarily made Dean Ee rebate eek your grocer for Method Of preparing ond’ tector ind der | mec, connsriguae mevehine Bak Siosrone hundred clerke and” sténograph. disc, which had been engraved on one es hi preparing and fastening de- al, and the best spatches, and launching birds is the calv The Campbell 'g Milling Co. times Campbell's “Toronto Junction, Ont Queen City OF Ue galt: plates of the catafalque, was ers are roquired to mesist in this great iness. Million Women Uso alia: is given to phyalolane recognise -this’ tact. t © age oF terrible state. I had year ‘before; it settled on my lungs TRY. and I Kept steadily growing worse More than a million women have used © an Pane who thus violated Mrs. Miller's remedy, and matter Super were no common pwesontivehe cant refer you to ladies ‘The havoc csi Ries was the result : in your locality who can and . will : te : Fea, Mutterer. that this marvelous} Of religious zeal, and, save for these | authorities al Sa had been try y Mi hell jealer in general remedy really cures women. Despite the | desecrations, ihe tomb remains as. it}ing some nove of ibe fartin, Ga., writes: fact that Mre- Millers business js very | was et by the priests, amid the throes} work, and especially as to the cur: omer aigme mepHe ts to wt-advica to every aafering woman and [Of @ Feligious revolution, which had| that painful ailment, angina pectoi lospounds, Weeaw she could not live ae THE GREAT ORTH COl a3 Nimrod, was a mighty hunter, but hed | for sts, meek, a con Scene “Femagami" tegion he Pi ect Ak huey tush f gare would have been a mightier on Nim. io nothing LER Rag circa All 0 Temagemians for moro reir a veer It Soran ya has decided to give away to women who | spent its force before Moses was born. ou is who | wonders for m: worth sbeohitely Tegagreteime one COFFIN OF ae: yea a patie sneldy suyolelan-s:Hia tia her bark long] aa was before me mk orth al it & sulted an o sician. +4 + T Weber Sania Mattebitiey eiih be lda: fh There is on me poi requires — y' ago, were our greatest benefactors. ‘The MS. H. HOPE, pes the head, back and bowels, bearing-down | The coffin, when ‘as discovered, | clearing up. ‘The Fisden Ti does nob the ; “Morpeth, “Ont.” Bh el alipee Cages hoa ae 8 | lay on a bier hectic Swilh gold, and | penetrate far Ilo the system, and ex- “She gr: pints commenced i ites use it, Boi oviy o) produ aes pages D . . TY. f a ther the and i 0 to ‘Temagami this sui ‘ hes, ines, les ft supported on four lion's claws, also of | perts do not understand aes eit 5 4 ug gi sum-| fom, Rie tbe vappotites puritys Hoe ta abet Teht okt | oo Se gee wanieys ie = UNNY LeERTA met they will paddie your ance in thei the tne blood, mids digoation, ‘and: act ‘lame and address to Mrs. Cora B. Miller, | "The woodwork of the bier has been epchion. The London Hoste. will te-| Jeaining every day, and does her own : own superb way, They will be the best| directly upon the throat and lungs,! ae (tre Kokomo, Ind, and receive by | converted into touchwood by the action | peat the experiments as soon as the | liousework and cooking.” iuldes you aver Hadi, = Siderits wi Giving Pat ante, ore entire S0-cont box of her marvelous medicine ;| of the water. The coflin, however, is in- rete al details have been received ote Deore deciding where to locate emaga- | aymtem, “At all druggists, 0c and, $1, also a yen book,.which every wo-| tact, and is a superb example of the | Cope en. The success of the Fin fit West, let us tell you nes West. “Foronto, Limited, 179 King? man should have : , jeweller’s work. light in the cure of lupus conti 5 te “thousands” and. thousands, of wouel The wood, of which it was composed, |b most marked, end per two secretaries take their places on the ce ites ende ‘The best a INTER WANPRD-, yoy spa Who are suffering will take advantage of is entively covered with-a frame. of auld agreed that they’ are only-on. the threse| platform which the villagers have erect: | {wheat fields, the icles grazing Railway System. For information and| © ence, “handy | ct “a Suisyonstoms toasis of ifeiting oured:” 80] {sind with lapis iezu,comelian ‘and s involved in the|ed in the centre of a Inge cite marked | and, are in this prov Fesiilnh a caeiniiye Sublieaed pn Apply, NORTH Pat dit, te a eet are a green glass. ‘The inlay represents, for in curative prac-| ty tiers. of benches, ‘The background free apply to J. D. McDonald, D, P. A., | Building, Toronto z EES Sa waa Ts wea eT oue fr fl normaion| JO PBF. Hn FOR SALE, he mid “ices rt Ew ich wi n that the coffin was the ‘Alps, ia Saagailicenty. tsar Benet CaP sie € and spec Plumduff—“Has that chan ming widow % de for Teie na her soft, % “ railroad rate: breast ae hum —“Xes, Con: | sonore, farm, seven miles from | London, The mummy itself was. wrappe Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Give New|” ye a congh makes your nights sleep: erable. a ie or briok ‘house,,,twn. eon cot fp persi i?” “Pi | I $ th half is ruding Riss e a aie aieen te = trengih to Overworked Women. less and weary, it will worry you Lo seal. t6I representative wanted in seh pir ia PErSOnAL She from choo. 5 mice 450.0, den dimes apes i ren Meredith,” the tate were bracele' n e ae o 2000 sre aie with good oe ree To | J eac! unty. z » ‘or further particulars apply ‘Then she knows many arts|lace of gold. beads and. ornaments The life of a domestic is a hard one. tise the a oreaivoupeell rest Parents buy Mother in’ Worm | THE g WESTERN | REAL. ESTATE EX nndigrafls, sow: , iid ith ; She toils : ‘ ; end crafts, sews and spins well, can bind | gold, inlaid with fe sos sons, Fl She toils from early morning {ill Ja’ eas mp! syrup. Telfer & Osgood Exerminot boca th hey ath Nisa 7 ‘Dundas ‘treet, onde: don, Oat, a book, ogee 2 ST knit stock- a le the. head = z Sas influence ie the ate ned 4 Wood, play chess, and use by - ee object—the Imper- she Kaas ay , safe medicine for their children and an : «wilt iaala, 10: bp among fal crown of the Queens of ancient ha nless her blood ea aul ana Se eeanteennt Eastern Selling Agents, feclual expeller of worms, Dyeing: 1 Cleaning! més] Eeyple op APPBARANC et a na nis close com; |the most stubborn cai or cold, and} | 216 CORISTINE BUILDING, “They, say thal, Shiller (ten. years he olen, way a a : Te end ex: {strength wil fall; sh may losa.ber ap-[S°entuslly evadigate it from the system, paees ahiead of his time.” not true, “sani ania mn oveine ‘oo eee euler P This erovin ie at once simple and fe pelt, become pale’ and dyspeptic. In} °S¢@ ‘rial of Jt will prove to you. : I'm his landlord, and. eumeetee just ‘ 0 SEY etal ing. a signet ring in fact she is in danger Ot tener tS | ‘Sobnnie, you. shouldn't have eafeyi {stamps were issued in 1878. They. were six months behind.” Montreal, Toronto, Ottaw: Quebon, ~ : royal e wins dition of Miss | ‘Johnnie, should ave eate 5 a ahoneacuiaiat — - } at either talon, while its Safin tp | Me down SUC se ete Anne de: In| those preserved Trulls. They were plac: printed in Shanghal, and nd ors: aesleslen ONE SEO tty Head | te fastened ‘at the tips he- 5 heed Vil. {ed on the table merely to fill up. “Well, fof the “lung,” or dragon Ss grates leads, which have been eared hind: by ‘The whole is of solid ane ney =e |i, that’s: just wha | used them for!| The Chinese dragon is declared ‘0 ‘| STAMMERER for them by her. Wolds without inlay or other eyauiioua have (he head of a camel, the horns of | The ARNOTT METHOD ts the on a rnamen eae bodies of ehtiaren {@ deer, eyes of a rabbit, ears of a cov sthod for the cute of Sta MQgHHER’ § GRATITUDE ol ‘An iden of the personal appearance of /Up to 4 colored 51 the me she trouble neck of a snake of a frog, scak ithson sensational ts tl CAUSE, fae Queen, Telei¢ guined front the oF pare Pei pains inn elas of a carp, claws of a hawk and palis case of ppg eur house ile i re] e is ec rc stamps: Vy son— y TO ZAM-BUK | ti beets, whet replace, te easr(ho.fleft mec became capi’ a esta Og ee citach of ils Tour fect, {Pent” Smithson—The ‘baby. slept the || THE "ARNOTT “INSTITUTE oH é the genii na bo oe { the four canopic strength. I consulted a doctor whotold| A mn CO ndge, who ah ie ows that the stamps had im. | Whole night.” I BERLIN, ONT, CAN, Sea Fyicine oF Raine. deoxy. as. io me I was suffering from Ao “debll- fia’ an Irishman, Tee told a witness, | \crinl sanction, as it is not permitted EMER R CURED HEI P PAID iarte who, was somewhat verbose in his an: 3 fb ti th], Recognized Regulator.—To bring SORES. "These heads are done in Egyptian ala- z la ony ene fo dep! i the creature wil ‘ : bring 2 E fas aster, with’ the eyebrows and eyeballs uae Ptr las longue ands Bebe more than four claws t0 each toot: tine wos live ongans ymmetrical \ AS Nothing is riore unpleasant o the eye| represented by inlays of lopis lazull and a sat te imperial ‘Gourt-ob: with: {te working is the lin cians :when 2 i LILY ¢ a dd > to t Q "The face was that of a woman 'y 3 buthorl NM a patient suffering from sto- bs RUB aN 4 alias masterful and engaging : but pee Tehed: often: read of the © It Reaches. th here are few, mach “refulrits, and for this pur- ae ¥ ba apd Lee fitile that is cured, I decided to do so. I only} remedies be tae the. aeite to-day as el Sues scares Whore ‘are thousands Burp hey can prescribe nothing bet- «= S aEASTER er an Parmeles's Vegetable “al il found a pleasan wadli- live mis pepsia dulls. the y fagullies ond anton sion. ¢ oS SUNDAY. : A re 1 was cured, pair and in allay yyptian about it, ‘and the delicate sub- took eight boxes = are ei, \ ; aquline curve of Align ose is European] and to-day I amystronger than Tr ever milli einana ey disorder sy ‘ct was, My aeatinas is good and 1 can| as Thomas’ Ectect a¢ & ur on has oe 4 e wilh the cloud of na virtue in. bringiig the ¢ the Hitle <ofie : is of of artiste tnterest were ow go about my work without fa- tmnt ited. ils powers. in thousands | ®xstence wi ea the itor pars that he. |tefractory organs into sueation Shad Mt 3. of 40 Git Many. a ae ot owe a debL-of graliludé 10° Dr, nstances and a-large number of tes- ]One Way) aisha! cat Sart nha ree rmraths see ba ton, & fentefut for what Zam-Buk did W 1 Urhal they have thnoplals as wot real value ns |e iam a. course SE eer oe ose Wes Liviiech; bondilion-cniy” enn’ (hey. sperth put SoU ites ae ares In ul done for me and 1 strongly advise other | Gicine could te got were there occasion SU EINE. whikh-aite anceng tha Deal their duties prope ae ‘ plight. ish to express Sronk sickly girls to give them a trial.” tor #. This for sale everywhere, Vegetable pills. known, being easy Fam Sanne es be eit papel Tae Coal is fossil peat. The ea bogs «ft |* Miss ae ek ee Se take and are most. efficacious in. th heir many Show "said ie aerate nue e ia re z = receivet from _y sus Zam-Buk ° Pink Pills have ‘ i in as does it tal day might’ become coal-heds in some} that Dr. ‘Willi “ON ON a 7 DS, action, ~A trial of them. will prove this. <4 as 1s it take saith ie mh age, "Professor Poto-| cured after ors help had failed} DRAGON ON CHINESE STAMPS. cae tek ather a queer sep question replied. the iin “Why to READING UNDER WATER. Yyoilsw-sh ab know?" “One of the guests at abn used enough of it to. kill lamp, capable of ef. inset ae I want to send in a proper nie of Berlin avert pare: ‘The success of the le Teg he m between the different kinds of peat | uct. that they, kee rig ne too salveggand. ointments of al eis, but a Se ie le revisit Lot this tropbieene:t al gs ue a eed ie imoarne| Plants collect “under terrestrial, condi-|cines simply act on the unnlanls ae seceniigsenesond unsiRity. shat T could {tions, an ordinary —peat-bog is formed. | trouble—and ee relieve, but. they do neck. 1 tried blood purifying reme cies Eatitled to ie ps seed on Each of An re ficiently. supplying’ the needs -ot under: water illumination for ship salvage and In_the er at tne Grou, conn) in China, dating 3 xécutors.” This. corresponds with “bright” coal. If}mot cure. williams’ s be found referenc to the at “chap Was for opel not send him to school, as some of the : (aithlood=thet 4 1 ced 1 vork, as well as for opera- ; apr eaTeey aie a tellennd.-ulters. could. ot conventenli the enn 9 ue prea ov es on ors make new, rat “blood-—that is eee » Government ae HoRecineex ¢ almospheres, has been Nurses’- and QUAINT YORKSHIRE GUSTOM. ue tine sample janie slit ‘ Garel eon Ty veacache tried in the: harbor of ea en in con- fgg A quaint custom js’still in vogue im HERE A Ga a Ra ua ty AWhen terrestrial and aquatic conditions womens all these ane | ew ai opal fae a Mothers’ Treasure win Hale a Yoh waa t a=Tte- Smit nertiplo-did him “pr, Williams’ ‘ ; : . EV ae ab liltle good, ee box, Haverpiternnled Murine hescolecion or cause DS BTM ae ee a Of the number out. of position, | It was found that a| safest regulator for beby, -Pravents oon is blown on the village green, 60 ' 5 The result, was. realy amazing. Ine] hte “grespo Sie aie eink depcaite | rane bingt. -Beeanle pedcucals a tes managed by Ithorough examination of the dock gates |’ eee se etcen wit the barrel that anyone lost or rambling on the sur- \. *. it is. CO! s v1 A make - r Bix yt it 7! ures > tel aust a tiniee{ne Holle he Redun consisting of alternate ayers of right} or by mail at Gents a. box or oe] mercanlil, ems that, Ching, Has Only could be made by the eid. of the lamp,| eetees, FHeetce containing omen rounding fells may be guided to safely " h Williams am-rand in order to demonstrate its power ‘et ery welcome has the sound often been ; an At eee ony and. aul mieal and Phy- | poxes for $2.90, from The Dr. Wiliams | peril NESE PRINEAGHS TH ee She UR Se S| or other ihjarious drugs, REE tneale eh asin aa Arar y. one of them was healed. | seq oper Age kinds ct | sfedicine Co., Bro Ont. Tar Hines to the postal departments of | Qaper, aiid after descending to the bot | Cages. 2—ttruestores tostnany. a we lst in Cat sure aes for ‘ecze-| peat ‘and coal show, a. similar Corre- ee ra = cther countries. 2 fom of-the dock. 1 depth: of 20-4eet; reat | National vg 6 chess ¢ Wounds, ehronie ulcers, chapped hands, | "Pons —— OREN EN TS citanlisnet ots tee cutenrad. a ays Fe lige eee Flags pabteg ese Diarrhoea *sinica. haere as doos not delay storms. — ‘ F s , JH th i Se eS iste tees BEAUTE eae Tey Stil Most Yearly in Switzerland | Melville im the Connoisseur, of an experi-| ‘N0S* 0m "he Surface, Smadelings " do not, cure, When Dninon lst ip big ana cares _ ay pine aaa aaa a Sunday. ment pa the part of Sir Robert Harts! ‘There aro 25,000 pores in the hands CATTLE BOAT HORRORS. oo from optuin, {atl of hoaling power : f aa i ‘ nspector-Gener 2 fest org man. zi A ean ees ae eae es iy, ee Sieh Oe ee {hee open, al a pesiomen mie h World” Makes Alogais ot| Toctuter (with a a good opinion. of hime cellent “first Aid er ae ani tae “Mothers, if you want to see. your | oyustom which ‘stil cE Lee a man, I rather think my farmstead should have its box of Zam. | ute ones smiling and happy give them} {he Swiss cantons. Appenzell has two $00SSSSSSC0S0OEOOTS M-Treatment on English Vessel. ae RUAN Hs Heil Flallkesnee Buk druggists and _ stores’ at fay seg as Tablets—there. is a smile} such bodies, one in the Maat Catholic Engaged by an agent in New York two | ( ‘anataly)—" It sirikes- me, sit, it’s much Renae ue ct ene Zarate Oe y dose. The Tablets cure allthe| Fart of the canton, the other in the hows: in. the more ely to emply tt Toronto. for ‘priee.> 6 boxes for iittte satiments of: obudhnod. avetna OU | Peglaatent cond Halamiedb cle the last aflemoon on 4 Send tc. stan for trial box, as disordered condition of the stomach} Sunday in April. ish, mber hie dome ot Hotiowa ‘g 3 swwels. They re good for all bac} “yo: President is escorted into t Girlhood and Scott's Emutsion are work from half-past three in the mor {cong Caner. It was entirely cured “of i vamp Ves, mad his and are sold under the guaranteo| open square facing the Rathaus or bat miaccbiher, ing til fen af ght. “When they wanted looms by i pemedy-and T-wishseone f for nigh twenty yea riment analyst ta_contain 0 ypail, tn front of the. platform. where linked tog: ‘. fo lake a hey were terribly ills |More oF or ye Rada ans ype ta : vara solicitor?” plates or harwotut drugs. Mrs. F. D-|ing iakes is_place the burghers stand & | treated, GNO NN vorsetbepe ake hele Me wa Brown Chibigo. vast Eeoliuie bread an! meat.” | Rick, Dumtries, N. S., saysi—“l alway Peroheaded. They take an oath to vole ‘ 1. ones when they lodged | complaint i pas Se eBaby's: Gea Taniews Be the a “for the good of the land and the ayoid- The girl who takes Scott's Emul- with a Jewish Sans institution in} yrs, A—-¥Pho doctors have just. diss vi ked Be on: otek er mentally or | ments of my little ones and find them} ance of evil. . a6 * Os Berlin, had oa rent aro ‘thing one bald try “Ferrovim.” the wort | a splendid ‘medicine. A few doses ae ‘The members of the santonal govern. sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is >} eribunn en Rees sal coverel a gettondinay jing about S anver id health ways restores them to perfect health.| ment are elected by wo s. etic. 200'0xen or 60 oxen and ss heen ‘ ot Ss. BesAhy be SEE res son end os ‘would not be without the Tablets in| Then follow discussions about roads and plump, active and energ Their food consisted _of ‘bread and hoi {<u Whe. Wrong sides’, MES. MeANly = \ teacher of natural philosophy onee| thie house.” The Tablets, are sold, by| various new regulations. ‘The proceed: Ses water in the morning, potatoes without | 2W2y: i i" ; the cla: druggists or by mail at 25 cent ox rderly and dignifi : . 5 co Salt at mi eas and again bread and hot aan acs sone ‘here coe a from The Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co., Oe ay te the Pata of the plas which The reason is that at a period when a girl's waler jn the evening. When the people Dear Mother “was, penal to aoe aie follow- | Brockville, .is_ma enriehin digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion ~ came “{o Berl jin they looked like skele- ing reply: hree, Mental FE gee The Cup er parliament meets annu- % ss . + tons. One of the emigrants -becani Your are. oa force, aphyate etaccenana palise force.” SOME RULES TO OBSERVE. ally on the first Sunday in May. Can- provides her with powerful nourishment in weak from the work and the bad. treal- Oca a a ton Glarus, too, has had its religious easily Glocsted fi ig ment, says the Jewish World, Be purltual 3 wars, But in this district the two re- ly diges' ‘orm. died on board shorlly before” reaching ligions did: not separate as in other Bote oe Liverpool, -On-their-arrival Li Lvetpoal “ ceubwieege PE lala and ign places was agreed, by contract in . pg es e they had to work from 5 a 3 ine ee Teas that Piet deneaniodion should have It is a food that builds and keeps up a without any foo 5 eae a‘ say the right things to the a separate government, but with a com: ’s right moi gil’ Magistrate (to witness): “I understand PS Sam Lia Pedal ‘ that you overheard the quatre beeen ; sate “in oie pe aed iad 991 says tho Sale weve ws, do: Pro! — x the defendant is-wife?” Wilne i ted. Catholics ‘on so well to- x ir.” o Nia istrate: “Tell the a if z Never sland off with an uninterest ie and ge ALL pauadisT: es, si is! eC BOc. AND $1.00. ~ a if you can, what A seemed fo be doi is “He seemed Witness to be doin’ he POPOSOSSO POSSESS listenin’ WEAR, BEST” | OS Ce Biers as o e ee face. ‘Never, correct a Speaker who makes s ant and Catholic parishes, and services ieee aime Ep dae a aie or wae Beane ant fold for both every Sunday miori- ts sayy thing that will I inake that. poesinle® ing, one ter the other. oe at S2b0S SSS fir: —“Does young Weller display] smart infantry and a brass band ac- ane artistic apiily—can he ‘draw @ny-| company the President and the members hing?” Willings—"Yes, o* his government from the Town Hall a di ‘ite sty tye" Bh : feeval square by the Ae a Biigh “ COILED —1 zing—1 alli Poe that?" Swilings “A [fowe = . Sig emer ery, Yom Sante Witt simp, 200 Sar ta eer ne oh Sookie Aad tee‘ Perea nies cork." ~ Here. the President, Chief Justice and B PAGE WIRE FENCE COMPANY, LIMITED, Walkerville, Toronto, Montreal, St. John, U hvtabined Soe ; : ae

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