ssaeevvesese90900999999999999990999009999908090s1 927. aeaebepe~aDUO AEE SSESSSSSSSSSSSESSssesssss. ‘ oe we We pete cS as Ni a ret Ohe Right House | ro el eet OR At \\ Millinery! SSSES ity will be right. MISS 0. GOULD of Exeter M — We added Spring will soon be here, and we are in a position to ,,, clothe dee ees ee ae supply you with anything you require. We ask you to call Men's Pants, suitable for Sunday wear in and look though our well assorted stock of Dry Goods. ‘"° P%°¢ 8 moderate from $2 t0 $5 00. ie eye foods Bisel Dress Remember, we give 10 per oods, e have a very large range, Soe to say about this depart- consisting of Wool Voiles, Caroons, cent. off on all Clothing. neinies cot Satin Cloth, Serges, Cashmeres, Lustres . one Vieunnas and Rosettas. These are WANTED--At once, A Girl to learn Millinery Trade Priestley’s guaranteed Dress Goods. of ; Corsets—The D. which we are sole agents in Milverton, & A. Corsets are again Ladies’ Silk Waists—We have the Minerva Celebrated Silk Waists in the leading factorin this stock. Mostly in white. We expect the blacks in a few weeks, Prices are higher, department. Ranging but are able to sell them at nearly the old prices. “4 - ae Us aie “Tape Stamped Mats are at hand. Get your choice now. Corsets from 25 to 35¢. Men’s Hats—We expect our full shipment of Hats this week, The Bar- rington will be our leader as usual. Our Grocery Department is as usual stocked with fine groceries. Maple Syrup 25¢ wine qt. 2 boxes Smoked Herring 25¢. Old Dutch Cleanser 1 Ib. tin 10c, Quaker Puffed Rice 1oc package.. Quaker Corn Meal toc package. Try our 25 cent Black and Green Tea. has charge of this depart- ment. She comes to. us highly recommended. We will have something more Prints—We have a very large stock of English Prints, which we are selling at 1244c. Come early and get your choice, Canadian Prints at toc. eed aeccpieditecsess ; Skirts—We have our blacks in stock now, other lines we expect in a few weeks, If you cannot get your dress- Ready-made Clothing - — We are again to the front with that cel- ebrated Progress Brand Clothing. We are making a special drive this. season in Men’s, Young Men’s and Youths’ maker to make you a Black Venetian Suits. If you want a black suit for spring, have a look through skirt, come to us, we re will take your’ measure W K 4 O 4 : Milverton our stock. We willsave you from $8 and have it made for SLR ER gd ° 9 Ontari 10. to $10 on a suit. Fit guaranteed, you. 15 difterent styles to choose from. SOSSSSSSSSSSOSSSSSHSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSISSSSSS TESST SSSI SS ISSSSS SSIS SSISSSSSSSESSSOSSOOSSSEEE00 ih. e al facet ac aaa iy WwESSSSTSSSES was the matter, and was told tha Holtzeshuh, 3. Dunbar, W. Martin, Steel Knife in the thee tarud ell, that Priseiaa dete: ce Munro, J. R. Kerr. Poundkeep gate had arcanged with his valet to A. Coxon, W. I. Shearer, H-| That's the experience by Robert fire a pistol whenever he required his MeDonald, Mrs. R. Mulcahy, Geo, | Price of Hecton, Ont. He knew it . ‘ services. Bismarck got his bell with. Lines, August Schiebel, Fenceview-| was szinion a of course used “Nery. out delay. ers—John Hamilton $ . Schade, | iline,” ual it cured and he says: ly 1 n Sen, J. . The Milverton Sun ei as See A. Coxon, R Flemng, Rh, Kines, R’|“No siti ens excel Polson’s Nerv- paninda the head--pain anywhere, has tts canes, 2 Shall Rane Hot li side lame. Is the best Local Newspaper in the County It Rings in Your Ears ie | Magwood. gohn Turnbull Sen., D,|line. Severe pains may _ a of Perth. {t is the Best Advertising ae aoe At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to | Davidson, Samuel-Kinkead, Wm, R.|It was like a steel knife running Modium, Rates reasonable. Subscription} That same cough is everywhere you | provelt he has er eda ttle pink tables. ‘That Rutherford, A. Hall, Alex. McLenn: | through the flesh. I rubbed in lots of They’re All A like ‘ctly in ad $1.50if | go, deep and ho:low because consump-] oer villet Dr Shocp's Headache ‘Table tan, D. Kerr, jas. Riddell, Thos. Simp | Nerviline and was completely cured.’ $1 per year, strictly in advance. $1. 0, deep h ich | 08228 blood presse away from pain center, + ‘A regal for ‘Nerviline: to: ease not so paid.—M. MacBern, Pupuisuer|tive First iv was ae which ti, | oP ©. Coote, 3 Nelson, W. H. Kerr, | 4 regular snap for Nerviline to eas = = contd | have been cured by'|tnourh safer, itsurelyevualizesthe blood ara: | Win. Glenn, vas. Baird, J. pepo Hane er len ee F2uCilel| yee Ln ; : F Ca ROE iy Moral, aaa pia a | lation, The Reeve was instrucued to adver. ee sh6 20 poe pais, saves it ae hats the trouble with ready-made suits. They come in i Bee hee it's blood pressure, tise e tenders for the construction of | Short order, Large 25c bottles at al . * A able ahs never trif_e with eatarrh, go. to isp i big boxes, each yarment bel i C. P, R. Time T: She St dice Si ee sie che Bigue DIMie The tian at Teele, ig yarment belongs to a big lot which are ad ae to meet again on the firs! RUNNER Dr. Shoop's Headache Ne blota stop } Monday in April. FRc . . . * nid thé tablets simply distribute Wm. Waddell, Clerk wt Andrew Reibling visited. a|§ ©" the quiet to think people will buy themin preference ae age Fes iontane Scenery ociiey cnt, chem, exact counterparts of each other. Even the clerks smile Mixed. .11.45 a, m. Express..7.00.a,m,|in a few minutes. ‘Throat trouble and * Express, .8,50 p.m. Mixed..,.4.45 p.m Span! dissappear as by magic. Ca- if then: Blood pressure. . . . . ime Tabl arthozone is the great ps DO§0 ) sites: your: finger, and oan get re, and ——— ® John Hartmann’s on Tuesday. — to paying a trifle more and getting something, elegant, G. T. R. Time Table aaa bronchial remedy today. Thous- | gwen, and pain you?’ Ofcourse it does. It's con- Wonders of Invention ae large number from this vicinity use it, doctors prescribe it—why, | gestion, blood pre Foul nd where pain rn teok in the sale at Mr. Aiken's, of new and wearable. There is no economy in ready- made It’s n’s, 0 Great was the wonder excited a|Topping, on Thursday. | Everything few years ago when it was proved | brought good prices. relieve quickly and fealvare Common S% paente ss. duck sete y We sell at 25 cents, es obscenity reesiiliea bnsond Kee po a Milverton, y gare thoroughly, Two sizes, 230 and clothes if you consider wear and style. 1.00 at all dealers. that wireless: telegraphy was tie Mr Sam Boyle shipped a carload fe : sa Dr. Shoop’s ablse B01 aodn allowed tape’ wile hoge fron “Reeder oa th 4 Each In His Own Tongue Headache the ainounesnent sas re tek The ae ae) oe $6.72. Te the Knechtel & Ss ith aa y could be carried on ort | pr.ce continues it will soon again reac mn THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1907 (Hamilton Spectator) 5 CP cee stances. ysis tele” ar vie, a age Melick ema ‘ The Rev. Canon Almon Abbott, | 7 come common-place, ani eless} Mr. and Mrs. Morlock, of Milverton, he new rector of Christ's Church | 22 PUBLIC DRUG STORK. telephony has been so iwyproved that sited at Mr. Hartmann’s on Thurs: |@ Milverton’s ~ = Leading - - Tailors alas Givast Ncw nu thawed Cavhedeal is blessed with great gifts |= —== === | Prof. Slaby, of Germany, who is car- of oratory. Lvst Sunday evening in CARTHAGE * | rying on experiments along this line Don't forget the sale of Mr. Colin Arthur reine the Missouri his-| the course of his sermon he recited is able to say that the iroblons is sol-|Kerron March 13th and that of Mr. torian, told at a dinner in St. Louis a] the following verses, written by Wil The following is ts the repore 8: ae though the limit of distance is | Isaac Knechtel on March 22nd. erie matte Semantic Is story about the famous govecnor, Clai-| jiam Herbert Carrush, a professor in a No.7 ae nington, f in ik sath a hown, Conversation has} A number from this _yineinity F. “Jackson,” he said | German University, and the delivery Le an oe a ae ol ee successfully carried on between | attended market in Stratford on Sate : “married one after another, five sis:|and subject so impressed the congre hoes ster BO a Berlin and Nauen, places twenty-four | urda: s : & ~ ters. ‘The thing is incredible, but it} gation that the poem has been. tho wey eed Jay fimiles apart ; and tg roleanorairtedy We notice an abundance of crows Weddin Invitations isJa fact, “When for the filth time}theme of conversation among the |4y sass an ae 33'|! peduonat says that the time is com-|this week which is a sure sign of ya a Siuibdtne Jackson broached pupal people who heard it. There is alqjacs sy [y_ M.-Askin 7, M “Har fe a hee men will be able to speak, aot ig. ett terete eae ee nate proposition to his father-in-law the old | beauty in the verses that appeals to : eon 4; ..9| Wirelessly, to other men in any part Miss Kerr retured home from To- © man was eighty and quite deaf. ‘This someon aud women, and. The | 2 i eae F Diets eH jana of tho world. ‘What a babel of voices [ronto this week where she hos ‘bese Hinge ne ores ang tayo" « is the conversation that tame “Tl Spectator takes “great pleasure vin eS ©. Askin 5 tae ae wicep: ora will bein the air when the time|attending the mallinger openings for 4 want Lizzie’ ‘Hey? “T want you| printing them for its readon SPOR ee te Ga (comes! ‘That it will: come ae ig| the past two wee T M S Pd to. give me Elizabeth, ‘Ob, You e : ae : eee -,Deltner 68, ttle doubt, as the system being se rie RE he ilverton Sun 4 want me to give you Elizabeth, do pa re mist and a pl ata persare Rens ips cessful at a short distance depend ak Chapman ve townebiy of Elma & Accrvetal and a sell: 28, 8, Simpson (absent,) “Class Jr. ; eer cite aie el Sates Meieliylatchaitinactisa: GeeaEa; petrich 72, A. Brler-45, 1. eee eee inne | le thietoton ea aid eee ac 5 “lizzie, ‘Oh, T hear you A cave where the cave men dwell ope le aque stn a eey That signs can be electrically trans-| Justice Riddell and a jury on Monday & You needa! t rouse uae neighborhood ‘Then“a sense of law and beauty, lily 9; V.. Voll (absent) anitted across great ciliangee without | of last week at Stratford. he action ame “Well you consent? “ ‘Yes, I] A face turned from the clod— Tae IT Wood] material connectio is wonderful} Was brought by John Chapman of the 2 a ‘. . haan said the old man. He shook | Some call it evolution, Q anetalc That the hhieae voice can| township of Elma to recover $300. , ‘ his head, and added slowly: ‘*Yes,| And others call it God. | be reproduced in like manner i still | damages for the loss of his. team of usiness = rec or ag you can have her. You've got ’em all! 4 1.455 on the fair horizon — more wonderful. But there comes| horses, which ran away from him ef £ now, my boy. But for goodness’ sake | “ne infinite tender another wonder more wonderful still, | Britton on the night of the 9th o 4 if anything happens to that poor mis- ee Professor Korn, of Munich, has per. | November last, and were found : ioided ul tides otis bask heresand| ane iat Pein ae he nla MORNINGTON COUNCIL fected a contrivance by. which phon morning in the 14th concession drain, iii ; i ack me for the old woman ‘Aga all crores ie a @ Council mab at Newton, on{ rtblis.can be elecitically produced at| which is.built on the highway, When eoteee. alate aed teens bid , a Ww In Rockville, Maryland, each year| _ The sign of the golden ro ian 4th, at ten o'clock, — Meinbers | Srent distances, in fact at any earthly | found aire wa eee LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic-| | W. D. WEIR, Notary Public, Ane: there is held a series of races “for all| Some of us call it yon all Present. he niiaates of the. Inst stonieeoge eee ktoWn_ a8] stained & Sa i ed aries perenne y, tnd Member] tioneer for, the Gonnty “of Perth and Seana Ua Deaton dhe sna Avdcounbracalbie Gon PecnE WeeR A cath algced. Me lige oF ths Reeegs Ane oe sora township #45 Teno 3 ore eave of Tore ar | eee eae parevenate Des A be hare oats : a i- | Mor! was Besitie Maier a cline: et hoe Like tides on a crescent: sea beach, a eel canta engineer, laid eee A description ‘of the method, ne the loss. The sealers of the jury | ¥ ersity. Regulation of teeth, Crown and vee Clerk. Ottive in the Woir Dock ‘excited horses an tees al cau ing hen the moon is new and thin, ; m ‘ and specifications for the} and a portrait of the Crown. Prince of was in fayor of the township upon the ee wore Spe bah Hours 9 a, m.| over the Sovereign Bank of es ‘anada, for a tall, raw-boned beast to yie Tnto one hearts high gleamings , |iton bridge on the fifth line before the | Germas the actual result. produced |Sround that Mr. Chapman was guilt oe aie above W. F, Finkbein- the importuhities of the starter 4 : council, “The contract fur the’ i ee Sete al P' Builty | ors hardware store, Milverton. pee ti Th tience — of |, Come Welling and ‘surging in— work Wise eyon ota 8 he Hee at a distance of 1,100miles, A meth-j of contributory negligence in not tal pkeia: get i S es je pal #4 Raita Come from the mystic ocean $910.00. Th wR ill & Co. for] od of telephotography was invented|ing proper care of his team and the | star laces ee a he folie ha Tegk Bas bead = Pee ae he oe ie see od several years ago, but the results then | tbat they got away owing to his own Medical. x se ing ae re bt ¥ u'll aa iz Some of us call it longing, GE the aber oder oe a Construction teined were not satisfactory. Pro-|fau't. Judgment was theretofore| ——————_____ Toe Tee Or Boat ies saath tector Nets you doa Tha| And others call it God. eee eee line | fessor Korn’ roduces a | pan the verdict of the jury directed! F. PA Sete etait Honor Grad-| and cigars at Abcac ettciaat ore * 2 rate uate an ist Trinity rider of the refractory’ beast, a youth-| A picket frozen on duty as, Smith 50 cents, Satta photograph hadi ccarely en nove : ae coat defend: | Coltere, also Gold snd “silver ‘Medalist, | COmmodation and large stabling. ; iw oles yelled back; “I can’t help} A mother starved for brood— labor money! refunded. Wm. he original, eab os iat on behalf of helt: Trini pied Uni sity, porentes Snooatior FS ETE AI SET Tre is here’s been a cab-horse and | Socrates drinking the hemlock, SL, filling hole in culvert on ane. SS Bory, Elma, san Wes Hotdeeion Biota Regbert. gene Fabiie’ Drag | @ RAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil Nt bacrantrice er shuts, an’| And Jesus on the rood. townline, half share, ‘The Muncipsl _ Like a New Disease. Mout te ne CMaGR runner, eerie rode on game vel mae choot Thre T ain't got no door!” And millions, who humble and name-| World, $11.20, supplies to. council x P fee : ple. rooms, tabling. red Zimmerman $3.75, work done} New tothe mai who ne Bost brands brands of li ora aud elgare In a little outof-the-way” street io} THe straight hard pathway trod, [for council _ Wim Connolly $225, sie | Corns is the pain relieved by rare Sure C 2 Nalnatite OMe MS. ptetemror to] Chas. Mitter, Proprietor Boston i a a ial drapeiars pe ae Some call it Consecration, supplied for Chalmers Drain, Corn Extractor. Old Corns and new ure ure Tal singh tinct sett Peale ek f ~ prieter of which SS Senetr lise tod. A petiti net et ou ‘ | QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. Ce Trishman, and most of his customers | Ad others cal it God ont el iy ie gem asleep Ewe Sl] or Sciation)seiicarariunne tun Hd aes olay tagtienen fell ti Not long ago ae i avellessand gthere . oh Sa to iratiges ee ae ese eA School be ee is really. inf ion of rooms, Only the Sie ot fens Et “ee 10 cent’s worth of sulpher. ‘The dru, Pirakcraae Ue Pa eS he ieee nerve, Sie largest’ nerve Legai quors and Cigars at the bar. Good w: and 25 in the 16th Con., of Ellie an d i > ¢ in the body, Se i ae lols of those lus comprising S Do You Appreciate a Saving On| ahs? Passive inflammation is the| | MORPHY & CARTHEN, iorrister, S oats eae recientes “in eet arente CAS BUTTER = WRAPPERS = : ; milton, ‘Mon was.appointed Arbitrator for Meee Shoes ? Hermanos ote have bet PRINTED AT : ington aa ee san os ena ae ine “ir wil a I rion every Thurad ae ze A By-law was passed appointing |TP you do, NOW i is your ehance ! wo petied toes sees at antuew. | LAE -= SUN -> OFFICE the. following:— Pathmasters— John ae food—for richer, 1. MORPID Chalmers, Thos. Attridge Jr Jie » Veterinary. Ghe | Hanna, Thos, W. intnays Hy. Pleschaur Gea RR, Vete: 8 5 /aiirtn’ Grau etoete, ive (Cheaper Way ! stables. George F. Pauli, ‘Broptiston: woul -be — purchaser sm utdashy Siro, an ig that all C get for tin ents?’ “Faith, is it abarrel yell be ax paoling the druggist retorted. “It 0 in every case Bs may, re sure the nerves are worn dow, En lkbing on greasy liniment can’t help very much—you must treat. the Hans old fel Wes exclaimed, dashing thie cliemical back into the box. “An’ How.a place where yell get a lot 8s ~, We have just completed stock- Connell) Jas. Mayberry, Jobst Neu.| {382 andhavea number of odd more for nothin’ at all!” master, Jas. Hamilton, David Swartz, ein, Women’s, Men's and ary College, . | Treats all secre z* ae Children’s Shoes that we are of domesticated animals. Calls by tel Sos Vial n Prince Bismarck first wei entruber,-J. Roessing, I. Sanderson, i | as the ranreseatateee of Prussia to ‘te oe, John Yo . A. Schaefer, oak At eis one-quarter to Phone or otherwise promptly ‘attended bees % ~ Federal Diet at Frankfort, Prassia eLennan, John Henderson. Ben piste i ra ; Atis said by some that it is . 4 was of a very small account compared Maddess’ Jas Holmes, Sau Kinkead, s t. Societies. fia with Austria, and Bismarck found| ing Geo. Tanner, John Wei, R, Nicklin, Also a number of lines of Felt ~ eee abate that he-was treated with indifference | minste, David McCloy, Wm. ¥., Rutherford, | Shoes and’ House Si, lippers, we 99, Milverton, meeta to exchange grists, this is at his hotel. He was given a ae D. Hymer, Jas. Horst, Wm Turnbull,| are sisting at less than whole- every aeeond aad ‘last Tuesday of every not a fact; a farmer can which bad not even a bell, and when {|James Hawthorne Roy- Fleming, An:| sale pri Ee See : he complained hie was told that 9 drew sitater Sah Albright, Thos. ing heethren always welcome, W. Save about 10-centé'a bush- we what was good enough for other] single watch—not by the dozen, and demand Peffers, Gilbert Dowd, Isaac Reid, ¥ ©. R., Sv H. Pugh, Ree-Secy: el by exchanging wheat for ae travellers was good enough for the| that each be accurate in make, 6 gohn laskacks David eee Das. - WE CAN a YOU MONEY I s Prussian delegate. Bismarck said “ ae ish. For FINEST. WATCHES buy. from id Welsch, Emerson ce ee flour 3: me 0. 0, F., “Silver Star ize,” acy , Milverton, iday night at 330 a thei? hall ee ablie Dry store, na CWS, more, but early the next morning Geo. Lines, Wm. Tigtel was'startled. by. -atremen ws|P, H, Bastendor ff vaientsenen cs ona ‘Sieier explosion. The landlord came ttn D, McWatters, M. Hanley, ee into Bismarck’s room to know what Jeweler and Optician, Milverton Kay, R. Tytle, Jas, Stay,