THE SWEETEST IN SIGHT Pure, fresh, joy-giving, worth going far to find—we mean the gra * CONFECTIONERY” tha not the girl, variety, high-grade sugars at Purest ingredients, rich in- just right all round. Have you tried confectionery, yet ? If not, why not? GEORGE Gu GUENTHER "3 hs Confectioner BUTTER Wrappers fee ce 4 Farmers, we can supply you with the best Ger- man parchment paper— either plain or printed. We print 500 wrappers for $1.25, and you get a cent a pound more for your butter. Try us, 2 +4 The - Sun Milverton For Settlers IN ELL WESTERN ONTARIO Ee CaEMAN RTA How Made and Tee via ‘Write for free ie ij vt tl ti SETTLERS” GUIDE gi mets ‘ 5 ac gt ‘nnd met mee seNortinvedt eron WESTERN. CANADA Upiodatedee ictition of the ‘west and western The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1907 GENERAL NEWS im- plements. Salecommences at 1 o'clock In view of the disasterous effect of the fire in hag school, Where a teacher and eighteen young Bhildren Baise! in the flames, t to see t all kindergarten can pamatt class rooms in the County of Wat ipa Gre ourthaarenct the ‘Preventics” cold or the grip; ae promptly check a Preventics A pterahiqunet for Poisons are affected, these organs cleanse the | body; they are filters that remove from Mad Bios the waste Matters that acts oer matter {ob the wels, Tre-| store the liver and stimulate all excre- tory and secretory organs. This en- ables the blood to quickly replenish it- te and estnblisher perfect’ health. Dr. Hamilton’s Mandrake and Butter. nut Pills, 25e all dealers. Reeser bienmsnt Pepalue.: (Goldwin § Smith) Disestablishment i In England apparently it is coming with a crash. Loosened as religious conviction has been, the im- op, Racine, Wis. will gladly | mediate shock of national life will be mail you samples and a book on colds | great, ae everyone who lives in free, if you will write him. ‘The|rural parish knows. But the claim mples prove their merit. Check | had to be broken. The position of a early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumouia. Sold in 5e and 25¢ box- es by the Public Drug Store. The U. S. Congress has passed a law authorizing farmers to erect stills for making denaturized aleohol under P is as it has worked well in that country, it is thought it will greatly benefit farmers in the U.S. as well. By this’ process farmers can convert their srs Bo tat- oes, corn and other ort I. cohol to be used by them: whiskey distil- want a monopcly of the business, are fighting this law. S Some time since The Star said that the CP.R. will ‘rom Guelph to the foot of Wellington street. by grin and today it seems a certainty e train: church under the Dominion of a State represented by an unbelieving Parlia- uneasy and ifying combination. Galvby. wie bone at law. Here is the final end of the Elizabethan comprom- ise under which as Catholic and Pro- testant parties have been tugging the ehurch to and fro since it was framed, coming more than oe ie ciyil war. England, Peerage, together, leaving lite of the venerable fabric save a crown, the wearer of which reigns and does not vill goyern Helps Men to Work Hard thou; we have had real winter| That's what Ferrozone does; it sup- weather. Ball’s baa has Leen plac- | plies the additional strength that en- ed in position, and n rails ate} ables a man to maintain health under over it and making tet. Sharp’s Creek, | difficulties. “Last. spring I was so where the last of the bridges will be completely fagged out I could not placed next ‘Then the steel will | work” writes J. W. MeNichol, of be laid from that bridge to Goderich, !arnball, Man, “In the morning I gud locofnativss “shoul be. vanhing tired. limbs ached all over “Had from Guelph to Squaw Island in four whole of the bridges required for the and ailway are in running Ordeal Medlorish Bese: The News—No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, i years. The re- eek atela the medicine, else it must by law te: va the label. And it’s not pacermation fnvaluable ito sottlens seta only safe, vat it is said to rs by ines ps and that know it best, a truly remarkable “TIME. TABLES Paswcoger teulasetee | {cough remedy. ‘Take no chance par- to Winnipeg and Calgary. ticularly with your children, | Insist CAR: on hayi x. Shoop's Cough Cure, oe RIE s abba oe iB ompare carefully the Dr. Shoop Derthe at Tmodorateraten. Fully etuipped package with others and see. No wi he ahold “be “veceured | | Poison marks there! You can always (irae ee OLE .P.R. Agent) atleasttwo | | be on the safe side by demanding Dr. ty oo Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse po gant o khow about the west and how | /to accept any oe Sold “by the Teach it. ci Public Drug Star : Dist, Pane reir Cette Toronto Oo He Reyes Liu Home (Br peste) , Johu MeQuilan an aged reident of H. MOHR’S Jae ian 8 given two RELIABLE GROCERY months extension of the time in the ND BAKERY Walkerton goal oe Monday last. : feature of the old gent leman is his ardent loye of home, he Tea having traded the comforts of the House of Refuge tes r the Seite shel ' Red Rose Tea — Black, green and "Mixed, 25 cents a package. ter afforded by a s leaning against a fence ee wn in =e ron, oe ; McQuillan Padly terms “home.” : Sugar is the owner of about two ae , aS land. on which recently stood a house : Bee ae eae Gaal ee Ml anid barn ies destioyad Lick bea and he.moved what effects be could into the barn, but the latter also went up into smoke, and the unfortunate man was left in almost destitute cir- cumstances. reso to’ the ex- diency of building a rough aes: . tion against.a board fence and Potatoes was wont to reside. The stthorivies 4 fter trying persuasion, had to resort Good Coo! $1 per bay » vying p N Byanisinuonices oon Ib.’ If} to force in order to get the aged gen- ee tleinan into more com! ble quar- fi ters He will be kept in the county Highsot-Erices Fail don, Promote Haitian ahh the wece weather * . H. MOHR, Milverton Time fOr a Ohana: (Goldw Sie Resistance to ia ciebeens by + THE... Investigation by Ghe Royal Commission showed DOMINION LIFE ‘ to bo Clean Throughout and Well and Economically Managed. fa Representative for Perth County : M. M. BRICKER, Berlin, Ont? Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. the Lords will bring the other great question to a head, and there can be pin ee can be to fate that ae tions ago Lord should h ae successfully led the ike SH eM over reach other with projects of refor is birth shall be required ; another that peers shall be created for hfe only ; a third that they shall be eligible ‘to the House of Commons. Ifthe result is to be a House round. which ./the sober and substantial part the nation can trustfully rally Sect the pane! tendencies of or any considerable remnant of it, re- main and next time there is a collison between tho two Houses che ery will be raised seete and pretebly with as’ much effec: Unprivileged birth and aides may still have a natur- 1 _ The time has visibly pee it, |schools show a tendenc strong T sleep joey enith” Ive by supplying nourish- aie and good blood that Fer rozone builds up; try it—50c per box at al dealers, Olive Oil mile pein, Prono and Tans pro re a considerable quantity of olive ail, Ttaly is the real home of this food Th that country ee two anda quarter-million acres of land are devoted. to olive euluare, and the ¢ production of oil is about 95 million eine when the crop is good he crop this year is’ exceptionally fine, the ‘Ol! being of good’quality an the price low. To the United Baten olive oil peace it is regarded not as a con diment, but as » primary food article, taking the place of meat to a large extent, and being used as a substitute a sae and lard, and even for hghti The process of gathering of the olives, and crushing and pressing to ret the oil, usually begins i in Now. mber and December, and is finished tay the middle of May. 8 U States ate about three milliun tans annually, Schools of the Province t one of the report for 1906 of the Miniter of Education is a bulky Sole leraely devoted to statistical information. Dr. Pyne reviews eae Bice in aieateanat affairs, brought about chiefly he new measures introduced by and embody ing the policy of the presens Guten: He refers specifically to the says — “Tt affords me great satisfaction to mat- ters, .and to record the ening proofs of interest and enthusiasm ~ev. inced by many, both within and out- side the Legislature, ia the reform and i seer of our calesitinal n- | syst Mare of the statistical information as sible to gather the material spplying to 1906, which fills the volum legiate institutes. pu: pils was peice 397,170, 49,324 and 28,661. ‘The expenditures were : On public schools, $5,524,102 ; on separate schools, schools, $1,004, 498. penditures were, therefore, $7,165, 734 The number o} salaries paid to teachers in. rural to increase, the average salary paid to male Spole ers in those schools having risen from $385 in 1904 to $402 in 1905, and the average paid to female teachers from oe in 1904 to $311 in tal apportionment “by the Sirens ae Ne a in 1906. is 3, |g Elltott 8 McLachlan, Brincipa ; ORIENTAL JUGGLERS, Feats Performed Chinese ana Indian Magicians. “During a trip through the far east I was much impressed with the won- work alon; 5 former is usually at a considerable distance spectators and could employ many aids that the ori- entals do not use. een Chinese and Indian place a: coin in the latter's hand. ‘Th Chinaman would close the fingers one after another over the Pisce @ money and then, by passing Is. ove! tg closed fist of his Mane "would I have had this trick work- ed on me a number of times, and 1 am no nearer to knowing ne it is done than I was the first tim “Then I haye seen an Indian magi- cian come out on deck, place a small seed on the planks, pour a little water arms. jugglers, among whom ti the craft are bei preserved and handed down from father to son.”— Detroit Free Press. DRESSED SEALSKIN. The Way This Beautiful Fur I» ‘ought to Perfection. If a lady’s sealskin jacket be com- pared with the coarse, salted sealskin as fi with the vast dif- Passing our fingers among the hairs of the cat or dog, we may notice fine short hairs at the roots of the longer, coarser general covering of the animal, This is so called under fur. But in the as to be, comparatively speaking, lost sight of among. what to our eyes con- stitutes the coat. The operation which the skin under- goes to bring out, so to say, the fur, may be briefly described as fol The skin, after being of grease and so forth, is laid flat on the stretch, flesh side up. A flat knife is passed across the flesh sub- sti bane sa it to a very consider- ss In doing this, the blade ke. It so happened that two ladies were making their way to their seats at the Be SO irritated him that he purposely coms menced the allegro at such an absurdly slow pace as to make the quavers in the bass correspond exactly to the time of the ladies’ footsteps, As may be imagined, they felt on thorns and hur- ried on as fast as they could, while Von Bulow empo in sym- pathy with their increasing pace,—Ba: nett’s Musical Reminiscences. Debt Owed to Antiquity, Are we indebted to antiquity? Yes, immensely, It is the labor, the experi- ence, even the failures of ancestors, that have placed us where we are. W still repeat many of thelr mistaken ex- periments which they thought wise. It whole, the world Is Its chiet debt to’ which it avoids or may avoid repetition of old errors and absurdities. —Portland that it won’t stand yy Fea Mrs, Climber—Well, that's She Careful. : ~ Spats—That old maid, Miss Van Shelf, is the most careful and method- ical boarding mistress I have ever out See ar hen heaven she.will want in iciner time to lay away her wings in camphor balls. red, “There are many cite women living than I used to think.” “Ts that so?” “Xe Before I married I used to think sete vite ‘was the only woman the wn Benedi ek—That ‘intnous paint is a splendid thing, can give him driak in the night without lighting cM) Spicer acereiesn ae : THE CHILD'S MIND. Give It a Chance to“Develop by Its Natural Processes. ‘The littler they are the better, cause farther removed from the world that 1s ours and deeper placed in their own worl radiates Peace, Every one who is Penly con- stituted ‘smiles 8 the sight ot They are bus; Jess the rie is insufferable or they are sick they a t the attitude of an thperterted child should be the Chris- y it merit of children as com- panions ties in a Divan of thelr tolerations, They ‘e easy to please, agreeable to most pebonatins and not very critical, They do not “know better.” That is one of their delightfulest traits. Chil- dren will trust you, and that 18 one of the most gratifying compliments pos- Oe n the e company of children you have Suet in considering what will pay. The things that they do and prefer to do, do not ot as a rule, except In the doing of the: Wise no who’ are qualified to train the mind of a child are pretty The n AN OLD GERMAN LEGEND. ‘The ae oe the Nail Driven eh Its ote mple. ‘the wages of sin, stands a gant ei at Its foot _ ba with a nail driven into the tem; A shot es of Freiburg, according. to tradition, died suddenly in the good old days before coroners ai Nelghbera talkea, but that was all. One night the priest of the parish awoke to find standing at the foot of his bed the ghos' maker. ly was exhumes , rani there ‘Was the evidence of oe crime att as i@ specter had indicat CEEEEEE EEE EEE EEE hE ED Bd Spring Furniture! Our large and commodious showrooms are be- ing daily brightened with new and up-to-date furni- ture for spring. ALL NEW DESIGNS Our Goods and Prices are Right Hestiesebesnsitetessentesseeresineanhig PEO Ge RPSCE ALS BRE CST An Call in any time, we will be pleased to show you through. FREE DELIVERY. C. R. HONDERICH & SON Undertakers, Furniture Dealers and Milverton EREEEEEEEE EEE EEE EE ERAGE Bb bob beebeebe oh oheobeabeof LEEELEEEEEEE EER EE was most wholesome,” relates the truthful chronicler, “for since then not a wife of Freiburg has murdered her husband.” ‘ontrary Fla, ophecy of victory they adopted a pannaed which 1s that of the present time. any more convincing than the first affair “Unbeatable BEDS’ At times like this, when the cost of manufacture of Metal Beds is advancing, our immense stock works to the advantage of our customers, You’ll save the expenses of a trip to Stratford, if you buy in the next week, SWS eM ae ae sf A Perfect Beauty in white or green enamel ¢ a and brass, in two widths 4 3 ft. 6 in. and 4 ft. 6 in, fitted with best woven spring, $10,35 BRIERREBEIAC j R. WHITE & CO., Stratford The First Furniture Store East of the Post Office ‘that the Chinese ae has been cor- rectly conceived, in the Fi ‘ata Baa, the late ame of Af- ghanistan, had a grim sense of humor which was sometimes exercised with- “Look you out well for the Russians,” commanded Abdur Rah- man, “for you do uot eat until you see them arrlve.”—Grand Magazine, Seske, Ruin Their Taste, “Lneyer season things up to my own. taste,” said a man who has cooked in ns in the restaurant would be ieabie ts we eat them.”—New York Press, pes “The G. T. R. Station Store” a ‘a WE STILL HAVE , Two Souvenir Ranges on hand which we offer at a Big Sacrifice simply to have them out of our - way this summer, as our room is ¢ limited, We here a you oc to ats 7 SEEDS ! SEEDS ! We beg leave to announce that our ‘ Glover and Timothy Seed has arrived. We will make-an effort to have all kinds of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS always on hand, all through seeding. We handle ee Rennies’ seeds of Toronto. J. R. YOST & SON Hizonnet Seng with breaking ry ehair ven your wife’s head. Poca al honor, intend to hit her? Prisoner—Yes, but I didn’t Intend to break the chair, Ls An Irishman once tapped 2. poky horse with a whip and said, “Pick up your feet, and see fall thoieselven! —Atebison Glob The readiest and surest way to get rid of censure is to correct ourselves,— 1e3, wa ; VAY g “> TSORD, ONT. A Commercial seliool of highest grade, | A. school wheat ae sapere nthe 1 Datiinisas al The Larmour School Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Method Entirely Successful. — Situations provided for graduates without delay.—Write for Catalogue, R. LARMO! UR Principal and Instructor. eons giving full information. | the best value for your oh elie te Er money in ‘suits to order tain anywhere. Great care has been exercised. i: in the selection of the materials offered and they are th ght 2 t every respect and strictly as rep d. Our reputation for square dealing is well known to our.customers and wé. would like to have you become Dae dad GROOCOWLe : one and prove it. WILL: YQU : ee Kelterborn, he Tailor