Milverton Sun, 14 Mar 1907, p. 7

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“WR PERKINS COMMITTED Must Face Trial in Connection With Death s of Husband From Poisoning. A despatch from Cayuga, ae says: A committal was he Cr time ago in regard to bed baci act ne had had with ae prisor plac- x le the statement after being, advised to congult witrnis lather, and that he had two weeks later gone vol- untarily to the Crown Attorney's office d had it revised. But he also swore mn: aaa ate forcible terms ‘his disgust with the ac- be ‘al . was not unexpected, the eution was littl he de- and fhowving SonctHoredeyiae..oft then id the audience free! ae Assize Court vil be held on April igned a statement to the Crown some |16t THADING =MARKSTS)* ae fers bacon, back: rile Jord 13%¢; Donald. ‘admitted that |™ , 150. 8%e to 9340; pure lard, EXPERIMENTS WITH FARM CROPS. Seeds Are Non Being Distributed Free arge. Experimental ec oni of the Ont Agricultural Guel five consist ‘orld, sol io. The following is the list of co-opera- os experiments in nace for 1907: Experim Plots, Three varieties of als ta—Thees varielies of six-rowed ley Two varieties of, two- rowed Bar 2 2100 varieties ‘of Hulless Barley. 2 feeding purposes 1e—Three va of pace ¢ to 12%, Si BREADSTUFFS. ace Pork—Heavy Canada short it cay z 3 ‘eens. Mar. 12.—Call board quota- |¢ut mess aad _ tierces, $32.50; hea’ avy. ie Pe nip and two varieties of ons are:— Canada short cut mess pork, in barrels, rots c Unes 2 white winter, | $22 fo: $23, nite $11.25; selected, | 15. 7 ed. 78. per cent, points, 7c ask- to $23; selected heavy ed outside; 72¢ bi 2 Ras red, ae a rae mess pork, boneless, | 16— rites Pet ia es Of oie gi bid i per cent. points; No, 2 mix: 8s; Canada short cut | 17—Three varieties of Sorghu 78 per ae Baits Ce. PFR. heavy Ganiada mess | 18— Sry rig and two varieties 0 [—Manitoba- northern, oe heavy flank spot onth By: Ps ole pork, $21; cata Wp bid. TB aed Reavy flank pork, $205 50; clear fat backs, $23 to $23.50 p cent, oils. Peas—No. 2, 81c asked, outside. ‘onto, and same bid for more. eke - Ril 45e bid, f0.b. on Me a or -cent. rate, oh ane Ss Provaling prices are— -Ontario—No, 2 white winter, 9 THe; No. 2 red, Mle to. Te; No. 0 Manitebu\ heat Oe ings are gener- ally “to arrive"; No, 1 hard, 87¢; No. neem Bc. Oals—-No. 2 while, 40%c, track To- 0. 2 mixed, 3834 to 89c. to 80%e. vo. 3 yellow Ameri- mio and: weet; . or Gy ¥, R.; Ontario, 5dfo en Me, sass Chas {ham freights. peeriedicaee to 560. Dinar txtjearid tn. demendy No! $, 51%e to 52c; No. § extra, 50c to Ste;.No. 3) A740: to 483 FloureOniario, 9) per cent:i patents $2.70 asked, $2.67 bid; Manitoba, frst palents, 84.50; seconds, $3.75; baker $3. Brin Alay are nominal around $21 to $22.5 COUNTRY I PRODUCE. Butter—Market is ae with a good demand; ne unchai Creamer, os re {0 28¢ Re 0¢ to 21e Ao ins, thee a i Sues is Soe at 26¢ to 270 —No cee ih aldo! hiewens, fresh- He lodte to 1ze Inferior, frozen ae Ducks 22 Geese .. Turk urkeys Ber Honey—1 Pais, ite to 120 per we combs Beans: fe alendy He “Sib 55 oe pies [-pick- «band $1.35 to $1.45 for ot, ye re eastern, led Hay—( ousigtinaee Af sleady at Sit to $11.50 for timothy; setdave - les pe cules ane firm at $8.50 3 50 in re. Baled Sie sands at ee to $7 fn car: lols here, ‘. PROVISIONS. y logs—$9.50 for lights and 9 a datuiers lots. ork- Shar cu, 23 to $23.50" per 1; mi Smoked at ‘and Dry Salted 4 clear bacon, 11c to 1 n meaty out) of Reies a Kk ined iis, 12%e. MONTREAL. MARKETS; Montreal, March 12.-The er" ket is firm. hile dre now quoted at 44c.. No.2 is quoted at 42%c to 43c. No. 4, aie Ac. per bushel, eee Buekwheal ge per bushel. Corn—American, “No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3, 65c ex-slore. Oats—On spot, No. white,” ‘Bee; No. 3..while,1%e. to. 42c; No.4, 40340 te Ale roediates x-store. S140 in jobbing Jo fa) ‘4.60; strong bakers’ $3.90 io BALL pape a ‘o., in g5, $1.65 Ko $1.75; ixinad, $1.50: fo galilicea —Maniloba bran, in bags, milled mouille, $2 eS straight ‘Grin, ‘$28 (0 $29 per ton. Rolled. Oats—I 10 in car lols, and limed 250 to bef Cheesi lore al for white and 14¢ for colored ig quot mnadian ~ eheese in. tht ae ar = inl ee a 66s tr whit 7 y cio: pain eee boat <a “hg "t sexy oes ‘paskets or halt ae 220 to wee 20c to Meals—Harhis a ote Nlerces, 12)4¢; tubs, 12340; recs “4 nitoba. ociky wheat, $4.95 tr says: A ney apgurre barre eral were 5 hrutideers ‘were imprisoned, NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET, Ge York, March 12.—Wheat — 2 B ers alealy at 94.75, to 520 réxpartsbucksse ay. 8 grain-fed lambs, $0.67 to cn ai common lambs, $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt, logs were unchanged. Selects were Sold ab $0.88, and lights and fats ab $6.60 per c nd sas te Par OE cece KINGSMILL REPRIMANDED. Captain of Dominion Adjudged Guilty of Negligence. A despatch from London says: At the Dominion court-martial ser Kings- mill declared that, although it was cer- tain that if the co the grounding. Captain Kingsmill and Lieut. Noake, the navigating officer, were gullly of negligence and seven reprimanded. “Lieutenant Clark. mn was Acqui sare STOVES IN EXPRESS, CARS. Railway, Commission 1 Takes Up Question Risk to Occupants. from Ottawé ing of these express cars, for wl nary doves are used. sit were isle of maiobeligeie in ne ha labl death b By thors stove upsetting. ae Sears SIX LOCOMOTIVES ORDERED, Contract for Needed Engines 1 A despi h from Toront n- Kee for supply ot i PF occnnoti Fee v4 ent. Railway have b Tet by the Temiskaming and ern, Ontario Railway Commi = en- gin yh will 6 ten- es, WI n, Locomotive Works, ity a otinanto, The company will de- them in October, sa IES, MUTINY IN FRANCE. Artillerymen at Toulon Attack Non- i fficers, - €ommissioned. 0: A despatch from Toulon,.. Inesda; men attacked the non-commissioned oe cers with revolvers Sa swords, ded on both sides. The ; — 4 ~ AGREEMENT TN FAR EAST. oxttn lrg [Arrangement Between Britain, Feats peak France ai Assur sizes> oa ths. upward, ttc; large siz and Japan week fo put matters on a satisfactory 18 to 25 ths., 18Mo; medium sizes, set A st: Ss despatch says that} isi until the new is in- aected weights, 12 to 18 ths... 14c; extra} an. ent between Russia, France a stal rs es small sizes, 8 fo 12 tbs., 1424c; hams, | Great Britain and Japan we In eantime the volume of com- boned, cut, rolled, large, 14%0; do.,| Far East is definitely assur Than! pitas =D be up, and the hotels and ee 15e; English honeless Drank inal et to Sine Edward's “nia an | factor other buildings; 3 Wilshire bacon, 50-Ib, o-Rus eniente is ne ue delinlag La and pot |S red, 827¢ in elevator and fe aikely. 1 Bp take up tbe ston a heat- H | by oan ul shoul a escape from py 2 n burn St-Sainioin Lucerne = Burnet . 21 BB 24—Three varie! »-No. “it hough,” answered’ his’ friend ae fo.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du: eer ee eee iever, © /stoully, “'cause TM get more fun from ie hy eee ee Me No. 2 hard wi oud ik ares -......) g [going once with you than twice with 28a—Two varieties of Early Potatoes 2 ;™yself.” ; This settled the matter, and Phil gave CATTLE MARKET. ae Varieties of Medium Ripen- Toronto, 2—Prices were firm |280—Two ‘varieties. of Lal 22 So. y eu, want feo tickets for one higher in eae ra the Western Mar-|20—Three grain iitiures foe Grain time?” ‘said the a f to-day. offerings were: moder. omhictions es, sir,” said ‘Kenneth, taking off a aly large, and the quality of some of erie ne ee Grosses wis his sailor hat; “one for Phil, you know.” the an pretty fair, ¢ ‘i aon ‘arithmetic by i et Export -cattle-were-in- active demand, mle down here, don’t you?” asked the Choice annals. sold readily at $5 to $595 sine ot eect Die aoe Ee ticket man. first “fen geven experi per ewl, raapiinaee exporters” brought $4.60 fo $4.95 per ewt, IS ee Z Choice butchers’ cattle reached the 85 one “roa ‘wide; and In No. 28, ono 10 WHERE CANE SUGAR GROWS. vel in @ few single instances yesterday,|“WUeTe in Ontario who wishes to es oe ee commas The cers fol-| {be experiments for 1907. and apply for |iave “Away Wwe & r ponies. There lows «Picked buleners! cattle, $4.65. 10 the same, | The material will be fur lore no sidesaddies. here, Dut the ladies $5; heavy butcher fos. Ba50,; | uened fa the onde thr “which the SOD wear-a Tong, “arapery which ed Totsani $3.25; fat) Cellons-are-recelved until: the supply JS {ras over the feet and floats out “like gows, $3.50 to $425; Sos, psec BE ae hatee, ou { wings, when they ride. 81.50/10 8 S255 and canners, $1 to $2 per | sPPlicant fo make hot he grant, re This is a great sugar Plantation, fi F aterial will he furnished iy free eaipred Seek 1obks au i ren at 8195 to $40, faa ten light stock Se eine Te vend the th as ia itl sr " see Portas ers were steady at $1.75 to $3.25, accord-| reduce will, of course, become the /0°s Te oe ae auiling-it es test ms proper ty of the person who conducts the | it is sugar, Es gale mear the ground as they can, for t experiment. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, March 4th, aks A. ZAVITZ, Director. TWO-POWER STANDARD. This Will Still Be Maintained in the Navy. A despatch from London s a liamentary Secretary. of the Aamicalty, ._,lonerison, said the “Admiralty ‘be: lieved that the standard Would be; edequately, melnlained bythe for construction. cost: COs EEO s the oon class, while neither France nor would waters again. es fleet was pet r now than it pa & Se SRS FIRE VISITS THE “SOO.” Municipal Building, Firehal and Lib- rary Destroyed. from Sault Ste. Marie. ed ire-on nett fire Grinuated in’ an ry. Bot oan jose’ nies. ‘The local le soon saw their inability to ae, the fire, and the Michigan ‘Soo” ~ brigade answer: peertptly to an eet call, All muhi- cipal books, papers and records were , for at ae ees of varieties trom nearly all parts of the ceed~ for co- | secret. fein in the work may ee any ONE of n./ are made in smal *}times the tracks get moved ¥ ee then ;/@nd the cane is tossed ¢| dent, pick up {ho seattored: cane, pack 1 George Thompson Killed by an: Explo- 10 lt. ‘3 pie YOUNG FOLKS > GOLDEN RULE ARITHMETIC. Py hil,” whispered little _ Kenneth 00ks, Tve gob a secret to tell you fee schoo! “Nice?” asked Phil. answer; “nice for r me.” schoolhouse after schoo} to hear the mele George," anid Kenneth, “hos given mie @ ticket’ to go and see ihe man that makes canary Birds do comical tricks. Ever s “No,” said Phit rae “Well, it’s first-r ak rge.” “That's a fact. How about your mo- “Can't afford it,” ‘cee Phil, with ake out of his Tt. certainly and-give me two tickets that would take you and me in one time?” Phil's eyes grew bright, and a happy smile crept over his bi litle: face, “Do you think he would? he asked sagerly. “Let's try,” said Kenneth, and the two litle boys started off for the office win- dow. Kenneth,” said Phil, stopping, ait isn't fairsfor me to take your ticket.” ells sage ete tend Hap pare Boks | the root contains the best bug je sugar plantations the ver. nestingier aie ploughs, steam har rows and steam eultivators te Use ‘ken to the mill, which can be taken one part of the fleld to another. They jail parts which four men can lift, and are laid on the top of the ground, These portable railways help the men e trains the next train of cars that c spe ‘ing over them goes flying oun this fields in all airesong: The men only laugh at sucl eci- on as fa: ground and then boiled away until # is made into | remain for anothe CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUB GLOBE. Telegraph, Briefs From Our, Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. nator Charles E. Casgrain died at Friday. ing to the public ac- sottied Thee isa ‘efit of at F188. B. C. "s object to using the Gavenanent Jabel “ane Soa eabalt _ Winnipeg's mayo: 6 $4,000 id the eailiens 82. 500 ey rumored that the contract for a mon dolar vce at Port Arthur n si ne act cil r of Winnipeg has ofi- cially _ftated the population of the city e strongest man in the Matha, Que. Government has go on tan bark shall year, McNaught, M.P.P., ‘eue- ith on the Hydro: incial cided. that the eae K. was fou Springbank, Alta. It Js claimed tral iho Northern, Pacifi are surveying a route for a railroad be- ween. alps e aiid Dewi ‘ort Rae, on the border of the Arc- had perpetrate r forty bur- glaries in Vancouver, ts neu Berets ‘est. There is a shortage of about $80,741 in funds of the Presbyterian Church of Exnada for the various schemes of the "Gordon. Smith of Paris has been appointed Superintendent of the Six Na- tion Indians, with headquarters rd. Fictoher reported 10: the Agricul tural Committee at Ottawa that the San Jose scale en. exterminated_in Niagara and British Colum m. J. MeGee, the defulting Secre- tary eople's Mutual Building Sotiely- ut Monivesl, has been sentenoat to eight years’ imprisonment, GREAT BRITAIN. The bill. for talked out in the mons on Friday. The Dowager Empress of Russia ar- ‘ived in London on Thursday on a visit Ac her olster, Queen Alexendra Esslomonts Liberal, was elected to succeed Mr. James ‘as member for Aberdeen. ae majority was 367 in a three-cornered cited STATES. woman Brilish House of Con Archie velt, the President's youngest son, ts “crileally i with diph- yee Ruef, the Jewish boss of 0 tage was ‘placed under arrest gramme present year, men went down on Friday ina storm off HEAD BLOWN TO PIECES. sion at Cobal ‘A despatch from Cobalt morning o'clock a George TI mite explosion al wey mine, Shots had Thompson, wl forward to. enna er effect. Plosion took lac dThi hams 1d was says. Friday was ‘an fan SAILORS EXECUTED. | Bight Participants in Baltic Mutiny Put to Death. A despatch from St. Petersburg says : Bight sailors, found guilly of participa- mi mainder to varying perio A despatch from pune says: Mont- real_at present is i mp erning the water i ne to wi -}tal ihe i bsohute } in r - Once the jsteamer in mas weather comes it, will take about |immediat = 5 AT MERCY OF THE FIRB KING «= Montreal Unable at Present. to Cope With me Conflagration. bute fe amounts to the civic treasury water ales, are bei ein order to’ 9) tees ater cane ‘will hear mamel nity. of this in ue ‘shape of claims The ner from a sanary eae at ae cannot be over estimated. langer in case of fire is shee ae <r concern licemen ond firemen:are out all night, Sua every 'y is kept ready for late serv The nike ot the pee of, gree Council has issued’ a nofice man with a wife cS four] | children living in Cobal fire caaarops brought in a verdict o Svenberg outbreak have been sentenced,| Fri afl n finding the children five of th imprisonment with hard | were asphyxiated, and pointing out four labor in the mines for\life, and the re-| er, ‘on the part of the school man- About 7 o'clock on '/ {9 Haileybury. Negro blackmailers in Cuba are burn- ing the cane fields of planters who will no mit to their extortion. at Moscow — yesterday ay officials of $20,000, has decided to send two cruis- ers: at: tee Black oe fleet to the east to ore ect Pate seer ees into the Govern- ——4t-——. WOMAN I LEFT DOORS OPEN. Jury in rane School Fire Cats e Bring in ee Seh missioners could be hent responsible in the FOUND FROZEN TO DEATH. Body of Doknown Ms Man Discovered on of Temiskaming. ass en Cobalt says :, Under Lake Temis- 2. and his see Argentite, and he left Haileybury mn Tuesday nigh} to go back Wednesd: und the body on iowa, 18 ats of dropsy-in-St. Jean de]? atl suffrage oe ti naval. construction. for wh vo fishing vessel with her crew of seven qi Aetiatl Killed_a police sergeant and robbed, the dr ick tothe mine. | wi ,} amount is an Judge Choquette in passing sentence, said.—“This is one of the wi Blond ace in’ th i ol {) be thankful that, according to the Jaw, I cannot give you more than. thr years for your dreadful offence. Fo. HORRIBLE ABUSE OF INFANT Blinded, Arm Broken, and n, and Otherwise: In- jured by. Inhuman Father, inane 90 A despatch from Montreal says: Janes} doctor, was doubtless due to @ severs oc ina, ex MP ded at Ate. pas apie thitly years st | Blow given her by: her father over tho ‘ge, who pleaded guilly lo aggravated |head while the upper portion of the Ail bars in Borie must be tn the front | atu onthe person of his twoando-{head was sill soft. Her sem. wes badly Drie Cie eaunabtne half-year-old daughter, was on Thurs-| fractured and had never been set, ose ne ean ce ee lemned by Judge Choquette 10} During the cold months of November Torte the Sariy 0 vation presents |e years in the penitentiary. Allan |and December one ‘witness averred that berac a} eaueeupn. (ote iat not sa raeEt See Allan ‘had held the child while nak estimates totalling $115,000. ter th tap to he had kept eee ‘im veuhougt she was only oe ue hee the child ru up © until she fainted from the exertion, and used to ark to his wife that it was ee ora He bea ‘the lit- pounc ey tle one ee ey fists upon the head and and was wont to throw child was and irritated him by spstingey, Theis mother. stated there was no need fo punish the onli at all, and that what her husband mistook for obstin- Sey. Way Simply. blindvten of her tatners Not more than yy any one The term ct is defined in the act, Such land musi have growing on it trees as follo 200 trees over eight inches in diameter, or ‘00 trees over five inches in diameter, or 00 trees over two inches-in diameter, om 400 trees of all s No land is once: woodland stock is allow evergreen) trees: white salenrean black cherry, walnut, but- ternut, chestnut, hard and soft maples. yeamore, beech, black locust and ca a uch exemp- lion is to make application io he lawn ship clerk by Feb. ] SE perly is found to conn within the eonalions of the act, the ex emption may be granted tion ceases, however, lowed in the wi 4 A BRAVE RESCUF. eee at Mervin Dunn Saves Com- pan when he eink Seite gd the ice out fi: athe. middle of U boys, Mervin D: Dunne swil es to the hole, boy's bo ie he ecabiny his strength to the ragged the helpless. child wafer. The boy soon recovel ni it home, where, after a liltle care, 10 serious in- n. utmost, he rom the his icy immersion 1 di CANADA A DUMPING GROUND. Za. Piro: brome a, Passenger on ral mer for Canada. on from London says: Re- ere ns Magistrates of Carlisle and 2 S Salvation -Atmy have taken rete of a LS SE, eo gE RUSH TO PLACER DIGGINGS. New Gold Discovery, 28 Miles From —— Causes a Stampede. eleh from Hane GS says: - placer gold di covery has cans ‘stampede Lost { al the Re the Sumas i Goat se miles tea ‘ockels have. been. found. ca: i “froma dottar to fifleen dollars in gold, and hundreds are rushing in fram Nook sack, Sunjas, Bellingham, and The creek a already been miles. 3 a. rospec a the rush AREY oe Thursday. Ss nae GEG A PHILANTHROPIST’S WILL. Baroness Burdeit-Coutts Leaves Estate Valued at $395,000. A despatch from London says: The will of ho don ni the estate being fie: The small tue to the ee a at ie ‘Bar: lower and churches with large sums Hinge her lifetim: the ice, and it is eeilent that the man. must heve lain down and frozen. oe transferred much ©% ber capital if her husband. hsuiny: bored Hi with moline of the same shade, le “| the most charmin, mn Wednesday, | ot Eleotric ae Commi ion. Prince Leopold of Sax xe- Coburg and Gotha, who is in the Orient, will come i to Canad about ADH Aste TAXES ON WOODLOTS, t bh he, building contractors of Kingston ‘ ka refuse the union demands of Provision Made for ee 84 Them) + + wages and s tats Paps, lel 5 -asnion A draft bill to authorize old age e 1906 session of ae Ontario TO- sigtis had sheen inlecoduced in te Senate vinci Legislature saw the first attempt ‘a 3 by Sir Richard Cartwright, to revise the taxation of woodlands in Hin 3 ‘The ave 50 miles of track | Ontario. Complete exemption of wood: | 3 : * laid west of Partage Ja Prairie, ‘The [lots trom taxation oc paesibecan TS K company ‘needs. 10,000 any part of the province £ ntario, it bet The body of. a man whic ctf had likely | unger certain condo zy t been under the snow for three months] “In ihe frst place a by-law must be NEw GARG aoR New straw models are as conspicuous for their ostrich plumes as were the Winter hats, and some of the most effec- = r horsehair, or fine black straw, thane with ostrich t They are kept all black, being trim- rsa with black taffelas or vmouines and with long, sweeping dead black plumes. pretty hat in black aus has roun a black under the brim_al the back, This 3 st on e ring ’ ats and is the most, popular formn-bt cathe cluster of small pink moses is set at the starting Point of the plume excellent effects -ate obtained ‘rom ‘shaded: feathers and there Several schemes in which 0 re of the crown of the hat ind falls low on the hair at the back White and amber hats are prominent, E se B s & se Pe solden color of he 3 tray ghorns also. a ibbon and owers, and Jnany of them ese cries, straw White chip little old- sashioned fodels ‘of white chip trimmed lowers are shown, ‘The brims are tnotined to droop rather than to our Up, n From Drowning. and the modified imushron ch seen, The aso. few; Gil Aladin, delegate of the Russian| A epaies from Thoro! a Ont., says; mu Renibstinrs es United States, has | striking example of youthful bravery | Shapes In Hele ae ora aeiN lared that if the present Duma is dis-| aNd presence of mind occurred in Wel- ule hahanee of t und’ the solved the people will fight. jand a day or two ago, when a child of ‘ ona Bs ae a sot So hnghes wee the ing bya lad of nine. After school a same us Thay rob AU ro ie Bra: is given ritish. delicate pale tints, merging into each Le Toberatene ot the Dreadnuugns| Bamber of small bays were skating on | Senos Under the ‘bo} back is a : we muh tet ed Pond, when ~ the; large mauve blue bow mate hing one of i lad “named. Fred é Rosia is Preparing a formidable who had been skating with them, but] oo, er iiregarcnt code sek ah GENERAL FASHION NOTES. persaN ut ara at makes the most charming kind bodice for be- tween-season wear. brown, blue, tan or any dainty neutral shade, it peautifully, Little strap ar- material being taffeta silk, various ainty designs. and gold lace in a tiny yoke effect will Ee > touch of lightness and dressiness o tant B mae “or pale rose crepe 1g negliges Hite ps entire); am that are paler erie and lovely in These s j antique, the real articles, if you can find them and can aff to them when you them. Some of these bracelets are al: nost joking, being made heavy ‘and ornamented quoise, emeralds or sapphir Neek- laces are equally heavy, tle tiny hats of birds’ breasts ie have been so populet is last win- the men m0 € contrasting ee a a8 ingle ss ae droops Pretiily at si they are becoming a same material copearin of the gee plait. The lon; penta tim tittle turn Gloves peice es be Gears exe ensive. It co! for with gl why nobody seems exactly ‘ance threatens. i i The rest day law in I ‘o cause a Ministerial eri

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