Milverton Sun, 21 Mar 1907, p. 2

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. VALUABLE MEDIGAL PRESCRIPTION NICKNAMES FORROYALTY HOW THE WORLD'S RULERS ARE REFERRED TO, ST! oe a LY The following very valuable prescrip- on will be appreciated by many who: a Grippe, as it, is ure, and” will save many’ a it is almost a certain well:-“When you feel takin, billy, feeling or aching in any part ly or head, oie ianirabiataty to ae druggist an 1 Bottle Paget igrodsnnices Si-keen). 1 doz, 2 ge. Quinine Capsules. Psychine s bapa and bef etiring. wolug | et hot ak, pyshine cee be oed yilbout the ee ine it g preferred Use it il scured. Pp hem. Gon- 1 ; lief in cases a ‘oughs, colds, catarrh,|@ola Willie, Ajax, Frederick the Great- facrag end ee Aes z hest and the Captain are a few of tho ee is,_ too, least one mai . trou rs. Bean, who has taken | Nicknames most ‘frequently applied to by this, prescription, says bim, the latter having been suggested | i had been’. suffering © trom hy the famous ers th Purch, which pints My lungs were Fe an fe: 1 represented sae Maj is the prin had ‘a cough, but Psychine cured me,” |! ® ship walching Biainarck, the pi wun, “Cheapside, Ont.” Psychine ean be procured from any Aruggist at 50c and $1.00, It popular and largely used remedy, eg ey COSTLY ‘CLOTHES. {vil uniforms in England ave, in some nguap highly expensive. The Prime ‘Minster ta dress -embroidered coat costs £' {embroidered tunio of . lord edtenaan of a count 93. 3d., a-city Heats nutitrm eon ing toa little ov trousers, 16 more Hor the Consul- Dench a silver: laced cone: HAVE YOU. AWEAK BAGK? |” DOES RIEUMATISM OR eee, TORTURE YOU? if cold or have that lg is a very }a poy, chet fe King Edward is Often Called Edrex— German Emperor Has Many Nicknames. Th ere is scarct mber o} even King Ed imself is oflen referred. to by the nidknaine ot Ed ery Sb yously eee from the boy and Majesty was is hardly likely Ses. more Siesaties than any ie Companies in tl er er Seevrity Speen Insc Policyholders. himself is liberally bestowed tes ou request, Rani most inimate |THE GREAT-WEST LIFE ends, ew ‘the’ German Emperor paRSOE EE COMPANY, living sibneres e may not he | Braxcnes—st. a Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, hate at deter eg nis various| _ cilgary, Vancouver and Grand Forks, N:D. feats and of the value of the Great-West Policies Hor in the constantly increasing demand ae following figures from the report for speak for themselves: Policies pete in °06, $6,453, 880.00 ECUND in Canada.) increas of busi- ness in force for ’06, erases FIRST in Cai SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS, [As increago aver 50% year) 3,708,578.00 T22,141.89 the pre- grate of Interest earned on Investments was How a margin ifaw alt otter Mead ‘Winntpeg. ggest £0 many new siicotiines that it would be ‘difficult Kee) ea THE B EANGWAY. commonly called ve Father, just a; King Francis Joseph is kn as Fa. as Francis, and sie pold of Bel- as for many years suffered pa- Fredy, under ihe a Ne ae designa- | § lion of the Ring with a The Lithe Signor as a oF mame is made to fit the King of Italy, whose e Ki ferre gold-laced, | roya’ nas owt ver, he was often referred e larm, in consequence of his ees “Wake Up, England,” speech de- livers at the Guildhall, which Petts | Weak, Free on request minced of animal's fleece. a eut into convenient shapes and sizes, are so cunningly aflixed to New Zealand joints by means of a secret preparation of de- ahuey nature, that even experts are ived. “The 0 man, indeed, who knows teeiatye SAL tae really selling. 4s the vendor; and he not by any means A SPRING NEED. Tired and Depressed People Need a Tonic to Put the Blood Right. Spring bleod ts bad blood. Indoor life nee the winter months THE BEST PROOF? Does fit Doesn’t shrink fabr A pure, hard. Manitoba © de for men, wo- mand little folks, in 3 ane, of a ces ‘Weguthorizecverydelerin Pen- An Underwear to replace, at ¢ aa gaimcat faulty is materia or eek for bakers and others demand- ig strength, color and uniformity. § STRONG eWHITE| AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH Ff Teus. § Tic CAMPRELL MIL LING CD TORONTO JUNCTION CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATED, FARMS SUNNY ALBERTA the West t these lan: Write us for full railroad rates. oe us Dee deciding where to locate tell you ik The best Wheat felds: the aes grazing land, are in this province, information about crops, climate and special 202 § VENGEANCE OF ELEPHANTS, Account of Punishment of Man Who Wronged Them. ¢ following tragic story of the death ob Prrgaun Barahabhum, Khera of Dal- 1g lated in the native paper, Manb- Ys Barahabhum went to found a herd of cle. estroying his crop. “His. rage road te shot arrows from behind a tree, at he killed a young elephant. realness of the crime fell On le one ar Parana Barohiabhum, and he fled to his eottage for. refuge. mother with rage, and they and fellows charged the cotlage and dit Ha grow errs abhum was wily, climbed fe) and d well and the TS mer and abe vesrite for our oO" shi it Hous! ns Ce aera rf ness, beauty and as YOUR HOUSE cheer. ht itlght throughout wum- can "YOUR HOUSE with » siuiot elegance amongst its fol wee Just right for the purest and Post Card ing how some houses CO, = PAINT Series Montreal, MAKERS y uprooted the tree, they avenged the death of ‘they: ng. by farang the life out of Par- ca nady 0 fia = wails lo gona Barahabhu up the Aigonguin Naticant sai ih io for your summer out hn game preserve 2,000,¢ cres CURTAINS VS. SMOKING. spersed with 1,200 lakes’ and rivers Waiting you, offering all the attractions Young Husband: “Don’t you think. os . fae ae Ws Paley ; : e trips. Altitude 200) feet above tea darling, that niy smoke is Ukely to 9 cil aE ald eshtlaratae seth ie Curlains ee ® youl man to put in Mang wiile? “you ate ihe best ane days. An viteresting and most. considerate. husband that . ever ad deserint nadrouel lived. dear. OF eourse Jt wuld. y MeDouglae Galen eae Young itu “Well, then you | tion, Toronto, One, i i nd : had belter take nee down.” England's monarchs have reigned 0 an avers rage 2 y g of a Sultan of Turkeys 15. year ss se | Post of St. Mrs. Cora B. Miller Makes a Fortune Started a Years Ago with No War Olfice at Paris. “When over: the peer ok ‘arse and Nearly building the airship wpe brought to a halt and a lelter addres: to the Min- [ister for War, Gen Picquert, dropped few years ago Mrs. Cora B. from the car. ‘Through thelr glasses’ vate r lived i a Za a “omen | #eronauts watched the missive in ils he average small town: and saline Ke. n it had been |, She now Tr ers in wn palatial rs i peeee and made brown-stone residence, and Bt considered one of the most successful business women in the United States, islands of the T cific. These islan are by dangerous OUR Melee SUT a e fou Pema cane) Neate doe WAYS OF S yt LETTERS, neh Ida Plaster Busi Lelters by airship are the cH noy- elty of the a party of military néronauts as- cended from Meudon and steered for the New! papers Carried postal system. Last feudon, a= 0) ers, letlers are projected at fake } across the danger onto the shore. avitt give ve Speedy a ilself in’ many w é Has ihe trying. March Mreathét brought Paarien te Agee ier its ng) nbs and eruptions, th thers | Local representative wanted in Gig gl diteeh cotitncct nian SIT on your Rheumatism ar Neuralgia, ur lsurprise visi yepeying |may_ be throug! ey cocasional headaches. | | each county mainland, the inhabitants deposit thei put an ache into that weak back a variable appetite, perhaps twinges ol 4 : ? i fourst I st nes, remember that Zam. | which the Queen Ret nna eumiga ot heunali fe & wt tee een a ihe athsow ec asa But rubbed well in over the aching part | better known qeePonie Charles of | BE Beh Apa ee aa Telfer & Osgood sea, and are by. Ine currents carried to vill gi ju speedy relief, Zam-Buk avoid exertion. For these s ¢ ile s contains valueble herbal essences cashes mmark, bestowed upon her sister, ments it is a tonic you need, and Eastern Selling Agents, the mainland, whei ‘3 poe i bron fined and concentra! searching THY DUCHESS OF FIFE, greatest blood-making, _health-giving| | 916 CORISTINE BUILDING, rt a vex sek bihee eae Tews dind_ so powerful, that & litle rubbing |on aceount of her very retiring disposi: |anic in all the world is Dr, Williams MONTREAL. mae Bye She Vea eee Ten rejuiont Senate ainted Fravleg them, to. panetrete diseased ‘or tion.” ‘The Queen at Norwey heeert Ree ti sy ensaer ae tcl Dee take Several yours ago Min, Miller toarned| ons? Gs altuched by chats tothe rocks dammed muscles, nerves and tendons. |way always known to her relsivic nee Blood, “s pul wild” and shinplo preparation that | C1), |6 aiiaehe point of ‘Terra dei Fue- /That ache in limb or back means that | most intimate frends as farey, Tmost which reaches every nerve and every} “More. trouble, sighed M'Nutty,” put- Suited tiptoe: nad teresele Poaieat tee To. ‘al patigesséinc ibbiseia de muscles ahd Nerves aro necding |p to the time of her marriage Pen {organ in the body, sa ne ye ret liar ea Di aCe aebireats S Biag erg ge ae TT protection of all nations+/ 2 help. ‘They have “caught cold”—the| cess Henty of Batten erg rete balled sirength and energy. it’s another! Bk jhe matter, ment that whe decided 19 furnish We tg ov essing ah gente WbOAL ia peu herves. are “starved'—irriiated, inflam. | ary ey Ot val family circie. (dent, ailing men om now?” queried his good wife. “More | Thon who might call for tt. Bhe 8 i eile oe at ae ed. Your bady is a wonderful mae! bine | Pussett. was Queen statis nickname | Proo! at rritt, Sandy Cove, | labor troubles,” attire MNutty. “Not with only a tow dollers Paes: snd “the an eth gees ps And it sometimes needs a little Yor the late Empress Frederick, and At. |N: S« FO ae ee ers eee 08 eet ro th rs m Me Cosi ened cation. WI per lubrication does| fe {ae tne iene Duke of Saxo-Coburg |erable and erty run dows. The d ch ARE Pitta Wi x |g uh Jneccueatt el nasa oa for an overtiond machine bearing, Zam-| ana during the latter part of his long | tor whom I consulled. said the trouble to mnpcreeet he alleges te line Tee ee ae ee a uk will ria ' lever. or | tite late Duke pis was anaemia, but he did not help me.|house. “The boss ielde rt : Muscle which Js inflaved, or heated, or omietty ieee ase oe \ friend advised me to take Dr. Sa a SE aN ees ee cs ee ae sore, or aching, becau: Id, seu i liams’ Pink Pills and it is simply im 3 i * x raga, cheamati, ete Hi eT eo eld eee ean nossible for me to overestimate the|. A Pill for Generous Eaters.—There| © * Feo, substituted. In this was placed Mrs. Jobn Sidstone, of Swan Valley,| One of mames pos-| 000 they have done me, I shall el | are many persons of “hen althy “appelit Miltion Women U: EAalengbie ri CLR adh (Man), says: “I have proved Zam-Bul sessed by timate frends fc {sways recommend them to ailing | nd poor digestion who, after iH Inign memea have ged phen reduce iene eet, i 2 a sure cure for rheumatism. x te pass : meal, are subject to much Sa Spe slr awnpier ame te cee eroscopic minute! ism that of the Mee de Soveral, who, for ge cles i male they: taken | ¥here you live, she can refer you to iadiet| ‘Then, disguised as. a beggar, ho lett fa io bs s oe att T would mot}some reason no one seems able to ex. new health you must ee i100 i ei ey none Own locality. eho fad waar the town, the seniries, to give color t he Ne mA in the “é 7% ies like lead in tell sufferer is marvelous . ¥ “For old in the chest, estarrh in the | Pidits 18 known as Blue Monkey. Very get “he denuine De Wins Peers ache, depression, a smothering teting remedy ‘really cures women. Despite he Tuse, discharging blank cartridges at appropriate is the name of Pocket Ado-| for Pale People, feted fit for fact that Mrs. Millers business is ver vale as he fled: ‘Taken prisoner by the ad, Zam-Buk rubbi Ml in to \nis, which we believe the King him-|ada al Bri follow, One so is unfi tensive, she is always willing to mivemid:| orang. has was (bRabane metorer lose) nas forehead gives quick relief. | coi ed on Lord Buchan. 11 was | pink pills are fraudulent imitation ness on work or ae iin In ths ‘in BeeeaL ed to Five Serey ee yeeiee aRRlI hulhotlly 2 loc what uRrena aims jesid uses as an. embrocation, | his Majesty, 100, awho nicknamed. Lord | xenuine villi Eee eee GAL cenick Ueber [are teter caked uses “aedicione GROUN hec een a a his suffering at the hands Zan-Buk heals chapped “ands and coid | ribpiesdale The’ Ancestor, heemuse of | old by. all reputable medicine dealers | bring They will assist the assi-| have, never used her stethe: Preah THER CaR eae rele sores, ma, poisoned » scalp | the ola "eaniomed style of dress his | cr sent be mail at 50 cents six|ruiiation of the iment, and used ace PM Red oa ahd Howele beading down with many expressions ‘of condolence. Fores, itch, barber's rash, blood poison, |Yoraship fe ho: $259 by writing the Dr Wik POPU 1s CneaOn WT Testele DEDUDY | teslingn ueevoustoea, cresting ToetOeh Po ete ee te ana Blopies: ba Spr fen tions, ote; } Th Londonderry ts at-| tiams’ meet e Co., Brockville, Ont. | digestion TR ee ory, “When Rochefort, in consequence fk aiao ‘stops pening oe wee piles, ie fare referred to in the brief- : Occasionally a man’s pers ies js | cause, should sit rieht down and send her |. his eet attacks upon imperialism, x uggists and sto) fashions as C. though that is} Auntie: “Gracious, Georgie! What a d | BAMe and address to Mrs. Cora B, Miller, | wa to seek refuge in Brussels nt 0c, IX, Or Zam-Buk ‘Co., hardly any briefer aii: 0, by which so-| big boy! 1 hope that you are following | due to the fact that he has a wife and} ROY°sr6 Kokomo, Ind. ‘and reseive by! ant Ginee sii fale cane! ; ly any ig boy you are fol St oY Toronto, for pric boxes sent ty Knows Lord. Ormond nea) mur father’s footeteps !” Georgie: | Several children who refuse to Support Be ne 2 pe one ree in’ plain wrapper) a | Still continued to circula ft 2. Send qe weg for postage « fae is cast. [him. marvelous medicine; | terne in France. How he intaduckd ihe Fro tla teatt angi Pp Pe d ine present Maru of Salisbury. or a ‘auntie. I have to wear his cast ae “her erable book, which every wo-| proscribed paper into that country was e qwas known as Cranberry while he was | off an should have, at : Votoa oe Meg) Will It stay where you put It? Oh, yos.| "Remember this offer will not last long, |® mystery to the au «pope “Charlie, Gonebroke appears to be a good deal upset by the pn failure.” es; I understood thim to say that ‘he Jost his balance,” out of of “Perrovia* tite Beat eocie a erik: use ae gelety t Hast tired. Nayber to baby Johnny : * Lava h hnny, is at ee Gaus a boy or a Boe “Ma says it's a girl, but it pe nbs baptiz ed {ill next Sunda my vay about It shield 7 Hey hae mind before th “A Gi ond Medicine: is the e1 ‘often Pi n Biekle's encomiura Anti-Consunio- be: consider born. ot any be has is who have enn Howptitg: coughs and eradien itis more than. grand. house it is alwa, no equal as a ready remedy. wave not tried it, do so at once by y d The dirt And: have you irled every: steal Pain and mental anguish affiict the yates of kin disoases. Got rid of both, on rab figured face. Bit per ap eouders'of modietn ‘oung man who was ay) RS is att when the resulls from B., tes s0 scientifically “doe! made publie had ae him artificial “ iy, & semis ‘ate bone had in | BABY'S SMILE. y's smile ‘indicates that he is DAH, Sa, happy. 1 ly the sick child who is cross and restless. And the moter ean depend pes it that when ie baby = orn heeause —1ost Retin the Tablets are uscd erying = NO ——* SOME TRICKS aes “THE TRADE.” Extent us A Adaeration is Car- on in England. Any a af doubts. ie the adulier- barrels. Henly ae es thee same thing as the baer in Sa one’s own “beer,” a sown sane ” is but that this is done extensively ved by a recent Penta can each stone a vounded by care: ly | say, Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms, Many have tried it with best results. “They say that pacts have Potts: “That's what ‘the never could understand why.” . Potls : if Be. ‘born. = Allen’s Lung Bal ie apiuin, eres sor0. thre tnd’ nate lays” the “inflation and ride ¥ tat stops up the: sous th air Passages. 26¢., 50¢., 15 impossible to love a man for the enemies he has made if you dre on the list. t tir es u ‘gan, Tnv-eure to be right the n a hecome dis a presiraniy: ats Parmelee's Vegetable digestion so “The D & 1” uickly cure sheumatio Pain, face ache neuralgia, “You admit having taken secutor’s pockel-book confaining the is bank notes and unpaid bil but I tools paid’ the bills. —To hav ve Cheri ‘ic changes affect thie arranged no bt Pills. They the nd of long engagements.” a. e mBago, pas that oe oo with it?” Daughter inthol pers SS a part of the money Hi Good Digestion Should Wait on Appe- t the Stomach well BS lo 088 the | $135, Milicr tor “he book and medicine Ko habies—the kind that-are a joy 10 Jos. Legree, Caraquet, N.|° Why go hae age whining about! that the nea. egiee Gitiegulfen vio" si { the {ime I sent for Baby's | Your corns — cent, bottle of convenience and ‘vill derive all the bene- Own Tobiels my liltle one was weak | Holloway’s ae will remove nfs fe and failing, He would cry night and | them? Give ry a trial and you will not and not seem able to get any-| regret i thing to help i Irate Father: “I'm getting tired of this the Tablets the: y dear sir,” said a poor sufferer | nonsense. You've been engaged to that and he (6 fe ent “ha is the second wrong | ¥ Ra Rate Hint Does ee are = ool is or hat putled out.” “Very | ever intend to marry you?” Daughter ail at nfs box. from The be * atid the blundering | “You ae have patience, papa. . Willianis" Medigine , Brockville, Ont. s there were only: three | ber, he's an actor.”. Irate Father : diseases known. known to medical science. ‘the system, EE PE AJ Sankey ai hen * hava for coun and Colds ~) to call it, is one of the most sia Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di- gested form, is the greatest strength-builder - Use Belted Emulsion Ags luenza,” yee It is go easily digested that it sinks into 1aking new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. eee ME BL gee ates oI m: for thousands and thousands, of w lay, rel sae be- for the $10,000.00 worth is all feeotily concealed t rinted on “flimsy. suspected that in certain the _Empe ani mpress, which reached the empire fact Belgium, were he obnoxious sheets Greater Canada Real Estate a : Limited: wells all bene of Western form: Pa Briti business ty wt it samphlot. pak of British Tae America, 2B ORULLIVAN, a = 82, Calgary. Canada. Sout on Wotaskiw BERTA Fak M LANDS—IN THE FA Wet seer istriet Lath is wh, Alborta, juste a hvrestan iN xe ion to engineers and con 0 per CARPET. DYEING G mand month; ation; and Cleaning. This BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING. ol ‘Bend partioulars by post and wo are sure (o av laty Addrese MEN WANTED-—FOR FIRE* interruption’ with: we assist e NG apecialty wit “My dentist, operatin; torted his rival, expression of delight on their faces.” any disai pe point was choked with ‘sobs. pa Your Doctor ir Cou, ne Iguation a about t that, work done for th tor wi wheneve wRILOH will cure you, and all igi nis up up orem with a positi The next Cough or Cold cure “Hush, zardous of near approach, and woul ‘often, were the ordinary outline of de- livery employed, have 1o_go lett eres. | Ignorance is a/Curse, rc obviate this the steamer that cnneheg1i8,4-kood: admonition, wh ie one is supplied with Pema lo one’s physical conditio ty means of nies tbndes, = The. mi rangement itself, il is a cheap and Simple remedy for | hie eradication of Pain from the system and for the {all “bronchiak 0 Mr, Young : city lite girl js nearly two pis old. | hasn't learn nh ae el.” Peek : “Don't let that worry: you, wife says she didn't lear tore talk unlit arly “my two ay oof PEGE. remarked the bald-headed painless that my patients often fall aheay in fa chair t n who, is Mequuiiied : with himself will know, how. to act when Ir, i ane was ne Mr. sine? in ndition Thomas" “eel lectric Peck’s voice at this igh or coke: to five dollars. “five cent will cure you er man ¢ that: ‘vill °O: oe toe after | hits it, an money at a’’-shingled century. We’ weather-proof for now ok Nine if the Ast. rain till eas srotied away. keep Gane i ‘artes y. tually ; and ee tning- broot—positively. ‘That’ Pathe bemiired: roof! yee "1G TEE in every a for S ee ie —from br shawa "* Shingles—28-guage ¢ ugh- ened steel, galvanized ety for a century, guaranteed ‘in writing till 932,. and-wind-and- es ay and leataing ing-proof. Four-dollars-and-a-1 ys ‘‘Oshawa”? Galvanized $1 ingles —ten feet t. pare thai present price of cedar shingles — strike ? And you Sie Shin easily, — but. Mer and we Simplest thing you Loawiear is nt "em on oe *? Shingles lock on all four sides—whole roo in practically never needs pain ahout the gine toes: every way for Twenty-Five Years Last a Century Thirt; ‘0. . gran teed in writing “Oshawa” ‘or soot SE you needn't ¢ re ger : paint “it, Shingles are even! ying something, isn’ it? ve Ought to What would your Ween say if you to les fore ee hae shingles ; fire - proo: = ws Prag Yet cedar shingles cost you just fe of these guaranteed Ae of double-galvanized stecl, that And GUARANTEED — don’t oie that. Guar- Hvatine, over the an seal aster million arantee Foozis, wi buts, Shar ts a nutshell— facts that come to for our: Pane the earmament pte f, water - ‘froots easier to Par on at’s the ‘Oshawa’? mpany with “capital, ed in plain iGhout any its 25 lon; cost. the {cuncaenes yout 2 asks Sea

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